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blob: 0bd295f59dd1b042978feb6770d65fc3658975b3 (plain) (tree)










 * Copyright (c) 2012 Wind River Systems, Inc. and others.
 * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
 * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
 * and Eclipse Distribution License v1.0 which accompany this distribution.
 * The Eclipse Public License is available at
 * and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at
 * You may elect to redistribute this code under either of these licenses.
 * Contributors:
 *     Wind River Systems - initial API and implementation


This module implements a query based system to specify subsets of contexts.
The queries specifies context properties and what values they need to have to match.
In addition a query can filter based on a contexts ancestors in the context hierarchy.

Syntax and Semantics

    query = [ "/" ], { part, "/" }, part ;
    part = string | "*" | "**" | properties ;
    properties = property, { ",", property } ;
    property = string, "=", value ;
    value = string | number | boolean ;
    string = quoted string | symbol ;
    quoted string = '"', {any-character - ('"' | '\') | ('\', ('"' | '\'))}, '"' ;
    symbol = letter, { letter | digit } ;
    number = digit, { digit } ;
    boolean = "true" | "false" ;
    letter = ? A-Z, a-z or _ ? ;
    digit = ? 0-9 ? ;
    any-character = ? any character ? ;

To give a feel for the syntax, here are some examples, and what a user
might mean when providing such a query:

        Matches all contexts named "httpd".

        Matches any context with a property pid, which has the value 4711.

/server/ **
        Matches all contexts which are descendants of the top level context
        named "server".

"Linux 2.6.14"/Kernel/ *
       Matches all kernel processes in operating systems named "Linux 2.6.14".

pid=4711/ *
        All threads in processes with the pid 4711.

/server/ ** /HasState=true
        All threads which are descendants of the context "server".

The contexts are assumed to be placed in a tree. Each context has zero
or one parent. If it has zero parents it is a child of the root of the

A query consists of a sequence of parts separated by "/". This
sequence specifies a path through the context tree. A context matches
the query if the last part of the query matches the properties of the
context and the parent of the context matches the query excluding the
last part. The properties of a context matches a part if each property
specified in the part matches the property of the same name in the
context or if the name of the context matches the string specified in
the part. There are also two wild cards. The part "*" matches any
context. The part "**" matches any sequence of contexts. If the query
starts with a "/" the first part of the query must match a child of
the root of the context tree.


#ifndef D_contextquery
#define D_contextquery

#include <tcf/framework/protocol.h>
#include <tcf/framework/context.h>

/* An debug context back-end can register default comparator using this as the comparator name.
 * Default comparator is used when a regular comparator not found for an attribute.
 * As a cortesy to clients, back-end should register regular comparators when possible,
 * because default comparator prevents clients from getting a list of supported attribute names. */

typedef int ContextQueryComparator(Context *, const char *);
typedef Context * GetContextParent(Context *);

/* Register a function that compare a context attribute with a given pattern (value) */
extern void add_context_query_comparator(const char * attr_name, ContextQueryComparator * callback);

/* Parse context query string. Parsing results are stored in an internal buffer and
 * and used by run_context_query() and run_context_query_ext() */
extern int parse_context_query(const char * query);

/* Compare context 'ctx' with parsed context query, return 1 if they match, return 0 othewise. */
extern int run_context_query(Context * ctx);
extern int run_context_query_ext(Context * ctx, GetContextParent * get_parent);

/* If called from ContextQueryComparator, return current attribute name. */
extern const char * get_context_query_attr_name(void);

/* Parse and run context query.
 * Return 1 if the context and the query match, return 0 othewise.
 * If a client needs to match multiple contexts, it is more efficient to call
 * parse_context_query(), and then call run_context_query() for each context.
extern int context_query(Context * ctx, const char * query);

extern void ini_context_query_service(Protocol * proto);

#endif /* D_contextquery */

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