__TOC__ = How to use MDE to develop Papyrus = ==Table of Contents== ==Requirements== - REQ_001 (id=REQ_001): The tool must help to model papyrus development
- REQ_0011 (id=REQ_0011): The tool must help to model requirements.
- REQ_0012 (id=REQ_0012): The tool must help to make the design
- REQ_0013 (id=REQ_0013): The tool must help to model test
- REQ_0014 (id=REQ_0014): The model of development must contain traceability
- REQ_0015 (id=REQ_0015): The tool must help to model use cases.
- REQ_002 (id=REQ_002): From the model, it must be able to generate documentation
- REQ_0021 (id=REQ_0021): From the model, it must be able to generate HTML documentation
- REQ_0022 (id=REQ_0022): From the model, it must be able to generate WKIMEDIA documentation
==Use Cases==

In order to model your development and generate your documentation. You must install a version of SysML and the plugin org.eclipse.papyrus.uml.developer.mde that can been found in the git org.eclipse.papyrus\plugins\developer
===PapyrusMDE=== ====Model Requirements==== ======Model Requirements====== - traces to [[#_-FiHAfXCEeWzTLgJvBjJCA|REQ_0011]]
The Designer has to create a use case inside the "requirements" model. The requirement may be functional or non functional. Requirements has to be refined or decompose until it can be tested.
=====How to===== In order to create requirement, the Designer can use the module "Papyrus Requirement" that help to create requirements

[[Image:./imgDOC/createRequirements.png|Create a requirement]]
''Create a requirement''

====Model Use Cases==== ======Model Use Cases====== - traces to [[#_-FlKUPXCEeWzTLgJvBjJCA|REQ_0015]], [[#_-Fj8MfXCEeWzTLgJvBjJCA|REQ_0014]]
The "Designer" has to develop Use cases that are refinement of the functional requirements. In each use case, a comment has to be added in order to explain the use case. In each use case, the designer has to add a set of comment stereotyped "userDoc" in order to write the how to. Each Use case must have a link "satisfy" with the refined requirement
=====How to===== In order to create a use case, the designer has to create a use case in the component inside the UseCase model.

[[Image:./imgDOC/usecaseCreation.png|Create a Use Case]]
''Create a Use Case''

In each Use case, the designer has to add a nested comment in order to explain the goal of the use case, (it can be also an activity diagram or sequence diagram)

[[Image:./imgDOC/createCommentOnUseCase.png|Create a comment]]
''Create a comment''

The designer has also to explain how a user can execute this function. This is the "how to" section, the purpose is to explain step by step how the user can do in order to run the functionality. To do that, create a comment stereotyped "UserDoc" write you text inside or associate a screenshot of your execution by adding a hyperlink on this comment.

[[Image:./imgDOC/UserDoc.png|Add a comment for the user doc]]
''Add a comment for the user doc''

[[Image:./imgDOC/AddHyperlinkToTheImage.png|Reference an image by using hyperlinks]]
''Reference an image by using hyperlinks''

====Model the design==== ======Model the design====== - traces to [[#_-FiuEfXCEeWzTLgJvBjJCA|REQ_0012]], [[#_-Fj8MfXCEeWzTLgJvBjJCA|REQ_0014]]
The designer must model its development in order to be able to explain its architecture, the behavior, choices of its tool.
=====How to===== To do that, the designer can design the model or make a retro-engineering of the code. To that papyrus provides in papyrus designer a generator and retro tool for the java or C++code.
====Model Tests==== ======Model Tests====== - traces to [[#_-FjVIfXCEeWzTLgJvBjJCA|REQ_0013]], [[#_-Fj8MfXCEeWzTLgJvBjJCA|REQ_0014]]
The Designer must add a least one test case for each use case. A test case is a use case stereotyped "UseCaseTest". The Use case must contain an activity that represents the java class that represents the code of you test.
=====How to===== To do that, go to the "Test" model, create use case and stereotype it "Use case Test". This is the scenario to test a use case. In the use case add a comment and explain the scenario. In the code you must have a JUnit or a java class that corresponds tho this test. Copy qualified name of your test and add it as an activity. Then add a verify link from the test the use case to the requirement. Use papyrus requirement in order to simplify creation of links.

[[Image:./imgDOC/UsecaseTestCreation.png|Use Case Test]]
''Use Case Test''

====Generate the documentation==== ======Generate the documentation====== - traces to [[#_-FlxYPXCEeWzTLgJvBjJCA|REQ_002]], [[#_-FmYcPXCEeWzTLgJvBjJCA|REQ_0021]], [[#_-Fm_gfXCEeWzTLgJvBjJCA|REQ_0022]]
From the model, it possible to generate the developer Document. This generation is done in two steps: first the tool generate a document model and from the document model it generates a document. The document model contains only package stereotyped "section" and comment stereotyped "content" or "imageRef". Transformation to the document model: Each package requirements, UseCases, Design and Test become a section. Each requirement becomes a paragraph. Each Use Case becomes a section with its comments a paragraph of the section. The comment stereotyped user doc becomes a sub-section "How to". Each diagram will be serialized and become an image inside the container section. Each image hyperlink associated to a comment becomes an image after the paragraph. The transformation from the model of document to the document is bijective.
=====How to===== In order to generate the code: Ensure that the following profile are applied.

