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Diffstat (limited to 'FROMCVS/')
1 files changed, 654 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/FROMCVS/ b/FROMCVS/
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..26a7fd9ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FROMCVS/
@@ -0,0 +1,654 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2006 IBM Corporation and others.
+ * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
+ * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
+ * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
+ *
+ *
+ * Contributors:
+ * IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
+ *******************************************************************************/
+import java.util.*;
+import org.eclipse.core.runtime.*;
+import org.eclipse.jdt.core.Flags;
+import org.eclipse.jdt.core.Signature;
+import org.eclipse.jdt.core.util.*;
+import org.eclipse.osgi.util.NLS;
+ * ClassSourceVersionCompare
+ */
+public class JavaClassVersionCompare implements VersionCompareConstants {
+ // MultiStatus instance used to store IStatus objects which indicate changes between two java classes
+ private MultiStatus finalResult;
+ //
+ private boolean hasMajorChange;
+ private boolean hasMinorChange;
+ private boolean hasMicroChange;
+ private boolean hasError;
+ /**
+ * Constructor
+ */
+ public JavaClassVersionCompare() {
+ super();
+ }
+ /* (non-Javadoc)
+ * @see, String, IProgressMonitor)
+ */
+ public int checkJavaClassVersions(MultiStatus status, Object javaClassObj1, Object javaClassObj2, IProgressMonitor monitor) throws CoreException {
+ try {
+ monitor = VersioningProgressMonitorWrapper.monitorFor(monitor);
+ monitor.beginTask(Messages.JavaClassVersionCompare_comparingClassMsg, 100);
+ finalResult = status;
+ // get IClassFileReader instances of javaClassObj1 and javaClassObj2
+ IClassFileReader classFileReader1 = ClassFileHelper.getReader(javaClassObj1);
+ if (classFileReader1 == null) {
+ if (javaClassObj1 instanceof InputStream)
+ finalResult.merge(resultStatusHandler(IStatus.ERROR, IVersionCompare.PROCESS_ERROR_STATUS | IVersionCompare.ERROR_OCCURRED, Messages.JavaClassVersionCompare_inputStreamErrMsg, null));
+ else
+ finalResult.merge(resultStatusHandler(IStatus.ERROR, IVersionCompare.PROCESS_ERROR_STATUS | IVersionCompare.ERROR_OCCURRED, NLS.bind(Messages.JavaClassVersionCompare_classFileNotLoadedMsg, javaClassObj1), null));
+ return IVersionCompare.ERROR_OCCURRED;
+ }
+ IClassFileReader classFileReader2 = ClassFileHelper.getReader(javaClassObj2);
+ // worked 5%
+ monitor.worked(5);
+ if (monitor.isCanceled())
+ throw new OperationCanceledException();
+ if (classFileReader2 == null) {
+ if (javaClassObj2 instanceof InputStream)
+ finalResult.merge(resultStatusHandler(IStatus.ERROR, IVersionCompare.PROCESS_ERROR_STATUS | IVersionCompare.ERROR_OCCURRED, Messages.JavaClassVersionCompare_inputStreamErrMsg, null));
+ else
+ finalResult.merge(resultStatusHandler(IStatus.ERROR, IVersionCompare.PROCESS_ERROR_STATUS | IVersionCompare.ERROR_OCCURRED, NLS.bind(Messages.JavaClassVersionCompare_classFileNotLoadedMsg, javaClassObj2), null));
+ return IVersionCompare.ERROR_OCCURRED;
+ }
+ // worked 5%
+ monitor.worked(5);
+ if (monitor.isCanceled())
+ throw new OperationCanceledException();
+ // initialize flags
+ hasError = false;
+ hasMajorChange = false;
+ hasMinorChange = false;
+ hasMicroChange = false;
+ // compare two classes ( 90% workload)
+ compareJavaClasses(classFileReader1, classFileReader2, new SubProgressMonitor(monitor, 90));
+ // analysis result
+ if (hasError) {
