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-<title>3.0 Debug Platform Change Notes</title>
-<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
-<body bgcolor="#FFFFFF" text="#000000">
-<h1>3.0 Debug Platform Change Notes</h1>
-<p>This document describes important changes in the 3.0 debug platform, relative
- to the 2.1 release.</p>
-<h2>New Features</h2>
-<h3> Extensible Launch Modes</h3>
-<p>The debug platform supports an extensible set of launch modes. Releases prior
- to 3.0 only supported two launch modes - run and debug. The debug platform now
- provides an extension point for contributing new launch modes - <code>org.eclipse.debug.core.launchModes</code>.
- The debug platform now defines (contributes) three basic launch modes - run,
- debug, and profile. Other clients may contribute new launch modes. The launch
- manager (<code>ILaunchManager</code>) has additional API to retrieve all launch
- modes, and a human readable label for each launch mode.</p>
-<p>The debug platform has a new extension point to support the contribution of
- a launch delegate for a specific launch configuration type and launch mode -
- <code>org.eclipse.debug.core.launchDelegates</code>. This allows launch configurations
- to be extended by third parties, to support new launch modes. For example, a
- client could contribute a launch delegate that launches a Java Application in
- profile mode (currently, the SDK does not provide a profiler).</p>
-<p>For backwards compatibility, the launch delegate supplied by a launch configuration
- type extension is used for the launch modes specified by the launch configuration
- type. A launch delegate supplied for a specific mode, is used only for that
- mode. </p>
-<p>The debug platform has added an optional element (<code>launchMode</code>),
- to the definition of a launch tab group extension - <code>(org.eclipse.debug.ui.launchConfigurationTabGroup</code>),
- to support the contribution of a set of tabs for a specific launch configuration
- type and launch mode. This allows third parties to extend an existing launch
- configuration user interface. For example, a client contributing a launch delegate
- to profile a Java Application would also contribute a set of tabs to configure
- the profiler. The <code>launchMode</code> element defines a <code>perspective</code>
- attribute to specify the default perspective associated with the launch configuration
- type and mode. This controls the perspective that is switched to/opened, by
- default, when a configuration is launched in the associated mode. For example,
- a client contributing a profiler may also contribute a profiling perspective
- that should be displayed when an application is profiled.</p>
-<p>For backwards compatibility, the tab group contributed for a launch configuration
- type (specifying no launch mode), is used for all launch modes for which a specific
- launch tab group is not contributed. Thus, when a mode is not specified by a
- tab group, the tab group effectively becomes the default tab group.</p>
-<h3>Extensible Debug Events</h3>
-<p>The debug platform supports an extensible set of debug events. A debug event
- kind of <code>MODEL_SPECIFIC</code> has been added in the 3.0 release to indicate
- an application specific debug event. When a debug event of kind <code>MODEL_SPECIFIC</code>
- is created, the detail code in the event is client defined. The source of the
- event (debug element that generated the event) identifies the debug model from
- which the event was generated. The debug platform and user interface ignores
- model specific debug events.</p>
-<p>A data field has been added to debug events to allow clients to store application
- specific data in debug events.</p>
-<h3>Editor Positioning and Custom Annotations</h3>
-<p>In release 3.0, a debug model presentation can position and annotate editors
- opened by the debugger for stack frames. This is done by implementing the new
- interface <code>IDebugEditorPresentation</code> on the applicable debug model
- presentation. When implemented, the model presentation is used as a delegate
- to position editors, add annotations, and remove annotations for stack frames.</p>
-<h3>Extensible Watch Expressions</h3>
-<p>In release 3.0, the debug platform provides an implementation of watch expressions.
- Debug models can contribute watch expression delegates if they support watch
- expressions. When a stack frame is selected, the associated delegate is queried
- to provide a value for a watch expression in the given (stack frame) context.
- The debug platform provides persistence, enabling, disabling, entering, and
- editing of watch expressions.</p>
-<h3>Process Factories</h3>
-<p>The debug platform provides an extension point (<code>org.eclipse.debug.core.processFactories</code>)
- for contributing process factories. A process factory can be used to override
- default process creation for a launch configuration when the debug plug-in (i.e.<code>
- org.eclipse.debug.core.DebugPlugin</code>) is consulted to create a new process.
- A launch configuration can reference a process factory to use when creating
- a process, via the launch configuration attribute <code>DebugPlugin.ATTR_PROCESS_FACTORY_ID</code>.</p>
-<h3>Automatic Array Partitioning</h3>
-<p>The debug plug-in now supports automatic array partitioning in the variables,
- which partitions large arrays into sub-ranges in the variables view. This is
- supported with the introduction of a new interface in the debug model representing
- an indexed value - <code>org.eclipse.core.debug.model.IIndexedValue</code>.