[[Image:./imgDOC/appliedProfiles.png|Applied Profiles]]
''Applied Profiles''

Fill properties of stereotype "Project " for the root model.

[[Image:./imgDOC/fillModelMetaInfo.png|Project stereotype properties]]
''Project stereotype properties''

Ensure that the model are in directory doc, all images are in the directory doc/imgDOC


Select the root model in the model explorer and click right to generate html or media wiki

[[Image:./imgDOC/generateHTML.png|HTML generation]]
''HTML generation''

Open the html document, use a css file, called default css, and you can obtain the following document. Note that this doc has been obtained by using the tool on itself. You can notice that a new model element with the stereotype Document is also generated. You can remove it. I let it in order to demonstrate that is possible to make all in model.

[[Image:./imgDOC/generatedHTMLpage.png|Generated HTML page]]
''Generated HTML page''

==Design== ===Package org.eclipse.papyrus.uml.developer.mde=== ====Class Activator==== ======Class Activator====== - specializes [[#_-vApM_W_EeWzTLgJvBjJCA|AbstractUIPlugin]]
The activator class controls the plug-in life cycle
====Interface I_DeveloperIDMStereotype==== ======Interface I_DeveloperIDMStereotype====== constant included in the MDE process profile
====Interface I_DocumentStereotype==== ======Interface I_DocumentStereotype====== list of constant contained in the document profile
====Package command==== ======Package command======
[[Image:./imgDOC/Command_ClassDiagram.png|Command ClassDiagram]]
''Command ClassDiagram''

=====Class CreateDocumentModelCommand===== - specializes [[#_-2i0lfW_EeWzTLgJvBjJCA|RecordingCommand]]
this command transform a model to document model
====Package handler==== ======Package handler======
[[Image:./imgDOC/Handler_ClassDiagram.png|Handler ClassDiagram]]
''Handler ClassDiagram''

=====Class GetHTMLTextHandler===== - specializes [[#_-N2VgfXCEeWzTLgJvBjJCA|IDMAbstractHandler]]
This class is used to create and html developper doc file.
=====Class IDMAbstractHandler===== - specializes [[#_-44W4fW_EeWzTLgJvBjJCA|AbstractHandler]]
Abstract handler in order to connect to papyrus
=====Class GetWikiTextHandler===== - specializes [[#_-N2VgfXCEeWzTLgJvBjJCA|IDMAbstractHandler]]
This class is used to create and wiki developper doc file.
====Package transcription==== ======Package transcription======
[[Image:./imgDOC/Transcription_ClassDiagram.png|Transcription ClassDiagram]]
''Transcription ClassDiagram''

=====Class HTMLTranscription===== - realizes [[#_-Rh7ofXCEeWzTLgJvBjJCA|ITranscription]]
This class is a specialization to generate html files.
=====Interface ITranscription===== This class is used to generated very swiftly a document from the document model
=====Class TranscriptionEngine===== This class is an engine to traduce a document model into files
=====Class WikiTranscription===== This class is a specialization to generate mediawiki files.
==Tests== ===UseCaseTest Test creation of requirements=== Go inside package requirement an try to create a SysML requirements
==Requirements Coverage== {| border="1" cellpadding="20" cellspacing="0" !ID !Satisfied by !Verified by |- |[[#_-Fhf8PXCEeWzTLgJvBjJCA|REQ_001]] | | |- |[[#_-FiHAfXCEeWzTLgJvBjJCA|REQ_0011]] |Model Requirements |[[#_-RlmAvXCEeWzTLgJvBjJCA|Test creation of requirements]] |- |[[#_-FiuEfXCEeWzTLgJvBjJCA|REQ_0012]] |Model the design | |- |[[#_-FjVIfXCEeWzTLgJvBjJCA|REQ_0013]] |Model Tests | |- |[[#_-Fj8MfXCEeWzTLgJvBjJCA|REQ_0014]] |Model Use Cases, Model the design, Model Tests | |- |[[#_-FlKUPXCEeWzTLgJvBjJCA|REQ_0015]] |Model Use Cases | |- |[[#_-FlxYPXCEeWzTLgJvBjJCA|REQ_002]] |Generate the documentation | |- |[[#_-FmYcPXCEeWzTLgJvBjJCA|REQ_0021]] |Generate the documentation | |- |[[#_-Fm_gfXCEeWzTLgJvBjJCA|REQ_0022]] |Generate the documentation | |} Unsatisfied requirements (1 out of 9) :
[[#_-Fhf8PXCEeWzTLgJvBjJCA|REQ_001]] Unverified requirements (8 out of 9) :
[[#_-Fhf8PXCEeWzTLgJvBjJCA|REQ_001, ]][[#_-FiuEfXCEeWzTLgJvBjJCA|REQ_0012, ]][[#_-FjVIfXCEeWzTLgJvBjJCA|REQ_0013, ]][[#_-Fj8MfXCEeWzTLgJvBjJCA|REQ_0014, ]][[#_-FlKUPXCEeWzTLgJvBjJCA|REQ_0015, ]][[#_-FlxYPXCEeWzTLgJvBjJCA|REQ_002, ]][[#_-FmYcPXCEeWzTLgJvBjJCA|REQ_0021, ]][[#_-Fm_gfXCEeWzTLgJvBjJCA|REQ_0022]]