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 * Copyright (c) 2007, 2010 Wind River Systems, Inc. and others.
 * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
 * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
 * and Eclipse Distribution License v1.0 which accompany this distribution.
 * The Eclipse Public License is available at
 * and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at
 * You may elect to redistribute this code under either of these licenses.
 * Contributors:
 *     Wind River Systems - initial API and implementation

 * TCF Memory - memory access service.

#include <tcf/config.h>

#if SERVICE_Memory

#include <assert.h>
#include <tcf/framework/protocol.h>
#include <tcf/framework/context.h>
#include <tcf/framework/json.h>
#include <tcf/framework/exceptions.h>
#include <tcf/framework/myalloc.h>
#include <tcf/framework/channel.h>
#include <tcf/framework/trace.h>
#include <tcf/services/memoryservice.h>
#include <tcf/services/runctrl.h>

static const char * MEMORY = "Memory";

static TCFBroadcastGroup * broadcast_group = NULL;

#define BYTE_VALID        0x00
#define BYTE_UNKNOWN      0x01
#define BYTE_INVALID      0x02
#define BYTE_CANNOT_READ  0x04
#define BYTE_CANNOT_WRITE 0x08

#define CMD_GET     1
#define CMD_SET     2
#define CMD_FILL    3

#define BUF_SIZE    (128 * MEM_USAGE_FACTOR)

typedef struct MemoryCommandArgs {
    Channel * c;
    char token[256];
    ContextAddress addr;
    unsigned long size;
    int word_size;
    int mode;
    Context * ctx;
} MemoryCommandArgs;

static void write_context(OutputStream * out, Context * ctx) {

    write_stream(out, '{');

    json_write_string(out, "ID");
    write_stream(out, ':');
    json_write_string(out, ctx->id);

    if (ctx->parent != NULL) {
        write_stream(out, ',');
        json_write_string(out, "ParentID");
        write_stream(out, ':');
        json_write_string(out, ctx->parent->id);

    write_stream(out, ',');
    json_write_string(out, "ProcessID");
    write_stream(out, ':');
    json_write_string(out, context_get_group(ctx, CONTEXT_GROUP_PROCESS)->id);

    if (ctx->name != NULL) {
        write_stream(out, ',');
        json_write_string(out, "Name");
        write_stream(out, ':');
        json_write_string(out, ctx->name);

    write_stream(out, ',');
    json_write_string(out, "BigEndian");
    write_stream(out, ':');
    json_write_boolean(out, ctx->big_endian);

    if (ctx->mem_access) {
        int cnt = 0;

        write_stream(out, ',');
        json_write_string(out, "AddressSize");
        write_stream(out, ':');
        json_write_ulong(out, context_word_size(ctx));

        write_stream(out, ',');
        json_write_string(out, "AccessTypes");
        write_stream(out, ':');
        write_stream(out, '[');
        if (ctx->mem_access & MEM_ACCESS_INSTRUCTION) {
            if (cnt++) write_stream(out, ',');
            json_write_string(out, "instruction");
        if (ctx->mem_access & MEM_ACCESS_DATA) {
            if (cnt++) write_stream(out, ',');
            json_write_string(out, "data");
        if (ctx->mem_access & MEM_ACCESS_IO) {
            if (cnt++) write_stream(out, ',');
            json_write_string(out, "io");
        if (ctx->mem_access & MEM_ACCESS_USER) {
            if (cnt++) write_stream(out, ',');
            json_write_string(out, "user");
        if (ctx->mem_access & MEM_ACCESS_SUPERVISOR) {
            if (cnt++) write_stream(out, ',');
            json_write_string(out, "supervisor");
        if (ctx->mem_access & MEM_ACCESS_HYPERVISOR) {
            if (cnt++) write_stream(out, ',');
            json_write_string(out, "hypervisor");
        if (ctx->mem_access & MEM_ACCESS_VIRTUAL) {
            if (cnt++) write_stream(out, ',');
            json_write_string(out, "virtual");
        if (ctx->mem_access & MEM_ACCESS_PHYSICAL) {
            if (cnt++) write_stream(out, ',');
            json_write_string(out, "physical");
        if (ctx->mem_access & MEM_ACCESS_CACHE) {
            if (cnt++) write_stream(out, ',');
            json_write_string(out, "cache");
        if (ctx->mem_access & MEM_ACCESS_TLB) {
            if (cnt++) write_stream(out, ',');
            json_write_string(out, "tlb");
        write_stream(out, ']');

