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Diffstat (limited to 'bundles/org.eclipse.swt/Eclipse SWT/emulated/treetable/org/eclipse/swt/widgets/')
-rw-r--r--bundles/org.eclipse.swt/Eclipse SWT/emulated/treetable/org/eclipse/swt/widgets/SelectableItemWidget.java2066
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 2066 deletions
diff --git a/bundles/org.eclipse.swt/Eclipse SWT/emulated/treetable/org/eclipse/swt/widgets/ b/bundles/org.eclipse.swt/Eclipse SWT/emulated/treetable/org/eclipse/swt/widgets/
deleted file mode 100644
index 1eeb6c49df..0000000000
--- a/bundles/org.eclipse.swt/Eclipse SWT/emulated/treetable/org/eclipse/swt/widgets/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2066 +0,0 @@
-package org.eclipse.swt.widgets;
- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2002 IBM Corp. All rights reserved.
- * This file is made available under the terms of the Common Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- */
-import org.eclipse.swt.*;
-import org.eclipse.swt.internal.Compatibility;
-import java.util.Enumeration;
-import java.util.Vector;
- * This class is intended for widgets that display data of
- * type Item. It provides a framework for scrolling and
- * handles the screen refresh required when adding and
- * removing items.
- */
-abstract class SelectableItemWidget extends Composite {
- private static final int DEFAULT_WIDTH = 64; // used in computeSize if width could not be calculated
- private static final int DEFAULT_HEIGHT = 64; // used in computeSize if height could not be calculated
- private static final int HORIZONTAL_SCROLL_INCREMENT = 5; // number of pixel the tree is moved
- // during horizontal line scrolling
- private static ImageData UncheckedImageData; // deselected check box image data. used to create an image at run time
- private static ImageData GrayUncheckedImageData; // grayed deselected check box image data. used to create an image at run time
- private static ImageData CheckMarkImageData; // check mark image data for check box. used to create an image at run time
- static {
- initializeImageData();
- }
- private int topIndex = 0; // index of the first visible item
- private int itemHeight = 0; // height of a table item
- private Point itemImageExtent = null; // size of the item images. Null unless an image is set for any item
- private int textHeight = -1;
- private int contentWidth = 0; // width of the widget data (ie. table rows/tree items)
- private int horizontalOffset = 0;
- private Vector selectedItems; // indices of the selected items
- private SelectableItem lastSelectedItem; // item that was selected last
- private SelectableItem lastFocusItem; // item that had the focus last. Always equals lastSelectedItem
- // for mouse selection but may differ for keyboard selection
- private SelectableItem insertItem; // item that draws the insert marker to indicate the drop location in a drag and drop operation
- private boolean isInsertAfter; // indicates where the insert marker is rendered, at the top or bottom of 'insertItem'
- private boolean isCtrlSelection = false; // the most recently selected item was
- // selected using the Ctrl modifier key
- private boolean isRemovingAll = false; // true=all items are removed. Used to optimize screen updates and to control item selection on dispose.
- private boolean hasFocus; // workaround for 1FMITIE
- private Image uncheckedImage; // deselected check box
- private Image grayUncheckedImage; // grayed check box
- private Image checkMarkImage; // check mark for selected check box
- private Point checkBoxExtent = null; // width, height of the item check box
- private Listener listener; // event listener used for all events. Events are dispatched
- // to handler methods in handleEvents(Event)
- private int drawCount = 0; // used to reimplement setRedraw(boolean)
- * Create a new instance of ScrollableItemWidget.
- * @param parent - the parent window of the new instance
- * @param style - window style for the new instance
- */
-SelectableItemWidget(Composite parent, int style) {
- super(parent, style | SWT.H_SCROLL | SWT.V_SCROLL | SWT.NO_REDRAW_RESIZE);
- initialize();
- * The SelectableItem 'item' has been added to the tree.
- * Calculate the vertical scroll bar.
- * Update the screen to display the new item.
- * @param item - item that has been added to the receiver.
- */
-void addedItem(SelectableItem item, int index) {
- calculateVerticalScrollbar();
- if (getLastFocus() == null) { // if no item has the focus
- setLastFocus(item, true); // set focus to new (must be first) item
- }
- * The SelectableItem 'item' is about to be added to the tree.
- * @param item - item that is about to be added to the receiver.
- */
-void addingItem(SelectableItem item, int index) {
- if (index >= 0 && index <= getBottomIndex()) {
- scrollVerticalAddingItem(index);
- }
- * Set the scroll range of the horizontal scroll bar.
- * Resize the scroll bar if the scroll range maximum
- * has changed.
- */
-void calculateHorizontalScrollbar() {
- int newMaximum = getContentWidth();
- ScrollBar horizontalBar = getHorizontalBar();
- if (horizontalBar.getMaximum() != newMaximum) {
- // The call to setMaximum is ignored if newMaximum is 0.
- // Therefore we can not rely on getMaximum to subsequently return the number of
- // items in the receiver. We always have to use getVisibleItemCount().
- // Never rely on getMaximum to return what you set. It may not accept the
- // value you set. Even if you use a valid value now the implementation may change
- // later. That's what caused 1FRLOSG.
- horizontalBar.setMaximum(newMaximum);
- if (getVerticalBar().getVisible() == false) { // remove these lines
- horizontalBar.setMaximum(newMaximum); // when PR 1FIG5CG
- } // is fixed
- resizeHorizontalScrollbar();
- }
- * Calculate the height of items in the receiver.
- * Only the image height is calculated if an item height
- * has already been calculated. Do nothing if both the item
- * height and the image height have already been calculated
- */
-void calculateItemHeight(SelectableItem item) {
- GC gc;
- String itemText;
- int itemHeight = -1;
- if (itemImageExtent != null && textHeight != -1) {
- return;
- }
- itemText = item.getText();
- if (itemText != null && textHeight == -1) {
- gc = new GC(this);
- itemHeight = gc.stringExtent(itemText).y;
- textHeight = itemHeight;
- gc.dispose();
- }
- if (itemImageExtent == null) {
- itemImageExtent = getImageExtent(item);
- if (itemImageExtent != null) {
- if (itemImageExtent.y > textHeight) {
- itemHeight = itemImageExtent.y;
- }
- else {
- itemHeight = textHeight;
- }
- }
- }
- itemHeight += getItemPadding(); // make sure that there is empty space below the image/text
- if (itemHeight > getItemHeight()) { // only set new item height if it's higher because new,
- setItemHeight(itemHeight); // smaller item height may not include an icon
- }
- * Calculate the range of items that need to be selected given
- * the clicked item identified by 'hitItemIndex'
- * @param hitItemIndex - item that was clicked and that the new
- * selection range will be based on. This index is relative to
- * the top index.
- */
-int [] calculateShiftSelectionRange(int hitItemIndex) {
- int selectionRange[] = new int[] {-1, -1};
- SelectableItem closestItem = null;
- SelectableItem selectedItem;
- Enumeration selectedItems = getSelectionVector().elements();
- while (selectedItems.hasMoreElements() == true) {
- selectedItem = (SelectableItem) selectedItems.nextElement();
- if (closestItem == null) {
- closestItem = selectedItem;
- }
- else
- if (Math.abs(hitItemIndex - getVisibleIndex(selectedItem)) <
- Math.abs(hitItemIndex - getVisibleIndex(closestItem))) {
- closestItem = selectedItem;
- }
- }
- if (closestItem == null) { // no item selected
- closestItem = getLastSelection(); // item selected last may still have the focus
- }
- if (closestItem != null) {
- selectionRange[0] = getVisibleIndex(closestItem);
- selectionRange[1] = hitItemIndex;
- }
- return selectionRange;
- * Set the scroll range of the vertical scroll bar.
- * Resize the scroll bar if the scroll range maximum
- * has changed.
- */
-void calculateVerticalScrollbar() {
- int newMaximum = getVisibleItemCount();
- ScrollBar verticalBar = getVerticalBar();
- // The call to setMaximum is ignored if newMaximum is 0.
- // Therefore we can not rely on getMaximum to subsequently return the number of
- // items in the receiver. We always have to use getVisibleItemCount().
- // Never rely on getMaximum to return what you set. It may not accept the
- // value you set. Even if you use a valid value now the implementation may change
- // later. That's what caused 1FRLOSG.
