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Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/uml/textedit/')
1 files changed, 5850 insertions, 6460 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/uml/textedit/ b/plugins/uml/textedit/
index 759e022fc10..8016f333c8a 100644
--- a/plugins/uml/textedit/
+++ b/plugins/uml/textedit/
@@ -1,8035 +1,7425 @@
-import org.eclipse.xtext.*;
-import org.eclipse.xtext.parser.*;
-import org.eclipse.xtext.parser.impl.*;
-import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.util.EcoreUtil;
-import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject;
-import org.eclipse.xtext.parser.antlr.XtextTokenStream;
-import org.eclipse.xtext.parser.antlr.XtextTokenStream.HiddenTokens;
-import org.eclipse.xtext.ui.editor.contentassist.antlr.internal.AbstractInternalContentAssistParser;
-import org.eclipse.xtext.ui.editor.contentassist.antlr.internal.DFA;
+import org.antlr.runtime.BitSet;
+import org.antlr.runtime.NoViableAltException;
+import org.antlr.runtime.RecognitionException;
+import org.antlr.runtime.RecognizerSharedState;
+import org.antlr.runtime.TokenStream;
+import org.eclipse.xtext.Grammar;
+import org.eclipse.xtext.ui.editor.contentassist.antlr.internal.AbstractInternalContentAssistParser;
+public class InternalUmlPropertyParser extends AbstractInternalContentAssistParser {
+ public static final String[] tokenNames = new String[] {
+ "<invalid>", "<EOR>", "<DOWN>", "<UP>", "RULE_STRING", "RULE_INT", "RULE_ID", "RULE_ML_COMMENT", "RULE_SL_COMMENT", "RULE_INTEGER_VALUE", "RULE_WS", "RULE_ANY_OTHER", "'*'", "'+'", "'-'", "'#'", "'~'", "'readOnly'", "'union'", "'ordered'",
+ "'unique'", "'true'", "'false'", "':'", "'::'", "'['", "']'", "'..'", "'{'", "'}'", "','", "'redefines'", "'subsets'", "'='", "'.'", "'null'", "'none'", "'/'", "'<Undefined>'"
+ };
+ public static final int RULE_STRING = 4;
+ public static final int RULE_SL_COMMENT = 8;
+ public static final int T__19 = 19;
+ public static final int T__15 = 15;
+ public static final int T__37 = 37;
+ public static final int T__16 = 16;
+ public static final int T__38 = 38;
+ public static final int T__17 = 17;
+ public static final int T__18 = 18;
+ public static final int T__33 = 33;
+ public static final int T__12 = 12;
+ public static final int T__34 = 34;
+ public static final int T__13 = 13;
+ public static final int T__35 = 35;
+ public static final int T__14 = 14;
+ public static final int T__36 = 36;
+ public static final int EOF = -1;
+ public static final int T__30 = 30;
+ public static final int T__31 = 31;
+ public static final int T__32 = 32;
+ public static final int RULE_ID = 6;
+ public static final int RULE_WS = 10;
+ public static final int RULE_ANY_OTHER = 11;
+ public static final int T__26 = 26;
+ public static final int T__27 = 27;
+ public static final int T__28 = 28;
+ public static final int RULE_INT = 5;
+ public static final int T__29 = 29;
+ public static final int T__22 = 22;
+ public static final int RULE_ML_COMMENT = 7;
+ public static final int RULE_INTEGER_VALUE = 9;
+ public static final int T__23 = 23;
+ public static final int T__24 = 24;
+ public static final int T__25 = 25;
+ public static final int T__20 = 20;
+ public static final int T__21 = 21;
+ // delegates
+ // delegators
+ public InternalUmlPropertyParser(TokenStream input) {
+ this(input, new RecognizerSharedState());
+ }
+ public InternalUmlPropertyParser(TokenStream input, RecognizerSharedState state) {
+ super(input, state);
+ }
+ public String[] getTokenNames() {
+ return InternalUmlPropertyParser.tokenNames;
+ }
+ public String getGrammarFileName() {
+ return "../";
+ }
+ private UmlPropertyGrammarAccess grammarAccess;
+ public void setGrammarAccess(UmlPropertyGrammarAccess grammarAccess) {
+ this.grammarAccess = grammarAccess;
+ }
+ @Override
+ protected Grammar getGrammar() {
+ return grammarAccess.getGrammar();
+ }
+ @Override
+ protected String getValueForTokenName(String tokenName) {
+ return tokenName;
+ }
+ // $ANTLR start "entryRulePropertyRule"
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:60:1: entryRulePropertyRule : rulePropertyRule EOF ;
+ public final void entryRulePropertyRule() throws RecognitionException {
+ try {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:61:1: ( rulePropertyRule EOF )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:62:1: rulePropertyRule EOF
+ {
+ before(grammarAccess.getPropertyRuleRule());
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_1);
+ rulePropertyRule();
+ state._fsp--;
+ after(grammarAccess.getPropertyRuleRule());
+ match(input, EOF, FOLLOW_2);
+ }
+ } catch (RecognitionException re) {
+ reportError(re);
+ recover(input, re);
+ } finally {
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end "entryRulePropertyRule"
-import org.antlr.runtime.*;
-import java.util.Stack;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
+ // $ANTLR start "rulePropertyRule"
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:69:1: rulePropertyRule : ( ( rule__PropertyRule__Group__0 ) ) ;
+ public final void rulePropertyRule() throws RecognitionException {
+ int stackSize = keepStackSize();
+ try {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:73:2: ( ( ( rule__PropertyRule__Group__0 ) ) )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:74:1: ( ( rule__PropertyRule__Group__0 ) )
+ {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:74:1: ( ( rule__PropertyRule__Group__0 ) )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:75:1: ( rule__PropertyRule__Group__0 )
+ {
+ before(grammarAccess.getPropertyRuleAccess().getGroup());
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:76:1: ( rule__PropertyRule__Group__0 )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:76:2: rule__PropertyRule__Group__0
+ {
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_2);
+ rule__PropertyRule__Group__0();
+ state._fsp--;
+ }
+ after(grammarAccess.getPropertyRuleAccess().getGroup());
+ }
+ }
+ } catch (RecognitionException re) {
+ reportError(re);
+ recover(input, re);
+ } finally {
+ restoreStackSize(stackSize);
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end "rulePropertyRule"
+ // $ANTLR start "entryRuleVisibilityRule"
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:88:1: entryRuleVisibilityRule : ruleVisibilityRule EOF ;
+ public final void entryRuleVisibilityRule() throws RecognitionException {
+ try {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:89:1: ( ruleVisibilityRule EOF )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:90:1: ruleVisibilityRule EOF
+ {
+ before(grammarAccess.getVisibilityRuleRule());
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_1);
+ ruleVisibilityRule();
+ state._fsp--;
+ after(grammarAccess.getVisibilityRuleRule());
+ match(input, EOF, FOLLOW_2);
+ }
+ } catch (RecognitionException re) {
+ reportError(re);
+ recover(input, re);
+ } finally {
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end "entryRuleVisibilityRule"
+ // $ANTLR start "ruleVisibilityRule"
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:97:1: ruleVisibilityRule : ( ( rule__VisibilityRule__VisibilityAssignment ) ) ;
+ public final void ruleVisibilityRule() throws RecognitionException {
+ int stackSize = keepStackSize();
+ try {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:101:2: ( ( ( rule__VisibilityRule__VisibilityAssignment ) ) )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:102:1: ( ( rule__VisibilityRule__VisibilityAssignment ) )
+ {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:102:1: ( ( rule__VisibilityRule__VisibilityAssignment ) )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:103:1: ( rule__VisibilityRule__VisibilityAssignment )
+ {
+ before(grammarAccess.getVisibilityRuleAccess().getVisibilityAssignment());
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:104:1: ( rule__VisibilityRule__VisibilityAssignment )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:104:2: rule__VisibilityRule__VisibilityAssignment
+ {
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_2);
+ rule__VisibilityRule__VisibilityAssignment();
+ state._fsp--;
+ }
+ after(grammarAccess.getVisibilityRuleAccess().getVisibilityAssignment());
+ }
+ }
+ } catch (RecognitionException re) {
+ reportError(re);
+ recover(input, re);
+ } finally {
+ restoreStackSize(stackSize);
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end "ruleVisibilityRule"
+ // $ANTLR start "entryRuleTypeRule"
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:116:1: entryRuleTypeRule : ruleTypeRule EOF ;
+ public final void entryRuleTypeRule() throws RecognitionException {
+ try {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:117:1: ( ruleTypeRule EOF )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:118:1: ruleTypeRule EOF
+ {
+ before(grammarAccess.getTypeRuleRule());
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_1);
+ ruleTypeRule();
+ state._fsp--;
+ after(grammarAccess.getTypeRuleRule());
+ match(input, EOF, FOLLOW_2);
+ }
+ } catch (RecognitionException re) {
+ reportError(re);
+ recover(input, re);
+ } finally {
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end "entryRuleTypeRule"
+ // $ANTLR start "ruleTypeRule"
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:125:1: ruleTypeRule : ( ( rule__TypeRule__Group__0 ) ) ;
+ public final void ruleTypeRule() throws RecognitionException {
+ int stackSize = keepStackSize();
+ try {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:129:2: ( ( ( rule__TypeRule__Group__0 ) ) )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:130:1: ( ( rule__TypeRule__Group__0 ) )
+ {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:130:1: ( ( rule__TypeRule__Group__0 ) )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:131:1: ( rule__TypeRule__Group__0 )
+ {
+ before(grammarAccess.getTypeRuleAccess().getGroup());
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:132:1: ( rule__TypeRule__Group__0 )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:132:2: rule__TypeRule__Group__0
+ {
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_2);
+ rule__TypeRule__Group__0();
+ state._fsp--;
+ }
+ after(grammarAccess.getTypeRuleAccess().getGroup());
+ }
+ }
+ } catch (RecognitionException re) {
+ reportError(re);
+ recover(input, re);
+ } finally {
+ restoreStackSize(stackSize);
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end "ruleTypeRule"
+ // $ANTLR start "entryRuleQualifiedName"
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:144:1: entryRuleQualifiedName : ruleQualifiedName EOF ;
+ public final void entryRuleQualifiedName() throws RecognitionException {
+ try {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:145:1: ( ruleQualifiedName EOF )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:146:1: ruleQualifiedName EOF
+ {
+ before(grammarAccess.getQualifiedNameRule());
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_1);
+ ruleQualifiedName();
+ state._fsp--;
+ after(grammarAccess.getQualifiedNameRule());
+ match(input, EOF, FOLLOW_2);
+ }
+ } catch (RecognitionException re) {
+ reportError(re);
+ recover(input, re);
+ } finally {
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end "entryRuleQualifiedName"
+ // $ANTLR start "ruleQualifiedName"
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:153:1: ruleQualifiedName : ( ( rule__QualifiedName__Group__0 ) ) ;
+ public final void ruleQualifiedName() throws RecognitionException {
+ int stackSize = keepStackSize();
+ try {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:157:2: ( ( ( rule__QualifiedName__Group__0 ) ) )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:158:1: ( ( rule__QualifiedName__Group__0 ) )
+ {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:158:1: ( ( rule__QualifiedName__Group__0 ) )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:159:1: ( rule__QualifiedName__Group__0 )
+ {
+ before(grammarAccess.getQualifiedNameAccess().getGroup());
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:160:1: ( rule__QualifiedName__Group__0 )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:160:2: rule__QualifiedName__Group__0
+ {
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_2);
+ rule__QualifiedName__Group__0();
+ state._fsp--;
+ }
+ after(grammarAccess.getQualifiedNameAccess().getGroup());
+ }
+ }
+ } catch (RecognitionException re) {
+ reportError(re);
+ recover(input, re);
+ } finally {
+ restoreStackSize(stackSize);
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end "ruleQualifiedName"
+ // $ANTLR start "entryRuleMultiplicityRule"
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:172:1: entryRuleMultiplicityRule : ruleMultiplicityRule EOF ;
+ public final void entryRuleMultiplicityRule() throws RecognitionException {
+ try {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:173:1: ( ruleMultiplicityRule EOF )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:174:1: ruleMultiplicityRule EOF
+ {
+ before(grammarAccess.getMultiplicityRuleRule());
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_1);
+ ruleMultiplicityRule();
+ state._fsp--;
+ after(grammarAccess.getMultiplicityRuleRule());
+ match(input, EOF, FOLLOW_2);
+ }
+ } catch (RecognitionException re) {
+ reportError(re);
+ recover(input, re);
+ } finally {
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end "entryRuleMultiplicityRule"
+ // $ANTLR start "ruleMultiplicityRule"
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:181:1: ruleMultiplicityRule : ( ( rule__MultiplicityRule__Group__0 ) ) ;
+ public final void ruleMultiplicityRule() throws RecognitionException {
+ int stackSize = keepStackSize();
+ try {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:185:2: ( ( ( rule__MultiplicityRule__Group__0 ) ) )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:186:1: ( ( rule__MultiplicityRule__Group__0 ) )
+ {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:186:1: ( ( rule__MultiplicityRule__Group__0 ) )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:187:1: ( rule__MultiplicityRule__Group__0 )
+ {
+ before(grammarAccess.getMultiplicityRuleAccess().getGroup());
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:188:1: ( rule__MultiplicityRule__Group__0 )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:188:2: rule__MultiplicityRule__Group__0
+ {
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_2);
+ rule__MultiplicityRule__Group__0();
+ state._fsp--;
+ }
+ after(grammarAccess.getMultiplicityRuleAccess().getGroup());
+ }
+ }
+ } catch (RecognitionException re) {
+ reportError(re);
+ recover(input, re);
+ } finally {
+ restoreStackSize(stackSize);
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end "ruleMultiplicityRule"
+ // $ANTLR start "entryRuleBoundSpecification"
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:200:1: entryRuleBoundSpecification : ruleBoundSpecification EOF ;
+ public final void entryRuleBoundSpecification() throws RecognitionException {
+ try {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:201:1: ( ruleBoundSpecification EOF )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:202:1: ruleBoundSpecification EOF
+ {
+ before(grammarAccess.getBoundSpecificationRule());
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_1);
+ ruleBoundSpecification();
+ state._fsp--;
+ after(grammarAccess.getBoundSpecificationRule());
+ match(input, EOF, FOLLOW_2);
+ }
+ } catch (RecognitionException re) {
+ reportError(re);
+ recover(input, re);
+ } finally {
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end "entryRuleBoundSpecification"
+ // $ANTLR start "ruleBoundSpecification"
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:209:1: ruleBoundSpecification : ( ( rule__BoundSpecification__ValueAssignment ) ) ;
+ public final void ruleBoundSpecification() throws RecognitionException {
+ int stackSize = keepStackSize();
+ try {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:213:2: ( ( ( rule__BoundSpecification__ValueAssignment ) ) )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:214:1: ( ( rule__BoundSpecification__ValueAssignment ) )
+ {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:214:1: ( ( rule__BoundSpecification__ValueAssignment ) )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:215:1: ( rule__BoundSpecification__ValueAssignment )
+ {
+ before(grammarAccess.getBoundSpecificationAccess().getValueAssignment());
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:216:1: ( rule__BoundSpecification__ValueAssignment )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:216:2: rule__BoundSpecification__ValueAssignment
+ {
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_2);
+ rule__BoundSpecification__ValueAssignment();
+ state._fsp--;
+ }
+ after(grammarAccess.getBoundSpecificationAccess().getValueAssignment());
+ }
+ }
+ } catch (RecognitionException re) {
+ reportError(re);
+ recover(input, re);
+ } finally {
+ restoreStackSize(stackSize);
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end "ruleBoundSpecification"
+ // $ANTLR start "entryRuleUnlimitedLiteral"
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:228:1: entryRuleUnlimitedLiteral : ruleUnlimitedLiteral EOF ;
+ public final void entryRuleUnlimitedLiteral() throws RecognitionException {
+ try {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:229:1: ( ruleUnlimitedLiteral EOF )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:230:1: ruleUnlimitedLiteral EOF
+ {
+ before(grammarAccess.getUnlimitedLiteralRule());
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_1);
+ ruleUnlimitedLiteral();
+ state._fsp--;
+ after(grammarAccess.getUnlimitedLiteralRule());
+ match(input, EOF, FOLLOW_2);
+ }
+ } catch (RecognitionException re) {
+ reportError(re);
+ recover(input, re);
+ } finally {
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end "entryRuleUnlimitedLiteral"
+ // $ANTLR start "ruleUnlimitedLiteral"
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:237:1: ruleUnlimitedLiteral : ( ( rule__UnlimitedLiteral__Alternatives ) ) ;
+ public final void ruleUnlimitedLiteral() throws RecognitionException {
+ int stackSize = keepStackSize();
+ try {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:241:2: ( ( ( rule__UnlimitedLiteral__Alternatives ) ) )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:242:1: ( ( rule__UnlimitedLiteral__Alternatives ) )
+ {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:242:1: ( ( rule__UnlimitedLiteral__Alternatives ) )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:243:1: ( rule__UnlimitedLiteral__Alternatives )
+ {
+ before(grammarAccess.getUnlimitedLiteralAccess().getAlternatives());
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:244:1: ( rule__UnlimitedLiteral__Alternatives )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:244:2: rule__UnlimitedLiteral__Alternatives
+ {
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_2);
+ rule__UnlimitedLiteral__Alternatives();
+ state._fsp--;
+ }
+ after(grammarAccess.getUnlimitedLiteralAccess().getAlternatives());
+ }
+ }
+ } catch (RecognitionException re) {
+ reportError(re);
+ recover(input, re);
+ } finally {
+ restoreStackSize(stackSize);
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end "ruleUnlimitedLiteral"
+ // $ANTLR start "entryRuleStringLiteral"
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:256:1: entryRuleStringLiteral : ruleStringLiteral EOF ;
+ public final void entryRuleStringLiteral() throws RecognitionException {
+ try {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:257:1: ( ruleStringLiteral EOF )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:258:1: ruleStringLiteral EOF
+ {
+ before(grammarAccess.getStringLiteralRule());
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_1);
+ ruleStringLiteral();
+ state._fsp--;
+ after(grammarAccess.getStringLiteralRule());
+ match(input, EOF, FOLLOW_2);
+ }
+ } catch (RecognitionException re) {
+ reportError(re);
+ recover(input, re);
+ } finally {
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end "entryRuleStringLiteral"
+ // $ANTLR start "ruleStringLiteral"
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:265:1: ruleStringLiteral : ( RULE_STRING ) ;
+ public final void ruleStringLiteral() throws RecognitionException {
+ int stackSize = keepStackSize();
+ try {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:269:2: ( ( RULE_STRING ) )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:270:1: ( RULE_STRING )
+ {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:270:1: ( RULE_STRING )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:271:1: RULE_STRING
+ {
+ before(grammarAccess.getStringLiteralAccess().getSTRINGTerminalRuleCall());
+ match(input, RULE_STRING, FOLLOW_2);
+ after(grammarAccess.getStringLiteralAccess().getSTRINGTerminalRuleCall());
+ }
+ }
+ } catch (RecognitionException re) {
+ reportError(re);
+ recover(input, re);
+ } finally {
+ restoreStackSize(stackSize);
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end "ruleStringLiteral"
+ // $ANTLR start "entryRuleModifiersRule"
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:284:1: entryRuleModifiersRule : ruleModifiersRule EOF ;
+ public final void entryRuleModifiersRule() throws RecognitionException {
+ try {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:285:1: ( ruleModifiersRule EOF )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:286:1: ruleModifiersRule EOF
+ {
+ before(grammarAccess.getModifiersRuleRule());
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_1);
+ ruleModifiersRule();
+ state._fsp--;
+ after(grammarAccess.getModifiersRuleRule());
+ match(input, EOF, FOLLOW_2);
+ }
+ } catch (RecognitionException re) {
+ reportError(re);
+ recover(input, re);
+ } finally {
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end "entryRuleModifiersRule"
+ // $ANTLR start "ruleModifiersRule"
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:293:1: ruleModifiersRule : ( ( rule__ModifiersRule__Group__0 ) ) ;
+ public final void ruleModifiersRule() throws RecognitionException {
+ int stackSize = keepStackSize();
+ try {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:297:2: ( ( ( rule__ModifiersRule__Group__0 ) ) )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:298:1: ( ( rule__ModifiersRule__Group__0 ) )
+ {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:298:1: ( ( rule__ModifiersRule__Group__0 ) )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:299:1: ( rule__ModifiersRule__Group__0 )
+ {
+ before(grammarAccess.getModifiersRuleAccess().getGroup());
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:300:1: ( rule__ModifiersRule__Group__0 )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:300:2: rule__ModifiersRule__Group__0
+ {
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_2);
+ rule__ModifiersRule__Group__0();
+ state._fsp--;
+ }
+ after(grammarAccess.getModifiersRuleAccess().getGroup());
+ }
+ }
+ } catch (RecognitionException re) {
+ reportError(re);
+ recover(input, re);
+ } finally {
+ restoreStackSize(stackSize);
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end "ruleModifiersRule"
+ // $ANTLR start "entryRuleModifierSpecification"
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:312:1: entryRuleModifierSpecification : ruleModifierSpecification EOF ;
+ public final void entryRuleModifierSpecification() throws RecognitionException {
+ try {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:313:1: ( ruleModifierSpecification EOF )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:314:1: ruleModifierSpecification EOF
+ {
+ before(grammarAccess.getModifierSpecificationRule());
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_1);
+ ruleModifierSpecification();
+ state._fsp--;
+ after(grammarAccess.getModifierSpecificationRule());
+ match(input, EOF, FOLLOW_2);
+ }
+ } catch (RecognitionException re) {
+ reportError(re);
+ recover(input, re);
+ } finally {
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end "entryRuleModifierSpecification"
+ // $ANTLR start "ruleModifierSpecification"
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:321:1: ruleModifierSpecification : ( ( rule__ModifierSpecification__Alternatives ) ) ;
+ public final void ruleModifierSpecification() throws RecognitionException {
+ int stackSize = keepStackSize();
+ try {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:325:2: ( ( ( rule__ModifierSpecification__Alternatives ) ) )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:326:1: ( ( rule__ModifierSpecification__Alternatives ) )
+ {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:326:1: ( ( rule__ModifierSpecification__Alternatives ) )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:327:1: ( rule__ModifierSpecification__Alternatives )
+ {
+ before(grammarAccess.getModifierSpecificationAccess().getAlternatives());
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:328:1: ( rule__ModifierSpecification__Alternatives )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:328:2: rule__ModifierSpecification__Alternatives
+ {
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_2);
+ rule__ModifierSpecification__Alternatives();
+ state._fsp--;
+ }
+ after(grammarAccess.getModifierSpecificationAccess().getAlternatives());
+ }
+ }
+ } catch (RecognitionException re) {
+ reportError(re);
+ recover(input, re);
+ } finally {
+ restoreStackSize(stackSize);
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end "ruleModifierSpecification"
+ // $ANTLR start "entryRuleRedefinesRule"
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:340:1: entryRuleRedefinesRule : ruleRedefinesRule EOF ;
+ public final void entryRuleRedefinesRule() throws RecognitionException {
+ try {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:341:1: ( ruleRedefinesRule EOF )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:342:1: ruleRedefinesRule EOF
+ {
+ before(grammarAccess.getRedefinesRuleRule());
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_1);
+ ruleRedefinesRule();
+ state._fsp--;
+ after(grammarAccess.getRedefinesRuleRule());
+ match(input, EOF, FOLLOW_2);
+ }
+ } catch (RecognitionException re) {
+ reportError(re);
+ recover(input, re);
+ } finally {
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end "entryRuleRedefinesRule"
+ // $ANTLR start "ruleRedefinesRule"
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:349:1: ruleRedefinesRule : ( ( rule__RedefinesRule__Group__0 ) ) ;
+ public final void ruleRedefinesRule() throws RecognitionException {
+ int stackSize = keepStackSize();
+ try {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:353:2: ( ( ( rule__RedefinesRule__Group__0 ) ) )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:354:1: ( ( rule__RedefinesRule__Group__0 ) )
+ {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:354:1: ( ( rule__RedefinesRule__Group__0 ) )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:355:1: ( rule__RedefinesRule__Group__0 )
+ {
+ before(grammarAccess.getRedefinesRuleAccess().getGroup());
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:356:1: ( rule__RedefinesRule__Group__0 )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:356:2: rule__RedefinesRule__Group__0
+ {
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_2);
+ rule__RedefinesRule__Group__0();
+ state._fsp--;
+ }
+ after(grammarAccess.getRedefinesRuleAccess().getGroup());
+ }
+ }
+ } catch (RecognitionException re) {
+ reportError(re);
+ recover(input, re);
+ } finally {
+ restoreStackSize(stackSize);
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end "ruleRedefinesRule"
+ // $ANTLR start "entryRuleSubsetsRule"
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:368:1: entryRuleSubsetsRule : ruleSubsetsRule EOF ;
+ public final void entryRuleSubsetsRule() throws RecognitionException {
+ try {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:369:1: ( ruleSubsetsRule EOF )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:370:1: ruleSubsetsRule EOF
+ {
+ before(grammarAccess.getSubsetsRuleRule());
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_1);
+ ruleSubsetsRule();
+ state._fsp--;
+ after(grammarAccess.getSubsetsRuleRule());
+ match(input, EOF, FOLLOW_2);
+ }
+ } catch (RecognitionException re) {
+ reportError(re);
+ recover(input, re);
+ } finally {
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end "entryRuleSubsetsRule"
+ // $ANTLR start "ruleSubsetsRule"
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:377:1: ruleSubsetsRule : ( ( rule__SubsetsRule__Group__0 ) ) ;
+ public final void ruleSubsetsRule() throws RecognitionException {
+ int stackSize = keepStackSize();
+ try {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:381:2: ( ( ( rule__SubsetsRule__Group__0 ) ) )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:382:1: ( ( rule__SubsetsRule__Group__0 ) )
+ {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:382:1: ( ( rule__SubsetsRule__Group__0 ) )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:383:1: ( rule__SubsetsRule__Group__0 )
+ {
+ before(grammarAccess.getSubsetsRuleAccess().getGroup());
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:384:1: ( rule__SubsetsRule__Group__0 )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:384:2: rule__SubsetsRule__Group__0
+ {
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_2);
+ rule__SubsetsRule__Group__0();
+ state._fsp--;
+ }
+ after(grammarAccess.getSubsetsRuleAccess().getGroup());
+ }
+ }
+ } catch (RecognitionException re) {
+ reportError(re);
+ recover(input, re);
+ } finally {
+ restoreStackSize(stackSize);
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end "ruleSubsetsRule"
+ // $ANTLR start "entryRuleDefaultValueRule"
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:396:1: entryRuleDefaultValueRule : ruleDefaultValueRule EOF ;
+ public final void entryRuleDefaultValueRule() throws RecognitionException {
+ try {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:397:1: ( ruleDefaultValueRule EOF )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:398:1: ruleDefaultValueRule EOF
+ {
+ before(grammarAccess.getDefaultValueRuleRule());
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_1);
+ ruleDefaultValueRule();
+ state._fsp--;
+ after(grammarAccess.getDefaultValueRuleRule());
+ match(input, EOF, FOLLOW_2);
+ }
+ } catch (RecognitionException re) {
+ reportError(re);
+ recover(input, re);
+ } finally {
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end "entryRuleDefaultValueRule"
+ // $ANTLR start "ruleDefaultValueRule"
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:405:1: ruleDefaultValueRule : ( ( rule__DefaultValueRule__Group__0 ) ) ;
+ public final void ruleDefaultValueRule() throws RecognitionException {
+ int stackSize = keepStackSize();
+ try {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:409:2: ( ( ( rule__DefaultValueRule__Group__0 ) ) )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:410:1: ( ( rule__DefaultValueRule__Group__0 ) )
+ {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:410:1: ( ( rule__DefaultValueRule__Group__0 ) )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:411:1: ( rule__DefaultValueRule__Group__0 )
+ {
+ before(grammarAccess.getDefaultValueRuleAccess().getGroup());
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:412:1: ( rule__DefaultValueRule__Group__0 )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:412:2: rule__DefaultValueRule__Group__0
+ {
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_2);
+ rule__DefaultValueRule__Group__0();
+ state._fsp--;
+ }
+ after(grammarAccess.getDefaultValueRuleAccess().getGroup());
+ }
+ }
+ } catch (RecognitionException re) {
+ reportError(re);
+ recover(input, re);
+ } finally {
+ restoreStackSize(stackSize);
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end "ruleDefaultValueRule"
+ // $ANTLR start "entryRuleValue"
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:424:1: entryRuleValue : ruleValue EOF ;
+ public final void entryRuleValue() throws RecognitionException {
+ try {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:425:1: ( ruleValue EOF )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:426:1: ruleValue EOF
+ {
+ before(grammarAccess.getValueRule());
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_1);
+ ruleValue();
+ state._fsp--;
+ after(grammarAccess.getValueRule());
+ match(input, EOF, FOLLOW_2);
+ }
+ } catch (RecognitionException re) {
+ reportError(re);
+ recover(input, re);
+ } finally {
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end "entryRuleValue"
+ // $ANTLR start "ruleValue"
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:433:1: ruleValue : ( ( rule__Value__Alternatives ) ) ;
+ public final void ruleValue() throws RecognitionException {
+ int stackSize = keepStackSize();
+ try {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:437:2: ( ( ( rule__Value__Alternatives ) ) )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:438:1: ( ( rule__Value__Alternatives ) )
+ {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:438:1: ( ( rule__Value__Alternatives ) )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:439:1: ( rule__Value__Alternatives )
+ {
+ before(grammarAccess.getValueAccess().getAlternatives());
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:440:1: ( rule__Value__Alternatives )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:440:2: rule__Value__Alternatives
+ {
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_2);
+ rule__Value__Alternatives();
+ state._fsp--;
+ }
+ after(grammarAccess.getValueAccess().getAlternatives());
+ }
+ }
+ } catch (RecognitionException re) {
+ reportError(re);
+ recover(input, re);
+ } finally {
+ restoreStackSize(stackSize);
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end "ruleValue"
+ // $ANTLR start "entryRuleIntValue"
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:452:1: entryRuleIntValue : ruleIntValue EOF ;
+ public final void entryRuleIntValue() throws RecognitionException {
+ try {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:453:1: ( ruleIntValue EOF )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:454:1: ruleIntValue EOF
+ {
+ before(grammarAccess.getIntValueRule());
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_1);
+ ruleIntValue();
+ state._fsp--;
+ after(grammarAccess.getIntValueRule());
+ match(input, EOF, FOLLOW_2);
+ }
+ } catch (RecognitionException re) {
+ reportError(re);
+ recover(input, re);
+ } finally {
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end "entryRuleIntValue"
+ // $ANTLR start "ruleIntValue"
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:461:1: ruleIntValue : ( ( rule__IntValue__LiteralIntegerAssignment ) ) ;
+ public final void ruleIntValue() throws RecognitionException {
+ int stackSize = keepStackSize();
+ try {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:465:2: ( ( ( rule__IntValue__LiteralIntegerAssignment ) ) )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:466:1: ( ( rule__IntValue__LiteralIntegerAssignment ) )
+ {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:466:1: ( ( rule__IntValue__LiteralIntegerAssignment ) )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:467:1: ( rule__IntValue__LiteralIntegerAssignment )
+ {
+ before(grammarAccess.getIntValueAccess().getLiteralIntegerAssignment());
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:468:1: ( rule__IntValue__LiteralIntegerAssignment )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:468:2: rule__IntValue__LiteralIntegerAssignment
+ {
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_2);
+ rule__IntValue__LiteralIntegerAssignment();
+ state._fsp--;
+ }
+ after(grammarAccess.getIntValueAccess().getLiteralIntegerAssignment());
+ }
+ }
+ } catch (RecognitionException re) {
+ reportError(re);
+ recover(input, re);
+ } finally {
+ restoreStackSize(stackSize);
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end "ruleIntValue"
+ // $ANTLR start "entryRuleStringValue"
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:480:1: entryRuleStringValue : ruleStringValue EOF ;
+ public final void entryRuleStringValue() throws RecognitionException {
+ try {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:481:1: ( ruleStringValue EOF )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:482:1: ruleStringValue EOF
+ {
+ before(grammarAccess.getStringValueRule());
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_1);
+ ruleStringValue();
+ state._fsp--;
+ after(grammarAccess.getStringValueRule());
+ match(input, EOF, FOLLOW_2);
+ }
+ } catch (RecognitionException re) {
+ reportError(re);
+ recover(input, re);
+ } finally {
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end "entryRuleStringValue"
+ // $ANTLR start "ruleStringValue"
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:489:1: ruleStringValue : ( ( rule__StringValue__LiteralStringAssignment ) ) ;
+ public final void ruleStringValue() throws RecognitionException {
+ int stackSize = keepStackSize();
+ try {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:493:2: ( ( ( rule__StringValue__LiteralStringAssignment ) ) )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:494:1: ( ( rule__StringValue__LiteralStringAssignment ) )
+ {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:494:1: ( ( rule__StringValue__LiteralStringAssignment ) )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:495:1: ( rule__StringValue__LiteralStringAssignment )
+ {
+ before(grammarAccess.getStringValueAccess().getLiteralStringAssignment());
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:496:1: ( rule__StringValue__LiteralStringAssignment )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:496:2: rule__StringValue__LiteralStringAssignment
+ {
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_2);
+ rule__StringValue__LiteralStringAssignment();
+ state._fsp--;
+ }
+ after(grammarAccess.getStringValueAccess().getLiteralStringAssignment());
+ }
+ }
+ } catch (RecognitionException re) {
+ reportError(re);
+ recover(input, re);
+ } finally {
+ restoreStackSize(stackSize);
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end "ruleStringValue"
+ // $ANTLR start "entryRuleBooleanValue"
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:508:1: entryRuleBooleanValue : ruleBooleanValue EOF ;
+ public final void entryRuleBooleanValue() throws RecognitionException {