+ finalResult.merge(resultStatusHandler(IStatus.ERROR, IVersionCompare.CLASS_OVERALL_STATUS | IVersionCompare.ERROR_OCCURRED, NLS.bind(Messages.JavaClassVersionCompare_classErrorOccurredMsg, charsToString(classFileReader1.getClassName())), null));
+ return IVersionCompare.ERROR_OCCURRED;
+ }
+ if (hasMajorChange) {
+ finalResult.merge(resultStatusHandler(IStatus.INFO, IVersionCompare.CLASS_OVERALL_STATUS, NLS.bind(Messages.JavaClassVersionCompare_classMajorChangeMsg, charsToString(classFileReader1.getClassName())), null));
+ return IVersionCompare.MAJOR_CHANGE;
+ }
+ if (hasMinorChange) {
+ finalResult.merge(resultStatusHandler(IStatus.INFO, IVersionCompare.CLASS_OVERALL_STATUS, NLS.bind(Messages.JavaClassVersionCompare_classMinorChangeMsg, charsToString(classFileReader1.getClassName())), null));
+ return IVersionCompare.MINOR_CHANGE;
+ }
+ if (hasMicroChange) {
+ finalResult.merge(resultStatusHandler(IStatus.INFO, IVersionCompare.CLASS_OVERALL_STATUS, NLS.bind(Messages.JavaClassVersionCompare_classMicroChange, charsToString(classFileReader1.getClassName())), null));
+ return IVersionCompare.MICRO_CHANGE;
+ }
+ return IVersionCompare.NO_CHANGE;
+ } finally {
+ monitor.done();
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * compares two java classes denoted by <code>classFileReader1</code> and <code>classFileReader2</code>,
+ * and check if there is any change from <code>classFileReader2</code> to <code>classFileReader1</code>.
+ *
+ * @param classFileReader1
+ * @param classFileReader2
+ * @param monitor IProgressMonitor instance
+ * @return compare result IStatus instance
+ */
+ private IStatus compareJavaClasses(IClassFileReader classFileReader1, IClassFileReader classFileReader2, IProgressMonitor monitor) {
+ try {
+ monitor.beginTask("", 100); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ // compare class names
+ String name1 = charsToString(classFileReader1.getClassName());
+ String name2 = charsToString(classFileReader2.getClassName());
+ if (!name1.equals(name2)) {
+ finalResult.merge(resultStatusHandler(IStatus.WARNING, IVersionCompare.PROCESS_ERROR_STATUS, NLS.bind(Messages.JavaClassVersionCompare_differentClassNameMsg, name1, name2), null));
+ return finalResult;
+ }
+ // worked 5%
+ monitor.worked(5);
+ // compare super classes
+ checkSuperClasses(name1, classFileReader1.getSuperclassName(), classFileReader2.getSuperclassName());
+ // worked 5%
+ monitor.worked(5);
+ // compare interfaces
+ checkInterfaces(name1, generateList(classFileReader1.getInterfaceNames()), generateList(classFileReader2.getInterfaceNames()));
+ // worked 5%
+ monitor.worked(5);
+ // compare modifier of classes
+ checkClassModifiers(name1, classFileReader1.getAccessFlags(), classFileReader2.getAccessFlags());
+ // worked 5%
+ monitor.worked(5);
+ // compare fields
+ checkElements(name1, generateTable(classFileReader1.getFieldInfos()), generateTable(classFileReader2.getFieldInfos()));
+ // worked 40%
+ monitor.worked(40);
+ // compare methods (40%)
+ checkElements(name1, generateTable(classFileReader1.getMethodInfos()), generateTable(classFileReader2.getMethodInfos()));
+ return finalResult;
+ } finally {
+ monitor.done();
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * checks if super class has been changed
+ *
+ * @param className name of the class we are comparing
+ * @param superClassName1
+ * @param superClassName2
+ */
+ private void checkSuperClasses(String className, char[] superClassName1, char[] superClassName2) {
+ if (!charsToString(superClassName1).equals(charsToString(superClassName2))) {