- verticalBar.setMaximum(newMaximum);
- if (getHorizontalBar().getVisible() == false) { // remove these lines
- verticalBar.setMaximum(newMaximum); // when PR 1FIG5CG
- } // is fixed
- resizeVerticalScrollbar();
- * Answer the size of the receiver needed to display all items.
- * The length of the longest item in the receiver is used for the
- * width.
- */
-public Point computeSize(int wHint, int hHint, boolean changed) {
- checkWidget();
- int width = getContentWidth();
- int height = getItemCount() * getItemHeight();
- int style = getStyle();
- int scrollBarWidth = computeTrim(0, 0, 0, 0).width;
- if (width == 0) {
- width = DEFAULT_WIDTH;
- }
- if (height == 0) {
- height = DEFAULT_HEIGHT;
- }
- if (wHint != SWT.DEFAULT) {
- width = wHint;
- }
- if (hHint != SWT.DEFAULT) {
- height = hHint;
- }
- if ((getStyle() & SWT.V_SCROLL) != 0) {
- width += scrollBarWidth;
- }
- if ((getStyle() & SWT.H_SCROLL) != 0) {
- height += scrollBarWidth;
- }
- return new Point(width, height);
- * Do a ctrl+shift selection meaning the ctrl and shift keys
- * were pressed when the mouse click on an item occurred.
- * If an already selected item was clicked the focus is moved to
- * that item.
- * If the previous selection was a ctrl or ctrl+shift selection
- * the range between the last selected item and the clicked item
- * is selected.
- * Otherwise a regular shift selection is performed.
- * @param hitItem - specifies the clicked item
- * @param hitItemIndex - specifies the index of the clicked item
- * relative to the first item.
- */
-void ctrlShiftSelect(SelectableItem hitItem, int hitItemIndex) {
- int fromIndex = -1;
- int toIndex = -1;
- int lastSelectionIndex = -1;
- int selectionRange[];
- SelectableItem lastSelection = getLastSelection();
- if (lastSelection != null) {
- lastSelectionIndex = getVisibleIndex(lastSelection);
- }
- if ((getSelectionVector().contains(hitItem) == true) && // clicked an already selected item?
- (hitItemIndex != lastSelectionIndex)) { // and click was not on last selected item?
- setLastSelection(hitItem, true); // set last selection which also sets the focus
- }
- else
- if (isCtrlSelection() == true) { // was last selection ctrl/ctrl+shift selection?
- fromIndex = lastSelectionIndex; // select from last selection
- toIndex = hitItemIndex;
- }
- else { // clicked outside existing selection range
- selectionRange = calculateShiftSelectionRange(hitItemIndex);
- fromIndex = selectionRange[0];
- toIndex = selectionRange[1];
- }
- if (fromIndex != -1 && toIndex != -1) {
- selectRange(fromIndex, toIndex);
- }
- * Deselect 'item'.
- * @param item - item that should be deselected
- */
-void deselect(SelectableItem item) {
- Vector selectedItems = getSelectionVector();
- if ((item != null) && (item.isSelected() == true)) {
- item.setSelected(false);
- redrawSelection(item);
- selectedItems.removeElement(item);
- }
- * Deselect all item except 'keepSelected'.
- * @param keepSelected - item that should remain selected
- */
-void deselectAllExcept(SelectableItem keepSelected) {
- Vector selectedItems = getSelectionVector();
- Vector deselectedItems = new Vector(selectedItems.size());
- Enumeration elements = selectedItems.elements();
- SelectableItem item;
- // deselect and repaint previously selected items
- while (elements.hasMoreElements() == true) {
- item = (SelectableItem) elements.nextElement();
- if (item.isSelected() == true && item != keepSelected) {
- item.setSelected(false);
- // always redraw the selection, even if item is redrawn again
- // in setLastSelection. Fixes 1G0GQ8W
- redrawSelection(item);
- deselectedItems.addElement(item);
- }
- }
- elements = deselectedItems.elements();
- while (elements.hasMoreElements() == true) {
- item = (SelectableItem) elements.nextElement();
- selectedItems.removeElement(item);
- }
- setLastSelection(keepSelected, false);
- * Deselect all items except those in 'keepSelected'.
- * @param keepSelected - items that should remain selected
- */
-void deselectAllExcept(Vector keepSelected) {
- Vector selectedItems = getSelectionVector();
- Vector deselectedItems = new Vector(selectedItems.size());
- Enumeration elements = selectedItems.elements();
- SelectableItem item;
- // deselect and repaint previously selected items
- while (elements.hasMoreElements() == true) {
- item = (SelectableItem) elements.nextElement();
- if (item.isSelected() == true && keepSelected.contains(item) == false) {
- item.setSelected(false);
- // always redraw the selection, even if item is redrawn again
- // in setLastSelection. Fixes 1G0GQ8W
- redrawSelection(item);
- deselectedItems.addElement(item);
- }
- }
- elements = deselectedItems.elements();
- while (elements.hasMoreElements() == true) {
- item = (SelectableItem) elements.nextElement();
- selectedItems.removeElement(item);
- }
- if (keepSelected.size() > 0) {
- setLastSelection((SelectableItem) keepSelected.firstElement(), false);
- }
- * Deselect 'item'. Notify listeners.
- * @param item - item that should be deselected
- */
-void deselectNotify(SelectableItem item) {
- Event event = new Event();
- if (item.isSelected() == true) {
- deselect(item);
- setLastSelection(item, true);
- update(); // looks better when event notification takes long to return
- }
- event.item = item;
- notifyListeners(SWT.Selection, event);
- * Deselect all items starting at and including 'fromIndex'
- * stopping at and including 'toIndex'.
- * @param fromIndex - index relative to the first item where
- * deselection should start. Deselecion includes 'fromIndex'.
- * @param toIndex - index relative to the first item where
- * deselection should stop. Deselecion includes 'toIndex'.
- */
-void deselectRange(int fromIndex, int toIndex) {
- if (fromIndex > toIndex) {
- for (int i = toIndex; i <= fromIndex; i++) {
- deselect(getVisibleItem(i));
- }
- }
- else
- if (fromIndex < toIndex) {
- for (int i = toIndex; i >= fromIndex; i--) {
- deselect(getVisibleItem(i));
- }
- }
- setLastSelection(getVisibleItem(fromIndex), true);
- * Modifier Key Action
- * None Remove old selection, move selection down one item
- * Ctrl Keep old selection, move input focus down one item
- * Shift Extend selection by one item.
- * Modifier Key is ignored when receiver has single selection style.
- * @param keyMask - the modifier key that was pressed
- */
-void doArrowDown(int keyMask) {
- SelectableItem lastFocus = getLastFocus();
- SelectableItem newFocus;
- int focusItemIndex = getVisibleIndex(lastFocus);
- if (focusItemIndex < (getVisibleItemCount() - 1)) { // - 1 because indices are 0 based
- focusItemIndex++;
- newFocus = getVisibleItem(focusItemIndex);
- if (keyMask == SWT.MOD1 && isMultiSelect() == true) {
- setLastFocus(newFocus, true);
- }
- else
- if (keyMask == SWT.MOD2 && isMultiSelect() == true) {
- shiftSelect(newFocus, focusItemIndex);
- }
- else {
- deselectAllExcept(newFocus);
- selectNotify(newFocus);
- }
- }
- * Modifier Key Action
- * None Scroll receiver to the left
- * Ctrl See None above
- * Shift See None above
- * @param keyMask - the modifier key that was pressed
- */
-void doArrowLeft(int keyMask) {
- ScrollBar horizontalBar = getHorizontalBar();
- int scrollSelection = horizontalBar.getSelection();
- int scrollAmount;
- if (horizontalBar.getVisible() == false) {
- return;
- }
- scrollAmount = Math.min(HORIZONTAL_SCROLL_INCREMENT, scrollSelection);
- horizontalBar.setSelection(scrollSelection - scrollAmount);
- setHorizontalOffset(horizontalBar.getSelection() * -1);
- * Modifier Key Action
- * None Scroll receiver to the right
- * Ctrl See None above
- * Shift See None above
- * @param keyMask - the modifier key that was pressed
- */
-void doArrowRight(int keyMask) {
- ScrollBar horizontalBar = getHorizontalBar();
- int scrollSelection = horizontalBar.getSelection();
- int scrollAmount;
- if (horizontalBar.getVisible() == false) {
- return;
- }
- scrollAmount = Math.min( // scroll by the smaller of
- HORIZONTAL_SCROLL_INCREMENT, // the scroll increment
- horizontalBar.getMaximum() // and the remaining scroll range
- - horizontalBar.getPageIncrement()
- - scrollSelection);
- horizontalBar.setSelection(scrollSelection + scrollAmount);
- setHorizontalOffset(horizontalBar.getSelection() * -1);
- * Modifier Key Action
- * None Remove old selection, move selection up one item
- * Ctrl Keep old selection, move input focus up one item
- * Shift Extend selection by one item.
