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Diffstat (limited to 'tests/framework/org.eclipse.papyrus.tests.framework/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/tests/framework/gmfgenuml2utp/CreateFromPaletteTest.xtend')
1 files changed, 268 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tests/framework/org.eclipse.papyrus.tests.framework/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/tests/framework/gmfgenuml2utp/CreateFromPaletteTest.xtend b/tests/framework/org.eclipse.papyrus.tests.framework/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/tests/framework/gmfgenuml2utp/CreateFromPaletteTest.xtend
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..21cdd38d9f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/framework/org.eclipse.papyrus.tests.framework/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/tests/framework/gmfgenuml2utp/CreateFromPaletteTest.xtend
@@ -0,0 +1,268 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2014, 2015 CEA LIST, Christian W. Damus, and others.
+ *
+ * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
+ * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
+ * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
+ *
+ *
+ * Contributors:
+ * CEA LIST - Initial API and implementation
+ * Christian W. Damus - adapted from QVTo
+ * Christian W. Damus - bug 464647
+ *
+ *****************************************************************************/
+package org.eclipse.papyrus.tests.framework.gmfgenuml2utp
+import java.util.Collection
+import java.util.Collections
+import org.eclipse.papyrus.tests.framework.m2m.Metamodels
+import org.eclipse.papyrus.tests.framework.xtend.annotations.FrameworkConfig
+import org.eclipse.papyrus.tests.framework.xtend.annotations.TestPackageRule
+import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.InstanceSpecification
+import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.UMLFactory
+import org.eclipse.papyrus.tests.framework.xtend.annotations.TestContextRule
+import org.apache.log4j.Logger
+ * Mapping of UML instance specifications for GMFGen model elements to palette tests in the UTP test model.
+ */
+class CreateFromPaletteTest {
+ static extension UMLFactory = UMLFactory.eINSTANCE
+ @Inject(optional=true) Logger log = Logger.getLogger(CreateFromPaletteTest)
+ @Inject extension Metamodels
+ @Inject extension TransformationUtilities
+ @Inject extension CreateFromPaletteChildLabelNodesTest
+ @FrameworkConfig String topContainerEditPart = ''
+ @FrameworkConfig Collection<String> topNodesToTest = Collections.emptyList
+ @FrameworkConfig Collection<String> childNodesToTest = Collections.emptyList
+ @FrameworkConfig Collection<String> childLabelNodesToTest = Collections.emptyList
+ @FrameworkConfig Collection<String> linksToTest = Collections.emptyList
+ @FrameworkConfig Collection<String> linksOwnedBySourceToTest = Collections.emptyList
+ @TestPackageRule val createFromPalettePackage = [
+ name = 'createFromPalette'
+ testContextRules += #[
+ mapNone -> topNodeCreation,
+ childLabelNodesToTest.mapChildLabelNode -> childLabelNodeCreation,
+ topNodesToTest.mapTopNode -> childNodeCreation,
+ linksToTest.mapLink -> linkCreation,
+ linksOwnedBySourceToTest.mapLink -> linkOwnedBySourceCreation
+ ]
+ ]
+ @TestContextRule val topNodeCreation = [
+ common('AbstractCreateNodeFromPaletteTest', 'TopNodesTest')
+ topEditParts += gmfgen.getTopNodes(topNodesToTest)
+ testBehaviors += mapTests(topEditParts) [
+ toCallTestNodeOperationActivity('AbstractCreateNodeFromPaletteTest', 'TestTopNode')
+ ]
+ testCaseRule = testCaseRule('testTopNode')
+ ]
+ @TestContextRule val childLabelNodeCreation = [
+ common('AbstractCreateChildLabelNodeFromPaletteTest', 'Label' + selfInstance.editPart + 'Test')
+ childLabelEditParts += selfInstance
+ val validLabels = childLabelEditParts.filter[getSlot('containers') != null]
+ validLabels.forEach[label |
+ label.containerCompartments.forEach[compartment |
+ val allParentNodes = compartment.parentNodes
