/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2000, 2004 IBM Corporation and others. * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Common Public License v1.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/cpl-v10.html * * Contributors: * IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation *******************************************************************************/ package org.eclipse.compare; import java.util.HashMap; import org.eclipse.swt.graphics.*; import org.eclipse.jface.resource.ImageDescriptor; import org.eclipse.jface.util.*; import org.eclipse.jface.preference.IPreferenceStore; import org.eclipse.compare.internal.*; import org.eclipse.compare.structuremergeviewer.Differencer; /** * A CompareConfiguration object * controls various UI aspects of compare/merge viewers like * title labels and images, or whether a side of a merge viewer is editable. * In addition to these fixed properties ICompareConfiguration provides * API for an open ended set of properties. Different viewers which share the same * configuration can communicate via this mechanism. E.g. if a compare editor * has a button for controlling whether compare viewers ignore white space, * the button would trigger a change of the boolean IGNORE_WHITESPACE property * and all interested viewers would receive notification. *

* Suitable default labels are provided (without images); both the left and right sides * are editable. *


* Clients may use this class as is, or subclass to add new state and behavior. *

*/ public class CompareConfiguration { /** * Name of the ignore whitespace property (value "IGNORE_WHITESPACE"). */ public static final String IGNORE_WHITESPACE= "IGNORE_WHITESPACE"; //$NON-NLS-1$ /** * Name of the show pseudo conflicts property (value "SHOW_PSEUDO_CONFLICTS"). */ public static final String SHOW_PSEUDO_CONFLICTS= "SHOW_PSEUDO_CONFLICTS"; //$NON-NLS-1$ /** * Name of the use outline view property (value "USE_OUTLINE_VIEW"). * @since 3.0 */ public static final String USE_OUTLINE_VIEW= "USE_OUTLINE_VIEW"; //$NON-NLS-1$ private static final int WIDTH= 22; private static ImageDescriptor[] fgImages= new ImageDescriptor[16]; private static Object fgDummy= new Object(); private static HashMap fgMap= new HashMap(20); private static boolean fLeftIsLocal= true; static { if (fLeftIsLocal) { fgImages[Differencer.ADDITION]= CompareUIPlugin.getImageDescriptor("ovr16/del_ov.gif"); //$NON-NLS-1$ fgImages[Differencer.LEFT + Differencer.ADDITION]= CompareUIPlugin.getImageDescriptor("ovr16/r_inadd_ov.gif"); //$NON-NLS-1$ fgImages[Differencer.RIGHT + Differencer.ADDITION]= CompareUIPlugin.getImageDescriptor("ovr16/r_outadd_ov.gif"); //$NON-NLS-1$ fgImages[Differencer.DELETION]= CompareUIPlugin.getImageDescriptor("ovr16/add_ov.gif"); //$NON-NLS-1$ fgImages[Differencer.LEFT + Differencer.DELETION]= CompareUIPlugin.getImageDescriptor("ovr16/r_indel_ov.gif"); //$NON-NLS-1$ fgImages[Differencer.RIGHT + Differencer.DELETION]= CompareUIPlugin.getImageDescriptor("ovr16/r_outdel_ov.gif"); //$NON-NLS-1$ fgImages[Differencer.LEFT + Differencer.CHANGE]= CompareUIPlugin.getImageDescriptor("ovr16/r_inchg_ov.gif"); //$NON-NLS-1$ fgImages[Differencer.RIGHT + Differencer.CHANGE]= CompareUIPlugin.getImageDescriptor("ovr16/r_outchg_ov.gif"); //$NON-NLS-1$ } else { fgImages[Differencer.ADDITION]= CompareUIPlugin.getImageDescriptor("ovr16/add_ov.gif"); //$NON-NLS-1$ fgImages[Differencer.LEFT + Differencer.ADDITION]= CompareUIPlugin.getImageDescriptor("ovr16/inadd_ov.gif"); //$NON-NLS-1$ fgImages[Differencer.RIGHT + Differencer.ADDITION]= CompareUIPlugin.getImageDescriptor("ovr16/outadd_ov.gif"); //$NON-NLS-1$ fgImages[Differencer.DELETION]= CompareUIPlugin.getImageDescriptor("ovr16/del_ov.gif"); //$NON-NLS-1$ fgImages[Differencer.LEFT + Differencer.DELETION]= CompareUIPlugin.getImageDescriptor("ovr16/indel_ov.gif"); //$NON-NLS-1$ fgImages[Differencer.RIGHT + Differencer.DELETION]= CompareUIPlugin.getImageDescriptor("ovr16/outdel_ov.gif"); //$NON-NLS-1$ fgImages[Differencer.LEFT + Differencer.CHANGE]= CompareUIPlugin.getImageDescriptor("ovr16/inchg_ov.gif"); //$NON-NLS-1$ fgImages[Differencer.RIGHT + Differencer.CHANGE]= CompareUIPlugin.getImageDescriptor("ovr16/outchg_ov.gif"); //$NON-NLS-1$ } fgImages[Differencer.CONFLICTING + Differencer.ADDITION]= CompareUIPlugin.getImageDescriptor("ovr16/confadd_ov.gif"); //$NON-NLS-1$ fgImages[Differencer.CONFLICTING + Differencer.DELETION]= CompareUIPlugin.getImageDescriptor("ovr16/confdel_ov.gif"); //$NON-NLS-1$ fgImages[Differencer.CONFLICTING + Differencer.CHANGE]= CompareUIPlugin.getImageDescriptor("ovr16/confchg_ov.gif"); //$NON-NLS-1$ } private IPreferenceStore fPreferenceStore; private ListenerList fListeners= new ListenerList(); private HashMap fProperties= new HashMap(); private boolean fLeftEditable= true; private boolean fRightEditable= true; private String fAncestorLabel; private String