- * Modifier Key is ignored when receiver has single selection style.
- * @param keyMask - the modifier key that was pressed
- */
-void doArrowUp(int keyMask) {
- SelectableItem lastFocus = getLastFocus();
- SelectableItem newFocus;
- int focusItemIndex = getVisibleIndex(lastFocus);
- if (focusItemIndex > 0) {
- focusItemIndex--;
- newFocus = getVisibleItem(focusItemIndex);
- if (keyMask == SWT.MOD1 && isMultiSelect() == true) {
- setLastFocus(newFocus, true);
- }
- else
- if (keyMask == SWT.MOD2 && isMultiSelect() == true) {
- shiftSelect(newFocus, focusItemIndex);
- }
- else {
- deselectAllExcept(newFocus);
- selectNotify(newFocus);
- }
- }
- * Perform a selection operation on the item check box.
- * @param item - the item that was clicked
- */
-void doCheckItem(SelectableItem item) {
- Event event = new Event();
- item.setChecked(!item.getChecked());
- event.item = item;
- event.detail = SWT.CHECK;
- notifyListeners(SWT.Selection, event);
- * Free resources.
- */
-void doDispose() {
- setRemovingAll(true);
- getSelectionVector().removeAllElements();
- lastFocusItem = null;
- lastSelectedItem = null;
- if (uncheckedImage != null) {
- uncheckedImage.dispose();
- }
- if (grayUncheckedImage != null) {
- grayUncheckedImage.dispose();
- }
- if (checkMarkImage != null) {
- checkMarkImage.dispose();
- }
- * Modifier Key Action
- * None Remove old selection, move selection to the
- * last item
- * Ctrl Keep old selection, move input focus to the
- * last item
- * Shift Extend selection to the last item.
- * Modifier Key is ignored when receiver has single selection style.
- * @param keyMask - the modifier key that was pressed
- */
-void doEnd(int keyMask) {
- SelectableItem lastFocus = getLastFocus();
- SelectableItem newFocus;
- int focusItemIndex = getVisibleIndex(lastFocus);
- int lastItemIndex = getVisibleItemCount() - 1; // - 1 because indices are 0 based
- if (focusItemIndex < lastItemIndex) {
- newFocus = getVisibleItem(lastItemIndex);
- if (keyMask == SWT.MOD1 && isMultiSelect() == true) {
- setLastFocus(newFocus, true);
- }
- else
- if (keyMask == SWT.MOD2 && isMultiSelect() == true) {
- shiftSelect(newFocus, lastItemIndex);
- }
- else {
- deselectAllExcept(newFocus);
- selectNotify(newFocus);
- }
- }
- * Modifier Key Action
- * None Remove old selection, move selection to the
- * first item
- * Ctrl Keep old selection, move input focus to the
- * first item
- * Shift Extend selection to the first item.
- * Modifier Key is ignored when receiver has single selection style.
- * @param keyMask - the modifier key that was pressed
- */
-void doHome(int keyMask) {
- SelectableItem lastFocus = getLastFocus();
- SelectableItem newFocus;
- int firstItemIndex = 0;
- if (getVisibleIndex(lastFocus) > firstItemIndex) {
- newFocus = getVisibleItem(firstItemIndex);
- if (keyMask == SWT.MOD1 && isMultiSelect() == true) {
- setLastFocus(newFocus, true);
- }
- else
- if (keyMask == SWT.MOD2 && isMultiSelect() == true) {
- shiftSelect(newFocus, firstItemIndex);
- }
- else {
- deselectAllExcept(newFocus);
- selectNotify(newFocus);
- }
- }
- * Perform a mouse select action according to the key state
- * mask in 'eventStateMask'.
- * Key state mask is ignored when receiver has the single selection
- * style.
- * @param item - the item that was clicked
- * @param itemIndex - the index of the clicked item relative
- * to the first item of the receiver
- * @param eventStateMask - the key state mask of the mouse event
- * @param button - the mouse button that was pressed
- */
-void doMouseSelect(SelectableItem item, int itemIndex, int eventStateMask, int button) {
- if (((eventStateMask & SWT.MOD1) != 0) &&
- ((eventStateMask & SWT.MOD2) != 0) &&
- (isMultiSelect() == true)) {
- if (getSelectionVector().size() == 0) { // no old selection?
- selectNotify(item); // do standard CTRL selection
- }
- else {
- ctrlShiftSelect(item, itemIndex);
- }
- setCtrlSelection(true);
- }
- else
- if (((eventStateMask & SWT.MOD2) != 0) && (isMultiSelect() == true)) {
- shiftSelect(item, itemIndex);
- setCtrlSelection(false);
- }
- else
- if (((eventStateMask & SWT.MOD1) != 0) && (isMultiSelect() == true)) {
- toggleSelectionNotify(item);
- setCtrlSelection(true);
- }
- else
- if (button != 3 || item.isSelected() == false) {
- // only select the item (and deselect all others) if the mouse click is
- // not a button 3 click or if a previously unselected item was clicked.
- // Fixes 1G97L65
- deselectAllExcept(item);
- selectNotify(item);
- setCtrlSelection(false);
- }
- * Modifier Key Action
- * None Remove old selection, move selection one page down
- * Ctrl Keep old selection, move input focus one page down
- * Shift Extend selection one page down
- * One page is the number of items that can be displayed in the
- * receiver's canvas without truncating the last item.
- * The selection is set to the last item if there is no full page
- * of items left.
- * Modifier Key is ignored when receiver has single selection style.
- * @param keyMask - the modifier key that was pressed
- */
-void doPageDown(int keyMask) {
- SelectableItem newFocus;
- int focusItemIndex = getVisibleIndex(getLastFocus());
- int lastItemIndex = getVisibleItemCount() - 1; // - 1 because indices are 0 based
- int visibleItemCount;
- if (focusItemIndex < lastItemIndex) {
- visibleItemCount = getItemCountWhole();
- focusItemIndex = Math.min(
- lastItemIndex,
- focusItemIndex + (visibleItemCount - 1));
- newFocus = getVisibleItem(focusItemIndex);
- if (newFocus == null) {
- return;
- }
- if (keyMask == SWT.MOD1 && isMultiSelect() == true) {
- setLastFocus(newFocus, true);
- }
- else
- if (keyMask == SWT.MOD2 && isMultiSelect() == true) {
- shiftSelect(newFocus, focusItemIndex);
- }
- else {
- deselectAllExcept(newFocus);
- selectNotify(newFocus);
- }
- }
- * Modifier Key Action
- * None Remove old selection, move selection one page up
- * Ctrl Keep old selection, move input focus one page up
- * Shift Extend selection one page up
- * One page is the number of items that can be displayed in the
- * receiver's canvas without truncating the last item.
- * The selection is set to the first item if there is no full page
- * of items left.
- * Modifier Key is ignored when receiver has single selection style.
- * @param keyMask - the modifier key that was pressed
- */
-void doPageUp(int keyMask) {
- SelectableItem newFocus;
- int focusItemIndex = getVisibleIndex(getLastFocus());
- int visibleItemCount;
- if (focusItemIndex > 0) {
- visibleItemCount = getItemCountWhole();
- focusItemIndex = Math.max(
- 0,
- focusItemIndex - (visibleItemCount - 1));
- newFocus = getVisibleItem(focusItemIndex);
- if (keyMask == SWT.MOD1 && isMultiSelect() == true) {
- setLastFocus(newFocus, true);
- }
- else
- if (keyMask == SWT.MOD2 && isMultiSelect() == true) {
- shiftSelect(newFocus, focusItemIndex);
- }
- else {
- deselectAllExcept(newFocus);
- selectNotify(newFocus);
- }
- }
- * Modifier Key Action
- * Ctrl Keep old selection, toggle selection of the item
- * that has the input focus
- * Shift Extend selection to the item that has the input
- * focus
- * Ctrl & Shift Set selection to the item that has input focus
- * Do nothing if receiver has single selection style.
