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Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 1573 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..37efe9e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,1573 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2011 Ericsson Research Canada
+ *
+ * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials are
+ * made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 which
+ * accompanies this distribution, and is available at
+ *
+ *
+ * Description:
+ *
+ * * This class is used to compute the decision time in a report
+ *
+ * Contributors:
+ * Jacques Bouthillier -Initial implementation of the R4E report generation
+ *
+ *******************************************************************************/
+import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
+import java.util.Date;
+import java.util.Locale;
+import java.util.logging.Level;
+import org.eclipse.core.filesystem.EFS;
+import org.eclipse.core.filesystem.IFileStore;
+import org.eclipse.core.runtime.FileLocator;
+import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IPath;
+import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Path;
+import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Platform;
+import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.URI;
+import org.eclipse.jface.dialogs.IDialogConstants;
+import org.eclipse.jface.dialogs.MessageDialog;
+import org.eclipse.jface.resource.StringConverter;
+import org.eclipse.swt.SWT;
+import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Composite;
+import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display;
+import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Shell;
+import org.eclipse.ui.IEditorDescriptor;
+import org.eclipse.ui.IEditorInput;
+import org.eclipse.ui.IEditorPart;
+import org.eclipse.ui.IEditorRegistry;
+import org.eclipse.ui.IWorkbench;
+import org.eclipse.ui.IWorkbenchPage;
+import org.eclipse.ui.IWorkbenchWindow;
+import org.eclipse.ui.PartInitException;
+import org.eclipse.ui.editors.text.EditorsUI;
+import org.eclipse.ui.ide.FileStoreEditorInput;
+import org.osgi.framework.Bundle;
+ * @author Jacques Bouthillier
+ *
+ */
+public class ReportGeneration implements IR4EReport {
+ // BIRT Debug level
+ // private Level fBIRT_LEVEL = Level.ALL; //Use the debug level desired
+ // Level.OFF by default
+ private Level fBIRT_LEVEL = Level.OFF; // Use the debug level desired
+ // Level.OFF by default
+ private String fLogConfigdir = "C:/R4EDebug"; // Put a directory to log
+ // the debug from BIRT
+ // Test variable
+ String fDesignName = "C:/git/r4eSecond/r4e/";
+ // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Constants
+ // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ public final String fFILE_SEPARATOR = "/"; // Portable
+ // Use the definition of the report Data Source
+ private final String fGROUP_DATA_SOURCE = "Merged_group";
+ private final String fREVIEW_DATA_SOURCE = "Merged_review";
+ private final String fITEM_DATA_SOURCE = "Merged_items";
+ private final String fCOMMENTS_DATA_SOURCE = "Merged_comments";
+ //Report design template
+ private final String fInspectionRecordFileName = "inspectionRecord.rptdesign";
+ private final String fGlobalReportFileName = "globalReport.rptdesign";
+ private final String fR4E_GLOBAL_REPORT = "R4E_REPORT";
+ private final String fINSPECT_RECORD = "InspectionRecord";
+ private final String fNO_NAME = "NoNameYet";
+ private final String fREPORT_ITEM_END = "_items";
+ private final String fCOMMENTS_END = "_comments";
+ private final String fREVIEW_END = "_review";
+ private final String fGROUP_END = "_group_root";
+ private final String fEXTENSION = ".xrer";
+ // Variable used for the report
+ private final String fSOURCE_PREFIX = "Merged";
+ private final String fPROJECT_REPORT_DIR = "Reports";
+ private final String fPROJECT_WORKING_DIR = "r4e_work";
+ private final String fGROUP_FILE = fSOURCE_PREFIX + fGROUP_END + fEXTENSION;
+ private final String fFILE_SEP = "_";
+ // Report extension file
+ private final String fEXTENSION_SEPARATOR = ".";
+ public final String fHTML_EXTENSION = HTML_EXTENSION;
+ public final String fPDF_EXTENSION = PDF_EXTENSION;
+ // Report type to be generated
+ private final int fGLOBAL_REPORT_NUM = 0;
+ private final int fINSPECTION_RECORD_NUM = 1;
+ private final int fSINGLE_REPORT_NUM = 2;
+ // Format the date
+ private final SimpleDateFormat fDATE_FORMAT = new SimpleDateFormat(
+ "dd-MMM-yyyy_hhmmss", new Locale("eng", "US"));
+ //Folder to find the report design
+ private final String fFOLDER = "src/org/eclipse/mylyn/reviews/r4e/report/internal/design";
+ // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Variables
+ // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ private String fR4E_REPORT = "R4E_REPORT";
+ private InputStream fInputDesignName = null;
+ private String fDesignFileName = "globalReport.rptdesign"; //Default value
+ // Variable to test if the file to generate the report exist
+ private Boolean fITEM_FILE_CREATED = false;
+ private Boolean fANOMALY_FILE_CREATED = false;
+ private Boolean fPROPERTY_FILE_CREATED = false;
+ private Composite fCompositeParent = null;
+ private File fReportDir = null;
+ private String fReportName = "";
+ private int fCurrent_report_num = -1;
+ private File[] fReviewNameList = null;
+ private String fOutputFormat = fHTML_EXTENSION; //Set HTML as default value
+ private R4EReviewGroup floadedGroup = null;
+ private final RModelFactoryExt fFactory = SerializeFactory.getModelExtension();
+ private String fGroupFile = "";
+ // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Constructors
+ // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ /**
+ * C'tor
+ */
+ public ReportGeneration() {
+ }
+ // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Methods
+ // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ /****************************************/
+ /* */
+ /* */
+ /****************************************/
+ /**
+ * Set the type of report
+ *
+ * @param aReportType
+ */
+ public void setReportType(String aReportType) {
+ Activator.FTracer.traceInfo("ReportGeneration.setReportType() : " + aReportType);
+ if (aReportType.equals(fGLOBAL_REPORT_TYPE)) {
+ fDesignFileName = fGlobalReportFileName;
+ setReportName(fR4E_GLOBAL_REPORT);
+ fCurrent_report_num = fGLOBAL_REPORT_NUM;
+ } else if (aReportType.equals(fINSPECTION_RECORD_TYPE)) {
+ fDesignFileName = fInspectionRecordFileName;
+ String inspectionReportName = buildInspectionReportName();
+ setReportName(inspectionReportName);
+ fCurrent_report_num = fINSPECTION_RECORD_NUM;
+ } else {
+ // Will create a list of report with the GLOBAL_REPORT template
+ fDesignFileName = fGlobalReportFileName;
+ setReportName(fR4E_GLOBAL_REPORT);
+ fCurrent_report_num = fSINGLE_REPORT_NUM;
+ }
+ Activator.FTracer.traceInfo("ReportGeneration.setReportType() design file name: "
+ + fDesignFileName + "\t\t cur number report: "
+ + fCurrent_report_num);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Set the output format to generate the report
+ *
+ * @param String
+ * aFormatOutput
+ */
+ public void setOuputFormat(String aFormatOutput) {
+ Activator.FTracer.traceInfo("ReportGeneration.setOuputFormat() : " + aFormatOutput);
+ fOutputFormat = aFormatOutput;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Generate the selected report
+ * @param String agroupFile File of the Group
+ */
+ public void handleReportGeneration(final String agroupFile) {
+ //Keep a copy of the original group file
+ setGroupFile (agroupFile);
+ // Get the file directory of the selected review
+ final File groupFile = new File(agroupFile);
+ File rootDir = null;
+ if (groupFile != null ) {
+ rootDir = groupFile.getParentFile();
+ }
+ if (rootDir != null) {
+ // Generate a pop-up dialog to notify the report generation
+ final Shell s = new Shell(SWT.MODELESS);
+ String message = R4EReportString.getString("Popup.messageOneMoment");
+ final MessageDialog dialog = new MessageDialog(
+ s,
+ R4EReportString.getString("Popup.messageTitle"),
+ null, // accept
+ // the
+ // default
+ // window
+ // icon
+ message, MessageDialog.INFORMATION,
+ new String[] { IDialogConstants.OK_LABEL }, 0);
+ // ok is the default
+ // Thread to generate the report while the window is still
+ // editable
+ final File rootDirFinal = rootDir;
+ new Thread() {
+ public void run() {
+ setDesignReportTemplate();
+ if (fCurrent_report_num == fSINGLE_REPORT_NUM) {
+ // Generate a list of reports
+ prepareMultiReport(rootDirFinal);
+ } else {
+ prepareReport(rootDirFinal);
+ }
+ }
+ }.start();
+ // Open the wait window
+ Activator.FTracer.traceInfo
+ ("After the dialog close ret: "
+ + dialog.getReturnCode());
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Register the list of selected reviews
+ * @param File[] aListSelectedReview
+ */
+ public void setReviewListSelection(File[] aListSelectedReview) {
+ fReviewNameList = aListSelectedReview;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Test if the report type selected is an inspection record
+ *
+ * @return Boolean
+ */
+ public Boolean isInspectionRecord() {
+ return fCurrent_report_num == fINSPECTION_RECORD_NUM;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Count the number of selected review
+ *
+ * @return int
+ */
+ public int selectedReviewNumber() {
+ // //Get the selected review count
+ File[] selectedReview = getReviewListSelection();
+ int nbReview = selectedReview.length;
+ return nbReview;
+ }
+ /****************************************/
+ /* */
+ /* */
+ /****************************************/
+ /**
+ * Prepare the report name to be generated
+ *
+ * @param aStr
+ * Initial string for the report name
+ */
+ private void setReportName(String aStr) {
+ fR4E_REPORT = aStr;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Set the configuration to allow BIRT to log information
+ * @param aEngineConf
+ * @return
+ */
+ private EngineConfig createBirtDebug(EngineConfig aEngineConf) {
+// String operatingSystem = Platform.getOS();
+// Activator.FTracer.traceInfo("ReportGeneration.createBirtDebug() operating SYSTEM: "
+// + operatingSystem);
+ // Add BIRT log only for window for now
+ if (OSPLATFORM.FTYPE.isWindowsOS()) {
+ if (fLogConfigdir != null) {
+ File f = new File(fLogConfigdir);
+ File newFile = createReportDir(f, "");
+ Activator.FTracer.traceInfo("ReportGeneration.createBirtDebug() created:"
+ + newFile.getAbsolutePath());
+ if (!fBIRT_LEVEL.equals(Level.OFF)) {
+ aEngineConf.setLogConfig(newFile.getAbsolutePath(), fBIRT_LEVEL);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return aEngineConf;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Build the inspection record based on the review name
+ *
+ * @return String
+ */
+ private String buildInspectionReportName() {
+ String inspectionFileName = "";
+ StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
+ File[] reviewFile = getReviewListSelection();
+ if (reviewFile != null ) {
+ if (reviewFile.length == 1) {
+ sb.append(fINSPECT_RECORD);
+ sb.append(fFILE_SEP);
+ sb.append(reviewFile[0].getName());
+ inspectionFileName = sb.toString();
+ }
+ } else {
+ sb.append(fINSPECT_RECORD);
+ sb.append(fFILE_SEP);
+ sb.append(fNO_NAME);
+ inspectionFileName = sb.toString();
+ }
