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Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/uml/textedit/')
1 files changed, 1301 insertions, 1255 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/uml/textedit/ b/plugins/uml/textedit/
index f22b188e05a..f3d306521d2 100644
--- a/plugins/uml/textedit/
+++ b/plugins/uml/textedit/
@@ -1,1255 +1,1301 @@
-* generated by Xtext
-grammar InternalUmlProperty;
-options {
- superClass=AbstractInternalAntlrParser;
-@lexer::header {
-// Hack: Use our own Lexer superclass by means of import.
-// Currently there is no other way to specify the superclass for the lexer.
-import org.eclipse.xtext.parser.antlr.Lexer;
-@parser::header {
-import org.eclipse.xtext.*;
-import org.eclipse.xtext.parser.*;
-import org.eclipse.xtext.parser.impl.*;
-import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.util.EcoreUtil;
-import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject;
-import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.Enumerator;
-import org.eclipse.xtext.parser.antlr.AbstractInternalAntlrParser;
-import org.eclipse.xtext.parser.antlr.XtextTokenStream;
-import org.eclipse.xtext.parser.antlr.XtextTokenStream.HiddenTokens;
-import org.eclipse.xtext.parser.antlr.AntlrDatatypeRuleToken;
-@parser::members {
- private UmlPropertyGrammarAccess grammarAccess;
- public InternalUmlPropertyParser(TokenStream input, UmlPropertyGrammarAccess grammarAccess) {
- this(input);
- this.grammarAccess = grammarAccess;
- registerRules(grammarAccess.getGrammar());
- }
- @Override
- protected String getFirstRuleName() {
- return "PropertyRule";
- }
- @Override
- protected UmlPropertyGrammarAccess getGrammarAccess() {
- return grammarAccess;
- }
-@rulecatch {
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- recover(input,re);
- appendSkippedTokens();
- }
-// Entry rule entryRulePropertyRule
-entryRulePropertyRule returns [EObject current=null]
- :
- { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getPropertyRuleRule()); }
- iv_rulePropertyRule=rulePropertyRule
- { $current=$iv_rulePropertyRule.current; }
-// Rule PropertyRule
-rulePropertyRule returns [EObject current=null]
- @init { enterRule();
- }
- @after { leaveRule(); }:
- {
- newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getPropertyRuleAccess().getVisibilityVisibilityRuleParserRuleCall_0_0());
- }
- lv_visibility_0_0=ruleVisibilityRule {
- if ($current==null) {
- $current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getPropertyRuleRule());
- }
- set(
- $current,
- "visibility",
- lv_visibility_0_0,
- "VisibilityRule");
- afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
- }
- lv_derived_1_0= '/'
- {
- newLeafNode(lv_derived_1_0, grammarAccess.getPropertyRuleAccess().getDerivedSolidusKeyword_1_0());
- }
- {
- if ($current==null) {
- $current = createModelElement(grammarAccess.getPropertyRuleRule());
- }
- setWithLastConsumed($current, "derived", true, "/");
- }
- lv_name_2_0=RULE_ID
- {
- newLeafNode(lv_name_2_0, grammarAccess.getPropertyRuleAccess().getNameIDTerminalRuleCall_2_0());
- }
- {
- if ($current==null) {
- $current = createModelElement(grammarAccess.getPropertyRuleRule());
- }
- setWithLastConsumed(
- $current,
- "name",
- lv_name_2_0,
- "ID");
- }
-)( otherlv_3=':'
- {
- newLeafNode(otherlv_3, grammarAccess.getPropertyRuleAccess().getColonKeyword_3_0());
- }
- {
- newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getPropertyRuleAccess().getTypeTypeRuleParserRuleCall_3_1_0_0());
- }
- lv_type_4_0=ruleTypeRule {
- if ($current==null) {
- $current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getPropertyRuleRule());
- }
- set(
- $current,
- "type",
- lv_type_4_0,
- "TypeRule");
- afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
- }
- |(
- lv_typeUndefined_5_0= '<Undefined>'
- {
- newLeafNode(lv_typeUndefined_5_0, grammarAccess.getPropertyRuleAccess().getTypeUndefinedUndefinedKeyword_3_1_1_0());
- }
- {
- if ($current==null) {
- $current = createModelElement(grammarAccess.getPropertyRuleRule());
- }
- setWithLastConsumed($current, "typeUndefined", true, "<Undefined>");
- }
- {
- newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getPropertyRuleAccess().getMultiplicityMultiplicityRuleParserRuleCall_4_0());
- }
- lv_multiplicity_6_0=ruleMultiplicityRule {
- if ($current==null) {
- $current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getPropertyRuleRule());
- }
- set(
- $current,
- "multiplicity",
- lv_multiplicity_6_0,
- "MultiplicityRule");
- afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
- }
- {
- newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getPropertyRuleAccess().getModifiersModifiersRuleParserRuleCall_5_0());
- }
- lv_modifiers_7_0=ruleModifiersRule {
- if ($current==null) {
- $current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getPropertyRuleRule());
- }
- set(
- $current,
- "modifiers",
- lv_modifiers_7_0,
- "ModifiersRule");
- afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
- }
- {
- newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getPropertyRuleAccess().getDefaultDefaultValueRuleParserRuleCall_6_0());
- }
- lv_default_8_0=ruleDefaultValueRule {
- if ($current==null) {
- $current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getPropertyRuleRule());
- }
- set(
- $current,
- "default",
- lv_default_8_0,
- "DefaultValueRule");
- afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
- }
-// Entry rule entryRuleVisibilityRule
-entryRuleVisibilityRule returns [EObject current=null]
- :
- { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getVisibilityRuleRule()); }
- iv_ruleVisibilityRule=ruleVisibilityRule
- { $current=$iv_ruleVisibilityRule.current; }
-// Rule VisibilityRule
-ruleVisibilityRule returns [EObject current=null]
- @init { enterRule();
- }
- @after { leaveRule(); }:
- {
- newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getVisibilityRuleAccess().getVisibilityVisibilityKindEnumRuleCall_0());
- }
- lv_visibility_0_0=ruleVisibilityKind {
- if ($current==null) {
- $current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getVisibilityRuleRule());
- }
- set(
- $current,
- "visibility",
- lv_visibility_0_0,
- "VisibilityKind");
- afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
- }
-// Entry rule entryRuleTypeRule
-entryRuleTypeRule returns [EObject current=null]
- :
- { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getTypeRuleRule()); }
- iv_ruleTypeRule=ruleTypeRule
- { $current=$iv_ruleTypeRule.current; }
-// Rule TypeRule
-ruleTypeRule returns [EObject current=null]
- @init { enterRule();
- }
- @after { leaveRule(); }:
- {
- newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getTypeRuleAccess().getPathQualifiedNameParserRuleCall_0_0());
- }
- lv_path_0_0=ruleQualifiedName {
- if ($current==null) {
- $current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getTypeRuleRule());
- }
- set(
- $current,
- "path",
- lv_path_0_0,
- "QualifiedName");
- afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
- }
- {
- if ($current==null) {
- $current = createModelElement(grammarAccess.getTypeRuleRule());
- }
- }
- otherlv_1=RULE_ID
- {
- newLeafNode(otherlv_1, grammarAccess.getTypeRuleAccess().getTypeClassifierCrossReference_1_0());
- }
-// Entry rule entryRuleQualifiedName
-entryRuleQualifiedName returns [EObject current=null]
- :
- { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getQualifiedNameRule()); }
- iv_ruleQualifiedName=ruleQualifiedName
- { $current=$iv_ruleQualifiedName.current; }
-// Rule QualifiedName
-ruleQualifiedName returns [EObject current=null]
- @init { enterRule();
- }
- @after { leaveRule(); }:
- {
- if ($current==null) {
- $current = createModelElement(grammarAccess.getQualifiedNameRule());
- }
- }
- otherlv_0=RULE_ID
- {
- newLeafNode(otherlv_0, grammarAccess.getQualifiedNameAccess().getPathNamespaceCrossReference_0_0());
- }
-) otherlv_1='::'
- {
- newLeafNode(otherlv_1, grammarAccess.getQualifiedNameAccess().getColonColonKeyword_1());
- }
- {
- newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getQualifiedNameAccess().getRemainingQualifiedNameParserRuleCall_2_0());
- }
- lv_remaining_2_0=ruleQualifiedName {
- if ($current==null) {
- $current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getQualifiedNameRule());
- }
- set(
- $current,
- "remaining",
- lv_remaining_2_0,
- "QualifiedName");
- afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
- }
-// Entry rule entryRuleMultiplicityRule
-entryRuleMultiplicityRule returns [EObject current=null]
- :
- { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getMultiplicityRuleRule()); }
- iv_ruleMultiplicityRule=ruleMultiplicityRule
- { $current=$iv_ruleMultiplicityRule.current; }
-// Rule MultiplicityRule
-ruleMultiplicityRule returns [EObject current=null]
- @init { enterRule();
- }
- @after { leaveRule(); }:
-( otherlv_0='['
- {
- newLeafNode(otherlv_0, grammarAccess.getMultiplicityRuleAccess().getLeftSquareBracketKeyword_0());
- }
- {
- newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getMultiplicityRuleAccess().getBoundsBoundSpecificationParserRuleCall_1_0());
- }
- lv_bounds_1_0=ruleBoundSpecification {
- if ($current==null) {
- $current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getMultiplicityRuleRule());
- }
- add(
- $current,
- "bounds",
- lv_bounds_1_0,
- "BoundSpecification");
- afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
- }
-)( otherlv_2='..'