+ try {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:509:1: ( ruleBooleanValue EOF )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:510:1: ruleBooleanValue EOF
+ {
+ before(grammarAccess.getBooleanValueRule());
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_1);
+ ruleBooleanValue();
+ state._fsp--;
+ after(grammarAccess.getBooleanValueRule());
+ match(input, EOF, FOLLOW_2);
+ }
+ } catch (RecognitionException re) {
+ reportError(re);
+ recover(input, re);
+ } finally {
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end "entryRuleBooleanValue"
+ // $ANTLR start "ruleBooleanValue"
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:517:1: ruleBooleanValue : ( ( rule__BooleanValue__LiteralBooleanAssignment ) ) ;
+ public final void ruleBooleanValue() throws RecognitionException {
+ int stackSize = keepStackSize();
+ try {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:521:2: ( ( ( rule__BooleanValue__LiteralBooleanAssignment ) ) )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:522:1: ( ( rule__BooleanValue__LiteralBooleanAssignment ) )
+ {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:522:1: ( ( rule__BooleanValue__LiteralBooleanAssignment ) )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:523:1: ( rule__BooleanValue__LiteralBooleanAssignment )
+ {
+ before(grammarAccess.getBooleanValueAccess().getLiteralBooleanAssignment());
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:524:1: ( rule__BooleanValue__LiteralBooleanAssignment )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:524:2: rule__BooleanValue__LiteralBooleanAssignment
+ {
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_2);
+ rule__BooleanValue__LiteralBooleanAssignment();
+ state._fsp--;
+ }
+ after(grammarAccess.getBooleanValueAccess().getLiteralBooleanAssignment());
+ }
+ }
+ } catch (RecognitionException re) {
+ reportError(re);
+ recover(input, re);
+ } finally {
+ restoreStackSize(stackSize);
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end "ruleBooleanValue"
+ // $ANTLR start "entryRuleRealValue"
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:536:1: entryRuleRealValue : ruleRealValue EOF ;
+ public final void entryRuleRealValue() throws RecognitionException {
+ try {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:537:1: ( ruleRealValue EOF )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:538:1: ruleRealValue EOF
+ {
+ before(grammarAccess.getRealValueRule());
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_1);
+ ruleRealValue();
+ state._fsp--;
+ after(grammarAccess.getRealValueRule());
+ match(input, EOF, FOLLOW_2);
+ }
+ } catch (RecognitionException re) {
+ reportError(re);
+ recover(input, re);
+ } finally {
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end "entryRuleRealValue"
+ // $ANTLR start "ruleRealValue"
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:545:1: ruleRealValue : ( ( rule__RealValue__Alternatives ) ) ;
+ public final void ruleRealValue() throws RecognitionException {
+ int stackSize = keepStackSize();
+ try {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:549:2: ( ( ( rule__RealValue__Alternatives ) ) )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:550:1: ( ( rule__RealValue__Alternatives ) )
+ {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:550:1: ( ( rule__RealValue__Alternatives ) )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:551:1: ( rule__RealValue__Alternatives )
+ {
+ before(grammarAccess.getRealValueAccess().getAlternatives());
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:552:1: ( rule__RealValue__Alternatives )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:552:2: rule__RealValue__Alternatives
+ {
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_2);
+ rule__RealValue__Alternatives();
+ state._fsp--;
+ }
+ after(grammarAccess.getRealValueAccess().getAlternatives());
+ }
+ }
+ } catch (RecognitionException re) {
+ reportError(re);
+ recover(input, re);
+ } finally {
+ restoreStackSize(stackSize);
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end "ruleRealValue"
+ // $ANTLR start "entryRuleNullValue"
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:564:1: entryRuleNullValue : ruleNullValue EOF ;
+ public final void entryRuleNullValue() throws RecognitionException {
+ try {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:565:1: ( ruleNullValue EOF )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:566:1: ruleNullValue EOF
+ {
+ before(grammarAccess.getNullValueRule());
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_1);
+ ruleNullValue();
+ state._fsp--;
+ after(grammarAccess.getNullValueRule());
+ match(input, EOF, FOLLOW_2);
+ }
+ } catch (RecognitionException re) {
+ reportError(re);
+ recover(input, re);
+ } finally {
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end "entryRuleNullValue"
+ // $ANTLR start "ruleNullValue"
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:573:1: ruleNullValue : ( ( rule__NullValue__Group__0 ) ) ;
+ public final void ruleNullValue() throws RecognitionException {
+ int stackSize = keepStackSize();
+ try {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:577:2: ( ( ( rule__NullValue__Group__0 ) ) )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:578:1: ( ( rule__NullValue__Group__0 ) )
+ {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:578:1: ( ( rule__NullValue__Group__0 ) )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:579:1: ( rule__NullValue__Group__0 )
+ {
+ before(grammarAccess.getNullValueAccess().getGroup());
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:580:1: ( rule__NullValue__Group__0 )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:580:2: rule__NullValue__Group__0
+ {
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_2);
+ rule__NullValue__Group__0();
+ state._fsp--;
+ }
+ after(grammarAccess.getNullValueAccess().getGroup());
+ }
+ }
+ } catch (RecognitionException re) {
+ reportError(re);
+ recover(input, re);
+ } finally {
+ restoreStackSize(stackSize);
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end "ruleNullValue"
+ // $ANTLR start "entryRuleNoValue"
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:592:1: entryRuleNoValue : ruleNoValue EOF ;
+ public final void entryRuleNoValue() throws RecognitionException {
+ try {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:593:1: ( ruleNoValue EOF )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:594:1: ruleNoValue EOF
+ {
+ before(grammarAccess.getNoValueRule());
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_1);
+ ruleNoValue();
+ state._fsp--;
+ after(grammarAccess.getNoValueRule());
+ match(input, EOF, FOLLOW_2);
+ }
+ } catch (RecognitionException re) {
+ reportError(re);
+ recover(input, re);
+ } finally {
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end "entryRuleNoValue"
+ // $ANTLR start "ruleNoValue"
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:601:1: ruleNoValue : ( ( rule__NoValue__Group__0 ) ) ;
+ public final void ruleNoValue() throws RecognitionException {
+ int stackSize = keepStackSize();
+ try {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:605:2: ( ( ( rule__NoValue__Group__0 ) ) )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:606:1: ( ( rule__NoValue__Group__0 ) )
+ {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:606:1: ( ( rule__NoValue__Group__0 ) )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:607:1: ( rule__NoValue__Group__0 )
+ {
+ before(grammarAccess.getNoValueAccess().getGroup());
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:608:1: ( rule__NoValue__Group__0 )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:608:2: rule__NoValue__Group__0
+ {
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_2);
+ rule__NoValue__Group__0();
+ state._fsp--;
+ }
+ after(grammarAccess.getNoValueAccess().getGroup());
+ }
+ }
+ } catch (RecognitionException re) {
+ reportError(re);
+ recover(input, re);
+ } finally {
+ restoreStackSize(stackSize);
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end "ruleNoValue"
+ // $ANTLR start "ruleVisibilityKind"
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:621:1: ruleVisibilityKind : ( ( rule__VisibilityKind__Alternatives ) ) ;
+ public final void ruleVisibilityKind() throws RecognitionException {
+ int stackSize = keepStackSize();
+ try {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:625:1: ( ( ( rule__VisibilityKind__Alternatives ) ) )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:626:1: ( ( rule__VisibilityKind__Alternatives ) )
+ {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:626:1: ( ( rule__VisibilityKind__Alternatives ) )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:627:1: ( rule__VisibilityKind__Alternatives )
+ {
+ before(grammarAccess.getVisibilityKindAccess().getAlternatives());
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:628:1: ( rule__VisibilityKind__Alternatives )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:628:2: rule__VisibilityKind__Alternatives
+ {
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_2);
+ rule__VisibilityKind__Alternatives();
+ state._fsp--;
+ }
+ after(grammarAccess.getVisibilityKindAccess().getAlternatives());
+ }
+ }
+ } catch (RecognitionException re) {
+ reportError(re);
+ recover(input, re);
+ } finally {
+ restoreStackSize(stackSize);
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end "ruleVisibilityKind"
+ // $ANTLR start "ruleModifierKind"
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:640:1: ruleModifierKind : ( ( rule__ModifierKind__Alternatives ) ) ;
+ public final void ruleModifierKind() throws RecognitionException {
+ int stackSize = keepStackSize();
+ try {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:644:1: ( ( ( rule__ModifierKind__Alternatives ) ) )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:645:1: ( ( rule__ModifierKind__Alternatives ) )
+ {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:645:1: ( ( rule__ModifierKind__Alternatives ) )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:646:1: ( rule__ModifierKind__Alternatives )
+ {
+ before(grammarAccess.getModifierKindAccess().getAlternatives());
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:647:1: ( rule__ModifierKind__Alternatives )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:647:2: rule__ModifierKind__Alternatives
+ {
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_2);
+ rule__ModifierKind__Alternatives();
+ state._fsp--;
+ }
+ after(grammarAccess.getModifierKindAccess().getAlternatives());
+ }
-public class InternalUmlPropertyParser extends AbstractInternalContentAssistParser {
- public static final String[] tokenNames = new String[] {
- "<invalid>", "<EOR>", "<DOWN>", "<UP>", "RULE_STRING", "RULE_INT", "RULE_ID", "RULE_ML_COMMENT", "RULE_SL_COMMENT", "RULE_INTEGER_VALUE", "RULE_WS", "RULE_ANY_OTHER", "'*'", "'+'", "'-'", "'#'", "'~'", "'readOnly'", "'union'", "'ordered'", "'unique'", "'true'", "'false'", "':'", "'::'", "'['", "']'", "'..'", "'{'", "'}'", "','", "'redefines'", "'subsets'", "'='", "'.'", "'null'", "'none'", "'/'", "'<Undefined>'"
- };
- public static final int RULE_ID=6;
- public static final int T__29=29;
- public static final int T__28=28;
- public static final int T__27=27;
- public static final int T__26=26;
- public static final int T__25=25;
- public static final int T__24=24;
- public static final int T__23=23;
- public static final int T__22=22;
- public static final int RULE_ANY_OTHER=11;
- public static final int T__21=21;
- public static final int T__20=20;
- public static final int RULE_INTEGER_VALUE=9;
- public static final int RULE_SL_COMMENT=8;
- public static final int EOF=-1;
- public static final int RULE_ML_COMMENT=7;
- public static final int T__30=30;
- public static final int T__19=19;
- public static final int T__31=31;
- public static final int RULE_STRING=4;
- public static final int T__32=32;
- public static final int T__33=33;
- public static final int T__16=16;
- public static final int T__34=34;
- public static final int T__15=15;
- public static final int T__35=35;
- public static final int T__18=18;
- public static final int T__36=36;
- public static final int T__17=17;
- public static final int T__37=37;
- public static final int T__12=12;
- public static final int T__38=38;
- public static final int T__14=14;
- public static final int T__13=13;
- public static final int RULE_INT=5;
- public static final int RULE_WS=10;
- // delegates
- // delegators
- public InternalUmlPropertyParser(TokenStream input) {
- this(input, new RecognizerSharedState());
- }
- public InternalUmlPropertyParser(TokenStream input, RecognizerSharedState state) {
- super(input, state);
- }
- public String[] getTokenNames() { return InternalUmlPropertyParser.tokenNames; }
- public String getGrammarFileName() { return "../"; }
- private UmlPropertyGrammarAccess grammarAccess;
- public void setGrammarAccess(UmlPropertyGrammarAccess grammarAccess) {
- this.grammarAccess = grammarAccess;
- }
- @Override
- protected Grammar getGrammar() {
- return grammarAccess.getGrammar();
- }
- @Override
- protected String getValueForTokenName(String tokenName) {
- return tokenName;
- }
- // $ANTLR start "entryRulePropertyRule"
- // ../ entryRulePropertyRule : rulePropertyRule EOF ;
- public final void entryRulePropertyRule() throws RecognitionException {
- try {
- // ../ ( rulePropertyRule EOF )
- // ../ rulePropertyRule EOF
- {
- before(grammarAccess.getPropertyRuleRule());
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_rulePropertyRule_in_entryRulePropertyRule61);
- rulePropertyRule();
- state._fsp--;
- after(grammarAccess.getPropertyRuleRule());
- match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRulePropertyRule68);
- }
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- reportError(re);
- recover(input,re);
- }
- finally {
- }
- return ;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "entryRulePropertyRule"
- // $ANTLR start "rulePropertyRule"
- // ../ rulePropertyRule : ( ( rule__PropertyRule__Group__0 ) ) ;
- public final void rulePropertyRule() throws RecognitionException {
- int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- try {
- // ../ ( ( ( rule__PropertyRule__Group__0 ) ) )
- // ../ ( ( rule__PropertyRule__Group__0 ) )
- {
- // ../ ( ( rule__PropertyRule__Group__0 ) )
- // ../ ( rule__PropertyRule__Group__0 )
- {
- before(grammarAccess.getPropertyRuleAccess().getGroup());
- // ../ ( rule__PropertyRule__Group__0 )
- // ../ rule__PropertyRule__Group__0
- {
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_rule__PropertyRule__Group__0_in_rulePropertyRule94);
- rule__PropertyRule__Group__0();
- state._fsp--;
- }
- after(grammarAccess.getPropertyRuleAccess().getGroup());
- }
- }
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- reportError(re);
- recover(input,re);
- }
- finally {
- restoreStackSize(stackSize);
- }
- return ;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "rulePropertyRule"
- // $ANTLR start "entryRuleVisibilityRule"
- // ../ entryRuleVisibilityRule : ruleVisibilityRule EOF ;
- public final void entryRuleVisibilityRule() throws RecognitionException {
- try {
- // ../ ( ruleVisibilityRule EOF )
- // ../ ruleVisibilityRule EOF
- {
- before(grammarAccess.getVisibilityRuleRule());
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleVisibilityRule_in_entryRuleVisibilityRule121);
- ruleVisibilityRule();
- state._fsp--;
- after(grammarAccess.getVisibilityRuleRule());
- match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleVisibilityRule128);
- }
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- reportError(re);
- recover(input,re);
- }
- finally {
- }
- return ;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "entryRuleVisibilityRule"
- // $ANTLR start "ruleVisibilityRule"
- // ../ ruleVisibilityRule : ( ( rule__VisibilityRule__VisibilityAssignment ) ) ;
- public final void ruleVisibilityRule() throws RecognitionException {
- int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- try {
- // ../ ( ( ( rule__VisibilityRule__VisibilityAssignment ) ) )
- // ../ ( ( rule__VisibilityRule__VisibilityAssignment ) )
- {
- // ../ ( ( rule__VisibilityRule__VisibilityAssignment ) )
- // ../ ( rule__VisibilityRule__VisibilityAssignment )
- {
- before(grammarAccess.getVisibilityRuleAccess().getVisibilityAssignment());
- // ../ ( rule__VisibilityRule__VisibilityAssignment )
- // ../ rule__VisibilityRule__VisibilityAssignment
- {
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_rule__VisibilityRule__VisibilityAssignment_in_ruleVisibilityRule154);
- rule__VisibilityRule__VisibilityAssignment();
+ }
- state._fsp--;
+ } catch (RecognitionException re) {
+ reportError(re);
+ recover(input, re);
+ } finally {
+ restoreStackSize(stackSize);
- }
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end "ruleModifierKind"
- after(grammarAccess.getVisibilityRuleAccess().getVisibilityAssignment());
- }
+ // $ANTLR start "ruleBooleanLiterals"
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:659:1: ruleBooleanLiterals : ( ( rule__BooleanLiterals__Alternatives ) ) ;
+ public final void ruleBooleanLiterals() throws RecognitionException {
+ int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- }
+ try {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:663:1: ( ( ( rule__BooleanLiterals__Alternatives ) ) )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:664:1: ( ( rule__BooleanLiterals__Alternatives ) )
+ {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:664:1: ( ( rule__BooleanLiterals__Alternatives ) )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:665:1: ( rule__BooleanLiterals__Alternatives )
+ {
+ before(grammarAccess.getBooleanLiteralsAccess().getAlternatives());
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:666:1: ( rule__BooleanLiterals__Alternatives )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:666:2: rule__BooleanLiterals__Alternatives
+ {
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_2);
+ rule__BooleanLiterals__Alternatives();
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- reportError(re);
- recover(input,re);
- }
- finally {
+ state._fsp--;
- restoreStackSize(stackSize);
- }
- return ;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "ruleVisibilityRule"
+ }
+ after(grammarAccess.getBooleanLiteralsAccess().getAlternatives());
- // $ANTLR start "entryRuleTypeRule"
- // ../ entryRuleTypeRule : ruleTypeRule EOF ;
- public final void entryRuleTypeRule() throws RecognitionException {
- try {
- // ../ ( ruleTypeRule EOF )
- // ../ ruleTypeRule EOF
- {
- before(grammarAccess.getTypeRuleRule());
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleTypeRule_in_entryRuleTypeRule181);
- ruleTypeRule();
- state._fsp--;
- after(grammarAccess.getTypeRuleRule());
- match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleTypeRule188);
- }
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- reportError(re);
- recover(input,re);
- }
- finally {
- }
- return ;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "entryRuleTypeRule"
- // $ANTLR start "ruleTypeRule"
- // ../ ruleTypeRule : ( ( rule__TypeRule__Group__0 ) ) ;
- public final void ruleTypeRule() throws RecognitionException {
+ }
- int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- try {
- // ../ ( ( ( rule__TypeRule__Group__0 ) ) )
- // ../ ( ( rule__TypeRule__Group__0 ) )
- {
- // ../ ( ( rule__TypeRule__Group__0 ) )
- // ../ ( rule__TypeRule__Group__0 )
- {
- before(grammarAccess.getTypeRuleAccess().getGroup());
- // ../ ( rule__TypeRule__Group__0 )
- // ../ rule__TypeRule__Group__0
- {
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_rule__TypeRule__Group__0_in_ruleTypeRule214);
- rule__TypeRule__Group__0();
- state._fsp--;
+ }
+ } catch (RecognitionException re) {
+ reportError(re);
+ recover(input, re);
+ } finally {
- }
+ restoreStackSize(stackSize);
- after(grammarAccess.getTypeRuleAccess().getGroup());
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end "ruleBooleanLiterals"
- }
+ // $ANTLR start "rule__PropertyRule__Alternatives_3_1"
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:677:1: rule__PropertyRule__Alternatives_3_1 : ( ( ( rule__PropertyRule__TypeAssignment_3_1_0 ) ) | ( ( rule__PropertyRule__TypeUndefinedAssignment_3_1_1 ) ) );
+ public final void rule__PropertyRule__Alternatives_3_1() throws RecognitionException {
- }
+ int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- reportError(re);
- recover(input,re);
- }
- finally {
+ try {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:681:1: ( ( ( rule__PropertyRule__TypeAssignment_3_1_0 ) ) | ( ( rule__PropertyRule__TypeUndefinedAssignment_3_1_1 ) ) )
+ int alt1 = 2;
+ int LA1_0 = input.LA(1);
- restoreStackSize(stackSize);
+ if ((LA1_0 == RULE_ID)) {
+ alt1 = 1;
+ } else if ((LA1_0 == 38)) {
+ alt1 = 2;
+ } else {
+ NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("", 1, 0, input);
- }
- return ;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "ruleTypeRule"
+ throw nvae;
+ }
+ switch (alt1) {
+ case 1:
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:682:1: ( ( rule__PropertyRule__TypeAssignment_3_1_0 ) )
+ {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:682:1: ( ( rule__PropertyRule__TypeAssignment_3_1_0 ) )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:683:1: ( rule__PropertyRule__TypeAssignment_3_1_0 )
+ {
+ before(grammarAccess.getPropertyRuleAccess().getTypeAssignment_3_1_0());
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:684:1: ( rule__PropertyRule__TypeAssignment_3_1_0 )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:684:2: rule__PropertyRule__TypeAssignment_3_1_0
+ {
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_2);
+ rule__PropertyRule__TypeAssignment_3_1_0();
+ state._fsp--;
- // $ANTLR start "entryRuleQualifiedName"
- // ../ entryRuleQualifiedName : ruleQualifiedName EOF ;
- public final void entryRuleQualifiedName() throws RecognitionException {
- try {
- // ../ ( ruleQualifiedName EOF )
- // ../ ruleQualifiedName EOF
- {
- before(grammarAccess.getQualifiedNameRule());
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleQualifiedName_in_entryRuleQualifiedName241);
- ruleQualifiedName();
- state._fsp--;
- after(grammarAccess.getQualifiedNameRule());
- match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleQualifiedName248);
- }
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- reportError(re);
- recover(input,re);
- }
- finally {
- }
- return ;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "entryRuleQualifiedName"
- // $ANTLR start "ruleQualifiedName"
- // ../ ruleQualifiedName : ( ( rule__QualifiedName__Group__0 ) ) ;
- public final void ruleQualifiedName() throws RecognitionException {
- int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- try {
- // ../ ( ( ( rule__QualifiedName__Group__0 ) ) )
- // ../ ( ( rule__QualifiedName__Group__0 ) )
- {
- // ../ ( ( rule__QualifiedName__Group__0 ) )
- // ../ ( rule__QualifiedName__Group__0 )
- {
- before(grammarAccess.getQualifiedNameAccess().getGroup());
- // ../ ( rule__QualifiedName__Group__0 )
- // ../ rule__QualifiedName__Group__0
- {
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_rule__QualifiedName__Group__0_in_ruleQualifiedName274);
- rule__QualifiedName__Group__0();
+ }
- state._fsp--;
+ after(grammarAccess.getPropertyRuleAccess().getTypeAssignment_3_1_0());
+ }
- }
- after(grammarAccess.getQualifiedNameAccess().getGroup());
+ }
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:688:6: ( ( rule__PropertyRule__TypeUndefinedAssignment_3_1_1 ) )
+ {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:688:6: ( ( rule__PropertyRule__TypeUndefinedAssignment_3_1_1 ) )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:689:1: ( rule__PropertyRule__TypeUndefinedAssignment_3_1_1 )
+ {
+ before(grammarAccess.getPropertyRuleAccess().getTypeUndefinedAssignment_3_1_1());
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:690:1: ( rule__PropertyRule__TypeUndefinedAssignment_3_1_1 )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:690:2: rule__PropertyRule__TypeUndefinedAssignment_3_1_1
+ {
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_2);
+ rule__PropertyRule__TypeUndefinedAssignment_3_1_1();
- }
+ state._fsp--;
- }
+ }
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- reportError(re);
- recover(input,re);
- }
- finally {
+ after(grammarAccess.getPropertyRuleAccess().getTypeUndefinedAssignment_3_1_1());
- restoreStackSize(stackSize);
+ }
- }
- return ;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "ruleQualifiedName"
+ }
+ break;
- // $ANTLR start "entryRuleMultiplicityRule"
- // ../ entryRuleMultiplicityRule : ruleMultiplicityRule EOF ;
- public final void entryRuleMultiplicityRule() throws RecognitionException {
- try {
- // ../ ( ruleMultiplicityRule EOF )
- // ../ ruleMultiplicityRule EOF
- {
- before(grammarAccess.getMultiplicityRuleRule());
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleMultiplicityRule_in_entryRuleMultiplicityRule301);
- ruleMultiplicityRule();
- state._fsp--;
- after(grammarAccess.getMultiplicityRuleRule());
- match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleMultiplicityRule308);
- }
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- reportError(re);
- recover(input,re);
- }
- finally {
- }
- return ;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "entryRuleMultiplicityRule"
- // $ANTLR start "ruleMultiplicityRule"
- // ../ ruleMultiplicityRule : ( ( rule__MultiplicityRule__Group__0 ) ) ;
- public final void ruleMultiplicityRule() throws RecognitionException {
+ }
+ } catch (RecognitionException re) {
+ reportError(re);
+ recover(input, re);
+ } finally {
- int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- try {
- // ../ ( ( ( rule__MultiplicityRule__Group__0 ) ) )
- // ../ ( ( rule__MultiplicityRule__Group__0 ) )
- {
- // ../ ( ( rule__MultiplicityRule__Group__0 ) )
- // ../ ( rule__MultiplicityRule__Group__0 )
- {
- before(grammarAccess.getMultiplicityRuleAccess().getGroup());
- // ../ ( rule__MultiplicityRule__Group__0 )
- // ../ rule__MultiplicityRule__Group__0
- {
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_rule__MultiplicityRule__Group__0_in_ruleMultiplicityRule334);
- rule__MultiplicityRule__Group__0();
+ restoreStackSize(stackSize);
- state._fsp--;
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end "rule__PropertyRule__Alternatives_3_1"
- }
+ // $ANTLR start "rule__BoundSpecification__ValueAlternatives_0"
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:699:1: rule__BoundSpecification__ValueAlternatives_0 : ( ( ruleUnlimitedLiteral ) | ( ruleStringLiteral ) );
+ public final void rule__BoundSpecification__ValueAlternatives_0() throws RecognitionException {
- after(grammarAccess.getMultiplicityRuleAccess().getGroup());
+ int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- }
+ try {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:703:1: ( ( ruleUnlimitedLiteral ) | ( ruleStringLiteral ) )
+ int alt2 = 2;
+ int LA2_0 = input.LA(1);
+ if ((LA2_0 == RULE_INT || LA2_0 == 12)) {
+ alt2 = 1;
+ } else if ((LA2_0 == RULE_STRING)) {
+ alt2 = 2;
+ } else {
+ NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("", 2, 0, input);
+ throw nvae;
+ }
+ switch (alt2) {
+ case 1:
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:704:1: ( ruleUnlimitedLiteral )
+ {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:704:1: ( ruleUnlimitedLiteral )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:705:1: ruleUnlimitedLiteral
+ {
+ before(grammarAccess.getBoundSpecificationAccess().getValueUnlimitedLiteralParserRuleCall_0_0());
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_2);
+ ruleUnlimitedLiteral();
- }
+ state._fsp--;
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- reportError(re);
- recover(input,re);
- }
- finally {
+ after(grammarAccess.getBoundSpecificationAccess().getValueUnlimitedLiteralParserRuleCall_0_0());
- restoreStackSize(stackSize);
+ }
- }
- return ;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "ruleMultiplicityRule"
+ }
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:710:6: ( ruleStringLiteral )
+ {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:710:6: ( ruleStringLiteral )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:711:1: ruleStringLiteral
+ {
+ before(grammarAccess.getBoundSpecificationAccess().getValueStringLiteralParserRuleCall_0_1());
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_2);
+ ruleStringLiteral();
- // $ANTLR start "entryRuleBoundSpecification"
- // ../ entryRuleBoundSpecification : ruleBoundSpecification EOF ;
- public final void entryRuleBoundSpecification() throws RecognitionException {
- try {
- // ../ ( ruleBoundSpecification EOF )
- // ../ ruleBoundSpecification EOF
- {
- before(grammarAccess.getBoundSpecificationRule());
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleBoundSpecification_in_entryRuleBoundSpecification361);
- ruleBoundSpecification();
- state._fsp--;
- after(grammarAccess.getBoundSpecificationRule());
- match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleBoundSpecification368);
- }
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- reportError(re);
- recover(input,re);
- }
- finally {
- }
- return ;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "entryRuleBoundSpecification"
- // $ANTLR start "ruleBoundSpecification"
- // ../ ruleBoundSpecification : ( ( rule__BoundSpecification__ValueAssignment ) ) ;
- public final void ruleBoundSpecification() throws RecognitionException {
+ state._fsp--;
- int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- try {
- // ../ ( ( ( rule__BoundSpecification__ValueAssignment ) ) )
- // ../ ( ( rule__BoundSpecification__ValueAssignment ) )
- {
- // ../ ( ( rule__BoundSpecification__ValueAssignment ) )
- // ../ ( rule__BoundSpecification__ValueAssignment )
- {
- before(grammarAccess.getBoundSpecificationAccess().getValueAssignment());
- // ../ ( rule__BoundSpecification__ValueAssignment )
- // ../ rule__BoundSpecification__ValueAssignment
- {
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_rule__BoundSpecification__ValueAssignment_in_ruleBoundSpecification394);
- rule__BoundSpecification__ValueAssignment();
+ after(grammarAccess.getBoundSpecificationAccess().getValueStringLiteralParserRuleCall_0_1());
- state._fsp--;
+ }
- }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ } catch (RecognitionException re) {
+ reportError(re);
+ recover(input, re);
+ } finally {
+ restoreStackSize(stackSize);
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end "rule__BoundSpecification__ValueAlternatives_0"
- after(grammarAccess.getBoundSpecificationAccess().getValueAssignment());
- }
+ // $ANTLR start "rule__UnlimitedLiteral__Alternatives"
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:721:1: rule__UnlimitedLiteral__Alternatives : ( ( RULE_INT ) | ( '*' ) );
+ public final void rule__UnlimitedLiteral__Alternatives() throws RecognitionException {
+ int stackSize = keepStackSize();
+ try {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:725:1: ( ( RULE_INT ) | ( '*' ) )
+ int alt3 = 2;
+ int LA3_0 = input.LA(1);
+ if ((LA3_0 == RULE_INT)) {
+ alt3 = 1;
+ } else if ((LA3_0 == 12)) {
+ alt3 = 2;
+ } else {
+ NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("", 3, 0, input);
+ throw nvae;
+ }
+ switch (alt3) {
+ case 1:
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:726:1: ( RULE_INT )
+ {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:726:1: ( RULE_INT )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:727:1: RULE_INT
+ {
+ before(grammarAccess.getUnlimitedLiteralAccess().getINTTerminalRuleCall_0());
+ match(input, RULE_INT, FOLLOW_2);
+ after(grammarAccess.getUnlimitedLiteralAccess().getINTTerminalRuleCall_0());
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:732:6: ( '*' )
+ {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:732:6: ( '*' )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:733:1: '*'
+ {
+ before(grammarAccess.getUnlimitedLiteralAccess().getAsteriskKeyword_1());
+ match(input, 12, FOLLOW_2);
+ after(grammarAccess.getUnlimitedLiteralAccess().getAsteriskKeyword_1());
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ } catch (RecognitionException re) {
+ reportError(re);
+ recover(input, re);
+ } finally {
+ restoreStackSize(stackSize);
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end "rule__UnlimitedLiteral__Alternatives"
+ // $ANTLR start "rule__ModifierSpecification__Alternatives"
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:745:1: rule__ModifierSpecification__Alternatives : ( ( ( rule__ModifierSpecification__ValueAssignment_0 ) ) | ( ( rule__ModifierSpecification__RedefinesAssignment_1 ) ) | ( ( rule__ModifierSpecification__SubsetsAssignment_2 ) ) );
+ public final void rule__ModifierSpecification__Alternatives() throws RecognitionException {
+ int stackSize = keepStackSize();
+ try {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:749:1: ( ( ( rule__ModifierSpecification__ValueAssignment_0 ) ) | ( ( rule__ModifierSpecification__RedefinesAssignment_1 ) ) | ( ( rule__ModifierSpecification__SubsetsAssignment_2 ) ) )
+ int alt4 = 3;
+ switch (input.LA(1)) {
+ case 17:
+ case 18:
+ case 19:
+ case 20: {
+ alt4 = 1;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 31: {
+ alt4 = 2;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 32: {
+ alt4 = 3;
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("", 4, 0, input);
+ throw nvae;
+ }
+ switch (alt4) {
+ case 1:
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:750:1: ( ( rule__ModifierSpecification__ValueAssignment_0 ) )
+ {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:750:1: ( ( rule__ModifierSpecification__ValueAssignment_0 ) )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:751:1: ( rule__ModifierSpecification__ValueAssignment_0 )
+ {
+ before(grammarAccess.getModifierSpecificationAccess().getValueAssignment_0());
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:752:1: ( rule__ModifierSpecification__ValueAssignment_0 )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:752:2: rule__ModifierSpecification__ValueAssignment_0
+ {
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_2);
+ rule__ModifierSpecification__ValueAssignment_0();
+ state._fsp--;
+ }
+ after(grammarAccess.getModifierSpecificationAccess().getValueAssignment_0());
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:756:6: ( ( rule__ModifierSpecification__RedefinesAssignment_1 ) )
+ {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:756:6: ( ( rule__ModifierSpecification__RedefinesAssignment_1 ) )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:757:1: ( rule__ModifierSpecification__RedefinesAssignment_1 )
+ {
+ before(grammarAccess.getModifierSpecificationAccess().getRedefinesAssignment_1());
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:758:1: ( rule__ModifierSpecification__RedefinesAssignment_1 )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:758:2: rule__ModifierSpecification__RedefinesAssignment_1
+ {
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_2);
+ rule__ModifierSpecification__RedefinesAssignment_1();
+ state._fsp--;
+ }
+ after(grammarAccess.getModifierSpecificationAccess().getRedefinesAssignment_1());
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:762:6: ( ( rule__ModifierSpecification__SubsetsAssignment_2 ) )
+ {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:762:6: ( ( rule__ModifierSpecification__SubsetsAssignment_2 ) )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:763:1: ( rule__ModifierSpecification__SubsetsAssignment_2 )
+ {
+ before(grammarAccess.getModifierSpecificationAccess().getSubsetsAssignment_2());
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:764:1: ( rule__ModifierSpecification__SubsetsAssignment_2 )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:764:2: rule__ModifierSpecification__SubsetsAssignment_2
+ {
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_2);
+ rule__ModifierSpecification__SubsetsAssignment_2();
+ state._fsp--;
+ }
+ after(grammarAccess.getModifierSpecificationAccess().getSubsetsAssignment_2());
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ } catch (RecognitionException re) {
+ reportError(re);
+ recover(input, re);
+ } finally {
+ restoreStackSize(stackSize);
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end "rule__ModifierSpecification__Alternatives"
+ // $ANTLR start "rule__Value__Alternatives"
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:773:1: rule__Value__Alternatives : ( ( ruleIntValue ) | ( ruleStringValue ) | ( ruleBooleanValue ) | ( ruleRealValue ) | ( ruleNullValue ) | ( ruleNoValue ) );
+ public final void rule__Value__Alternatives() throws RecognitionException {
+ int stackSize = keepStackSize();
+ try {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:777:1: ( ( ruleIntValue ) | ( ruleStringValue ) | ( ruleBooleanValue ) | ( ruleRealValue ) | ( ruleNullValue ) | ( ruleNoValue ) )
+ int alt5 = 6;
+ switch (input.LA(1)) {
+ case RULE_INT: {
+ int LA5_1 = input.LA(2);
+ if ((LA5_1 == 34)) {
+ alt5 = 4;
+ } else if ((LA5_1 == EOF)) {
+ alt5 = 1;
+ } else {
+ NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("", 5, 1, input);
+ throw nvae;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case RULE_STRING: {
+ alt5 = 2;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 21:
+ case 22: {
+ alt5 = 3;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 34: {
+ alt5 = 4;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 35: {
+ alt5 = 5;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 36: {
+ alt5 = 6;
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("", 5, 0, input);
- }
+ throw nvae;
+ }
+ switch (alt5) {
+ case 1:
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:778:1: ( ruleIntValue )
+ {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:778:1: ( ruleIntValue )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:779:1: ruleIntValue
+ {
+ before(grammarAccess.getValueAccess().getIntValueParserRuleCall_0());
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_2);
+ ruleIntValue();
+ state._fsp--;
+ after(grammarAccess.getValueAccess().getIntValueParserRuleCall_0());
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:784:6: ( ruleStringValue )
+ {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:784:6: ( ruleStringValue )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:785:1: ruleStringValue