    write_stream(out, '}');

static void write_ranges(OutputStream * out, ContextAddress addr, int offs, int status, MemoryErrorInfo * err_info) {
    int cnt = 0;
    size_t size_valid = 0;
    size_t size_error = 0;

    if (err_info->error) {
        size_valid = err_info->size_valid + offs;
        size_error = err_info->size_error;
    else {
        size_valid = offs;

    write_stream(out, '[');
    if (size_valid > 0) {
        write_stream(out, '{');

        json_write_string(out, "addr");
        write_stream(out, ':');
        json_write_uint64(out, addr);
        write_stream(out, ',');

        json_write_string(out, "size");
        write_stream(out, ':');
        json_write_ulong(out, size_valid);
        write_stream(out, ',');

        json_write_string(out, "stat");
        write_stream(out, ':');
        json_write_ulong(out, 0);

        write_stream(out, '}');
    if (size_error > 0) {
        if (cnt > 0) write_stream(out, ',');
        write_stream(out, '{');

        json_write_string(out, "addr");
        write_stream(out, ':');
        json_write_uint64(out, addr + size_valid);
        write_stream(out, ',');

        json_write_string(out, "size");
        write_stream(out, ':');
        json_write_ulong(out, size_error);
        write_stream(out, ',');

        json_write_string(out, "stat");
        write_stream(out, ':');
        json_write_ulong(out, BYTE_INVALID | status);
        write_stream(out, ',');

        json_write_string(out, "msg");
        write_stream(out, ':');
        write_error_object(out, err_info->error);

        write_stream(out, '}');
    write_stream(out, ']');
    write_stream(out, 0);

static void command_get_context(char * token, Channel * c) {
    int err = 0;
    char id[256];
    Context * ctx = NULL;

    json_read_string(&c->inp, id, sizeof(id));
    if (read_stream(&c->inp) != 0) exception(ERR_JSON_SYNTAX);
    if (read_stream(&c->inp) != MARKER_EOM) exception(ERR_JSON_SYNTAX);

    ctx = id2ctx(id);

    if (ctx == NULL || ctx->mem_access == 0) err = ERR_INV_CONTEXT;
    else if (ctx->exited) err = ERR_ALREADY_EXITED;

    write_stringz(&c->out, "R");
    write_stringz(&c->out, token);
    write_errno(&c->out, err);
    if (err == 0) {
        write_context(&c->out, ctx);
    else {
        write_string(&c->out, "null");
    write_stream(&c->out, 0);
    write_stream(&c->out, MARKER_EOM);

static void command_get_children(char * token, Channel * c) {
    char id[256];

    json_read_string(&c->inp, id, sizeof(id));
    if (read_stream(&c->inp) != 0) exception(ERR_JSON_SYNTAX);
    if (read_stream(&c->inp) != MARKER_EOM) exception(ERR_JSON_SYNTAX);

    write_stringz(&c->out, "R");
    write_stringz(&c->out, token);

    write_errno(&c->out, 0);

    write_stream(&c->out, '[');
    if (id[0] == 0) {
        LINK * qp;
        int cnt = 0;
        for (qp =; qp != &context_root; qp = qp->next) {
            Context * ctx = ctxl2ctxp(qp);
            if (ctx->parent != NULL) continue;
            if (ctx->exited) continue;
            if (ctx->mem_access == 0 && list_is_empty(&ctx->children)) continue;
            if (cnt > 0) write_stream(&c->out, ',');
            json_write_string(&c->out, ctx->id);
    else {
        Context * parent = id2ctx(id);
        if (parent != NULL) {
            LINK * l;
            int cnt = 0;
            for (l = parent->; l != &parent->children; l = l->next) {
                Context * ctx = cldl2ctxp(l);
                assert(ctx->parent == parent);
                if (ctx->exited) continue;
                if (ctx->mem_access == 0 && list_is_empty(&ctx->children)) continue;
                if (cnt > 0) write_stream(&c->out, ',');
                json_write_string(&c->out, ctx->id);
    write_stream(&c->out, ']');
    write_stream(&c->out, 0);