- {
- newLeafNode(otherlv_2, grammarAccess.getMultiplicityRuleAccess().getFullStopFullStopKeyword_2_0());
- }
- {
- newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getMultiplicityRuleAccess().getBoundsBoundSpecificationParserRuleCall_2_1_0());
- }
- lv_bounds_3_0=ruleBoundSpecification {
- if ($current==null) {
- $current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getMultiplicityRuleRule());
- }
- add(
- $current,
- "bounds",
- lv_bounds_3_0,
- "BoundSpecification");
- afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
- }
-))? otherlv_4=']'
- {
- newLeafNode(otherlv_4, grammarAccess.getMultiplicityRuleAccess().getRightSquareBracketKeyword_3());
- }
-// Entry rule entryRuleBoundSpecification
-entryRuleBoundSpecification returns [EObject current=null]
- :
- { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getBoundSpecificationRule()); }
- iv_ruleBoundSpecification=ruleBoundSpecification
- { $current=$iv_ruleBoundSpecification.current; }
-// Rule BoundSpecification
-ruleBoundSpecification returns [EObject current=null]
- @init { enterRule();
- }
- @after { leaveRule(); }:
- {
- newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getBoundSpecificationAccess().getValueUnlimitedLiteralParserRuleCall_0());
- }
- lv_value_0_0=ruleUnlimitedLiteral {
- if ($current==null) {
- $current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getBoundSpecificationRule());
- }
- set(
- $current,
- "value",
- lv_value_0_0,
- "UnlimitedLiteral");
- afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
- }
-// Entry rule entryRuleUnlimitedLiteral
-entryRuleUnlimitedLiteral returns [String current=null]
- :
- { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getUnlimitedLiteralRule()); }
- iv_ruleUnlimitedLiteral=ruleUnlimitedLiteral
- { $current=$iv_ruleUnlimitedLiteral.current.getText(); }
-// Rule UnlimitedLiteral
-ruleUnlimitedLiteral returns [AntlrDatatypeRuleToken current=new AntlrDatatypeRuleToken()]
- @init { enterRule();
- }
- @after { leaveRule(); }:
-( this_INT_0=RULE_INT {
- $current.merge(this_INT_0);
- }
- {
- newLeafNode(this_INT_0, grammarAccess.getUnlimitedLiteralAccess().getINTTerminalRuleCall_0());
- }
- |
- kw='*'
- {
- $current.merge(kw);
- newLeafNode(kw, grammarAccess.getUnlimitedLiteralAccess().getAsteriskKeyword_1());
- }
- ;
-// Entry rule entryRuleModifiersRule
-entryRuleModifiersRule returns [EObject current=null]
- :
- { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getModifiersRuleRule()); }
- iv_ruleModifiersRule=ruleModifiersRule
- { $current=$iv_ruleModifiersRule.current; }
-// Rule ModifiersRule
-ruleModifiersRule returns [EObject current=null]
- @init { enterRule();
- }
- @after { leaveRule(); }:
- {
- $current = forceCreateModelElement(
- grammarAccess.getModifiersRuleAccess().getModifiersRuleAction_0(),
- $current);
- }
-) otherlv_1='{'
- {
- newLeafNode(otherlv_1, grammarAccess.getModifiersRuleAccess().getLeftCurlyBracketKeyword_1());
- }
- {
- newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getModifiersRuleAccess().getValuesModifierSpecificationParserRuleCall_2_0_0());
- }
- lv_values_2_0=ruleModifierSpecification {
- if ($current==null) {
- $current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getModifiersRuleRule());
- }
- add(
- $current,
- "values",
- lv_values_2_0,
- "ModifierSpecification");
- afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
- }
-)( otherlv_3=','
- {
- newLeafNode(otherlv_3, grammarAccess.getModifiersRuleAccess().getCommaKeyword_2_1_0());
- }
- {
- newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getModifiersRuleAccess().getValuesModifierSpecificationParserRuleCall_2_1_1_0());
- }
- lv_values_4_0=ruleModifierSpecification {
- if ($current==null) {
- $current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getModifiersRuleRule());
- }
- add(
- $current,
- "values",
- lv_values_4_0,
- "ModifierSpecification");
- afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
- }
-))*)? otherlv_5='}'
- {
- newLeafNode(otherlv_5, grammarAccess.getModifiersRuleAccess().getRightCurlyBracketKeyword_3());
- }
-// Entry rule entryRuleModifierSpecification
-entryRuleModifierSpecification returns [EObject current=null]
- :
- { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getModifierSpecificationRule()); }
- iv_ruleModifierSpecification=ruleModifierSpecification
- { $current=$iv_ruleModifierSpecification.current; }
-// Rule ModifierSpecification
-ruleModifierSpecification returns [EObject current=null]
- @init { enterRule();
- }
- @after { leaveRule(); }:
- {
- newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getModifierSpecificationAccess().getValueModifierKindEnumRuleCall_0_0());
- }
- lv_value_0_0=ruleModifierKind {
- if ($current==null) {
- $current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getModifierSpecificationRule());
- }
- set(
- $current,
- "value",
- lv_value_0_0,
- "ModifierKind");
- afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
- }
- |(
- {
- newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getModifierSpecificationAccess().getRedefinesRedefinesRuleParserRuleCall_1_0());
- }
- lv_redefines_1_0=ruleRedefinesRule {
- if ($current==null) {
- $current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getModifierSpecificationRule());
- }
- set(
- $current,
- "redefines",
- lv_redefines_1_0,
- "RedefinesRule");
- afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
- }
- |(
- {
- newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getModifierSpecificationAccess().getSubsetsSubsetsRuleParserRuleCall_2_0());
- }
- lv_subsets_2_0=ruleSubsetsRule {
- if ($current==null) {
- $current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getModifierSpecificationRule());
- }
- set(
- $current,
- "subsets",
- lv_subsets_2_0,
- "SubsetsRule");
- afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
- }
-// Entry rule entryRuleRedefinesRule
-entryRuleRedefinesRule returns [EObject current=null]
- :
- { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getRedefinesRuleRule()); }
- iv_ruleRedefinesRule=ruleRedefinesRule
- { $current=$iv_ruleRedefinesRule.current; }
-// Rule RedefinesRule
-ruleRedefinesRule returns [EObject current=null]
- @init { enterRule();
- }
- @after { leaveRule(); }:
-( otherlv_0='redefines'
- {
- newLeafNode(otherlv_0, grammarAccess.getRedefinesRuleAccess().getRedefinesKeyword_0());
- }
- {
- if ($current==null) {
- $current = createModelElement(grammarAccess.getRedefinesRuleRule());
- }
- }
- otherlv_1=RULE_ID
- {
- newLeafNode(otherlv_1, grammarAccess.getRedefinesRuleAccess().getPropertyPropertyCrossReference_1_0());
- }
-// Entry rule entryRuleSubsetsRule
-entryRuleSubsetsRule returns [EObject current=null]
- :
- { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getSubsetsRuleRule()); }
- iv_ruleSubsetsRule=ruleSubsetsRule
- { $current=$iv_ruleSubsetsRule.current; }
-// Rule SubsetsRule
-ruleSubsetsRule returns [EObject current=null]
- @init { enterRule();
- }
- @after { leaveRule(); }:
-( otherlv_0='subsets'
