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AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2018-08-21Bug 530393 - EPL 2.0 update for SWT for swt.example plug-insLars Vogel1-3/+6
2014-01-09Bug 425157 - Do not use nested jars in swt examples.Alexander Kurtakov1-2/+2
2012-10-03Remove src/ from src.includes.Alexander Kurtakov1-2/+1
2011-09-23fix permission of filesSilenio1-0/+0
2009-06-26273653 - all swt.example* bundles lack manifestsKevin Barnes1-1/+2
2007-05-31After copyright bash for 3.3 RC3AFTER_COPYRIGHT_BASH_FOR_33RC3Carolyn MacLeod1-1/+1
2005-06-13Add resources to source build for standalone imports.Veronika Irvine1-1/+3
2005-02-28Updated legal documentation for Eclipse 3.1 stream and CPL to EPL transitionVeronika Irvine1-4/+4
2003-03-10Copyright fix - automated changesDean Roberts1-0/+10
2003-03-05Converting Binary files to ASCIIVeronika Irvine1-9/+9
2002-06-04Fix for bug 19116Carolyn MacLeod1-1/+3
2002-05-07fix build.propertiesGrant Gayed1-11/+1
2002-05-07reorgGrant Gayed1-1/+1
2002-04-02*** empty log message ***v2033Carolyn MacLeod1-0/+2
2001-09-27for build 2.006v202Grant Gayed1-4/+4
2001-09-24*** empty log message ***Veronika Irvine1-2/+12
2001-09-21new files.Mike Wilson1-10/+2
2001-09-14v200a + updated "src.*"Mike Wilson1-1/+1
2001-09-14v200av200aMike Wilson1-9/+13
2001-08-23*** empty log message ***Veronika Irvine1-4/+3
2001-06-21initv125win32_copyrepository_move_21_06_2001_bVeronika Irvine1-0/+10

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