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Diffstat (limited to 'tests/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 911 deletions
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
deleted file mode 100644
index 81722a202..000000000
--- a/tests/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,911 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2003 IBM Corporation and others.
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Common Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- * IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
- *******************************************************************************/
-import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
-import java.util.*;
-import junit.framework.*;
-import org.eclipse.core.resources.*;
-import org.eclipse.core.runtime.*;
-import org.eclipse.core.tests.harness.EclipseWorkspaceTest;
-import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display;
-public class EclipseTest extends EclipseWorkspaceTest {
- protected static IProgressMonitor DEFAULT_MONITOR = new NullProgressMonitor();
- protected static final int RANDOM_CONTENT_SIZE = 3876;
- protected static String eol = System.getProperty("line.separator");
- public static Test suite(Class c) {
- String testName = System.getProperty("eclipse.cvs.testName");
- if (testName == null) {
- TestSuite suite = new TestSuite(c);
- return new CVSTestSetup(suite);
- } else {
- try {
- return new CVSTestSetup((Test)c.getConstructor(new Class[] { String.class }).newInstance(new Object[] {testName}));
- } catch (Exception e) {
- fail(e.getMessage());
- // Above will throw so below is never actually reached
- return null;
- }
- }
- }
- public EclipseTest() {
- super();
- if (eol == null) eol = "\n";
- }
- public EclipseTest(String name) {
- super(name);
- if (eol == null) eol = "\n";
- }
- /*
- * Get the resources for the given resource names
- */
- public IResource[] getResources(IContainer container, String[] hierarchy) throws CoreException {
- IResource[] resources = new IResource[hierarchy.length];
- for (int i=0;i<resources.length;i++) {
- resources[i] = container.findMember(hierarchy[i]);
- if (resources[i] == null) {
- resources[i] = buildResources(container, new String[] {hierarchy[i]})[0];
- }
- }
- return resources;
- }
- /**
- * Add the resources to an existing container and upload them to CVS
- */
- public IResource[] addResources(IContainer container, String[] hierarchy, boolean checkin) throws CoreException, TeamException {
- IResource[] newResources = buildResources(container, hierarchy, false);
- addResources(newResources);
- if (checkin) commitResources(newResources, IResource.DEPTH_ZERO);
- return newResources;
- }
- protected void addResources(IResource[] newResources) throws TeamException, CoreException {
- if (newResources.length == 0) return;
- getProvider(newResources[0]).add(newResources, IResource.DEPTH_ZERO, DEFAULT_MONITOR);
- }
- /**
- * Perform a CVS edit of the given resources
- */
- public IResource[] editResources(IContainer container, String[] hierarchy) throws CoreException, TeamException {
- IResource[] resources = getResources(container, hierarchy);
- getProvider(container).edit(resources, true /* recurse */, true /* notifyServer */, ICVSFile.NO_NOTIFICATION, DEFAULT_MONITOR);
- assertReadOnly(resources, false /* isReadOnly */, true /* recurse */);
- return resources;
- }
- /**
- * Perform a CVS unedit of the given resources
- */
- public IResource[] uneditResources(IContainer container, String[] hierarchy) throws CoreException, TeamException {
- IResource[] resources = getResources(container, hierarchy);
- getProvider(container).unedit(resources, true /* recurse */, true/* notifyServer */, DEFAULT_MONITOR);
- assertReadOnly(resources, true /* isReadOnly */, true /* recurse */);
- return resources;
- }
- public void appendText(IResource resource, String text, boolean prepend) throws CoreException, IOException, CVSException {
- IFile file = (IFile)resource;
- String contents = getFileContents(file);
- StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
- if (prepend) {
- buffer.append(text);
- }