- {
- newLeafNode(otherlv_0, grammarAccess.getSubsetsRuleAccess().getSubsetsKeyword_0());
- }
- {
- if ($current==null) {
- $current = createModelElement(grammarAccess.getSubsetsRuleRule());
- }
- }
- otherlv_1=RULE_ID
- {
- newLeafNode(otherlv_1, grammarAccess.getSubsetsRuleAccess().getPropertyPropertyCrossReference_1_0());
- }
-// Entry rule entryRuleDefaultValueRule
-entryRuleDefaultValueRule returns [EObject current=null]
- :
- { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getDefaultValueRuleRule()); }
- iv_ruleDefaultValueRule=ruleDefaultValueRule
- { $current=$iv_ruleDefaultValueRule.current; }
-// Rule DefaultValueRule
-ruleDefaultValueRule returns [EObject current=null]
- @init { enterRule();
- }
- @after { leaveRule(); }:
-( otherlv_0='='
- {
- newLeafNode(otherlv_0, grammarAccess.getDefaultValueRuleAccess().getEqualsSignKeyword_0());
- }
- {
- newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getDefaultValueRuleAccess().getDefaultValueParserRuleCall_1_0());
- }
- lv_default_1_0=ruleValue {
- if ($current==null) {
- $current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getDefaultValueRuleRule());
- }
- set(
- $current,
- "default",
- lv_default_1_0,
- "Value");
- afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
- }
-// Entry rule entryRuleValue
-entryRuleValue returns [EObject current=null]
- :
- { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getValueRule()); }
- iv_ruleValue=ruleValue
- { $current=$iv_ruleValue.current; }
-// Rule Value
-ruleValue returns [EObject current=null]
- @init { enterRule();
- }
- @after { leaveRule(); }:
- {
- newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getValueAccess().getIntValueParserRuleCall_0());
- }
- this_IntValue_0=ruleIntValue
- {
- $current = $this_IntValue_0.current;
- afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
- }
- |
- {
- newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getValueAccess().getStringValueParserRuleCall_1());
- }
- this_StringValue_1=ruleStringValue
- {
- $current = $this_StringValue_1.current;
- afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
- }
- |
- {
- newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getValueAccess().getBooleanValueParserRuleCall_2());
- }
- this_BooleanValue_2=ruleBooleanValue
- {
- $current = $this_BooleanValue_2.current;
- afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
- }
- |
- {
- newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getValueAccess().getRealValueParserRuleCall_3());
- }
- this_RealValue_3=ruleRealValue
- {
- $current = $this_RealValue_3.current;
- afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
- }
- |
- {
- newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getValueAccess().getNullValueParserRuleCall_4());
- }
- this_NullValue_4=ruleNullValue
- {
- $current = $this_NullValue_4.current;
- afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
- }
- |
- {
- newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getValueAccess().getNoValueParserRuleCall_5());
- }
- this_NoValue_5=ruleNoValue
- {
- $current = $this_NoValue_5.current;
- afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
- }
-// Entry rule entryRuleIntValue
-entryRuleIntValue returns [EObject current=null]
- :
- { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getIntValueRule()); }
- iv_ruleIntValue=ruleIntValue
- { $current=$iv_ruleIntValue.current; }
-// Rule IntValue
-ruleIntValue returns [EObject current=null]
- @init { enterRule();
- }
- @after { leaveRule(); }:
- lv_literalInteger_0_0=RULE_INT
- {
- newLeafNode(lv_literalInteger_0_0, grammarAccess.getIntValueAccess().getLiteralIntegerINTTerminalRuleCall_0());
- }
- {
- if ($current==null) {
- $current = createModelElement(grammarAccess.getIntValueRule());
- }
- setWithLastConsumed(
- $current,
- "literalInteger",
- lv_literalInteger_0_0,
- "INT");
- }
-// Entry rule entryRuleStringValue
-entryRuleStringValue returns [EObject current=null]
- :
- { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getStringValueRule()); }
- iv_ruleStringValue=ruleStringValue
- { $current=$iv_ruleStringValue.current; }
-// Rule StringValue
-ruleStringValue returns [EObject current=null]
- @init { enterRule();
- }
- @after { leaveRule(); }:
- lv_literalString_0_0=RULE_STRING
- {
- newLeafNode(lv_literalString_0_0, grammarAccess.getStringValueAccess().getLiteralStringSTRINGTerminalRuleCall_0());
- }
- {
- if ($current==null) {
- $current = createModelElement(grammarAccess.getStringValueRule());
- }
- setWithLastConsumed(
- $current,
- "literalString",
- lv_literalString_0_0,
- "STRING");
- }
-// Entry rule entryRuleBooleanValue
-entryRuleBooleanValue returns [EObject current=null]
- :
- { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getBooleanValueRule()); }
- iv_ruleBooleanValue=ruleBooleanValue
- { $current=$iv_ruleBooleanValue.current; }
-// Rule BooleanValue
-ruleBooleanValue returns [EObject current=null]
- @init { enterRule();
- }
- @after { leaveRule(); }:
- {
- newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getBooleanValueAccess().getLiteralBooleanBooleanLiteralsEnumRuleCall_0());
- }
- lv_literalBoolean_0_0=ruleBooleanLiterals {
- if ($current==null) {
- $current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getBooleanValueRule());
- }
- set(
- $current,
- "literalBoolean",
- lv_literalBoolean_0_0,
- "BooleanLiterals");
- afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
- }
-// Entry rule entryRuleRealValue
-entryRuleRealValue returns [EObject current=null]
- :
- { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getRealValueRule()); }
- iv_ruleRealValue=ruleRealValue
- { $current=$iv_ruleRealValue.current; }
-// Rule RealValue
-ruleRealValue returns [EObject current=null]
- @init { enterRule();
- }
- @after { leaveRule(); }:
- lv_integer_0_0=RULE_INT
- {
- newLeafNode(lv_integer_0_0, grammarAccess.getRealValueAccess().getIntegerINTTerminalRuleCall_0_0_0());
- }
- {
- if ($current==null) {
- $current = createModelElement(grammarAccess.getRealValueRule());
- }
- setWithLastConsumed(
- $current,
- "integer",
- lv_integer_0_0,
- "INT");
- }
-) otherlv_1='.'
- {
- newLeafNode(otherlv_1, grammarAccess.getRealValueAccess().getFullStopKeyword_0_1());
- }
- |( otherlv_2='.'
- {
- newLeafNode(otherlv_2, grammarAccess.getRealValueAccess().getFullStopKeyword_1_0());
- }
- lv_fraction_3_0=RULE_INT
- {
- newLeafNode(lv_fraction_3_0, grammarAccess.getRealValueAccess().getFractionINTTerminalRuleCall_1_1_0());
- }
- {
- if ($current==null) {
- $current = createModelElement(grammarAccess.getRealValueRule());
- }
- setWithLastConsumed(
- $current,
- "fraction",
- lv_fraction_3_0,
- "INT");
- }
- |((
- lv_integer_4_0=RULE_INT
- {
- newLeafNode(lv_integer_4_0, grammarAccess.getRealValueAccess().getIntegerINTTerminalRuleCall_2_0_0());
- }
- {
- if ($current==null) {
- $current = createModelElement(grammarAccess.getRealValueRule());
- }
- setWithLastConsumed(
- $current,
- "integer",
- lv_integer_4_0,
- "INT");
- }
-) otherlv_5='.'