+ Activator.FTracer.traceInfo("buildInspectionReportName() :" + inspectionFileName);
+ return inspectionFileName;
+ }
+ private File[] getReviewListSelection() {
+ if (fReviewNameList != null) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < fReviewNameList.length; i++) {
+ Activator.FTracer.traceInfo("getReviewListSelection() [" + i + " ] : "
+ + fReviewNameList[i].getAbsolutePath());
+ }
+ } else {
+ //Display a popup when no review
+ String message = R4EReportString.getString("Popup.noReview" );
+ Popup.warningRunnable(null, message);
+ }
+ return fReviewNameList;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Keep a copy of the original group file
+ * @param aGroupFile
+ */
+ private void setGroupFile (String aGroupFile ) {
+ fGroupFile = aGroupFile;
+ }
+ private String getGroupFile () {
+ return fGroupFile;
+ }
+ /** *************************** */
+ /* */
+ /* */
+ /** *************************** */
+ /**
+ * Set the design template to generate a report
+ * i.e. Global report or Inspection report
+ */
+ private void setDesignReportTemplate() {
+ //Test
+ Bundle bdl = Platform.getBundle(Activator.FPLUGIN_ID);
+ // Build the report design file name
+ StringBuilder rptDesign = new StringBuilder();
+ rptDesign.append(fFOLDER);
+ rptDesign.append(fFILE_SEPARATOR);
+ rptDesign.append(fDesignFileName);
+ IPath path = new Path (rptDesign.toString());
+ try {
+ fInputDesignName = FileLocator.openStream(bdl, path, false);
+ } catch (IOException e) {
+ e.printStackTrace();
+ Activator.FTracer.traceInfo
+ ("ReportGeneration.setDesignReportTemplate() Input stream ioException: "
+ + e);
+ }
+ if (fInputDesignName == null) {
+ Activator.FTracer.traceInfo
+ ("ReportGeneration.setDesignReportTemplate() Did not find the design input stream");
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Return the selected template to generate a report
+ *
+ * @return InputStream
+ */
+ private InputStream getDesignReportTemplate() {
+ return fInputDesignName;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Clean the temporary report directory and notify the end-user hat he
+ * cannot save the report
+ *
+ * @param aWorkDir
+ * Temporary directory to generate a report
+ * @param aRootDir
+ * parent directory for the report
+ */
+ private void cleanAndNotify(File aWorkDir, File aRootDir) {
+ Activator.FTracer.traceInfo
+ ("ReportGeneration.cleanAndNotify() has no permission, no report created");
+ cleanReportDirectory(aWorkDir);
+ String reportParent = "";
+ if (fReportDir != null) {
+ reportParent = fReportDir.getAbsolutePath();
+ } else {
+ // Build the report directory having no privileges
+ if (aRootDir != null) {
+ File fileReport = new File(aRootDir.getParentFile()
+ .getAbsoluteFile().toString()
+ reportParent = fileReport.getAbsolutePath();
+ }
+ }
+ String message = R4EReportString.getFormattedString(
+ "Popup.accessDenied", reportParent);
+ Popup.warningRunnable(null, message);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Prepare the R4E report
+ *
+ * @param aRootDir
+ * File current directory for the review files
+ */
+ private void prepareReport(File aRootDir) {
+ File workingDir = aRootDir;
+ Boolean displayReport = true;
+ Activator.FTracer.traceInfo
+ ("ReportGeneration.prepareReport() Parent report Directory: "
+ + workingDir);
+ // Build a unique string for the temporary working directory
+ Date d = new Date();
+ long ti = d.getTime();
+ String stDate = StringConverter.asString(ti);
+ StringBuilder workingStr = new StringBuilder();
+ workingStr.append(fPROJECT_WORKING_DIR);
+ workingStr.append(fFILE_SEP);
+ workingStr.append(stDate);
+ // Create a temporary directory to maintain the report data
+ workingDir = createReportDir(aRootDir, workingStr.toString());
+ // Build the report directory
+ Boolean ok = BuildReportDir(aRootDir);
+ // Verify if we can proceed to generate a report
+ if (!ok) {
+ cleanAndNotify(workingDir, aRootDir);
+ return;
+ }
+ // Test if we can have the working directory
+ if (workingDir == null) {
+ // Try to build a new location
+ // Create a temporary directory to maintain the report data
+ workingDir = createReportDir(fReportDir, workingStr.toString());
+ }
+ if (workingDir == null) {
+ String message = R4EReportString.getString("Popup.noReportDir" );
+ Popup.error(null, message);
+ return;
+ }
+ IReportRunnable runnable = null;
+ // Create an Engine Config object
+ EngineConfig config = new EngineConfig();
+ // Set up the location and level of logging output.
+ config = createBirtDebug(config);
+ ReportEngine engine = new ReportEngine(config);
+ try {
+ // //Get the selected review Name
+ File[] selectedReview = getReviewListSelection();
+ int nbReview = selectedReview.length;
+ //Set the default report type based on the number of review selected
+ if (nbReview == 1) {
+ //Select the Inspection Record
+ } else {
+ //Select the Global report
+ setReportType(fGLOBAL_REPORT_TYPE);
+ }
+ //Need to set the template in case it is different for the default
+ setDesignReportTemplate();
+ // runnable = engine.openReportDesign(fDesignName);
+ // runnable = engine.openReportDesign(inputDesignName);
+ runnable = engine.openReportDesign(getDesignReportTemplate());
+ ModuleHandle reportDesignHandle = runnable.getDesignHandle()
+ .getModuleHandle();
+ //Build the file needed for the report
+ ReviewGroupRes destGroup = prepareReportSourceFiles (workingDir, selectedReview);
+ File[] destFile = workingDir.listFiles();
+ //Should get the Group here
+ for (int count = 0; count < destFile.length; count++) {
+ Activator.FTracer.traceInfo("List reportFile: " +
+ destFile[count].getName());
+ if (destFile[count].isFile()) {
+ //Register the Group file for the report