- * @param keyMask - the modifier key that was pressed
- */
-void doSpace(int keyMask) {
- SelectableItem item = getLastFocus();
- if (item == null) return;
- if (item.isCheckable() == true) doCheckItem(item);
- int itemIndex = getVisibleIndex(item);
- if (keyMask == SWT.NULL && item.isSelected() == false) { // do simple space select in SINGLE and MULTI mode
- deselectAllExcept(item);
- selectNotify(item);
- return;
- }
- if (isMultiSelect() == false) {
- return;
- }
- if (keyMask == SWT.MOD1) {
- toggleSelectionNotify(item);
- }
- else
- if (((keyMask & SWT.MOD1) != 0) && ((keyMask & SWT.MOD2) != 0)) {
- deselectAllExcept(item);
- selectNotify(item);
- }
- else
- if (keyMask == SWT.MOD2) {
- shiftSelect(item, itemIndex);
- }
- * Make sure that free space at the bottom of the receiver is
- * occupied.
- * There will be new space available below the last item when the
- * receiver's height is increased. In this case the receiver
- * is scrolled down to occupy the new space.if the top item is
- * not the first item of the receiver.
- */
-void claimBottomFreeSpace() {
- int clientAreaItemCount = getItemCountWhole();
- int topIndex = getTopIndex();
- int newTopIndex;
- int lastItemIndex = getVisibleItemCount() - topIndex;
- if ((topIndex > 0) &&
- (lastItemIndex > 0) &&
- (lastItemIndex < clientAreaItemCount)) {
- newTopIndex = Math.max(0, topIndex-(clientAreaItemCount-lastItemIndex));
- setTopIndex(newTopIndex, true);
- }
- * Make sure that free space at the right side of the receiver is
- * occupied.
- * There will be new space available at the right side of the receiver
- * when the receiver's width is increased. In this case the receiver
- * is scrolled to the right to occupy the new space.if possible.
- */
-void claimRightFreeSpace() {
- int clientAreaWidth = getClientArea().width;
- int newHorizontalOffset = clientAreaWidth - getContentWidth();
- if (newHorizontalOffset - getHorizontalOffset() > 0) { // item is no longer drawn past the right border of the client area
- newHorizontalOffset = Math.min(0, newHorizontalOffset); // align the right end of the item with the right border of the
- setHorizontalOffset(newHorizontalOffset); // client area (window is scrolled right)
- }
-/** Not used right now. Replace focusIn/focusOut with this method once
- * Display.getFocusWindow returns the new focus window on FocusOut event
- * (see 1FMITIE)
- * The focus has moved in to or out of the receiver.
- * Redraw the item selection to reflect the focus change.
- * @param event - the focus change event
- */
-void focusChange(Event event) {
- Enumeration items = getSelectionVector().elements();
- SelectableItem lastFocusItem = getLastFocus();
- SelectableItem item;
- while (items.hasMoreElements() == true) {
- item = (SelectableItem) items.nextElement();
- redrawSelection(item);
- }
- if (lastFocusItem != null) {
- redrawSelection(lastFocusItem);
- }
- * The focus has moved in to or out of the receiver.
- * Redraw the item selection to reflect the focus change.
- * @param event - the focus change event
- */
-void focusIn(Event event) {
- Enumeration items = getSelectionVector().elements();
- SelectableItem lastFocusItem = getLastFocus();
- SelectableItem item;
- // Workaround for 1FMITIE
- hasFocus = true;
- while (items.hasMoreElements() == true) {
- item = (SelectableItem) items.nextElement();
- redrawSelection(item);
- }
- if (lastFocusItem != null) {
- redrawSelection(lastFocusItem);
- }
- // Fix blank item on slow machines/VMs. Also fixes 1G0IFMZ.
- update();
- * The focus has moved in to or out of the receiver.
- * Redraw the item selection to reflect the focus change.
- * @param event - the focus change event
- */
-void focusOut(Event event) {
- Enumeration items = getSelectionVector().elements();
- SelectableItem lastFocusItem = getLastFocus();
- SelectableItem item;
- // Workaround for 1FMITIE
- hasFocus = false;
- while (items.hasMoreElements() == true) {
- item = (SelectableItem) items.nextElement();
- redrawSelection(item);
- }
- if (lastFocusItem != null) {
- redrawSelection(lastFocusItem);
- }
- // Fix blank item on slow machines/VMs. Also fixes 1G0IFMZ.
- update();
- * Answer the index of the last item position in the receiver's
- * client area.
- * @return 0-based index of the last item position in the tree's
- * client area.
- */
-int getBottomIndex() {
- return getTopIndex() + getItemCountTruncated(getClientArea());
- * Answer the size of the check box image.
- * The calculation is cached and assumes that the images for
- * the checked and unchecked state are the same size.
- */
-Point getCheckBoxExtent() {
- Image checkedImage;
- Rectangle imageBounds;
- if (checkBoxExtent == null) {
- checkedImage = getUncheckedImage();
- if (checkedImage != null) {
- imageBounds = checkedImage.getBounds();
- checkBoxExtent = new Point(imageBounds.width, imageBounds.height);
- }
- else {
- checkBoxExtent = new Point(0, 0);
- }
- }
- return checkBoxExtent;
- * Answer the image for the selected check box
- * Answer null if the image couldn't be loaded.
- */
-Image getCheckMarkImage() {
- InputStream resourceStream;
- if (checkMarkImage == null) {
- checkMarkImage = new Image(getDisplay(), CheckMarkImageData);
- }
- return checkMarkImage;
- * Answer the width of the receiver's content.
- * Needs to be set by subclasses.
- */
-int getContentWidth() {
- return contentWidth;
- * Answer the horizontal drawing offset used for scrolling.
- * This is < 0 if the receiver has been scrolled to the left,
- * > 0 if the receiver has been scrolled to the right and 0
- * if the receiver has not been scrolled.
- */
-int getHorizontalOffset() {
- return horizontalOffset;
- * Answer the size of item images. Calculated during the item
- * height calculation.
- */
-Point getImageExtent() {
- return itemImageExtent;
- * Answer the image extent of 'item'. Overridden by subclasses.
- */
-Point getImageExtent(SelectableItem item) {
- Image image = item.getImage();
- Rectangle imageBounds;
- Point imageExtent = null;
- if (image != null) {
- imageBounds = image.getBounds();
- imageExtent = new Point(imageBounds.width, imageBounds.height);
- }
- return imageExtent;
- * Answer the index of 'item' in the receiver.
- */
-abstract int getIndex(SelectableItem item);
- * Answer the first and last index of items that can be displayed in
- * the area defined by 'clipRectangle'. This includes partial items.
- * @return
- * Array -
- * First element is the index of the first item in 'clipRectangle'.
- * Second element is the index of the last item in 'clipRectangle'.
- */
-int[] getIndexRange(Rectangle clipRectangle) {
- int visibleRange[] = new int[] {0, 0};
- visibleRange[0] = clipRectangle.y / getItemHeight();
- visibleRange[1] =
- visibleRange[0] +
- getItemCountTruncated(clipRectangle) - 1; // - 1 because item index is 0 based
- return visibleRange;
- * Return the item that draws the marker indicating the insert location
- * in a drag and drop operation
- */
-SelectableItem getInsertItem() {
- return insertItem;
- * Answer the number of items in the receiver.
- */
-public abstract int getItemCount();
- * Answer the number of items that can be displayed in 'rectangle'.
- * The result includes partially visible items.
- */
-int getItemCountTruncated(Rectangle rectangle) {
- int itemHeight = getItemHeight();
- int itemCount = 0;
- int startIndex;
- startIndex = rectangle.y / itemHeight;
- itemCount = Compatibility.ceil(rectangle.y + rectangle.height, itemHeight)-startIndex;
- return itemCount;
- * Answer the number of items that can be displayed in the client
- * area of the receiver.
- * The result only includes items that completely fit into the
- * client area.
- */
-int getItemCountWhole() {
- return getClientArea().height / getItemHeight();
- * Answer the height of an item in the receiver.
- * The item height is the greater of the item icon height and
- * text height of the first item that has text or an image
- * respectively.
- * Calculate a default item height based on the font height if
- * no item height has been calculated yet.