- {
- newLeafNode(otherlv_5, grammarAccess.getRealValueAccess().getFullStopKeyword_2_1());
- }
- lv_fraction_6_0=RULE_INT
- {
- newLeafNode(lv_fraction_6_0, grammarAccess.getRealValueAccess().getFractionINTTerminalRuleCall_2_2_0());
- }
- {
- if ($current==null) {
- $current = createModelElement(grammarAccess.getRealValueRule());
- }
- setWithLastConsumed(
- $current,
- "fraction",
- lv_fraction_6_0,
- "INT");
- }
-// Entry rule entryRuleNullValue
-entryRuleNullValue returns [EObject current=null]
- :
- { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getNullValueRule()); }
- iv_ruleNullValue=ruleNullValue
- { $current=$iv_ruleNullValue.current; }
-// Rule NullValue
-ruleNullValue returns [EObject current=null]
- @init { enterRule();
- }
- @after { leaveRule(); }:
- {
- $current = forceCreateModelElement(
- grammarAccess.getNullValueAccess().getNullValueAction_0(),
- $current);
- }
-) otherlv_1='null'
- {
- newLeafNode(otherlv_1, grammarAccess.getNullValueAccess().getNullKeyword_1());
- }
-// Entry rule entryRuleNoValue
-entryRuleNoValue returns [EObject current=null]
- :
- { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getNoValueRule()); }
- iv_ruleNoValue=ruleNoValue
- { $current=$iv_ruleNoValue.current; }
-// Rule NoValue
-ruleNoValue returns [EObject current=null]
- @init { enterRule();
- }
- @after { leaveRule(); }:
- {
- $current = forceCreateModelElement(
- grammarAccess.getNoValueAccess().getNoValueAction_0(),
- $current);
- }
-) otherlv_1='none'
- {
- newLeafNode(otherlv_1, grammarAccess.getNoValueAccess().getNoneKeyword_1());
- }
-// Rule VisibilityKind
-ruleVisibilityKind returns [Enumerator current=null]
- @init { enterRule(); }
- @after { leaveRule(); }:
-(( enumLiteral_0='+'
- {
- $current = grammarAccess.getVisibilityKindAccess().getPublicEnumLiteralDeclaration_0().getEnumLiteral().getInstance();
- newLeafNode(enumLiteral_0, grammarAccess.getVisibilityKindAccess().getPublicEnumLiteralDeclaration_0());
- }
- |( enumLiteral_1='-'
- {
- $current = grammarAccess.getVisibilityKindAccess().getPrivateEnumLiteralDeclaration_1().getEnumLiteral().getInstance();
- newLeafNode(enumLiteral_1, grammarAccess.getVisibilityKindAccess().getPrivateEnumLiteralDeclaration_1());
- }
- |( enumLiteral_2='#'
- {
- $current = grammarAccess.getVisibilityKindAccess().getProtectedEnumLiteralDeclaration_2().getEnumLiteral().getInstance();
- newLeafNode(enumLiteral_2, grammarAccess.getVisibilityKindAccess().getProtectedEnumLiteralDeclaration_2());
- }
- |( enumLiteral_3='~'
- {
- $current = grammarAccess.getVisibilityKindAccess().getPackageEnumLiteralDeclaration_3().getEnumLiteral().getInstance();
- newLeafNode(enumLiteral_3, grammarAccess.getVisibilityKindAccess().getPackageEnumLiteralDeclaration_3());
- }
-// Rule ModifierKind
-ruleModifierKind returns [Enumerator current=null]
- @init { enterRule(); }
- @after { leaveRule(); }:
-(( enumLiteral_0='readOnly'
- {
- $current = grammarAccess.getModifierKindAccess().getReadOnlyEnumLiteralDeclaration_0().getEnumLiteral().getInstance();
- newLeafNode(enumLiteral_0, grammarAccess.getModifierKindAccess().getReadOnlyEnumLiteralDeclaration_0());
- }
- |( enumLiteral_1='union'
- {
- $current = grammarAccess.getModifierKindAccess().getUnionEnumLiteralDeclaration_1().getEnumLiteral().getInstance();
- newLeafNode(enumLiteral_1, grammarAccess.getModifierKindAccess().getUnionEnumLiteralDeclaration_1());
- }
- |( enumLiteral_2='ordered'
- {
- $current = grammarAccess.getModifierKindAccess().getOrderedEnumLiteralDeclaration_2().getEnumLiteral().getInstance();
- newLeafNode(enumLiteral_2, grammarAccess.getModifierKindAccess().getOrderedEnumLiteralDeclaration_2());
- }
- |( enumLiteral_3='unique'
- {
- $current = grammarAccess.getModifierKindAccess().getUniqueEnumLiteralDeclaration_3().getEnumLiteral().getInstance();
- newLeafNode(enumLiteral_3, grammarAccess.getModifierKindAccess().getUniqueEnumLiteralDeclaration_3());
- }
-// Rule BooleanLiterals
-ruleBooleanLiterals returns [Enumerator current=null]
- @init { enterRule(); }
- @after { leaveRule(); }:
-(( enumLiteral_0='true'
- {
- $current = grammarAccess.getBooleanLiteralsAccess().getTrueEnumLiteralDeclaration_0().getEnumLiteral().getInstance();
- newLeafNode(enumLiteral_0, grammarAccess.getBooleanLiteralsAccess().getTrueEnumLiteralDeclaration_0());
- }
- |( enumLiteral_1='false'
- {
- $current = grammarAccess.getBooleanLiteralsAccess().getFalseEnumLiteralDeclaration_1().getEnumLiteral().getInstance();
- newLeafNode(enumLiteral_1, grammarAccess.getBooleanLiteralsAccess().getFalseEnumLiteralDeclaration_1());
- }
-RULE_ID : (('a'..'z'|'A'..'Z'|'_') ('a'..'z'|'A'..'Z'|'_'|'0'..'9')*|'\'' ( options {greedy=false;} : . )*'\'');
-RULE_STRING : '"' ('\\' ('b'|'t'|'n'|'f'|'r'|'"'|'\''|'\\')|~(('\\'|'"')))* '"';
-RULE_ML_COMMENT : '/*' ~('@') ( options {greedy=false;} : . )*'*/';
-RULE_SL_COMMENT : '//' ~(('\n'|'\r'|'@'))* ('\r'? '\n')?;
-RULE_INT : ('0'..'9')+;
-RULE_INTEGER_VALUE : (('0'|'1'..'9' ('_'? '0'..'9')*)|('0b'|'0B') '0'..'1' ('_'? '0'..'1')*|('0x'|'0X') ('0'..'9'|'a'..'f'|'A'..'F') ('_'? ('0'..'9'|'a'..'f'|'A'..'F'))*|'0' '_'? '0'..'7' ('_'? '0'..'7')*);
-RULE_WS : (' '|'\t'|'\r'|'\n')+;
+ * generated by Xtext
+ */
+grammar InternalUmlProperty;
+options {
+ superClass=AbstractInternalAntlrParser;
+@lexer::header {
+// Hack: Use our own Lexer superclass by means of import.
+// Currently there is no other way to specify the superclass for the lexer.