+ {
+ before(grammarAccess.getValueAccess().getStringValueParserRuleCall_1());
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_2);
+ ruleStringValue();
+ state._fsp--;
+ after(grammarAccess.getValueAccess().getStringValueParserRuleCall_1());
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:790:6: ( ruleBooleanValue )
+ {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:790:6: ( ruleBooleanValue )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:791:1: ruleBooleanValue
+ {
+ before(grammarAccess.getValueAccess().getBooleanValueParserRuleCall_2());
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_2);
+ ruleBooleanValue();
+ state._fsp--;
+ after(grammarAccess.getValueAccess().getBooleanValueParserRuleCall_2());
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case 4:
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:796:6: ( ruleRealValue )
+ {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:796:6: ( ruleRealValue )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:797:1: ruleRealValue
+ {
+ before(grammarAccess.getValueAccess().getRealValueParserRuleCall_3());
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_2);
+ ruleRealValue();
+ state._fsp--;
+ after(grammarAccess.getValueAccess().getRealValueParserRuleCall_3());
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case 5:
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:802:6: ( ruleNullValue )
+ {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:802:6: ( ruleNullValue )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:803:1: ruleNullValue
+ {
+ before(grammarAccess.getValueAccess().getNullValueParserRuleCall_4());
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_2);
+ ruleNullValue();
+ state._fsp--;
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- reportError(re);
- recover(input,re);
- }
- finally {
+ after(grammarAccess.getValueAccess().getNullValueParserRuleCall_4());
- restoreStackSize(stackSize);
+ }
- }
- return ;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "ruleBoundSpecification"
+ }
+ break;
+ case 6:
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:808:6: ( ruleNoValue )
+ {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:808:6: ( ruleNoValue )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:809:1: ruleNoValue
+ {
+ before(grammarAccess.getValueAccess().getNoValueParserRuleCall_5());
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_2);
+ ruleNoValue();
- // $ANTLR start "entryRuleUnlimitedLiteral"
- // ../ entryRuleUnlimitedLiteral : ruleUnlimitedLiteral EOF ;
- public final void entryRuleUnlimitedLiteral() throws RecognitionException {
- try {
- // ../ ( ruleUnlimitedLiteral EOF )
- // ../ ruleUnlimitedLiteral EOF
- {
- before(grammarAccess.getUnlimitedLiteralRule());
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleUnlimitedLiteral_in_entryRuleUnlimitedLiteral421);
- ruleUnlimitedLiteral();
- state._fsp--;
- after(grammarAccess.getUnlimitedLiteralRule());
- match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleUnlimitedLiteral428);
- }
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- reportError(re);
- recover(input,re);
- }
- finally {
- }
- return ;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "entryRuleUnlimitedLiteral"
- // $ANTLR start "ruleUnlimitedLiteral"
- // ../ ruleUnlimitedLiteral : ( ( rule__UnlimitedLiteral__Alternatives ) ) ;
- public final void ruleUnlimitedLiteral() throws RecognitionException {
- int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- try {
- // ../ ( ( ( rule__UnlimitedLiteral__Alternatives ) ) )
- // ../ ( ( rule__UnlimitedLiteral__Alternatives ) )
- {
- // ../ ( ( rule__UnlimitedLiteral__Alternatives ) )
- // ../ ( rule__UnlimitedLiteral__Alternatives )
- {
- before(grammarAccess.getUnlimitedLiteralAccess().getAlternatives());
- // ../ ( rule__UnlimitedLiteral__Alternatives )
- // ../ rule__UnlimitedLiteral__Alternatives
- {
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_rule__UnlimitedLiteral__Alternatives_in_ruleUnlimitedLiteral454);
- rule__UnlimitedLiteral__Alternatives();
- state._fsp--;
- }
- after(grammarAccess.getUnlimitedLiteralAccess().getAlternatives());
- }
- }
+ state._fsp--;
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- reportError(re);
- recover(input,re);
- }
- finally {
+ after(grammarAccess.getValueAccess().getNoValueParserRuleCall_5());
- restoreStackSize(stackSize);
+ }
- }
- return ;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "ruleUnlimitedLiteral"
+ }
+ break;
- // $ANTLR start "entryRuleStringLiteral"
- // ../ entryRuleStringLiteral : ruleStringLiteral EOF ;
- public final void entryRuleStringLiteral() throws RecognitionException {
- try {
- // ../ ( ruleStringLiteral EOF )
- // ../ ruleStringLiteral EOF
- {
- before(grammarAccess.getStringLiteralRule());
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleStringLiteral_in_entryRuleStringLiteral481);
- ruleStringLiteral();
- state._fsp--;
- after(grammarAccess.getStringLiteralRule());
- match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleStringLiteral488);
- }
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- reportError(re);
- recover(input,re);
- }
- finally {
- }
- return ;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "entryRuleStringLiteral"
- // $ANTLR start "ruleStringLiteral"
- // ../ ruleStringLiteral : ( RULE_STRING ) ;
- public final void ruleStringLiteral() throws RecognitionException {
- int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- try {
- // ../ ( ( RULE_STRING ) )
- // ../ ( RULE_STRING )
- {
- // ../ ( RULE_STRING )
- // ../ RULE_STRING
- {
- before(grammarAccess.getStringLiteralAccess().getSTRINGTerminalRuleCall());
- match(input,RULE_STRING,FOLLOW_RULE_STRING_in_ruleStringLiteral514);
- after(grammarAccess.getStringLiteralAccess().getSTRINGTerminalRuleCall());
- }
- }
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- reportError(re);
- recover(input,re);
- }
- finally {
- restoreStackSize(stackSize);
- }
- return ;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "ruleStringLiteral"
+ }
+ } catch (RecognitionException re) {
+ reportError(re);
+ recover(input, re);
+ } finally {
- // $ANTLR start "entryRuleModifiersRule"
- // ../ entryRuleModifiersRule : ruleModifiersRule EOF ;
- public final void entryRuleModifiersRule() throws RecognitionException {
- try {
- // ../ ( ruleModifiersRule EOF )
- // ../ ruleModifiersRule EOF
- {
- before(grammarAccess.getModifiersRuleRule());
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleModifiersRule_in_entryRuleModifiersRule540);
- ruleModifiersRule();
+ restoreStackSize(stackSize);
- state._fsp--;
- after(grammarAccess.getModifiersRuleRule());
- match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleModifiersRule547);
- }
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- reportError(re);
- recover(input,re);
- }
- finally {
- }
- return ;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "entryRuleModifiersRule"
- // $ANTLR start "ruleModifiersRule"
- // ../ ruleModifiersRule : ( ( rule__ModifiersRule__Group__0 ) ) ;
- public final void ruleModifiersRule() throws RecognitionException {
- int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- try {
- // ../ ( ( ( rule__ModifiersRule__Group__0 ) ) )
- // ../ ( ( rule__ModifiersRule__Group__0 ) )
- {
- // ../ ( ( rule__ModifiersRule__Group__0 ) )
- // ../ ( rule__ModifiersRule__Group__0 )
- {
- before(grammarAccess.getModifiersRuleAccess().getGroup());
- // ../ ( rule__ModifiersRule__Group__0 )
- // ../ rule__ModifiersRule__Group__0
- {
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_rule__ModifiersRule__Group__0_in_ruleModifiersRule573);
- rule__ModifiersRule__Group__0();
- state._fsp--;
- }
- after(grammarAccess.getModifiersRuleAccess().getGroup());
- }
- }
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- reportError(re);
- recover(input,re);
- }
- finally {
- restoreStackSize(stackSize);
- }
- return ;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "ruleModifiersRule"
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end "rule__Value__Alternatives"
- // $ANTLR start "entryRuleModifierSpecification"
- // ../ entryRuleModifierSpecification : ruleModifierSpecification EOF ;
- public final void entryRuleModifierSpecification() throws RecognitionException {
- try {
- // ../ ( ruleModifierSpecification EOF )
- // ../ ruleModifierSpecification EOF
- {
- before(grammarAccess.getModifierSpecificationRule());
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleModifierSpecification_in_entryRuleModifierSpecification600);
- ruleModifierSpecification();
- state._fsp--;
- after(grammarAccess.getModifierSpecificationRule());
- match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleModifierSpecification607);
- }
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- reportError(re);
- recover(input,re);
- }
- finally {
- }
- return ;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "entryRuleModifierSpecification"
- // $ANTLR start "ruleModifierSpecification"
- // ../ ruleModifierSpecification : ( ( rule__ModifierSpecification__Alternatives ) ) ;
- public final void ruleModifierSpecification() throws RecognitionException {
+ // $ANTLR start "rule__RealValue__Alternatives"
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:819:1: rule__RealValue__Alternatives : ( ( ( rule__RealValue__Group_0__0 ) ) | ( ( rule__RealValue__Group_1__0 ) ) | ( ( rule__RealValue__Group_2__0 ) ) );
+ public final void rule__RealValue__Alternatives() throws RecognitionException {
- int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- try {
- // ../ ( ( ( rule__ModifierSpecification__Alternatives ) ) )
- // ../ ( ( rule__ModifierSpecification__Alternatives ) )
- {
- // ../ ( ( rule__ModifierSpecification__Alternatives ) )
- // ../ ( rule__ModifierSpecification__Alternatives )
- {
- before(grammarAccess.getModifierSpecificationAccess().getAlternatives());
- // ../ ( rule__ModifierSpecification__Alternatives )
- // ../ rule__ModifierSpecification__Alternatives
- {
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_rule__ModifierSpecification__Alternatives_in_ruleModifierSpecification633);
- rule__ModifierSpecification__Alternatives();
+ int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- state._fsp--;
+ try {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:823:1: ( ( ( rule__RealValue__Group_0__0 ) ) | ( ( rule__RealValue__Group_1__0 ) ) | ( ( rule__RealValue__Group_2__0 ) ) )
+ int alt6 = 3;
+ int LA6_0 = input.LA(1);
+ if ((LA6_0 == RULE_INT)) {
+ int LA6_1 = input.LA(2);
- }
+ if ((LA6_1 == 34)) {
+ int LA6_3 = input.LA(3);
- after(grammarAccess.getModifierSpecificationAccess().getAlternatives());
+ if ((LA6_3 == RULE_INT)) {
+ alt6 = 3;
+ } else if ((LA6_3 == EOF)) {
+ alt6 = 1;
+ } else {
+ NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("", 6, 3, input);
- }
+ throw nvae;
+ }
+ } else {
+ NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("", 6, 1, input);
+ throw nvae;
+ }
+ } else if ((LA6_0 == 34)) {
+ alt6 = 2;
+ } else {
+ NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("", 6, 0, input);
- }
+ throw nvae;
+ }
+ switch (alt6) {
+ case 1:
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:824:1: ( ( rule__RealValue__Group_0__0 ) )
+ {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:824:1: ( ( rule__RealValue__Group_0__0 ) )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:825:1: ( rule__RealValue__Group_0__0 )
+ {
+ before(grammarAccess.getRealValueAccess().getGroup_0());
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:826:1: ( rule__RealValue__Group_0__0 )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:826:2: rule__RealValue__Group_0__0
+ {
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_2);
+ rule__RealValue__Group_0__0();
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- reportError(re);
- recover(input,re);
- }
- finally {
+ state._fsp--;
- restoreStackSize(stackSize);
- }
- return ;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "ruleModifierSpecification"
+ }
+ after(grammarAccess.getRealValueAccess().getGroup_0());
- // $ANTLR start "entryRuleRedefinesRule"
- // ../ entryRuleRedefinesRule : ruleRedefinesRule EOF ;
- public final void entryRuleRedefinesRule() throws RecognitionException {
- try {
- // ../ ( ruleRedefinesRule EOF )
- // ../ ruleRedefinesRule EOF
- {
- before(grammarAccess.getRedefinesRuleRule());
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleRedefinesRule_in_entryRuleRedefinesRule660);
- ruleRedefinesRule();
- state._fsp--;
- after(grammarAccess.getRedefinesRuleRule());
- match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleRedefinesRule667);
- }
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- reportError(re);
- recover(input,re);
- }
- finally {
- }
- return ;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "entryRuleRedefinesRule"
- // $ANTLR start "ruleRedefinesRule"
- // ../ ruleRedefinesRule : ( ( rule__RedefinesRule__Group__0 ) ) ;
- public final void ruleRedefinesRule() throws RecognitionException {
+ }
- int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- try {
- // ../ ( ( ( rule__RedefinesRule__Group__0 ) ) )
- // ../ ( ( rule__RedefinesRule__Group__0 ) )
- {
- // ../ ( ( rule__RedefinesRule__Group__0 ) )
- // ../ ( rule__RedefinesRule__Group__0 )
- {
- before(grammarAccess.getRedefinesRuleAccess().getGroup());
- // ../ ( rule__RedefinesRule__Group__0 )
- // ../ rule__RedefinesRule__Group__0
- {
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_rule__RedefinesRule__Group__0_in_ruleRedefinesRule693);
- rule__RedefinesRule__Group__0();
- state._fsp--;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:830:6: ( ( rule__RealValue__Group_1__0 ) )
+ {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:830:6: ( ( rule__RealValue__Group_1__0 ) )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:831:1: ( rule__RealValue__Group_1__0 )
+ {
+ before(grammarAccess.getRealValueAccess().getGroup_1());
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:832:1: ( rule__RealValue__Group_1__0 )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:832:2: rule__RealValue__Group_1__0
+ {
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_2);
+ rule__RealValue__Group_1__0();
+ state._fsp--;
+ }
- }
+ after(grammarAccess.getRealValueAccess().getGroup_1());
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:836:6: ( ( rule__RealValue__Group_2__0 ) )
+ {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:836:6: ( ( rule__RealValue__Group_2__0 ) )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:837:1: ( rule__RealValue__Group_2__0 )
+ {
+ before(grammarAccess.getRealValueAccess().getGroup_2());
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:838:1: ( rule__RealValue__Group_2__0 )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:838:2: rule__RealValue__Group_2__0
+ {
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_2);
+ rule__RealValue__Group_2__0();
+ state._fsp--;
+ }
+ after(grammarAccess.getRealValueAccess().getGroup_2());
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ } catch (RecognitionException re) {
+ reportError(re);
+ recover(input, re);
+ } finally {
+ restoreStackSize(stackSize);
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end "rule__RealValue__Alternatives"
+ // $ANTLR start "rule__VisibilityKind__Alternatives"
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:847:1: rule__VisibilityKind__Alternatives : ( ( ( '+' ) ) | ( ( '-' ) ) | ( ( '#' ) ) | ( ( '~' ) ) );
+ public final void rule__VisibilityKind__Alternatives() throws RecognitionException {
+ int stackSize = keepStackSize();
+ try {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:851:1: ( ( ( '+' ) ) | ( ( '-' ) ) | ( ( '#' ) ) | ( ( '~' ) ) )
+ int alt7 = 4;
+ switch (input.LA(1)) {
+ case 13: {
+ alt7 = 1;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 14: {
+ alt7 = 2;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 15: {
+ alt7 = 3;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 16: {
+ alt7 = 4;
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("", 7, 0, input);
+ throw nvae;
+ }
- after(grammarAccess.getRedefinesRuleAccess().getGroup());
+ switch (alt7) {
+ case 1:
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:852:1: ( ( '+' ) )
+ {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:852:1: ( ( '+' ) )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:853:1: ( '+' )
+ {
+ before(grammarAccess.getVisibilityKindAccess().getPublicEnumLiteralDeclaration_0());
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:854:1: ( '+' )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:854:3: '+'
+ {
+ match(input, 13, FOLLOW_2);
- }
+ }
+ after(grammarAccess.getVisibilityKindAccess().getPublicEnumLiteralDeclaration_0());
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:859:6: ( ( '-' ) )
+ {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:859:6: ( ( '-' ) )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:860:1: ( '-' )
+ {
+ before(grammarAccess.getVisibilityKindAccess().getPrivateEnumLiteralDeclaration_1());
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:861:1: ( '-' )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:861:3: '-'
+ {
+ match(input, 14, FOLLOW_2);
+ }
+ after(grammarAccess.getVisibilityKindAccess().getPrivateEnumLiteralDeclaration_1());
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:866:6: ( ( '#' ) )
+ {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:866:6: ( ( '#' ) )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:867:1: ( '#' )
+ {
+ before(grammarAccess.getVisibilityKindAccess().getProtectedEnumLiteralDeclaration_2());
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:868:1: ( '#' )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:868:3: '#'
+ {
+ match(input, 15, FOLLOW_2);
+ }
+ after(grammarAccess.getVisibilityKindAccess().getProtectedEnumLiteralDeclaration_2());
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case 4:
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:873:6: ( ( '~' ) )
+ {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:873:6: ( ( '~' ) )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:874:1: ( '~' )
+ {
+ before(grammarAccess.getVisibilityKindAccess().getPackageEnumLiteralDeclaration_3());
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:875:1: ( '~' )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:875:3: '~'
+ {
+ match(input, 16, FOLLOW_2);
+ }
+ after(grammarAccess.getVisibilityKindAccess().getPackageEnumLiteralDeclaration_3());
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ } catch (RecognitionException re) {
+ reportError(re);
+ recover(input, re);
+ } finally {
+ restoreStackSize(stackSize);
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end "rule__VisibilityKind__Alternatives"
+ // $ANTLR start "rule__ModifierKind__Alternatives"
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:885:1: rule__ModifierKind__Alternatives : ( ( ( 'readOnly' ) ) | ( ( 'union' ) ) | ( ( 'ordered' ) ) | ( ( 'unique' ) ) );
+ public final void rule__ModifierKind__Alternatives() throws RecognitionException {
+ int stackSize = keepStackSize();
+ try {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:889:1: ( ( ( 'readOnly' ) ) | ( ( 'union' ) ) | ( ( 'ordered' ) ) | ( ( 'unique' ) ) )
+ int alt8 = 4;
+ switch (input.LA(1)) {
+ case 17: {
+ alt8 = 1;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 18: {
+ alt8 = 2;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 19: {
+ alt8 = 3;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 20: {
+ alt8 = 4;
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("", 8, 0, input);
+ throw nvae;
+ }
+ switch (alt8) {
+ case 1:
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:890:1: ( ( 'readOnly' ) )
+ {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:890:1: ( ( 'readOnly' ) )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:891:1: ( 'readOnly' )
+ {
+ before(grammarAccess.getModifierKindAccess().getReadOnlyEnumLiteralDeclaration_0());
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:892:1: ( 'readOnly' )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:892:3: 'readOnly'
+ {
+ match(input, 17, FOLLOW_2);
+ }
+ after(grammarAccess.getModifierKindAccess().getReadOnlyEnumLiteralDeclaration_0());
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:897:6: ( ( 'union' ) )
+ {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:897:6: ( ( 'union' ) )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:898:1: ( 'union' )
+ {
+ before(grammarAccess.getModifierKindAccess().getUnionEnumLiteralDeclaration_1());
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:899:1: ( 'union' )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:899:3: 'union'
+ {
+ match(input, 18, FOLLOW_2);
+ }
+ after(grammarAccess.getModifierKindAccess().getUnionEnumLiteralDeclaration_1());
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:904:6: ( ( 'ordered' ) )
+ {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:904:6: ( ( 'ordered' ) )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:905:1: ( 'ordered' )
+ {
+ before(grammarAccess.getModifierKindAccess().getOrderedEnumLiteralDeclaration_2());
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:906:1: ( 'ordered' )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:906:3: 'ordered'
+ {
+ match(input, 19, FOLLOW_2);
+ }
+ after(grammarAccess.getModifierKindAccess().getOrderedEnumLiteralDeclaration_2());
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case 4:
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:911:6: ( ( 'unique' ) )
+ {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:911:6: ( ( 'unique' ) )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:912:1: ( 'unique' )
+ {
+ before(grammarAccess.getModifierKindAccess().getUniqueEnumLiteralDeclaration_3());
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:913:1: ( 'unique' )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:913:3: 'unique'
+ {
+ match(input, 20, FOLLOW_2);
+ }
+ after(grammarAccess.getModifierKindAccess().getUniqueEnumLiteralDeclaration_3());
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ } catch (RecognitionException re) {
+ reportError(re);
+ recover(input, re);
+ } finally {
+ restoreStackSize(stackSize);
- }
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end "rule__ModifierKind__Alternatives"
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- reportError(re);
- recover(input,re);
- }
- finally {
- restoreStackSize(stackSize);
+ // $ANTLR start "rule__BooleanLiterals__Alternatives"
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:923:1: rule__BooleanLiterals__Alternatives : ( ( ( 'true' ) ) | ( ( 'false' ) ) );
+ public final void rule__BooleanLiterals__Alternatives() throws RecognitionException {
- }
- return ;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "ruleRedefinesRule"
+ int stackSize = keepStackSize();
+ try {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:927:1: ( ( ( 'true' ) ) | ( ( 'false' ) ) )
+ int alt9 = 2;
+ int LA9_0 = input.LA(1);
- // $ANTLR start "entryRuleSubsetsRule"
- // ../ entryRuleSubsetsRule : ruleSubsetsRule EOF ;
- public final void entryRuleSubsetsRule() throws RecognitionException {
- try {
- // ../ ( ruleSubsetsRule EOF )
- // ../ ruleSubsetsRule EOF
- {
- before(grammarAccess.getSubsetsRuleRule());
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleSubsetsRule_in_entryRuleSubsetsRule720);
- ruleSubsetsRule();
- state._fsp--;
- after(grammarAccess.getSubsetsRuleRule());
- match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleSubsetsRule727);
- }
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- reportError(re);
- recover(input,re);
- }
- finally {
- }
- return ;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "entryRuleSubsetsRule"
- // $ANTLR start "ruleSubsetsRule"
- // ../ ruleSubsetsRule : ( ( rule__SubsetsRule__Group__0 ) ) ;
- public final void ruleSubsetsRule() throws RecognitionException {
+ if ((LA9_0 == 21)) {
+ alt9 = 1;
+ } else if ((LA9_0 == 22)) {
+ alt9 = 2;
+ } else {
+ NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("", 9, 0, input);
- int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- try {
- // ../ ( ( ( rule__SubsetsRule__Group__0 ) ) )
- // ../ ( ( rule__SubsetsRule__Group__0 ) )
- {
- // ../ ( ( rule__SubsetsRule__Group__0 ) )
- // ../ ( rule__SubsetsRule__Group__0 )
- {
- before(grammarAccess.getSubsetsRuleAccess().getGroup());
- // ../ ( rule__SubsetsRule__Group__0 )
- // ../ rule__SubsetsRule__Group__0
- {
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_rule__SubsetsRule__Group__0_in_ruleSubsetsRule753);
- rule__SubsetsRule__Group__0();
+ throw nvae;
+ }
+ switch (alt9) {
+ case 1:
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:928:1: ( ( 'true' ) )
+ {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:928:1: ( ( 'true' ) )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:929:1: ( 'true' )
+ {
+ before(grammarAccess.getBooleanLiteralsAccess().getTRUEEnumLiteralDeclaration_0());
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:930:1: ( 'true' )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:930:3: 'true'
+ {
+ match(input, 21, FOLLOW_2);
- state._fsp--;
+ }
+ after(grammarAccess.getBooleanLiteralsAccess().getTRUEEnumLiteralDeclaration_0());
- }
+ }
- after(grammarAccess.getSubsetsRuleAccess().getGroup());
- }
+ }
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:935:6: ( ( 'false' ) )
+ {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:935:6: ( ( 'false' ) )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:936:1: ( 'false' )
+ {
+ before(grammarAccess.getBooleanLiteralsAccess().getFALSEEnumLiteralDeclaration_1());
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:937:1: ( 'false' )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:937:3: 'false'
+ {
+ match(input, 22, FOLLOW_2);
+ }
- }
+ after(grammarAccess.getBooleanLiteralsAccess().getFALSEEnumLiteralDeclaration_1());
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- reportError(re);
- recover(input,re);
- }
- finally {
+ }
- restoreStackSize(stackSize);
- }
- return ;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "ruleSubsetsRule"
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ } catch (RecognitionException re) {
+ reportError(re);
+ recover(input, re);
+ } finally {
- // $ANTLR start "entryRuleDefaultValueRule"
- // ../ entryRuleDefaultValueRule : ruleDefaultValueRule EOF ;
- public final void entryRuleDefaultValueRule() throws RecognitionException {
- try {
- // ../ ( ruleDefaultValueRule EOF )
- // ../ ruleDefaultValueRule EOF
- {
- before(grammarAccess.getDefaultValueRuleRule());
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleDefaultValueRule_in_entryRuleDefaultValueRule780);
- ruleDefaultValueRule();
- state._fsp--;
- after(grammarAccess.getDefaultValueRuleRule());
- match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleDefaultValueRule787);
- }
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- reportError(re);
- recover(input,re);
- }
- finally {
- }
- return ;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "entryRuleDefaultValueRule"
- // $ANTLR start "ruleDefaultValueRule"
- // ../ ruleDefaultValueRule : ( ( rule__DefaultValueRule__Group__0 ) ) ;
- public final void ruleDefaultValueRule() throws RecognitionException {
+ restoreStackSize(stackSize);
- int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- try {
- // ../ ( ( ( rule__DefaultValueRule__Group__0 ) ) )
- // ../ ( ( rule__DefaultValueRule__Group__0 ) )
- {
- // ../ ( ( rule__DefaultValueRule__Group__0 ) )
- // ../ ( rule__DefaultValueRule__Group__0 )
- {
- before(grammarAccess.getDefaultValueRuleAccess().getGroup());
- // ../ ( rule__DefaultValueRule__Group__0 )
- // ../ rule__DefaultValueRule__Group__0
- {
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_rule__DefaultValueRule__Group__0_in_ruleDefaultValueRule813);
- rule__DefaultValueRule__Group__0();
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end "rule__BooleanLiterals__Alternatives"
- state._fsp--;
+ // $ANTLR start "rule__PropertyRule__Group__0"
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:949:1: rule__PropertyRule__Group__0 : rule__PropertyRule__Group__0__Impl rule__PropertyRule__Group__1 ;
+ public final void rule__PropertyRule__Group__0() throws RecognitionException {
- }
+ int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- after(grammarAccess.getDefaultValueRuleAccess().getGroup());
+ try {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:953:1: ( rule__PropertyRule__Group__0__Impl rule__PropertyRule__Group__1 )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:954:2: rule__PropertyRule__Group__0__Impl rule__PropertyRule__Group__1
+ {
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_3);
+ rule__PropertyRule__Group__0__Impl();
- }
+ state._fsp--;
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_2);
+ rule__PropertyRule__Group__1();
- }
+ state._fsp--;
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- reportError(re);
- recover(input,re);
- }
- finally {
- restoreStackSize(stackSize);
+ }
- }
- return ;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "ruleDefaultValueRule"
+ } catch (RecognitionException re) {
+ reportError(re);
+ recover(input, re);
+ } finally {
+ restoreStackSize(stackSize);
- // $ANTLR start "entryRuleValue"
- // ../ entryRuleValue : ruleValue EOF ;
- public final void entryRuleValue() throws RecognitionException {
- try {
- // ../ ( ruleValue EOF )
- // ../ ruleValue EOF
- {
- before(grammarAccess.getValueRule());
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleValue_in_entryRuleValue840);
- ruleValue();
- state._fsp--;
- after(grammarAccess.getValueRule());
- match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleValue847);
- }
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- reportError(re);
- recover(input,re);
- }
- finally {
- }
- return ;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "entryRuleValue"
- // $ANTLR start "ruleValue"
- // ../ ruleValue : ( ( rule__Value__Alternatives ) ) ;
- public final void ruleValue() throws RecognitionException {
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end "rule__PropertyRule__Group__0"
- int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- try {
- // ../ ( ( ( rule__Value__Alternatives ) ) )
- // ../ ( ( rule__Value__Alternatives ) )
- {
- // ../ ( ( rule__Value__Alternatives ) )
- // ../ ( rule__Value__Alternatives )
- {
- before(grammarAccess.getValueAccess().getAlternatives());
- // ../ ( rule__Value__Alternatives )
- // ../ rule__Value__Alternatives
- {
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_rule__Value__Alternatives_in_ruleValue873);
- rule__Value__Alternatives();
- state._fsp--;
+ // $ANTLR start "rule__PropertyRule__Group__0__Impl"
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:961:1: rule__PropertyRule__Group__0__Impl : ( ( rule__PropertyRule__VisibilityAssignment_0 )? ) ;
+ public final void rule__PropertyRule__Group__0__Impl() throws RecognitionException {
+ int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- }
+ try {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:965:1: ( ( ( rule__PropertyRule__VisibilityAssignment_0 )? ) )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:966:1: ( ( rule__PropertyRule__VisibilityAssignment_0 )? )
+ {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:966:1: ( ( rule__PropertyRule__VisibilityAssignment_0 )? )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:967:1: ( rule__PropertyRule__VisibilityAssignment_0 )?
+ {
+ before(grammarAccess.getPropertyRuleAccess().getVisibilityAssignment_0());
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:968:1: ( rule__PropertyRule__VisibilityAssignment_0 )?
+ int alt10 = 2;
+ int LA10_0 = input.LA(1);
- after(grammarAccess.getValueAccess().getAlternatives());
+ if (((LA10_0 >= 13 && LA10_0 <= 16))) {
+ alt10 = 1;
+ }
+ switch (alt10) {
+ case 1:
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:968:2: rule__PropertyRule__VisibilityAssignment_0
+ {
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_2);
+ rule__PropertyRule__VisibilityAssignment_0();
- }
+ state._fsp--;
- }
+ }
+ break;
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- reportError(re);
- recover(input,re);
- }
- finally {
+ }
- restoreStackSize(stackSize);
+ after(grammarAccess.getPropertyRuleAccess().getVisibilityAssignment_0());
- }
- return ;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "ruleValue"
+ }
- // $ANTLR start "entryRuleIntValue"
- // ../ entryRuleIntValue : ruleIntValue EOF ;
- public final void entryRuleIntValue() throws RecognitionException {
- try {
- // ../ ( ruleIntValue EOF )
- // ../ ruleIntValue EOF
- {
- before(grammarAccess.getIntValueRule());
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleIntValue_in_entryRuleIntValue900);
- ruleIntValue();
- state._fsp--;
- after(grammarAccess.getIntValueRule());
- match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleIntValue907);
- }
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- reportError(re);
- recover(input,re);
- }
- finally {
- }
- return ;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "entryRuleIntValue"
- // $ANTLR start "ruleIntValue"
- // ../ ruleIntValue : ( ( rule__IntValue__LiteralIntegerAssignment ) ) ;
- public final void ruleIntValue() throws RecognitionException {
+ }
- int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- try {
- // ../ ( ( ( rule__IntValue__LiteralIntegerAssignment ) ) )
- // ../ ( ( rule__IntValue__LiteralIntegerAssignment ) )
- {
- // ../ ( ( rule__IntValue__LiteralIntegerAssignment ) )
- // ../ ( rule__IntValue__LiteralIntegerAssignment )
- {
- before(grammarAccess.getIntValueAccess().getLiteralIntegerAssignment());
- // ../ ( rule__IntValue__LiteralIntegerAssignment )
- // ../ rule__IntValue__LiteralIntegerAssignment
- {
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_rule__IntValue__LiteralIntegerAssignment_in_ruleIntValue933);
- rule__IntValue__LiteralIntegerAssignment();
+ } catch (RecognitionException re) {
+ reportError(re);
+ recover(input, re);
+ } finally {
- state._fsp--;
+ restoreStackSize(stackSize);
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end "rule__PropertyRule__Group__0__Impl"
- }
- after(grammarAccess.getIntValueAccess().getLiteralIntegerAssignment());
+ // $ANTLR start "rule__PropertyRule__Group__1"
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:978:1: rule__PropertyRule__Group__1 : rule__PropertyRule__Group__1__Impl rule__PropertyRule__Group__2 ;
+ public final void rule__PropertyRule__Group__1() throws RecognitionException {
- }
+ int stackSize = keepStackSize();
+ try {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:982:1: ( rule__PropertyRule__Group__1__Impl rule__PropertyRule__Group__2 )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:983:2: rule__PropertyRule__Group__1__Impl rule__PropertyRule__Group__2
+ {
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_3);
+ rule__PropertyRule__Group__1__Impl();
- }
+ state._fsp--;
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- reportError(re);
- recover(input,re);
- }
- finally {
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_2);
+ rule__PropertyRule__Group__2();
- restoreStackSize(stackSize);
+ state._fsp--;
- }
- return ;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "ruleIntValue"
+ }
- // $ANTLR start "entryRuleStringValue"
- // ../ entryRuleStringValue : ruleStringValue EOF ;
- public final void entryRuleStringValue() throws RecognitionException {
- try {
- // ../ ( ruleStringValue EOF )
- // ../ ruleStringValue EOF
- {
- before(grammarAccess.getStringValueRule());
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleStringValue_in_entryRuleStringValue960);
- ruleStringValue();
- state._fsp--;
- after(grammarAccess.getStringValueRule());
- match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleStringValue967);
- }
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- reportError(re);
- recover(input,re);
- }
- finally {
- }
- return ;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "entryRuleStringValue"
- // $ANTLR start "ruleStringValue"
- // ../ ruleStringValue : ( ( rule__StringValue__LiteralStringAssignment ) ) ;
- public final void ruleStringValue() throws RecognitionException {
+ } catch (RecognitionException re) {
+ reportError(re);
+ recover(input, re);
+ } finally {
- int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- try {
- // ../ ( ( ( rule__StringValue__LiteralStringAssignment ) ) )
- // ../ ( ( rule__StringValue__LiteralStringAssignment ) )
- {
- // ../ ( ( rule__StringValue__LiteralStringAssignment ) )
- // ../ ( rule__StringValue__LiteralStringAssignment )
- {
- before(grammarAccess.getStringValueAccess().getLiteralStringAssignment());
- // ../ ( rule__StringValue__LiteralStringAssignment )
- // ../ rule__StringValue__LiteralStringAssignment
- {
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_rule__StringValue__LiteralStringAssignment_in_ruleStringValue993);
- rule__StringValue__LiteralStringAssignment();
+ restoreStackSize(stackSize);
- state._fsp--;
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end "rule__PropertyRule__Group__1"
- }
+ // $ANTLR start "rule__PropertyRule__Group__1__Impl"
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:990:1: rule__PropertyRule__Group__1__Impl : ( ( rule__PropertyRule__DerivedAssignment_1 )? ) ;
+ public final void rule__PropertyRule__Group__1__Impl() throws RecognitionException {
- after(grammarAccess.getStringValueAccess().getLiteralStringAssignment());
+ int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- }
+ try {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:994:1: ( ( ( rule__PropertyRule__DerivedAssignment_1 )? ) )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:995:1: ( ( rule__PropertyRule__DerivedAssignment_1 )? )
+ {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:995:1: ( ( rule__PropertyRule__DerivedAssignment_1 )? )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:996:1: ( rule__PropertyRule__DerivedAssignment_1 )?
+ {
+ before(grammarAccess.getPropertyRuleAccess().getDerivedAssignment_1());
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:997:1: ( rule__PropertyRule__DerivedAssignment_1 )?
