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authorFrederic Leger2013-03-28 10:35:41 +0000
committerFrederic Leger2013-03-28 10:35:41 +0000
commit04cae511389afe7700f7e7daccd32a39b70c116d (patch)
treec0e2d4ee9904ab96f516548bfdd60ed7add9f679 /python
parentd725e3b69ab9329268a57eca1efc59d7d790ec51 (diff)
TCF Python: Initial sample for users
Diffstat (limited to 'python')
1 files changed, 655 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/python/src/tcf/tests/ b/python/src/tcf/tests/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ca6d1b168
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/src/tcf/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,655 @@
+# *****************************************************************************
+# * Copyright (c) 2013 Wind River Systems, Inc. and others.
+# * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
+# * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
+# * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
+# *
+# *
+# * Contributors:
+# * Wind River Systems - initial implementation
+# *****************************************************************************
+import atexit
+import threading
+import os.path
+import sys
+import time
+import tcf as tcf # @UnresolvedImport
+import tcf.protocol as protocol # @UnresolvedImport
+import as processes # @UnresolvedImport
+import as processes_v1 # @UnresolvedImport
+import as runcontrol # @UnresolvedImport
+import as streams # @UnresolvedImport
+class TcfProtocolLogger (object) :
+ """A class to override TCF protocol's default logger.
+ As we do not want TCF errors to be logged on the console, this logger
+ simply does nothing on TCF protocol log messages.
+ """
+ def log (self, msg, x) :
+ """Logs the given message.
+ :param msg: log entry text.
+ :param x: an exception associated with the log entry or **None**.
+ """
+ pass
+ def __del__ (self) :
+ """Sometimes we get some protocol warnings. I would like to remove them
+ by flushing the log cache here.
+ """
+class TcfValue(object):
+ """TCF value container.
+ A simple class to handle the value returned by an asynchronous TCF request.
+ :param value: A value to initialise this TCF value class with.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, value=None):
+ self._value = value
+ def getValue(self):
+ """Get this TCF stored value.
+ If this TCF value has been set using the set() method, or at object
+ creation time, the so-set value is returned. Else, **None** is
+ returned.
+ :returns: This TCF stored value, or **None**.
+ """
+ return (self._value)
+ def setValue(self, value):
+ """Set this TCF value.
+ :param value: TCF value to set.
+ :returns: **None**, always.
+ """
+ self._value = value
+class StreamsListener(streams.StreamsListener):
+ """A TCF streams service listener.
+ :param service: streams service to listen to.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, service):
+ self._service = service
+ def created(self, streamType, streamID, contextID):
+ """Called when a new stream is created.
+ :param streamType: source type of the stream.
+ :param streamID: ID of the stream.
+ :param contextID: a context ID that is associated with the stream,
+ or **None**. Exact meaning of the context ID depends
+ on stream type. Stream types and context IDs are
+ defined by services that use Streams service to
+ transmit data.
+ """
+ class DoneRead(streams.DoneRead):
+ """Call back interface for command.
+ :param service: The streams service to read data from.
+ :param streamID: The stream ID to read data from.
+ :param size: Size of data to read on stream.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, service, streamID, size):
+ self._service = service
+ self._streamID = streamID
+ self._size = size
+ def doneRead(self, token, error, lost_size, data, eos):
+ """Called when command is done.
+ :param token: command handle.
+ :param error: error object or **None**.
+ :param lost_size: number of bytes that were lost because of
+ buffer overflow. A *lost_size* of **-1**
+ means unknown number of bytes were lost. If
+ both *lost_size* and *data.length* are
+ non-zero then lost bytes are considered
+ located right before read bytes.
+ :param data: bytes read from the stream.
+ :param eos: true if end of stream was reached.
+ """
+ if data:
+ print data,
+ if not eos:
+ (self._streamID, self._size, self)
+ (streamID, 4096, DoneRead(self._service, streamID,
+ 4096))
+ def disposed(self, streamType, streamID):
+ """Called when a stream is disposed.
+ :param streamType: source type of the stream.
+ :param streamID: ID of the stream.
+ """
+ pass
+def getService(connection, name):
+ """Get a service proxy.
+ The service proxy named *name* is retrieved from *connection*. If it
+ exists (returned value is not **None**), it is then possible to send it
+ TCF requests.
+ :param connection: The connection to get service proxy from.
+ :param name: The name of the service proxy to get from *connection*.
+ :returns: A service proxy or **None**.
+ """
+ def callGetService(connection, condition, val):
+ """Asynchronous request to get service proxy.
+ :param connection: The connection to get service proxy from.
+ :param condition: A threading.Condition the caller is pending on.