- buffer.append(contents);
- if (!prepend) {
- buffer.append(eol + text);
- }
- setContentsAndEnsureModified(file, buffer.toString());
- }
- public void assertEndsWith(IFile file, String text) throws IOException, CoreException {
- assertTrue(getFileContents(file).endsWith(text));
- }
- public void assertStartsWith(IFile file, String text) throws IOException, CoreException {
- assertTrue(getFileContents(file).startsWith(text));
- }
- public static String getFileContents(IFile file) throws IOException, CoreException {
- StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
- Reader reader = new InputStreamReader(new BufferedInputStream(file.getContents()));
- try {
- int c;
- while ((c = != -1) buf.append((char)c);
- } finally {
- reader.close();
- }
- return buf.toString();
- }
- /**
- * Delete the resources from an existing container and the changes to CVS
- */
- public IResource[] changeResources(IContainer container, String[] hierarchy, boolean checkin) throws CoreException, TeamException {
- List changedResources = new ArrayList(hierarchy.length);
- for (int i=0;i<hierarchy.length;i++) {
- IResource resource = container.findMember(hierarchy[i]);
- if (resource.getType() == IResource.FILE) {
- changedResources.add(resource);
- setContentsAndEnsureModified((IFile)resource);
- }
- }
- IResource[] resources = (IResource[])changedResources.toArray(new IResource[changedResources.size()]);
- if (checkin) commitResources(resources, IResource.DEPTH_ZERO);
- return resources;
- }
- /**
- * Delete the resources from an existing container and the changes to CVS
- */
- public IResource[] deleteResources(IContainer container, String[] hierarchy, boolean checkin) throws CoreException, TeamException {
- IResource[] resources = getResources(container, hierarchy);
- deleteResources(resources);
- if (checkin)
- commitResources(resources, IResource.DEPTH_ZERO);
- return resources;
- }
- protected void deleteResources(IResource[] resources) throws TeamException, CoreException {
- if (resources.length == 0) return;
- getProvider(resources[0]).delete(resources, DEFAULT_MONITOR);
- }
- /**
- * Unmanage the resources
- */
- public void unmanageResources(IContainer container, String[] hierarchy) throws CoreException, TeamException {
- IResource[] resources = getResources(container, hierarchy);
- unmanageResources(resources);
- }
- protected void unmanageResources(IResource[] resources) throws TeamException, CoreException {
- for (int i=0;i<resources.length;i++) {
- CVSWorkspaceRoot.getCVSResourceFor(resources[i]).unmanage(null);
- }
- }
- /**
- * Update the resources from an existing container with the changes from the CVS repository
- */
- public IResource[] updateResources(IContainer container, String[] hierarchy, boolean ignoreLocalChanges) throws CoreException, TeamException {
- IResource[] resources = getResources(container, hierarchy);
- LocalOption[] options = Command.NO_LOCAL_OPTIONS;
- if(ignoreLocalChanges) {
- options = new LocalOption[] {Update.IGNORE_LOCAL_CHANGES};
- }
- getProvider(container).update(resources, options, null, true /*createBackups*/, DEFAULT_MONITOR);
- return resources;
- }
- protected void replace(IContainer container, String[] hierarchy, CVSTag tag, boolean recurse) throws CoreException {
- IResource[] resources = getResources(container, hierarchy);
- replace(resources, tag, recurse);
- }
- protected void replace(IResource[] resources, CVSTag tag, boolean recurse) throws CoreException {
- ReplaceOperation op = new ReplaceOperation(null, resources, tag, recurse);
- executeHeadless(op);
- }
- public void updateProject(IProject project, CVSTag tag, boolean ignoreLocalChanges) throws TeamException {
- LocalOption[] options = Command.NO_LOCAL_OPTIONS;
- if(ignoreLocalChanges) {
- options = new LocalOption[] {Update.IGNORE_LOCAL_CHANGES};
- }
- getProvider(project).update(new IResource[] {project}, options, tag, true /*createBackups*/, DEFAULT_MONITOR);
- }
- public void commitProject(IProject project) throws TeamException, CoreException {
- commitResources(project, true);
- }
- public void commitResources(IContainer container, boolean deep) throws TeamException, CoreException {