fLeftLabel; private String fRightLabel; private Image fAncestorImage; private Image fRightImage; private Image fLeftImage; private Image[] fImages= new Image[16]; /** * Creates a new configuration with editable left and right sides, * suitable default labels, and no images. * The given preference store is used to connect this configuration * with the Compare preference page properties ComparePreferencePage.INITIALLY_SHOW_ANCESTOR_PANE, * and CompareConfiguration.IGNORE_WHITESPACE. * * @param prefStore the preference store which this configuration holds onto. * @since 2.0 */ public CompareConfiguration(IPreferenceStore prefStore) { setProperty("LEFT_IS_LOCAL", new Boolean(fLeftIsLocal)); //$NON-NLS-1$ fPreferenceStore= prefStore; if (fPreferenceStore != null) { boolean b= fPreferenceStore.getBoolean(ComparePreferencePage.INITIALLY_SHOW_ANCESTOR_PANE); setProperty(ComparePreferencePage.INITIALLY_SHOW_ANCESTOR_PANE, new Boolean(b)); b= fPreferenceStore.getBoolean(ComparePreferencePage.IGNORE_WHITESPACE); setProperty(CompareConfiguration.IGNORE_WHITESPACE, new Boolean(b)); } } /** * Creates a new configuration with editable left and right sides, * suitable default labels, and no images. * This configuration uses the preference store of the Compare plugin * (CompareUIPlugin.getDefault().getPreferenceStore()). */ public CompareConfiguration() { this(CompareUIPlugin.getDefault().getPreferenceStore()); } /** * Returns the preference store of this configuration. * @return the preference store of this configuration. * @since 2.0 */ public IPreferenceStore getPreferenceStore() { return fPreferenceStore; } /** * Returns an image showing the specified change kind. * The different kind of changes are defined in the Differencer. * Newly created images are remembered by this class and * disposed when the dispose method is called. * * @param kind the kind of change as defined in Differencer. * @return an modification of the base image reflecting the kind of change. * @see org.eclipse.compare.structuremergeviewer.Differencer * @since 2.0 */ public Image getImage(int kind) { Image image= fImages[kind & 15]; if (image == null) { ImageDescriptor id= fgImages[kind & 15]; if (id != null) image= id.createImage(); fImages[kind & 15]= image; } return image; } /** * Returns an image showing the specified change kind applied to a * given base image. The different kind of changes are defined in the Differencer. * Typically an implementation would build a composite image * from the given base image and an image representing the change kind. * Newly created images are remembered by this class and * disposed when the dispose method is called. * * @param base the image which is modified to reflect the kind of change * @param kind the kind of change as defined in Differencer. * @return an modification of the base image reflecting the kind of change. * @see org.eclipse.compare.structuremergeviewer.Differencer */ public Image getImage(Image base, int kind) { Object key= base; if (key == null) key= fgDummy; kind &= 15; Image[] a= (Image[]) fgMap.get(key); if (a == null) { a= new Image[16]; fgMap.put(key, a); } Image b= a[kind]; if (b == null) { b= new DiffImage(base, fgImages[kind], WIDTH, !fLeftIsLocal).createImage(); CompareUI.disposeOnShutdown(b); a[kind]= b; } return b; } /** * Dispose of this compare configuration. * This method is called if the compare configuration is no longer used. * An implementation must dispose of all resources. */ public void dispose() { if (fImages != null) { for (int i= 0; i < fImages.length; i++){ Image image= fImages[i]; if (image != null && !image.isDisposed()) image.dispose(); } } fImages= null; } /** * Fires a PropertyChangeEvent to registered listeners. * * @param propertyName the name of the property that has changed * @param oldValue the property's old value * @param newValue the property's new value */ private void fireChange(String propertyName, Object oldValue, Object newValue) { PropertyChangeEvent event= null; Object[] listeners= fListeners.getListeners(); if (listeners != null) { for (int i= 0; i < listeners.length; i++) { IPropertyChangeListener l= (IPropertyChangeListener) listeners[i]; if (event == null) event= new PropertyChangeEvent(this, propertyName, oldValue, newValue); l.propertyChange(event); } } } /* (non javadoc) * see IPropertyChangeNotifier.addListener */ public void addPropertyChangeListener(IPropertyChangeListener listener) { fListeners.add(listener); } /* (non javadoc) * see IPropertyChangeNotifier.removeListener */ public void removePropertyChangeListener(IPropertyChangeListener listener) { fListeners.remove(listener); } /** * Sets the property with the given name. * If the new value differs from the old a PropertyChangeEvent * is sent to registered listeners. * * @param propertyName the name of the property to set * @param value the new value of the property */ public void setProperty(String key, Object