+ int alt11 = 2;
+ int LA11_0 = input.LA(1);
+ if ((LA11_0 == 37)) {
+ alt11 = 1;
+ }
+ switch (alt11) {
+ case 1:
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:997:2: rule__PropertyRule__DerivedAssignment_1
+ {
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_2);
+ rule__PropertyRule__DerivedAssignment_1();
- }
+ state._fsp--;
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- reportError(re);
- recover(input,re);
- }
- finally {
- restoreStackSize(stackSize);
+ }
+ break;
- }
- return ;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "ruleStringValue"
+ }
+ after(grammarAccess.getPropertyRuleAccess().getDerivedAssignment_1());
- // $ANTLR start "entryRuleBooleanValue"
- // ../ entryRuleBooleanValue : ruleBooleanValue EOF ;
- public final void entryRuleBooleanValue() throws RecognitionException {
- try {
- // ../ ( ruleBooleanValue EOF )
- // ../ ruleBooleanValue EOF
- {
- before(grammarAccess.getBooleanValueRule());
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleBooleanValue_in_entryRuleBooleanValue1020);
- ruleBooleanValue();
- state._fsp--;
- after(grammarAccess.getBooleanValueRule());
- match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleBooleanValue1027);
- }
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- reportError(re);
- recover(input,re);
- }
- finally {
- }
- return ;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "entryRuleBooleanValue"
- // $ANTLR start "ruleBooleanValue"
- // ../ ruleBooleanValue : ( ( rule__BooleanValue__LiteralBooleanAssignment ) ) ;
- public final void ruleBooleanValue() throws RecognitionException {
+ }
- int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- try {
- // ../ ( ( ( rule__BooleanValue__LiteralBooleanAssignment ) ) )
- // ../ ( ( rule__BooleanValue__LiteralBooleanAssignment ) )
- {
- // ../ ( ( rule__BooleanValue__LiteralBooleanAssignment ) )
- // ../ ( rule__BooleanValue__LiteralBooleanAssignment )
- {
- before(grammarAccess.getBooleanValueAccess().getLiteralBooleanAssignment());
- // ../ ( rule__BooleanValue__LiteralBooleanAssignment )
- // ../ rule__BooleanValue__LiteralBooleanAssignment
- {
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_rule__BooleanValue__LiteralBooleanAssignment_in_ruleBooleanValue1053);
- rule__BooleanValue__LiteralBooleanAssignment();
- state._fsp--;
+ }
+ } catch (RecognitionException re) {
+ reportError(re);
+ recover(input, re);
+ } finally {
- }
+ restoreStackSize(stackSize);
- after(grammarAccess.getBooleanValueAccess().getLiteralBooleanAssignment());
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end "rule__PropertyRule__Group__1__Impl"
- }
+ // $ANTLR start "rule__PropertyRule__Group__2"
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1007:1: rule__PropertyRule__Group__2 : rule__PropertyRule__Group__2__Impl rule__PropertyRule__Group__3 ;
+ public final void rule__PropertyRule__Group__2() throws RecognitionException {
- }
+ int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- reportError(re);
- recover(input,re);
- }
- finally {
+ try {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1011:1: ( rule__PropertyRule__Group__2__Impl rule__PropertyRule__Group__3 )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1012:2: rule__PropertyRule__Group__2__Impl rule__PropertyRule__Group__3
+ {
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_4);
+ rule__PropertyRule__Group__2__Impl();
- restoreStackSize(stackSize);
+ state._fsp--;
- }
- return ;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "ruleBooleanValue"
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_2);
+ rule__PropertyRule__Group__3();
+ state._fsp--;
- // $ANTLR start "entryRuleRealValue"
- // ../ entryRuleRealValue : ruleRealValue EOF ;
- public final void entryRuleRealValue() throws RecognitionException {
- try {
- // ../ ( ruleRealValue EOF )
- // ../ ruleRealValue EOF
- {
- before(grammarAccess.getRealValueRule());
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleRealValue_in_entryRuleRealValue1080);
- ruleRealValue();
- state._fsp--;
- after(grammarAccess.getRealValueRule());
- match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleRealValue1087);
- }
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- reportError(re);
- recover(input,re);
- }
- finally {
- }
- return ;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "entryRuleRealValue"
- // $ANTLR start "ruleRealValue"
- // ../ ruleRealValue : ( ( rule__RealValue__Alternatives ) ) ;
- public final void ruleRealValue() throws RecognitionException {
- int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- try {
- // ../ ( ( ( rule__RealValue__Alternatives ) ) )
- // ../ ( ( rule__RealValue__Alternatives ) )
- {
- // ../ ( ( rule__RealValue__Alternatives ) )
- // ../ ( rule__RealValue__Alternatives )
- {
- before(grammarAccess.getRealValueAccess().getAlternatives());
- // ../ ( rule__RealValue__Alternatives )
- // ../ rule__RealValue__Alternatives
- {
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_rule__RealValue__Alternatives_in_ruleRealValue1113);
- rule__RealValue__Alternatives();
+ }
- state._fsp--;
+ } catch (RecognitionException re) {
+ reportError(re);
+ recover(input, re);
+ } finally {
+ restoreStackSize(stackSize);
- }
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end "rule__PropertyRule__Group__2"
- after(grammarAccess.getRealValueAccess().getAlternatives());
- }
+ // $ANTLR start "rule__PropertyRule__Group__2__Impl"
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1019:1: rule__PropertyRule__Group__2__Impl : ( ( rule__PropertyRule__NameAssignment_2 ) ) ;
+ public final void rule__PropertyRule__Group__2__Impl() throws RecognitionException {
+ int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- }
+ try {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1023:1: ( ( ( rule__PropertyRule__NameAssignment_2 ) ) )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1024:1: ( ( rule__PropertyRule__NameAssignment_2 ) )
+ {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1024:1: ( ( rule__PropertyRule__NameAssignment_2 ) )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1025:1: ( rule__PropertyRule__NameAssignment_2 )
+ {
+ before(grammarAccess.getPropertyRuleAccess().getNameAssignment_2());
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1026:1: ( rule__PropertyRule__NameAssignment_2 )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1026:2: rule__PropertyRule__NameAssignment_2
+ {
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_2);
+ rule__PropertyRule__NameAssignment_2();
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- reportError(re);
- recover(input,re);
- }
- finally {
+ state._fsp--;
- restoreStackSize(stackSize);
- }
- return ;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "ruleRealValue"
+ }
+ after(grammarAccess.getPropertyRuleAccess().getNameAssignment_2());
- // $ANTLR start "entryRuleNullValue"
- // ../ entryRuleNullValue : ruleNullValue EOF ;
- public final void entryRuleNullValue() throws RecognitionException {
- try {
- // ../ ( ruleNullValue EOF )
- // ../ ruleNullValue EOF
- {
- before(grammarAccess.getNullValueRule());
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleNullValue_in_entryRuleNullValue1140);
- ruleNullValue();
- state._fsp--;
- after(grammarAccess.getNullValueRule());
- match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleNullValue1147);
- }
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- reportError(re);
- recover(input,re);
- }
- finally {
- }
- return ;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "entryRuleNullValue"
- // $ANTLR start "ruleNullValue"
- // ../ ruleNullValue : ( ( rule__NullValue__Group__0 ) ) ;
- public final void ruleNullValue() throws RecognitionException {
+ }
- int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- try {
- // ../ ( ( ( rule__NullValue__Group__0 ) ) )
- // ../ ( ( rule__NullValue__Group__0 ) )
- {
- // ../ ( ( rule__NullValue__Group__0 ) )
- // ../ ( rule__NullValue__Group__0 )
- {
- before(grammarAccess.getNullValueAccess().getGroup());
- // ../ ( rule__NullValue__Group__0 )
- // ../ rule__NullValue__Group__0
- {
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_rule__NullValue__Group__0_in_ruleNullValue1173);
- rule__NullValue__Group__0();
- state._fsp--;
+ }
+ } catch (RecognitionException re) {
+ reportError(re);
+ recover(input, re);
+ } finally {
- }
+ restoreStackSize(stackSize);
- after(grammarAccess.getNullValueAccess().getGroup());
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end "rule__PropertyRule__Group__2__Impl"
- }
+ // $ANTLR start "rule__PropertyRule__Group__3"
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1036:1: rule__PropertyRule__Group__3 : rule__PropertyRule__Group__3__Impl rule__PropertyRule__Group__4 ;
+ public final void rule__PropertyRule__Group__3() throws RecognitionException {
- }
+ int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- reportError(re);
- recover(input,re);
- }
- finally {
+ try {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1040:1: ( rule__PropertyRule__Group__3__Impl rule__PropertyRule__Group__4 )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1041:2: rule__PropertyRule__Group__3__Impl rule__PropertyRule__Group__4
+ {
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_4);
+ rule__PropertyRule__Group__3__Impl();
- restoreStackSize(stackSize);
+ state._fsp--;
- }
- return ;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "ruleNullValue"
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_2);
+ rule__PropertyRule__Group__4();
+ state._fsp--;
- // $ANTLR start "entryRuleNoValue"
- // ../ entryRuleNoValue : ruleNoValue EOF ;
- public final void entryRuleNoValue() throws RecognitionException {
- try {
- // ../ ( ruleNoValue EOF )
- // ../ ruleNoValue EOF
- {
- before(grammarAccess.getNoValueRule());
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleNoValue_in_entryRuleNoValue1200);
- ruleNoValue();
- state._fsp--;
+ }
- after(grammarAccess.getNoValueRule());
- match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleNoValue1207);
+ } catch (RecognitionException re) {
+ reportError(re);
+ recover(input, re);
+ } finally {
- }
+ restoreStackSize(stackSize);
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- reportError(re);
- recover(input,re);
- }
- finally {
- }
- return ;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "entryRuleNoValue"
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end "rule__PropertyRule__Group__3"
- // $ANTLR start "ruleNoValue"
- // ../ ruleNoValue : ( ( rule__NoValue__Group__0 ) ) ;
- public final void ruleNoValue() throws RecognitionException {
+ // $ANTLR start "rule__PropertyRule__Group__3__Impl"
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1048:1: rule__PropertyRule__Group__3__Impl : ( ( rule__PropertyRule__Group_3__0 )? ) ;
+ public final void rule__PropertyRule__Group__3__Impl() throws RecognitionException {
- int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- try {
- // ../ ( ( ( rule__NoValue__Group__0 ) ) )
- // ../ ( ( rule__NoValue__Group__0 ) )
- {
- // ../ ( ( rule__NoValue__Group__0 ) )
- // ../ ( rule__NoValue__Group__0 )
- {
- before(grammarAccess.getNoValueAccess().getGroup());
- // ../ ( rule__NoValue__Group__0 )
- // ../ rule__NoValue__Group__0
- {
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_rule__NoValue__Group__0_in_ruleNoValue1233);
- rule__NoValue__Group__0();
+ int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- state._fsp--;
+ try {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1052:1: ( ( ( rule__PropertyRule__Group_3__0 )? ) )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1053:1: ( ( rule__PropertyRule__Group_3__0 )? )
+ {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1053:1: ( ( rule__PropertyRule__Group_3__0 )? )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1054:1: ( rule__PropertyRule__Group_3__0 )?
+ {
+ before(grammarAccess.getPropertyRuleAccess().getGroup_3());
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1055:1: ( rule__PropertyRule__Group_3__0 )?
+ int alt12 = 2;
+ int LA12_0 = input.LA(1);
+ if ((LA12_0 == 23)) {
+ alt12 = 1;
+ }
+ switch (alt12) {
+ case 1:
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1055:2: rule__PropertyRule__Group_3__0
+ {
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_2);
+ rule__PropertyRule__Group_3__0();
- }
+ state._fsp--;
- after(grammarAccess.getNoValueAccess().getGroup());
- }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
- }
+ after(grammarAccess.getPropertyRuleAccess().getGroup_3());
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- reportError(re);
- recover(input,re);
- }
- finally {
+ }
- restoreStackSize(stackSize);
- }
- return ;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "ruleNoValue"
+ }
+ } catch (RecognitionException re) {
+ reportError(re);
+ recover(input, re);
+ } finally {
- // $ANTLR start "ruleVisibilityKind"
- // ../ ruleVisibilityKind : ( ( rule__VisibilityKind__Alternatives ) ) ;
- public final void ruleVisibilityKind() throws RecognitionException {
+ restoreStackSize(stackSize);
- int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- try {
- // ../ ( ( ( rule__VisibilityKind__Alternatives ) ) )
- // ../ ( ( rule__VisibilityKind__Alternatives ) )
- {
- // ../ ( ( rule__VisibilityKind__Alternatives ) )
- // ../ ( rule__VisibilityKind__Alternatives )
- {
- before(grammarAccess.getVisibilityKindAccess().getAlternatives());
- // ../ ( rule__VisibilityKind__Alternatives )
- // ../ rule__VisibilityKind__Alternatives
- {
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_rule__VisibilityKind__Alternatives_in_ruleVisibilityKind1270);
- rule__VisibilityKind__Alternatives();
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end "rule__PropertyRule__Group__3__Impl"
- state._fsp--;
+ // $ANTLR start "rule__PropertyRule__Group__4"
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1065:1: rule__PropertyRule__Group__4 : rule__PropertyRule__Group__4__Impl rule__PropertyRule__Group__5 ;
+ public final void rule__PropertyRule__Group__4() throws RecognitionException {
- }
+ int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- after(grammarAccess.getVisibilityKindAccess().getAlternatives());
+ try {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1069:1: ( rule__PropertyRule__Group__4__Impl rule__PropertyRule__Group__5 )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1070:2: rule__PropertyRule__Group__4__Impl rule__PropertyRule__Group__5
+ {
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_4);
+ rule__PropertyRule__Group__4__Impl();
- }
+ state._fsp--;
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_2);
+ rule__PropertyRule__Group__5();
- }
+ state._fsp--;
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- reportError(re);
- recover(input,re);
- }
- finally {
- restoreStackSize(stackSize);
+ }
- }
- return ;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "ruleVisibilityKind"
+ } catch (RecognitionException re) {
+ reportError(re);
+ recover(input, re);
+ } finally {
+ restoreStackSize(stackSize);
- // $ANTLR start "ruleModifierKind"
- // ../ ruleModifierKind : ( ( rule__ModifierKind__Alternatives ) ) ;
- public final void ruleModifierKind() throws RecognitionException {
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end "rule__PropertyRule__Group__4"
- int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- try {
- // ../ ( ( ( rule__ModifierKind__Alternatives ) ) )
- // ../ ( ( rule__ModifierKind__Alternatives ) )
- {
- // ../ ( ( rule__ModifierKind__Alternatives ) )
- // ../ ( rule__ModifierKind__Alternatives )
- {
- before(grammarAccess.getModifierKindAccess().getAlternatives());
- // ../ ( rule__ModifierKind__Alternatives )
- // ../ rule__ModifierKind__Alternatives
- {
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_rule__ModifierKind__Alternatives_in_ruleModifierKind1306);
- rule__ModifierKind__Alternatives();
- state._fsp--;
+ // $ANTLR start "rule__PropertyRule__Group__4__Impl"
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1077:1: rule__PropertyRule__Group__4__Impl : ( ( rule__PropertyRule__MultiplicityAssignment_4 )? ) ;
+ public final void rule__PropertyRule__Group__4__Impl() throws RecognitionException {
+ int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- }
+ try {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1081:1: ( ( ( rule__PropertyRule__MultiplicityAssignment_4 )? ) )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1082:1: ( ( rule__PropertyRule__MultiplicityAssignment_4 )? )
+ {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1082:1: ( ( rule__PropertyRule__MultiplicityAssignment_4 )? )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1083:1: ( rule__PropertyRule__MultiplicityAssignment_4 )?
+ {
+ before(grammarAccess.getPropertyRuleAccess().getMultiplicityAssignment_4());
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1084:1: ( rule__PropertyRule__MultiplicityAssignment_4 )?
+ int alt13 = 2;
+ int LA13_0 = input.LA(1);
- after(grammarAccess.getModifierKindAccess().getAlternatives());
+ if ((LA13_0 == 25)) {
+ alt13 = 1;
+ }
+ switch (alt13) {
+ case 1:
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1084:2: rule__PropertyRule__MultiplicityAssignment_4
+ {
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_2);
+ rule__PropertyRule__MultiplicityAssignment_4();
- }
+ state._fsp--;
- }
+ }
+ break;
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- reportError(re);
- recover(input,re);
- }
- finally {
+ }
- restoreStackSize(stackSize);
+ after(grammarAccess.getPropertyRuleAccess().getMultiplicityAssignment_4());
- }
- return ;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "ruleModifierKind"
+ }
- // $ANTLR start "ruleBooleanLiterals"
- // ../ ruleBooleanLiterals : ( ( rule__BooleanLiterals__Alternatives ) ) ;
- public final void ruleBooleanLiterals() throws RecognitionException {
+ }
- int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- try {
- // ../ ( ( ( rule__BooleanLiterals__Alternatives ) ) )
- // ../ ( ( rule__BooleanLiterals__Alternatives ) )
- {
- // ../ ( ( rule__BooleanLiterals__Alternatives ) )
- // ../ ( rule__BooleanLiterals__Alternatives )
- {
- before(grammarAccess.getBooleanLiteralsAccess().getAlternatives());
- // ../ ( rule__BooleanLiterals__Alternatives )
- // ../ rule__BooleanLiterals__Alternatives
- {
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_rule__BooleanLiterals__Alternatives_in_ruleBooleanLiterals1342);
- rule__BooleanLiterals__Alternatives();
+ } catch (RecognitionException re) {
+ reportError(re);
+ recover(input, re);
+ } finally {
- state._fsp--;
+ restoreStackSize(stackSize);
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end "rule__PropertyRule__Group__4__Impl"
- }
- after(grammarAccess.getBooleanLiteralsAccess().getAlternatives());
+ // $ANTLR start "rule__PropertyRule__Group__5"
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1094:1: rule__PropertyRule__Group__5 : rule__PropertyRule__Group__5__Impl rule__PropertyRule__Group__6 ;
+ public final void rule__PropertyRule__Group__5() throws RecognitionException {
- }
+ int stackSize = keepStackSize();
+ try {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1098:1: ( rule__PropertyRule__Group__5__Impl rule__PropertyRule__Group__6 )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1099:2: rule__PropertyRule__Group__5__Impl rule__PropertyRule__Group__6
+ {
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_4);
+ rule__PropertyRule__Group__5__Impl();
- }
+ state._fsp--;
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- reportError(re);
- recover(input,re);
- }
- finally {
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_2);
+ rule__PropertyRule__Group__6();
- restoreStackSize(stackSize);
+ state._fsp--;
- }
- return ;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "ruleBooleanLiterals"
+ }
- // $ANTLR start "rule__PropertyRule__Alternatives_3_1"
- // ../ rule__PropertyRule__Alternatives_3_1 : ( ( ( rule__PropertyRule__TypeAssignment_3_1_0 ) ) | ( ( rule__PropertyRule__TypeUndefinedAssignment_3_1_1 ) ) );
- public final void rule__PropertyRule__Alternatives_3_1() throws RecognitionException {
+ } catch (RecognitionException re) {
+ reportError(re);
+ recover(input, re);
+ } finally {
- int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- try {
- // ../ ( ( ( rule__PropertyRule__TypeAssignment_3_1_0 ) ) | ( ( rule__PropertyRule__TypeUndefinedAssignment_3_1_1 ) ) )
- int alt1=2;
- int LA1_0 = input.LA(1);
- if ( (LA1_0==RULE_ID) ) {
- alt1=1;
- }
- else if ( (LA1_0==38) ) {
- alt1=2;
- }
- else {
- NoViableAltException nvae =
- new NoViableAltException("", 1, 0, input);
+ restoreStackSize(stackSize);
- throw nvae;
- }
- switch (alt1) {
- case 1 :
- // ../ ( ( rule__PropertyRule__TypeAssignment_3_1_0 ) )
- {
- // ../ ( ( rule__PropertyRule__TypeAssignment_3_1_0 ) )
- // ../ ( rule__PropertyRule__TypeAssignment_3_1_0 )
- {
- before(grammarAccess.getPropertyRuleAccess().getTypeAssignment_3_1_0());
- // ../ ( rule__PropertyRule__TypeAssignment_3_1_0 )
- // ../ rule__PropertyRule__TypeAssignment_3_1_0
- {
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_rule__PropertyRule__TypeAssignment_3_1_0_in_rule__PropertyRule__Alternatives_3_11377);
- rule__PropertyRule__TypeAssignment_3_1_0();
- state._fsp--;
- }
- after(grammarAccess.getPropertyRuleAccess().getTypeAssignment_3_1_0());
- }
- }
- break;
- case 2 :
- // ../ ( ( rule__PropertyRule__TypeUndefinedAssignment_3_1_1 ) )
- {
- // ../ ( ( rule__PropertyRule__TypeUndefinedAssignment_3_1_1 ) )
- // ../ ( rule__PropertyRule__TypeUndefinedAssignment_3_1_1 )
- {
- before(grammarAccess.getPropertyRuleAccess().getTypeUndefinedAssignment_3_1_1());
- // ../ ( rule__PropertyRule__TypeUndefinedAssignment_3_1_1 )
- // ../ rule__PropertyRule__TypeUndefinedAssignment_3_1_1
- {
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_rule__PropertyRule__TypeUndefinedAssignment_3_1_1_in_rule__PropertyRule__Alternatives_3_11395);
- rule__PropertyRule__TypeUndefinedAssignment_3_1_1();
- state._fsp--;
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end "rule__PropertyRule__Group__5"
- }
+ // $ANTLR start "rule__PropertyRule__Group__5__Impl"
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1106:1: rule__PropertyRule__Group__5__Impl : ( ( rule__PropertyRule__ModifiersAssignment_5 )? ) ;
+ public final void rule__PropertyRule__Group__5__Impl() throws RecognitionException {
- after(grammarAccess.getPropertyRuleAccess().getTypeUndefinedAssignment_3_1_1());
+ int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- }
+ try {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1110:1: ( ( ( rule__PropertyRule__ModifiersAssignment_5 )? ) )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1111:1: ( ( rule__PropertyRule__ModifiersAssignment_5 )? )
+ {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1111:1: ( ( rule__PropertyRule__ModifiersAssignment_5 )? )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1112:1: ( rule__PropertyRule__ModifiersAssignment_5 )?
+ {
+ before(grammarAccess.getPropertyRuleAccess().getModifiersAssignment_5());
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1113:1: ( rule__PropertyRule__ModifiersAssignment_5 )?
+ int alt14 = 2;
+ int LA14_0 = input.LA(1);
+ if ((LA14_0 == 28)) {
+ alt14 = 1;
+ }
+ switch (alt14) {
+ case 1:
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1113:2: rule__PropertyRule__ModifiersAssignment_5
+ {
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_2);
+ rule__PropertyRule__ModifiersAssignment_5();
- }
- break;
+ state._fsp--;
- }
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- reportError(re);
- recover(input,re);
- }
- finally {
- restoreStackSize(stackSize);
- }
- return ;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "rule__PropertyRule__Alternatives_3_1"
- // $ANTLR start "rule__BoundSpecification__ValueAlternatives_0"
- // ../ rule__BoundSpecification__ValueAlternatives_0 : ( ( ruleUnlimitedLiteral ) | ( ruleStringLiteral ) );
- public final void rule__BoundSpecification__ValueAlternatives_0() throws RecognitionException {
- int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- try {
- // ../ ( ( ruleUnlimitedLiteral ) | ( ruleStringLiteral ) )
- int alt2=2;
- int LA2_0 = input.LA(1);
- if ( (LA2_0==RULE_INT||LA2_0==12) ) {
- alt2=1;
- }
- else if ( (LA2_0==RULE_STRING) ) {
- alt2=2;
- }
- else {
- NoViableAltException nvae =
- new NoViableAltException("", 2, 0, input);
- throw nvae;
- }
- switch (alt2) {
- case 1 :
- // ../ ( ruleUnlimitedLiteral )
- {
- // ../ ( ruleUnlimitedLiteral )
- // ../ ruleUnlimitedLiteral
- {
- before(grammarAccess.getBoundSpecificationAccess().getValueUnlimitedLiteralParserRuleCall_0_0());
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleUnlimitedLiteral_in_rule__BoundSpecification__ValueAlternatives_01428);
- ruleUnlimitedLiteral();
- state._fsp--;
- after(grammarAccess.getBoundSpecificationAccess().getValueUnlimitedLiteralParserRuleCall_0_0());
- }
- }
- break;
- case 2 :
- // ../ ( ruleStringLiteral )
- {
- // ../ ( ruleStringLiteral )
- // ../ ruleStringLiteral
- {
- before(grammarAccess.getBoundSpecificationAccess().getValueStringLiteralParserRuleCall_0_1());
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleStringLiteral_in_rule__BoundSpecification__ValueAlternatives_01445);
- ruleStringLiteral();
- state._fsp--;
- after(grammarAccess.getBoundSpecificationAccess().getValueStringLiteralParserRuleCall_0_1());
- }
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- reportError(re);
- recover(input,re);
- }
- finally {
- restoreStackSize(stackSize);
- }
- return ;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "rule__BoundSpecification__ValueAlternatives_0"
- // $ANTLR start "rule__UnlimitedLiteral__Alternatives"
- // ../ rule__UnlimitedLiteral__Alternatives : ( ( RULE_INT ) | ( '*' ) );
- public final void rule__UnlimitedLiteral__Alternatives() throws RecognitionException {
- int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- try {
- // ../ ( ( RULE_INT ) | ( '*' ) )
- int alt3=2;
- int LA3_0 = input.LA(1);
- if ( (LA3_0==RULE_INT) ) {
- alt3=1;
- }
- else if ( (LA3_0==12) ) {
- alt3=2;
- }
- else {
- NoViableAltException nvae =
- new NoViableAltException("", 3, 0, input);
- throw nvae;
- }
- switch (alt3) {
- case 1 :
- // ../ ( RULE_INT )
- {
- // ../ ( RULE_INT )
- // ../ RULE_INT
- {
- before(grammarAccess.getUnlimitedLiteralAccess().getINTTerminalRuleCall_0());
- match(input,RULE_INT,FOLLOW_RULE_INT_in_rule__UnlimitedLiteral__Alternatives1477);
- after(grammarAccess.getUnlimitedLiteralAccess().getINTTerminalRuleCall_0());
- }
- }
- break;
- case 2 :
- // ../ ( '*' )
- {
- // ../ ( '*' )
- // ../ '*'
- {
- before(grammarAccess.getUnlimitedLiteralAccess().getAsteriskKeyword_1());
- match(input,12,FOLLOW_12_in_rule__UnlimitedLiteral__Alternatives1495);
- after(grammarAccess.getUnlimitedLiteralAccess().getAsteriskKeyword_1());
- }
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- reportError(re);
- recover(input,re);
- }
- finally {
- restoreStackSize(stackSize);
- }
- return ;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "rule__UnlimitedLiteral__Alternatives"
- // $ANTLR start "rule__ModifierSpecification__Alternatives"
- // ../ rule__ModifierSpecification__Alternatives : ( ( ( rule__ModifierSpecification__ValueAssignment_0 ) ) | ( ( rule__ModifierSpecification__RedefinesAssignment_1 ) ) | ( ( rule__ModifierSpecification__SubsetsAssignment_2 ) ) );
- public final void rule__ModifierSpecification__Alternatives() throws RecognitionException {
- int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- try {
- // ../ ( ( ( rule__ModifierSpecification__ValueAssignment_0 ) ) | ( ( rule__ModifierSpecification__RedefinesAssignment_1 ) ) | ( ( rule__ModifierSpecification__SubsetsAssignment_2 ) ) )
- int alt4=3;
- switch ( input.LA(1) ) {
- case 17:
- case 18:
- case 19:
- case 20:
- {
- alt4=1;
- }
- break;
- case 31:
- {
- alt4=2;
- }
- break;
- case 32:
- {
- alt4=3;
- }
- break;
- default:
- NoViableAltException nvae =
- new NoViableAltException("", 4, 0, input);
- throw nvae;
- }
- switch (alt4) {
- case 1 :
- // ../ ( ( rule__ModifierSpecification__ValueAssignment_0 ) )
- {
- // ../ ( ( rule__ModifierSpecification__ValueAssignment_0 ) )
- // ../ ( rule__ModifierSpecification__ValueAssignment_0 )
- {
- before(grammarAccess.getModifierSpecificationAccess().getValueAssignment_0());
- // ../ ( rule__ModifierSpecification__ValueAssignment_0 )
- // ../ rule__ModifierSpecification__ValueAssignment_0
- {
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_rule__ModifierSpecification__ValueAssignment_0_in_rule__ModifierSpecification__Alternatives1529);
- rule__ModifierSpecification__ValueAssignment_0();
- state._fsp--;
- }
- after(grammarAccess.getModifierSpecificationAccess().getValueAssignment_0());
- }
- }
- break;
- case 2 :
- // ../ ( ( rule__ModifierSpecification__RedefinesAssignment_1 ) )
- {
- // ../ ( ( rule__ModifierSpecification__RedefinesAssignment_1 ) )
- // ../ ( rule__ModifierSpecification__RedefinesAssignment_1 )
- {
- before(grammarAccess.getModifierSpecificationAccess().getRedefinesAssignment_1());
- // ../ ( rule__ModifierSpecification__RedefinesAssignment_1 )
- // ../ rule__ModifierSpecification__RedefinesAssignment_1
- {
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_rule__ModifierSpecification__RedefinesAssignment_1_in_rule__ModifierSpecification__Alternatives1547);
- rule__ModifierSpecification__RedefinesAssignment_1();
- state._fsp--;
- }
- after(grammarAccess.getModifierSpecificationAccess().getRedefinesAssignment_1());
- }
- }
- break;
- case 3 :
- // ../ ( ( rule__ModifierSpecification__SubsetsAssignment_2 ) )
- {
- // ../ ( ( rule__ModifierSpecification__SubsetsAssignment_2 ) )
- // ../ ( rule__ModifierSpecification__SubsetsAssignment_2 )
- {
- before(grammarAccess.getModifierSpecificationAccess().getSubsetsAssignment_2());
- // ../ ( rule__ModifierSpecification__SubsetsAssignment_2 )
- // ../ rule__ModifierSpecification__SubsetsAssignment_2
- {
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_rule__ModifierSpecification__SubsetsAssignment_2_in_rule__ModifierSpecification__Alternatives1565);
- rule__ModifierSpecification__SubsetsAssignment_2();
- state._fsp--;
- }
- after(grammarAccess.getModifierSpecificationAccess().getSubsetsAssignment_2());
- }
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- reportError(re);
- recover(input,re);
- }
- finally {
- restoreStackSize(stackSize);
- }
- return ;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "rule__ModifierSpecification__Alternatives"
- // $ANTLR start "rule__Value__Alternatives"
- // ../ rule__Value__Alternatives : ( ( ruleIntValue ) | ( ruleStringValue ) | ( ruleBooleanValue ) | ( ruleRealValue ) | ( ruleNullValue ) | ( ruleNoValue ) );
- public final void rule__Value__Alternatives() throws RecognitionException {
- int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- try {
- // ../ ( ( ruleIntValue ) | ( ruleStringValue ) | ( ruleBooleanValue ) | ( ruleRealValue ) | ( ruleNullValue ) | ( ruleNoValue ) )
- int alt5=6;
- switch ( input.LA(1) ) {
- case RULE_INT:
- {
- int LA5_1 = input.LA(2);
- if ( (LA5_1==34) ) {
- alt5=4;
- }
- else if ( (LA5_1==EOF) ) {
- alt5=1;
- }
- else {
- NoViableAltException nvae =
- new NoViableAltException("", 5, 1, input);
- throw nvae;
- }
- }
- break;
- {
- alt5=2;
- }
- break;
- case 21:
- case 22:
- {
- alt5=3;
- }
- break;
- case 34:
- {
- alt5=4;
- }
- break;
- case 35:
- {
- alt5=5;
- }
- break;
- case 36:
- {
- alt5=6;
- }
- break;
- default:
- NoViableAltException nvae =
- new NoViableAltException("", 5, 0, input);
- throw nvae;
- }
- switch (alt5) {
- case 1 :
- // ../ ( ruleIntValue )
- {
- // ../ ( ruleIntValue )
- // ../ ruleIntValue
- {
- before(grammarAccess.getValueAccess().getIntValueParserRuleCall_0());
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleIntValue_in_rule__Value__Alternatives1598);
- ruleIntValue();
- state._fsp--;
- after(grammarAccess.getValueAccess().getIntValueParserRuleCall_0());
- }
- }
- break;
- case 2 :
- // ../ ( ruleStringValue )
- {
- // ../ ( ruleStringValue )
- // ../ ruleStringValue
- {
- before(grammarAccess.getValueAccess().getStringValueParserRuleCall_1());
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleStringValue_in_rule__Value__Alternatives1615);
- ruleStringValue();
- state._fsp--;
- after(grammarAccess.getValueAccess().getStringValueParserRuleCall_1());
- }
- }
- break;
- case 3 :
- // ../ ( ruleBooleanValue )
- {
- // ../ ( ruleBooleanValue )
- // ../ ruleBooleanValue
- {
- before(grammarAccess.getValueAccess().getBooleanValueParserRuleCall_2());
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleBooleanValue_in_rule__Value__Alternatives1632);
- ruleBooleanValue();
- state._fsp--;
- after(grammarAccess.getValueAccess().getBooleanValueParserRuleCall_2());
- }
- }
- break;
- case 4 :
- // ../ ( ruleRealValue )
- {
- // ../ ( ruleRealValue )
- // ../ ruleRealValue
- {
- before(grammarAccess.getValueAccess().getRealValueParserRuleCall_3());
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleRealValue_in_rule__Value__Alternatives1649);
- ruleRealValue();
- state._fsp--;
- after(grammarAccess.getValueAccess().getRealValueParserRuleCall_3());
- }
- }
- break;
- case 5 :
- // ../ ( ruleNullValue )
- {
- // ../ ( ruleNullValue )
- // ../ ruleNullValue
- {
- before(grammarAccess.getValueAccess().getNullValueParserRuleCall_4());
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleNullValue_in_rule__Value__Alternatives1666);
- ruleNullValue();
- state._fsp--;
- after(grammarAccess.getValueAccess().getNullValueParserRuleCall_4());
- }
- }
- break;
- case 6 :
- // ../ ( ruleNoValue )
- {
- // ../ ( ruleNoValue )
- // ../ ruleNoValue
- {
- before(grammarAccess.getValueAccess().getNoValueParserRuleCall_5());
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleNoValue_in_rule__Value__Alternatives1683);
- ruleNoValue();
- state._fsp--;
- after(grammarAccess.getValueAccess().getNoValueParserRuleCall_5());
- }
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- reportError(re);
- recover(input,re);
- }
- finally {
- restoreStackSize(stackSize);
- }
- return ;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "rule__Value__Alternatives"
+ }
+ break;
+ }
- // $ANTLR start "rule__RealValue__Alternatives"
- // ../ rule__RealValue__Alternatives : ( ( ( rule__RealValue__Group_0__0 ) ) | ( ( rule__RealValue__Group_1__0 ) ) | ( ( rule__RealValue__Group_2__0 ) ) );
- public final void rule__RealValue__Alternatives() throws RecognitionException {
- int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- try {
- // ../ ( ( ( rule__RealValue__Group_0__0 ) ) | ( ( rule__RealValue__Group_1__0 ) ) | ( ( rule__RealValue__Group_2__0 ) ) )
- int alt6=3;
- int LA6_0 = input.LA(1);
- if ( (LA6_0==RULE_INT) ) {
- int LA6_1 = input.LA(2);
- if ( (LA6_1==34) ) {
- int LA6_3 = input.LA(3);
+ after(grammarAccess.getPropertyRuleAccess().getModifiersAssignment_5());
- if ( (LA6_3==EOF) ) {
- alt6=1;
- }
- else if ( (LA6_3==RULE_INT) ) {
- alt6=3;
- }
- else {
- NoViableAltException nvae =
- new NoViableAltException("", 6, 3, input);
- throw nvae;
- }
- }
- else {
- NoViableAltException nvae =
- new NoViableAltException("", 6, 1, input);
+ }
- throw nvae;
- }
- }
- else if ( (LA6_0==34) ) {
- alt6=2;
- }