- */
-public int getItemHeight() {
- checkWidget();
- GC gc;
- if (itemHeight == 0) {
- gc = new GC(this);
- itemHeight = gc.stringExtent("String").y + getItemPadding(); // initial item height=font height + item spacing
- // use real font height here when available in SWT, instead of GC.textExtent
- gc.dispose();
- }
- return itemHeight;
- * Answer the number of pixels that should be added to the item height.
- */
-int getItemPadding() {
- return 2 + getDisplay().textHighlightThickness;
- * Answer the item that most recently received the input focus.
- */
-SelectableItem getLastFocus() {
- return lastFocusItem;
- * Answer the item that was selected most recently.
- */
-SelectableItem getLastSelection() {
- return lastSelectedItem;
- * Answer the event listener used for all events. Events are
- * dispatched to handler methods in handleEvents(Event).
- * This scheme saves a lot of inner classes.
- */
-Listener getListener() {
- return listener;
- * Answer the y coordinate at which 'item' is drawn.
- * @param item - SelectableItem for which the paint position
- * should be returned
- * @return the y coordinate at which 'item' is drawn.
- * Return -1 if 'item' is not an item of the receiver
- */
-int getRedrawY(SelectableItem item) {
- int redrawIndex = getVisibleIndex(item);
- int redrawY = -1;
- if (redrawIndex != -1) {
- redrawY = (redrawIndex - getTopIndex()) * getItemHeight();
- }
- return redrawY;
- * Answer the number of selected items in the receiver.
- */
-public int getSelectionCount() {
- checkWidget();
- return getSelectionVector().size();
- * Answer the selected items of the receiver.
- * @return The selected items of the receiver stored in a Vector.
- * Returned Vector is empty if no items are selected.
- */
-Vector getSelectionVector() {
- return selectedItems;
- * Answer the width of 'text' in pixel.
- * Answer 0 if 'text' is null.
- */
-int getTextWidth(String text) {
- int textWidth = 0;
- GC gc;
- if (text != null) {
- gc = new GC(this);
- textWidth = gc.stringExtent(text).x;
- gc.dispose();
- }
- return textWidth;
- * Answer the index of the first visible item in the receiver's
- * client area.
- * @return 0-based index of the first visible item in the
- * receiver's client area.
- */
-int getTopIndex() {
- return topIndex;
- * Answer the image for the deselected check box.
- */
-Image getUncheckedImage() {
- InputStream resourceStream;
- if (uncheckedImage == null) {
- uncheckedImage = new Image(getDisplay(), UncheckedImageData);
- }
- return uncheckedImage;
- * Answer the image for the grayed eck box.
- */
-Image getGrayUncheckedImage() {
- InputStream resourceStream;
- if (grayUncheckedImage == null) {
- grayUncheckedImage = new Image(getDisplay(), GrayUncheckedImageData);
- }
- return grayUncheckedImage;
- * Answer the index of 'item' in the receiver.
- * Answer -1 if the item is not visible.
- * The returned index must refer to a visible item.
- * Note:
- * Visible in this context does not neccessarily mean that the
- * item is displayed on the screen. It only means that the item
- * would be displayed if it is located inside the receiver's
- * client area.
- * Normally, every item of the receiver is visible.
- */
-abstract int getVisibleIndex(SelectableItem item);
- * Answer the SelectableItem located at 'itemIndex' in the
- * receiver.
- * @param itemIndex - location of the SelectableItem object
- * to return
- */
-abstract SelectableItem getVisibleItem(int itemIndex);
- * Answer the number of visible items of the receiver.
- * Note:
- * Visible in this context does not neccessarily mean that the
- * item is displayed on the screen. It only means that the item
- * would be displayed if it is located inside the receiver's
- * client area.
- * Normally every item of the receiver is visible.
- */
-int getVisibleItemCount() {
- return getItemCount();
- * Answer the y coordinate at which 'item' is drawn.
- * @param item - SelectableItem for which the paint position
- * should be returned
- * @return the y coordinate at which 'item' is drawn.
- * Return -1 if 'item' is null or outside the client area
- */
-abstract int getVisibleRedrawY(SelectableItem item);
- * Handle the events the receiver is listening to.
- */
-void handleEvents(Event event) {
- switch (event.type) {
- case SWT.Dispose:
- doDispose();
- break;
- case SWT.KeyDown:
- keyDown(event);
- break;
- case SWT.Resize:
- resize(event);
- break;
- case SWT.Selection:
- if (event.widget == getVerticalBar()) {
- scrollVertical(event);
- }
- else
- if (event.widget == getHorizontalBar()) {
- scrollHorizontal(event);
- }
- break;
- case SWT.FocusOut:
- focusOut(event);
- break;
- case SWT.FocusIn:
- focusIn(event);
- break;
- case SWT.Traverse:
- switch (event.detail) {
- event.doit = true;
- break;
- }
- break;
- }
- * Answer whether 'item' has the input focus.
- */
-boolean hasFocus(SelectableItem item) {
- return (isFocusControl() && item == getLastFocus());
- * Initialize the receiver. Add event listeners and set widget
- * colors.
- */
-void initialize() {
- Display display = getDisplay();
- ScrollBar horizontalBar = getHorizontalBar();
- ScrollBar verticalBar = getVerticalBar();
- // listener may be needed by overridden installListeners()
- listener = new Listener() {
- public void handleEvent(Event event) {handleEvents(event);}
- };
- setSelectionVector(new Vector());
- installListeners();
- calculateVerticalScrollbar();
- calculateHorizontalScrollbar();
- horizontalBar.setMinimum(0);
- verticalBar.setMinimum(0);
- horizontalBar.setIncrement(HORIZONTAL_SCROLL_INCREMENT);
- setForeground(display.getSystemColor(SWT.COLOR_LIST_FOREGROUND));
- setBackground(display.getSystemColor(SWT.COLOR_LIST_BACKGROUND));
- * Initialize the ImageData used for the checked/unchecked images.
- */
-static void initializeImageData() {
- PaletteData uncheckedPalette = new PaletteData(
- new RGB[] {new RGB(128, 128, 128), new RGB(255, 255, 255)});
- PaletteData grayUncheckedPalette = new PaletteData(
- new RGB[] {new RGB(128, 128, 128), new RGB(192, 192, 192)});
- PaletteData checkMarkPalette = new PaletteData(
- new RGB[] {new RGB(0, 0, 0), new RGB(252, 3, 251)});
- byte[] checkbox = new byte[] {0, 0, 127, -64, 127, -64, 127, -64, 127, -64, 127, -64, 127, -64, 127, -64, 127, -64, 127, -64, 0, 0};
- // Each pixel is represented by one bit in the byte data.
- // The bit references the palette position (0 or 1). Each pixel row of an image is padded to one byte.
- // Arguments: width, height, depth, palette, scanline padding, data
- UncheckedImageData = new ImageData(11, 11, 1, uncheckedPalette, 2, checkbox);
- GrayUncheckedImageData = new ImageData(11, 11, 1, grayUncheckedPalette, 2, checkbox);
- CheckMarkImageData = new ImageData(7, 7, 1, checkMarkPalette, 1, new byte[] {-4, -8, 112, 34, 6, -114, -34});
- CheckMarkImageData.transparentPixel = 1;
- * Add event listeners to the tree widget and its scroll bars.
- */
-void installListeners() {
- Listener listener = getListener();
- addListener(SWT.Dispose, listener);
- addListener(SWT.Resize, listener);
- addListener(SWT.KeyDown, listener);
- addListener(SWT.FocusOut, listener);
- addListener(SWT.FocusIn, listener);
- addListener(SWT.Traverse, listener);
- getVerticalBar().addListener(SWT.Selection, listener);
- getHorizontalBar().addListener(SWT.Selection, listener);
- * Answer whether the currently selected items were selected
- * using the ctrl key.
- */
-boolean isCtrlSelection() {
- return isCtrlSelection;
- * Answer true if all items in the widget are disposed.
- * Used to optimize item disposal. Prevents unnecessary screen
- * updates.
- */
-boolean isRemovingAll() {
- return isRemovingAll;
- * Answer whether the receiver has the input focus.
- * Workaround for 1FMITIE
- */
-public boolean isFocusControl() {
- return hasFocus;
- * Return whether the drop insert position is before or after the
- * item set using motif_setInsertMark.
- * @return
- * true=insert position is after the insert item
- * false=insert position is before the insert item
- */
-boolean isInsertAfter() {
- return isInsertAfter;
- * Answer whether the receiver has the MULTI selection style set.