newValue) { Object oldValue= fProperties.get(key); fProperties.put(key, newValue); if (oldValue == null || !oldValue.equals(newValue)) fireChange(key, oldValue, newValue); } /** * Returns the property with the given name, or null * if no such property exists. * * @param propertyName the name of the property to retrieve * @return the property with the given name, or null if not found */ public Object getProperty(String key) { return fProperties.get(key); } //---- ancestor /** * Sets the label to use for the ancestor of compare/merge viewers. * * @param label the new label for the ancestor of compare/merge viewers */ public void setAncestorLabel(String label) { fAncestorLabel= label; } /** * Returns the label for the ancestor side of compare/merge viewers. * This label is typically shown in the title of the ancestor area in a compare viewer. * * @param element the input object of a compare/merge viewer or null * @return the label for the ancestor side or null */ public String getAncestorLabel(Object element) { return fAncestorLabel; } /** * Sets the image to use for the ancestor of compare/merge viewers. * The CompareConfiguration does not automatically dispose the old image. * * @param image the new image for the ancestor of compare/merge viewers */ public void setAncestorImage(Image image) { fAncestorImage= image; } /** * Returns the image for the ancestor side of compare/merge viewers. * This image is typically shown in the title of the ancestor area in a compare viewer. * * @param element the input object of a compare/merge viewer or null * @return the image for the ancestor side or null */ public Image getAncestorImage(Object element) { return fAncestorImage; } //---- left side /** * Controls whether the left side of a merge viewer is editable. * * @param editable if the value is true left side is editable */ public void setLeftEditable(boolean editable) { fLeftEditable= editable; } /** * Returns whether the left hand side of a merge viewer is editable. * * @return true if the left hand side is editable */ public boolean isLeftEditable() { return fLeftEditable; } /** * Sets the label to use for the left side of compare/merge viewers. * * @param label the new label for the left side of compare/merge viewers */ public void setLeftLabel(String label) { fLeftLabel= label; } /** * Returns the label for the left hand side of compare/merge viewers. * This label is typically shown in the title of the left side of a compare viewer. * * @param element the input object of a compare/merge viewer or null * @return the label for the left hand side or null */ public String getLeftLabel(Object element) { return fLeftLabel; } /** * Sets the image to use for the left side of compare/merge viewers. * The compare configuration does not automatically dispose the old image. * * @param image the new image for the left side of compare/merge viewers */ public void setLeftImage(Image image) { fLeftImage= image; } /** * Returns the image for the left hand side of compare/merge viewers. * This image is typically shown in the title of the left side of a compare viewer. * * @param element the input object of a compare/merge viewer or null * @return the image for the left hand side or null */ public Image getLeftImage(Object element) { return fLeftImage; } //---- right side /** * Controls whether the right side of a merge viewer is editable. * * @param editable if the value is true right side is editable */ public void setRightEditable(boolean editable) { fRightEditable= editable; } /** * Returns whether the right hand side of a merge viewer is editable. * * @return true if the right hand side is editable */ public boolean isRightEditable() { return fRightEditable; } /** * Sets the label to use for the right side of compare/merge viewers. * * @param label the new label for the right side of compare/merge viewers */ public void setRightLabel(String label) { fRightLabel= label; } /** * Returns the label for the right hand side of compare/merge viewers. * This label is typically shown in the title of the right side of a compare viewer. * * @param element the input object of a compare/merge viewer or null * @return the label for the right hand side or null */ public String getRightLabel(Object element) { return fRightLabel; } /** * Sets the image to use for the right side of compare/merge viewers. * The compare configuration does not automatically dispose the old image. * * @param image the new image for the right side of compare/merge viewers */ public void setRightImage(Image image) { fRightImage= image; } /** * Returns the image for the right hand side of compare/merge viewers. * This image is typically shown in the title of the right side of a compare viewer. * * @param element the input object of a compare/merge viewer or null * @return the image for the right hand side or null */ public Image getRightImage(Object element) { return fRightImage; } }