#!/usr/bin/env bash #******************************************************************************* # Copyright (c) 2016 IBM Corporation and others. # # This program and the accompanying materials # are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 # which accompanies this distribution, and is available at # https://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-2.0/ # # SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 # # Contributors: # David Williams - initial API and implementation #******************************************************************************* # default definitions for this branch # this localBuildProperties.shsource file is to ease local builds to override some variables. # It should not be used for production builds. source localBuildProperties.shsource 2>/dev/null export BUILD_HOME=${BUILD_HOME:-/shared/eclipse/builds} export BRANCH=${BRANCH:-master} export STREAM=${STREAM:-4.12.0} export BUILD_TYPE=${BUILD_TYPE:-I} # If not set be caller, make sure its an empty string # as the variable is sometimes used to "complete" a name, # such as "repositories_${PATCH_BUILD}.txt" # (not sure this makes a difference in bash? # undefined is same as empty string?) export PATCH_BUILD=${PATCH_BUILD:-""} # PATCH_OR_BRANCH_LABEL is a very special purpose variable, used to identify # files in the same branch (usually master) that are to be used, such as # repositories_master.txt or index.template_${PATCH_OR_BRANCH}.php # If not set in bootstrap script, infer based on patch_build or branch if [[ -z ${PATCH_OR_BRANCH_LABEL} ]] then if [[ -z "${PATCH_BUILD}" ]] then export PATCH_OR_BRANCH_LABEL=${BRANCH} else export PATCH_OR_BRANCH_LABEL=${PATCH_BUILD} fi fi # environment variable to control if jars use Java 8 with pack200 or not # Should be temporary. See bug https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=463510 # Not sure if this effect Maven/Tycho builds, or not. #export JAR_PROCESSOR_JAVA=java8 # special POM for patch builds, but by default use POM at root of $REPO_DIR # which is default behavior if [[ -n ${PATCH_BUILD} ]] then export ALT_POM_FILE="-f eclipse.platform.releng.tychoeclipsebuilder/${PATCH_BUILD}/pom.xml" echo " DEBUG: ALT_POM_FILE: $ALT_POM_FILE" else export ALT_POM_FILE="" echo " DEBUG: ALT_POM_FILE: None. Using normal default." fi eclipseStreamMajor=${STREAM:0:1} export BUILD_ROOT=${BUILD_ROOT:-${BUILD_HOME}/${eclipseStreamMajor}${BUILD_TYPE}} # Any invocation of Java, Ant, Maven, etc., should use this as default TMP direcotory, # instead of the default /tmp by using # -Djava.io.tmpdir=${TMP_DIR} export TMP_DIR=${TMP_DIR:-${BUILD_ROOT}/tmp} # Just in case it doesn't exist yet (it must exist first, or Java will fail) mkdir -p ${TMP_DIR} # these could be machine specific export JAVA_HOME=${JAVA_HOME:-/shared/common/jdk1.8.0_x64-latest} # required for when ant is used. Unclear how maven's "antrun" finds its version of Ant, # built in? Or system path? # But, without the ANT_OPTS, we do get messages about "to get repeatable builds, to ignore sysclasspath" export ANT_HOME=${ANT_HOME:-/shared/common/apache-ant-1.9.6} # we "add to" ANT_OPTS, since Hudson may define some required values export ANT_OPTS="${ANT_OPTS} -Dbuild.sysclasspath=ignore -Dincludeantruntime=false" # use separate temp dir for maven like RAMDISK export MAVEN_TMP_DIR=${MAVEN_TMP_DIR:-${TMP_DIR}} mkdir -p ${MAVEN_TMP_DIR} # # remember, MaxPermSize is specific to "Oracle VMs". It has to be removed (or over ridden) # for other VMs or the VM might fail to start due to unrecognized -XX option. # Normally should not use -Declipse.p2.mirrors=false, especially on a regular basis. # Lower mx since less needed with Tycho 0.23.1. But, still higher than our previous 4G, since we do use near 4G. export MAVEN_OPTS=${MAVEN_OPTS:--Xms2048m -Xmx5120m -Djava.io.tmpdir=${MAVEN_TMP_DIR} -Dtycho.localArtifacts=ignore ${MIRROR_SETTING}} export MAVEN_PATH=${MAVEN_PATH:-/shared/common/maven/apache-maven-3.5.4/bin} export PATH=$JAVA_HOME/bin:$MAVEN_PATH:$ANT_HOME/bin:$PATH # Only used to start antrunner for tests. # TODO: avoid this hard coding BASEBUILDER_TAG=4.11 B_GIT_EMAIL=genie.releng@eclipse.org B_GIT_NAME="Releng HIPP" COMMITTER_ID=genie.releng # MVN_DEBUG=true means verbose; gives comparator info export MVN_DEBUG=${MVN_DEBUG:-true} export MVN_QUIET=${MVN_QUIET:-false} # Need bree-libs for production builds MAVEN_BREE=-Pbree-libs # local, non build.eclipse.org builds (or, test builds) may need to override, and turn off signing. # otherwise, we always sign if I or M builds, but not N builds # if [[ $BUILD_TYPE =~ [IMXYPU] ]] then SIGNING=${SIGNING:-true} else SIGNING=${SIGNING:-false} fi # custom, environment specific setting, required to generate java doc correctly for Java 8 additions, # in our production builds. This is anticipated to be temporary, until we find a better way # to do it. export JAVA_DOC_TOOL="-Declipse.javadoc=/shared/common/java/openjdk/jdk-11_x64-latest/bin/javadoc" #export USING_TYCHO_SNAPSHOT=false export PATCH_TYCHO=false export PATCH_SWT=false