- else {
- NoViableAltException nvae =
- new NoViableAltException("", 6, 0, input);
- throw nvae;
- }
- switch (alt6) {
- case 1 :
- // ../ ( ( rule__RealValue__Group_0__0 ) )
- {
- // ../ ( ( rule__RealValue__Group_0__0 ) )
- // ../ ( rule__RealValue__Group_0__0 )
- {
- before(grammarAccess.getRealValueAccess().getGroup_0());
- // ../ ( rule__RealValue__Group_0__0 )
- // ../ rule__RealValue__Group_0__0
- {
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_rule__RealValue__Group_0__0_in_rule__RealValue__Alternatives1715);
- rule__RealValue__Group_0__0();
- state._fsp--;
- }
- after(grammarAccess.getRealValueAccess().getGroup_0());
- }
- }
- break;
- case 2 :
- // ../ ( ( rule__RealValue__Group_1__0 ) )
- {
- // ../ ( ( rule__RealValue__Group_1__0 ) )
- // ../ ( rule__RealValue__Group_1__0 )
- {
- before(grammarAccess.getRealValueAccess().getGroup_1());
- // ../ ( rule__RealValue__Group_1__0 )
- // ../ rule__RealValue__Group_1__0
- {
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_rule__RealValue__Group_1__0_in_rule__RealValue__Alternatives1733);
- rule__RealValue__Group_1__0();
- state._fsp--;
- }
- after(grammarAccess.getRealValueAccess().getGroup_1());
- }
- }
- break;
- case 3 :
- // ../ ( ( rule__RealValue__Group_2__0 ) )
- {
- // ../ ( ( rule__RealValue__Group_2__0 ) )
- // ../ ( rule__RealValue__Group_2__0 )
- {
- before(grammarAccess.getRealValueAccess().getGroup_2());
- // ../ ( rule__RealValue__Group_2__0 )
- // ../ rule__RealValue__Group_2__0
- {
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_rule__RealValue__Group_2__0_in_rule__RealValue__Alternatives1751);
- rule__RealValue__Group_2__0();
- state._fsp--;
- }
- after(grammarAccess.getRealValueAccess().getGroup_2());
- }
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- reportError(re);
- recover(input,re);
- }
- finally {
- restoreStackSize(stackSize);
- }
- return ;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "rule__RealValue__Alternatives"
- // $ANTLR start "rule__VisibilityKind__Alternatives"
- // ../ rule__VisibilityKind__Alternatives : ( ( ( '+' ) ) | ( ( '-' ) ) | ( ( '#' ) ) | ( ( '~' ) ) );
- public final void rule__VisibilityKind__Alternatives() throws RecognitionException {
- int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- try {
- // ../ ( ( ( '+' ) ) | ( ( '-' ) ) | ( ( '#' ) ) | ( ( '~' ) ) )
- int alt7=4;
- switch ( input.LA(1) ) {
- case 13:
- {
- alt7=1;
- }
- break;
- case 14:
- {
- alt7=2;
- }
- break;
- case 15:
- {
- alt7=3;
- }
- break;
- case 16:
- {
- alt7=4;
- }
- break;
- default:
- NoViableAltException nvae =
- new NoViableAltException("", 7, 0, input);
- throw nvae;
- }
- switch (alt7) {
- case 1 :
- // ../ ( ( '+' ) )
- {
- // ../ ( ( '+' ) )
- // ../ ( '+' )
- {
- before(grammarAccess.getVisibilityKindAccess().getPublicEnumLiteralDeclaration_0());
- // ../ ( '+' )
- // ../ '+'
- {
- match(input,13,FOLLOW_13_in_rule__VisibilityKind__Alternatives1785);
- }
- after(grammarAccess.getVisibilityKindAccess().getPublicEnumLiteralDeclaration_0());
- }
- }
- break;
- case 2 :
- // ../ ( ( '-' ) )
- {
- // ../ ( ( '-' ) )
- // ../ ( '-' )
- {
- before(grammarAccess.getVisibilityKindAccess().getPrivateEnumLiteralDeclaration_1());
- // ../ ( '-' )
- // ../ '-'
- {
- match(input,14,FOLLOW_14_in_rule__VisibilityKind__Alternatives1806);
- }
- after(grammarAccess.getVisibilityKindAccess().getPrivateEnumLiteralDeclaration_1());
- }
- }
- break;
- case 3 :
- // ../ ( ( '#' ) )
- {
- // ../ ( ( '#' ) )
- // ../ ( '#' )
- {
- before(grammarAccess.getVisibilityKindAccess().getProtectedEnumLiteralDeclaration_2());
- // ../ ( '#' )
- // ../ '#'
- {
- match(input,15,FOLLOW_15_in_rule__VisibilityKind__Alternatives1827);
- }
- after(grammarAccess.getVisibilityKindAccess().getProtectedEnumLiteralDeclaration_2());
- }
- }
- break;
- case 4 :
- // ../ ( ( '~' ) )
- {
- // ../ ( ( '~' ) )
- // ../ ( '~' )
- {
- before(grammarAccess.getVisibilityKindAccess().getPackageEnumLiteralDeclaration_3());
- // ../ ( '~' )
- // ../ '~'
- {
- match(input,16,FOLLOW_16_in_rule__VisibilityKind__Alternatives1848);
- }
- after(grammarAccess.getVisibilityKindAccess().getPackageEnumLiteralDeclaration_3());
- }
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- reportError(re);
- recover(input,re);
- }
- finally {
- restoreStackSize(stackSize);
- }
- return ;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "rule__VisibilityKind__Alternatives"
- // $ANTLR start "rule__ModifierKind__Alternatives"
- // ../ rule__ModifierKind__Alternatives : ( ( ( 'readOnly' ) ) | ( ( 'union' ) ) | ( ( 'ordered' ) ) | ( ( 'unique' ) ) );
- public final void rule__ModifierKind__Alternatives() throws RecognitionException {
- int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- try {
- // ../ ( ( ( 'readOnly' ) ) | ( ( 'union' ) ) | ( ( 'ordered' ) ) | ( ( 'unique' ) ) )
- int alt8=4;
- switch ( input.LA(1) ) {
- case 17:
- {
- alt8=1;
- }
- break;
- case 18:
- {
- alt8=2;
- }
- break;
- case 19:
- {
- alt8=3;
- }
- break;
- case 20:
- {
- alt8=4;
- }
- break;
- default:
- NoViableAltException nvae =
- new NoViableAltException("", 8, 0, input);
- throw nvae;
- }
- switch (alt8) {
- case 1 :
- // ../ ( ( 'readOnly' ) )
- {
- // ../ ( ( 'readOnly' ) )
- // ../ ( 'readOnly' )
- {
- before(grammarAccess.getModifierKindAccess().getReadOnlyEnumLiteralDeclaration_0());
- // ../ ( 'readOnly' )
- // ../ 'readOnly'
- {
- match(input,17,FOLLOW_17_in_rule__ModifierKind__Alternatives1884);
- }
- after(grammarAccess.getModifierKindAccess().getReadOnlyEnumLiteralDeclaration_0());
- }
- }
- break;
- case 2 :
- // ../ ( ( 'union' ) )
- {
- // ../ ( ( 'union' ) )
- // ../ ( 'union' )
- {
- before(grammarAccess.getModifierKindAccess().getUnionEnumLiteralDeclaration_1());
- // ../ ( 'union' )
- // ../ 'union'
- {
- match(input,18,FOLLOW_18_in_rule__ModifierKind__Alternatives1905);
- }
- after(grammarAccess.getModifierKindAccess().getUnionEnumLiteralDeclaration_1());
- }
- }
- break;
- case 3 :
- // ../ ( ( 'ordered' ) )
- {
- // ../ ( ( 'ordered' ) )
- // ../ ( 'ordered' )
- {
- before(grammarAccess.getModifierKindAccess().getOrderedEnumLiteralDeclaration_2());
- // ../ ( 'ordered' )
- // ../ 'ordered'
- {
- match(input,19,FOLLOW_19_in_rule__ModifierKind__Alternatives1926);
- }
- after(grammarAccess.getModifierKindAccess().getOrderedEnumLiteralDeclaration_2());
- }
- }
- break;
- case 4 :
- // ../ ( ( 'unique' ) )
- {
- // ../ ( ( 'unique' ) )
- // ../ ( 'unique' )
- {
- before(grammarAccess.getModifierKindAccess().getUniqueEnumLiteralDeclaration_3());
- // ../ ( 'unique' )
- // ../ 'unique'
- {
- match(input,20,FOLLOW_20_in_rule__ModifierKind__Alternatives1947);
- }
- after(grammarAccess.getModifierKindAccess().getUniqueEnumLiteralDeclaration_3());
- }
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- reportError(re);
- recover(input,re);
- }
- finally {
- restoreStackSize(stackSize);
- }
- return ;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "rule__ModifierKind__Alternatives"
- // $ANTLR start "rule__BooleanLiterals__Alternatives"
- // ../ rule__BooleanLiterals__Alternatives : ( ( ( 'true' ) ) | ( ( 'false' ) ) );
- public final void rule__BooleanLiterals__Alternatives() throws RecognitionException {
- int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- try {
- // ../ ( ( ( 'true' ) ) | ( ( 'false' ) ) )
- int alt9=2;
- int LA9_0 = input.LA(1);
- if ( (LA9_0==21) ) {
- alt9=1;
- }
- else if ( (LA9_0==22) ) {
- alt9=2;
- }
- else {
- NoViableAltException nvae =
- new NoViableAltException("", 9, 0, input);
- throw nvae;
- }
- switch (alt9) {
- case 1 :
- // ../ ( ( 'true' ) )
- {
- // ../ ( ( 'true' ) )
- // ../ ( 'true' )
- {
- before(grammarAccess.getBooleanLiteralsAccess().getTrueEnumLiteralDeclaration_0());
- // ../ ( 'true' )
- // ../ 'true'
- {
- match(input,21,FOLLOW_21_in_rule__BooleanLiterals__Alternatives1983);
- }
- after(grammarAccess.getBooleanLiteralsAccess().getTrueEnumLiteralDeclaration_0());
- }
- }
- break;
- case 2 :
- // ../ ( ( 'false' ) )
- {
- // ../ ( ( 'false' ) )
- // ../ ( 'false' )
- {
- before(grammarAccess.getBooleanLiteralsAccess().getFalseEnumLiteralDeclaration_1());
- // ../ ( 'false' )
- // ../ 'false'
- {
- match(input,22,FOLLOW_22_in_rule__BooleanLiterals__Alternatives2004);
- }
- after(grammarAccess.getBooleanLiteralsAccess().getFalseEnumLiteralDeclaration_1());
- }
+ }
- }
- break;
+ } catch (RecognitionException re) {
+ reportError(re);
+ recover(input, re);
+ } finally {
- }
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- reportError(re);
- recover(input,re);
- }
- finally {
+ restoreStackSize(stackSize);
- restoreStackSize(stackSize);
- }
- return ;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "rule__BooleanLiterals__Alternatives"
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end "rule__PropertyRule__Group__5__Impl"
- // $ANTLR start "rule__PropertyRule__Group__0"
- // ../ rule__PropertyRule__Group__0 : rule__PropertyRule__Group__0__Impl rule__PropertyRule__Group__1 ;
- public final void rule__PropertyRule__Group__0() throws RecognitionException {
- int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- try {
- // ../ ( rule__PropertyRule__Group__0__Impl rule__PropertyRule__Group__1 )
- // ../ rule__PropertyRule__Group__0__Impl rule__PropertyRule__Group__1
- {
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_rule__PropertyRule__Group__0__Impl_in_rule__PropertyRule__Group__02037);
- rule__PropertyRule__Group__0__Impl();
- state._fsp--;
+ // $ANTLR start "rule__PropertyRule__Group__6"
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1123:1: rule__PropertyRule__Group__6 : rule__PropertyRule__Group__6__Impl ;
+ public final void rule__PropertyRule__Group__6() throws RecognitionException {
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_rule__PropertyRule__Group__1_in_rule__PropertyRule__Group__02040);
- rule__PropertyRule__Group__1();
+ int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- state._fsp--;
+ try {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1127:1: ( rule__PropertyRule__Group__6__Impl )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1128:2: rule__PropertyRule__Group__6__Impl
+ {
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_2);
+ rule__PropertyRule__Group__6__Impl();
+ state._fsp--;
- }
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- reportError(re);
- recover(input,re);
- }
- finally {
+ }
- restoreStackSize(stackSize);
+ } catch (RecognitionException re) {
+ reportError(re);
+ recover(input, re);
+ } finally {
- }
- return ;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "rule__PropertyRule__Group__0"
+ restoreStackSize(stackSize);
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end "rule__PropertyRule__Group__6"
- // $ANTLR start "rule__PropertyRule__Group__0__Impl"
- // ../ rule__PropertyRule__Group__0__Impl : ( ( rule__PropertyRule__VisibilityAssignment_0 )? ) ;
- public final void rule__PropertyRule__Group__0__Impl() throws RecognitionException {
- int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- try {
- // ../ ( ( ( rule__PropertyRule__VisibilityAssignment_0 )? ) )
- // ../ ( ( rule__PropertyRule__VisibilityAssignment_0 )? )
- {
- // ../ ( ( rule__PropertyRule__VisibilityAssignment_0 )? )
- // ../ ( rule__PropertyRule__VisibilityAssignment_0 )?
- {
- before(grammarAccess.getPropertyRuleAccess().getVisibilityAssignment_0());
- // ../ ( rule__PropertyRule__VisibilityAssignment_0 )?
- int alt10=2;
- int LA10_0 = input.LA(1);
+ // $ANTLR start "rule__PropertyRule__Group__6__Impl"
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1134:1: rule__PropertyRule__Group__6__Impl : ( ( rule__PropertyRule__DefaultAssignment_6 )? ) ;
+ public final void rule__PropertyRule__Group__6__Impl() throws RecognitionException {
- if ( ((LA10_0>=13 && LA10_0<=16)) ) {
- alt10=1;
- }
- switch (alt10) {
- case 1 :
- // ../ rule__PropertyRule__VisibilityAssignment_0
- {
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_rule__PropertyRule__VisibilityAssignment_0_in_rule__PropertyRule__Group__0__Impl2067);
- rule__PropertyRule__VisibilityAssignment_0();
+ int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- state._fsp--;
+ try {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1138:1: ( ( ( rule__PropertyRule__DefaultAssignment_6 )? ) )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1139:1: ( ( rule__PropertyRule__DefaultAssignment_6 )? )
+ {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1139:1: ( ( rule__PropertyRule__DefaultAssignment_6 )? )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1140:1: ( rule__PropertyRule__DefaultAssignment_6 )?
+ {
+ before(grammarAccess.getPropertyRuleAccess().getDefaultAssignment_6());
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1141:1: ( rule__PropertyRule__DefaultAssignment_6 )?
+ int alt15 = 2;
+ int LA15_0 = input.LA(1);
+ if ((LA15_0 == 33)) {
+ alt15 = 1;
+ }
+ switch (alt15) {
+ case 1:
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1141:2: rule__PropertyRule__DefaultAssignment_6
+ {
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_2);
+ rule__PropertyRule__DefaultAssignment_6();
- }
- break;
+ state._fsp--;
- }
- after(grammarAccess.getPropertyRuleAccess().getVisibilityAssignment_0());
+ }
+ break;
- }
+ }
+ after(grammarAccess.getPropertyRuleAccess().getDefaultAssignment_6());
- }
+ }
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- reportError(re);
- recover(input,re);
- }
- finally {
- restoreStackSize(stackSize);
+ }
- }
- return ;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "rule__PropertyRule__Group__0__Impl"
+ } catch (RecognitionException re) {
+ reportError(re);
+ recover(input, re);
+ } finally {
+ restoreStackSize(stackSize);
- // $ANTLR start "rule__PropertyRule__Group__1"
- // ../ rule__PropertyRule__Group__1 : rule__PropertyRule__Group__1__Impl rule__PropertyRule__Group__2 ;
- public final void rule__PropertyRule__Group__1() throws RecognitionException {
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end "rule__PropertyRule__Group__6__Impl"
- int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- try {
- // ../ ( rule__PropertyRule__Group__1__Impl rule__PropertyRule__Group__2 )
- // ../ rule__PropertyRule__Group__1__Impl rule__PropertyRule__Group__2
- {
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_rule__PropertyRule__Group__1__Impl_in_rule__PropertyRule__Group__12098);
- rule__PropertyRule__Group__1__Impl();
- state._fsp--;
+ // $ANTLR start "rule__PropertyRule__Group_3__0"
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1165:1: rule__PropertyRule__Group_3__0 : rule__PropertyRule__Group_3__0__Impl rule__PropertyRule__Group_3__1 ;
+ public final void rule__PropertyRule__Group_3__0() throws RecognitionException {
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_rule__PropertyRule__Group__2_in_rule__PropertyRule__Group__12101);
- rule__PropertyRule__Group__2();
+ int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- state._fsp--;
+ try {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1169:1: ( rule__PropertyRule__Group_3__0__Impl rule__PropertyRule__Group_3__1 )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1170:2: rule__PropertyRule__Group_3__0__Impl rule__PropertyRule__Group_3__1
+ {
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_5);
+ rule__PropertyRule__Group_3__0__Impl();
+ state._fsp--;
- }
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_2);
+ rule__PropertyRule__Group_3__1();
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- reportError(re);
- recover(input,re);
- }
- finally {
+ state._fsp--;
- restoreStackSize(stackSize);
- }
- return ;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "rule__PropertyRule__Group__1"
+ }
+ } catch (RecognitionException re) {
+ reportError(re);
+ recover(input, re);
+ } finally {
- // $ANTLR start "rule__PropertyRule__Group__1__Impl"
- // ../ rule__PropertyRule__Group__1__Impl : ( ( rule__PropertyRule__DerivedAssignment_1 )? ) ;
- public final void rule__PropertyRule__Group__1__Impl() throws RecognitionException {
+ restoreStackSize(stackSize);
- int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- try {
- // ../ ( ( ( rule__PropertyRule__DerivedAssignment_1 )? ) )
- // ../ ( ( rule__PropertyRule__DerivedAssignment_1 )? )
- {
- // ../ ( ( rule__PropertyRule__DerivedAssignment_1 )? )
- // ../ ( rule__PropertyRule__DerivedAssignment_1 )?
- {
- before(grammarAccess.getPropertyRuleAccess().getDerivedAssignment_1());
- // ../ ( rule__PropertyRule__DerivedAssignment_1 )?
- int alt11=2;
- int LA11_0 = input.LA(1);
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end "rule__PropertyRule__Group_3__0"
- if ( (LA11_0==37) ) {
- alt11=1;
- }
- switch (alt11) {
- case 1 :
- // ../ rule__PropertyRule__DerivedAssignment_1
- {
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_rule__PropertyRule__DerivedAssignment_1_in_rule__PropertyRule__Group__1__Impl2128);
- rule__PropertyRule__DerivedAssignment_1();
- state._fsp--;
+ // $ANTLR start "rule__PropertyRule__Group_3__0__Impl"
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1177:1: rule__PropertyRule__Group_3__0__Impl : ( ':' ) ;
+ public final void rule__PropertyRule__Group_3__0__Impl() throws RecognitionException {
+ int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- }
- break;
+ try {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1181:1: ( ( ':' ) )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1182:1: ( ':' )
+ {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1182:1: ( ':' )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1183:1: ':'
+ {
+ before(grammarAccess.getPropertyRuleAccess().getColonKeyword_3_0());
+ match(input, 23, FOLLOW_2);
+ after(grammarAccess.getPropertyRuleAccess().getColonKeyword_3_0());
- }
+ }
- after(grammarAccess.getPropertyRuleAccess().getDerivedAssignment_1());
- }
+ }
+ } catch (RecognitionException re) {
+ reportError(re);
+ recover(input, re);
+ } finally {
- }
+ restoreStackSize(stackSize);
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- reportError(re);
- recover(input,re);
- }
- finally {
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end "rule__PropertyRule__Group_3__0__Impl"
- restoreStackSize(stackSize);
- }
- return ;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "rule__PropertyRule__Group__1__Impl"
+ // $ANTLR start "rule__PropertyRule__Group_3__1"
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1196:1: rule__PropertyRule__Group_3__1 : rule__PropertyRule__Group_3__1__Impl ;
+ public final void rule__PropertyRule__Group_3__1() throws RecognitionException {
+ int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- // $ANTLR start "rule__PropertyRule__Group__2"
- // ../ rule__PropertyRule__Group__2 : rule__PropertyRule__Group__2__Impl rule__PropertyRule__Group__3 ;
- public final void rule__PropertyRule__Group__2() throws RecognitionException {
+ try {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1200:1: ( rule__PropertyRule__Group_3__1__Impl )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1201:2: rule__PropertyRule__Group_3__1__Impl
+ {
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_2);
+ rule__PropertyRule__Group_3__1__Impl();
- int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- try {
- // ../ ( rule__PropertyRule__Group__2__Impl rule__PropertyRule__Group__3 )
- // ../ rule__PropertyRule__Group__2__Impl rule__PropertyRule__Group__3
- {
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_rule__PropertyRule__Group__2__Impl_in_rule__PropertyRule__Group__22159);
- rule__PropertyRule__Group__2__Impl();
+ state._fsp--;
- state._fsp--;
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_rule__PropertyRule__Group__3_in_rule__PropertyRule__Group__22162);
- rule__PropertyRule__Group__3();
+ }
- state._fsp--;
+ } catch (RecognitionException re) {
+ reportError(re);
+ recover(input, re);
+ } finally {
+ restoreStackSize(stackSize);
- }
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end "rule__PropertyRule__Group_3__1"
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- reportError(re);
- recover(input,re);
- }
- finally {
- restoreStackSize(stackSize);
+ // $ANTLR start "rule__PropertyRule__Group_3__1__Impl"
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1207:1: rule__PropertyRule__Group_3__1__Impl : ( ( rule__PropertyRule__Alternatives_3_1 ) ) ;
+ public final void rule__PropertyRule__Group_3__1__Impl() throws RecognitionException {
- }
- return ;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "rule__PropertyRule__Group__2"
+ int stackSize = keepStackSize();
+ try {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1211:1: ( ( ( rule__PropertyRule__Alternatives_3_1 ) ) )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1212:1: ( ( rule__PropertyRule__Alternatives_3_1 ) )
+ {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1212:1: ( ( rule__PropertyRule__Alternatives_3_1 ) )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1213:1: ( rule__PropertyRule__Alternatives_3_1 )
+ {
+ before(grammarAccess.getPropertyRuleAccess().getAlternatives_3_1());
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1214:1: ( rule__PropertyRule__Alternatives_3_1 )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1214:2: rule__PropertyRule__Alternatives_3_1
+ {
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_2);
+ rule__PropertyRule__Alternatives_3_1();
- // $ANTLR start "rule__PropertyRule__Group__2__Impl"
- // ../ rule__PropertyRule__Group__2__Impl : ( ( rule__PropertyRule__NameAssignment_2 ) ) ;
- public final void rule__PropertyRule__Group__2__Impl() throws RecognitionException {
+ state._fsp--;
- int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- try {
- // ../ ( ( ( rule__PropertyRule__NameAssignment_2 ) ) )
- // ../ ( ( rule__PropertyRule__NameAssignment_2 ) )
- {
- // ../ ( ( rule__PropertyRule__NameAssignment_2 ) )
- // ../ ( rule__PropertyRule__NameAssignment_2 )
- {
- before(grammarAccess.getPropertyRuleAccess().getNameAssignment_2());
- // ../ ( rule__PropertyRule__NameAssignment_2 )
- // ../ rule__PropertyRule__NameAssignment_2
- {
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_rule__PropertyRule__NameAssignment_2_in_rule__PropertyRule__Group__2__Impl2189);
- rule__PropertyRule__NameAssignment_2();
- state._fsp--;
+ }
+ after(grammarAccess.getPropertyRuleAccess().getAlternatives_3_1());
- }
+ }
- after(grammarAccess.getPropertyRuleAccess().getNameAssignment_2());
- }
+ }
+ } catch (RecognitionException re) {
+ reportError(re);
+ recover(input, re);
+ } finally {
- }
+ restoreStackSize(stackSize);
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- reportError(re);
- recover(input,re);
- }
- finally {
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end "rule__PropertyRule__Group_3__1__Impl"
- restoreStackSize(stackSize);
- }
- return ;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "rule__PropertyRule__Group__2__Impl"
+ // $ANTLR start "rule__TypeRule__Group__0"
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1228:1: rule__TypeRule__Group__0 : rule__TypeRule__Group__0__Impl rule__TypeRule__Group__1 ;
+ public final void rule__TypeRule__Group__0() throws RecognitionException {
+ int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- // $ANTLR start "rule__PropertyRule__Group__3"
- // ../ rule__PropertyRule__Group__3 : rule__PropertyRule__Group__3__Impl rule__PropertyRule__Group__4 ;
- public final void rule__PropertyRule__Group__3() throws RecognitionException {
+ try {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1232:1: ( rule__TypeRule__Group__0__Impl rule__TypeRule__Group__1 )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1233:2: rule__TypeRule__Group__0__Impl rule__TypeRule__Group__1
+ {
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_6);
+ rule__TypeRule__Group__0__Impl();
- int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- try {
- // ../ ( rule__PropertyRule__Group__3__Impl rule__PropertyRule__Group__4 )
- // ../ rule__PropertyRule__Group__3__Impl rule__PropertyRule__Group__4
- {
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_rule__PropertyRule__Group__3__Impl_in_rule__PropertyRule__Group__32219);
- rule__PropertyRule__Group__3__Impl();
+ state._fsp--;
- state._fsp--;
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_2);
+ rule__TypeRule__Group__1();
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_rule__PropertyRule__Group__4_in_rule__PropertyRule__Group__32222);
- rule__PropertyRule__Group__4();
+ state._fsp--;
- state._fsp--;
+ }
- }
+ } catch (RecognitionException re) {
+ reportError(re);
+ recover(input, re);
+ } finally {
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- reportError(re);
- recover(input,re);
- }
- finally {
+ restoreStackSize(stackSize);
- restoreStackSize(stackSize);
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end "rule__TypeRule__Group__0"
- }
- return ;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "rule__PropertyRule__Group__3"
+ // $ANTLR start "rule__TypeRule__Group__0__Impl"
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1240:1: rule__TypeRule__Group__0__Impl : ( ( rule__TypeRule__PathAssignment_0 )? ) ;
+ public final void rule__TypeRule__Group__0__Impl() throws RecognitionException {
- // $ANTLR start "rule__PropertyRule__Group__3__Impl"
- // ../ rule__PropertyRule__Group__3__Impl : ( ( rule__PropertyRule__Group_3__0 )? ) ;
- public final void rule__PropertyRule__Group__3__Impl() throws RecognitionException {
+ int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- try {
- // ../ ( ( ( rule__PropertyRule__Group_3__0 )? ) )
- // ../ ( ( rule__PropertyRule__Group_3__0 )? )
- {
- // ../ ( ( rule__PropertyRule__Group_3__0 )? )
- // ../ ( rule__PropertyRule__Group_3__0 )?
- {
- before(grammarAccess.getPropertyRuleAccess().getGroup_3());
- // ../ ( rule__PropertyRule__Group_3__0 )?
- int alt12=2;
- int LA12_0 = input.LA(1);
+ try {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1244:1: ( ( ( rule__TypeRule__PathAssignment_0 )? ) )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1245:1: ( ( rule__TypeRule__PathAssignment_0 )? )
+ {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1245:1: ( ( rule__TypeRule__PathAssignment_0 )? )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1246:1: ( rule__TypeRule__PathAssignment_0 )?
+ {
+ before(grammarAccess.getTypeRuleAccess().getPathAssignment_0());
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1247:1: ( rule__TypeRule__PathAssignment_0 )?
+ int alt16 = 2;
+ int LA16_0 = input.LA(1);
- if ( (LA12_0==23) ) {
- alt12=1;
- }
- switch (alt12) {
- case 1 :
- // ../ rule__PropertyRule__Group_3__0
- {
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_rule__PropertyRule__Group_3__0_in_rule__PropertyRule__Group__3__Impl2249);
- rule__PropertyRule__Group_3__0();
+ if ((LA16_0 == RULE_ID)) {
+ int LA16_1 = input.LA(2);
- state._fsp--;
+ if ((LA16_1 == 24)) {
+ alt16 = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ switch (alt16) {
+ case 1:
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1247:2: rule__TypeRule__PathAssignment_0
+ {
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_2);
+ rule__TypeRule__PathAssignment_0();
+ state._fsp--;
- }
- break;
- }
+ }
+ break;
- after(grammarAccess.getPropertyRuleAccess().getGroup_3());
+ }
- }
+ after(grammarAccess.getTypeRuleAccess().getPathAssignment_0());
+ }
- }
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- reportError(re);
- recover(input,re);
- }
- finally {
+ }
- restoreStackSize(stackSize);
+ } catch (RecognitionException re) {
+ reportError(re);
+ recover(input, re);
+ } finally {
- }
- return ;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "rule__PropertyRule__Group__3__Impl"
+ restoreStackSize(stackSize);
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end "rule__TypeRule__Group__0__Impl"
- // $ANTLR start "rule__PropertyRule__Group__4"
- // ../ rule__PropertyRule__Group__4 : rule__PropertyRule__Group__4__Impl rule__PropertyRule__Group__5 ;
- public final void rule__PropertyRule__Group__4() throws RecognitionException {
- int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- try {
- // ../ ( rule__PropertyRule__Group__4__Impl rule__PropertyRule__Group__5 )
- // ../ rule__PropertyRule__Group__4__Impl rule__PropertyRule__Group__5
- {
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_rule__PropertyRule__Group__4__Impl_in_rule__PropertyRule__Group__42280);
- rule__PropertyRule__Group__4__Impl();
+ // $ANTLR start "rule__TypeRule__Group__1"
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1257:1: rule__TypeRule__Group__1 : rule__TypeRule__Group__1__Impl ;
+ public final void rule__TypeRule__Group__1() throws RecognitionException {
- state._fsp--;
+ int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_rule__PropertyRule__Group__5_in_rule__PropertyRule__Group__42283);
- rule__PropertyRule__Group__5();
+ try {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1261:1: ( rule__TypeRule__Group__1__Impl )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1262:2: rule__TypeRule__Group__1__Impl
+ {
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_2);
+ rule__TypeRule__Group__1__Impl();
- state._fsp--;
+ state._fsp--;
- }
+ }
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- reportError(re);
- recover(input,re);
- }
- finally {
+ } catch (RecognitionException re) {
+ reportError(re);
+ recover(input, re);
+ } finally {
- restoreStackSize(stackSize);
+ restoreStackSize(stackSize);
- }
- return ;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "rule__PropertyRule__Group__4"
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end "rule__TypeRule__Group__1"
- // $ANTLR start "rule__PropertyRule__Group__4__Impl"
- // ../ rule__PropertyRule__Group__4__Impl : ( ( rule__PropertyRule__MultiplicityAssignment_4 )? ) ;
- public final void rule__PropertyRule__Group__4__Impl() throws RecognitionException {
+ // $ANTLR start "rule__TypeRule__Group__1__Impl"
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1268:1: rule__TypeRule__Group__1__Impl : ( ( rule__TypeRule__TypeAssignment_1 ) ) ;
+ public final void rule__TypeRule__Group__1__Impl() throws RecognitionException {
- int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- try {
- // ../ ( ( ( rule__PropertyRule__MultiplicityAssignment_4 )? ) )
- // ../ ( ( rule__PropertyRule__MultiplicityAssignment_4 )? )
- {
- // ../ ( ( rule__PropertyRule__MultiplicityAssignment_4 )? )
- // ../ ( rule__PropertyRule__MultiplicityAssignment_4 )?
- {
- before(grammarAccess.getPropertyRuleAccess().getMultiplicityAssignment_4());
- // ../ ( rule__PropertyRule__MultiplicityAssignment_4 )?
- int alt13=2;
- int LA13_0 = input.LA(1);
+ int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- if ( (LA13_0==25) ) {
- alt13=1;
- }
- switch (alt13) {
- case 1 :
- // ../ rule__PropertyRule__MultiplicityAssignment_4
- {
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_rule__PropertyRule__MultiplicityAssignment_4_in_rule__PropertyRule__Group__4__Impl2310);
- rule__PropertyRule__MultiplicityAssignment_4();
+ try {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1272:1: ( ( ( rule__TypeRule__TypeAssignment_1 ) ) )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1273:1: ( ( rule__TypeRule__TypeAssignment_1 ) )
+ {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1273:1: ( ( rule__TypeRule__TypeAssignment_1 ) )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1274:1: ( rule__TypeRule__TypeAssignment_1 )
+ {
+ before(grammarAccess.getTypeRuleAccess().getTypeAssignment_1());
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1275:1: ( rule__TypeRule__TypeAssignment_1 )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1275:2: rule__TypeRule__TypeAssignment_1
+ {
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_2);
+ rule__TypeRule__TypeAssignment_1();
- state._fsp--;
+ state._fsp--;
- }
- break;
+ }
- }
+ after(grammarAccess.getTypeRuleAccess().getTypeAssignment_1());
- after(grammarAccess.getPropertyRuleAccess().getMultiplicityAssignment_4());
+ }
- }
+ }
- }
+ } catch (RecognitionException re) {
+ reportError(re);
+ recover(input, re);
+ } finally {
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- reportError(re);
- recover(input,re);
- }
- finally {
+ restoreStackSize(stackSize);
- restoreStackSize(stackSize);
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end "rule__TypeRule__Group__1__Impl"
- }
- return ;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "rule__PropertyRule__Group__4__Impl"
+ // $ANTLR start "rule__QualifiedName__Group__0"
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1289:1: rule__QualifiedName__Group__0 : rule__QualifiedName__Group__0__Impl rule__QualifiedName__Group__1 ;
+ public final void rule__QualifiedName__Group__0() throws RecognitionException {
- // $ANTLR start "rule__PropertyRule__Group__5"
- // ../ rule__PropertyRule__Group__5 : rule__PropertyRule__Group__5__Impl rule__PropertyRule__Group__6 ;
- public final void rule__PropertyRule__Group__5() throws RecognitionException {
+ int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- try {
- // ../ ( rule__PropertyRule__Group__5__Impl rule__PropertyRule__Group__6 )
- // ../ rule__PropertyRule__Group__5__Impl rule__PropertyRule__Group__6
- {
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_rule__PropertyRule__Group__5__Impl_in_rule__PropertyRule__Group__52341);
- rule__PropertyRule__Group__5__Impl();
+ try {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1293:1: ( rule__QualifiedName__Group__0__Impl rule__QualifiedName__Group__1 )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1294:2: rule__QualifiedName__Group__0__Impl rule__QualifiedName__Group__1
+ {
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_7);
+ rule__QualifiedName__Group__0__Impl();
- state._fsp--;
+ state._fsp--;
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_rule__PropertyRule__Group__6_in_rule__PropertyRule__Group__52344);
- rule__PropertyRule__Group__6();
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_2);
+ rule__QualifiedName__Group__1();
- state._fsp--;
+ state._fsp--;
- }
+ }
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- reportError(re);
- recover(input,re);
- }
- finally {
+ } catch (RecognitionException re) {
+ reportError(re);
+ recover(input, re);
+ } finally {
- restoreStackSize(stackSize);
+ restoreStackSize(stackSize);
- }
- return ;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "rule__PropertyRule__Group__5"
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end "rule__QualifiedName__Group__0"
- // $ANTLR start "rule__PropertyRule__Group__5__Impl"
- // ../ rule__PropertyRule__Group__5__Impl : ( ( rule__PropertyRule__ModifiersAssignment_5 )? ) ;
- public final void rule__PropertyRule__Group__5__Impl() throws RecognitionException {
+ // $ANTLR start "rule__QualifiedName__Group__0__Impl"
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1301:1: rule__QualifiedName__Group__0__Impl : ( ( rule__QualifiedName__PathAssignment_0 ) ) ;
+ public final void rule__QualifiedName__Group__0__Impl() throws RecognitionException {
- int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- try {
- // ../ ( ( ( rule__PropertyRule__ModifiersAssignment_5 )? ) )
- // ../ ( ( rule__PropertyRule__ModifiersAssignment_5 )? )
- {
- // ../ ( ( rule__PropertyRule__ModifiersAssignment_5 )? )
- // ../ ( rule__PropertyRule__ModifiersAssignment_5 )?