+ Object[] msg = {className, charsToString(superClassName2), charsToString(superClassName1)};
+ finalResult.merge(resultStatusHandler(IStatus.INFO, IVersionCompare.CLASS_DETAIL_STATUS | IVersionCompare.MAJOR_CHANGE, NLS.bind(Messages.JavaClassVersionCompare_differentSuperClassMsg, msg), null));
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * checks if there is any change between <code>interfaceList1</code> and <code>interfaceList2</code>
+ *
+ * @param className name of the class we are comparing
+ * @param interfaceList1 List of interface name
+ * @param interfaceList2 List of interface name
+ */
+ private void checkInterfaces(String className, List interfaceList1, List interfaceList2) {
+ for (Iterator nameIterator1 = interfaceList1.iterator(); nameIterator1.hasNext();) {
+ // get a name of interface from interfaceNames1
+ String name1 = (String);
+ // check if the interface is in interfaceNames2
+ if (!interfaceList2.remove(name1))
+ finalResult.merge(resultStatusHandler(IStatus.INFO, IVersionCompare.CLASS_DETAIL_STATUS | IVersionCompare.MAJOR_CHANGE, NLS.bind(Messages.JavaClassVersionCompare_newAddedInterfaceMsg, name1, className), null));
+ }
+ // check what does no longer exist
+ for (Iterator nameIterator2 = interfaceList2.iterator(); nameIterator2.hasNext();) {
+ String name2 = (String);
+ finalResult.merge(resultStatusHandler(IStatus.INFO, IVersionCompare.CLASS_DETAIL_STATUS | IVersionCompare.MAJOR_CHANGE, NLS.bind(Messages.JavaClassVersionCompare_deletedInterfaceMsg, name2, className), null));
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * checks two class modifiers to see if there is any change from <code>accessFlag2</code> to <code>accessFlag1</code>
+ * @param accessFlag1
+ * @param accessFlag2
+ */
+ private void checkClassModifiers(String className, int accessFlag1, int accessFlag2) {
+ int change = accessFlag1 ^ accessFlag2;
+ if (change != 0) {
+ // if the visibility of a method has been narrowed, it is a change should be caught
+ Object[] msg = {className, createChangedModifierString(accessFlag2, change), createChangedModifierString(accessFlag1, change)};
+ finalResult.merge(resultStatusHandler(IStatus.INFO, IVersionCompare.CLASS_DETAIL_STATUS | IVersionCompare.MAJOR_CHANGE, NLS.bind(Messages.JavaClassVersionCompare_classModifierChangedMsg, msg), null));
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * checks corresponding elements(IMethodInfo instances or IFieldInfo instances),
+ * to see if there is any change
+ * @param className className name of class to which values in <code>elementMap1</code>
+ * (and <code>elementMap2</code>) belong
+ * @param elementMap1 map contains IMethodInfo instances or IFieldInfo instances
+ * @param elementMap2 map contains IMethodInfo instances or IFieldInfo instances
+ */
+ private void checkElements(String className, Map elementMap1, Map elementMap2) {
+ for (Iterator iterator1 = elementMap1.keySet().iterator(); iterator1.hasNext();) {
+ // get a key and value from methodMap1
+ String key = (String);
+ Object value1 = elementMap1.get(key);
+ // try to get the corresponding method from methodMap2
+ Object value2 = elementMap2.get(key);
+ if (value2 != null) {
+ if (value1 instanceof IMethodInfo)
+ // compare the corresponding methods
+ compareMethodInfos(className, (IMethodInfo) value1, (IMethodInfo) value2);
+ else
+ // compare the corresponding fields in fieldInfoMap1 and fieldInfoMap2
+ compareFieldInfos(className, (IFieldInfo) value1, (IFieldInfo) value2);
+ elementMap2.remove(key);
+ } else {
+ if (value1 instanceof IMethodInfo) {