+import org.eclipse.xtext.parser.antlr.Lexer;
+@parser::header {
+import org.eclipse.xtext.*;
+import org.eclipse.xtext.parser.*;
+import org.eclipse.xtext.parser.impl.*;
+import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.util.EcoreUtil;
+import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject;
+import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.Enumerator;
+import org.eclipse.xtext.parser.antlr.AbstractInternalAntlrParser;
+import org.eclipse.xtext.parser.antlr.XtextTokenStream;
+import org.eclipse.xtext.parser.antlr.XtextTokenStream.HiddenTokens;
+import org.eclipse.xtext.parser.antlr.AntlrDatatypeRuleToken;
+@parser::members {
+ private UmlPropertyGrammarAccess grammarAccess;
+ public InternalUmlPropertyParser(TokenStream input, UmlPropertyGrammarAccess grammarAccess) {
+ this(input);
+ this.grammarAccess = grammarAccess;
+ registerRules(grammarAccess.getGrammar());
+ }
+ @Override
+ protected String getFirstRuleName() {
+ return "PropertyRule";
+ }
+ @Override
+ protected UmlPropertyGrammarAccess getGrammarAccess() {
+ return grammarAccess;
+ }
+@rulecatch {
+ catch (RecognitionException re) {
+ recover(input,re);
+ appendSkippedTokens();
+ }
+// Entry rule entryRulePropertyRule
+entryRulePropertyRule returns [EObject current=null]
+ :
+ { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getPropertyRuleRule()); }
+ iv_rulePropertyRule=rulePropertyRule
+ { $current=$iv_rulePropertyRule.current; }
+// Rule PropertyRule
+rulePropertyRule returns [EObject current=null]
+ @init { enterRule();
+ }
+ @after { leaveRule(); }:
+ {
+ newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getPropertyRuleAccess().getVisibilityVisibilityRuleParserRuleCall_0_0());
+ }
+ lv_visibility_0_0=ruleVisibilityRule {
+ if ($current==null) {
+ $current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getPropertyRuleRule());
+ }
+ set(
+ $current,
+ "visibility",
+ lv_visibility_0_0,
+ "VisibilityRule");
+ afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
+ }
+ lv_derived_1_0= '/'
+ {
+ newLeafNode(lv_derived_1_0, grammarAccess.getPropertyRuleAccess().getDerivedSolidusKeyword_1_0());
+ }
+ {
+ if ($current==null) {
+ $current = createModelElement(grammarAccess.getPropertyRuleRule());
+ }
+ setWithLastConsumed($current, "derived", true, "/");
+ }
+ lv_name_2_0=RULE_ID
+ {
+ newLeafNode(lv_name_2_0, grammarAccess.getPropertyRuleAccess().getNameIDTerminalRuleCall_2_0());
+ }
+ {
+ if ($current==null) {
+ $current = createModelElement(grammarAccess.getPropertyRuleRule());
+ }
+ setWithLastConsumed(
+ $current,
+ "name",
+ lv_name_2_0,
+ "ID");
+ }
+)( otherlv_3=':'
+ {
+ newLeafNode(otherlv_3, grammarAccess.getPropertyRuleAccess().getColonKeyword_3_0());
+ }
+ {
+ newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getPropertyRuleAccess().getTypeTypeRuleParserRuleCall_3_1_0_0());
+ }
+ lv_type_4_0=ruleTypeRule {
+ if ($current==null) {
+ $current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getPropertyRuleRule());
+ }
+ set(
+ $current,
+ "type",
+ lv_type_4_0,
+ "TypeRule");
+ afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
+ }
+ |(
+ lv_typeUndefined_5_0= '<Undefined>'
+ {
+ newLeafNode(lv_typeUndefined_5_0, grammarAccess.getPropertyRuleAccess().getTypeUndefinedUndefinedKeyword_3_1_1_0());
+ }
+ {
+ if ($current==null) {
+ $current = createModelElement(grammarAccess.getPropertyRuleRule());
+ }
+ setWithLastConsumed($current, "typeUndefined", true, "<Undefined>");
+ }
+ {
+ newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getPropertyRuleAccess().getMultiplicityMultiplicityRuleParserRuleCall_4_0());
+ }
+ lv_multiplicity_6_0=ruleMultiplicityRule {
+ if ($current==null) {
+ $current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getPropertyRuleRule());
+ }
+ set(
+ $current,
+ "multiplicity",
+ lv_multiplicity_6_0,
+ "MultiplicityRule");
+ afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
+ }
+ {
+ newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getPropertyRuleAccess().getModifiersModifiersRuleParserRuleCall_5_0());
+ }
+ lv_modifiers_7_0=ruleModifiersRule {
+ if ($current==null) {
+ $current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getPropertyRuleRule());
+ }
+ set(
+ $current,
+ "modifiers",
+ lv_modifiers_7_0,
+ "ModifiersRule");
+ afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
+ }
+ {
+ newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getPropertyRuleAccess().getDefaultDefaultValueRuleParserRuleCall_6_0());
+ }
+ lv_default_8_0=ruleDefaultValueRule {
+ if ($current==null) {
+ $current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getPropertyRuleRule());
+ }
+ set(
+ $current,
+ "default",
+ lv_default_8_0,
+ "DefaultValueRule");
+ afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
+ }
+// Entry rule entryRuleVisibilityRule
+entryRuleVisibilityRule returns [EObject current=null]
+ :
+ { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getVisibilityRuleRule()); }
+ iv_ruleVisibilityRule=ruleVisibilityRule
+ { $current=$iv_ruleVisibilityRule.current; }
+// Rule VisibilityRule
+ruleVisibilityRule returns [EObject current=null]
+ @init { enterRule();
+ }
+ @after { leaveRule(); }:
+ {
+ newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getVisibilityRuleAccess().getVisibilityVisibilityKindEnumRuleCall_0());
+ }
+ lv_visibility_0_0=ruleVisibilityKind {
+ if ($current==null) {
+ $current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getVisibilityRuleRule());
+ }
+ set(
+ $current,
+ "visibility",
+ lv_visibility_0_0,
+ "VisibilityKind");
+ afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
+ }
+// Entry rule entryRuleTypeRule
+entryRuleTypeRule returns [EObject current=null]
+ :
+ { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getTypeRuleRule()); }
+ iv_ruleTypeRule=ruleTypeRule
+ { $current=$iv_ruleTypeRule.current; }
+// Rule TypeRule
+ruleTypeRule returns [EObject current=null]
+ @init { enterRule();
+ }
+ @after { leaveRule(); }:
+ {
+ newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getTypeRuleAccess().getPathQualifiedNameParserRuleCall_0_0());
+ }
+ lv_path_0_0=ruleQualifiedName {
+ if ($current==null) {
+ $current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getTypeRuleRule());
+ }
+ set(
+ $current,
+ "path",
+ lv_path_0_0,
+ "QualifiedName");
+ afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
+ }
+ {
+ if ($current==null) {
+ $current = createModelElement(grammarAccess.getTypeRuleRule());
+ }
+ }
+ otherlv_1=RULE_ID
+ {
+ newLeafNode(otherlv_1, grammarAccess.getTypeRuleAccess().getTypeClassifierCrossReference_1_0());
+ }
+// Entry rule entryRuleQualifiedName
+entryRuleQualifiedName returns [EObject current=null]
+ :
+ { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getQualifiedNameRule()); }
+ iv_ruleQualifiedName=ruleQualifiedName
+ { $current=$iv_ruleQualifiedName.current; }
+// Rule QualifiedName
+ruleQualifiedName returns [EObject current=null]
+ @init { enterRule();
+ }
+ @after { leaveRule(); }:
+ {
+ if ($current==null) {
+ $current = createModelElement(grammarAccess.getQualifiedNameRule());
+ }
+ }
+ otherlv_0=RULE_ID
+ {
+ newLeafNode(otherlv_0, grammarAccess.getQualifiedNameAccess().getPathNamespaceCrossReference_0_0());
+ }
+) otherlv_1='::'
+ {
+ newLeafNode(otherlv_1, grammarAccess.getQualifiedNameAccess().getColonColonKeyword_1());
+ }
+ {
+ newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getQualifiedNameAccess().getRemainingQualifiedNameParserRuleCall_2_0());
+ }
+ lv_remaining_2_0=ruleQualifiedName {
+ if ($current==null) {
+ $current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getQualifiedNameRule());
+ }
+ set(
+ $current,
+ "remaining",
+ lv_remaining_2_0,
+ "QualifiedName");
+ afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
+ }
+// Entry rule entryRuleMultiplicityRule
+entryRuleMultiplicityRule returns [EObject current=null]
+ :
+ { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getMultiplicityRuleRule()); }
+ iv_ruleMultiplicityRule=ruleMultiplicityRule
+ { $current=$iv_ruleMultiplicityRule.current; }
+// Rule MultiplicityRule
+ruleMultiplicityRule returns [EObject current=null]
+ @init { enterRule();
+ }
+ @after { leaveRule(); }:
+( otherlv_0='['
+ {
+ newLeafNode(otherlv_0, grammarAccess.getMultiplicityRuleAccess().getLeftSquareBracketKeyword_0());
+ }
+ {
+ newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getMultiplicityRuleAccess().getBoundsBoundSpecificationParserRuleCall_1_0());
+ }
+ lv_bounds_1_0=ruleBoundSpecification {
+ if ($current==null) {
+ $current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getMultiplicityRuleRule());
+ }
+ add(
+ $current,
+ "bounds",
+ lv_bounds_1_0,
+ "BoundSpecification");
+ afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
+ }
+)( otherlv_2='..'