- If a value implements this interface, the variables view will automatically
- partition its elements as required, into sub-ranges</p>
-<h3>Logical Structure Types</h3>
-<p>Often, it is convenient to navigate complex data structures in terms of a logical
- structure, rather than an implementation structure. For example, no matter how
- a list is implemented (i.e. linked list, collection of arrays, etc.), it is
- often convenient to be able to view the list as an ordered collection. To facilitate
- the display of logical structures in the variables view, an extension point
- has been added (<code>org.eclipse.debug.core.logicalStructureTypes</code>) allowing
- debug models to contribute logical structures of its values, where applicable.
- Debug models may contribute delegates to translate raw implementation values
- into logical values. The variables view will display the logical values, when
- the option to display logical structures is turned on. More than one logical
- structure can be provided for a single value - the user can choose which structure
- to display.</p>
-<h3>Step Filters</h3>
-<p>To support step filters on all stepping functions (into, over, return), a new
- interface has been added to the debug platform - <code>IStepFilters</code> -
- which can be implemented by debug targets. This interface replaces <code>IFilteredStep</code>,
- which is now deprecated. The debugger provides a global toggle that turns step
- filters on/off for all stepping functions. Toggle actions are provided in the
- Run menu, Debug View context menu, and Debug View toolbar, which replaces the
- 'Step with Filters' action in previous releases. As well, an API is provided
- on <code>DebugUITools</code> to modify step filter enablement. It is up to debug
- targets to implement this new interface and to honor the step filter enablement
- setting when stepping. See javadoc for <code>IStepFilters</code> for more details.</p>
-<p>This change maintains binary compatibility with previous releases. However,
- targets wishing to leverage the new function must implement the new interface.</p>
-<h3>Launch Termination Notification</h3>
-<p>A new interface has been introduced to provide a mechanism for launch listeners
- to be notified when a launch terminates. A launch is simply a container of processes
- and debug targets. When all of the contained targets and processes terminate,
- a terminate notification is now sent to those listeners that implement
- <code>ILaunchesListener2</code>.</p>
-<h3>Launch Delegate Enhancements</h3>
-<p>Lanuch delegates can optionally implement the new interface <code>ILaunchConfigurationDelegate2</code>.
- This allows launch delegates to provide a launch object to be used for a launch.
- For example, when debugging on a server a delegate could create a new launch
- object or may reuse an existing launch object if the server is already running
- in debug mode.</p>
-<h3>Retargettable Actions</h3>
-<p>The debug platform now provides retargettable actions for the following actions.</p>
- <li>Run to Line</li>
- <li>Toggle Line Breakpoint</li>
- <li>Toggle Method Breakpoint</li>
- <li>Toggle Watchpoint</li>
-<p>Debug implementations can plug into the retargettable actions by providing
- appropriate adapters for relevant editors and model objects that perform the
- actual operations (<code>IRunToLineTarget</code> and <code>IToggleBreakpointsTarget</code>,
- defined in the <code>org.eclipse.debug.ui.actions</code> package). A retargettable
- action works on the active part. First the part is asked for a target adapter.
- If the part does not provide an adapter, the selected objects within the part
- are consulted for adapters.</p>
-<p>As well, action delegates actions are provided by the debug platform such that
- debug implementations can contribute appropriate actions to context menus. An
- editor actions delegate is provided for the run to line action, and an object
- action delegate is provided for toggling method breakpoints and watchpoints.
- See the following classes: <code>RunToLineActionDelegate</code>, <code>ToggleMethodBreakpointActionDelegate</code>,
- and <code>ToggleWatchpointActionDelegate</code> in the <code>org.eclipse.debug.ui.actions</code>
- package.</p>
-<h2>API Changes</h2>
-<h3>Debug Action Groups removed</h3>
-<p>The Debug Action Groups extension point (org.eclipse.debug.ui.debugActionGroups) has been
- removed. In Eclipse 3.0, the workbench introduced support for Activities via the
- org.eclipse.platform.ui.activities extension point. This support provides everything
- that Debug Action Groups provided and is also easier to use (it supports patterns instead of
- specifying all actions exhaustively) and has a programmatic API to support it.</p>
-<p>Failing to remove references to the old extension point won't cause any failures.
- References to the extension point will simply be ignored. Product vendors are encouraged to
- use the workbench Activities support to associate language-specific debugger actions with
- language-specific activities (for example, C++ debugging actions might be associated with
- an activity called "Developing C++").</p>
-<h3>Extensible Launch Modes</h3>
-<p>With the introduction of extensible launch modes, more than one launch delegate
- can exist for a launch configuration type. Releases prior to 3.0 only supported
- one launch delegate per launch configuration type. The method <code>ILaunchConfigurationType.getDelegate()</code>
- is now deprecated. The method <code>getDelegate(String mode)</code> should be
- used in its place to retrieve the launch delegate for a specific launch mode.