+ if (Flags.isPublic(((IMethodInfo) value1).getAccessFlags()) || Flags.isProtected(((IMethodInfo) value1).getAccessFlags())) {
+ Object[] msg = new Object[] {METHOD_TITLE, getSignatureString(value1), className};
+ finalResult.merge(resultStatusHandler(IStatus.INFO, IVersionCompare.CLASS_DETAIL_STATUS | IVersionCompare.MINOR_CHANGE, NLS.bind(Messages.JavaClassVersionCompare_newAddedMsg, msg), null));
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (Flags.isPublic(((IFieldInfo) value1).getAccessFlags()) || Flags.isProtected(((IFieldInfo) value1).getAccessFlags())) {
+ Object[] msg = new Object[] {FIELD_TITLE, getSignatureString(value1), className};
+ finalResult.merge(resultStatusHandler(IStatus.INFO, IVersionCompare.CLASS_DETAIL_STATUS | IVersionCompare.MINOR_CHANGE, NLS.bind(Messages.JavaClassVersionCompare_newAddedMsg, msg), null));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // if there are anythings left in fieldInfoMap1, they no longer exist in the class
+ for (Iterator iterator2 = elementMap2.values().iterator(); iterator2.hasNext();) {
+ Object object =;
+ if (object instanceof IMethodInfo) {
+ // we only care which is protected or public
+ if (Flags.isPublic(((IMethodInfo) object).getAccessFlags()) || Flags.isProtected(((IMethodInfo) object).getAccessFlags())) {
+ Object[] msg = new Object[] {METHOD_TITLE, getSignatureString(object), className};
+ finalResult.merge(resultStatusHandler(IStatus.INFO, IVersionCompare.CLASS_DETAIL_STATUS | IVersionCompare.MAJOR_CHANGE, NLS.bind(Messages.JavaClassVersionCompare_noLongerExistMsg, msg), null));
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (Flags.isPublic(((IFieldInfo) object).getAccessFlags()) || Flags.isProtected(((IFieldInfo) object).getAccessFlags())) {
+ Object[] msg = new Object[] {FIELD_TITLE, getSignatureString(object), className};
+ finalResult.merge(resultStatusHandler(IStatus.INFO, IVersionCompare.CLASS_DETAIL_STATUS | IVersionCompare.MAJOR_CHANGE, NLS.bind(Messages.JavaClassVersionCompare_noLongerExistMsg, msg), null));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * compares two IMethodInfo instances to find any change from <code>method2</code> to <code>method1</code>
+ *
+ * @param className name of class to which <code>method1</code>(and <code>method2</code>) belongs
+ * @param method1 IMethodInfo instance
+ * @param method2 IMethodInfo instance
+ */
+ private void compareMethodInfos(String className, IMethodInfo method1, IMethodInfo method2) {
+ // compare AccessFlags (AccessFlags defines the modifiers of a method (e.g. public static final compareTo())
+ int accessFlag1 = method1.getAccessFlags();
+ int accessFlag2 = method2.getAccessFlags();
+ // we just care about field who was public or protected
+ if (!(Flags.isPublic(accessFlag2) || Flags.isProtected(accessFlag2)))
+ return;
+ if (isModifierNarrowed(accessFlag1, accessFlag2)) {
+ // get what modifiers have been changed
+ int change = accessFlag1 ^ accessFlag2;
+ // if the visibility of a method has been narrowed, it is a change should be caught
+ Object[] msg = {METHOD_TITLE, getSignatureString(method1), createChangedModifierString(accessFlag2, change), createChangedModifierString(accessFlag1, change), className};
+ finalResult.merge(resultStatusHandler(IStatus.INFO, IVersionCompare.CLASS_DETAIL_STATUS | IVersionCompare.MAJOR_CHANGE, NLS.bind(Messages.JavaClassVersionCompare_ModifierChangedMsg, msg), null));
+ }
+ // compare isDeprecated(if a method has been deprecated)
+ if (method1.isDeprecated() && !method2.isDeprecated()) {
+ Object[] msg = {METHOD_TITLE, getSignatureString(method1), className};