+ Caller is released from waiting through a
+ Condition.notify() call.
+ :param val: A TcfValue handling the request returned value.
+ :returns: **None**, always.
+ """
+ svc = connection.getRemoteService(name)
+ val.setValue(svc)
+ with condition:
+ condition.notify()
+ # create a condition to wait on, and a value to get the service proxy
+ lock = threading.Condition()
+ value = TcfValue()
+ with lock:
+ # Asynchronously call for the callGetService function.
+ protocol.invokeLater(callGetService, connection=connection,
+ condition=lock, val=value)
+ lock.wait(5)
+ # Return TCF service proxy. May be None on timeout or missing service.
+ return (value.getValue())
+def getChildren(service, contextID=None):
+ """Get a TCF context IDs from a given service.
+ As many TCF services have a **getChildren()** command, this function is
+ intended to implement a service-independant **getChildren()** command.
+ :param service: The TCF service to get context list from.
+ :param contextID: parent ID of the context list to get from *service*.
+ :returns: A tuple of context IDs. Tuple may be empty on error, or if
+ *contextID* does not have children.
+ """
+ def callGetChildren(service, condition, val):
+ """Asynchronous request to get context children.
+ :param service: The TCF service proxy to send request to.
+ :param condition: A threading.Condition the caller is pending on.
+ Caller is released from waiting through a
+ Condition.notify() call.
+ :param val: A TcfValue handling the request returned value.
+ :returns: **None**, always.
+ """
+ class DoneGetChildren(object):
+ """Client callback class for <service>.getChildren() command."""
+ def doneGetChildren(self, token, error, ids):
+ """Called when context list retrieval is done.
+ :param token: pending command handle.
+ :param error: error description if operation failed, **None**
+ if succeeded.
+ :param context_ids: array of available context IDs.
+ """
+ if error:
+ protocol.log("Error from " + service.getName() + \
+ ".getContext()", error)
+ else:
+ val.setValue (ids)
+ with condition:
+ condition.notify()
+ # start the process itself
+ service.getChildren(contextID, DoneGetChildren())
+ # create a condition to wait on, and a value to get the children ids
+ lock = threading.Condition()
+ value = TcfValue()
+ with lock:
+ # TCF requests must be called by the dispatch thread, wait for a
+ # maximum of 10 seconds
+ protocol.invokeLater(callGetChildren, service=service, condition=lock,
+ val=value)
+ lock.wait(10)
+ # Return the retrieved children IDs, or an empty tuple
+ return (tuple (value.getValue() or []))
+def getContext(service, contextID):
+ """Get a TCF context from a given service.
+ As most of the TCF services have a **getContext()** command, this
+ function is intended to define a generic **getContext()** call which
+ can address any service.
+ As the function returns a context object, it is up to the caller to use it
+ appropriately.
+ For example, for the runcontrol service, check if the runcontrol context is
+ a container :
+ .. code-block:: python
+ import tcf
+ import as runcontrol
+ c = tcf.connect("TCP:")
+ rcSvc = getService(c, runcontrol.NAME)
+ rcIDs = getChildren(rcSvc, None)
+ rcContext = getContext(rcSvc, rcIDs[0])
+ print 'Runcontrol context is a container: ', rcContext.isContainer()
+ :param service: The TCF service to get context from.
+ :param contextID: ID of the context to get from *service*
+ :returns: A context properties dictionnary, or **None** on error.
+ """
+ def callGetContext(service, condition, val):
+ """Asynchronous request to get context properties.
+ :param service: The TCF service proxy to send request to.
+ :param condition: A threading.Condition the caller is pending on.
+ Caller is released from waiting through a
+ Condition.notify() call.
+ :param val: A TcfValue handling the request returned value.
+ :returns: **None**, always.
+ """
+ class DoneGetContext(object):
+ """Client callback class for <service>.getContext() command."""
+ def doneGetContext(self, token, error, context):
+ """Called when context data retrieval is done.
+ :param token: pending command handle.
+ :param error: error description if operation failed, **None**
+ if succeeded.
+ :param context: context data.
+ """
+ if error:
+ protocol.log("Error from " + service.getName() + \
+ ".getContext()", error)
+ else:
+ val.setValue (context)
+ with condition:
+ condition.notify()
+ # start the process itself
+ service.getContext(contextID, DoneGetContext())
+ # create a condition to wait on, and a value to get the children ids
+ lock = threading.Condition()
+ value = TcfValue()
+ with lock:
+ # TCF requests must be called by the dispatch thread, wait for a
+ # maximum of 10 seconds
+ protocol.invokeLater(callGetContext, service=service, condition=lock,
+ val=value)
+ lock.wait(10)
+ # Return the context properties, or None on error
+ return (value.getValue())
+def resume(context):
+ """Resume a runcontrol context.