- {
- before(grammarAccess.getPropertyRuleAccess().getModifiersAssignment_5());
- // ../ ( rule__PropertyRule__ModifiersAssignment_5 )?
- int alt14=2;
- int LA14_0 = input.LA(1);
+ int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- if ( (LA14_0==28) ) {
- alt14=1;
- }
- switch (alt14) {
- case 1 :
- // ../ rule__PropertyRule__ModifiersAssignment_5
- {
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_rule__PropertyRule__ModifiersAssignment_5_in_rule__PropertyRule__Group__5__Impl2371);
- rule__PropertyRule__ModifiersAssignment_5();
+ try {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1305:1: ( ( ( rule__QualifiedName__PathAssignment_0 ) ) )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1306:1: ( ( rule__QualifiedName__PathAssignment_0 ) )
+ {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1306:1: ( ( rule__QualifiedName__PathAssignment_0 ) )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1307:1: ( rule__QualifiedName__PathAssignment_0 )
+ {
+ before(grammarAccess.getQualifiedNameAccess().getPathAssignment_0());
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1308:1: ( rule__QualifiedName__PathAssignment_0 )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1308:2: rule__QualifiedName__PathAssignment_0
+ {
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_2);
+ rule__QualifiedName__PathAssignment_0();
- state._fsp--;
+ state._fsp--;
- }
- break;
+ }
- }
+ after(grammarAccess.getQualifiedNameAccess().getPathAssignment_0());
- after(grammarAccess.getPropertyRuleAccess().getModifiersAssignment_5());
+ }
- }
+ }
- }
+ } catch (RecognitionException re) {
+ reportError(re);
+ recover(input, re);
+ } finally {
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- reportError(re);
- recover(input,re);
- }
- finally {
+ restoreStackSize(stackSize);
- restoreStackSize(stackSize);
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end "rule__QualifiedName__Group__0__Impl"
- }
- return ;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "rule__PropertyRule__Group__5__Impl"
+ // $ANTLR start "rule__QualifiedName__Group__1"
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1318:1: rule__QualifiedName__Group__1 : rule__QualifiedName__Group__1__Impl rule__QualifiedName__Group__2 ;
+ public final void rule__QualifiedName__Group__1() throws RecognitionException {
- // $ANTLR start "rule__PropertyRule__Group__6"
- // ../ rule__PropertyRule__Group__6 : rule__PropertyRule__Group__6__Impl ;
- public final void rule__PropertyRule__Group__6() throws RecognitionException {
+ int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- try {
- // ../ ( rule__PropertyRule__Group__6__Impl )
- // ../ rule__PropertyRule__Group__6__Impl
- {
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_rule__PropertyRule__Group__6__Impl_in_rule__PropertyRule__Group__62402);
- rule__PropertyRule__Group__6__Impl();
+ try {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1322:1: ( rule__QualifiedName__Group__1__Impl rule__QualifiedName__Group__2 )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1323:2: rule__QualifiedName__Group__1__Impl rule__QualifiedName__Group__2
+ {
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_6);
+ rule__QualifiedName__Group__1__Impl();
- state._fsp--;
+ state._fsp--;
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_2);
+ rule__QualifiedName__Group__2();
- }
+ state._fsp--;
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- reportError(re);
- recover(input,re);
- }
- finally {
- restoreStackSize(stackSize);
+ }
- }
- return ;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "rule__PropertyRule__Group__6"
+ } catch (RecognitionException re) {
+ reportError(re);
+ recover(input, re);
+ } finally {
+ restoreStackSize(stackSize);
- // $ANTLR start "rule__PropertyRule__Group__6__Impl"
- // ../ rule__PropertyRule__Group__6__Impl : ( ( rule__PropertyRule__DefaultAssignment_6 )? ) ;
- public final void rule__PropertyRule__Group__6__Impl() throws RecognitionException {
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end "rule__QualifiedName__Group__1"
- int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- try {
- // ../ ( ( ( rule__PropertyRule__DefaultAssignment_6 )? ) )
- // ../ ( ( rule__PropertyRule__DefaultAssignment_6 )? )
- {
- // ../ ( ( rule__PropertyRule__DefaultAssignment_6 )? )
- // ../ ( rule__PropertyRule__DefaultAssignment_6 )?
- {
- before(grammarAccess.getPropertyRuleAccess().getDefaultAssignment_6());
- // ../ ( rule__PropertyRule__DefaultAssignment_6 )?
- int alt15=2;
- int LA15_0 = input.LA(1);
- if ( (LA15_0==33) ) {
- alt15=1;
- }
- switch (alt15) {
- case 1 :
- // ../ rule__PropertyRule__DefaultAssignment_6
- {
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_rule__PropertyRule__DefaultAssignment_6_in_rule__PropertyRule__Group__6__Impl2429);
- rule__PropertyRule__DefaultAssignment_6();
+ // $ANTLR start "rule__QualifiedName__Group__1__Impl"
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1330:1: rule__QualifiedName__Group__1__Impl : ( '::' ) ;
+ public final void rule__QualifiedName__Group__1__Impl() throws RecognitionException {
- state._fsp--;
+ int stackSize = keepStackSize();
+ try {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1334:1: ( ( '::' ) )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1335:1: ( '::' )
+ {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1335:1: ( '::' )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1336:1: '::'
+ {
+ before(grammarAccess.getQualifiedNameAccess().getColonColonKeyword_1());
+ match(input, 24, FOLLOW_2);
+ after(grammarAccess.getQualifiedNameAccess().getColonColonKeyword_1());
- }
- break;
+ }
- }
- after(grammarAccess.getPropertyRuleAccess().getDefaultAssignment_6());
+ }
- }
+ } catch (RecognitionException re) {
+ reportError(re);
+ recover(input, re);
+ } finally {
+ restoreStackSize(stackSize);
- }
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end "rule__QualifiedName__Group__1__Impl"
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- reportError(re);
- recover(input,re);
- }
- finally {
- restoreStackSize(stackSize);
+ // $ANTLR start "rule__QualifiedName__Group__2"
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1349:1: rule__QualifiedName__Group__2 : rule__QualifiedName__Group__2__Impl ;
+ public final void rule__QualifiedName__Group__2() throws RecognitionException {
- }
- return ;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "rule__PropertyRule__Group__6__Impl"
+ int stackSize = keepStackSize();
+ try {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1353:1: ( rule__QualifiedName__Group__2__Impl )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1354:2: rule__QualifiedName__Group__2__Impl
+ {
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_2);
+ rule__QualifiedName__Group__2__Impl();
- // $ANTLR start "rule__PropertyRule__Group_3__0"
- // ../ rule__PropertyRule__Group_3__0 : rule__PropertyRule__Group_3__0__Impl rule__PropertyRule__Group_3__1 ;
- public final void rule__PropertyRule__Group_3__0() throws RecognitionException {
+ state._fsp--;
- int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- try {
- // ../ ( rule__PropertyRule__Group_3__0__Impl rule__PropertyRule__Group_3__1 )
- // ../ rule__PropertyRule__Group_3__0__Impl rule__PropertyRule__Group_3__1
- {
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_rule__PropertyRule__Group_3__0__Impl_in_rule__PropertyRule__Group_3__02474);
- rule__PropertyRule__Group_3__0__Impl();
- state._fsp--;
+ }
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_rule__PropertyRule__Group_3__1_in_rule__PropertyRule__Group_3__02477);
- rule__PropertyRule__Group_3__1();
+ } catch (RecognitionException re) {
+ reportError(re);
+ recover(input, re);
+ } finally {
- state._fsp--;
+ restoreStackSize(stackSize);
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end "rule__QualifiedName__Group__2"
- }
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- reportError(re);
- recover(input,re);
- }
- finally {
+ // $ANTLR start "rule__QualifiedName__Group__2__Impl"
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1360:1: rule__QualifiedName__Group__2__Impl : ( ( rule__QualifiedName__RemainingAssignment_2 )? ) ;
+ public final void rule__QualifiedName__Group__2__Impl() throws RecognitionException {
- restoreStackSize(stackSize);
+ int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- }
- return ;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "rule__PropertyRule__Group_3__0"
+ try {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1364:1: ( ( ( rule__QualifiedName__RemainingAssignment_2 )? ) )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1365:1: ( ( rule__QualifiedName__RemainingAssignment_2 )? )
+ {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1365:1: ( ( rule__QualifiedName__RemainingAssignment_2 )? )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1366:1: ( rule__QualifiedName__RemainingAssignment_2 )?
+ {
+ before(grammarAccess.getQualifiedNameAccess().getRemainingAssignment_2());
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1367:1: ( rule__QualifiedName__RemainingAssignment_2 )?
+ int alt17 = 2;
+ int LA17_0 = input.LA(1);
+ if ((LA17_0 == RULE_ID)) {
+ int LA17_1 = input.LA(2);
- // $ANTLR start "rule__PropertyRule__Group_3__0__Impl"
- // ../ rule__PropertyRule__Group_3__0__Impl : ( ':' ) ;
- public final void rule__PropertyRule__Group_3__0__Impl() throws RecognitionException {
+ if ((LA17_1 == 24)) {
+ alt17 = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ switch (alt17) {
+ case 1:
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1367:2: rule__QualifiedName__RemainingAssignment_2
+ {
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_2);
+ rule__QualifiedName__RemainingAssignment_2();
- int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- try {
- // ../ ( ( ':' ) )
- // ../ ( ':' )
- {
- // ../ ( ':' )
- // ../ ':'
- {
- before(grammarAccess.getPropertyRuleAccess().getColonKeyword_3_0());
- match(input,23,FOLLOW_23_in_rule__PropertyRule__Group_3__0__Impl2505);
- after(grammarAccess.getPropertyRuleAccess().getColonKeyword_3_0());
+ state._fsp--;
- }
+ }
+ break;
- }
+ }
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- reportError(re);
- recover(input,re);
- }
- finally {
+ after(grammarAccess.getQualifiedNameAccess().getRemainingAssignment_2());
- restoreStackSize(stackSize);
+ }
- }
- return ;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "rule__PropertyRule__Group_3__0__Impl"
+ }
- // $ANTLR start "rule__PropertyRule__Group_3__1"
- // ../ rule__PropertyRule__Group_3__1 : rule__PropertyRule__Group_3__1__Impl ;
- public final void rule__PropertyRule__Group_3__1() throws RecognitionException {
+ } catch (RecognitionException re) {
+ reportError(re);
+ recover(input, re);
+ } finally {
- int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- try {
- // ../ ( rule__PropertyRule__Group_3__1__Impl )
- // ../ rule__PropertyRule__Group_3__1__Impl
- {
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_rule__PropertyRule__Group_3__1__Impl_in_rule__PropertyRule__Group_3__12536);
- rule__PropertyRule__Group_3__1__Impl();
+ restoreStackSize(stackSize);
- state._fsp--;
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end "rule__QualifiedName__Group__2__Impl"
- }
+ // $ANTLR start "rule__MultiplicityRule__Group__0"
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1383:1: rule__MultiplicityRule__Group__0 : rule__MultiplicityRule__Group__0__Impl rule__MultiplicityRule__Group__1 ;
+ public final void rule__MultiplicityRule__Group__0() throws RecognitionException {
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- reportError(re);
- recover(input,re);
- }
- finally {
+ int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- restoreStackSize(stackSize);
+ try {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1387:1: ( rule__MultiplicityRule__Group__0__Impl rule__MultiplicityRule__Group__1 )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1388:2: rule__MultiplicityRule__Group__0__Impl rule__MultiplicityRule__Group__1
+ {
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_8);
+ rule__MultiplicityRule__Group__0__Impl();
- }
- return ;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "rule__PropertyRule__Group_3__1"
+ state._fsp--;
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_2);
+ rule__MultiplicityRule__Group__1();
- // $ANTLR start "rule__PropertyRule__Group_3__1__Impl"
- // ../ rule__PropertyRule__Group_3__1__Impl : ( ( rule__PropertyRule__Alternatives_3_1 ) ) ;
- public final void rule__PropertyRule__Group_3__1__Impl() throws RecognitionException {
+ state._fsp--;
- int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- try {
- // ../ ( ( ( rule__PropertyRule__Alternatives_3_1 ) ) )
- // ../ ( ( rule__PropertyRule__Alternatives_3_1 ) )
- {
- // ../ ( ( rule__PropertyRule__Alternatives_3_1 ) )
- // ../ ( rule__PropertyRule__Alternatives_3_1 )
- {
- before(grammarAccess.getPropertyRuleAccess().getAlternatives_3_1());
- // ../ ( rule__PropertyRule__Alternatives_3_1 )
- // ../ rule__PropertyRule__Alternatives_3_1
- {
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_rule__PropertyRule__Alternatives_3_1_in_rule__PropertyRule__Group_3__1__Impl2563);
- rule__PropertyRule__Alternatives_3_1();
- state._fsp--;
+ }
+ } catch (RecognitionException re) {
+ reportError(re);
+ recover(input, re);
+ } finally {
- }
+ restoreStackSize(stackSize);
- after(grammarAccess.getPropertyRuleAccess().getAlternatives_3_1());
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end "rule__MultiplicityRule__Group__0"
- }
+ // $ANTLR start "rule__MultiplicityRule__Group__0__Impl"
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1395:1: rule__MultiplicityRule__Group__0__Impl : ( '[' ) ;
+ public final void rule__MultiplicityRule__Group__0__Impl() throws RecognitionException {
- }
+ int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- reportError(re);
- recover(input,re);
- }
- finally {
+ try {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1399:1: ( ( '[' ) )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1400:1: ( '[' )
+ {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1400:1: ( '[' )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1401:1: '['
+ {
+ before(grammarAccess.getMultiplicityRuleAccess().getLeftSquareBracketKeyword_0());
+ match(input, 25, FOLLOW_2);
+ after(grammarAccess.getMultiplicityRuleAccess().getLeftSquareBracketKeyword_0());
- restoreStackSize(stackSize);
+ }
- }
- return ;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "rule__PropertyRule__Group_3__1__Impl"
+ }
- // $ANTLR start "rule__TypeRule__Group__0"
- // ../ rule__TypeRule__Group__0 : rule__TypeRule__Group__0__Impl rule__TypeRule__Group__1 ;
- public final void rule__TypeRule__Group__0() throws RecognitionException {
+ } catch (RecognitionException re) {
+ reportError(re);
+ recover(input, re);
+ } finally {
- int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- try {
- // ../ ( rule__TypeRule__Group__0__Impl rule__TypeRule__Group__1 )
- // ../ rule__TypeRule__Group__0__Impl rule__TypeRule__Group__1
- {
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_rule__TypeRule__Group__0__Impl_in_rule__TypeRule__Group__02597);
- rule__TypeRule__Group__0__Impl();
+ restoreStackSize(stackSize);
- state._fsp--;
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end "rule__MultiplicityRule__Group__0__Impl"
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_rule__TypeRule__Group__1_in_rule__TypeRule__Group__02600);
- rule__TypeRule__Group__1();
- state._fsp--;
+ // $ANTLR start "rule__MultiplicityRule__Group__1"
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1414:1: rule__MultiplicityRule__Group__1 : rule__MultiplicityRule__Group__1__Impl rule__MultiplicityRule__Group__2 ;
+ public final void rule__MultiplicityRule__Group__1() throws RecognitionException {
+ int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- }
+ try {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1418:1: ( rule__MultiplicityRule__Group__1__Impl rule__MultiplicityRule__Group__2 )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1419:2: rule__MultiplicityRule__Group__1__Impl rule__MultiplicityRule__Group__2
+ {
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_9);
+ rule__MultiplicityRule__Group__1__Impl();
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- reportError(re);
- recover(input,re);
- }
- finally {
+ state._fsp--;
- restoreStackSize(stackSize);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_2);
+ rule__MultiplicityRule__Group__2();
- }
- return ;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "rule__TypeRule__Group__0"
+ state._fsp--;
- // $ANTLR start "rule__TypeRule__Group__0__Impl"
- // ../ rule__TypeRule__Group__0__Impl : ( ( rule__TypeRule__PathAssignment_0 )? ) ;
- public final void rule__TypeRule__Group__0__Impl() throws RecognitionException {
+ }
- int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- try {
- // ../ ( ( ( rule__TypeRule__PathAssignment_0 )? ) )
- // ../ ( ( rule__TypeRule__PathAssignment_0 )? )
- {
- // ../ ( ( rule__TypeRule__PathAssignment_0 )? )
- // ../ ( rule__TypeRule__PathAssignment_0 )?
- {
- before(grammarAccess.getTypeRuleAccess().getPathAssignment_0());
- // ../ ( rule__TypeRule__PathAssignment_0 )?
- int alt16=2;
- int LA16_0 = input.LA(1);
+ } catch (RecognitionException re) {
+ reportError(re);
+ recover(input, re);
+ } finally {
- if ( (LA16_0==RULE_ID) ) {
- int LA16_1 = input.LA(2);
+ restoreStackSize(stackSize);
- if ( (LA16_1==24) ) {
- alt16=1;
- }
- }
- switch (alt16) {
- case 1 :
- // ../ rule__TypeRule__PathAssignment_0
- {
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_rule__TypeRule__PathAssignment_0_in_rule__TypeRule__Group__0__Impl2627);
- rule__TypeRule__PathAssignment_0();
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end "rule__MultiplicityRule__Group__1"
- state._fsp--;
+ // $ANTLR start "rule__MultiplicityRule__Group__1__Impl"
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1426:1: rule__MultiplicityRule__Group__1__Impl : ( ( rule__MultiplicityRule__BoundsAssignment_1 ) ) ;
+ public final void rule__MultiplicityRule__Group__1__Impl() throws RecognitionException {
- }
- break;
+ int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- }
+ try {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1430:1: ( ( ( rule__MultiplicityRule__BoundsAssignment_1 ) ) )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1431:1: ( ( rule__MultiplicityRule__BoundsAssignment_1 ) )
+ {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1431:1: ( ( rule__MultiplicityRule__BoundsAssignment_1 ) )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1432:1: ( rule__MultiplicityRule__BoundsAssignment_1 )
+ {
+ before(grammarAccess.getMultiplicityRuleAccess().getBoundsAssignment_1());
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1433:1: ( rule__MultiplicityRule__BoundsAssignment_1 )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1433:2: rule__MultiplicityRule__BoundsAssignment_1
+ {
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_2);
+ rule__MultiplicityRule__BoundsAssignment_1();
- after(grammarAccess.getTypeRuleAccess().getPathAssignment_0());
+ state._fsp--;
- }
+ }
- }
+ after(grammarAccess.getMultiplicityRuleAccess().getBoundsAssignment_1());
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- reportError(re);
- recover(input,re);
- }
- finally {
+ }
- restoreStackSize(stackSize);
- }
- return ;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "rule__TypeRule__Group__0__Impl"
+ }
+ } catch (RecognitionException re) {
+ reportError(re);
+ recover(input, re);
+ } finally {
- // $ANTLR start "rule__TypeRule__Group__1"
- // ../ rule__TypeRule__Group__1 : rule__TypeRule__Group__1__Impl ;
- public final void rule__TypeRule__Group__1() throws RecognitionException {
+ restoreStackSize(stackSize);
- int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- try {
- // ../ ( rule__TypeRule__Group__1__Impl )
- // ../ rule__TypeRule__Group__1__Impl
- {
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_rule__TypeRule__Group__1__Impl_in_rule__TypeRule__Group__12658);
- rule__TypeRule__Group__1__Impl();
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end "rule__MultiplicityRule__Group__1__Impl"
- state._fsp--;
+ // $ANTLR start "rule__MultiplicityRule__Group__2"
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1443:1: rule__MultiplicityRule__Group__2 : rule__MultiplicityRule__Group__2__Impl rule__MultiplicityRule__Group__3 ;
+ public final void rule__MultiplicityRule__Group__2() throws RecognitionException {
- }
+ int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- reportError(re);
- recover(input,re);
- }
- finally {
+ try {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1447:1: ( rule__MultiplicityRule__Group__2__Impl rule__MultiplicityRule__Group__3 )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1448:2: rule__MultiplicityRule__Group__2__Impl rule__MultiplicityRule__Group__3
+ {
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_9);
+ rule__MultiplicityRule__Group__2__Impl();
- restoreStackSize(stackSize);
+ state._fsp--;
- }
- return ;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "rule__TypeRule__Group__1"
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_2);
+ rule__MultiplicityRule__Group__3();
+ state._fsp--;
- // $ANTLR start "rule__TypeRule__Group__1__Impl"
- // ../ rule__TypeRule__Group__1__Impl : ( ( rule__TypeRule__TypeAssignment_1 ) ) ;
- public final void rule__TypeRule__Group__1__Impl() throws RecognitionException {
- int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- try {
- // ../ ( ( ( rule__TypeRule__TypeAssignment_1 ) ) )
- // ../ ( ( rule__TypeRule__TypeAssignment_1 ) )
- {
- // ../ ( ( rule__TypeRule__TypeAssignment_1 ) )
- // ../ ( rule__TypeRule__TypeAssignment_1 )
- {
- before(grammarAccess.getTypeRuleAccess().getTypeAssignment_1());
- // ../ ( rule__TypeRule__TypeAssignment_1 )
- // ../ rule__TypeRule__TypeAssignment_1
- {
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_rule__TypeRule__TypeAssignment_1_in_rule__TypeRule__Group__1__Impl2685);
- rule__TypeRule__TypeAssignment_1();
+ }
- state._fsp--;
+ } catch (RecognitionException re) {
+ reportError(re);
+ recover(input, re);
+ } finally {
+ restoreStackSize(stackSize);
- }
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end "rule__MultiplicityRule__Group__2"
- after(grammarAccess.getTypeRuleAccess().getTypeAssignment_1());
- }
+ // $ANTLR start "rule__MultiplicityRule__Group__2__Impl"
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1455:1: rule__MultiplicityRule__Group__2__Impl : ( ( rule__MultiplicityRule__Group_2__0 )? ) ;
+ public final void rule__MultiplicityRule__Group__2__Impl() throws RecognitionException {
+ int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- }
+ try {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1459:1: ( ( ( rule__MultiplicityRule__Group_2__0 )? ) )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1460:1: ( ( rule__MultiplicityRule__Group_2__0 )? )
+ {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1460:1: ( ( rule__MultiplicityRule__Group_2__0 )? )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1461:1: ( rule__MultiplicityRule__Group_2__0 )?
+ {
+ before(grammarAccess.getMultiplicityRuleAccess().getGroup_2());
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1462:1: ( rule__MultiplicityRule__Group_2__0 )?
+ int alt18 = 2;
+ int LA18_0 = input.LA(1);
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- reportError(re);
- recover(input,re);
- }
- finally {
+ if ((LA18_0 == 27)) {
+ alt18 = 1;
+ }
+ switch (alt18) {
+ case 1:
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1462:2: rule__MultiplicityRule__Group_2__0
+ {
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_2);
+ rule__MultiplicityRule__Group_2__0();
- restoreStackSize(stackSize);
+ state._fsp--;
- }
- return ;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "rule__TypeRule__Group__1__Impl"
+ }
+ break;
- // $ANTLR start "rule__QualifiedName__Group__0"
- // ../ rule__QualifiedName__Group__0 : rule__QualifiedName__Group__0__Impl rule__QualifiedName__Group__1 ;
- public final void rule__QualifiedName__Group__0() throws RecognitionException {
+ }
- int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- try {
- // ../ ( rule__QualifiedName__Group__0__Impl rule__QualifiedName__Group__1 )
- // ../ rule__QualifiedName__Group__0__Impl rule__QualifiedName__Group__1
- {
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_rule__QualifiedName__Group__0__Impl_in_rule__QualifiedName__Group__02719);
- rule__QualifiedName__Group__0__Impl();
+ after(grammarAccess.getMultiplicityRuleAccess().getGroup_2());
- state._fsp--;
+ }
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_rule__QualifiedName__Group__1_in_rule__QualifiedName__Group__02722);
- rule__QualifiedName__Group__1();
- state._fsp--;
+ }
+ } catch (RecognitionException re) {
+ reportError(re);
+ recover(input, re);
+ } finally {
- }
+ restoreStackSize(stackSize);
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- reportError(re);
- recover(input,re);
- }
- finally {
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end "rule__MultiplicityRule__Group__2__Impl"
- restoreStackSize(stackSize);
- }
- return ;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "rule__QualifiedName__Group__0"
+ // $ANTLR start "rule__MultiplicityRule__Group__3"
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1472:1: rule__MultiplicityRule__Group__3 : rule__MultiplicityRule__Group__3__Impl ;
+ public final void rule__MultiplicityRule__Group__3() throws RecognitionException {
+ int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- // $ANTLR start "rule__QualifiedName__Group__0__Impl"
- // ../ rule__QualifiedName__Group__0__Impl : ( ( rule__QualifiedName__PathAssignment_0 ) ) ;
- public final void rule__QualifiedName__Group__0__Impl() throws RecognitionException {
+ try {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1476:1: ( rule__MultiplicityRule__Group__3__Impl )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1477:2: rule__MultiplicityRule__Group__3__Impl
+ {
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_2);
+ rule__MultiplicityRule__Group__3__Impl();
- int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- try {
- // ../ ( ( ( rule__QualifiedName__PathAssignment_0 ) ) )
- // ../ ( ( rule__QualifiedName__PathAssignment_0 ) )
- {
- // ../ ( ( rule__QualifiedName__PathAssignment_0 ) )
- // ../ ( rule__QualifiedName__PathAssignment_0 )
- {
- before(grammarAccess.getQualifiedNameAccess().getPathAssignment_0());
- // ../ ( rule__QualifiedName__PathAssignment_0 )
- // ../ rule__QualifiedName__PathAssignment_0
- {
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_rule__QualifiedName__PathAssignment_0_in_rule__QualifiedName__Group__0__Impl2749);
- rule__QualifiedName__PathAssignment_0();
+ state._fsp--;
- state._fsp--;
+ }
- }
+ } catch (RecognitionException re) {
+ reportError(re);
+ recover(input, re);
+ } finally {
- after(grammarAccess.getQualifiedNameAccess().getPathAssignment_0());
+ restoreStackSize(stackSize);
- }
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end "rule__MultiplicityRule__Group__3"
- }
+ // $ANTLR start "rule__MultiplicityRule__Group__3__Impl"
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1483:1: rule__MultiplicityRule__Group__3__Impl : ( ']' ) ;
+ public final void rule__MultiplicityRule__Group__3__Impl() throws RecognitionException {
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- reportError(re);
- recover(input,re);
- }
- finally {
+ int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- restoreStackSize(stackSize);
+ try {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1487:1: ( ( ']' ) )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1488:1: ( ']' )
+ {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1488:1: ( ']' )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1489:1: ']'
+ {
+ before(grammarAccess.getMultiplicityRuleAccess().getRightSquareBracketKeyword_3());
+ match(input, 26, FOLLOW_2);
+ after(grammarAccess.getMultiplicityRuleAccess().getRightSquareBracketKeyword_3());
- }
- return ;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "rule__QualifiedName__Group__0__Impl"
+ }
- // $ANTLR start "rule__QualifiedName__Group__1"
- // ../ rule__QualifiedName__Group__1 : rule__QualifiedName__Group__1__Impl rule__QualifiedName__Group__2 ;
- public final void rule__QualifiedName__Group__1() throws RecognitionException {
+ }
- int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- try {
- // ../ ( rule__QualifiedName__Group__1__Impl rule__QualifiedName__Group__2 )
- // ../ rule__QualifiedName__Group__1__Impl rule__QualifiedName__Group__2
- {
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_rule__QualifiedName__Group__1__Impl_in_rule__QualifiedName__Group__12779);
- rule__QualifiedName__Group__1__Impl();
+ } catch (RecognitionException re) {
+ reportError(re);
+ recover(input, re);
+ } finally {
- state._fsp--;
+ restoreStackSize(stackSize);
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_rule__QualifiedName__Group__2_in_rule__QualifiedName__Group__12782);
- rule__QualifiedName__Group__2();
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end "rule__MultiplicityRule__Group__3__Impl"
- state._fsp--;
+ // $ANTLR start "rule__MultiplicityRule__Group_2__0"
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1510:1: rule__MultiplicityRule__Group_2__0 : rule__MultiplicityRule__Group_2__0__Impl rule__MultiplicityRule__Group_2__1 ;
+ public final void rule__MultiplicityRule__Group_2__0() throws RecognitionException {
- }
+ int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- reportError(re);
- recover(input,re);
- }
- finally {
+ try {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1514:1: ( rule__MultiplicityRule__Group_2__0__Impl rule__MultiplicityRule__Group_2__1 )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1515:2: rule__MultiplicityRule__Group_2__0__Impl rule__MultiplicityRule__Group_2__1
+ {
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_8);
+ rule__MultiplicityRule__Group_2__0__Impl();
- restoreStackSize(stackSize);
+ state._fsp--;
- }
- return ;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "rule__QualifiedName__Group__1"
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_2);
+ rule__MultiplicityRule__Group_2__1();
+ state._fsp--;
- // $ANTLR start "rule__QualifiedName__Group__1__Impl"
- // ../ rule__QualifiedName__Group__1__Impl : ( '::' ) ;
- public final void rule__QualifiedName__Group__1__Impl() throws RecognitionException {
- int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- try {
- // ../ ( ( '::' ) )
- // ../ ( '::' )
- {
- // ../ ( '::' )
- // ../ '::'
- {
- before(grammarAccess.getQualifiedNameAccess().getColonColonKeyword_1());
- match(input,24,FOLLOW_24_in_rule__QualifiedName__Group__1__Impl2810);
- after(grammarAccess.getQualifiedNameAccess().getColonColonKeyword_1());
+ }
- }
+ } catch (RecognitionException re) {
+ reportError(re);
+ recover(input, re);
+ } finally {
+ restoreStackSize(stackSize);
- }
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end "rule__MultiplicityRule__Group_2__0"
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- reportError(re);
- recover(input,re);
- }
- finally {
- restoreStackSize(stackSize);
+ // $ANTLR start "rule__MultiplicityRule__Group_2__0__Impl"
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1522:1: rule__MultiplicityRule__Group_2__0__Impl : ( '..' ) ;
+ public final void rule__MultiplicityRule__Group_2__0__Impl() throws RecognitionException {
- }
- return ;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "rule__QualifiedName__Group__1__Impl"
+ int stackSize = keepStackSize();
+ try {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1526:1: ( ( '..' ) )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1527:1: ( '..' )
+ {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1527:1: ( '..' )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1528:1: '..'
+ {
+ before(grammarAccess.getMultiplicityRuleAccess().getFullStopFullStopKeyword_2_0());
+ match(input, 27, FOLLOW_2);
+ after(grammarAccess.getMultiplicityRuleAccess().getFullStopFullStopKeyword_2_0());
- // $ANTLR start "rule__QualifiedName__Group__2"
- // ../ rule__QualifiedName__Group__2 : rule__QualifiedName__Group__2__Impl ;
- public final void rule__QualifiedName__Group__2() throws RecognitionException {
+ }
- int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- try {
- // ../ ( rule__QualifiedName__Group__2__Impl )
- // ../ rule__QualifiedName__Group__2__Impl
- {
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_rule__QualifiedName__Group__2__Impl_in_rule__QualifiedName__Group__22841);
- rule__QualifiedName__Group__2__Impl();
- state._fsp--;
+ }
+ } catch (RecognitionException re) {
+ reportError(re);
+ recover(input, re);
+ } finally {
- }
+ restoreStackSize(stackSize);
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- reportError(re);
- recover(input,re);
- }
- finally {
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end "rule__MultiplicityRule__Group_2__0__Impl"
- restoreStackSize(stackSize);
- }
- return ;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "rule__QualifiedName__Group__2"
+ // $ANTLR start "rule__MultiplicityRule__Group_2__1"
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1541:1: rule__MultiplicityRule__Group_2__1 : rule__MultiplicityRule__Group_2__1__Impl ;
+ public final void rule__MultiplicityRule__Group_2__1() throws RecognitionException {
+ int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- // $ANTLR start "rule__QualifiedName__Group__2__Impl"
- // ../ rule__QualifiedName__Group__2__Impl : ( ( rule__QualifiedName__RemainingAssignment_2 )? ) ;
- public final void rule__QualifiedName__Group__2__Impl() throws RecognitionException {
+ try {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1545:1: ( rule__MultiplicityRule__Group_2__1__Impl )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1546:2: rule__MultiplicityRule__Group_2__1__Impl
+ {
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_2);
+ rule__MultiplicityRule__Group_2__1__Impl();
- int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- try {
- // ../ ( ( ( rule__QualifiedName__RemainingAssignment_2 )? ) )
- // ../ ( ( rule__QualifiedName__RemainingAssignment_2 )? )
- {
- // ../ ( ( rule__QualifiedName__RemainingAssignment_2 )? )
- // ../ ( rule__QualifiedName__RemainingAssignment_2 )?
- {
- before(grammarAccess.getQualifiedNameAccess().getRemainingAssignment_2());
- // ../ ( rule__QualifiedName__RemainingAssignment_2 )?