+ finalResult.merge(resultStatusHandler(IStatus.INFO, IVersionCompare.CLASS_DETAIL_STATUS | IVersionCompare.MICRO_CHANGE, NLS.bind(Messages.JavaClassVersionCompare_deprecatedChangedMsg, msg), null));
+ }
+ // compare exceptions
+ IExceptionAttribute exceptionAtrributes1 = method1.getExceptionAttribute();
+ IExceptionAttribute exceptionAtrributes2 = method2.getExceptionAttribute();
+ checkExceptions(className, getSignatureString(method1), exceptionAtrributes1, exceptionAtrributes2);
+ }
+ /**
+ * check two IExceptionAttribute instances to see if there is any change
+ * @param className name of the class to which the method denoted by <code>methodName</code> belongs
+ * @param methodName name of the method to which exceptionsAttribute1(exceptionsAttribute2) belongs
+ * @param exceptionsAttribute1
+ * @param exceptionsAttribute2
+ */
+ private void checkExceptions(String className, String methodName, IExceptionAttribute exceptionsAttribute1, IExceptionAttribute exceptionsAttribute2) {
+ List exceptionList1 = null;
+ List exceptionList2 = null;
+ if (exceptionsAttribute1 != null && exceptionsAttribute2 != null) {
+ exceptionList1 = generateList(exceptionsAttribute1.getExceptionNames());
+ exceptionList2 = generateList(exceptionsAttribute2.getExceptionNames());
+ } else if (exceptionsAttribute1 != null) {
+ exceptionList1 = generateList(exceptionsAttribute1.getExceptionNames());
+ } else if (exceptionsAttribute2 != null) {
+ exceptionList2 = generateList(exceptionsAttribute2.getExceptionNames());
+ } else {
+ return;
+ }
+ StringBuffer newAddedExceptions = new StringBuffer();
+ if (exceptionList1 != null) {
+ // check what is new added
+ for (Iterator iterator1 = exceptionList1.iterator(); iterator1.hasNext();) {
+ // get a exception from exceptionList1
+ String exception1 = (String);
+ if (exceptionList2 != null) {
+ // check if the exception is in exceptionList2
+ if (!exceptionList2.remove(exception1)) {
+ newAddedExceptions.append(exception1);
+ newAddedExceptions.append(COMMA_MARK);
+ }
+ } else {
+ // if exceptionList2 is null, it is new added
+ newAddedExceptions.append(exception1);
+ newAddedExceptions.append(COMMA_MARK);
+ }
+ }
+ if (!newAddedExceptions.toString().trim().equals(EMPTY_STRING)) {
+ Object[] msg = {newAddedExceptions.toString(), methodName, className};
+ finalResult.merge(resultStatusHandler(IStatus.INFO, IVersionCompare.CLASS_DETAIL_STATUS | IVersionCompare.MINOR_CHANGE, NLS.bind(Messages.JavaClassVersionCompare_newAddedExceptionMsg, msg), null));
+ }
+ }
+ if (exceptionList2 != null) {
+ StringBuffer notExistExceptions = new StringBuffer();
+ // check what does no longer exist
+ for (Iterator iterator2 = exceptionList2.iterator(); iterator2.hasNext();) {
+ String exception2 = (String);
+ notExistExceptions.append(exception2);
+ notExistExceptions.append(COMMA_MARK);
+ }
+ if (!notExistExceptions.toString().trim().equals(EMPTY_STRING)) {
+ Object[] msg2 = {notExistExceptions.toString(), methodName, className};
+ finalResult.merge(resultStatusHandler(IStatus.INFO, IVersionCompare.CLASS_DETAIL_STATUS | IVersionCompare.MINOR_CHANGE, NLS.bind(Messages.JavaClassVersionCompare_noLongerExistExceptionMsg, msg2), null));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * checks if there is any change from <code>accessFlag2</code> to <code>accessFlag1</code>
+ * we check changes which narrowed down the visibility of a field or method with protected or public modifier
+ *
+ * @param accessFlag1 denotes combined modifiers of a field or method
+ * @param accessFlag2 denotes combined modifiers of a field or method