- commitResources(new IResource[] {container }, deep?IResource.DEPTH_INFINITE:IResource.DEPTH_ZERO);
- }
- /**
- * Commit the resources from an existing container to the CVS repository
- */
- public IResource[] commitResources(IContainer container, String[] hierarchy) throws CoreException, TeamException {
- IResource[] resources = getResources(container, hierarchy);
- commitResources(resources, IResource.DEPTH_ZERO);
- return resources;
- }
- /*
- * Commit the provided resources which must all be in the same project
- */
- protected void commitResources(IResource[] resources, int depth) throws TeamException, CoreException {
- if (resources.length == 0) return;
- getProvider(resources[0]).checkin(resources, depth, DEFAULT_MONITOR);
- }
- /**
- * Commit the resources from an existing container to the CVS repository
- */
- public void tagProject(IProject project, CVSTag tag, boolean force) throws TeamException {
- ITagOperation op = new TagOperation(null, new IResource[] {project});
- runTag(op, tag, force);
- }
- public void tagRemoteResource(ICVSRemoteResource resource, CVSTag tag, boolean force) throws TeamException {
- ITagOperation op = new TagInRepositoryOperation(null, new ICVSRemoteResource[] {resource});
- runTag(op, tag, force);
- }
- private void runTag(ITagOperation op, CVSTag tag, boolean force) throws TeamException {
- if (force) op.moveTag();
- op.setTag(tag);
- try {
- ((CVSOperation)op).run(DEFAULT_MONITOR);
- } catch (InterruptedException e) {
- fail("Tag interrupted.");
- } catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
- if (e.getTargetException() instanceof TeamException) {
- throw (TeamException) e.getTargetException();
- } else {
- e.printStackTrace();
- fail("Unexpected error while tagging");
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * Return a collection of resources defined by hierarchy. The resources
- * are added to the workspace and to the file system. If the manage flag is true, the
- * resources are auto-managed, if false, they are left un-managed.
- */
- public IResource[] buildResources(IContainer container, String[] hierarchy, boolean includeContainer) throws CoreException {
- List resources = new ArrayList(hierarchy.length + 1);
- resources.addAll(Arrays.asList(buildResources(container, hierarchy)));
- if (includeContainer)
- resources.add(container);
- IResource[] result = (IResource[]) resources.toArray(new IResource[resources.size()]);
- ensureExistsInWorkspace(result, true);
- for (int i = 0; i < result.length; i++) {
- if (result[i].getType() == IResource.FILE)
- // 3786 bytes is the average size of Eclipse Java files!
- ((IFile) result[i]).setContents(getRandomContents(RANDOM_CONTENT_SIZE), true, false, null);
- }
- return result;
- }
- /*
- * Checkout a copy of the project into a project with the given postfix
- */
- protected IProject checkoutCopy(IProject project, String postfix) throws TeamException {
- // Check the project out under a different name and validate that the results are the same
- IProject copy = getWorkspace().getRoot().getProject(project.getName() + postfix);
- checkout(getRepository(), copy, CVSWorkspaceRoot.getCVSFolderFor(project).getFolderSyncInfo().getRepository(), null, DEFAULT_MONITOR);
- return copy;
- }
- protected IProject checkoutCopy(IProject project, CVSTag tag) throws TeamException {
- // Check the project out under a different name and validate that the results are the same
- IProject copy = getWorkspace().getRoot().getProject(project.getName() + tag.getName());
- checkout(getRepository(), copy,
- CVSWorkspaceRoot.getCVSFolderFor(project).getFolderSyncInfo().getRepository(),
- return copy;
- }
- public static void checkout(
- final ICVSRepositoryLocation repository,
- final IProject project,
- final String sourceModule,
- final CVSTag tag,
- IProgressMonitor monitor)
- throws TeamException {
- RemoteFolder remote = new RemoteFolder(null, repository, sourceModule == null ? project.getName() : sourceModule, tag);
- executeHeadless(new CheckoutSingleProjectOperation(null, remote, project, null, false /* the project is not preconfigured */) {
- public boolean promptToOverwrite(String title, String msg) {