+ val nestedParentNodes = allParentNodes.filter[isChildNode && containerCompartments.exists[parentNodes.exists[isTopNode]]]
+ val topParentNodes = allParentNodes.filter[isTopNode]
+ testBehaviors += mapTestsByInstance(#[label], #[compartment], topParentNodes) [
+ labelEditPart, compartmentEditPart, parentNodeEditPart |
+ labelEditPart.toCallTestChildLabelNodeOperationActivity(compartmentEditPart, parentNodeEditPart)
+ ]
+ for (nested : nestedParentNodes) {
+ // Compute a representative top node and compartment in which to create the nested node (in which to create the label)
+ val topNodeCompartment = nested.containerCompartments.filter[parentNodes.exists[isTopNode]].head
+ val topNode = topNodeCompartment.parentNodes.filter[isTopNode].head
+ testBehaviors += mapTestsByInstance(#[label], #[compartment], #[nested]) [
+ labelEditPart, compartmentEditPart, parentNodeEditPart |
+ labelEditPart.toCallTestChildLabelNodeOperationActivity(compartmentEditPart, parentNodeEditPart, topNodeCompartment, topNode)
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ ]
+ testCaseRule = testCaseRule('testChildLabel')
+ ]
+ @TestContextRule val childNodeCreation = [
+ common('AbstractCreateNodeFromPaletteTest', 'ChildNodeIn' + selfInstance.editPart + 'Test')
+ containerEditPart = selfInstance
+ selfInstance.compartments.forEach[compartment |
+ val contents = compartment.childNodes.filter[childNodesToTest.contains(editPart)]
+ childEditParts += contents
+ testBehaviors += mapTestsByInstance(#[containerEditPart], contents) [parent, child |
+ child.toCallTestChildNodeOperationActivity(parent, 'AbstractCreateNodeFromPaletteTest', 'TestChildNode')
+ ]
+ ]
+ testCaseRule = testCaseRule('testChildNode')
+ ]
+ @TestContextRule val linkCreation = [
+ common('AbstractCreateLinkFromPaletteTest', selfInstance.editPart + 'Test')
+ linkEditParts += selfInstance
+ if (!selfInstance.canCreateTests) {
+ log.warn('Cannot create test cases for ' + selfInstance.editPart + ' because it is missing either source or target edit-parts.')
+ } else {
+ val ctx = it
+ testBehaviors += mapTests(linkEditParts, topNodesToTest.filter[linksTo(ctx.selfInstance)], topNodesToTest.filter[linksFrom(ctx.selfInstance)])[
+ link, source, target | link.toCallTestLinkOperationActivity(source, target)
+ ]
+ testBehaviors += mapTests(linkEditParts, childNodesToTest.filter[linksTo(ctx.selfInstance)], childNodesToTest.filter[linksFrom(ctx.selfInstance)])[
+ link, source, target | link.toCallTestLinkOperationActivity(source, target, gmfgen.getNode(topContainerEditPart))
+ ]
+ testCaseRule = testCaseRule('testLink')
+ }
+ ]
+ @TestContextRule val linkOwnedBySourceCreation = [
+ common('AbstractCreateLinkOwnedBySourceFromPaletteTest', selfInstance.editPart + 'Test')
+ linkOwnedBySourceEditParts += selfInstance
+ if (!selfInstance.canCreateTests) {
+ log.warn('Cannot create test cases for ' + selfInstance.editPart + ' because it is missing either source or target edit-parts.')
+ } else {
+ val ctx = it
+ testBehaviors += mapTests(linkOwnedBySourceEditParts, topNodesToTest.filter[linksTo(ctx.selfInstance)], topNodesToTest.filter[linksFrom(ctx.selfInstance)])[
+ link, source, target | link.toCallTestLinkOperationActivity(source, target)
+ ]
+ testBehaviors += mapTests(linkOwnedBySourceEditParts, childNodesToTest.filter[linksTo(ctx.selfInstance)], childNodesToTest.filter[linksFrom(ctx.selfInstance)])[
+ link, source, target | link.toCallTestLinkOperationActivity(source, target, gmfgen.getNode(topContainerEditPart))
+ ]
+ testCaseRule = testCaseRule('testLinkOwnedBySource')
+ }
+ ]
+ protected def toCallTestChildNodeOperationActivity(InstanceSpecification childEditPart, InstanceSpecification parentEditPart, String abstractTestClassName, String nodeType) {
+ createActivity => [
+ name = childEditPart.testBehaviorName
+ ownedNodes += createCallOperationAction => [
+ operation = frameworkClass(abstractTestClassName).allOperations.head
+ arguments += #[
+ childEditPart.toValuePin('node'),