+ * @return <code>true</code> if visibility has been narrowed down from <code>accessFlag2</code> to <code>accessFlag1</code>,
+ * <code>false</code> otherwise
+ */
+ private boolean isModifierNarrowed(int accessFlag1, int accessFlag2) {
+ if (Flags.isProtected(accessFlag2)) {
+ // from protected to modifier other than public and protected
+ if (!(Flags.isPublic(accessFlag1) || Flags.isProtected(accessFlag1))) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ } else if (Flags.isPublic(accessFlag2)) {
+ // from public to modifier other than public
+ if (!Flags.isPublic(accessFlag1)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ } else {
+ // only check which was protected or public
+ return false;
+ }
+ // from non-final to final
+ if (!Flags.isFinal(accessFlag2) && Flags.isFinal(accessFlag1)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ // from static to non-static
+ if (Flags.isStatic(accessFlag2) && !Flags.isStatic(accessFlag1)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ // from non-abstract to abstract
+ if (!Flags.isAbstract(accessFlag2) && Flags.isAbstract(accessFlag1)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ // volatile modifier changed
+ if (Flags.isVolatile(accessFlag2) != Flags.isVolatile(accessFlag1)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ /**
+ * check if <code>accessFlag</code> is <code>default</code>
+ * @param accessFlag
+ * @return <code>true</code> if <code>addessFlag</code> is <code>default</code>,
+ * <code>false</code> otherwise
+ */
+ private boolean isDefault(int accessFlag) {
+ return (accessFlag & DEFAULT_MODIFIER_TESTER) == 0 ? true : false;
+ }
+ /**
+ * compares two IFieldInfo instances to find any change from <code>field1</code> to <code>field2</code>
+ *
+ * @param className name of class to which <code>field1</code>(and <code>field2</code>) belongs
+ * @param field1 IFieldInfo instance
+ * @param field2 IFieldInfo instance
+ */
+ private void compareFieldInfos(String className, IFieldInfo field1, IFieldInfo field2) {
+ // compare AccessFlags (AccessFlags defines the modifiers of a field (e.g. public static final IVersionCompare.PLUGIN_ID = "")
+ int accessFlag1 = field1.getAccessFlags();
+ int accessFlag2 = field2.getAccessFlags();
+ // we just care about field who was public or protected
+ if (!(Flags.isPublic(accessFlag2) || Flags.isProtected(accessFlag2))) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (isModifierNarrowed(accessFlag1, accessFlag2)) {
+ // get what modifiers have been changed
+ int change = accessFlag1 ^ accessFlag2;
+ // if the visibility of a field which was public or protected has been narrowed, it is a change should be caught
+ Object[] msg = {FIELD_TITLE, charsToString(field1.getName()), createChangedModifierString(accessFlag2, change), createChangedModifierString(accessFlag1, change), className};
+ finalResult.merge(resultStatusHandler(IStatus.INFO, IVersionCompare.CLASS_DETAIL_STATUS | IVersionCompare.MAJOR_CHANGE, NLS.bind(Messages.JavaClassVersionCompare_ModifierChangedMsg, msg), null));
+ }
+ // compare Descriptor (Descriptor describes the type of a field)
+ String descriptor1 = charsToString(field1.getDescriptor());
+ String descriptor2 = charsToString(field2.getDescriptor());
+ if (!descriptor1.equals(descriptor2)) {
+ String[] msg = {charsToString(field1.getName()), Signature.toString(descriptor2), Signature.toString(descriptor1), className};
+ finalResult.merge(resultStatusHandler(IStatus.INFO, IVersionCompare.CLASS_DETAIL_STATUS | IVersionCompare.MAJOR_CHANGE, NLS.bind(Messages.JavaClassVersionCompare_descriptorChangedMsg, msg), null));
