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1 files changed, 386 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/sandbox/pasteInNewTable/ b/sandbox/pasteInNewTable/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..b348d6513bd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sandbox/pasteInNewTable/
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+ * Copyright (c) 2012 CEA LIST.
+ *
+ *
+ * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
+ * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
+ * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
+ *
+ *
+ * Contributors:
+ * Arnaud Cuccuru (CEA LIST) - Initial API and implementation
+ * Vincent Lorenzo (CEA LIST)
+ *****************************************************************************/
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.Iterator;
+import java.util.List;
+import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EClass;
+import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject;
+import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.Resource;
+import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Element;
+import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Model;
+import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.NamedElement;
+import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Namespace;
+import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.resource.UMLResource;
+public class NameResolutionUtils {
+ private NameResolutionUtils() {
+ // to prevent instanciation
+ }
+ /**
+ * From a given (potentially qualified) name and a scope, retrieves a list of NamedElement, filter by the filter metaclass (which can be null).
+ * If there are more than one element in the returned list, the name is ambiguous
+ * If the list is empty, the name does not correspond to any available named element in the context of the model resource set
+ *
+ * @param name
+ * , the potentially/partially qualified name of the NamedElement to be resolved
+ * @param scope
+ * , the namespace defining the scope for the name resolution
+ * @param filter
+ * , the potential "filter" metaclass (can be null)
+ * @return the list of NamedElement found by applying the resolution process
+ */
+ public static final List<NamedElement> getNamedElements(final String name, final Element scope, final EClass filter) {
+ final List<NamedElement> resolvedNamedElements = new ArrayList<NamedElement>();
+ // In practice, a scope can only be a Namespace
+ if(!(scope instanceof Namespace)) {
+ return resolvedNamedElements;
+ }
+ return NameResolutionUtils.getNamedElements(name, (Namespace)scope, filter);
+ }
+ /**
+ * From a given (potentially qualified) name and a scope, retrieves a list of NamedElement, filter by the filter metaclass (which can be null).
+ * If there are more than one element in the returned list, the name is ambiguous
+ * If the list is empty, the name does not correspond to any available named element in the context of the model resource set
+ *
+ * @param name
+ * , the potentially/partially qualified name of the NamedElement to be resolved
+ * @param scope
+ * , the namespace defining the scope for the name resolution
+ * @param filter
+ * , the potential "filter" metaclass (can be null)
+ * @return the list of NamedElement found by applying the resolution process
+ */
+ public static final List<NamedElement> getNamedElements(final String name, final Namespace scope, final EClass filter) {
+ final List<NamedElement> resolvedNamedElements = new ArrayList<NamedElement>();
+ // extracts name fragments for the given (potentially qualified) name
+ final List<String> nameFragments = NameResolutionUtils.computeNameFragments(name);
+ // tries to resolve the name
+ resolvedNamedElements.addAll(NameResolutionUtils.getNamedElements(nameFragments, scope, filter));
+ // If no named elements have been found, tries to restart the process on the enclosing namespace of the scope, if any
+ if(resolvedNamedElements.isEmpty()) {
+ Namespace enclosingNamespace = scope.getNamespace();
+ while(resolvedNamedElements.isEmpty() && (enclosingNamespace != null)) {
+ resolvedNamedElements.addAll(NameResolutionUtils.getNamedElements(nameFragments, enclosingNamespace, filter));
+ enclosingNamespace = enclosingNamespace.getNamespace();
+ }
+ }
+ // If no named elements have been found, tries to evaluate the name using the root context model has a root of the qualified name
+ if(resolvedNamedElements.isEmpty()) {
+ Namespace model = scope.getModel();
+ if(model==null){
+ model = scope;
+ }
+ if(model.getName().equals(nameFragments.get(0))) {
+ if(nameFragments.size() == 1) {