+ {
+ newLeafNode(otherlv_2, grammarAccess.getMultiplicityRuleAccess().getFullStopFullStopKeyword_2_0());
+ }
+ {
+ newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getMultiplicityRuleAccess().getBoundsBoundSpecificationParserRuleCall_2_1_0());
+ }
+ lv_bounds_3_0=ruleBoundSpecification {
+ if ($current==null) {
+ $current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getMultiplicityRuleRule());
+ }
+ add(
+ $current,
+ "bounds",
+ lv_bounds_3_0,
+ "BoundSpecification");
+ afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
+ }
+))? otherlv_4=']'
+ {
+ newLeafNode(otherlv_4, grammarAccess.getMultiplicityRuleAccess().getRightSquareBracketKeyword_3());
+ }
+// Entry rule entryRuleBoundSpecification
+entryRuleBoundSpecification returns [EObject current=null]
+ :
+ { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getBoundSpecificationRule()); }
+ iv_ruleBoundSpecification=ruleBoundSpecification
+ { $current=$iv_ruleBoundSpecification.current; }
+// Rule BoundSpecification
+ruleBoundSpecification returns [EObject current=null]
+ @init { enterRule();
+ }
+ @after { leaveRule(); }:
+ {
+ newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getBoundSpecificationAccess().getValueUnlimitedLiteralParserRuleCall_0_0());
+ }
+ lv_value_0_1=ruleUnlimitedLiteral {
+ if ($current==null) {
+ $current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getBoundSpecificationRule());
+ }
+ set(
+ $current,
+ "value",
+ lv_value_0_1,
+ "UnlimitedLiteral");
+ afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
+ }
+ | {
+ newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getBoundSpecificationAccess().getValueStringLiteralParserRuleCall_0_1());
+ }
+ lv_value_0_2=ruleStringLiteral {
+ if ($current==null) {
+ $current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getBoundSpecificationRule());
+ }
+ set(
+ $current,
+ "value",
+ lv_value_0_2,
+ "StringLiteral");
+ afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
+ }
+// Entry rule entryRuleUnlimitedLiteral
+entryRuleUnlimitedLiteral returns [String current=null]
+ :
+ { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getUnlimitedLiteralRule()); }
+ iv_ruleUnlimitedLiteral=ruleUnlimitedLiteral
+ { $current=$iv_ruleUnlimitedLiteral.current.getText(); }
+// Rule UnlimitedLiteral
+ruleUnlimitedLiteral returns [AntlrDatatypeRuleToken current=new AntlrDatatypeRuleToken()]
+ @init { enterRule();
+ }
+ @after { leaveRule(); }:
+( this_INT_0=RULE_INT {
+ $current.merge(this_INT_0);
+ }
+ {
+ newLeafNode(this_INT_0, grammarAccess.getUnlimitedLiteralAccess().getINTTerminalRuleCall_0());
+ }
+ |
+ kw='*'
+ {
+ $current.merge(kw);
+ newLeafNode(kw, grammarAccess.getUnlimitedLiteralAccess().getAsteriskKeyword_1());
+ }
+ ;
+// Entry rule entryRuleStringLiteral
+entryRuleStringLiteral returns [String current=null]
+ :
+ { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getStringLiteralRule()); }
+ iv_ruleStringLiteral=ruleStringLiteral
+ { $current=$iv_ruleStringLiteral.current.getText(); }
+// Rule StringLiteral
+ruleStringLiteral returns [AntlrDatatypeRuleToken current=new AntlrDatatypeRuleToken()]
+ @init { enterRule();
+ }
+ @after { leaveRule(); }:
+ $current.merge(this_STRING_0);
+ }
+ {
+ newLeafNode(this_STRING_0, grammarAccess.getStringLiteralAccess().getSTRINGTerminalRuleCall());
+ }
+ ;
+// Entry rule entryRuleModifiersRule
+entryRuleModifiersRule returns [EObject current=null]
+ :
+ { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getModifiersRuleRule()); }
+ iv_ruleModifiersRule=ruleModifiersRule
+ { $current=$iv_ruleModifiersRule.current; }
+// Rule ModifiersRule
+ruleModifiersRule returns [EObject current=null]
+ @init { enterRule();
+ }
+ @after { leaveRule(); }:
+ {
+ $current = forceCreateModelElement(
+ grammarAccess.getModifiersRuleAccess().getModifiersRuleAction_0(),
+ $current);
+ }
+) otherlv_1='{'
+ {
+ newLeafNode(otherlv_1, grammarAccess.getModifiersRuleAccess().getLeftCurlyBracketKeyword_1());
+ }
+ {
+ newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getModifiersRuleAccess().getValuesModifierSpecificationParserRuleCall_2_0_0());
+ }
+ lv_values_2_0=ruleModifierSpecification {
+ if ($current==null) {
+ $current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getModifiersRuleRule());
+ }
+ add(
+ $current,
+ "values",
+ lv_values_2_0,
+ "ModifierSpecification");
+ afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
+ }
+)( otherlv_3=','
+ {
+ newLeafNode(otherlv_3, grammarAccess.getModifiersRuleAccess().getCommaKeyword_2_1_0());
+ }
+ {
+ newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getModifiersRuleAccess().getValuesModifierSpecificationParserRuleCall_2_1_1_0());
+ }
+ lv_values_4_0=ruleModifierSpecification {
+ if ($current==null) {
+ $current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getModifiersRuleRule());
+ }
+ add(
+ $current,
+ "values",
+ lv_values_4_0,
+ "ModifierSpecification");
+ afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
+ }
+))*)? otherlv_5='}'
+ {
+ newLeafNode(otherlv_5, grammarAccess.getModifiersRuleAccess().getRightCurlyBracketKeyword_3());
+ }
+// Entry rule entryRuleModifierSpecification
+entryRuleModifierSpecification returns [EObject current=null]
+ :
+ { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getModifierSpecificationRule()); }
+ iv_ruleModifierSpecification=ruleModifierSpecification
+ { $current=$iv_ruleModifierSpecification.current; }
+// Rule ModifierSpecification
+ruleModifierSpecification returns [EObject current=null]
+ @init { enterRule();
+ }
+ @after { leaveRule(); }:
+ {
+ newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getModifierSpecificationAccess().getValueModifierKindEnumRuleCall_0_0());
+ }
+ lv_value_0_0=ruleModifierKind {
+ if ($current==null) {
+ $current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getModifierSpecificationRule());
+ }
+ set(
+ $current,
+ "value",
+ lv_value_0_0,
+ "ModifierKind");
+ afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
+ }
+ |(
+ {
+ newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getModifierSpecificationAccess().getRedefinesRedefinesRuleParserRuleCall_1_0());
+ }
+ lv_redefines_1_0=ruleRedefinesRule {
+ if ($current==null) {
+ $current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getModifierSpecificationRule());
+ }
+ set(
+ $current,
+ "redefines",
+ lv_redefines_1_0,
+ "RedefinesRule");
+ afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
+ }
+ |(
+ {
+ newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getModifierSpecificationAccess().getSubsetsSubsetsRuleParserRuleCall_2_0());
+ }
+ lv_subsets_2_0=ruleSubsetsRule {
+ if ($current==null) {
+ $current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getModifierSpecificationRule());
+ }
+ set(
+ $current,
+ "subsets",
+ lv_subsets_2_0,
+ "SubsetsRule");
+ afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
+ }
+// Entry rule entryRuleRedefinesRule
+entryRuleRedefinesRule returns [EObject current=null]
+ :
+ { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getRedefinesRuleRule()); }
+ iv_ruleRedefinesRule=ruleRedefinesRule
+ { $current=$iv_ruleRedefinesRule.current; }
