[Enter description of this extension point.] The root element for a ViewInfo structure for one diagram editor. The editor identifier, as defined in the org.eclipse.ui.editors extension point. A class that implements IModelTypesProviderFactory so that it can provide an IModelTypesProvider to get labels and images for ViewInfo elements. It is usually 'es.cv.gvcase.mdt.common.provider.IModelTypesProviderFactoty'. A basic ViewInfo element. Although all these elements hang directly from the RootViewInfo, once the extension is read a hierarchical structure is created. This structure starts with a RootViewInfo which has a BaseviewInfo that is of type Head, and this Head must be the canvas. from this Head BaseViewInfo all other BaseViewInfo elements will hang. The identifier of the IElementType this BaseViewInfo represents. The visualID of the parent BaseViewInfo. This is the field used to create the hierarchical structure. The label that will be shown in the filter dialog. The visualID of the node/edge/label this BaseViewInfo represents. The type of figure this BaseViewInfo represents. It can be one of {None, Head, Node, Edge, Label}. If false, this ViewInfo will not be selecteble in the filter views selection dialog. [Enter the first release in which this extension point appears.] [Enter extension point usage example here.] [Enter API information here.] [Enter information about supplied implementation of this extension point.]