# misc. build properties, varing by stream or release # purely title or identifier for display, to help confirm right file # is being retrived and used. streamSpecificPropertiesTitle="Properties for 4.3.0 builds and tests" # emfRepoURL should NOT be defined in 38 builds, so the # builder will know to "skip" tasks related to EMF # Note: this URL needs to be updated everyone milestone/RC when ever there is a # new version to pick up. #emfRepoURL=http://download.eclipse.org/modeling/emf/emf/updates/2.8/base/R201206060717 emfRepoURL=http://download.eclipse.org/modeling/emf/emf/updates/2.9milestones/base/S201212130932 # TODO: we could likely get rid of this section, # now that we have ${eclipseStreamMajor} and ${eclipseStreamMinor} available in main scripts # (but, we'd still need _this_ file anyway, so can improve these repo location variables later. p2repoN=http://@localmirror@/eclipse/updates/4.3-N-builds p2repoI=http://@localmirror@/eclipse/updates/4.3-I-builds p2repoM=http://@localmirror@/eclipse/updates/4.3.x p2repoNPath=/eclipse/updates/4.3-N-builds p2repoIPath=/eclipse/updates/4.3-I-builds p2repoMPath=/eclipse/updates/4.3.x p2repopreviousR=http://@localmirror@/eclipse/updates/3.7/R-3.7.2-201202080800 p2repoXPath=/eclipse/updates/4.3-X-builds # Note: API tests needs the _base_ of previous release, and also the previous service release # Bug 378587 - update releng tests (data) to go work against previous release # Bug 380033 - temp fix to hard code 'archive.eclipse.org' for now apiTestsPreviousBaseDLBaseURL=http://${ARCHIVE_HOST}/eclipse/downloads/drops4/R-4.1-201106201631 apiTestsPreviousBaseWin32Filename=eclipse-SDK-4.1-win32.zip apiTestsPreviousRefererenceBaseDLBaseURL=http://${ARCHIVE_HOST}/eclipse/downloads/drops4/R-4.1.2-201202230900 apiTestsPreviousRefererenceWin32Filename=eclipse-SDK-4.1.2-win32.zip # Bug 392521 - add variable to represent hpux ia64 bitness per stream # https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=392521 hpuxia64bitness=ia64 excludeicubase=true