- return true;
- }
- });
- }
- protected IProject checkoutProject(IProject project, String moduleName, CVSTag tag) throws TeamException {
- if (project == null)
- project = getWorkspace().getRoot().getProject(new Path(moduleName).lastSegment());
- checkout(getRepository(), project, moduleName, tag, DEFAULT_MONITOR);
- return project;
- }
- /*
- * This method creates a project with the given resources, imports
- * it to CVS and checks it out
- */
- protected IProject createProject(String prefix, String[] resources) throws CoreException, TeamException {
- IProject project = getUniqueTestProject(prefix);
- buildResources(project, resources, true);
- shareProject(project);
- assertValidCheckout(project);
- return project;
- }
- /*
- * Create a test project using the currently running test case as the project name prefix
- */
- protected IProject createProject(String[] strings) throws TeamException, CoreException {
- return createProject(getName(), strings);
- }
- /*
- * Compare two projects by comparing thier providers
- */
- protected void assertEquals(IProject project1, IProject project2) throws CoreException, TeamException, IOException {
- assertEquals(project1, project2, false, false);
- }
- protected void assertEquals(IProject project1, IProject project2, boolean includeTimestamps, boolean includeTags) throws CoreException, TeamException, IOException {
- assertEquals(getProvider(project1), getProvider(project2), includeTimestamps, includeTags);
- }
- /*
- * Compare CVS team providers by comparing the cvs resource corresponding to the provider's project
- */
- protected void assertEquals(CVSTeamProvider provider1, CVSTeamProvider provider2, boolean includeTimestamps, boolean includeTags) throws CoreException, TeamException, IOException {
- assertEquals(Path.EMPTY, CVSWorkspaceRoot.getCVSFolderFor(provider1.getProject()),
- CVSWorkspaceRoot.getCVSFolderFor(provider2.getProject()),
- includeTimestamps, includeTags);
- }
- /*
- * Compare resources by casting them to their prpoer type
- */
- protected void assertEquals(IPath parent, ICVSResource resource1, ICVSResource resource2, boolean includeTimestamps, boolean includeTags) throws CoreException, CVSException, IOException {
- assertEquals("Resource types do not match for " + parent.append(resource1.getName()), resource1.isFolder(), resource2.isFolder());
- if (!resource1.isFolder())
- assertEquals(parent, (ICVSFile)resource1, (ICVSFile)resource2, includeTimestamps, includeTags);
- else
- assertEquals(parent, (ICVSFolder)resource1, (ICVSFolder)resource2, includeTimestamps, includeTags);
- }
- /*
- * Compare folders by comparing their folder sync info and there children
- *
- * XXX What about unmanaged children?
- */
- protected void assertEquals(IPath parent, ICVSFolder container1, ICVSFolder container2, boolean includeTimestamps, boolean includeTags) throws CoreException, CVSException, IOException {
- IPath path = parent.append(container1.getName());
- assertEquals(path, container1.getFolderSyncInfo(), container2.getFolderSyncInfo(), includeTags);
- assertTrue("The number of resource in " + path.toString() + " differs",
- container1.members(ICVSFolder.ALL_EXISTING_MEMBERS).length
- == container2.members(ICVSFolder.ALL_EXISTING_MEMBERS).length);
- ICVSResource[] resources = container1.members(ICVSFolder.ALL_EXISTING_MEMBERS);
- for (int i= 0;i <resources.length;i++) {
- assertEquals(path, resources[i], container2.getChild(resources[i].getName()), includeTimestamps, includeTags);
- }
- }
- /*
- * Compare the files contents and sync information
- */
- protected void assertEquals(IPath parent, ICVSFile file1, ICVSFile file2, boolean includeTimestamps, boolean includeTags) throws CoreException, CVSException, IOException {
- if (file1.getName().equals(".project")) return;
- // Getting the contents first is important as it will fetch the proper sync info if one of the files is a remote handle
- assertTrue("Contents of " + parent.append(file1.getName()) + " do not match", compareContent(getContents(file1), getContents(file2)));
- assertEquals(parent.append(file1.getName()), file1.getSyncInfo(), file2.getSyncInfo(), includeTimestamps, includeTags);
