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AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2011-09-28Fixed .gitignoreDani Megert1-1/+0
2011-03-24Fixed lost aboutToReconcile().v20110329-0800Dani Megert1-3/+23
2010-08-02version 3.7.0v20100802-1800Markus Keller1-1/+1
2010-06-29version 3.6.100Markus Keller1-1/+1
2010-06-14Moving forward to 3.7 and updated copyright date.Dani Megert1-2/+2
2009-11-26Updated bundle version.Dani Megert1-1/+1
2009-11-26*** empty log message ***Dani Megert1-1/+1
2009-11-25remove upper bound of org.junit dependency forMarkus Keller1-1/+1
2009-01-08Never join lines in code.Dani Megert1-0/+2
2008-12-31copyright updatesDani Megert12-12/+12
2008-11-28New compiler settings.Dani Megert1-3/+4
2008-11-19Updated required bundle versions.Dani Megert1-4/+4
2008-11-19Added missing Javadoc.Dani Megert5-41/+76
2008-10-07Set not strictly matching JRE problem severity to 'error'.Dani Megert1-0/+3
2008-09-11Removed trailing whitespace and organized the importsv20080909-ascuDani Megert18-331/+332
2008-09-03Don't format block comments.Dani Megert1-1/+1
2008-08-29Adopt new jface.text version.Dani Megert1-1/+1
2008-08-26Warn about missing description for all standard tags.Dani Megert1-0/+1
2008-08-08ignore non-nls'd strings and discouraged referencesMarkus Keller1-3/+5
2008-07-16Don't warn when using deprecated stuff inside Javadoc.Dani Megert1-1/+1
2008-07-15New Organize Import preferences (part 2).Dani Megert1-1/+1
2008-07-15New shared settings.Dani Megert2-11/+307
2008-07-15New Organize Import preferences.Dani Megert1-1/+5
2008-01-10Fixed bug 214770: [implementation] Errors with getColumn() in RuleBasedScanne...Dani Megert2-3/+73
2007-12-18Fixed bug 197768: [reconciling] Bug with reconcilers that has no progress mo...v20071218-0800Dani Megert1-6/+1
2007-11-23Fixed leak.Dani Megert1-11/+13
2007-11-22Fixed bug 209921: [implementation] UndoableTextChange.canUndo() returns wrong...Dani Megert1-5/+99
2007-11-02Set fields to null on tearDown().Dani Megert1-15/+19
2007-07-25Adjusted version number of org.eclipse.jface.text to 3.4.0.Dani Megert1-1/+1
2007-06-29Converted to use Megert3-27/+23
2007-05-29Updated copyright date.v20070530-0010Dani Megert1-1/+1
2007-03-15Adjusted launch config.Dani Megert1-0/+1
2007-03-01Fixed bug 175712: [misc] PatternRule doesn't unread chars correctly if rule f...Dani Megert1-11/+82
2007-02-28Converted launch configs.Dani Megert1-0/+6
2007-02-27*** empty log message ***Dani Megert1-2/+2
2007-01-30Use project settings for PDE compiler.Dani Megert1-0/+15
2006-11-21Fixed bug 144355: [syntax highlighting] case insensitive WordRuleDani Megert1-0/+72
2006-11-10Moved test into right project.Dani Megert2-278/+0
2006-11-02Fixed bug 163116: [implementation] Potential for infinite loop in WordRuleDani Megert2-4/+63
2006-09-22Fixed bug: 157461: [implementation] Put all html rendering related classes in...Dani Megert2-4/+101
2006-09-07Fixed bug 156426: [navigation] Sometimes braces matching not working in EclipseDani Megert1-0/+9
2006-08-28Fixed bug 149520: [misc] Provide a character matching ICharacterPairMatcherDani Megert3-0/+354
2006-06-22FormattingDani Megert1-1/+1
2006-06-05New about.html files.I20060605-1430Dani Megert1-2/+2
2006-05-11Added newer version of EPL about.htmlDani Megert1-10/+14
2006-05-09updated about.htmlDani Megert1-15/+17
2006-04-19Update prefs.Dani Megert1-65/+66
2006-04-19Use execution environment.Dani Megert2-1/+4
2006-04-13[mkeller] remove Execution Environments to become independent ofDani Megert1-1/+1
2006-04-06Specified 1.4 execution environment.Dani Megert1-1/+1

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