+// Rule RedefinesRule
+ruleRedefinesRule returns [EObject current=null]
+ @init { enterRule();
+ }
+ @after { leaveRule(); }:
+( otherlv_0='redefines'
+ {
+ newLeafNode(otherlv_0, grammarAccess.getRedefinesRuleAccess().getRedefinesKeyword_0());
+ }
+ {
+ if ($current==null) {
+ $current = createModelElement(grammarAccess.getRedefinesRuleRule());
+ }
+ }
+ otherlv_1=RULE_ID
+ {
+ newLeafNode(otherlv_1, grammarAccess.getRedefinesRuleAccess().getPropertyPropertyCrossReference_1_0());
+ }
+// Entry rule entryRuleSubsetsRule
+entryRuleSubsetsRule returns [EObject current=null]
+ :
+ { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getSubsetsRuleRule()); }
+ iv_ruleSubsetsRule=ruleSubsetsRule
+ { $current=$iv_ruleSubsetsRule.current; }
+// Rule SubsetsRule
+ruleSubsetsRule returns [EObject current=null]
+ @init { enterRule();
+ }
+ @after { leaveRule(); }:
+( otherlv_0='subsets'
+ {
+ newLeafNode(otherlv_0, grammarAccess.getSubsetsRuleAccess().getSubsetsKeyword_0());
+ }
+ {
+ if ($current==null) {
+ $current = createModelElement(grammarAccess.getSubsetsRuleRule());
+ }
+ }
+ otherlv_1=RULE_ID
+ {
+ newLeafNode(otherlv_1, grammarAccess.getSubsetsRuleAccess().getPropertyPropertyCrossReference_1_0());
+ }
+// Entry rule entryRuleDefaultValueRule
+entryRuleDefaultValueRule returns [EObject current=null]
+ :
+ { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getDefaultValueRuleRule()); }
+ iv_ruleDefaultValueRule=ruleDefaultValueRule
+ { $current=$iv_ruleDefaultValueRule.current; }
+// Rule DefaultValueRule
+ruleDefaultValueRule returns [EObject current=null]
+ @init { enterRule();
+ }
+ @after { leaveRule(); }:
+( otherlv_0='='
+ {
+ newLeafNode(otherlv_0, grammarAccess.getDefaultValueRuleAccess().getEqualsSignKeyword_0());
+ }
+ {
+ newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getDefaultValueRuleAccess().getDefaultValueParserRuleCall_1_0());
+ }
+ lv_default_1_0=ruleValue {
+ if ($current==null) {
+ $current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getDefaultValueRuleRule());
+ }
+ set(
+ $current,
+ "default",
+ lv_default_1_0,
+ "Value");
+ afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
+ }
+// Entry rule entryRuleValue
+entryRuleValue returns [EObject current=null]
+ :
+ { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getValueRule()); }
+ iv_ruleValue=ruleValue
+ { $current=$iv_ruleValue.current; }
+// Rule Value
+ruleValue returns [EObject current=null]
+ @init { enterRule();
+ }
+ @after { leaveRule(); }:
+ {
+ newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getValueAccess().getIntValueParserRuleCall_0());
+ }
+ this_IntValue_0=ruleIntValue
+ {
+ $current = $this_IntValue_0.current;
+ afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
+ }
+ |
+ {
+ newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getValueAccess().getStringValueParserRuleCall_1());
+ }
+ this_StringValue_1=ruleStringValue
+ {
+ $current = $this_StringValue_1.current;
+ afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
+ }
+ |
+ {
+ newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getValueAccess().getBooleanValueParserRuleCall_2());
+ }
+ this_BooleanValue_2=ruleBooleanValue
+ {
+ $current = $this_BooleanValue_2.current;
+ afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
+ }
+ |
+ {
+ newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getValueAccess().getRealValueParserRuleCall_3());
+ }
+ this_RealValue_3=ruleRealValue
+ {
+ $current = $this_RealValue_3.current;
+ afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
+ }
+ |
+ {
+ newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getValueAccess().getNullValueParserRuleCall_4());
+ }
+ this_NullValue_4=ruleNullValue
+ {
+ $current = $this_NullValue_4.current;
+ afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
+ }
+ |
+ {
+ newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getValueAccess().getNoValueParserRuleCall_5());
+ }
+ this_NoValue_5=ruleNoValue
+ {
+ $current = $this_NoValue_5.current;
+ afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
+ }
+// Entry rule entryRuleIntValue
+entryRuleIntValue returns [EObject current=null]
+ :
+ { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getIntValueRule()); }
+ iv_ruleIntValue=ruleIntValue
+ { $current=$iv_ruleIntValue.current; }
+// Rule IntValue
+ruleIntValue returns [EObject current=null]
+ @init { enterRule();
+ }
+ @after { leaveRule(); }:
+ lv_literalInteger_0_0=RULE_INT
+ {
+ newLeafNode(lv_literalInteger_0_0, grammarAccess.getIntValueAccess().getLiteralIntegerINTTerminalRuleCall_0());
+ }
+ {
+ if ($current==null) {
+ $current = createModelElement(grammarAccess.getIntValueRule());
+ }
+ setWithLastConsumed(
+ $current,
+ "literalInteger",
+ lv_literalInteger_0_0,
+ "INT");
+ }
+// Entry rule entryRuleStringValue
+entryRuleStringValue returns [EObject current=null]
+ :
+ { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getStringValueRule()); }
+ iv_ruleStringValue=ruleStringValue
+ { $current=$iv_ruleStringValue.current; }
+// Rule StringValue
+ruleStringValue returns [EObject current=null]
+ @init { enterRule();
+ }
+ @after { leaveRule(); }:
+ lv_literalString_0_0=RULE_STRING
+ {
+ newLeafNode(lv_literalString_0_0, grammarAccess.getStringValueAccess().getLiteralStringSTRINGTerminalRuleCall_0());
+ }
+ {
+ if ($current==null) {
+ $current = createModelElement(grammarAccess.getStringValueRule());
+ }
+ setWithLastConsumed(
+ $current,
+ "literalString",
+ lv_literalString_0_0,
+ "STRING");
+ }
+// Entry rule entryRuleBooleanValue
+entryRuleBooleanValue returns [EObject current=null]
+ :
+ { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getBooleanValueRule()); }
+ iv_ruleBooleanValue=ruleBooleanValue
+ { $current=$iv_ruleBooleanValue.current; }
+// Rule BooleanValue
+ruleBooleanValue returns [EObject current=null]
+ @init { enterRule();
+ }
+ @after { leaveRule(); }:
+ {
+ newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getBooleanValueAccess().getLiteralBooleanBooleanLiteralsEnumRuleCall_0());
+ }
+ lv_literalBoolean_0_0=ruleBooleanLiterals {
+ if ($current==null) {
+ $current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getBooleanValueRule());
+ }
+ set(
+ $current,
+ "literalBoolean",
+ lv_literalBoolean_0_0,
+ "BooleanLiterals");
+ afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
+ }
+// Entry rule entryRuleRealValue
+entryRuleRealValue returns [EObject current=null]
+ :
+ { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getRealValueRule()); }
+ iv_ruleRealValue=ruleRealValue
+ { $current=$iv_ruleRealValue.current; }
+// Rule RealValue
+ruleRealValue returns [EObject current=null]
+ @init { enterRule();
+ }
+ @after { leaveRule(); }:
+ lv_integer_0_0=RULE_INT
+ {
+ newLeafNode(lv_integer_0_0, grammarAccess.getRealValueAccess().getIntegerINTTerminalRuleCall_0_0_0());
+ }
+ {
+ if ($current==null) {
+ $current = createModelElement(grammarAccess.getRealValueRule());
+ }
+ setWithLastConsumed(
+ $current,
+ "integer",
+ lv_integer_0_0,
+ "INT");
+ }
+) otherlv_1='.'
+ {
+ newLeafNode(otherlv_1, grammarAccess.getRealValueAccess().getFullStopKeyword_0_1());
+ }
+ |( otherlv_2='.'