- * @return
- * true = receiver is in multiple selection mode.
- * false = receiver is in single selection mode.
- */
-boolean isMultiSelect() {
- return ((getStyle() & SWT.MULTI) != 0);
- * The item identified by 'changedItem' has changed.
- * Calculate the item height based on the new item data (it might
- * now have an image which could also be the first image in the
- * receiver)
- * Redraw the whole window if the item height has changed. Otherwise
- * redraw only the changed item or part of it depending on the
- * 'repaintStartX' and 'repaintWidth' parameters.
- * @param changedItem - the item that has changed
- * @param repaintStartX - x position of the item redraw.
- * @param repaintWidth - width of the item redraw.
- */
-void itemChanged(SelectableItem changedItem, int repaintStartX, int repaintWidth) {
- int yPosition;
- int itemHeight;
- int oldItemHeight = getItemHeight();
- Point oldImageExtent = getImageExtent();
- calculateItemHeight(changedItem); // make sure that the item height is recalculated
- // no redraw necessary if redraw width is 0 or item is not visible
- if (repaintWidth == 0 || (yPosition = getVisibleRedrawY(changedItem)) == -1) {
- return;
- } // if changedItem is the first item with image.
- itemHeight = getItemHeight();
- if ((oldItemHeight == itemHeight) && // only redraw changed item if the item height and
- (oldImageExtent == getImageExtent())) { // image size has not changed. The latter will only change once,
- // from null to a value-so it's safe to test using !=
- // redrawing outside the client area redraws the widget border on Motif.
- // adjust the redraw width if necessary. Workaround for 1G4TQRW
- repaintWidth = Math.min(repaintWidth, getClientArea().width - repaintStartX);
- if (repaintWidth > 0) {
- redraw(repaintStartX, yPosition, repaintWidth, itemHeight, true);
- }
- }
- else {
- redraw(); // redraw all items if the item height has changed
- }
- * A key was pressed. Call the appropriate handler method.
- * @param event - the key event
- */
-void keyDown(Event event) {
- boolean isCtrlSelection = isCtrlSelection();
- if (event.stateMask != SWT.MOD1) {
- isCtrlSelection = false;
- }
- switch (event.keyCode) {
- case SWT.ARROW_UP:
- doArrowUp(event.stateMask);
- break;
- doArrowDown(event.stateMask);
- break;
- doArrowLeft(event.stateMask);
- break;
- doArrowRight(event.stateMask);
- break;
- case SWT.PAGE_UP:
- doPageUp(event.stateMask);
- break;
- doPageDown(event.stateMask);
- break;
- case SWT.HOME:
- doHome(event.stateMask);
- break;
- case SWT.END:
- doEnd(event.stateMask);
- break;
- default: // no selection occurred, keep previous
- isCtrlSelection = isCtrlSelection(); // selection type information
- }
- if (event.character == ' ') {
- doSpace(event.stateMask);
- isCtrlSelection = (event.stateMask == SWT.MOD1);
- }
- //forward the enter key pressed to defaultSelection listenters
- if(event.character == SWT.CR){
- Event forwardEvent = new Event();
- forwardEvent.item = getLastFocus();
- notifyListeners(SWT.DefaultSelection, forwardEvent);
- }
- setCtrlSelection(isCtrlSelection);
- * Sets the drop insert item.
- * The drop insert item has a visual hint to show where a dragged item
- * will be inserted when dropped on the tree.
- * <p>
- * @param item the insert item
- * @param after true places the insert mark below 'item'. false places
- * the insert mark above 'item'.
- */
-void motif_setInsertMark(SelectableItem item, boolean after) {
- SelectableItem currentItem = getInsertItem();
- int redrawY;
- setInsertItem(item);
- setInsertAfter(after);
- if (currentItem != null) {
- redrawY = getVisibleRedrawY(currentItem);
- if (redrawY != -1) {
- currentItem.redrawInsertMark(redrawY);
- }
- }
- if (item != null) {
- redrawY = getVisibleRedrawY(item);
- if (redrawY != -1) {
- item.redrawInsertMark(redrawY);
- }
- }
- * Overridden to implement setRedraw(). Redraw is ignored if setRedraw was
- * set to false.
- */
-public void redraw () {
- checkWidget();
- if (drawCount == 0) {
- super.redraw();
- }
- * Overridden to implement setRedraw(). Redraw is ignored if setRedraw was
- * set to false.
- */
-public void redraw (int x, int y, int width, int height, boolean all) {
- checkWidget();
- if (drawCount == 0) {
- super.redraw(x, y, width, height, all);
- }
- * Redraw the selection of 'item'
- * @param item - SelectableItem that should have the selection redrawn.
- */
-void redrawSelection(SelectableItem item) {
- int redrawPosition = getVisibleRedrawY(item);
- if (redrawPosition != -1) {
- item.redrawSelection(redrawPosition);
- }
- * 'item' has been removed from the receiver.
- * Update the display and the scroll bars.
- */
-void removedItem(SelectableItem item) {
- claimBottomFreeSpace();
- calculateVerticalScrollbar();
- if (getItemCount() == 0) {
- reset();
- }
- * 'item' is about to be removed from the tree.
- * Move the selection/input focus if 'item' is selected or has the
- * input focus,
- * @param item - item that is about to be removed from the tree.
- */
-void removingItem(SelectableItem item) {
- SelectableItem nextFocusItem = null;
- int itemIndex = getVisibleIndex(item);
- int itemCount = getVisibleItemCount();
- // deselect item and remove from selection
- if (item.isSelected() == true) {
- getSelectionVector().removeElement(item);
- }
- if (item == getLastFocus() && itemCount > 1) {
- // select previous item if removed item is bottom item
- // otherwise select next item. Fixes 1GA6L85
- if (itemIndex == itemCount - 1) {
- nextFocusItem = getVisibleItem(itemIndex - 1);
- }
- else {
- nextFocusItem = getVisibleItem(itemIndex + 1);
- }
- setLastFocus(nextFocusItem, true);
- }
- // ignore items below widget client area
- if (itemIndex != -1 && itemIndex <= getBottomIndex()) {
- scrollVerticalRemovedItem(itemIndex);
- }
- * Reset state that is dependent on or calculated from the state
- * of the receiver.
- */
-void reset() {
- setSelectionVector(new Vector());
- setTopIndexNoScroll(0, true);
- lastSelectedItem = null;
- lastFocusItem = null;
- resetItemData();
- * Reset state that is dependent on or calculated from the items
- * of the receiver.
- */
-void resetItemData() {
- setHorizontalOffset(0);
- setItemHeight(0);
- itemImageExtent = null;
- textHeight = -1;
- claimRightFreeSpace();
- * The receiver has been resized. Update the scroll bars and
- * make sure that new space is being occupied by items.
- */
-void resize(Event event) {
- int horizontalPageSize = getHorizontalBar().getPageIncrement();
- resizeHorizontalScrollbar();
- resizeVerticalScrollbar();
- if (getClientArea().width > horizontalPageSize) { // window resized wider? - Do this check here
- claimRightFreeSpace(); // because claimRightFreeSpace is called elsewhere.
- }
- claimBottomFreeSpace();
- * Display the horizontal scroll bar if items are drawn off
- * screen. Update the page size.
- */
-void resizeHorizontalScrollbar() {
- ScrollBar horizontalBar = getHorizontalBar();
- int clientAreaWidth = getClientArea().width;
- if (clientAreaWidth < getContentWidth()) {
- if (horizontalBar.getVisible() == false) {
- horizontalBar.setVisible(true);
- horizontalBar.setSelection(0);
- }
- }
- else
- if (horizontalBar.getVisible() == true) {
- horizontalBar.setVisible(false);
- }
- horizontalBar.setThumb(clientAreaWidth);
- horizontalBar.setPageIncrement(clientAreaWidth);
- * Display the vertical scroll bar if items are drawn off screen.
- * Update the page size.
- */
-void resizeVerticalScrollbar() {
- int clientAreaItemCount = getItemCountWhole();
- ScrollBar verticalBar = getVerticalBar();
- if (clientAreaItemCount == 0) {
- return;
- }
- if (clientAreaItemCount < getVisibleItemCount()) {
- if (verticalBar.getVisible() == false) {
- verticalBar.setVisible(true);
- }
- // Only set the page size to something smaller than the scroll
- // range maximum. Otherwise the scroll selection will be reset.
