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Diffstat (limited to 'FROMCVS/org.eclipse.test.performance.win32/src/ivjperf.c')
1 files changed, 320 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/FROMCVS/org.eclipse.test.performance.win32/src/ivjperf.c b/FROMCVS/org.eclipse.test.performance.win32/src/ivjperf.c
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..32ead06ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FROMCVS/org.eclipse.test.performance.win32/src/ivjperf.c
@@ -0,0 +1,320 @@
+ This DLL provides some native utility methods for the Performance Plugin.
+ 2003/07/08 - I tried providing my own replacement to GetPerformanceInfo by calling pdhopenquery()
+ but wsad always crashed when I shut it down, so I backed off (at least for now) and simply return
+ a function not available return code. At some later point in time you can go back in VSS and restore
+ that code and try again.
+ */
+#include <windows.h>
+#include <wincon.h>
+#include <psapi.h>
+#include "ivjperf.h"
+enum loadStatusType {unknown, loaded, notFound} loadStatus = unknown, loadHandleCount = unknown;
+// loadStatusType loadStatus;
+// depending on the OS (NT4/W2k or XP) we use different functions
+typedef BOOL WINAPI _GPI(PPERFORMACE_INFORMATION pPerformanceInformation, DWORD cb);
+_GPI* gpGetPerformanceInfo = NULL; // this is our function pointer
+typedef BOOL WINAPI _GPHC(HANDLE hProcess, PDWORD count);
+_GPHC* gpGetProcessHandleCount = NULL;
+ A helper function that makes it easier to throw exceptions.
+void throwException(JNIEnv * jniEnv, char* details)
+ jclass exceptionClass;
+ exceptionClass = (*jniEnv)->FindClass(jniEnv, "java/lang/IllegalArgumentException");
+ if (exceptionClass == 0)
+ {
+ printf("Could not find the exception class I have to give up");
+ return;
+ }
+ (*jniEnv)->ThrowNew(jniEnv, exceptionClass, details);
+ return;
+ A helper function that throws an exception that tells us a function is not supported
+void throwUnsupported(JNIEnv * jniEnv, char* details)
+ jclass exceptionClass;
+ exceptionClass = (*jniEnv)->FindClass(jniEnv, "java/lang/UnsupportedOperationException");
+ if (exceptionClass == 0)
+ {
+ printf("Could not find the UnsupportedOperationException class I have to give up");
+ return;
+ }
+ (*jniEnv)->ThrowNew(jniEnv, exceptionClass, details);
+ return;
+ A helper method that makes it easier to handle errors. If a windows
+ error is encountered, then a RuntimeException is thrown.
+void handleSystemError(JNIEnv * jniEnv)
+ jclass exceptionClass;
+ LPVOID lpMsgBuf;
+ if (!FormatMessage(
+ GetLastError(),
+ (LPTSTR) &lpMsgBuf,
+ 0,
+ NULL ))
+ {
+ // I give up
+ return;
+ }
+ exceptionClass = (*jniEnv)->FindClass(jniEnv, "java/lang/RuntimeException");
+ (*jniEnv)->ThrowNew(jniEnv, exceptionClass, lpMsgBuf);
+ LocalFree( lpMsgBuf );
+ Determine if you can (or have) loaded the GetPerformanceInfo function. Set the global variable
+ loadStatus with your determination.
+void checkGetPerformanceInfo(JNIEnv * jniEnv)
+ if (loadStatus == unknown)
+ {
+ HMODULE psapiHandle = LoadLibraryA("PSAPI.dll");
+ if (psapiHandle == NULL)
+ {
+ loadStatus = notFound;
+ throwUnsupported(jniEnv, "Could not load psapi.dll");
+ return;
+ }
+ gpGetPerformanceInfo = (_GPI*)GetProcAddress(psapiHandle, "GetPerformanceInfo");
+ if(gpGetPerformanceInfo == NULL)loadStatus = notFound;
+ else loadStatus = loaded;
+ }
+ If you can answer the total amount of committed memory (for the entire machine). If you can't
+ figure this out then return -1.
+jlong getTotalCommitted(JNIEnv * jniEnv)
+ BOOL rc;
+ jlong result = -1;
+ checkGetPerformanceInfo(jniEnv);
+ if (loadStatus == loaded)
+ {
+ rc = (gpGetPerformanceInfo)(&pi, sizeof(pi));
+ if (!rc)handleSystemError(jniEnv);
+ else result = pi.CommitTotal * pi.PageSize;
+ }
+ return result;
+ Answer the number of open handles in the process. If you can't get this information return -1.
+jlong getHandleCount(JNIEnv * jniEnv, HANDLE me)
+ jlong result = -1;
+ DWORD handleCount;
+ if (loadHandleCount == unknown)
+ {
+ HMODULE kernel32 = LoadLibraryA("kernel32.dll");
+ if (kernel32 == NULL)
+ {
+ loadHandleCount = notFound;
+ throwUnsupported(jniEnv, "Could not load kernel32.dll");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ gpGetProcessHandleCount = (_GPHC*)GetProcAddress(kernel32, "GetProcessHandleCount");
+ if(gpGetProcessHandleCount == NULL)loadHandleCount = notFound;
+ else loadHandleCount = loaded;
+ }
+ }
+ if (loadHandleCount == loaded)
+ {
+ (gpGetProcessHandleCount)(me, &handleCount);
+ result = handleCount;
+ }
+ return result;
+ The following block is copied from the Java source code. It documents the counters array.