+ prepareDataSource(destFile[count], reportDesignHandle, workingDir);
+ }
+ File [] revFile = destFile[count].listFiles();
+ for (int i = 0; revFile != null && i < revFile.length; i++) {
+ //Now we should have one file for each Data Source
+ // Set the data source for the report
+ prepareDataSource(revFile[i], reportDesignHandle, workingDir);
+ }
+ }
+ // Prepare the report output
+ // Decide here if we generate HTML or PDF format report
+ IRunAndRenderTask renderTask = prepareOutputFile(runnable,
+ engine, fOutputFormat);
+ // Execute the preparation of the report
+ } catch (EngineException aEngineEx) {
+ aEngineEx.printStackTrace();
+ Activator.FTracer.traceInfo
+ ("ReportGeneration.prepareReport() Generate EngineException : "
+ + aEngineEx);
+ } catch (ResourceHandlingException e) {
+ e.printStackTrace();
+ Activator.FTracer.traceInfo
+ ("ReportGeneration.prepareReport() ResourceHandlingException : "
+ + e);
+ }
+ // Need to destroy the engine
+ engine.destroy();
+ // Clean the directory maintaining the data used for the report
+ // after the report is generated
+ // cleanReportDirectory(workingDir);
+ // Pop-up the report file
+ if (displayReport) {
+ displayReport();
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Create the output transformation file needed to query for the report
+ * @param destinationDir
+ * @return
+ * @throws ResourceHandlingException
+ */
+ private ReviewGroupRes prepareReportSourceFiles (File aDestinationDir, File[] aSelectedReview) throws ResourceHandlingException {
+ URI origURI = URI.createFileURI(getGroupFile());
+ floadedGroup = fFactory.openR4EReviewGroup(origURI);
+ // //Get the selected review Name
+ int nbReview = aSelectedReview.length;
+ // Open Original Serialised model
+ //Create the destination folder
+ URI destFolderURI = URI.createFileURI(aDestinationDir.getAbsolutePath());
+ ReviewGroupRes destGroup = null;
+ try {
+ // Use temporary group name
+ destGroup = ModelTransform.instance.createReviewGroupRes(destFolderURI, floadedGroup.getName(), fSOURCE_PREFIX);
+ } catch (ResourceHandlingException e) {
+ e.printStackTrace();
+ //fail("Exception");
+ }
+ R4EReview dReview = null;
+ URI destURI = destGroup.eResource().getURI();
+ for (int countReview = 0; countReview < nbReview; countReview++) {
+ String reviewName = aSelectedReview[countReview].getName();
+ // Open the review
+ try {
+ fFactory.openR4EReview(floadedGroup, reviewName);
+ dReview = ModelTransform.instance.transformReview(origURI, destURI, reviewName);
+ } catch (ResourceHandlingException e) {
+ e.printStackTrace();
+ //fail("Exception");
+ }
+ }
+ return destGroup;
+ }
+ /** ********************************** */
+ /* Handling the creation for the */
+ /* necessary report file to generate */
+ /* a report */
+ /** ********************************** */
+ private Boolean isAllReportingFileCreated(ModuleHandle aReportDesignHandle,
+ File aWorkingDir) {
+ Boolean b = true;
+ Activator.FTracer.traceInfo("ReportGeneration.isAllReportingFileCreated() BEGIN");
+ if (!isItemFileCreated()) {
+ Activator.FTracer.traceInfo
+ ("ReportGeneration.isAllReportingFileCreated() ITEM_FILE_CREATED not CREATED");
+ // Set the data source for the report
+ File f = new File(fREPORT_ITEM_FILE);
+ prepareDataSource(f,// No file created yet
+ aReportDesignHandle, aWorkingDir);
+ }
+ if (!isAnomalyFileCreated()) {
+ Activator.FTracer.traceInfo
+ ("ReportGeneration.isAllReportingFileCreated() ANOMALY_FILE_CREATED not CREATED");
+ File f = new File(fCOMMENT_FILE);
+ // Set the data source for the report
+ prepareDataSource(f,// No file created yet
+ aReportDesignHandle, aWorkingDir);
+ }
+ if (!isPropertyFileCreated()) {
+ Activator.FTracer.traceInfo("ReportGeneration.isAllReportingFileCreated() "
+ b = false;
+ }
+ return b;
+ }
+ private void setItemFileCreated(Boolean aBol) {
+ }
+ private void setAnomalyFileCreated(Boolean aBol) {
+ }
+ private void setPropertyFileCreated(Boolean aBol) {
+ }
+ private void resetReportingFileCreated() {
+ // Only test those files, all others will always be available
+ setItemFileCreated(false);
+ setAnomalyFileCreated(false);
+ setPropertyFileCreated(false);
+ }
+ private Boolean isItemFileCreated() {
+ }
+ private Boolean isAnomalyFileCreated() {
+ }
+ private Boolean isPropertyFileCreated() {
+ }
+ /**
+ * Prepare the report output to be generated
+ *
+ * @param aRunnable
+ * @param aReportEngine
+ * @return
+ */
+ private IRunAndRenderTask prepareOutputFile(IReportRunnable aRunnable,
+ IReportEngine aReportEngine, String aFormat) {
+ IRenderOption options = new RenderOption();
+ options.setOutputFormat(aFormat);
+ // Prepare the final report file extension and format
+ if (options.getOutputFormat().equalsIgnoreCase(fHTML_EXTENSION)) {
+ HTMLRenderOption htmlOption = new HTMLRenderOption(options);
+ String output = createReportName(fHTML_EXTENSION);
+ htmlOption.setOutputFileName(output);
+ htmlOption.setOutputFormat(fHTML_EXTENSION);
+ } else if (options.getOutputFormat().equalsIgnoreCase(fPDF_EXTENSION)) {
+ IPDFRenderOption pdfOptions = new PDFRenderOption(options);
+// pdfOptions.setOption(IPDFRenderOption.FIT_TO_PAGE, true);
+ pdfOptions.setOption(IPDFRenderOption.PAGE_OVERFLOW, IPDFRenderOption.FIT_TO_PAGE_SIZE);
+ // pdfOptions.setOption(IPDFRenderOption.PAGEBREAK_PAGINATION_ONLY,
+ // true);
+ // XXX The following is not available in Eclipse 3.3, may need
+ // Eclipse 3.4 or Eclipse 3.5
+ // pdfOptions.setOption(IPDFRenderOption.PAGE_OVERFLOW,
+ // ( Integer.valueOf( PDFRenderOption.FIT_TO_PAGE_SIZE ) |
+ // Integer.valueOf( PDFRenderOption.OUTPUT_TO_MULTIPLE_PAGES ) ) );
+ // pdfOptions.setOption(IPDFRenderOption.PAGE_OVERFLOW,