- }
- /*
- * Compare sync info by comparing the entry line generated by the sync info
- */
- protected void assertEquals(IPath path, ResourceSyncInfo info1, ResourceSyncInfo info2, boolean includeTimestamp, boolean includeTag) throws CoreException, CVSException, IOException {
- if (info1 == null || info2 == null) {
- if (info1 == info2) return;
- if (info1 == null) {
- fail("Expected no resource sync info for " + path.toString() + " but it was " + info2 + " instead");
- }
- if (info2 == null) {
- fail("Expected resource sync info of " + info1 + " for " + path.toString() + " but there was no sync info.");
- }
- fail("Shouldn't be able to get here");
- return;
- }
- String line1;
- String line2;
- if(includeTimestamp) {
- line1 = info1.getEntryLine();
- line2 = info2.getEntryLine();
- } else {
- line1 = info1.getServerEntryLine(null);
- line2 = info2.getServerEntryLine(null);
- }
- if (!includeTag) {
- // Strip everything past the last slash
- line1 = line1.substring(0, line1.lastIndexOf('/'));
- line2 = line2.substring(0, line2.lastIndexOf('/'));
- }
- assertEquals("Resource Sync info differs for " + path.toString(), line1, line2);
- }
- /*
- * Use the equals of folder sync info unless the tag is not included in which case we just
- * compare the root and repository
- */
- protected void assertEquals(IPath path, FolderSyncInfo info1, FolderSyncInfo info2, boolean includeTag) throws CoreException, CVSException, IOException {
- if (info1 == null && info2 == null) {
- return;
- } else if (info1 == null) {
- fail("Expected " + path.toString() + " not to be a CVS folder but it is.");
- } else if (info2 == null) {
- fail("Expected " + path.toString() + " to be a CVS folder but it isn't.");
- }
- if (includeTag) {
- assertTrue("Folder sync info differs for " + path.toString(), info1.equals(info2));
- } else {
- assertTrue("Repository Root differs for " + path.toString(), info1.getRoot().equals(info2.getRoot()));
- assertTrue("Repository relative path differs for " + path.toString(), info1.getRepository().equals(info2.getRepository()));
- }
- }
- /*
- * Compare folders by comparing their folder sync info and there children
- *
- * XXX What about unmanaged children?
- */
- protected void assertEquals(IPath parent, RemoteFolder container1, RemoteFolder container2, boolean includeTags) throws CoreException, TeamException, IOException {
- IPath path = parent.append(container1.getName());
- assertEquals(path, container1.getFolderSyncInfo(), container2.getFolderSyncInfo(), includeTags);
- ICVSRemoteResource[] members1 = container1.getMembers(DEFAULT_MONITOR);
- ICVSRemoteResource[] members2 = container2.getMembers(DEFAULT_MONITOR);
- assertTrue("Number of members differ for " + path, members1.length == members2.length);
- Map memberMap2 = new HashMap();
- for (int i= 0;i <members2.length;i++) {
- memberMap2.put(members2[i].getName(), members2[i]);
- }
- for (int i= 0;i <members1.length;i++) {
- ICVSRemoteResource member2 = (ICVSRemoteResource)memberMap2.get(members1[i].getName());
- assertNotNull("Resource does not exist: " + path.append(members1[i].getName()) + member2);
- assertEquals(path, members1[i], member2, includeTags);
- }
- }
- protected void assertEquals(IPath parent, ICVSRemoteResource resource1, ICVSRemoteResource resource2, boolean includeTags) throws CoreException, TeamException, IOException {
- assertEquals("Resource types do not match for " + parent.append(resource1.getName()), resource1.isContainer(), resource2.isContainer());
- if (resource1.isContainer())
- assertEquals(parent, (RemoteFolder)resource1, (RemoteFolder)resource2, includeTags);
- else
- assertEquals(parent, (ICVSFile)resource1, (ICVSFile)resource2, false, includeTags);
- }
- /*
- * Compare the local project with the remote state by checking out a copy of the project.
- */
- protected void assertLocalStateEqualsRemote(IProject project) throws TeamException, CoreException, IOException {
- assertEquals(getProvider(project), getProvider(checkoutCopy(project, "-remote")), false, true);
- }
- /*
- * Compare the local project with the remote state indicated by the given tag by checking out a copy of the project.