+ if(filter != null) {
+ if(filter.isSuperTypeOf(model.eClass())) {
+ resolvedNamedElements.add(model);
+ }
+ } else {
+ resolvedNamedElements.add(model);
+ }
+ } else {
+ final List<String> remainingNameFragments = nameFragments.subList(1, nameFragments.size());
+ resolvedNamedElements.addAll(NameResolutionUtils.getNamedElements(remainingNameFragments, model, filter));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // If no named elements have been found, tries to evaluate the name as a fully qualified name
+ // This requires analysis of available UML resources in the context of scope resource set
+ if(resolvedNamedElements.isEmpty()) {
+ final List<Resource> resources = scope.eResource().getResourceSet().getResources();
+ for(final Resource resource : resources) {
+ if((resource != scope.eResource()) && (resource instanceof UMLResource)) {
+ final UMLResource umlResource = (UMLResource)resource;
+ Model root = null;
+ for(final Iterator<EObject> i = umlResource.getAllContents(); i.hasNext() && (root == null);) {
+ final EObject next =;
+ if(next instanceof Model) {
+ root = (Model)next;
+ }
+ }
+ if(root != null) {
+ if(root.getName().equals(nameFragments.get(0))) {
+ if(nameFragments.size() == 1) {
+ if(filter != null) {
+ if(filter.isSuperTypeOf(root.eClass())) {
+ resolvedNamedElements.add(root);
+ }
+ } else {
+ resolvedNamedElements.add(root);
+ }
+ } else {
+ final List<String> remainingNameFragments = nameFragments.subList(1, nameFragments.size());
+ resolvedNamedElements.addAll(NameResolutionUtils.getNamedElements(remainingNameFragments, root, filter));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return resolvedNamedElements;
+ }
+ /**
+ * From a given list of name fragments representing a (potentially qualified name),
+ * retrieves a list of NamedElement.
+ * The basic principle of the algorithm is to try to match the first element of nameFragments with
+ * members of the scope.
+ * When a match is found, this method is called a recursively on a sublist of a nameFragments
+ * (i.e., the first element is omitted) and on the matched member.
+ * The stop condition for recursivity is that the size of nameFragments is 1.
+ *
+ * @param nameFragments
+ * , the potentially/partially qualified name of the NamedElement to be resolved
+ * @param scope
+ * , the namespace defining the scope for the name resolution
+ * @param clazz
+ * , the potential "filter" metaclass (can be null)
+ * @return the list of NamedElement found by applying the resolution process
+ */
+ private static final List<NamedElement> getNamedElements(final List<String> nameFragments, final Namespace scope, final EClass clazz) {
+ final List<NamedElement> resolvedNamedElements = new ArrayList<NamedElement>();
+ // Tries to match the first name fragment with members of the scope
+ for(final NamedElement member : scope.getMembers()) {
+ final List<String> memberNames = scope.getNamesOfMember(member);
+ final String firstNameFragment = nameFragments.get(0);
+ // iterates other names given to the current member in the context of this scope
+ for(final String memberName : memberNames) {
+ if(memberName.equals(firstNameFragment)) {
+ // the first fragment matches with this member
+ if(nameFragments.size() == 1) { // Stop condition for recursivity
+ if(clazz != null) {
+ if(clazz.isSuperTypeOf(member.eClass())) {
+ resolvedNamedElements.add(member);
+ }
+ } else {
+ resolvedNamedElements.add(member);
+ }
+ } else {
+ if(member instanceof Namespace) { // Recursive call on the sublist and the matching member
+ final List<String> remainingNameFragments = nameFragments.subList(1, nameFragments.size());
+ resolvedNamedElements.addAll(NameResolutionUtils.getNamedElements(remainingNameFragments, (Namespace)member, clazz));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return resolvedNamedElements;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Computes a List<String> containing the various "name fragments" of parameter "name".
+ * The string "name" is simply splitted according to qualifiedNameSeparator ("::").
+ *
+ * @param name
+ * The name to be "fragmented"
+ * @return The list of name fragments
+ */
+ private static final List<String> computeNameFragments(final String name) {
+ final String[] nameFragmentsArray = name.split(NamedElementUtil.QUALIFIED_NAME_SEPARATOR);
+ final List<String> nameFragments = new ArrayList<String>();
+ for(final String element : nameFragmentsArray) {
+ nameFragments.add(element);
+ }
+ return nameFragments;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Computes the shortest qualified names for a named element, in the context of a scope.