+ }
+ // compare isDeprecated (if a field has been deprecated)
+ if (field1.isDeprecated() && !field2.isDeprecated()) {
+ Object[] msg = {FIELD_TITLE, charsToString(field1.getName()), className};
+ finalResult.merge(resultStatusHandler(IStatus.INFO, IVersionCompare.CLASS_DETAIL_STATUS | IVersionCompare.MICRO_CHANGE, NLS.bind(Messages.JavaClassVersionCompare_deprecatedChangedMsg, msg), null));
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * creates modifier string which includes multiple modifiers(e.g. "public static final")
+ *
+ * @param accessFlags accessFlags of field or method
+ * @param changedFlags indicates change on accessFlags
+ * @return modifier string
+ */
+ private String createChangedModifierString(int accessFlags, int changedFlags) {
+ StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
+ if (Flags.isPublic(changedFlags)) {
+ if (Flags.isPublic(accessFlags)) {
+ buffer.append(PUBLIC_STRING);
+ buffer.append(SPACE);
+ } else if (isDefault(accessFlags)) {
+ buffer.append(DEFAULT_STRING);
+ buffer.append(SPACE);
+ }
+ }
+ if (Flags.isProtected(changedFlags)) {
+ if (Flags.isProtected(accessFlags)) {
+ buffer.append(PROTECTED_STRING);
+ buffer.append(SPACE);
+ } else if (isDefault(accessFlags)) {
+ buffer.append(DEFAULT_STRING);
+ buffer.append(SPACE);
+ }
+ }
+ if (Flags.isPrivate(changedFlags)) {
+ if (Flags.isPrivate(accessFlags)) {
+ buffer.append(PRIVATE_STRING);
+ buffer.append(SPACE);
+ } else if (isDefault(accessFlags)) {
+ buffer.append(DEFAULT_STRING);
+ buffer.append(SPACE);
+ }
+ }
+ if (Flags.isStatic(changedFlags)) {
+ if (Flags.isStatic(accessFlags)) {
+ buffer.append(STATIC_STRING);
+ buffer.append(SPACE);
+ } else {
+ buffer.append(NON_STATIC_STRING);
+ buffer.append(SPACE);
+ }
+ }
+ if (Flags.isFinal(changedFlags)) {
+ if (Flags.isFinal(accessFlags)) {
+ buffer.append(FINAL_STRING);
+ buffer.append(SPACE);
+ } else {
+ buffer.append(NON_FINAL_STRING);
+ buffer.append(SPACE);
+ }
+ }
+ if (Flags.isAbstract(changedFlags)) {
+ if (Flags.isAbstract(accessFlags)) {
+ buffer.append(ABSTRACT_STRING);
+ buffer.append(SPACE);
+ } else {
+ buffer.append(NON_ABSTRACT_STRING);
+ buffer.append(SPACE);
+ }
+ }
+ if (Flags.isVolatile(changedFlags)) {
+ if (Flags.isVolatile(accessFlags)) {
+ buffer.append(VOLATILE_STRING);
+ buffer.append(SPACE);
+ } else {
+ buffer.append(NON_VOLATILE_STRING);
+ buffer.append(SPACE);
+ }
+ }
+ return buffer.toString().trim();
+ }
+ /**
+ * converts char array to String
+ * @param chars array of char
+ * @return String which represents the content of <code>chars</code>
+ */
+ private String charsToString(char[] chars) {
+ return new String(chars);
+ }
+ /**
+ * generates a List which stores instances in array <code>objects</code>
+ *
+ * @param objects instance objects
+ * @return List
+ */
+ private List generateList(Object[] objects) {
+ ArrayList list = new ArrayList(0);
+ if (objects == null || objects.length == 0)
+ return list;
+ if (objects[0] instanceof char[])
+ for (int i = 0; i < objects.length; i++)
+ list.add(charsToString((char[]) objects[i]));
+ else
+ for (int i = 0; i < objects.length; i++)
+ list.add(objects[i]);
+ return list;
+ }
+ /**
+ * converts the given object signature to a readable string
+ * @param object IFieldInfo instance of IMethodInfo instance
+ * @return String type signature
+ */
+ private String getSignatureString(Object object) {
+ StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
+ if (object instanceof IMethodInfo) {
+ IMethodInfo method = (IMethodInfo) object;
+ buffer.append(Flags.toString(method.getAccessFlags()));
