The Synchronizer is used to synchronize the properties of the Diagram when something change in the LayerStack. The class listen to change events, then ask the LayerStack to compute the new values, and then set the new values in the diagram. RegExpSynchronizer is responsible to synchronize all the RegExp of a LayersStack. This class is used to record a list of listeners, and to send the associated event when the fireMethod is called This notifier allows to listen on property changes on any children of the specified object. Fire events when a property of one of the domain element of the diagram is modified. This notifier tracks the diagram root elements, and listen to their asociated domain elements. This view show the current selection among: - Diagram with LayerStack - Diagram without LayerStack - other selection (unknown) This class track the current selection and fire following events: - diagramWithoutStackLayerSelected (editor, diagram) - diagramWithStackLayerSelected (editor, diagram, StackLayer) - unknown selection (editor(could be null) ) A UiPart is used to show one element (and its subelements A LayerExpression allows to compute the properties of a specified view. A LayerExpression is the common ancestor of Layer and LayerOperator. List of views attached to the layerExpression. This is a derived properties. Get the property descriptors associated to the specified view. Get the property values associated to the specified view. Get the property values associated to the specified view. Get the property descriptors available from Return a list of properties that this layer support. This is a derived property (from Layer descriptor). Return a list of properties already attached to the Layer. This is a derived property. Return a list of not already attached properties. This is a derived property. Collection of property operators used to compute two operands. Each property operator is designed to operate on one type of property. An operator used to compute two operands. The operator is designed to operate on specified property. Entry point of the model. LayerStack are associated to their diagram. This class is used to maintain the current layer selected. It listen on LayerStack event, and set the current layer accordingly. The current layer can also be set by methods. The class can be observed to listen to selection changed. The Event class is used to carry data from the sender to the listener. Type and TypeValue are part of the system ? LayerDescriptor and Property are not saved with LayerStack