- int alt17=2;
- int LA17_0 = input.LA(1);
+ state._fsp--;
- if ( (LA17_0==RULE_ID) ) {
- int LA17_1 = input.LA(2);
- if ( (LA17_1==24) ) {
- alt17=1;
- }
- }
- switch (alt17) {
- case 1 :
- // ../ rule__QualifiedName__RemainingAssignment_2
- {
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_rule__QualifiedName__RemainingAssignment_2_in_rule__QualifiedName__Group__2__Impl2868);
- rule__QualifiedName__RemainingAssignment_2();
+ }
- state._fsp--;
+ } catch (RecognitionException re) {
+ reportError(re);
+ recover(input, re);
+ } finally {
+ restoreStackSize(stackSize);
- }
- break;
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end "rule__MultiplicityRule__Group_2__1"
- }
- after(grammarAccess.getQualifiedNameAccess().getRemainingAssignment_2());
+ // $ANTLR start "rule__MultiplicityRule__Group_2__1__Impl"
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1552:1: rule__MultiplicityRule__Group_2__1__Impl : ( ( rule__MultiplicityRule__BoundsAssignment_2_1 ) ) ;
+ public final void rule__MultiplicityRule__Group_2__1__Impl() throws RecognitionException {
- }
+ int stackSize = keepStackSize();
+ try {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1556:1: ( ( ( rule__MultiplicityRule__BoundsAssignment_2_1 ) ) )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1557:1: ( ( rule__MultiplicityRule__BoundsAssignment_2_1 ) )
+ {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1557:1: ( ( rule__MultiplicityRule__BoundsAssignment_2_1 ) )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1558:1: ( rule__MultiplicityRule__BoundsAssignment_2_1 )
+ {
+ before(grammarAccess.getMultiplicityRuleAccess().getBoundsAssignment_2_1());
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1559:1: ( rule__MultiplicityRule__BoundsAssignment_2_1 )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1559:2: rule__MultiplicityRule__BoundsAssignment_2_1
+ {
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_2);
+ rule__MultiplicityRule__BoundsAssignment_2_1();
- }
+ state._fsp--;
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- reportError(re);
- recover(input,re);
- }
- finally {
- restoreStackSize(stackSize);
+ }
- }
- return ;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "rule__QualifiedName__Group__2__Impl"
+ after(grammarAccess.getMultiplicityRuleAccess().getBoundsAssignment_2_1());
+ }
- // $ANTLR start "rule__MultiplicityRule__Group__0"
- // ../ rule__MultiplicityRule__Group__0 : rule__MultiplicityRule__Group__0__Impl rule__MultiplicityRule__Group__1 ;
- public final void rule__MultiplicityRule__Group__0() throws RecognitionException {
- int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- try {
- // ../ ( rule__MultiplicityRule__Group__0__Impl rule__MultiplicityRule__Group__1 )
- // ../ rule__MultiplicityRule__Group__0__Impl rule__MultiplicityRule__Group__1
- {
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_rule__MultiplicityRule__Group__0__Impl_in_rule__MultiplicityRule__Group__02905);
- rule__MultiplicityRule__Group__0__Impl();
+ }
- state._fsp--;
+ } catch (RecognitionException re) {
+ reportError(re);
+ recover(input, re);
+ } finally {
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_rule__MultiplicityRule__Group__1_in_rule__MultiplicityRule__Group__02908);
- rule__MultiplicityRule__Group__1();
+ restoreStackSize(stackSize);
- state._fsp--;
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end "rule__MultiplicityRule__Group_2__1__Impl"
- }
+ // $ANTLR start "rule__ModifiersRule__Group__0"
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1573:1: rule__ModifiersRule__Group__0 : rule__ModifiersRule__Group__0__Impl rule__ModifiersRule__Group__1 ;
+ public final void rule__ModifiersRule__Group__0() throws RecognitionException {
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- reportError(re);
- recover(input,re);
- }
- finally {
+ int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- restoreStackSize(stackSize);
+ try {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1577:1: ( rule__ModifiersRule__Group__0__Impl rule__ModifiersRule__Group__1 )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1578:2: rule__ModifiersRule__Group__0__Impl rule__ModifiersRule__Group__1
+ {
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_10);
+ rule__ModifiersRule__Group__0__Impl();
- }
- return ;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "rule__MultiplicityRule__Group__0"
+ state._fsp--;
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_2);
+ rule__ModifiersRule__Group__1();
- // $ANTLR start "rule__MultiplicityRule__Group__0__Impl"
- // ../ rule__MultiplicityRule__Group__0__Impl : ( '[' ) ;
- public final void rule__MultiplicityRule__Group__0__Impl() throws RecognitionException {
+ state._fsp--;
- int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- try {
- // ../ ( ( '[' ) )
- // ../ ( '[' )
- {
- // ../ ( '[' )
- // ../ '['
- {
- before(grammarAccess.getMultiplicityRuleAccess().getLeftSquareBracketKeyword_0());
- match(input,25,FOLLOW_25_in_rule__MultiplicityRule__Group__0__Impl2936);
- after(grammarAccess.getMultiplicityRuleAccess().getLeftSquareBracketKeyword_0());
- }
+ }
+ } catch (RecognitionException re) {
+ reportError(re);
+ recover(input, re);
+ } finally {
- }
+ restoreStackSize(stackSize);
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- reportError(re);
- recover(input,re);
- }
- finally {
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end "rule__ModifiersRule__Group__0"
- restoreStackSize(stackSize);
- }
- return ;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "rule__MultiplicityRule__Group__0__Impl"
+ // $ANTLR start "rule__ModifiersRule__Group__0__Impl"
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1585:1: rule__ModifiersRule__Group__0__Impl : ( () ) ;
+ public final void rule__ModifiersRule__Group__0__Impl() throws RecognitionException {
+ int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- // $ANTLR start "rule__MultiplicityRule__Group__1"
- // ../ rule__MultiplicityRule__Group__1 : rule__MultiplicityRule__Group__1__Impl rule__MultiplicityRule__Group__2 ;
- public final void rule__MultiplicityRule__Group__1() throws RecognitionException {
+ try {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1589:1: ( ( () ) )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1590:1: ( () )
+ {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1590:1: ( () )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1591:1: ()
+ {
+ before(grammarAccess.getModifiersRuleAccess().getModifiersRuleAction_0());
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1592:1: ()
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1594:1:
+ {
+ }
- int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- try {
- // ../ ( rule__MultiplicityRule__Group__1__Impl rule__MultiplicityRule__Group__2 )
- // ../ rule__MultiplicityRule__Group__1__Impl rule__MultiplicityRule__Group__2
- {
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_rule__MultiplicityRule__Group__1__Impl_in_rule__MultiplicityRule__Group__12967);
- rule__MultiplicityRule__Group__1__Impl();
+ after(grammarAccess.getModifiersRuleAccess().getModifiersRuleAction_0());
- state._fsp--;
+ }
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_rule__MultiplicityRule__Group__2_in_rule__MultiplicityRule__Group__12970);
- rule__MultiplicityRule__Group__2();
- state._fsp--;
+ }
+ } finally {
- }
+ restoreStackSize(stackSize);
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- reportError(re);
- recover(input,re);
- }
- finally {
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end "rule__ModifiersRule__Group__0__Impl"
- restoreStackSize(stackSize);
- }
- return ;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "rule__MultiplicityRule__Group__1"
+ // $ANTLR start "rule__ModifiersRule__Group__1"
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1604:1: rule__ModifiersRule__Group__1 : rule__ModifiersRule__Group__1__Impl rule__ModifiersRule__Group__2 ;
+ public final void rule__ModifiersRule__Group__1() throws RecognitionException {
+ int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- // $ANTLR start "rule__MultiplicityRule__Group__1__Impl"
- // ../ rule__MultiplicityRule__Group__1__Impl : ( ( rule__MultiplicityRule__BoundsAssignment_1 ) ) ;
- public final void rule__MultiplicityRule__Group__1__Impl() throws RecognitionException {
+ try {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1608:1: ( rule__ModifiersRule__Group__1__Impl rule__ModifiersRule__Group__2 )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1609:2: rule__ModifiersRule__Group__1__Impl rule__ModifiersRule__Group__2
+ {
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_11);
+ rule__ModifiersRule__Group__1__Impl();
- int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- try {
- // ../ ( ( ( rule__MultiplicityRule__BoundsAssignment_1 ) ) )
- // ../ ( ( rule__MultiplicityRule__BoundsAssignment_1 ) )
- {
- // ../ ( ( rule__MultiplicityRule__BoundsAssignment_1 ) )
- // ../ ( rule__MultiplicityRule__BoundsAssignment_1 )
- {
- before(grammarAccess.getMultiplicityRuleAccess().getBoundsAssignment_1());
- // ../ ( rule__MultiplicityRule__BoundsAssignment_1 )
- // ../ rule__MultiplicityRule__BoundsAssignment_1
- {
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_rule__MultiplicityRule__BoundsAssignment_1_in_rule__MultiplicityRule__Group__1__Impl2997);
- rule__MultiplicityRule__BoundsAssignment_1();
+ state._fsp--;
- state._fsp--;
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_2);
+ rule__ModifiersRule__Group__2();
+ state._fsp--;
- }
- after(grammarAccess.getMultiplicityRuleAccess().getBoundsAssignment_1());
+ }
- }
+ } catch (RecognitionException re) {
+ reportError(re);
+ recover(input, re);
+ } finally {
+ restoreStackSize(stackSize);
- }
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end "rule__ModifiersRule__Group__1"
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- reportError(re);
- recover(input,re);
- }
- finally {
- restoreStackSize(stackSize);
+ // $ANTLR start "rule__ModifiersRule__Group__1__Impl"
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1616:1: rule__ModifiersRule__Group__1__Impl : ( '{' ) ;
+ public final void rule__ModifiersRule__Group__1__Impl() throws RecognitionException {
- }
- return ;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "rule__MultiplicityRule__Group__1__Impl"
+ int stackSize = keepStackSize();
+ try {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1620:1: ( ( '{' ) )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1621:1: ( '{' )
+ {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1621:1: ( '{' )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1622:1: '{'
+ {
+ before(grammarAccess.getModifiersRuleAccess().getLeftCurlyBracketKeyword_1());
+ match(input, 28, FOLLOW_2);
+ after(grammarAccess.getModifiersRuleAccess().getLeftCurlyBracketKeyword_1());
- // $ANTLR start "rule__MultiplicityRule__Group__2"
- // ../ rule__MultiplicityRule__Group__2 : rule__MultiplicityRule__Group__2__Impl rule__MultiplicityRule__Group__3 ;
- public final void rule__MultiplicityRule__Group__2() throws RecognitionException {
+ }
- int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- try {
- // ../ ( rule__MultiplicityRule__Group__2__Impl rule__MultiplicityRule__Group__3 )
- // ../ rule__MultiplicityRule__Group__2__Impl rule__MultiplicityRule__Group__3
- {
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_rule__MultiplicityRule__Group__2__Impl_in_rule__MultiplicityRule__Group__23027);
- rule__MultiplicityRule__Group__2__Impl();
- state._fsp--;
+ }
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_rule__MultiplicityRule__Group__3_in_rule__MultiplicityRule__Group__23030);
- rule__MultiplicityRule__Group__3();
+ } catch (RecognitionException re) {
+ reportError(re);
+ recover(input, re);
+ } finally {
- state._fsp--;
+ restoreStackSize(stackSize);
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end "rule__ModifiersRule__Group__1__Impl"
- }
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- reportError(re);
- recover(input,re);
- }
- finally {
+ // $ANTLR start "rule__ModifiersRule__Group__2"
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1635:1: rule__ModifiersRule__Group__2 : rule__ModifiersRule__Group__2__Impl rule__ModifiersRule__Group__3 ;
+ public final void rule__ModifiersRule__Group__2() throws RecognitionException {
- restoreStackSize(stackSize);
+ int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- }
- return ;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "rule__MultiplicityRule__Group__2"
+ try {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1639:1: ( rule__ModifiersRule__Group__2__Impl rule__ModifiersRule__Group__3 )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1640:2: rule__ModifiersRule__Group__2__Impl rule__ModifiersRule__Group__3
+ {
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_11);
+ rule__ModifiersRule__Group__2__Impl();
+ state._fsp--;
- // $ANTLR start "rule__MultiplicityRule__Group__2__Impl"
- // ../ rule__MultiplicityRule__Group__2__Impl : ( ( rule__MultiplicityRule__Group_2__0 )? ) ;
- public final void rule__MultiplicityRule__Group__2__Impl() throws RecognitionException {
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_2);
+ rule__ModifiersRule__Group__3();
- int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- try {
- // ../ ( ( ( rule__MultiplicityRule__Group_2__0 )? ) )
- // ../ ( ( rule__MultiplicityRule__Group_2__0 )? )
- {
- // ../ ( ( rule__MultiplicityRule__Group_2__0 )? )
- // ../ ( rule__MultiplicityRule__Group_2__0 )?
- {
- before(grammarAccess.getMultiplicityRuleAccess().getGroup_2());
- // ../ ( rule__MultiplicityRule__Group_2__0 )?
- int alt18=2;
- int LA18_0 = input.LA(1);
+ state._fsp--;
- if ( (LA18_0==27) ) {
- alt18=1;
- }
- switch (alt18) {
- case 1 :
- // ../ rule__MultiplicityRule__Group_2__0
- {
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_rule__MultiplicityRule__Group_2__0_in_rule__MultiplicityRule__Group__2__Impl3057);
- rule__MultiplicityRule__Group_2__0();
- state._fsp--;
+ }
+ } catch (RecognitionException re) {
+ reportError(re);
+ recover(input, re);
+ } finally {
- }
- break;
+ restoreStackSize(stackSize);
- }
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end "rule__ModifiersRule__Group__2"
- after(grammarAccess.getMultiplicityRuleAccess().getGroup_2());
- }
+ // $ANTLR start "rule__ModifiersRule__Group__2__Impl"
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1647:1: rule__ModifiersRule__Group__2__Impl : ( ( rule__ModifiersRule__Group_2__0 )? ) ;
+ public final void rule__ModifiersRule__Group__2__Impl() throws RecognitionException {
+ int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- }
+ try {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1651:1: ( ( ( rule__ModifiersRule__Group_2__0 )? ) )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1652:1: ( ( rule__ModifiersRule__Group_2__0 )? )
+ {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1652:1: ( ( rule__ModifiersRule__Group_2__0 )? )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1653:1: ( rule__ModifiersRule__Group_2__0 )?
+ {
+ before(grammarAccess.getModifiersRuleAccess().getGroup_2());
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1654:1: ( rule__ModifiersRule__Group_2__0 )?
+ int alt19 = 2;
+ int LA19_0 = input.LA(1);
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- reportError(re);
- recover(input,re);
- }
- finally {
+ if (((LA19_0 >= 17 && LA19_0 <= 20) || (LA19_0 >= 31 && LA19_0 <= 32))) {
+ alt19 = 1;
+ }
+ switch (alt19) {
+ case 1:
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1654:2: rule__ModifiersRule__Group_2__0
+ {
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_2);
+ rule__ModifiersRule__Group_2__0();
- restoreStackSize(stackSize);
+ state._fsp--;
- }
- return ;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "rule__MultiplicityRule__Group__2__Impl"
+ }
+ break;
- // $ANTLR start "rule__MultiplicityRule__Group__3"
- // ../ rule__MultiplicityRule__Group__3 : rule__MultiplicityRule__Group__3__Impl ;
- public final void rule__MultiplicityRule__Group__3() throws RecognitionException {
+ }
- int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- try {
- // ../ ( rule__MultiplicityRule__Group__3__Impl )
- // ../ rule__MultiplicityRule__Group__3__Impl
- {
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_rule__MultiplicityRule__Group__3__Impl_in_rule__MultiplicityRule__Group__33088);
- rule__MultiplicityRule__Group__3__Impl();
+ after(grammarAccess.getModifiersRuleAccess().getGroup_2());
- state._fsp--;
+ }
- }
+ }
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- reportError(re);
- recover(input,re);
- }
- finally {
+ } catch (RecognitionException re) {
+ reportError(re);
+ recover(input, re);
+ } finally {
- restoreStackSize(stackSize);
+ restoreStackSize(stackSize);
- }
- return ;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "rule__MultiplicityRule__Group__3"
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end "rule__ModifiersRule__Group__2__Impl"
- // $ANTLR start "rule__MultiplicityRule__Group__3__Impl"
- // ../ rule__MultiplicityRule__Group__3__Impl : ( ']' ) ;
- public final void rule__MultiplicityRule__Group__3__Impl() throws RecognitionException {
+ // $ANTLR start "rule__ModifiersRule__Group__3"
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1664:1: rule__ModifiersRule__Group__3 : rule__ModifiersRule__Group__3__Impl ;
+ public final void rule__ModifiersRule__Group__3() throws RecognitionException {
- int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- try {
- // ../ ( ( ']' ) )
- // ../ ( ']' )
- {
- // ../ ( ']' )
- // ../ ']'
- {
- before(grammarAccess.getMultiplicityRuleAccess().getRightSquareBracketKeyword_3());
- match(input,26,FOLLOW_26_in_rule__MultiplicityRule__Group__3__Impl3116);
- after(grammarAccess.getMultiplicityRuleAccess().getRightSquareBracketKeyword_3());
+ int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- }
+ try {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1668:1: ( rule__ModifiersRule__Group__3__Impl )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1669:2: rule__ModifiersRule__Group__3__Impl
+ {
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_2);
+ rule__ModifiersRule__Group__3__Impl();
+ state._fsp--;
- }
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- reportError(re);
- recover(input,re);
- }
- finally {
+ }
- restoreStackSize(stackSize);
+ } catch (RecognitionException re) {
+ reportError(re);
+ recover(input, re);
+ } finally {
- }
- return ;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "rule__MultiplicityRule__Group__3__Impl"
+ restoreStackSize(stackSize);
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end "rule__ModifiersRule__Group__3"
- // $ANTLR start "rule__MultiplicityRule__Group_2__0"
- // ../ rule__MultiplicityRule__Group_2__0 : rule__MultiplicityRule__Group_2__0__Impl rule__MultiplicityRule__Group_2__1 ;
- public final void rule__MultiplicityRule__Group_2__0() throws RecognitionException {
- int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- try {
- // ../ ( rule__MultiplicityRule__Group_2__0__Impl rule__MultiplicityRule__Group_2__1 )
- // ../ rule__MultiplicityRule__Group_2__0__Impl rule__MultiplicityRule__Group_2__1
- {
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_rule__MultiplicityRule__Group_2__0__Impl_in_rule__MultiplicityRule__Group_2__03155);
- rule__MultiplicityRule__Group_2__0__Impl();
+ // $ANTLR start "rule__ModifiersRule__Group__3__Impl"
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1675:1: rule__ModifiersRule__Group__3__Impl : ( '}' ) ;
+ public final void rule__ModifiersRule__Group__3__Impl() throws RecognitionException {
- state._fsp--;
+ int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_rule__MultiplicityRule__Group_2__1_in_rule__MultiplicityRule__Group_2__03158);
- rule__MultiplicityRule__Group_2__1();
+ try {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1679:1: ( ( '}' ) )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1680:1: ( '}' )
+ {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1680:1: ( '}' )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1681:1: '}'
+ {
+ before(grammarAccess.getModifiersRuleAccess().getRightCurlyBracketKeyword_3());
+ match(input, 29, FOLLOW_2);
+ after(grammarAccess.getModifiersRuleAccess().getRightCurlyBracketKeyword_3());
- state._fsp--;
+ }
- }
+ }
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- reportError(re);
- recover(input,re);
- }
- finally {
+ } catch (RecognitionException re) {
+ reportError(re);
+ recover(input, re);
+ } finally {
- restoreStackSize(stackSize);
+ restoreStackSize(stackSize);
- }
- return ;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "rule__MultiplicityRule__Group_2__0"
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end "rule__ModifiersRule__Group__3__Impl"
- // $ANTLR start "rule__MultiplicityRule__Group_2__0__Impl"
- // ../ rule__MultiplicityRule__Group_2__0__Impl : ( '..' ) ;
- public final void rule__MultiplicityRule__Group_2__0__Impl() throws RecognitionException {
+ // $ANTLR start "rule__ModifiersRule__Group_2__0"
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1702:1: rule__ModifiersRule__Group_2__0 : rule__ModifiersRule__Group_2__0__Impl rule__ModifiersRule__Group_2__1 ;
+ public final void rule__ModifiersRule__Group_2__0() throws RecognitionException {
- int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- try {
- // ../ ( ( '..' ) )
- // ../ ( '..' )
- {
- // ../ ( '..' )
- // ../ '..'
- {
- before(grammarAccess.getMultiplicityRuleAccess().getFullStopFullStopKeyword_2_0());
- match(input,27,FOLLOW_27_in_rule__MultiplicityRule__Group_2__0__Impl3186);
- after(grammarAccess.getMultiplicityRuleAccess().getFullStopFullStopKeyword_2_0());
+ int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- }
+ try {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1706:1: ( rule__ModifiersRule__Group_2__0__Impl rule__ModifiersRule__Group_2__1 )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1707:2: rule__ModifiersRule__Group_2__0__Impl rule__ModifiersRule__Group_2__1
+ {
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_12);
+ rule__ModifiersRule__Group_2__0__Impl();
+ state._fsp--;
- }
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_2);
+ rule__ModifiersRule__Group_2__1();
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- reportError(re);
- recover(input,re);
- }
- finally {
+ state._fsp--;
- restoreStackSize(stackSize);
- }
- return ;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "rule__MultiplicityRule__Group_2__0__Impl"
+ }
+ } catch (RecognitionException re) {
+ reportError(re);
+ recover(input, re);
+ } finally {
- // $ANTLR start "rule__MultiplicityRule__Group_2__1"
- // ../ rule__MultiplicityRule__Group_2__1 : rule__MultiplicityRule__Group_2__1__Impl ;
- public final void rule__MultiplicityRule__Group_2__1() throws RecognitionException {
+ restoreStackSize(stackSize);
- int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- try {
- // ../ ( rule__MultiplicityRule__Group_2__1__Impl )
- // ../ rule__MultiplicityRule__Group_2__1__Impl
- {
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_rule__MultiplicityRule__Group_2__1__Impl_in_rule__MultiplicityRule__Group_2__13217);
- rule__MultiplicityRule__Group_2__1__Impl();
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end "rule__ModifiersRule__Group_2__0"
- state._fsp--;
+ // $ANTLR start "rule__ModifiersRule__Group_2__0__Impl"
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1714:1: rule__ModifiersRule__Group_2__0__Impl : ( ( rule__ModifiersRule__ValuesAssignment_2_0 ) ) ;
+ public final void rule__ModifiersRule__Group_2__0__Impl() throws RecognitionException {
- }
+ int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- reportError(re);
- recover(input,re);
- }
- finally {
+ try {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1718:1: ( ( ( rule__ModifiersRule__ValuesAssignment_2_0 ) ) )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1719:1: ( ( rule__ModifiersRule__ValuesAssignment_2_0 ) )
+ {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1719:1: ( ( rule__ModifiersRule__ValuesAssignment_2_0 ) )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1720:1: ( rule__ModifiersRule__ValuesAssignment_2_0 )
+ {
+ before(grammarAccess.getModifiersRuleAccess().getValuesAssignment_2_0());
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1721:1: ( rule__ModifiersRule__ValuesAssignment_2_0 )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1721:2: rule__ModifiersRule__ValuesAssignment_2_0
+ {
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_2);
+ rule__ModifiersRule__ValuesAssignment_2_0();
- restoreStackSize(stackSize);
+ state._fsp--;
- }
- return ;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "rule__MultiplicityRule__Group_2__1"
+ }
- // $ANTLR start "rule__MultiplicityRule__Group_2__1__Impl"
- // ../ rule__MultiplicityRule__Group_2__1__Impl : ( ( rule__MultiplicityRule__BoundsAssignment_2_1 ) ) ;
- public final void rule__MultiplicityRule__Group_2__1__Impl() throws RecognitionException {
+ after(grammarAccess.getModifiersRuleAccess().getValuesAssignment_2_0());
- int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- try {
- // ../ ( ( ( rule__MultiplicityRule__BoundsAssignment_2_1 ) ) )
- // ../ ( ( rule__MultiplicityRule__BoundsAssignment_2_1 ) )
- {
- // ../ ( ( rule__MultiplicityRule__BoundsAssignment_2_1 ) )
- // ../ ( rule__MultiplicityRule__BoundsAssignment_2_1 )
- {
- before(grammarAccess.getMultiplicityRuleAccess().getBoundsAssignment_2_1());
- // ../ ( rule__MultiplicityRule__BoundsAssignment_2_1 )
- // ../ rule__MultiplicityRule__BoundsAssignment_2_1
- {
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_rule__MultiplicityRule__BoundsAssignment_2_1_in_rule__MultiplicityRule__Group_2__1__Impl3244);
- rule__MultiplicityRule__BoundsAssignment_2_1();
+ }
- state._fsp--;
+ }
- }
+ } catch (RecognitionException re) {
+ reportError(re);
+ recover(input, re);
+ } finally {
- after(grammarAccess.getMultiplicityRuleAccess().getBoundsAssignment_2_1());
+ restoreStackSize(stackSize);
- }
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end "rule__ModifiersRule__Group_2__0__Impl"
- }
+ // $ANTLR start "rule__ModifiersRule__Group_2__1"
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1731:1: rule__ModifiersRule__Group_2__1 : rule__ModifiersRule__Group_2__1__Impl ;
+ public final void rule__ModifiersRule__Group_2__1() throws RecognitionException {
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- reportError(re);
- recover(input,re);
- }
- finally {
+ int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- restoreStackSize(stackSize);
+ try {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1735:1: ( rule__ModifiersRule__Group_2__1__Impl )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1736:2: rule__ModifiersRule__Group_2__1__Impl
+ {
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_2);
+ rule__ModifiersRule__Group_2__1__Impl();
- }
- return ;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "rule__MultiplicityRule__Group_2__1__Impl"
+ state._fsp--;
- // $ANTLR start "rule__ModifiersRule__Group__0"
- // ../ rule__ModifiersRule__Group__0 : rule__ModifiersRule__Group__0__Impl rule__ModifiersRule__Group__1 ;
- public final void rule__ModifiersRule__Group__0() throws RecognitionException {
+ }
- int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- try {
- // ../ ( rule__ModifiersRule__Group__0__Impl rule__ModifiersRule__Group__1 )
- // ../ rule__ModifiersRule__Group__0__Impl rule__ModifiersRule__Group__1
- {
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_rule__ModifiersRule__Group__0__Impl_in_rule__ModifiersRule__Group__03278);
- rule__ModifiersRule__Group__0__Impl();
+ } catch (RecognitionException re) {
+ reportError(re);
+ recover(input, re);
+ } finally {
- state._fsp--;
+ restoreStackSize(stackSize);
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_rule__ModifiersRule__Group__1_in_rule__ModifiersRule__Group__03281);
- rule__ModifiersRule__Group__1();
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end "rule__ModifiersRule__Group_2__1"
- state._fsp--;
+ // $ANTLR start "rule__ModifiersRule__Group_2__1__Impl"
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1742:1: rule__ModifiersRule__Group_2__1__Impl : ( ( rule__ModifiersRule__Group_2_1__0 )* ) ;
+ public final void rule__ModifiersRule__Group_2__1__Impl() throws RecognitionException {
- }
+ int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- reportError(re);
- recover(input,re);
- }
- finally {
+ try {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1746:1: ( ( ( rule__ModifiersRule__Group_2_1__0 )* ) )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1747:1: ( ( rule__ModifiersRule__Group_2_1__0 )* )
+ {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1747:1: ( ( rule__ModifiersRule__Group_2_1__0 )* )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1748:1: ( rule__ModifiersRule__Group_2_1__0 )*
+ {
+ before(grammarAccess.getModifiersRuleAccess().getGroup_2_1());
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1749:1: ( rule__ModifiersRule__Group_2_1__0 )*
+ loop20: do {
+ int alt20 = 2;
+ int LA20_0 = input.LA(1);
- restoreStackSize(stackSize);
+ if ((LA20_0 == 30)) {
+ alt20 = 1;
+ }
- }
- return ;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "rule__ModifiersRule__Group__0"
+ switch (alt20) {
+ case 1:
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1749:2: rule__ModifiersRule__Group_2_1__0
+ {
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_13);
+ rule__ModifiersRule__Group_2_1__0();
- // $ANTLR start "rule__ModifiersRule__Group__0__Impl"
- // ../ rule__ModifiersRule__Group__0__Impl : ( () ) ;
- public final void rule__ModifiersRule__Group__0__Impl() throws RecognitionException {
+ state._fsp--;
- int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- try {
- // ../ ( ( () ) )
- // ../ ( () )
- {
- // ../ ( () )
- // ../ ()
- {
- before(grammarAccess.getModifiersRuleAccess().getModifiersRuleAction_0());
- // ../ ()
- // ../
- {
- }
- after(grammarAccess.getModifiersRuleAccess().getModifiersRuleAction_0());
+ }
+ break;
- }
+ default:
+ break loop20;
+ }
+ } while (true);
+ after(grammarAccess.getModifiersRuleAccess().getGroup_2_1());
- }
+ }
- }
- finally {
- restoreStackSize(stackSize);
+ }
- }
- return ;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "rule__ModifiersRule__Group__0__Impl"
+ } catch (RecognitionException re) {
+ reportError(re);
+ recover(input, re);
+ } finally {
+ restoreStackSize(stackSize);
- // $ANTLR start "rule__ModifiersRule__Group__1"
- // ../ rule__ModifiersRule__Group__1 : rule__ModifiersRule__Group__1__Impl rule__ModifiersRule__Group__2 ;
- public final void rule__ModifiersRule__Group__1() throws RecognitionException {
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end "rule__ModifiersRule__Group_2__1__Impl"
- int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- try {
- // ../ ( rule__ModifiersRule__Group__1__Impl rule__ModifiersRule__Group__2 )
- // ../ rule__ModifiersRule__Group__1__Impl rule__ModifiersRule__Group__2
- {
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_rule__ModifiersRule__Group__1__Impl_in_rule__ModifiersRule__Group__13339);
- rule__ModifiersRule__Group__1__Impl();
- state._fsp--;
+ // $ANTLR start "rule__ModifiersRule__Group_2_1__0"
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1763:1: rule__ModifiersRule__Group_2_1__0 : rule__ModifiersRule__Group_2_1__0__Impl rule__ModifiersRule__Group_2_1__1 ;
+ public final void rule__ModifiersRule__Group_2_1__0() throws RecognitionException {
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_rule__ModifiersRule__Group__2_in_rule__ModifiersRule__Group__13342);
- rule__ModifiersRule__Group__2();
+ int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- state._fsp--;
+ try {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1767:1: ( rule__ModifiersRule__Group_2_1__0__Impl rule__ModifiersRule__Group_2_1__1 )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1768:2: rule__ModifiersRule__Group_2_1__0__Impl rule__ModifiersRule__Group_2_1__1
+ {
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_14);
+ rule__ModifiersRule__Group_2_1__0__Impl();
+ state._fsp--;
- }
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_2);
+ rule__ModifiersRule__Group_2_1__1();
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- reportError(re);
- recover(input,re);
- }
- finally {
+ state._fsp--;
- restoreStackSize(stackSize);
- }
- return ;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "rule__ModifiersRule__Group__1"
+ }
+ } catch (RecognitionException re) {
+ reportError(re);
+ recover(input, re);
+ } finally {
- // $ANTLR start "rule__ModifiersRule__Group__1__Impl"
- // ../ rule__ModifiersRule__Group__1__Impl : ( '{' ) ;
- public final void rule__ModifiersRule__Group__1__Impl() throws RecognitionException {
+ restoreStackSize(stackSize);
- int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- try {
- // ../ ( ( '{' ) )
- // ../ ( '{' )
- {
- // ../ ( '{' )
- // ../ '{'
- {
- before(grammarAccess.getModifiersRuleAccess().getLeftCurlyBracketKeyword_1());
- match(input,28,FOLLOW_28_in_rule__ModifiersRule__Group__1__Impl3370);
- after(grammarAccess.getModifiersRuleAccess().getLeftCurlyBracketKeyword_1());
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end "rule__ModifiersRule__Group_2_1__0"
- }
+ // $ANTLR start "rule__ModifiersRule__Group_2_1__0__Impl"
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1775:1: rule__ModifiersRule__Group_2_1__0__Impl : ( ',' ) ;
+ public final void rule__ModifiersRule__Group_2_1__0__Impl() throws RecognitionException {
- }
+ int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- reportError(re);
- recover(input,re);
- }
- finally {
+ try {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1779:1: ( ( ',' ) )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1780:1: ( ',' )
+ {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1780:1: ( ',' )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1781:1: ','
+ {
+ before(grammarAccess.getModifiersRuleAccess().getCommaKeyword_2_1_0());
+ match(input, 30, FOLLOW_2);
+ after(grammarAccess.getModifiersRuleAccess().getCommaKeyword_2_1_0());
- restoreStackSize(stackSize);
+ }
- }
- return ;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "rule__ModifiersRule__Group__1__Impl"
+ }
- // $ANTLR start "rule__ModifiersRule__Group__2"
- // ../ rule__ModifiersRule__Group__2 : rule__ModifiersRule__Group__2__Impl rule__ModifiersRule__Group__3 ;
- public final void rule__ModifiersRule__Group__2() throws RecognitionException {
+ } catch (RecognitionException re) {
+ reportError(re);
+ recover(input, re);
+ } finally {
- int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- try {
- // ../ ( rule__ModifiersRule__Group__2__Impl rule__ModifiersRule__Group__3 )
- // ../ rule__ModifiersRule__Group__2__Impl rule__ModifiersRule__Group__3
- {
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_rule__ModifiersRule__Group__2__Impl_in_rule__ModifiersRule__Group__23401);
- rule__ModifiersRule__Group__2__Impl();
+ restoreStackSize(stackSize);
- state._fsp--;
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end "rule__ModifiersRule__Group_2_1__0__Impl"
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_rule__ModifiersRule__Group__3_in_rule__ModifiersRule__Group__23404);
- rule__ModifiersRule__Group__3();
- state._fsp--;
+ // $ANTLR start "rule__ModifiersRule__Group_2_1__1"
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1794:1: rule__ModifiersRule__Group_2_1__1 : rule__ModifiersRule__Group_2_1__1__Impl ;
+ public final void rule__ModifiersRule__Group_2_1__1() throws RecognitionException {
+ int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- }
+ try {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1798:1: ( rule__ModifiersRule__Group_2_1__1__Impl )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1799:2: rule__ModifiersRule__Group_2_1__1__Impl
+ {
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_2);
+ rule__ModifiersRule__Group_2_1__1__Impl();
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- reportError(re);
- recover(input,re);
- }
- finally {
+ state._fsp--;
- restoreStackSize(stackSize);
- }
- return ;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "rule__ModifiersRule__Group__2"
+ }
+ } catch (RecognitionException re) {
+ reportError(re);
+ recover(input, re);
+ } finally {
- // $ANTLR start "rule__ModifiersRule__Group__2__Impl"
- // ../ rule__ModifiersRule__Group__2__Impl : ( ( rule__ModifiersRule__Group_2__0 )? ) ;
- public final void rule__ModifiersRule__Group__2__Impl() throws RecognitionException {
+ restoreStackSize(stackSize);
- int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- try {
- // ../ ( ( ( rule__ModifiersRule__Group_2__0 )? ) )
- // ../ ( ( rule__ModifiersRule__Group_2__0 )? )
- {
- // ../ ( ( rule__ModifiersRule__Group_2__0 )? )
- // ../ ( rule__ModifiersRule__Group_2__0 )?
- {
- before(grammarAccess.getModifiersRuleAccess().getGroup_2());
- // ../ ( rule__ModifiersRule__Group_2__0 )?