+ The given *context* should be a RunControlContext, so that its resume()
+ method may be called.
+ :param context: A runcontrol context to resume.
+ :type process: RunControlContext
+ :returns: **None**, always.
+ """
+ def callResume(context, condition):
+ """Asynchronous request to resume runcontrol context.
+ :param context: The TCF RunControlContext to resume.
+ :param condition: A threading.Condition the caller is pending on.
+ Caller is released from waiting through a
+ Condition.notify() call.
+ :returns: **None**, always.
+ """
+ class DoneResume(runcontrol.DoneCommand):
+ """Client call back interface for RunControlContext.resume()."""
+ def doneCommand(self, token, error):
+ """Called when run control command execution is complete.
+ :param token: pending command handle.
+ :param error: command execution error or **None**.
+ """
+ if error:
+ protocol.log("Error from RunContext.resume", error)
+ with condition:
+ condition.notify()
+ # Resume context with RM_RESUME mode, 1 time. No resume properties.
+ context.resume (runcontrol.RM_RESUME, 1, {}, DoneResume())
+ # create a condition to wait on
+ lock = threading.Condition()
+ with lock:
+ # TCF requests must be called by the dispatch thread, wait for a
+ # maximum of 10 seconds
+ protocol.invokeLater(callResume, context=context, condition=lock)
+ lock.wait(10)
+def start(connection, path, *args):
+ """Start a new process in suspended mode for the given connection.
+ :param connection: The TCF connection to use services from.
+ :param path: Path of the executable to start.
+ :param args: command line arguments.
+ """
+ def callStart(connection, condition, path, arguments, val):
+ """Asynchronous request to start a process.
+ :param connection: The TCF connection to get processes service from.
+ :param condition: A threading.Condition the caller is pending on.
+ Caller is released from waiting through a
+ Condition.notify() call.
+ :param path: Path of the process to start on the target
+ :param arguments: A list of program arguments for *path*
+ :param val: A TcfValue handling the request returned value.
+ :returns: **None**, always.
+ """
+ # get connection's processes service
+ proc = connection.getRemoteService(processes_v1.NAME) or \
+ connection.getRemoteService(processes.NAME)
+ if not proc:
+ with condition:
+ print 'No processes service available'
+ condition.notify()
+ return
+ class DoneStart(processes.DoneStart):
+ """Client callback interface for ProcessesService.start()."""
+ def doneStart(self, token, error, process):
+ """Called when process start is done.
+ :param token: pending command handle.
+ :param error: error description if operation failed, **None**
+ if succeeded.
+ :param process: ProcessContext object representing the started
+ process.
+ """
+ if error:
+ protocol.log("Error from Processes.start", error)
+ else:
+ val.setValue (process)
+ with condition:
+ condition.notify()
+ # depending on the service, the start method only does 'doAttach', or
+ # take a dictionnary of options
+ if (proc.getName () == processes_v1.NAME) :
+ opts = {processes_v1.START_ATTACH: True,
+ processes_v1.START_USE_TERMINAL: True}
+ else :
+ opts = True
+ # start the process itself
+ cmdLine = [path]
+ if arguments:
+ cmdLine += arguments
+ proc.start(os.path.dirname(path), path, cmdLine, None, opts,
+ DoneStart())
+ # create a condition to wait on, and a value to get the children ids
+ lock = threading.Condition()
+ value = TcfValue()
+ with lock:
+ # TCF requests must be called by the dispatch thread, wait for a
+ # maximum of 10 seconds
+ protocol.invokeLater(callStart, connection=connection, condition=lock,
+ path=path, arguments=args, val=value)
+ lock.wait(10)
+ return (value.getValue())
+def state(context):
+ """Get the state of a RunControlContext.
+ Getting the state of a RunControlContext is asynchronous.
+ :param context: The context to get state for.
+ :type context: RunControlContext
+ :returns: A tuple of four elements representing the RunControl context
+ state :
+ - A boolean stating if the context id suspended or not
+ - An integer repesenting the program counter of the context
+ (if it is suspended)
+ - A string representing the reason why the context is
+ suspended
+ - A dictionary of properties stating why the suspended state
+ properties (see runcontrol.STATE_*)
+ """
+ def callGetState(context, condition, val):
+ """Asynchronous request to get the context state.
+ :param context: The RunControlContext to get state for.
+ :param condition: A threading.Condition the caller is pending on.
+ Caller is released from waiting through a
+ Condition.notify() call.
+ :param val: A TcfValue handling the request returned value.
+ :returns: **None**, always.