+ * The shortest qualified names are the shortest name in terms of qualification depth which unambiguously
+ * resolve to the researched element.
+ * In the case where the returned list is empty, there is no unambiguous name that could be found,
+ * including the fully qualified name of the element. This typically means that there are problems in the
+ * context model in terms of organization of element imports and package imports and named element
+ * definitions, or conflict in loaded UML resources.
+ * In the case where the list contains more than one name, all these names are all valid, all have the same
+ * qualification depth, and can be used indifferently.
+ *
+ * @param element
+ * , the named element for which we try to determine the shortest qualified name
+ * @param scope
+ * , the scope in which we try to determine the shortest qualified name for element
+ * @return the shortest qualified names for element
+ */
+ public static final List<String> getShortestQualifiedNames(final NamedElement element, final Element scope) {
+ final List<String> shortestNames = new ArrayList<String>();
+ // In practice, a scope can only be a Namespace
+ if(!(scope instanceof Namespace)) {
+ return shortestNames;
+ }
+ return NameResolutionUtils.getShortestQualifiedNames(element, (Namespace)scope);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Computes the shortest qualified names for a named element, in the context of a scope.
+ * The shortest qualified names are the shortest name in terms of qualification depth which unambiguously
+ * resolve to the researched element.
+ * In the case where the returned list is empty, there is no unambiguous name that could be found,
+ * including the fully qualified name of the element. This typically means that there are problems in the
+ * context model in terms of organization of element imports and package imports and named element
+ * definitions, or conflict in loaded UML resources.
+ * In the case where the list contains more than one name, all these names are all valid, all have the same
+ * qualification depth, and can be used indifferently.
+ *
+ * @param element
+ * , the named element for which we try to determine the shortest qualified name
+ * @param scope
+ * , the scope in which we try to determine the shortest qualified name for element
+ * @return the shortest qualified names for element
+ */
+ public static final List<String> getShortestQualifiedNames(final NamedElement element, final Namespace scope) {
+ final List<String> shortestNames = new ArrayList<String>();
+ // Tries to compute
+ shortestNames.addAll(NameResolutionUtils.getShortestQualifiedNamesOmittingFullyQualifiedName(element, scope));
+ // if no short name have been found, returns the fully qualified name, if it is itself unambiguous
+ if(shortestNames.isEmpty()) {
+ final String fullyQualifiedNameOfElement = element.getQualifiedName();
+ if((fullyQualifiedNameOfElement != null) && !(fullyQualifiedNameOfElement.length() == 0)) {
+ shortestNames.add(fullyQualifiedNameOfElement);
+ shortestNames.removeAll(NameResolutionUtils.findAmbiguousNames(shortestNames, element, scope));
+ }
+ }
+ return shortestNames;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Computes the shortest qualified names for a named element in the context of a scope, omitting
+ * fully qualified name of the named element (The fully qualified name is handled as a special case of
+ * getShortestQualifiedName, in the case where this method was not able to produce a non-ambiguous qualified
+ * name).
+ * The basic principle is the following (each step is applied if the previous one did not succeed.
+ * "Evaluates" means assuring that computed names are not ambiguous):
+ * 1. if element and scope are the same, directly evaluates the name of the element.