- */
- protected void assertLocalStateEqualsRemote(String message, IProject project, CVSTag tag) throws TeamException, CoreException, IOException {
- assertEquals(getProvider(project), getProvider(checkoutCopy(project, tag)), true, false);
- }
- protected void assertHasNoRemote(String prefix, IResource[] resources) throws TeamException {
- for (int i=0;i<resources.length;i++)
- assertHasNoRemote(prefix, resources[i]);
- }
- protected void assertHasNoRemote(String prefix, IResource resource) throws TeamException {
- assertTrue(prefix + " resource should not have a remote", !CVSWorkspaceRoot.hasRemote(resource));
- }
- protected void assertHasRemote(String prefix, IResource[] resources) throws TeamException {
- for (int i=0;i<resources.length;i++)
- assertHasRemote(prefix, resources[i]);
- }
- protected void assertHasRemote(String prefix, IResource resource) throws TeamException {
- assertTrue(prefix + " resource should have a remote", CVSWorkspaceRoot.hasRemote(resource));
- }
- protected void assertIsModified(String prefix, IResource[] resources) throws TeamException {
- for (int i=0;i<resources.length;i++)
- assertIsModified(prefix, resources[i]);
- }
- protected void assertIsModified(String prefix, IResource resource) throws TeamException {
- // Only check for files as CVS doesn't dirty folders
- if (resource.getType() == IResource.FILE)
- assertTrue(prefix + " resource " + resource.getFullPath() + " should be dirty.", ((ICVSFile)getCVSResource(resource)).isModified(null));
- }
- protected void assertNotModified(String prefix, IResource[] resources) throws TeamException {
- for (int i=0;i<resources.length;i++)
- assertNotModified(prefix, resources[i]);
- }
- protected void assertNotModified(String prefix, IResource resource) throws TeamException {
- assertTrue(prefix + " resource should be dirty", !((ICVSFile)getCVSResource(resource)).isModified(null));
- }
- protected void assertIsIgnored(IResource resource, boolean ignoredState) throws TeamException {
- assertEquals("Resource " + resource.getFullPath() + " should be ignored but isn't.",
- ignoredState, getCVSResource(resource).isIgnored());
- }
- protected void assertValidCheckout(IProject project) {
- // NOTE: Add code to ensure that the project was checkout out properly
- CVSTeamProvider provider = (CVSTeamProvider)RepositoryProvider.getProvider(project);
- assertNotNull(provider);
- }
- protected void assertReadOnly(IResource[] resources, final boolean isReadOnly, final boolean recurse) throws CoreException {
- for (int i = 0; i < resources.length; i++) {
- IResource resource = resources[i];
- resource.accept(new IResourceVisitor() {
- public boolean visit(IResource resource) throws CoreException {
- if (resource.getType() == IResource.FILE) {
- assertEquals(isReadOnly, resource.isReadOnly());
- }
- return recurse;
- }
- });
- }
- }
- protected InputStream getContents(ICVSFile file) throws CVSException, IOException {
- if (file instanceof ICVSRemoteFile)
- return ((RemoteFile)file).getContents(DEFAULT_MONITOR);
- else
- return new BufferedInputStream(file.getContents());
- }
- /*
- * Get the CVS Resource for the given resource
- */
- protected ICVSResource getCVSResource(IResource resource) throws CVSException {
- return CVSWorkspaceRoot.getCVSResourceFor(resource);
- }
- protected IProject getNamedTestProject(String name) throws CoreException {
- IProject target = getWorkspace().getRoot().getProject(name);
- if (!target.exists()) {
- target.create(null);
- }
- assertExistsInFileSystem(target);
- return target;
- }
- protected CVSTeamProvider getProvider(IResource resource) throws TeamException {
- return (CVSTeamProvider)RepositoryProvider.getProvider(resource.getProject());
- }
- protected static InputStream getRandomContents(int sizeAtLeast) {
- StringBuffer randomStuff = new StringBuffer(sizeAtLeast + 100);
- while (randomStuff.length() < sizeAtLeast) {
- randomStuff.append(getRandomSnippet() + eol);
- }
- return new ByteArrayInputStream(randomStuff.toString().getBytes());
- }
- /**
- * Return String with some random text to use
- * as contents for a file resource.