    write_stream(&c->out, MARKER_EOM);

static MemoryCommandArgs * read_command_args(char * token, Channel * c, int cmd) {
    int err = 0;
    char id[256];
    MemoryCommandArgs buf;
    memset(&buf, 0, sizeof(buf));

    json_read_string(&c->inp, id, sizeof(id));
    if (read_stream(&c->inp) != 0) exception(ERR_JSON_SYNTAX);
    buf.addr = json_read_ulong(&c->inp);
    if (read_stream(&c->inp) != 0) exception(ERR_JSON_SYNTAX);
    buf.word_size = (int)json_read_long(&c->inp);
    if (read_stream(&c->inp) != 0) exception(ERR_JSON_SYNTAX);
    buf.size = (int)json_read_long(&c->inp);
    if (read_stream(&c->inp) != 0) exception(ERR_JSON_SYNTAX);
    buf.mode = (int)json_read_long(&c->inp);
    if (read_stream(&c->inp) != 0) exception(ERR_JSON_SYNTAX);
    if (cmd == CMD_GET && read_stream(&c->inp) != MARKER_EOM) exception(ERR_JSON_SYNTAX);

    buf.ctx = id2ctx(id);
    if (buf.ctx == NULL) err = ERR_INV_CONTEXT;
    else if (buf.ctx->exited) err = ERR_ALREADY_EXITED;
    else if (buf.ctx->mem_access == 0) err = ERR_INV_CONTEXT;

    if (err != 0) {
        if (cmd != CMD_GET) {
            int ch;
            while ((ch = read_stream(&c->inp)) != 0) {
                if (ch < 0) exception(ERR_JSON_SYNTAX);
            if (read_stream(&c->inp) != MARKER_EOM) exception(ERR_JSON_SYNTAX);

        write_stringz(&c->out, "R");
        write_stringz(&c->out, token);
        if (cmd == CMD_GET) write_stringz(&c->out, "null");
        write_errno(&c->out, err);
        write_stringz(&c->out, "null");
        write_stream(&c->out, MARKER_EOM);
        return NULL;
    else {
        MemoryCommandArgs * args = (MemoryCommandArgs *)loc_alloc(sizeof(MemoryCommandArgs));
        *args = buf;
        args->c = c;
        strlcpy(args->token, token, sizeof(args->token));
        return args;

void send_event_memory_changed(Context * ctx, ContextAddress addr, unsigned long size) {
    OutputStream * out = &broadcast_group->out;

    write_stringz(out, "E");
    write_stringz(out, MEMORY);
    write_stringz(out, "memoryChanged");

    json_write_string(out, ctx->id);
    write_stream(out, 0);

    /* <array of addres ranges> */
    write_stream(out, '[');
    write_stream(out, '{');

    json_write_string(out, "addr");
    write_stream(out, ':');
    json_write_uint64(out, addr);

    write_stream(out, ',');

    json_write_string(out, "size");
    write_stream(out, ':');
    json_write_ulong(out, size);

    write_stream(out, '}');
    write_stream(out, ']');
    write_stream(out, 0);

    write_stream(out, MARKER_EOM);

static void safe_memory_set(void * parm) {
    MemoryCommandArgs * args = (MemoryCommandArgs *)parm;
    Channel * c = args->c;
    Context * ctx = args->ctx;

    if (!is_channel_closed(c)) {
        Trap trap;
        if (set_trap(&trap)) {
            InputStream * inp = &c->inp;
            OutputStream * out = &c->out;
            char * token = args->token;
            ContextAddress addr0 = args->addr;
            ContextAddress addr = args->addr;
            unsigned long size = 0;
            char buf[BUF_SIZE];
            int err = 0;
            MemoryErrorInfo err_info;
            JsonReadBinaryState state;

            memset(&err_info, 0, sizeof(err_info));
            if (ctx->exiting || ctx->exited) err = ERR_ALREADY_EXITED;

