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AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2019-07-04Bug 544568 - Add org.eclipse.jface.tests to daily buildAlexander Kurtakov1-33/+0
2018-08-21Bug 535802 - EPL-2.0 for eclipse.platform.ui for test plug-insI20180822-0800Lars Vogel1-3/+6
2014-11-04Bug 449736 - [Tests] Solve whitespace issues in org.eclipse.ui.testsLars Vogel1-1/+2
2014-05-23Bug 433608 - Clean JFace Unit tests in preparation for GSocJeanderson Candido1-9/+11
2007-03-16Updated copyrightsKim Horne1-1/+1
2006-05-08fixed copyrightsKarice McIntyre1-1/+1
2005-02-25Copyright update. Dates changed. Changed from the CPL to the EPL.Douglas Pollock1-6/+6
2004-07-08All source code formatted using Java Coding Conventions, and imports organize...Douglas Pollock1-9/+10
2003-03-11Fixed CVS propertiesTod Creasey1-26/+26
2003-03-10Fix copyrights - automated changesDean Roberts1-5/+10
2002-11-12Organized importsNick Edgar1-1/+2
2001-10-09Brought over from VA/JavaNick Edgar1-0/+20

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