- */
- public static String getRandomSnippet() {
- switch ((int) Math.round(Math.random() * 10)) {
- case 0 :
- return "este e' o meu conteudo (portuguese)";
- case 1 :
- return "Dann brauchen wir aber auch einen deutschen Satz!";
- case 2 :
- return "I'll be back";
- case 3 :
- return "don't worry, be happy";
- case 4 :
- return "there is no imagination for more sentences";
- case 5 :
- return "customize yours";
- case 6 :
- return "foo";
- case 7 :
- return "bar";
- case 8 :
- return "foobar";
- case 9 :
- return "case 9";
- default :
- return "these are my contents";
- }
- }
- protected IProject getUniqueTestProject(String prefix) throws CoreException {
- // manage and share with the default stream create by this class
- return getNamedTestProject(prefix + "-" + Long.toString(System.currentTimeMillis()));
- }
- protected CVSRepositoryLocation getRepository() {
- return CVSTestSetup.repository;
- }
- protected void importProject(IProject project) throws TeamException {
- // Create the root folder for the import operation
- ICVSFolder root = CVSWorkspaceRoot.getCVSFolderFor(project);
- // Perform the import
- IStatus status;
- Session s = new Session(getRepository(), root);
-, true /* open for modification */);
- try {
- status = Command.IMPORT.execute(s,
- new LocalOption[] {Import.makeArgumentOption(Command.MESSAGE_OPTION, "Initial Import")},
- new String[] { project.getName(), getRepository().getUsername(), "start" },
- null,
- } finally {
- s.close();
- }
- if (status.getCode() == CVSStatus.SERVER_ERROR) {
- throw new CVSServerException(status);
- }
- }
- protected void shareProject(IProject project) throws TeamException, CoreException {
- mapNewProject(project);
- commitNewProject(project);
- }
- protected void mapNewProject(IProject project) throws TeamException {
- shareProject(getRepository(), project, null, DEFAULT_MONITOR);
- }
- /**
- * Map the given local project to remote folder, creating the remote folder or any of
- * its ancestors as necessary.
- * @param location
- * @param project
- * @param moduleName
- * @param default_monitor
- */
- protected void shareProject(CVSRepositoryLocation location, IProject project, String moduleName, IProgressMonitor default_monitor) throws CVSException {
- ShareProjectOperation op = new ShareProjectOperation(null, location, project, moduleName);
- executeHeadless(op);
- }
- protected void commitNewProject(IProject project) throws CoreException, CVSException, TeamException {
- List resourcesToAdd = new ArrayList();
- IResource[] members = project.members();
- for (int i = 0; i < members.length; i++) {
- if ( ! CVSWorkspaceRoot.getCVSResourceFor(members[i]).isIgnored()) {
- resourcesToAdd.add(members[i]);
- }
- }
- getProvider(project).add((IResource[]) resourcesToAdd.toArray(new IResource[resourcesToAdd.size()]), IResource.DEPTH_INFINITE, DEFAULT_MONITOR);
- getProvider(project).checkin(new IResource[] {project}, IResource.DEPTH_INFINITE, DEFAULT_MONITOR);
- // Pause to ensure that future operations happen later than timestamp of committed resources
- waitMsec(1500);
- }
- /**
- * Return an input stream with some random text to use
- * as contents for a file resource.
- */
- public InputStream getRandomContents() {
- return getRandomContents(RANDOM_CONTENT_SIZE);
- }
- protected void setContentsAndEnsureModified(IFile file) throws CoreException, TeamException {
- setContentsAndEnsureModified(file, getRandomContents().toString());
- }
- protected void setContentsAndEnsureModified(IFile file, String contents) throws CoreException, CVSException {
- ICVSFile cvsFile = CVSWorkspaceRoot.getCVSFileFor(file);
- int count = 0;
- if (contents == null) contents ="";
- do {
- file.setContents(new ByteArrayInputStream(contents.getBytes()), false, false, null);
- assertTrue("Timestamp granularity is too small. Increase test wait factor", count <= CVSTestSetup.WAIT_FACTOR);
- if (!cvsFile.isModified(null)) {
- waitMsec(1500);
- count++;
- }
- } while (!cvsFile.isModified(null));
- }
- public void waitMsec(int msec) {
- try {
- Thread.sleep(msec);
- } catch(InterruptedException e) {
- fail("wait-problem");
- }
- }
- public static void waitForJobCompletion(Job job) {
- // process UI events first, give the main thread a chance
- // to handle any syncExecs or asyncExecs posted as a result
- // of the event processing thread.
- while (Display.getCurrent().readAndDispatch()) {};
- // wait for the event handler to process changes.
