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AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2012-03-02generating PI on 10.7Silenio Quarti1-0/+5
2010-03-29303263 - add CFRunLoopRunInMode and CFRunLoopStopScott Kovatch1-0/+9
2010-03-16sorting xml nodes to avoid changes between OS versionsFelipe Heidrich1-4/+4
2010-03-16Remove dependency on argument names. Arg names can change in different versio...Felipe Heidrich1-33/+33
2010-03-15*** empty log message ***Felipe Heidrich1-7/+0
2009-11-17*** empty log message ***Silenio Quarti1-0/+7
2009-09-11289219 - Program.findProgram("txt") returns null on Snow LeopardKevin Barnes1-0/+6
2009-08-19270531 - Cocoa - Font metricsSilenio Quarti1-0/+28
2009-07-01restore HEAD after accidental deletion by error in automated build scriptSilenio Quarti1-0/+50
2009-06-30*** empty log message ***Felipe Heidrich1-50/+0
2009-03-23*** empty log message ***Silenio Quarti1-2/+2
2009-03-23*** empty log message ***Silenio Quarti1-0/+2
2009-03-23*** empty log message ***Silenio Quarti1-4925/+46
2009-02-13263999 - Use UCKeyTranslate to get the unmodified key that triggered the key ...Scott Kovatch1-6/+6
2009-02-02262681 - isFocusControl incorrectKevin Barnes1-2/+2
2009-01-30260761 - Need a Cocoa runloop observer for async messagesSilenio Quarti1-22/+22
2008-12-17251021 - MacOSX-cocoa swt crash importing a folder containing ~800 Java filesKevin Barnes1-4919/+4924
2008-09-10generate kCFStringEncodingUTF8Grant Gayed1-1/+1
2008-09-10use CFURLCreateStringByAddingPercentEscapesGrant Gayed1-2/+2
2008-09-09246309 - Doesn't open local URLs (file:///) that contain query parameters and...Grant Gayed1-0/+4922

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