+ // ( Integer.valueOf( PDFRenderOption.FIT_TO_PAGE_SIZE ) |
+ // Integer.valueOf( PDFRenderOption.ENLARGE_PAGE_SIZE )) );
+ // pdfOptions.setOption(IPDFRenderOption.PAGE_OVERFLOW,
+ // Integer.valueOf( PDFRenderOption.OUTPUT_TO_MULTIPLE_PAGES ));
+ // XXX The following option is not available under Eclipse 3.3
+ // Solaris flavour
+ // pdfOptions.setOption(IPDFRenderOption.PDF_TEXT_WRAPPING,
+ // new Boolean(true));
+ String output = createReportName(fPDF_EXTENSION);
+ pdfOptions.setOutputFileName(output);
+ }
+ //
+ // HTMLRenderOption htmlOption = new HTMLRenderOption();
+ // String output = createReportName();
+ // htmlOption.setOutputFileName(output);
+ // htmlOption.setOutputFormat("html");
+ // Set the output file
+ IRunAndRenderTask task = aReportEngine.createRunAndRenderTask(aRunnable);
+ // task.setRenderOption(htmlOption);
+ task.setRenderOption(options);
+ // HTMLRenderContext renderContext = new HTMLRenderContext();
+ // // Apply the rendering context to the task
+ // HashMap appContext = new HashMap();
+ // appContext.put(EngineConstants.APPCONTEXT_HTML_RENDER_CONTEXT,
+ // renderContext);
+ // task.setAppContext(appContext);
+ return task;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Main method which will prepare the Data source for the report
+ *
+ */
+ private void prepareDataSource(File aFile, ModuleHandle aReportDesignHandle,
+ File aReportDir) {
+ // Remove the file extension
+ String[] sta = aFile.getName().split(fEXTENSION);
+ String name = sta[0];
+ // Verify the end of the file
+ if (name.endsWith(fCOMMENTS_END)) {
+ commentsSetup(aFile, aReportDesignHandle, aReportDir);
+ } else if (name.endsWith(fREPORT_ITEM_END)) {
+ reportItemSetup(aFile, aReportDesignHandle, aReportDir);
+ } else if (name.endsWith(fGROUP_END)) {
+ // Lets save as well the group file since it is not under
+ // any review
+ groupSetup(aFile, aReportDesignHandle);
+ } else if (name.endsWith(fREVIEW_END)) {
+ // We have the REVIEW property file
+ propertyReviewSetup(aFile, aReportDesignHandle, aReportDir);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Create the report filename which is: - path of the group review directory
+ * - r4e_ - user name creating the report - Date the report is created -
+ * file extension - ex: c:/report/R4E_Report_lmcbout_19-Jun-2008_0955.html
+ *
+ * @return report name being created
+ */
+ private String createReportName(String aExtension ) {
+ Date d = new Date();
+ String user = getLocalUser();
+ StringBuilder filename = new StringBuilder();
+ filename.append(getReportDir().getAbsolutePath());
+ filename.append(fFILE_SEPARATOR);
+ filename.append(fR4E_REPORT);
+ filename.append(fFILE_SEP);
+ filename.append(user);
+ filename.append(fFILE_SEP);
+ filename.append(fDATE_FORMAT.format(d));
+ filename.append(fEXTENSION_SEPARATOR);
+ filename.append(aExtension);
+ Activator.FTracer.traceInfo("Report Name: " + filename.toString());
+ fReportName = filename.toString();
+ return fReportName;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Prepare the setup for the comments file
+ *
+ * @param aFile
+ * @param aReportDesignHandle
+ * @param reportDir
+ */
+ private void commentsSetup(File aFile, ModuleHandle aReportDesignHandle,
+ File reportDir) {
+ Activator.FTracer.traceInfo("ReportGeneration.commentsSetup() Anomaly file: "
+ + aFile.getAbsolutePath());
+ setDataSourceFile(aFile, aReportDesignHandle, fCOMMENTS_DATA_SOURCE);
+ setAnomalyFileCreated(true);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Prepare the setup for the review item
+ *
+ * @param aFile
+ * @param aReportDesignHandle
+ * @param aReportDir
+ */
+ private void reportItemSetup(File aFile, ModuleHandle aReportDesignHandle,
+ File aReportDir) {
+ Activator.FTracer.traceInfo("ReportGeneration.reportItemSetup() Report Item file: "
+ + aFile.getAbsolutePath());
+ setDataSourceFile(aFile, aReportDesignHandle, fITEM_DATA_SOURCE);
+ setItemFileCreated(true);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Prepare the setup for the review property file
+ *
+ * @param aFile
+ * @param aReportDesignHandle
+ * @param aReportDir
+ */
+ private void propertyReviewSetup(File aFile, ModuleHandle aReportDesignHandle,
+ File aReportDir) {
+ setDataSourceFile(aFile, aReportDesignHandle, fREVIEW_DATA_SOURCE);
+ setPropertyFileCreated(true);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Prepare the setup for the group (Department) file
+ *
+ * @param aFile
+ * @param aReportDesignHandle
+ * @param aReportDir
+ */
+ private void groupSetup(File aFile, ModuleHandle aReportDesignHandle) {
+ // Set the GROUP file to the Data Source
+ setDataSourceFile(aFile, aReportDesignHandle, fGROUP_DATA_SOURCE);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Set the report Item file as a new Data source file
+ *
+ * @param aFile
+ * @param aReportDesignHandle
+ */
+ private void setDataSourceFile(File aFile, ModuleHandle aReportDesignHandle,
+ String data_source) {
+ DataSourceHandle dso = aReportDesignHandle.findDataSource(data_source);
+ // Test if we found or not the appropriate data source
+ if (dso == null) {
+ Activator.FTracer.traceInfo
+ ("ReportGeneration.setDataSourceFile() DataSourceHandle is NULL");
+ } else {
+ Activator.FTracer.traceInfo
+ ("ReportGeneration.setDataSourceFile() DataSourceHandle : "
+ + dso.getFullName()
+ + "\n\t XPath: "
+ + dso.getXPath()
+ + "\n\t module: "
+ + dso.getModule().getFileName()
+ + "\n\t BeforeOpen: "
+ + dso.getElement().toString()
+ + "\n\t ElementFactory: "
+ + dso.getElementFactory().toString());
+ try {
+ Activator.FTracer.traceInfo
+ ("ReportGeneration.setDataSourceFile() DSO before open OK ");
+ // Set the new file name for the data source