+ * @param counters the results are returned in this array.
+ * <ol>
+ * <li>working set in bytes for this process
+ * <li>peak working set in bytes for this process
+ * <li>elapsed time in milliseconds
+ * <li>user time in milliseconds
+ * <li>kernel time in milliseconds
+ * <li>page faults for the process
+ * <li>commit charge total in bytes (working set for the entire machine). On some
+ * machines we have problems getting this value so we return -1 in that case.
+ * <li>number of GDI objects in the process
+ * <li>number of USER objects in the process
+ * <li>number of open handles in the process. returns -1 if this information is not available
+ * <li>Number of read operations
+ * <li>Number of write operations
+ * <li>Number of bytes read
+ * <li>Number of bytes written
+ * </ol>
+JNIEXPORT jboolean JNICALL Java_org_eclipse_perfmsr_core_PerformanceMonitor_nativeGetPerformanceCounters
+ (JNIEnv * jniEnv, jclass jniClass, jlongArray counters)
+ FILETIME creationTime, exitTime, kernelTime, userTime, systemTime;
+ ULARGE_INTEGER uliCreation, uliSystem, uliKernel, uliUser;
+ IO_COUNTERS ioCounters;
+ jboolean result = TRUE;
+ jsize len = (*jniEnv)->GetArrayLength(jniEnv, counters);
+ jlong *body = (*jniEnv)->GetLongArrayElements(jniEnv, counters, 0);
+ HANDLE me = GetCurrentProcess();
+ BOOL rc = GetProcessMemoryInfo(me, &memCounters, cb);
+ if (rc != 0)
+ {
+ body[0] = memCounters.WorkingSetSize;
+ body[1] = memCounters.PeakWorkingSetSize;
+ body[5] = memCounters.PageFaultCount;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ handleSystemError(jniEnv);
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ if (!GetProcessTimes(me, &creationTime, &exitTime, &kernelTime, &userTime))
+ {
+ handleSystemError(jniEnv);
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ GetSystemTimeAsFileTime(&systemTime);
+ memcpy(&uliCreation, &creationTime, sizeof(uliCreation));
+ memcpy(&uliSystem, &systemTime, sizeof(uliSystem));
+ memcpy(&uliKernel, &kernelTime, sizeof(uliSystem));
+ memcpy(&uliUser, &userTime, sizeof(ULARGE_INTEGER));
+ diff = uliSystem.QuadPart - uliCreation.QuadPart;
+ body[2] = diff / 10000;
+ body[3] = uliUser.QuadPart / 10000;
+ body[4] = uliKernel.QuadPart / 10000;
+ body[6] = getTotalCommitted(jniEnv);
+ body[7] = GetGuiResources(me, GR_GDIOBJECTS);
+ body[8] = GetGuiResources(me, GR_USEROBJECTS);
+ body[9] = getHandleCount(jniEnv, me);
+ if (!GetProcessIoCounters(me, &ioCounters))
+ {
+ handleSystemError(jniEnv);
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ body[10] = ioCounters.ReadOperationCount;
+ body[11] = ioCounters.WriteOperationCount;
+ body[12] = ioCounters.ReadTransferCount;
+ body[13] = ioCounters.WriteTransferCount;
+ (*jniEnv)->ReleaseLongArrayElements(jniEnv, counters, body, 0);
+ return result;
+JNIEXPORT jstring JNICALL Java_org_eclipse_perfmsr_core_PerformanceMonitor_nativeGetUUID
+ (JNIEnv * jniEnv, jclass jniClass)
+ UUID uuid;
+ unsigned char* uuidStr;
+ jstring result;
+ UuidCreate(&uuid);
+ UuidToString(&uuid, &uuidStr);
+ result = (*jniEnv)->NewStringUTF(jniEnv, uuidStr);
+ RpcStringFree(&uuidStr);
+ return result;
+JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_org_eclipse_perfmsr_core_PerformanceMonitor_nativeGetPerformanceInfo
+ (JNIEnv * jniEnv, jclass jniClass, jlongArray counters)
+ jlong *body;
+ BOOL rc;
+ jsize len = (*jniEnv)->GetArrayLength(jniEnv, counters);
+ if (len != 13)
+ {
+ throwException(jniEnv, "Wrong number of elements in array, 13 are expected");
+ return;
+ }
+ checkGetPerformanceInfo(jniEnv);
+ if (loadStatus == notFound)
+ {
+ throwUnsupported(jniEnv, "The GetPerformanceInfo() function is not available");
+ return;
+ }
+ body = (*jniEnv)->GetLongArrayElements(jniEnv, counters, 0);
+ rc = (gpGetPerformanceInfo)(&pi, sizeof(pi));
+ if (!rc)
+ {
+ handleSystemError(jniEnv);
+ return;
+ }
+ body[0] = pi.CommitTotal;
+ body[1] = pi.CommitLimit;
+ body[2] = pi.CommitPeak;
+ body[3] = pi.PhysicalTotal;
+ body[4] = pi.PhysicalAvailable;
+ body[5] = pi.SystemCache;
+ body[6] = pi.KernelTotal;
+ body[7] = pi.KernelPaged;
+ body[8] = pi.KernelNonpaged;
+ body[9] = pi.PageSize;
+ body[10] = pi.HandleCount;
+ body[11] = pi.ProcessCount;
+ body[12] = pi.ThreadCount;
+ (*jniEnv)->ReleaseLongArrayElements(jniEnv, counters, body, 0);

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