            json_read_binary_start(&state, inp);
            for (;;) {
                int rd = json_read_binary_data(&state, buf, sizeof(buf));
                if (rd == 0) break;
                if (err == 0) {
                    /* TODO: word size, mode */
                    if (context_write_mem(ctx, addr, buf, rd) < 0) {
                        err = errno;
#if ENABLE_ExtendedMemoryErrorReports
                    else {
                        addr += rd;
                size += rd;
            if (read_stream(inp) != 0) exception(ERR_JSON_SYNTAX);
            if (read_stream(inp) != MARKER_EOM) exception(ERR_JSON_SYNTAX);

            send_event_memory_changed(ctx, addr0, size);

            write_stringz(out, "R");
            write_stringz(out, token);
            write_errno(out, err);
            if (err == 0) {
                write_stringz(out, "null");
            else {
                write_ranges(out, addr0, (int)(addr - addr0), BYTE_CANNOT_WRITE, &err_info);
            write_stream(out, MARKER_EOM);
        else {
            trace(LOG_ALWAYS, "Exception in message handler: %d %s",
                  trap.error, errno_to_str(trap.error));

static void command_set(char * token, Channel * c) {
    MemoryCommandArgs * args = read_command_args(token, c, CMD_SET);
    if (args != NULL) post_safe_event(args->ctx, safe_memory_set, args);

static void safe_memory_get(void * parm) {
    MemoryCommandArgs * args = (MemoryCommandArgs *)parm;
    Channel * c = args->c;
    Context * ctx = args->ctx;

    if (!is_channel_closed(c)) {
        Trap trap;
        if (set_trap(&trap)) {
            OutputStream * out = &args->c->out;
            char * token = args->token;
            ContextAddress addr0 = args->addr;
            ContextAddress addr = args->addr;
            unsigned long size = args->size;
            unsigned long pos = 0;
            char buf[BUF_SIZE];
            int err = 0;
            MemoryErrorInfo err_info;
            JsonWriteBinaryState state;

            if (ctx->exiting || ctx->exited) err = ERR_ALREADY_EXITED;

            write_stringz(out, "R");
            write_stringz(out, token);

            json_write_binary_start(&state, out, size);
            while (pos < size) {
                int rd = size - pos;
                if (rd > BUF_SIZE) rd = BUF_SIZE;
                /* TODO: word size, mode */
                memset(buf, 0, rd);
                if (err == 0) {
                    if (context_read_mem(ctx, addr, buf, rd) < 0) {
                        err = errno;
#if ENABLE_ExtendedMemoryErrorReports
                    else {
                        addr += rd;
                json_write_binary_data(&state, buf, rd);
                pos += rd;
            write_stream(out, 0);

            write_errno(out, err);
            if (err == 0) {
                write_stringz(out, "null");
            else {
                write_ranges(out, addr0, (int)(addr - addr0), BYTE_CANNOT_READ, &err_info);
            write_stream(out, MARKER_EOM);
        else {
            trace(LOG_ALWAYS, "Exception in message handler: %d %s",
                  trap.error, errno_to_str(trap.error));

static void command_get(char * token, Channel * c) {
    MemoryCommandArgs * args = read_command_args(token, c, CMD_GET);
    if (args != NULL) post_safe_event(args->ctx, safe_memory_get, args);

static void safe_memory_fill(void * parm) {
    MemoryCommandArgs * args = (MemoryCommandArgs *)parm;
    Channel * c = args->c;
    Context * ctx = args->ctx;

    if (!is_channel_closed(c)) {
        Trap trap;
        if (set_trap(&trap)) {
            InputStream * inp = &c->inp;
            OutputStream * out = &c->out;
            char * token = args->token;
            ContextAddress addr0 = args->addr;
            ContextAddress addr = args->addr;
            unsigned long size = args->size;
            MemoryErrorInfo err_info;
            char buf[0x1000];
            int buf_pos = 0;
            int err = 0;

            if (ctx->exiting || ctx->exited) err = ERR_ALREADY_EXITED;