+ * 2. if element is a member of scope, evaluates member names for this element,
+ * 3. Iterate over enclosing namespaces of scope, and if element is a member of an enclosing namespace,
+ * evaluate member names for element in the context of this enclosing namespace
+ * 4. Recursively call this method using the enclosing namespace of element as the reasearched named element,
+ * build partially qualified names from the obtained list, and evaluate the computed names
+ *
+ * @param element
+ * , the named element for which we try to determine the shortest qualified name
+ * @param scope
+ * , the scope in which we try to determine the shortest qualified name for element
+ * @return the shortest qualified names for element (omitting the fully qualified name element)
+ */
+ private static final List<String> getShortestQualifiedNamesOmittingFullyQualifiedName(final NamedElement element, final Namespace scope) {
+ boolean continueResearch = true;
+ final List<String> shortestNames = new ArrayList<String>();
+ // if element and scope are the same, the shortest name is the name of the element
+ if(element == scope) {
+ shortestNames.add(element.getName());
+ shortestNames.removeAll(NameResolutionUtils.findAmbiguousNames(shortestNames, element, scope));
+ if(!shortestNames.isEmpty()) {
+ continueResearch = false;
+ }
+ }
+ // if element is part of the scope members, the shortest names are the names given to this member in the context of this scope
+ if(continueResearch && scope.getMembers().contains(element)) {
+ shortestNames.addAll(scope.getNamesOfMember(element));
+ shortestNames.removeAll(NameResolutionUtils.findAmbiguousNames(shortestNames, element, scope));
+ if(!shortestNames.isEmpty()) {
+ continueResearch = false;
+ }
+ }
+ if(continueResearch) {
+ // tries to find element in the enclosing namespaces of scope
+ Namespace enclosingNamespaceOfScope = scope.getNamespace();
+ while((enclosingNamespaceOfScope != null) && shortestNames.isEmpty()) {
+ if(enclosingNamespaceOfScope.getMembers().contains(element)) {
+ shortestNames.addAll(enclosingNamespaceOfScope.getNamesOfMember(element));
+ shortestNames.removeAll(NameResolutionUtils.findAmbiguousNames(shortestNames, element, scope));
+ }
+ enclosingNamespaceOfScope = enclosingNamespaceOfScope.getNamespace();
+ }
+ if(shortestNames.isEmpty()) {
+ // tries to find the shortest name for the enclosing namespace in the context of scope
+ final Namespace enclosingNamespaceOfElement = element.getNamespace();
+ if(enclosingNamespaceOfElement != null) {
+ final List<String> shortestNamesForEnclosingNamespace = new ArrayList<String>();
+ shortestNamesForEnclosingNamespace.addAll(NameResolutionUtils.getShortestQualifiedNames(enclosingNamespaceOfElement, scope));
+ // creates the list of shortest name from the list of shortest names for the enclosing namespace
+ for(final String shortestNameForEnclosing : shortestNamesForEnclosingNamespace) {
+ final List<String> memberNames = enclosingNamespaceOfElement.getNamesOfMember(element);
+ for(final String memberName : memberNames) {
+ shortestNames.add(shortestNameForEnclosing + NamedElementUtil.QUALIFIED_NAME_SEPARATOR + memberName);
+ }
+ }
+ shortestNames.removeAll(NameResolutionUtils.findAmbiguousNames(shortestNames, element, scope));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return shortestNames;
+ }
+ /**
+ * From a list of names, select the names which do not unambiguously resolve to researchedElement,
+ * in the context of scope
+ *
+ * @param names
+ * , the list of names to evaluate
+ * @param researchedElement
+ * , the element that must be resolved from the names
+ * @param scope
+ * , the scope in which evaluation happens
+ * @return the list of names which are ambiguous
+ */
+ private static final List<String> findAmbiguousNames(final List<String> names, final NamedElement researchedElement, final Namespace scope) {
+ final List<String> ambiguousNames = new ArrayList<String>();
+ for(final String name : names) {
+ if(NameResolutionUtils.isQualifiedNameAmbiguous(name, researchedElement, scope)) {
+ ambiguousNames.add("" + name);
+ }
+ }
+ return ambiguousNames;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Determines if a given name is ambiguous. From a given scope where evaluation of the name happens,
+ * a name is ambiguous if:
+ * - The given name resolves to multiple elements,
+ * - Or the name resolves to one element which is not the researched element.
+ * This method relies on getNamedElements(String, Element, EClass), using researchedElement.eClass() as a filter.
+ *
+ * @param name
+ * @param researchedElement
+ * @param scope
+ * @return
+ */
+ private static final boolean isQualifiedNameAmbiguous(final String name, final NamedElement researchedElement, final Namespace scope) {
+ final List<NamedElement> resolvedElements = NameResolutionUtils.getNamedElements(name, scope, researchedElement.eClass());
+ if(resolvedElements.size() > 1) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ if(resolvedElements.get(0) != researchedElement) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }

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