- verticalBar.setPageIncrement(clientAreaItemCount);
- verticalBar.setThumb(clientAreaItemCount);
- }
- else
- if (verticalBar.getVisible() == true) {
- verticalBar.setVisible(false);
- }
- * Scroll the rectangle specified by x, y, width, height to the destination
- * position. Do nothing if redraw is set to false using setRedraw().
- *
- * @param destX - destination x position of the scrolled rectangle
- * @param destY - destination y position of the scrolled rectangle
- * @param x - x location of the upper left corner of the scroll rectangle
- * @param y - y location of the upper left corner of the scroll rectangle
- * @param width - width of the scroll rectangle
- * @param height - height of the scroll rectangle
- * @param all - not used. Used to be true=scroll children intersecting the
- * scroll rectangle.
- */
-void scroll(int destX, int destY, int x, int y, int width, int height, boolean all) {
- if (drawCount == 0) {
- update();
- GC gc = new GC(this);
- gc.copyArea(x, y, width, height, destX, destY);
- gc.dispose();
- }
- * Scroll horizontally by 'numPixel' pixel.
- * @param numPixel - the number of pixel to scroll
- * numPixel > 0 = scroll to left. numPixel < 0 = scroll to right
- */
-abstract void scrollHorizontal(int numPixel);
- * The position of the horizontal scroll bar has been modified
- * by the user.
- * Adjust the horizontal offset to trigger a horizontal scroll.
- * @param event-the scroll event
- */
-void scrollHorizontal(Event event) {
- setHorizontalOffset(getHorizontalBar().getSelection() * -1);
-void scrollShowItem(int index) {
- int itemIndexFromTop = index - getTopIndex();
- int clientAreaWholeItemCount = getItemCountWhole();
- int scrollAmount = 0;
- if (itemIndexFromTop >= clientAreaWholeItemCount) { // show item below visible items?
- scrollAmount = itemIndexFromTop;
- if (clientAreaWholeItemCount > 0) { // will be 0 if showItem is called and receiver hasn't been displayed yet
- scrollAmount -= clientAreaWholeItemCount - 1;
- }
- }
- else
- if (itemIndexFromTop < 0) { // show item above visible items?
- scrollAmount = itemIndexFromTop;
- }
- setTopIndex(getTopIndex() + scrollAmount, true);
- * Scroll vertically by 'scrollIndexCount' items.
- * @param scrollIndexCount - the number of items to scroll.
- * scrollIndexCount > 0 = scroll up. scrollIndexCount < 0 = scroll down
- */
-abstract void scrollVertical(int scrollIndexCount);
- * The position of the horizontal scroll bar has been modified
- * by the user.
- * Adjust the index of the top item to trigger a vertical scroll.
- * @param event-the scroll event
- */
-void scrollVertical(Event event) {
- setTopIndex(getVerticalBar().getSelection(), false);
- * Scroll items down to make space for a new item added to
- * the receiver at position 'index'.
- * @param index - position at which space for one new item
- * should be made. This index is relative to the first item
- * of the receiver.
- */
-void scrollVerticalAddingItem(int index) {
- Rectangle clientArea = getClientArea();
- int itemHeight = getItemHeight();
- int sourceY = Math.max(0, (index - getTopIndex()) * itemHeight); // need to scroll in visible area
- scroll(
- 0, sourceY + itemHeight, // destination x, y
- 0, sourceY, // source x, y
- clientArea.width, clientArea.height, true);
- * Scroll the items below the item at position 'index' up
- * so that they cover the removed item.
- * @param index - index of the removed item
- */
-void scrollVerticalRemovedItem(int index) {
- Rectangle clientArea = getClientArea();
- int itemHeight = getItemHeight();
- int destinationY = Math.max(0, (index - getTopIndex()) * itemHeight);
- scroll(
- 0, destinationY, // destination x, y
- 0, destinationY + itemHeight, // source x, y
- clientArea.width, clientArea.height, true);
- * Select 'item' if it is not selected.
- * @param item - item that should be selected
- */
-void select(SelectableItem item) {
- Vector selectedItems = getSelectionVector();
- if (item != null && item.isSelected() == false && isRemovingAll() == false) {
- item.setSelected(true);
- redrawSelection(item);
- selectedItems.addElement(item);
- }
- * Select 'item' if it is not selected. Send a Selection event
- * if the selection was changed.
- * @param item - item that should be selected
- * @param asyncNotify
- * true=send the selection event asynchronously
- * false=send the selection event immediately
- */
-void selectNotify(final SelectableItem item, boolean asyncNotify) {
- if (isRemovingAll() == false) {
- if (item.isSelected() == false) {
- select(item);
- setLastSelection(item, true);
- update(); // looks better when event notification takes long to return
- }
- if (asyncNotify == false) {
- Event event = new Event();
- event.item = item;
- notifyListeners(SWT.Selection, event);
- }
- else {
- getDisplay().asyncExec(new Runnable() {
- public void run() {
- // Only send a selection event when the item has not been disposed.
- // Fixes 1GE6XQA
- if (item.isDisposed() == false) {
- Event event = new Event();
- event.item = item;
- notifyListeners(SWT.Selection, event);
- }
- }
- });
- }
- }
- * Select 'item' if it is not selected. Send a Selection event
- * if the selection was changed.
- * @param item - item that should be selected
- */
-void selectNotify(SelectableItem item) {
- selectNotify(item, false);
- * Select all items of the receiver starting at 'fromIndex'
- * and including 'toIndex'.
- */
-void selectRange(int fromIndex, int toIndex) {
- if (fromIndex > toIndex) {
- for (int i = fromIndex; i > toIndex; i--) {
- select(getVisibleItem(i));
- }
- }
- else {
- for (int i = fromIndex; i < toIndex; i++) {
- select(getVisibleItem(i));
- }
- }
- selectNotify(getVisibleItem(toIndex)); // select last item, notifying listeners
- * Set the width of the receiver's contents to 'newWidth'.
- * Content width is used to calculate the horizontal scrollbar.
- */
-void setContentWidth(int newWidth) {
- ScrollBar horizontalBar;
- boolean scrollBarVisible;
- if (contentWidth != newWidth) {
- horizontalBar = getHorizontalBar();
- scrollBarVisible = horizontalBar.getVisible();
- contentWidth = newWidth;
- calculateHorizontalScrollbar();
- if (scrollBarVisible != horizontalBar.getVisible()) {
- resizeVerticalScrollbar(); // the vertical scroll bar needs to be resized if the horizontal
- } // scroll bar was hidden or made visible during recalculation
- }
- * Set whether the currently selected items were selected using the
- * ctrl key.
- * @param isCtrlSelection -
- * true = currently selected items were selected using the ctrl key.
- * false = currently selected items were not selected using the
- * ctrl key.
- */
-void setCtrlSelection(boolean isCtrlSelection) {
- this.isCtrlSelection = isCtrlSelection;
- * The font is changing. Reset the text height to force a
- * recalculation during itemChanged().
- */
-public void setFont(Font font) {
- checkWidget();
- super.setFont(font);
- textHeight = -1;
- * Set the horizontal drawing offset to 'offset'.
- * Scroll the receiver's contents according to the offset change.
- * @param offset - value < 0 = widget contents is drawn left of the client area.
- */
-void setHorizontalOffset(int offset) {
- int offsetChange = offset - horizontalOffset;
- if (offsetChange != 0) {
- scrollHorizontal(offsetChange);
- horizontalOffset = offset;
- }
- * Set whether the drop insert position is before or after the
- * item set using motif_setInsertMark.
- * @param after true=insert position is after the insert item
- * false=insert position is before the insert item
- */
-void setInsertAfter(boolean after) {
- isInsertAfter = after;
- * Set the item that draws the marker indicating the insert location
- * in a drag and drop operation.
- * @param item the item that draws the insert marker
- */
-void setInsertItem(SelectableItem item) {
- insertItem = item;
- * Set the height of the receiver's items to 'height'.
- */
-void setItemHeight(int height) {
- itemHeight = height;
- * Set the item that most recently received the input focus
- * to 'focusItem'. Redraw both, the item that lost focus
- * and the one that received focus.