+ dso.setProperty("FILELIST", aFile.getAbsolutePath());
+ } catch (SemanticException e) {
+ e.printStackTrace();
+ Activator.FTracer.traceInfo
+ ("ReportGeneration.setDataSourceFile() DSO before open EXCEPTION: "
+ + e);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /** ********************************* */
+ /* */
+ /* */
+ /** ********************************* */
+ /**
+ * Method used to create the temporary directory holding the files to
+ * generate the report
+ *
+ * @param aReportDir
+ * Directory from which we refer to define the destination report
+ * directory
+ * @param aDirSt
+ *
+ * @return directory File
+ */
+ private File createReportDir(File aReportDir, String aDirSt) {
+ // File parent = new File(reportDir.getAbsoluteFile().toString()
+ File parent = new File(aReportDir.getAbsoluteFile().toString()
+ + fFILE_SEPARATOR + aDirSt);
+ if (parent.exists()) {
+// Activator.FTracer.traceInfo
+// ("ReportGeneration.createReportDir() Directory exists already.");
+ } else {
+ // 1) Create directory
+ if (parent.mkdir()) {
+// Activator.FTracer.traceInfo("ReportGeneration.createReportDir() Directory "
+// + parent.getAbsolutePath() + " created.");
+ // Set the report directory permission
+ //ReviewHeader.setFilePermission(parent.getAbsolutePath());
+ //setFilePermission (parent.getAbsolutePath());
+ } else {
+ Activator.FTracer.traceInfo("ReportGeneration.createReportDir() ERROR");
+ return null;
+ }
+ }
+ return parent;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Clean the report directory from old data used to generate the last report
+ *
+ * @param aReportDir
+ * report temporary directory
+ */
+ private void cleanReportDirectory(File aReportDir) {
+ // Verify if the directory exist
+ if (aReportDir != null) {
+ Activator.FTracer.traceInfo("ReportGeneration.cleanReportDirectory(): "
+ + aReportDir.getAbsolutePath());
+ if (aReportDir.exists()) {
+ Activator.FTracer.traceInfo
+ ("ReportGeneration.cleanReportDirectory() Directory exists already.");
+ Boolean b;
+ for (File f : aReportDir.listFiles()) {
+ b = f.delete();
+ Activator.FTracer.traceInfo
+ ("ReportGeneration.cleanReportDirectory() Files to delete: "
+ + f + "\t deleted: " + b);
+ }
+ b = aReportDir.delete();
+ Activator.FTracer.traceInfo
+ ("ReportGeneration.cleanReportDirectory() removing Directory: "
+ + aReportDir + "\t : " + b);
+ } else {
+ Activator.FTracer.traceInfo
+ ("ReportGeneration.cleanReportDirectory() Directory "
+ + aReportDir.getAbsolutePath()
+ + " DO not exist.");
+ }
+ }
+ // Reset the file verifying the temporary reporting file creation
+ resetReportingFileCreated();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Build a directory to maintain the report If the directory already exist,
+ * no creation occurs
+ *
+ * @param aRootDir
+ * directory for the current review
+ */
+ private Boolean BuildReportDir(File aRootDir) {
+ Boolean ok = true;
+ File parentDir = aRootDir.getParentFile();
+// Activator.FTracer.traceInfo
+// ("ReportGeneration.BuildReportDir() Parent report Directory: "
+// + parentDir);
+ fReportDir = createReportDir(parentDir, fPROJECT_REPORT_DIR);
+ // Verify if we can write the report in this directory
+ Boolean b = verifyWritePermission(fReportDir);
+ // If not allowed, offer the user to select a new directory
+ if (!b) {
+ // Need to create a new path to save the report
+ fReportDir = createSaveDirectory(fReportDir);
+ Boolean bo = verifyWritePermission(fReportDir);
+ // If the user select another directory not allowed, just put a
+ // pop-up now
+ if (!bo) {
+ ok = false; // Permission denied
+ }
+ }
+ return ok;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Verify if the selected directory allows writing in it
+ *
+ * @param aDir
+ * @return Boolean
+ */
+ private Boolean verifyWritePermission(File aDir) {
+ Boolean b = true;
+ if (aDir != null) {
+ Activator.FTracer.traceInfo("ReportGeneration.verifyWritePermission() BEGIN: "
+ + aDir.getAbsolutePath());
+ String test = "test.txt";
+ StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
+ sb.append(aDir.toString());
+ sb.append(fFILE_SEPARATOR);
+ sb.append(test);
+ File f = new File(sb.toString());
+ try {
+ f.createNewFile();
+ //Activator.FTracer.traceInfo("Create a Report file is allow here");
+ } catch (IOException e) {
+ Activator.FTracer.traceInfo("Create a Report file is NOT allow: "
+ + e.getMessage());
+ b = false;
+ }
+ if (f.exists()) {
+ Boolean del;
+ del = f.delete();
+ Activator.FTracer.traceInfo("Temp file " + f.getAbsolutePath() + " deleted: "
+ + del);
+ }
+ } else {
+ // False, it is a null directory
+ b = false;
+ }
+ return b;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Create a new directory to save the report
+ *
+ * @param aReportDir
+ * @return Boolean
+ */
+ private File createSaveDirectory(final File aReportDir) {
+ final ReportDirectorySelection dirSelect = new ReportDirectorySelection(
+ fCompositeParent.getShell());
+ Runnable runnable = new Runnable() {
+ public void run() {
+ dirSelect.create();
+ if (aReportDir != null) {
+ // Set the default directory if not null
+ dirSelect.setFieldDirectory(aReportDir.getAbsolutePath());
+ }
+ // TODO We need to create a dialog to allow the end-user to
+ // enter his
+ // own directory here
+ // StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
+ // sb.append(reportDir.getParentFile().getParent());
+ // Activator.FTracer.traceInfo("New report Directory should be: " +
+ // sb.toString());
+ // File f = new File(sb.toString());
+ }
+ };
+ Display.getDefault().syncExec(runnable);
+ File fi = dirSelect.getReportDirectory();
+ if (fi != null) {
+ Activator.FTracer.traceInfo("File return from directory selection: "