- The deprecated method has been changed to return the launch delegate for the
- <code>run</code> mode.</p>
-<h3>Launch Tabs &amp; Tab Groups</h3>
-<p>Launch tab groups and launch tabs are no longer notified when a launch completes.
- The method <code>launched(ILaunch)</code> in the interfaces <code>ILaunchConfigurationTab</code>
- and <code>ILaunchConfigurationTabGroup</code> has been deprecated and is no
- longer called. Relying on this method for launch function was always problematic,
- since tabs only exist when launching is performed from the launch dialog. Also,
- with the introduction of background launching, this method can no longer be
- called, as the launch dialog is be closed before the resulting launch object
- exists.</p>
-<h3>Perspective Switching</h3>
-<p>In prior releases, perspective switching was specified on a launch configuration,
- via the launch configuration attributes <code>ATTR_TARGET_DEBUG_PERSPECTIVE</code>
- and <code>ATTR_TARGET_RUN_PERSPECTIVE</code>. With the addition of extensible
- launch modes in 3.0, this approach no longer scales. Perspective switching is
- now specified on launch configuration type basis, per launch mode that a launch
- configuration type supports. API has been added to <code>DebugUITools</code>
- to set and get the perspective associated with a launch configuration type for
- a specific launch mode.</p>
-<p>An additional, optional, <code>launchMode</code> element has been added to
- the <code>launchConfigurationTabGroup</code> extension point, allowing a contributed
- tab group to specify a default perspective for a launch configuration type and
- mode.</p>
-<p>From the Eclipse user interface, users can edit the perspective associated
- with a launch configuration type by opening the launch configuration dialog,
- and selecting a launch configuration type node in the tree (rather than an individual
- configuration). A tab is displayed allowing the user to set a perspective with
- each supported launch mode.</p>
-<h3>Generic Console</h3>
-<p>With the work for the generic console support <a href="">
- (Bug 37263)</a>, the view id for the Eclipse (formerly debug) console has changed.
- This results in problems at startup such as "Could not restore workbench layout"
- with details that "Could not create view: org.eclipse.debug.ui.ConsoleView"
- for the particular perspective that contained reference to the old view id.
- The equivalent view id is now: "org.eclipse.ui.console.ConsoleView".<br>
- The generic console is available via the Window>Show View>Basic>Console and
- is used by the Eclipse debug and Ant integration. </p>
-<h3>Console Line Tracker Extension</h3>
-<p>A console line tracker (<code>IConsoleLineTracker</code>) can be notified when
- its associated console is closed (i.e. all of its streams are closed), by implementing
- the new interface <code>IConsoleLineTrackerExtension</code>. The notification
- indicates that no more output will be appended to the console.</p>
-<h3>Launch Configuration Tab Enhancements</h3>
-<p>Two methods have been added to the <code>ILaunchConfigurationTab</code> interface
- - activated and deactivated. These new life cycle methods are called when a
- tab is entered and exited respectively. Existing implementations of <code>ILaunchConfigurationTab</code>
- that subclass the abstract class provided by the debug plug-in (<code>AbstractLaunchConfigurationTab</code>)
- will maintain binary compatibility, as the methods have been added in the abstract
- class.</p>
-<p>In prior releases, a tab was sent the message <code>initializeFrom</code> when
- it was activated, and <code>performApply</code> when it was deactivated. In
- this way, the launch configuration tab framework provided inter-tab communication
- via a launch configuration (by updating the configuration with current attribute
- values when a tab is exited, and updating the newly entered tab). However, since
- many tabs do not perform inter-tab communication, this can be inefficient. As
- well, there was no way to distinguish between a tab being activated, and a tab
- displaying a selected launch configuration for the first time. The newly added
- methods allow tabs to distinguish between activation and initialization, and
- deactivation and saving current values. </p>
-<p>To avoid breaking the behavior of current tab implementations, the default
- implementation of <code>activated</code>, provided by the abstract tab, calls
- <code>initializeFrom</code>. And, the default implementation of <code>deactivated</code>
- calls <code>performApply</code>. Tabs wishing to take advantage of the new API
- should override these methods as required. Generally, for tabs that do not perform
- inter-tab communication, a correct implementation of these methods is to do
- nothing.</p>
-<h3>BreakpointManager Can Be Disabled</h3>
-<p>IBreakpointManager now defines the methods setEnabled(boolean) and isEnabled().
- When the breakpoint manager is disabled, debuggers should ignore all registered breakpoints.
- The debug platform also provides a new listener mechanism, IBreakpointManagerListener
- which allows clients to register with the breakpoint manager to be notified when its
- enablement changes.</p>
-<p>The Breakpoints view calls this API from a new toggle action that allows the user to
- "Skip All Breakpoints." Debuggers which do not honor the breakpoint manager's enablement
- will thus appear somewhat broken if the user tries to use this feature.</p>

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