+ {
+ newLeafNode(otherlv_2, grammarAccess.getRealValueAccess().getFullStopKeyword_1_0());
+ }
+ lv_fraction_3_0=RULE_INT
+ {
+ newLeafNode(lv_fraction_3_0, grammarAccess.getRealValueAccess().getFractionINTTerminalRuleCall_1_1_0());
+ }
+ {
+ if ($current==null) {
+ $current = createModelElement(grammarAccess.getRealValueRule());
+ }
+ setWithLastConsumed(
+ $current,
+ "fraction",
+ lv_fraction_3_0,
+ "INT");
+ }
+ |((
+ lv_integer_4_0=RULE_INT
+ {
+ newLeafNode(lv_integer_4_0, grammarAccess.getRealValueAccess().getIntegerINTTerminalRuleCall_2_0_0());
+ }
+ {
+ if ($current==null) {
+ $current = createModelElement(grammarAccess.getRealValueRule());
+ }
+ setWithLastConsumed(
+ $current,
+ "integer",
+ lv_integer_4_0,
+ "INT");
+ }
+) otherlv_5='.'
+ {
+ newLeafNode(otherlv_5, grammarAccess.getRealValueAccess().getFullStopKeyword_2_1());
+ }
+ lv_fraction_6_0=RULE_INT
+ {
+ newLeafNode(lv_fraction_6_0, grammarAccess.getRealValueAccess().getFractionINTTerminalRuleCall_2_2_0());
+ }
+ {
+ if ($current==null) {
+ $current = createModelElement(grammarAccess.getRealValueRule());
+ }
+ setWithLastConsumed(
+ $current,
+ "fraction",
+ lv_fraction_6_0,
+ "INT");
+ }
+// Entry rule entryRuleNullValue
+entryRuleNullValue returns [EObject current=null]
+ :
+ { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getNullValueRule()); }
+ iv_ruleNullValue=ruleNullValue
+ { $current=$iv_ruleNullValue.current; }
+// Rule NullValue
+ruleNullValue returns [EObject current=null]
+ @init { enterRule();
+ }
+ @after { leaveRule(); }:
+ {
+ $current = forceCreateModelElement(
+ grammarAccess.getNullValueAccess().getNullValueAction_0(),
+ $current);
+ }
+) otherlv_1='null'
+ {
+ newLeafNode(otherlv_1, grammarAccess.getNullValueAccess().getNullKeyword_1());
+ }
+// Entry rule entryRuleNoValue
+entryRuleNoValue returns [EObject current=null]
+ :
+ { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getNoValueRule()); }
+ iv_ruleNoValue=ruleNoValue
+ { $current=$iv_ruleNoValue.current; }
+// Rule NoValue
+ruleNoValue returns [EObject current=null]
+ @init { enterRule();
+ }
+ @after { leaveRule(); }:
+ {
+ $current = forceCreateModelElement(
+ grammarAccess.getNoValueAccess().getNoValueAction_0(),
+ $current);
+ }
+) otherlv_1='none'
+ {
+ newLeafNode(otherlv_1, grammarAccess.getNoValueAccess().getNoneKeyword_1());
+ }
+// Rule VisibilityKind
+ruleVisibilityKind returns [Enumerator current=null]
+ @init { enterRule(); }
+ @after { leaveRule(); }:
+(( enumLiteral_0='+'
+ {
+ $current = grammarAccess.getVisibilityKindAccess().getPublicEnumLiteralDeclaration_0().getEnumLiteral().getInstance();
+ newLeafNode(enumLiteral_0, grammarAccess.getVisibilityKindAccess().getPublicEnumLiteralDeclaration_0());
+ }
+ |( enumLiteral_1='-'
+ {
+ $current = grammarAccess.getVisibilityKindAccess().getPrivateEnumLiteralDeclaration_1().getEnumLiteral().getInstance();
+ newLeafNode(enumLiteral_1, grammarAccess.getVisibilityKindAccess().getPrivateEnumLiteralDeclaration_1());
+ }
+ |( enumLiteral_2='#'
+ {
+ $current = grammarAccess.getVisibilityKindAccess().getProtectedEnumLiteralDeclaration_2().getEnumLiteral().getInstance();
+ newLeafNode(enumLiteral_2, grammarAccess.getVisibilityKindAccess().getProtectedEnumLiteralDeclaration_2());
+ }
+ |( enumLiteral_3='~'
+ {
+ $current = grammarAccess.getVisibilityKindAccess().getPackageEnumLiteralDeclaration_3().getEnumLiteral().getInstance();
+ newLeafNode(enumLiteral_3, grammarAccess.getVisibilityKindAccess().getPackageEnumLiteralDeclaration_3());
+ }
+// Rule ModifierKind
+ruleModifierKind returns [Enumerator current=null]
+ @init { enterRule(); }
+ @after { leaveRule(); }:
+(( enumLiteral_0='readOnly'
+ {
+ $current = grammarAccess.getModifierKindAccess().getReadOnlyEnumLiteralDeclaration_0().getEnumLiteral().getInstance();
+ newLeafNode(enumLiteral_0, grammarAccess.getModifierKindAccess().getReadOnlyEnumLiteralDeclaration_0());
+ }
+ |( enumLiteral_1='union'
+ {
+ $current = grammarAccess.getModifierKindAccess().getUnionEnumLiteralDeclaration_1().getEnumLiteral().getInstance();
+ newLeafNode(enumLiteral_1, grammarAccess.getModifierKindAccess().getUnionEnumLiteralDeclaration_1());
+ }
+ |( enumLiteral_2='ordered'
+ {
+ $current = grammarAccess.getModifierKindAccess().getOrderedEnumLiteralDeclaration_2().getEnumLiteral().getInstance();
+ newLeafNode(enumLiteral_2, grammarAccess.getModifierKindAccess().getOrderedEnumLiteralDeclaration_2());
+ }
+ |( enumLiteral_3='unique'
+ {
+ $current = grammarAccess.getModifierKindAccess().getUniqueEnumLiteralDeclaration_3().getEnumLiteral().getInstance();
+ newLeafNode(enumLiteral_3, grammarAccess.getModifierKindAccess().getUniqueEnumLiteralDeclaration_3());
+ }
+// Rule BooleanLiterals
+ruleBooleanLiterals returns [Enumerator current=null]
+ @init { enterRule(); }
+ @after { leaveRule(); }:
+(( enumLiteral_0='true'
+ {
+ $current = grammarAccess.getBooleanLiteralsAccess().getTrueEnumLiteralDeclaration_0().getEnumLiteral().getInstance();
+ newLeafNode(enumLiteral_0, grammarAccess.getBooleanLiteralsAccess().getTrueEnumLiteralDeclaration_0());
+ }
+ |( enumLiteral_1='false'
+ {
+ $current = grammarAccess.getBooleanLiteralsAccess().getFalseEnumLiteralDeclaration_1().getEnumLiteral().getInstance();
+ newLeafNode(enumLiteral_1, grammarAccess.getBooleanLiteralsAccess().getFalseEnumLiteralDeclaration_1());
+ }
+RULE_ID : (('a'..'z'|'A'..'Z'|'_') ('a'..'z'|'A'..'Z'|'_'|'0'..'9')*|'\'' ( options {greedy=false;} : . )*'\'');
+RULE_STRING : '"' ('\\' ('b'|'t'|'n'|'f'|'r'|'"'|'\''|'\\')|~(('\\'|'"')))* '"';
+RULE_ML_COMMENT : '/*' ~('@') ( options {greedy=false;} : . )*'*/';
+RULE_SL_COMMENT : '//' ~(('\n'|'\r'|'@'))* ('\r'? '\n')?;
+RULE_INT : ('0'..'9')+;
+RULE_INTEGER_VALUE : (('0'|'1'..'9' ('_'? '0'..'9')*)|('0b'|'0B') '0'..'1' ('_'? '0'..'1')*|('0x'|'0X') ('0'..'9'|'a'..'f'|'A'..'F') ('_'? ('0'..'9'|'a'..'f'|'A'..'F'))*|'0' '_'? '0'..'7' ('_'? '0'..'7')*);
+RULE_WS : (' '|'\t'|'\r'|'\n')+;

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