+ + fi.getAbsolutePath());
+ } else {
+ Activator.FTracer.traceInfo("File return from directory selection: NULL ");
+ }
+ return fi;
+ }
+ private File getReportDir() {
+ return fReportDir;
+ }
+ private String getReportName() {
+ return fReportName;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Method notifying the user the generation of the report is completed, and
+ * open the report in the workbench editor
+ */
+ private void displayReport() {
+ Runnable runnable = new Runnable() {
+ public void run() {
+ String msg = " The following report has been generated: \n"
+ + getReportName();
+, msg);
+ // To open in the workspace file editor
+ openFile();
+ }
+ };
+ Display.getDefault().asyncExec(runnable);
+ }
+ //
+ // Adjusted to the report file handling
+ //
+ private void openFile() {
+ String filename = getReportName();
+ Activator.FTracer.traceInfo("ReportGeneration.openFile() " + filename);
+ IWorkbench workbench = Activator.getDefault().getWorkbench();
+ IWorkbenchWindow window = workbench.getActiveWorkbenchWindow();
+ IFileStore fileStore = EFS.getLocalFileSystem().getStore(
+ new Path(filename));
+ IWorkbenchPage page = workbench.getActiveWorkbenchWindow()
+ .getActivePage();
+ // fileStore = fileStore.getChild("a file name);
+ Activator.FTracer.traceInfo("ReportGeneration.openFile() " + fileStore.getName()
+ + " Directory=" + fileStore.fetchInfo().isDirectory()
+ + " Exist=" + fileStore.fetchInfo().exists());
+ if (fileStore.fetchInfo().isDirectory()) {
+ Activator.FTracer.traceInfo
+ ("ReportGeneration.openFile() File is a directory or does not exist. "
+ + fileStore.getName());
+ } else {
+ if (fileStore.fetchInfo().exists()) {
+ Activator.FTracer.traceInfo("ReportGeneration.openFile() File ( "
+ + fileStore.getName() + " ) exist, just handle it now");
+ }
+ }
+ if (!fileStore.fetchInfo().isDirectory()
+ && fileStore.fetchInfo().exists()) {
+ String editorId = getEditorId(fileStore);
+ try {
+ // Test the current active editor
+ IEditorPart fep = page.getActiveEditor();
+ // Create the new file to display in the eclipse editor
+ IEditorInput input = new FileStoreEditorInput(fileStore);
+ if (fep != null) {
+ String strConvert = fep.getTitleToolTip()
+ .replace("\\", "/");
+ Activator.FTracer.traceInfo("ReportGeneration.openFile() find "
+ + "editorpart return: " + fep.toString()
+ + "\n\t tooltip value: " + fep.getTitleToolTip()
+ + "\n\t FileName: " + filename
+ + "\n\t tooltip string converted: " + strConvert);
+ // If the editor already display the file
+ if (filename.equals(strConvert)) {
+ Activator.FTracer.traceInfo
+ ("ReportGeneration.OpenFile() current editor already display the file: "
+ + fep.getTitleToolTip());
+ } else {
+ Activator.FTracer.traceInfo
+ ("ReportGeneration.openFile() need refresh to the right file: "
+ + filename);
+ // Need to change the editor part
+ fep = page.openEditor(input, editorId);
+ }
+ } else {
+ Activator.FTracer.traceInfo
+ ("ReportGeneration.openFile() find editorpart return NULL");
+ // Need to change the editor part
+ // input cannot be null here
+ fep = page.openEditor(input, editorId);
+ }
+ } catch (PartInitException e) {
+ String str = R4EReportString.getString("messageError1");
+ Activator.getDefault().logError(str,e);
+ String msg = str +" : "+ fileStore.getName();
+ MessageDialog.openError(window.getShell(), str, msg);
+ }
+ } else {
+ Activator.FTracer.traceInfo
+ ("ReportGeneration.openFile() File is a directory or does not exist. "
+ + fileStore.getName());
+ }
+ }
+ //
+ // Method borrowed from
+ // Adjusted to the report file handling
+ //
+ private String getEditorId(IFileStore aFileStore) {
+ IWorkbench workbench = Activator.getDefault().getWorkbench();
+ IEditorRegistry editorRegistry = workbench.getEditorRegistry();
+ IEditorDescriptor descriptor = editorRegistry.getDefaultEditor(aFileStore
+ .getName(), null);
+ // check the OS for in-place editor (OLE on Win32)
+ if (descriptor == null
+ && editorRegistry
+ .isSystemInPlaceEditorAvailable(aFileStore.getName())) {
+ Activator.FTracer.traceInfo
+ ("ReportGeneration.getEditorId() SYSTEM_INPLACE_EDITOR_ID");
+ descriptor = editorRegistry
+ .findEditor(IEditorRegistry.SYSTEM_INPLACE_EDITOR_ID);
+ }
+ // check the OS for external editor
+ if (descriptor == null
+ && editorRegistry.isSystemExternalEditorAvailable(aFileStore
+ .getName())) {
+ descriptor = editorRegistry
+ .findEditor(IEditorRegistry.SYSTEM_EXTERNAL_EDITOR_ID);
+ }
+ if (descriptor != null) {
+ Activator.FTracer.traceInfo("ReportGeneration.getEditorId() editor id "
+ + descriptor.getId() + " " + descriptor.getLabel());
+ return descriptor.getId();
+ }
+ Activator.FTracer.traceInfo("ReportGeneration.getEditorId() DEFAULT_TEXT_EDITOR_ID");
+ }
+ // ////////////////////////
+ /**
+ * Prepare the R4E report
+ *
+ * @param aRootDir
+ * File current directory for the review files
+ */
+ private void prepareMultiReport(File aRootDir) {
+ File workingDir = null;
+ File origWorkingDir = aRootDir.getParentFile();
+ IReportEngine engine = null;
+ Activator.FTracer.traceInfo
+ ("ReportGeneration.prepareMultiReport() Parent report Directory: "
+ + workingDir);
+ // Build the report directory
+ Boolean ok = BuildReportDir(aRootDir);
+ // Verify if we can proceed to generate a report
+ if (!ok) {
+ cleanAndNotify(workingDir, aRootDir);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (origWorkingDir == null) {
+ String message = " Could not create the report directory";
+ Popup.error(null, message);
+ return;
+ }
+ IReportRunnable runnable = null;
+ // Create an Engine Config object
+ EngineConfig config = new EngineConfig();
+ // Set up the location and level of logging output.