            if (read_stream(inp) != '[') exception(ERR_JSON_SYNTAX);
            if (peek_stream(inp) == ']') {
            else {
                for (;;) {
                    int ch;
                    if (err == 0) {
                        if (buf_pos >= (int)sizeof(buf)) err = ERR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW;
                        else buf[buf_pos++] = (char)json_read_ulong(inp);
                    else {
                    ch = read_stream(inp);
                    if (ch == ',') continue;
                    if (ch == ']') break;
            if (read_stream(inp) != 0) exception(ERR_JSON_SYNTAX);
            if (read_stream(inp) != MARKER_EOM) exception(ERR_JSON_SYNTAX);

            while (err == 0 && buf_pos < (int)size && buf_pos <= (int)(sizeof(buf) / 2)) {
                if (buf_pos == 0) {
                    buf[buf_pos++] = 0;
                else {
                    memcpy(buf + buf_pos, buf, buf_pos);
                    buf_pos *= 2;

            while (err == 0 && addr < addr0 + size) {
                char tmp[sizeof(buf)];
                int wr = (int)(addr0 + size - addr);
                if (wr > buf_pos) wr = buf_pos;
                /* TODO: word size, mode */
                memcpy(tmp, buf, wr);
                if (context_write_mem(ctx, addr, tmp, wr) < 0) {
                    err = errno;
#if ENABLE_ExtendedMemoryErrorReports
                else {
                    addr += wr;

            send_event_memory_changed(ctx, addr0, size);

            write_stringz(out, "R");
            write_stringz(out, token);
            write_errno(out, err);
            if (err == 0) {
                write_stringz(out, "null");
            else {
                write_ranges(out, addr0, (int)(addr - addr0), BYTE_CANNOT_WRITE, &err_info);
            write_stream(out, MARKER_EOM);
        else {
            trace(LOG_ALWAYS, "Exception in message handler: %d %s",
                  trap.error, errno_to_str(trap.error));

static void command_fill(char * token, Channel * c) {
    MemoryCommandArgs * args = read_command_args(token, c, CMD_FILL);
    if (args != NULL) post_safe_event(args->ctx, safe_memory_fill, args);

static void send_event_context_added(Context * ctx) {
    OutputStream * out = &broadcast_group->out;

    write_stringz(out, "E");
    write_stringz(out, MEMORY);
    write_stringz(out, "contextAdded");

    /* <array of context data> */
    write_stream(out, '[');
    write_context(out, ctx);
    write_stream(out, ']');
    write_stream(out, 0);

    write_stream(out, MARKER_EOM);

static void send_event_context_changed(Context * ctx) {
    OutputStream * out = &broadcast_group->out;

    write_stringz(out, "E");
    write_stringz(out, MEMORY);
    write_stringz(out, "contextChanged");

    /* <array of context data> */
    write_stream(out, '[');
    write_context(out, ctx);
    write_stream(out, ']');
    write_stream(out, 0);

    write_stream(out, MARKER_EOM);

static void send_event_context_removed(Context * ctx) {
    OutputStream * out = &broadcast_group->out;

    write_stringz(out, "E");
    write_stringz(out, MEMORY);
    write_stringz(out, "contextRemoved");

    /* <array of context IDs> */
    write_stream(out, '[');
    json_write_string(out, ctx->id);
    write_stream(out, ']');
    write_stream(out, 0);

    write_stream(out, MARKER_EOM);

static void event_context_created(Context * ctx, void * args) {
    if (ctx->mem_access == 0) return;

static void event_context_changed(Context * ctx, void * args) {
    if (ctx->mem_access == 0) return;

static void event_context_exited(Context * ctx, void * args) {
    if (ctx->mem_access == 0) return;

void ini_memory_service(Protocol * proto, TCFBroadcastGroup * bcg) {
    static ContextEventListener listener = {
    broadcast_group = bcg;
    add_context_event_listener(&listener, NULL);
    add_command_handler(proto, MEMORY, "getContext", command_get_context);
    add_command_handler(proto, MEMORY, "getChildren", command_get_children);
    add_command_handler(proto, MEMORY, "set", command_set);
    add_command_handler(proto, MEMORY, "get", command_get);
    add_command_handler(proto, MEMORY, "fill", command_fill);

#endif /* SERVICE_Memory */

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