+ parentEditPart.toValuePin('container'),
+ true.toValuePin('mustSucceed')
+ ]
+ ]
+ ]
+ }
+ protected def toCallTestLinkOperationActivity(InstanceSpecification linkEditPart, InstanceSpecification sourceEditPart, InstanceSpecification targetEditPart) {
+ createActivity => [
+ name = String.format('%s_%s_%s',
+ linkEditPart.editPart.replace('EditPart', '').toFirstLower,
+ sourceEditPart.editPart.replace('EditPart', '').toFirstLower,
+ targetEditPart.editPart.replace('EditPart', '').toFirstLower)
+ ownedNodes += createCallOperationAction => [
+ operation = frameworkClass('AbstractCreateLinkFromPaletteTest').allOperations.head
+ arguments += #[
+ linkEditPart.toValuePin(sourceEditPart.editPart, 'source'),
+ linkEditPart.toValuePin(targetEditPart.editPart, 'target'),
+ linkEditPart.toValuePin('link'),
+ true.toValuePin('mustSucceed')
+ ]
+ ]
+ ]
+ }
+ protected def toCallTestLinkOperationActivity(InstanceSpecification linkEditPart, InstanceSpecification sourceEditPart, InstanceSpecification targetEditPart, InstanceSpecification containerEditPart) {
+ createActivity => [
+ name = String.format('%s_%s_%s',
+ linkEditPart.editPart.replace('EditPart', '').toFirstLower,
+ sourceEditPart.editPart.replace('EditPart', '').toFirstLower,
+ targetEditPart.editPart.replace('EditPart', '').toFirstLower)
+ ownedNodes += createCallOperationAction => [
+ operation = frameworkClass('AbstractCreateLinkFromPaletteTest').allOperations.head
+ arguments += #[
+ linkEditPart.toValuePin(sourceEditPart.editPart, 'source'),
+ linkEditPart.toValuePin(targetEditPart.editPart, 'target'),
+ linkEditPart.toValuePin('link'),
+ linkEditPart.toValuePin(containerEditPart.editPart, 'container'),
+ true.toValuePin('mustSucceed')
+ ]
+ ]
+ ]
+ }
+ /**
+ * Queries whether a node edit-part may be the source of a link edit-part, according to the GMFGen model.
+ */
+ public def linksTo(String sourceNodeEditPart, InstanceSpecification linkEditPart) {
+ linkEditPart.getSlotStringValues('sources').contains(sourceNodeEditPart)
+ }
+ /**
+ * Queries whether a node edit-part may be the target of a link edit-part, according to the GMFGen model.
+ */
+ public def linksFrom(String targetNodeEditPart, InstanceSpecification linkEditPart) {
+ linkEditPart.getSlotStringValues('targets').contains(targetNodeEditPart)
+ }
+ protected def linksToOrFrom(String nodeEditPart, InstanceSpecification linkEditPart) {
+ nodeEditPart.linksTo(linkEditPart) || nodeEditPart.linksFrom(linkEditPart)
+ }
+ /**
+ * Queries whether we can create any tests for the specified link edit-part. This is generally only
+ * {@code false} when the link edit part either has no viable source edit-parts or no viable target
+ * edit-parts.
+ */
+ public def canCreateTests(InstanceSpecification linkEditPart) {
+ !linkEditPart.nodesRequiredForTest.empty
+ }
+ protected def nodesRequiredForTest(InstanceSpecification linkEditPart) {
+ val sources = linkEditPart.getSlotStringValues('sources')
+ val targets = linkEditPart.getSlotStringValues('targets')
+ val sourceTopNodes = sources.toSet => [retainAll(topNodesToTest)]
+ val sourceChildNodes = sources.toSet => [retainAll(childNodesToTest)]
+ val targetTopNodes = targets.toSet => [retainAll(topNodesToTest)]
+ val targetChildNodes = targets.toSet => [retainAll(childNodesToTest)]
+ newLinkedHashSet => [
+ // Handle top nodes together and child nodes together
+ if (!(sourceTopNodes.empty || targetTopNodes.empty)) {
+ it.addAll(sourceTopNodes)
+ it.addAll(targetTopNodes)
+ }
+ if (!(sourceChildNodes.empty || targetChildNodes.empty)) {
+ it.addAll(sourceChildNodes)
+ it.addAll(targetChildNodes)
+ it.add(topContainerEditPart)
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ private def toValuePin(InstanceSpecification linkEditPart, String editPartName, String role) {
+ createValuePin => [
+ val otherInstance = linkEditPart.model.getNode(editPartName)
+ name = role
+ value = createInstanceValue => [
+ name =
+ instance = otherInstance
+ ]
+ ]
+ }

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