+ buffer.append(SPACE);
+ buffer.append(Signature.toString(charsToString(method.getDescriptor()), charsToString(method.getName()), null, false, true));
+ } else {
+ IFieldInfo field = (IFieldInfo) object;
+ buffer.append(Flags.toString(field.getAccessFlags()));
+ buffer.append(SPACE);
+ buffer.append(Signature.toString(charsToString(field.getDescriptor())));
+ buffer.append(SPACE);
+ buffer.append(charsToString(field.getName()));
+ }
+ return buffer.toString();
+ }
+ /**
+ * generates a map which stores IField instances or IMethod instances
+ *
+ * @param objects array of IMethodInfo or IFieldInfo instances
+ * @return Map instance contains IField instances or IMethod instances
+ */
+ private Map generateTable(Object[] objects) {
+ Hashtable hashTable = new Hashtable(0);
+ if (objects == null || objects.length == 0) {
+ return hashTable;
+ }
+ // set hashtable
+ if (objects[0] instanceof IFieldInfo) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < objects.length; i++) {
+ if (objects[i] != null)
+ hashTable.put(charsToString(((IFieldInfo) objects[i]).getName()), objects[i]);
+ }
+ } else if (objects[0] instanceof IMethodInfo) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < objects.length; i++) {
+ if (objects[i] != null)
+ hashTable.put(getMethodKey((IMethodInfo) objects[i]), objects[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ return hashTable;
+ }
+ /**
+ * get key of a method. Key of a method is a String which
+ * includes the retype of the method,name of the method and the parameter types of the method
+ * (e.g. key of public int foo(int , String) is "int#foo#int#String"
+ * @param method
+ * @return key of a method
+ */
+ private String getMethodKey(IMethodInfo method) {
+ StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
+ // append return type
+ buffer.append(method.getDescriptor());
+ // append name of method
+ buffer.append(charsToString(method.getName()));
+ char[][] parameters = Signature.getParameterTypes(method.getDescriptor());
+ // append parameter types
+ if (parameters != null) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < parameters.length; i++) {
+ buffer.append(KEY_SEPARATOR);
+ buffer.append(charsToString(parameters[i]));
+ }
+ }
+ return buffer.toString();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Return a new status object populated with the given information.
+ *
+ * @param severity severity of status
+ * @param code indicates type of this IStatus instance, it could be one of: FEATURE_OVERALL_STATUS,
+ * @param message the status message
+ * @param exception exception which has been caught, or <code>null</code>
+ * @return the new status object
+ */
+ private IStatus resultStatusHandler(int severity, int code, String message, Exception exception) {
+ processed(code);
+ if (message == null) {
+ if (exception != null)
+ message = exception.getMessage();
+ // extra check because the exception message can be null
+ if (message == null)
+ message = EMPTY_STRING;
+ }
+ return new Status(severity, PLUGIN_ID, code, message, exception);
+ }
+ /**
+ * checks what kind of change does <code>code</code> represent
+ * @param code
+ */
+ private void processed(int code) {
+ if ((code & IVersionCompare.ERROR_OCCURRED) != 0){
+ hasError = true;
+ return;
+ }
+ if ((code & IVersionCompare.MAJOR_CHANGE) != 0){
+ hasMajorChange = true;
+ return;
+ }
+ if ((code & IVersionCompare.MINOR_CHANGE) != 0){
+ hasMinorChange = true;
+ return;
+ }
+ if ((code & IVersionCompare.MICRO_CHANGE) != 0)
+ hasMicroChange = true;
+ }

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