- while(job.getState() != Job.NONE) {
- while (Display.getCurrent().readAndDispatch()) {};
- try {
- Thread.sleep(10);
- } catch (InterruptedException e) {
- }
- }
- while (Display.getCurrent().readAndDispatch()) {};
- }
- public static void waitForIgnoreFileHandling() {
- waitForJobCompletion(SyncFileChangeListener.getDeferredHandler().getEventHandlerJob());
- }
- public static void waitForSubscriberInputHandling(TeamSubscriberSyncInfoCollector input) {
- input.waitForCollector(new IProgressMonitor() {
- public void beginTask(String name, int totalWork) {
- }
- public void done() {
- }
- public void internalWorked(double work) {
- }
- public boolean isCanceled() {
- return false;
- }
- public void setCanceled(boolean value) {
- }
- public void setTaskName(String name) {
- }
- public void subTask(String name) {
- }
- public void worked(int work) {
- while (Display.getCurrent().readAndDispatch()) {}
- }
- });
- }
- protected static void executeHeadless(CVSOperation op) throws CVSException {
- try {
- op.setCVSRunnableContext(new HeadlessCVSRunnableContext());
- } catch (InterruptedException e) {
- throw new OperationCanceledException();
- }
- }
- /* (non-Javadoc)
- * @see junit.framework.TestCase#tearDown()
- */
- protected void tearDown() throws Exception {
- super.tearDown();
- if (CVSTestSetup.logListener != null) {
- try {
- CVSTestSetup.logListener.checkErrors();
- } catch (CoreException e) {
- fail("Exception written to log: ", e);
- } else {
- // Write the log to standard out so it can be more easily seen
- write(e.getStatus(), 0);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- protected void write(IStatus status, int indent) {
- PrintStream output = System.out;
- indent(output, indent);
- output.println("Severity: " + status.getSeverity());
- indent(output, indent);
- output.println("Plugin ID: " + status.getPlugin());
- indent(output, indent);
- output.println("Code: " + status.getCode());
- indent(output, indent);
- output.println("Message: " + status.getMessage());
- Throwable t = status.getException();
- if (t != null) {
- t.printStackTrace(output);
- if (t instanceof CoreException) {
- write(((CoreException)t).getStatus(), indent + 1);
- }
- }
- if (status.isMultiStatus()) {
- IStatus[] children = status.getChildren();
- for (int i = 0; i < children.length; i++)
- write(children[i], indent + 1);
- }
- }
- /* (non-Javadoc)
- * @see junit.framework.TestCase#runBare()
- */
- public void runBare() throws Throwable {
- try {
- super.runBare();
- } catch (CVSException e) {
- // If a communication exception occurred
- // perhaps it is a server problem
- // Try again, just in case it is
- if (containsCommunicationException(e)) {
- super.runBare();
- } else {
- throw e;
- }
- }
- }
- private boolean containsCommunicationException(CVSException e) {
- if (e instanceof CVSCommunicationException) return true;
- IStatus status = e.getStatus();
- if (status.getException() instanceof CVSCommunicationException) return true;
- if (status.isMultiStatus()) {
- IStatus[] children = status.getChildren();
- for (int i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
- IStatus child = children[i];
- if (child.getException() instanceof CVSCommunicationException) return true;
- }
- }
- return false;
- }
- /* (non-Javadoc)
- * @see org.eclipse.core.tests.harness.EclipseWorkspaceTest#ensureDoesNotExistInWorkspace(org.eclipse.core.resources.IResource)
- */
- public void ensureDoesNotExistInWorkspace(IResource resource) {
- // Overridden to change how the workspace is deleted on teardown
- if (resource.getType() == IResource.ROOT) {
- // Delete each project individually
- Job[] allJobs = Platform.getJobManager().find(null /* all families */);
- IProject[] projects = ((IWorkspaceRoot)resource).getProjects();
- try {
- ensureDoesNotExistInWorkspace(projects);
- } catch (AssertionFailedError e) {
- // The delete failed. Write the active jobs to stdout
- System.out.println("Jobs active at time of deletion failure: "); //$NON-NLS-1$
- if (allJobs.length == 0) {
- System.out.println("None"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- }
- for (int i = 0; i < allJobs.length; i++) {
- Job job = allJobs[i];
- System.out.println(job.getName());
- }
- throw e;
- }
- }
- } else {
- super.ensureDoesNotExistInWorkspace(resource);
- }
- }

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