- * @param focusItem - the item that most recently received
- * the input focus
- * @param showItem true=new focus item, if any, should be scrolled
- * into view. false=don't scroll
- */
-void setLastFocus(SelectableItem focusItem, boolean showItem) {
- SelectableItem oldFocusItem = lastFocusItem;
- if (focusItem != lastFocusItem) {
- lastFocusItem = focusItem;
- if (oldFocusItem != null) {
- redrawSelection(oldFocusItem);
- }
- if (lastFocusItem != null && isFocusControl() == true) {
- redrawSelection(lastFocusItem);
- }
- }
- if (focusItem != null && showItem == true) {
- showSelectableItem(focusItem);
- }
- * Set the item that was selected most recently to 'selectedItem'.
- * Set the input focus to that item.
- * @param selectedItem - the item that was selected most recently
- * @param showItem true=new focus item, if any, should be scrolled
- * into view. false=don't scroll
- */
-void setLastSelection(SelectableItem selectedItem, boolean showItem) {
- if (selectedItem == null) { // always store the item selected last
- return;
- }
- setLastFocus(selectedItem, showItem);
- lastSelectedItem = selectedItem;
- * Sets the redraw flag.
- * @param redraw -
- * true = redraw and scroll operations are performed normally
- * false = redraw and scroll operations are ignored
- */
-public void setRedraw (boolean redraw) {
- checkWidget();
- if (redraw) {
- if (--drawCount == 0) redraw();
- } else {
- drawCount++;
- }
- * Set whether all items in the widget are disposed.
- * Used to optimize item disposal. Prevents unnecessary screen
- * updates.
- * @param removingAll
- * true=all items are removed.
- * false=normal state, no items or not all items are removed.
- */
-void setRemovingAll(boolean removingAll) {
- isRemovingAll = removingAll;
- * Select the items stored in 'selectionItems'.
- * A SWT.Selection event is not going to be sent.
- * @param selectionItems - Array containing the items that should
- * be selected
- */
-void setSelectableSelection(SelectableItem selectionItems[]) {
- SelectableItem item = null;
- int selectionCount = selectionItems.length;
- Vector keepSelected;
- if (isMultiSelect() == false && selectionCount > 1) {
- selectionCount = 1;
- }
- keepSelected = new Vector(selectionItems.length);
- for (int i = 0; i < selectionCount; i++) {
- if (selectionItems[i] != null) {
- if (selectionItems[i].isDisposed()) error(SWT.ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT);
- keepSelected.addElement(selectionItems[i]);
- }
- }
- deselectAllExcept(keepSelected);
- // select in the same order as all the other selection and deslection methods.
- // Otherwise setLastSelection repeatedly changes the lastSelectedItem for repeated
- // selections of the items, causing flash.
- for (int i = selectionCount - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
- item = selectionItems[i];
- if (item != null) {
- select(item);
- }
- }
- if (item != null) {
- setLastSelection(item, true);
- }
- * Set the vector used to store the selected items of the receiver
- * to 'newVector'.
- * @param newVector - the vector used to store the selected items
- * of the receiver
- */
-void setSelectionVector(Vector newVector) {
- selectedItems = newVector;
- * Scroll the item at 'index' to the top.
- * @param index - 0-based index of the first visible item in the
- * receiver's client area.
- * @param adjustScrollbar - true=set the position of the vertical
- * scroll bar to the new top index.
- * false=don't adjust the vertical scroll bar
- */
-void setTopIndex(int index, boolean adjustScrollbar) {
- int indexDiff = index-topIndex;
- if (indexDiff != 0) {
- scrollVertical(indexDiff);
- setTopIndexNoScroll(index, adjustScrollbar);
- }
- * Set the index of the first visible item in the receiver's client
- * area to 'index'.
- * @param index - 0-based index of the first visible item in the
- * receiver's client area.
- * @param adjustScrollbar - true=set the position of the vertical
- * scroll bar to the new top index.
- * false=don't adjust the vertical scroll bar
- */
-void setTopIndexNoScroll(int index, boolean adjustScrollbar) {
- topIndex = index;
- if (adjustScrollbar == true) {
- getVerticalBar().setSelection(index);
- }
- * The shift key was pressed when the mouse click on an item
- * occurred. Do a shift selection. If an already selected item was
- * clicked the selection is expanded/reduced to that item
- * @param hitItem - specifies the clicked item
- * @param hitItemIndex - specifies the index of the clicked item
- * relative to the first item.
- */
-void shiftSelect(SelectableItem hitItem, int hitItemIndex) {
- int fromIndex = -1;
- int toIndex = -1;
- int lastSelectionIndex = -1;
- int selectionRange[];
- SelectableItem lastSelection = getLastSelection();
- if (lastSelection != null) {
- lastSelectionIndex = getVisibleIndex(lastSelection);
- }
- if (isCtrlSelection() == true) { // was last selection ctrl selection?
- deselectAllExcept(lastSelection);
- fromIndex = lastSelectionIndex; // select from last selection
- toIndex = hitItemIndex;
- }
- else
- if (getSelectionVector().contains(hitItem) == true) { // clicked an item already selected?
- deselectRange(hitItemIndex, lastSelectionIndex); // reduce selection
- }
- else { // clicked outside existing selection range
- selectionRange = calculateShiftSelectionRange(hitItemIndex);
- fromIndex = selectionRange[0];
- toIndex = selectionRange[1];
- }
- if (hitItemIndex == lastSelectionIndex) { // was click on last selected item?
- return;
- }
- if (fromIndex == -1 || toIndex == -1) { // are there previously selected items?
- toggleSelectionNotify(hitItem); // do a single select.
- }
- else {
- if (((lastSelectionIndex < fromIndex) && (hitItemIndex > fromIndex)) || // does selection reverse direction?
- ((lastSelectionIndex > fromIndex) && (hitItemIndex < fromIndex))) {
- deselectAllExcept((SelectableItem) null); // remove old selection
- }
- selectRange(fromIndex, toIndex);
- }
- * Make 'item' visible by scrolling it into the receiver's client
- * area if necessary.
- * @param item - the item that should be made visible to the user.
- */
-void showSelectableItem(SelectableItem item) {
- if (item.getSelectableParent() != this) {
- return;
- }
- int index = getIndex (item);
- showSelectableItem(index);
- * Make 'index' visible by scrolling it into the receiver's client
- * area if necessary.
- * @param index - the item index that should be made visible to the user.
- */
-void showSelectableItem(int index) {
- scrollShowItem(index);
- scrollShowItem(index); // second call makes sure that the item is still visible
- // even if the first scroll caused the horizontal scroll
- // to be displayed and the item to be hidden again.
- * Show the selection. If there is no selection or the
- * selection is already visible, this method does nothing.
- * If the selection is not visible, the top index of the
- * widget is changed such that the selection becomes visible.
- */
-public void showSelection() {
- checkWidget();
- Vector selection = getSelectionVector();
- SelectableItem selectionItem;
- if (selection.size() > 0) {
- selectionItem = (SelectableItem) selection.firstElement();
- showSelectableItem(selectionItem);
- }
- * Sorts the specified range in the array.
- *
- * @param array the SelectableItem array to be sorted
- * @param start the start index to sort
- * @param end the last + 1 index to sort
- */
-void sort(SelectableItem[] array, int start, int end) {
- int middle = (start + end) / 2;
- if (start + 1 < middle) sort(array, start, middle);
- if (middle + 1 < end) sort(array, middle, end);
- if (start + 1 >= end) return; // this case can only happen when this method is called by the user
- if (getVisibleIndex(array[middle-1]) <= getVisibleIndex(array[middle])) return;
- if (start + 2 == end) {
- SelectableItem temp = array[start];
- array[start] = array[middle];
- array[middle] = temp;
- return;
- }
- int i1 = start, i2 = middle, i3 = 0;
- SelectableItem[] merge = new SelectableItem[end - start];
- while (i1 < middle && i2 < end) {
- merge[i3++] = getVisibleIndex(array[i1]) <= getVisibleIndex(array[i2]) ?
- array[i1++] : array[i2++];
- }
- if (i1 < middle) System.arraycopy(array, i1, merge, i3, middle - i1);
- System.arraycopy(merge, 0, array, start, i2 - start);
- * Toggle the selection of 'item'.
- * @param item - item that should be selected/deselected
- */
-void toggleSelectionNotify(SelectableItem item) {
- if (item.isSelected() == true) {
- deselectNotify(item);
- }
- else {
- selectNotify(item);
- }

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