+ config = createBirtDebug(config);
+ // //Get the selected review Name
+ File[] selectedReview = getReviewListSelection();
+ int nbReview = selectedReview.length;
+ // Set the progress bar limits
+ InitProgressBar(nbReview);
+ engine = new ReportEngine(config);
+ for (int countReview = 0; countReview < nbReview; countReview++) {
+ // Adjust the progress bar
+ notifyProgress(countReview);
+ // Build a unique string for the temporary working directory
+ Date d = new Date();
+ long ti = d.getTime();
+ String stDate = StringConverter.asString(ti);
+ StringBuilder workingStr = new StringBuilder();
+ workingStr.append(fPROJECT_WORKING_DIR);
+ workingStr.append(fFILE_SEP);
+ workingStr.append(stDate);
+ // Create a temporary directory to maintain the report data
+ workingDir = createReportDir(origWorkingDir, workingStr.toString());
+ setDesignReportTemplate();
+ try {
+ runnable = engine.openReportDesign(getDesignReportTemplate());
+ Activator.FTracer.traceInfo
+ ("ReportGeneration.prepareReport()Engine getconfig: "
+ + engine.getConfig()
+ + "\n\t author:"
+ + runnable.getProperty(IReportRunnable.AUTHOR));
+ ModuleHandle reportDesignHandle = runnable.getDesignHandle()
+ .getModuleHandle();
+ // *************************************
+ //Build the file needed for the report
+ File[] selRev = new File[1];
+ selRev[0] = selectedReview[countReview];
+ ReviewGroupRes destGroup = prepareReportSourceFiles (workingDir, selRev);
+ File[] destFile = workingDir.listFiles();
+ //Should get the Group here
+ for (int count = 0; count < destFile.length; count++) {
+ Activator.FTracer.traceInfo("List reportFile: " +
+ destFile[count].getName());
+ if (destFile[count].isFile()) {
+ //Register the Group file for the report
+ prepareDataSource(destFile[count], reportDesignHandle, workingDir);
+ }
+ File [] revFile = destFile[count].listFiles();
+ for (int i = 0; revFile != null && i < revFile.length; i++) {
+ //Now we should have one file for each Data Source
+ // Set the data source for the report
+ prepareDataSource(revFile[i], reportDesignHandle, workingDir);
+ }
+ }
+// // Test if we have all data to set a new report object
+// // Need to create at least one instance of the file
+// Boolean b = isAllReportingFileCreated(reportDesignHandle,
+// workingDir);
+// if (!b) {
+// // There is no Property file in this case
+// Popup.warningRunnable(null, R4EReportString.getFormattedString(
+// "reportWarning.noPropertyFile",
+// selectedReview[countReview].getName()));
+// } else {
+ // Prepare the report output
+ // Decide here if we generate HTML or PDF format report
+ IRunAndRenderTask renderTask = prepareOutputFile(runnable,
+ engine, fOutputFormat);
+ // Execute the preparation of the report
+// }
+ // Clean the directory maintaining the data used for the report
+ // after the report is generated
+ cleanReportDirectory(workingDir);
+ } catch (EngineException e) {
+ String str = R4EReportString.getString("messageError2");
+ Activator.getDefault().logError(str,e);
+ Activator.FTracer.traceInfo
+ ("ReportGeneration.prepareReport() Generate EngineException : "
+ + e);
+ } catch (ResourceHandlingException e) {
+ e.printStackTrace();
+ Activator.FTracer.traceInfo
+ ("ReportGeneration.prepareReport() ResourceHandlingException : "
+ + e);
+ }
+ }
+ // Remove the progress bar
+ notifyProgressComplete();
+ // Pop-up the last report file
+ displayReport();
+ // Need to destroy the engine
+ engine.destroy();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Init the progress bar for the multiple review generation
+ *
+ * @param aNum
+ */
+ private void InitProgressBar(final int aNum) {
+// Display.getDefault().syncExec(new Runnable() {
+// public void run() {
+// if (fReviewNameTableModel != null
+// && !(fReviewNameTableModel.isDisposed())) {
+// fReviewNameTableModel.setprogressLimit(aNum);
+// }
+// }
+// });
+ // if (reviewNameTableModel != null) {
+ // reviewNameTableModel.setprogressLimit(nb);
+ // }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Close the progress bar after generating the list of reports
+ */
+ private void notifyProgressComplete() {
+// Display.getDefault().asyncExec(new Runnable() {
+// public void run() {
+// if (fReviewNameTableModel != null
+// && !(fReviewNameTableModel.isDisposed())) {
+// // Adjust the column width
+// fReviewNameTableModel.adjustColumnWidth();
+// fReviewNameTableModel.setProgressComplete();
+// }
+// }
+// });
+ }
+ /**
+ * Adjust the progress bar when we generates a list of report
+ *
+ * @param aCountReview
+ * int
+ */
+ private void notifyProgress(final int aCountReview) {
+// Display.getDefault().asyncExec(new Runnable() {
+// public void run() {
+// if (fReviewNameTableModel != null
+// && !(fReviewNameTableModel.isDisposed())) {
+// fReviewNameTableModel.progressDisplay(aCountReview);
+// }
+// }
+// });
+ }
+ /**
+ * Read the current user
+ * @return String
+ */
+ private String getLocalUser() {
+ String localUser = new String(System.getProperty(""));
+ return localUser.toLowerCase();
+ }
+ //For Progress BAR if needed later
+// public void setReviewNameTableModel(final ReviewNameTableModel aRevNameTable) {
+// fReviewNameTableModel = aRevNameTable;
+// }
+ /**
+ * @param args
+ */
+ public static void main(String[] args) {
+ // TODO Auto-generated method stub
+// String[] strReviews = {"C:\\temp\\openTest\\Formal-3"};
+ String[] strReviews = {"C:/temp/openTest/Formal-3"};
+ File[] listSelectReviews = new File[strReviews.length];
+ for (int i = 0; i < strReviews.length;i++) {
+ //Create a file out of the reviews name string
+ listSelectReviews[i] = new File(strReviews[i]);
+ }
+// String groupFile = "C:\\temp\\openTest\\Various_group_root.xrer";
+ String groupFile = "C:/temp/openTest/Various_group_root.xrer";
+// String groupFile = "C:/temp/openStorage/TestWindowOpen_group_root.xrer";
+ ReportGeneration reportGen = new ReportGeneration();
+ reportGen.setReviewListSelection(listSelectReviews);
+ reportGen.setReportType(reportGen.fGLOBAL_REPORT_TYPE);
+ reportGen.setOuputFormat(reportGen.fHTML_EXTENSION);
+ reportGen.handleReportGeneration(groupFile);
+ }
+} \ No newline at end of file

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