+ """
+ class DoneGetState(runcontrol.DoneGetState):
+ """Client call back class for RunControlContext.getState()."""
+ def doneGetState(self, token, error, suspended, pc, reason,
+ params):
+ """Called when RunControlContext.getState() command execution
+ is complete.
+ :param token: pending command handle.
+ :param error: command execution error or None.
+ :param suspended: true if the context is suspended
+ :param pc: program counter of the context (if suspended).
+ :param reason: suspend reason (if suspended), see REASON_*.
+ :param params: additional target specific data about context
+ state, see STATE_*.
+ """
+ if error:
+ protocol.log("Error from runcontrol.getState()", error)
+ else:
+ val.setValue ((suspended, pc, reason, params))
+ with condition:
+ condition.notify()
+ # start the process itself
+ context.getState(DoneGetState())
+ # create a condition to wait on, and a value to get the children ids
+ lock = threading.Condition()
+ value = TcfValue()
+ with lock:
+ # TCF requests must be called by the dispatch thread, wait for a
+ # maximum of 10 seconds
+ protocol.invokeLater(callGetState, context=context, condition=lock,
+ val=value)
+ lock.wait(10)
+ return (value.getValue())
+# Some TCF initialisation
+def subscribe(svc, streamType, listener):
+ """Subscribe to a streams channel.
+ :param svc: The TCF streams proxy to subscribe against.
+ :param streamType: Type of the stream to register against. For now,
+ I only know of 'Terminals', 'Processes' and
+ 'ProcessesV1' types.
+ :param listener: The listener to subscribe to *svc*.
+ :type listener:
+ :returns: **None**, always.
+ """
+ def callSubscribe(service, streamType, listener, condition):
+ """Asynchronous request to subscribe a listener to streams service.
+ :param service: The streams service to subscribe listener against.
+ :param streamType: Type of the stream to register against. For now,
+ I only know of 'Terminals', 'Processes' and
+ 'ProcessesV1' types.
+ :param listener: The listener to subscribe to *service*.
+ :type listener:
+ :param condition: A threading.Condition the caller is pending on.
+ Caller is released from waiting through a
+ Condition.notify() call.
+ :returns: **None**, always.
+ """
+ class DoneSubscribe(streams.DoneSubscribe):
+ """Call back interface for StreamsService.subscribe() command."""
+ def doneSubscribe(self, token, error):
+ """Called when stream subscription is done.
+ :param token: pending command handle
+ :param error: error description if operation failed, **None**
+ if succeeded.
+ """
+ if error:
+ protocol.log("Error from streams.subscribe()", error)
+ with condition:
+ condition.notify()
+ # start the process itself
+ service.subscribe(streamType, listener, DoneSubscribe())
+ # create a condition to wait on
+ lock = threading.Condition()
+ with lock:
+ # TCF requests must be called by the dispatche thread, wait for a
+ # maximum of 10 seconds
+ protocol.invokeLater(callSubscribe, service=svc, streamType=streamType,
+ listener=listener, condition=lock)
+ lock.wait(10)
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
+# TCF initialisation
+protocol.setLogger (TcfProtocolLogger ())
+ c = tcf.connect("TCP:")
+except Exception as e:
+ protocol.log(e)
+ sys.exit()
+# If there is a streams service, listen to it
+streamsSvc = getService(c, streams.NAME)
+if streamsSvc:
+ subscribe (streamsSvc, 'ProcessesV1', StreamsListener(streamsSvc))
+p = start(c, '/bin/ls', '-l', '-a')
+# this part is a bit tricky, the runcontrol contexts which accept a resume
+# command are the contexts which have a state. Recursively try to find the
+# runcontrol context which has a state, and resume it.
+rcSvc = getService(c, runcontrol.NAME)
+if rcSvc is None:
+ print 'No runcontrol service. Exiting ...'
+ sys.exit()
+context = getContext(rcSvc, p.getID())
+print 'Runcontrol context is a container:', context.isContainer()
+while context and not context.hasState():
+ children = getChildren (rcSvc, context.getID())
+ for child in children:
+ context = getContext(rcSvc, child)
+ if context and context.hasState():
+ break
+if context is None:
+ print 'No runcontrol context to resume. Exiting ...'
+ sys.exit()
+# get the state of this context. State is a tuple of
+# (suspended, pc, reason, params)
+ctxState = state(context)
+print 'Context state : ' + str (ctxState)
+while ctxState and ctxState[0]:
+ resume(context)
+ # calling resume may end the context ... catch exceptions
+ try:
+ ctxState = state(context)
+ if ctxState:
+ print 'Context state : ' + str (ctxState)
+ except:
+ pass
+# Let the async calls the time to end ...
+time.sleep (2)

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