- int alt19=2;
- int LA19_0 = input.LA(1);
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end "rule__ModifiersRule__Group_2_1__1"
- if ( ((LA19_0>=17 && LA19_0<=20)||(LA19_0>=31 && LA19_0<=32)) ) {
- alt19=1;
- }
- switch (alt19) {
- case 1 :
- // ../ rule__ModifiersRule__Group_2__0
- {
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_rule__ModifiersRule__Group_2__0_in_rule__ModifiersRule__Group__2__Impl3431);
- rule__ModifiersRule__Group_2__0();
- state._fsp--;
+ // $ANTLR start "rule__ModifiersRule__Group_2_1__1__Impl"
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1805:1: rule__ModifiersRule__Group_2_1__1__Impl : ( ( rule__ModifiersRule__ValuesAssignment_2_1_1 ) ) ;
+ public final void rule__ModifiersRule__Group_2_1__1__Impl() throws RecognitionException {
+ int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- }
- break;
+ try {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1809:1: ( ( ( rule__ModifiersRule__ValuesAssignment_2_1_1 ) ) )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1810:1: ( ( rule__ModifiersRule__ValuesAssignment_2_1_1 ) )
+ {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1810:1: ( ( rule__ModifiersRule__ValuesAssignment_2_1_1 ) )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1811:1: ( rule__ModifiersRule__ValuesAssignment_2_1_1 )
+ {
+ before(grammarAccess.getModifiersRuleAccess().getValuesAssignment_2_1_1());
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1812:1: ( rule__ModifiersRule__ValuesAssignment_2_1_1 )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1812:2: rule__ModifiersRule__ValuesAssignment_2_1_1
+ {
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_2);
+ rule__ModifiersRule__ValuesAssignment_2_1_1();
- }
+ state._fsp--;
- after(grammarAccess.getModifiersRuleAccess().getGroup_2());
- }
+ }
+ after(grammarAccess.getModifiersRuleAccess().getValuesAssignment_2_1_1());
- }
+ }
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- reportError(re);
- recover(input,re);
- }
- finally {
- restoreStackSize(stackSize);
+ }
- }
- return ;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "rule__ModifiersRule__Group__2__Impl"
+ } catch (RecognitionException re) {
+ reportError(re);
+ recover(input, re);
+ } finally {
+ restoreStackSize(stackSize);
- // $ANTLR start "rule__ModifiersRule__Group__3"
- // ../ rule__ModifiersRule__Group__3 : rule__ModifiersRule__Group__3__Impl ;
- public final void rule__ModifiersRule__Group__3() throws RecognitionException {
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end "rule__ModifiersRule__Group_2_1__1__Impl"
- int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- try {
- // ../ ( rule__ModifiersRule__Group__3__Impl )
- // ../ rule__ModifiersRule__Group__3__Impl
- {
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_rule__ModifiersRule__Group__3__Impl_in_rule__ModifiersRule__Group__33462);
- rule__ModifiersRule__Group__3__Impl();
- state._fsp--;
+ // $ANTLR start "rule__RedefinesRule__Group__0"
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1826:1: rule__RedefinesRule__Group__0 : rule__RedefinesRule__Group__0__Impl rule__RedefinesRule__Group__1 ;
+ public final void rule__RedefinesRule__Group__0() throws RecognitionException {
+ int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- }
+ try {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1830:1: ( rule__RedefinesRule__Group__0__Impl rule__RedefinesRule__Group__1 )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1831:2: rule__RedefinesRule__Group__0__Impl rule__RedefinesRule__Group__1
+ {
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_6);
+ rule__RedefinesRule__Group__0__Impl();
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- reportError(re);
- recover(input,re);
- }
- finally {
+ state._fsp--;
- restoreStackSize(stackSize);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_2);
+ rule__RedefinesRule__Group__1();
- }
- return ;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "rule__ModifiersRule__Group__3"
+ state._fsp--;
- // $ANTLR start "rule__ModifiersRule__Group__3__Impl"
- // ../ rule__ModifiersRule__Group__3__Impl : ( '}' ) ;
- public final void rule__ModifiersRule__Group__3__Impl() throws RecognitionException {
+ }
- int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- try {
- // ../ ( ( '}' ) )
- // ../ ( '}' )
- {
- // ../ ( '}' )
- // ../ '}'
- {
- before(grammarAccess.getModifiersRuleAccess().getRightCurlyBracketKeyword_3());
- match(input,29,FOLLOW_29_in_rule__ModifiersRule__Group__3__Impl3490);
- after(grammarAccess.getModifiersRuleAccess().getRightCurlyBracketKeyword_3());
+ } catch (RecognitionException re) {
+ reportError(re);
+ recover(input, re);
+ } finally {
- }
+ restoreStackSize(stackSize);
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end "rule__RedefinesRule__Group__0"
- }
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- reportError(re);
- recover(input,re);
- }
- finally {
+ // $ANTLR start "rule__RedefinesRule__Group__0__Impl"
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1838:1: rule__RedefinesRule__Group__0__Impl : ( 'redefines' ) ;
+ public final void rule__RedefinesRule__Group__0__Impl() throws RecognitionException {
- restoreStackSize(stackSize);
+ int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- }
- return ;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "rule__ModifiersRule__Group__3__Impl"
+ try {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1842:1: ( ( 'redefines' ) )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1843:1: ( 'redefines' )
+ {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1843:1: ( 'redefines' )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1844:1: 'redefines'
+ {
+ before(grammarAccess.getRedefinesRuleAccess().getRedefinesKeyword_0());
+ match(input, 31, FOLLOW_2);
+ after(grammarAccess.getRedefinesRuleAccess().getRedefinesKeyword_0());
+ }
- // $ANTLR start "rule__ModifiersRule__Group_2__0"
- // ../ rule__ModifiersRule__Group_2__0 : rule__ModifiersRule__Group_2__0__Impl rule__ModifiersRule__Group_2__1 ;
- public final void rule__ModifiersRule__Group_2__0() throws RecognitionException {
- int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- try {
- // ../ ( rule__ModifiersRule__Group_2__0__Impl rule__ModifiersRule__Group_2__1 )
- // ../ rule__ModifiersRule__Group_2__0__Impl rule__ModifiersRule__Group_2__1
- {
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_rule__ModifiersRule__Group_2__0__Impl_in_rule__ModifiersRule__Group_2__03529);
- rule__ModifiersRule__Group_2__0__Impl();
+ }
- state._fsp--;
+ } catch (RecognitionException re) {
+ reportError(re);
+ recover(input, re);
+ } finally {
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_rule__ModifiersRule__Group_2__1_in_rule__ModifiersRule__Group_2__03532);
- rule__ModifiersRule__Group_2__1();
+ restoreStackSize(stackSize);
- state._fsp--;
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end "rule__RedefinesRule__Group__0__Impl"
- }
+ // $ANTLR start "rule__RedefinesRule__Group__1"
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1857:1: rule__RedefinesRule__Group__1 : rule__RedefinesRule__Group__1__Impl ;
+ public final void rule__RedefinesRule__Group__1() throws RecognitionException {
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- reportError(re);
- recover(input,re);
- }
- finally {
+ int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- restoreStackSize(stackSize);
+ try {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1861:1: ( rule__RedefinesRule__Group__1__Impl )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1862:2: rule__RedefinesRule__Group__1__Impl
+ {
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_2);
+ rule__RedefinesRule__Group__1__Impl();
- }
- return ;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "rule__ModifiersRule__Group_2__0"
+ state._fsp--;
- // $ANTLR start "rule__ModifiersRule__Group_2__0__Impl"
- // ../ rule__ModifiersRule__Group_2__0__Impl : ( ( rule__ModifiersRule__ValuesAssignment_2_0 ) ) ;
- public final void rule__ModifiersRule__Group_2__0__Impl() throws RecognitionException {
+ }
- int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- try {
- // ../ ( ( ( rule__ModifiersRule__ValuesAssignment_2_0 ) ) )
- // ../ ( ( rule__ModifiersRule__ValuesAssignment_2_0 ) )
- {
- // ../ ( ( rule__ModifiersRule__ValuesAssignment_2_0 ) )
- // ../ ( rule__ModifiersRule__ValuesAssignment_2_0 )
- {
- before(grammarAccess.getModifiersRuleAccess().getValuesAssignment_2_0());
- // ../ ( rule__ModifiersRule__ValuesAssignment_2_0 )
- // ../ rule__ModifiersRule__ValuesAssignment_2_0
- {
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_rule__ModifiersRule__ValuesAssignment_2_0_in_rule__ModifiersRule__Group_2__0__Impl3559);
- rule__ModifiersRule__ValuesAssignment_2_0();
+ } catch (RecognitionException re) {
+ reportError(re);
+ recover(input, re);
+ } finally {
- state._fsp--;
+ restoreStackSize(stackSize);
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end "rule__RedefinesRule__Group__1"
- }
- after(grammarAccess.getModifiersRuleAccess().getValuesAssignment_2_0());
+ // $ANTLR start "rule__RedefinesRule__Group__1__Impl"
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1868:1: rule__RedefinesRule__Group__1__Impl : ( ( rule__RedefinesRule__PropertyAssignment_1 ) ) ;
+ public final void rule__RedefinesRule__Group__1__Impl() throws RecognitionException {
- }
+ int stackSize = keepStackSize();
+ try {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1872:1: ( ( ( rule__RedefinesRule__PropertyAssignment_1 ) ) )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1873:1: ( ( rule__RedefinesRule__PropertyAssignment_1 ) )
+ {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1873:1: ( ( rule__RedefinesRule__PropertyAssignment_1 ) )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1874:1: ( rule__RedefinesRule__PropertyAssignment_1 )
+ {
+ before(grammarAccess.getRedefinesRuleAccess().getPropertyAssignment_1());
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1875:1: ( rule__RedefinesRule__PropertyAssignment_1 )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1875:2: rule__RedefinesRule__PropertyAssignment_1
+ {
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_2);
+ rule__RedefinesRule__PropertyAssignment_1();
- }
+ state._fsp--;
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- reportError(re);
- recover(input,re);
- }
- finally {
- restoreStackSize(stackSize);
+ }
- }
- return ;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "rule__ModifiersRule__Group_2__0__Impl"
+ after(grammarAccess.getRedefinesRuleAccess().getPropertyAssignment_1());
+ }
- // $ANTLR start "rule__ModifiersRule__Group_2__1"
- // ../ rule__ModifiersRule__Group_2__1 : rule__ModifiersRule__Group_2__1__Impl ;
- public final void rule__ModifiersRule__Group_2__1() throws RecognitionException {
- int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- try {
- // ../ ( rule__ModifiersRule__Group_2__1__Impl )
- // ../ rule__ModifiersRule__Group_2__1__Impl
- {
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_rule__ModifiersRule__Group_2__1__Impl_in_rule__ModifiersRule__Group_2__13589);
- rule__ModifiersRule__Group_2__1__Impl();
+ }
- state._fsp--;
+ } catch (RecognitionException re) {
+ reportError(re);
+ recover(input, re);
+ } finally {
+ restoreStackSize(stackSize);
- }
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end "rule__RedefinesRule__Group__1__Impl"
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- reportError(re);
- recover(input,re);
- }
- finally {
- restoreStackSize(stackSize);
+ // $ANTLR start "rule__SubsetsRule__Group__0"
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1889:1: rule__SubsetsRule__Group__0 : rule__SubsetsRule__Group__0__Impl rule__SubsetsRule__Group__1 ;
+ public final void rule__SubsetsRule__Group__0() throws RecognitionException {
- }
- return ;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "rule__ModifiersRule__Group_2__1"
+ int stackSize = keepStackSize();
+ try {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1893:1: ( rule__SubsetsRule__Group__0__Impl rule__SubsetsRule__Group__1 )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1894:2: rule__SubsetsRule__Group__0__Impl rule__SubsetsRule__Group__1
+ {
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_6);
+ rule__SubsetsRule__Group__0__Impl();
- // $ANTLR start "rule__ModifiersRule__Group_2__1__Impl"
- // ../ rule__ModifiersRule__Group_2__1__Impl : ( ( rule__ModifiersRule__Group_2_1__0 )* ) ;
- public final void rule__ModifiersRule__Group_2__1__Impl() throws RecognitionException {
+ state._fsp--;
- int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- try {
- // ../ ( ( ( rule__ModifiersRule__Group_2_1__0 )* ) )
- // ../ ( ( rule__ModifiersRule__Group_2_1__0 )* )
- {
- // ../ ( ( rule__ModifiersRule__Group_2_1__0 )* )
- // ../ ( rule__ModifiersRule__Group_2_1__0 )*
- {
- before(grammarAccess.getModifiersRuleAccess().getGroup_2_1());
- // ../ ( rule__ModifiersRule__Group_2_1__0 )*
- loop20:
- do {
- int alt20=2;
- int LA20_0 = input.LA(1);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_2);
+ rule__SubsetsRule__Group__1();
- if ( (LA20_0==30) ) {
- alt20=1;
- }
+ state._fsp--;
- switch (alt20) {
- case 1 :
- // ../ rule__ModifiersRule__Group_2_1__0
- {
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_rule__ModifiersRule__Group_2_1__0_in_rule__ModifiersRule__Group_2__1__Impl3616);
- rule__ModifiersRule__Group_2_1__0();
+ }
- state._fsp--;
+ } catch (RecognitionException re) {
+ reportError(re);
+ recover(input, re);
+ } finally {
+ restoreStackSize(stackSize);
- }
- break;
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end "rule__SubsetsRule__Group__0"
- default :
- break loop20;
- }
- } while (true);
- after(grammarAccess.getModifiersRuleAccess().getGroup_2_1());
+ // $ANTLR start "rule__SubsetsRule__Group__0__Impl"
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1901:1: rule__SubsetsRule__Group__0__Impl : ( 'subsets' ) ;
+ public final void rule__SubsetsRule__Group__0__Impl() throws RecognitionException {
- }
+ int stackSize = keepStackSize();
+ try {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1905:1: ( ( 'subsets' ) )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1906:1: ( 'subsets' )
+ {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1906:1: ( 'subsets' )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1907:1: 'subsets'
+ {
+ before(grammarAccess.getSubsetsRuleAccess().getSubsetsKeyword_0());
+ match(input, 32, FOLLOW_2);
+ after(grammarAccess.getSubsetsRuleAccess().getSubsetsKeyword_0());
- }
+ }
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- reportError(re);
- recover(input,re);
- }
- finally {
- restoreStackSize(stackSize);
+ }
- }
- return ;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "rule__ModifiersRule__Group_2__1__Impl"
+ } catch (RecognitionException re) {
+ reportError(re);
+ recover(input, re);
+ } finally {
+ restoreStackSize(stackSize);
- // $ANTLR start "rule__ModifiersRule__Group_2_1__0"
- // ../ rule__ModifiersRule__Group_2_1__0 : rule__ModifiersRule__Group_2_1__0__Impl rule__ModifiersRule__Group_2_1__1 ;
- public final void rule__ModifiersRule__Group_2_1__0() throws RecognitionException {
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end "rule__SubsetsRule__Group__0__Impl"
- int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- try {
- // ../ ( rule__ModifiersRule__Group_2_1__0__Impl rule__ModifiersRule__Group_2_1__1 )
- // ../ rule__ModifiersRule__Group_2_1__0__Impl rule__ModifiersRule__Group_2_1__1
- {
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_rule__ModifiersRule__Group_2_1__0__Impl_in_rule__ModifiersRule__Group_2_1__03651);
- rule__ModifiersRule__Group_2_1__0__Impl();
- state._fsp--;
+ // $ANTLR start "rule__SubsetsRule__Group__1"
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1920:1: rule__SubsetsRule__Group__1 : rule__SubsetsRule__Group__1__Impl ;
+ public final void rule__SubsetsRule__Group__1() throws RecognitionException {
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_rule__ModifiersRule__Group_2_1__1_in_rule__ModifiersRule__Group_2_1__03654);
- rule__ModifiersRule__Group_2_1__1();
+ int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- state._fsp--;
+ try {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1924:1: ( rule__SubsetsRule__Group__1__Impl )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1925:2: rule__SubsetsRule__Group__1__Impl
+ {
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_2);
+ rule__SubsetsRule__Group__1__Impl();
+ state._fsp--;
- }
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- reportError(re);
- recover(input,re);
- }
- finally {
+ }
- restoreStackSize(stackSize);
+ } catch (RecognitionException re) {
+ reportError(re);
+ recover(input, re);
+ } finally {
- }
- return ;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "rule__ModifiersRule__Group_2_1__0"
+ restoreStackSize(stackSize);
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end "rule__SubsetsRule__Group__1"
- // $ANTLR start "rule__ModifiersRule__Group_2_1__0__Impl"
- // ../ rule__ModifiersRule__Group_2_1__0__Impl : ( ',' ) ;
- public final void rule__ModifiersRule__Group_2_1__0__Impl() throws RecognitionException {
- int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- try {
- // ../ ( ( ',' ) )
- // ../ ( ',' )
- {
- // ../ ( ',' )
- // ../ ','
- {
- before(grammarAccess.getModifiersRuleAccess().getCommaKeyword_2_1_0());
- match(input,30,FOLLOW_30_in_rule__ModifiersRule__Group_2_1__0__Impl3682);
- after(grammarAccess.getModifiersRuleAccess().getCommaKeyword_2_1_0());
+ // $ANTLR start "rule__SubsetsRule__Group__1__Impl"
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1931:1: rule__SubsetsRule__Group__1__Impl : ( ( rule__SubsetsRule__PropertyAssignment_1 ) ) ;
+ public final void rule__SubsetsRule__Group__1__Impl() throws RecognitionException {
- }
+ int stackSize = keepStackSize();
+ try {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1935:1: ( ( ( rule__SubsetsRule__PropertyAssignment_1 ) ) )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1936:1: ( ( rule__SubsetsRule__PropertyAssignment_1 ) )
+ {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1936:1: ( ( rule__SubsetsRule__PropertyAssignment_1 ) )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1937:1: ( rule__SubsetsRule__PropertyAssignment_1 )
+ {
+ before(grammarAccess.getSubsetsRuleAccess().getPropertyAssignment_1());
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1938:1: ( rule__SubsetsRule__PropertyAssignment_1 )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1938:2: rule__SubsetsRule__PropertyAssignment_1
+ {
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_2);
+ rule__SubsetsRule__PropertyAssignment_1();
- }
+ state._fsp--;
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- reportError(re);
- recover(input,re);
- }
- finally {
- restoreStackSize(stackSize);
+ }
- }
- return ;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "rule__ModifiersRule__Group_2_1__0__Impl"
+ after(grammarAccess.getSubsetsRuleAccess().getPropertyAssignment_1());
+ }
- // $ANTLR start "rule__ModifiersRule__Group_2_1__1"
- // ../ rule__ModifiersRule__Group_2_1__1 : rule__ModifiersRule__Group_2_1__1__Impl ;
- public final void rule__ModifiersRule__Group_2_1__1() throws RecognitionException {
- int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- try {
- // ../ ( rule__ModifiersRule__Group_2_1__1__Impl )
- // ../ rule__ModifiersRule__Group_2_1__1__Impl
- {
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_rule__ModifiersRule__Group_2_1__1__Impl_in_rule__ModifiersRule__Group_2_1__13713);
- rule__ModifiersRule__Group_2_1__1__Impl();
+ }
- state._fsp--;
+ } catch (RecognitionException re) {
+ reportError(re);
+ recover(input, re);
+ } finally {
+ restoreStackSize(stackSize);
- }
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end "rule__SubsetsRule__Group__1__Impl"
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- reportError(re);
- recover(input,re);
- }
- finally {
- restoreStackSize(stackSize);
+ // $ANTLR start "rule__DefaultValueRule__Group__0"
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1952:1: rule__DefaultValueRule__Group__0 : rule__DefaultValueRule__Group__0__Impl rule__DefaultValueRule__Group__1 ;
+ public final void rule__DefaultValueRule__Group__0() throws RecognitionException {
- }
- return ;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "rule__ModifiersRule__Group_2_1__1"
+ int stackSize = keepStackSize();
+ try {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1956:1: ( rule__DefaultValueRule__Group__0__Impl rule__DefaultValueRule__Group__1 )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1957:2: rule__DefaultValueRule__Group__0__Impl rule__DefaultValueRule__Group__1
+ {
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_15);
+ rule__DefaultValueRule__Group__0__Impl();
- // $ANTLR start "rule__ModifiersRule__Group_2_1__1__Impl"
- // ../ rule__ModifiersRule__Group_2_1__1__Impl : ( ( rule__ModifiersRule__ValuesAssignment_2_1_1 ) ) ;
- public final void rule__ModifiersRule__Group_2_1__1__Impl() throws RecognitionException {
+ state._fsp--;
- int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- try {
- // ../ ( ( ( rule__ModifiersRule__ValuesAssignment_2_1_1 ) ) )
- // ../ ( ( rule__ModifiersRule__ValuesAssignment_2_1_1 ) )
- {
- // ../ ( ( rule__ModifiersRule__ValuesAssignment_2_1_1 ) )
- // ../ ( rule__ModifiersRule__ValuesAssignment_2_1_1 )
- {
- before(grammarAccess.getModifiersRuleAccess().getValuesAssignment_2_1_1());
- // ../ ( rule__ModifiersRule__ValuesAssignment_2_1_1 )
- // ../ rule__ModifiersRule__ValuesAssignment_2_1_1
- {
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_rule__ModifiersRule__ValuesAssignment_2_1_1_in_rule__ModifiersRule__Group_2_1__1__Impl3740);
- rule__ModifiersRule__ValuesAssignment_2_1_1();
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_2);
+ rule__DefaultValueRule__Group__1();
- state._fsp--;
+ state._fsp--;
- }
+ }
- after(grammarAccess.getModifiersRuleAccess().getValuesAssignment_2_1_1());
+ } catch (RecognitionException re) {
+ reportError(re);
+ recover(input, re);
+ } finally {
- }
+ restoreStackSize(stackSize);
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end "rule__DefaultValueRule__Group__0"
- }
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- reportError(re);
- recover(input,re);
- }
- finally {
+ // $ANTLR start "rule__DefaultValueRule__Group__0__Impl"
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1964:1: rule__DefaultValueRule__Group__0__Impl : ( '=' ) ;
+ public final void rule__DefaultValueRule__Group__0__Impl() throws RecognitionException {
- restoreStackSize(stackSize);
+ int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- }
- return ;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "rule__ModifiersRule__Group_2_1__1__Impl"
+ try {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1968:1: ( ( '=' ) )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1969:1: ( '=' )
+ {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1969:1: ( '=' )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1970:1: '='
+ {
+ before(grammarAccess.getDefaultValueRuleAccess().getEqualsSignKeyword_0());
+ match(input, 33, FOLLOW_2);
+ after(grammarAccess.getDefaultValueRuleAccess().getEqualsSignKeyword_0());
+ }
- // $ANTLR start "rule__RedefinesRule__Group__0"
- // ../ rule__RedefinesRule__Group__0 : rule__RedefinesRule__Group__0__Impl rule__RedefinesRule__Group__1 ;
- public final void rule__RedefinesRule__Group__0() throws RecognitionException {
- int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- try {
- // ../ ( rule__RedefinesRule__Group__0__Impl rule__RedefinesRule__Group__1 )
- // ../ rule__RedefinesRule__Group__0__Impl rule__RedefinesRule__Group__1
- {
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_rule__RedefinesRule__Group__0__Impl_in_rule__RedefinesRule__Group__03774);
- rule__RedefinesRule__Group__0__Impl();
+ }
- state._fsp--;
+ } catch (RecognitionException re) {
+ reportError(re);
+ recover(input, re);
+ } finally {
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_rule__RedefinesRule__Group__1_in_rule__RedefinesRule__Group__03777);
- rule__RedefinesRule__Group__1();
+ restoreStackSize(stackSize);
- state._fsp--;
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end "rule__DefaultValueRule__Group__0__Impl"
- }
+ // $ANTLR start "rule__DefaultValueRule__Group__1"
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1983:1: rule__DefaultValueRule__Group__1 : rule__DefaultValueRule__Group__1__Impl ;
+ public final void rule__DefaultValueRule__Group__1() throws RecognitionException {
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- reportError(re);
- recover(input,re);
- }
- finally {
+ int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- restoreStackSize(stackSize);
+ try {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1987:1: ( rule__DefaultValueRule__Group__1__Impl )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1988:2: rule__DefaultValueRule__Group__1__Impl
+ {
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_2);
+ rule__DefaultValueRule__Group__1__Impl();
- }
- return ;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "rule__RedefinesRule__Group__0"
+ state._fsp--;
- // $ANTLR start "rule__RedefinesRule__Group__0__Impl"
- // ../ rule__RedefinesRule__Group__0__Impl : ( 'redefines' ) ;
- public final void rule__RedefinesRule__Group__0__Impl() throws RecognitionException {
+ }
- int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- try {
- // ../ ( ( 'redefines' ) )
- // ../ ( 'redefines' )
- {
- // ../ ( 'redefines' )
- // ../ 'redefines'
- {
- before(grammarAccess.getRedefinesRuleAccess().getRedefinesKeyword_0());
- match(input,31,FOLLOW_31_in_rule__RedefinesRule__Group__0__Impl3805);
- after(grammarAccess.getRedefinesRuleAccess().getRedefinesKeyword_0());
+ } catch (RecognitionException re) {
+ reportError(re);
+ recover(input, re);
+ } finally {
- }
+ restoreStackSize(stackSize);
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end "rule__DefaultValueRule__Group__1"
- }
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- reportError(re);
- recover(input,re);
- }
- finally {
+ // $ANTLR start "rule__DefaultValueRule__Group__1__Impl"
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1994:1: rule__DefaultValueRule__Group__1__Impl : ( ( rule__DefaultValueRule__DefaultAssignment_1 ) ) ;
+ public final void rule__DefaultValueRule__Group__1__Impl() throws RecognitionException {
- restoreStackSize(stackSize);
+ int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- }
- return ;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "rule__RedefinesRule__Group__0__Impl"
+ try {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1998:1: ( ( ( rule__DefaultValueRule__DefaultAssignment_1 ) ) )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1999:1: ( ( rule__DefaultValueRule__DefaultAssignment_1 ) )
+ {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:1999:1: ( ( rule__DefaultValueRule__DefaultAssignment_1 ) )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2000:1: ( rule__DefaultValueRule__DefaultAssignment_1 )
+ {
+ before(grammarAccess.getDefaultValueRuleAccess().getDefaultAssignment_1());
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2001:1: ( rule__DefaultValueRule__DefaultAssignment_1 )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2001:2: rule__DefaultValueRule__DefaultAssignment_1
+ {
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_2);
+ rule__DefaultValueRule__DefaultAssignment_1();
+ state._fsp--;
- // $ANTLR start "rule__RedefinesRule__Group__1"
- // ../ rule__RedefinesRule__Group__1 : rule__RedefinesRule__Group__1__Impl ;
- public final void rule__RedefinesRule__Group__1() throws RecognitionException {
- int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- try {
- // ../ ( rule__RedefinesRule__Group__1__Impl )
- // ../ rule__RedefinesRule__Group__1__Impl
- {
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_rule__RedefinesRule__Group__1__Impl_in_rule__RedefinesRule__Group__13836);
- rule__RedefinesRule__Group__1__Impl();
+ }
- state._fsp--;
+ after(grammarAccess.getDefaultValueRuleAccess().getDefaultAssignment_1());
+ }
- }
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- reportError(re);
- recover(input,re);
- }
- finally {
+ }
- restoreStackSize(stackSize);
+ } catch (RecognitionException re) {
+ reportError(re);
+ recover(input, re);
+ } finally {
- }
- return ;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "rule__RedefinesRule__Group__1"
+ restoreStackSize(stackSize);
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end "rule__DefaultValueRule__Group__1__Impl"
- // $ANTLR start "rule__RedefinesRule__Group__1__Impl"
- // ../ rule__RedefinesRule__Group__1__Impl : ( ( rule__RedefinesRule__PropertyAssignment_1 ) ) ;
- public final void rule__RedefinesRule__Group__1__Impl() throws RecognitionException {
- int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- try {
- // ../ ( ( ( rule__RedefinesRule__PropertyAssignment_1 ) ) )
- // ../ ( ( rule__RedefinesRule__PropertyAssignment_1 ) )
- {
- // ../ ( ( rule__RedefinesRule__PropertyAssignment_1 ) )
- // ../ ( rule__RedefinesRule__PropertyAssignment_1 )
- {
- before(grammarAccess.getRedefinesRuleAccess().getPropertyAssignment_1());
- // ../ ( rule__RedefinesRule__PropertyAssignment_1 )
- // ../ rule__RedefinesRule__PropertyAssignment_1
- {
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_rule__RedefinesRule__PropertyAssignment_1_in_rule__RedefinesRule__Group__1__Impl3863);
- rule__RedefinesRule__PropertyAssignment_1();
+ // $ANTLR start "rule__RealValue__Group_0__0"
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2015:1: rule__RealValue__Group_0__0 : rule__RealValue__Group_0__0__Impl rule__RealValue__Group_0__1 ;
+ public final void rule__RealValue__Group_0__0() throws RecognitionException {
- state._fsp--;
+ int stackSize = keepStackSize();
+ try {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2019:1: ( rule__RealValue__Group_0__0__Impl rule__RealValue__Group_0__1 )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2020:2: rule__RealValue__Group_0__0__Impl rule__RealValue__Group_0__1
+ {
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_16);
+ rule__RealValue__Group_0__0__Impl();
- }
+ state._fsp--;
- after(grammarAccess.getRedefinesRuleAccess().getPropertyAssignment_1());
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_2);
+ rule__RealValue__Group_0__1();
- }
+ state._fsp--;
- }
+ }
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- reportError(re);
- recover(input,re);
- }
- finally {
+ } catch (RecognitionException re) {
+ reportError(re);
+ recover(input, re);
+ } finally {
- restoreStackSize(stackSize);
+ restoreStackSize(stackSize);
- }
- return ;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "rule__RedefinesRule__Group__1__Impl"
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end "rule__RealValue__Group_0__0"
- // $ANTLR start "rule__SubsetsRule__Group__0"
- // ../ rule__SubsetsRule__Group__0 : rule__SubsetsRule__Group__0__Impl rule__SubsetsRule__Group__1 ;
- public final void rule__SubsetsRule__Group__0() throws RecognitionException {
+ // $ANTLR start "rule__RealValue__Group_0__0__Impl"
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2027:1: rule__RealValue__Group_0__0__Impl : ( ( rule__RealValue__IntegerAssignment_0_0 ) ) ;
+ public final void rule__RealValue__Group_0__0__Impl() throws RecognitionException {
- int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- try {
- // ../ ( rule__SubsetsRule__Group__0__Impl rule__SubsetsRule__Group__1 )
- // ../ rule__SubsetsRule__Group__0__Impl rule__SubsetsRule__Group__1
- {
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_rule__SubsetsRule__Group__0__Impl_in_rule__SubsetsRule__Group__03897);
- rule__SubsetsRule__Group__0__Impl();
+ int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- state._fsp--;
+ try {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2031:1: ( ( ( rule__RealValue__IntegerAssignment_0_0 ) ) )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2032:1: ( ( rule__RealValue__IntegerAssignment_0_0 ) )
+ {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2032:1: ( ( rule__RealValue__IntegerAssignment_0_0 ) )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2033:1: ( rule__RealValue__IntegerAssignment_0_0 )
+ {
+ before(grammarAccess.getRealValueAccess().getIntegerAssignment_0_0());
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2034:1: ( rule__RealValue__IntegerAssignment_0_0 )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2034:2: rule__RealValue__IntegerAssignment_0_0
+ {
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_2);
+ rule__RealValue__IntegerAssignment_0_0();
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_rule__SubsetsRule__Group__1_in_rule__SubsetsRule__Group__03900);
- rule__SubsetsRule__Group__1();
+ state._fsp--;
- state._fsp--;
+ }
- }
+ after(grammarAccess.getRealValueAccess().getIntegerAssignment_0_0());
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- reportError(re);
- recover(input,re);
- }
- finally {
+ }
- restoreStackSize(stackSize);
- }
- return ;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "rule__SubsetsRule__Group__0"
+ }
+ } catch (RecognitionException re) {
+ reportError(re);
+ recover(input, re);
+ } finally {
- // $ANTLR start "rule__SubsetsRule__Group__0__Impl"
- // ../ rule__SubsetsRule__Group__0__Impl : ( 'subsets' ) ;
- public final void rule__SubsetsRule__Group__0__Impl() throws RecognitionException {
+ restoreStackSize(stackSize);
- int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- try {
- // ../ ( ( 'subsets' ) )
- // ../ ( 'subsets' )
- {
- // ../ ( 'subsets' )
- // ../ 'subsets'
- {
- before(grammarAccess.getSubsetsRuleAccess().getSubsetsKeyword_0());
- match(input,32,FOLLOW_32_in_rule__SubsetsRule__Group__0__Impl3928);
- after(grammarAccess.getSubsetsRuleAccess().getSubsetsKeyword_0());
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end "rule__RealValue__Group_0__0__Impl"
- }
+ // $ANTLR start "rule__RealValue__Group_0__1"
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2044:1: rule__RealValue__Group_0__1 : rule__RealValue__Group_0__1__Impl ;
+ public final void rule__RealValue__Group_0__1() throws RecognitionException {
- }
+ int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- reportError(re);
- recover(input,re);
- }
- finally {
+ try {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2048:1: ( rule__RealValue__Group_0__1__Impl )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2049:2: rule__RealValue__Group_0__1__Impl
+ {
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_2);
+ rule__RealValue__Group_0__1__Impl();
- restoreStackSize(stackSize);
+ state._fsp--;
- }
- return ;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "rule__SubsetsRule__Group__0__Impl"
+ }
- // $ANTLR start "rule__SubsetsRule__Group__1"
- // ../ rule__SubsetsRule__Group__1 : rule__SubsetsRule__Group__1__Impl ;
- public final void rule__SubsetsRule__Group__1() throws RecognitionException {
+ } catch (RecognitionException re) {
+ reportError(re);
+ recover(input, re);
+ } finally {
- int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- try {
- // ../ ( rule__SubsetsRule__Group__1__Impl )
- // ../ rule__SubsetsRule__Group__1__Impl
- {
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_rule__SubsetsRule__Group__1__Impl_in_rule__SubsetsRule__Group__13959);
- rule__SubsetsRule__Group__1__Impl();
+ restoreStackSize(stackSize);
- state._fsp--;
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end "rule__RealValue__Group_0__1"
- }
+ // $ANTLR start "rule__RealValue__Group_0__1__Impl"
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2055:1: rule__RealValue__Group_0__1__Impl : ( '.' ) ;
+ public final void rule__RealValue__Group_0__1__Impl() throws RecognitionException {
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- reportError(re);
- recover(input,re);
- }
- finally {
+ int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- restoreStackSize(stackSize);
+ try {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2059:1: ( ( '.' ) )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2060:1: ( '.' )
+ {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2060:1: ( '.' )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2061:1: '.'
+ {
+ before(grammarAccess.getRealValueAccess().getFullStopKeyword_0_1());
+ match(input, 34, FOLLOW_2);
+ after(grammarAccess.getRealValueAccess().getFullStopKeyword_0_1());
- }
- return ;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "rule__SubsetsRule__Group__1"
+ }
- // $ANTLR start "rule__SubsetsRule__Group__1__Impl"
- // ../ rule__SubsetsRule__Group__1__Impl : ( ( rule__SubsetsRule__PropertyAssignment_1 ) ) ;
- public final void rule__SubsetsRule__Group__1__Impl() throws RecognitionException {
+ }
- int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- try {
- // ../ ( ( ( rule__SubsetsRule__PropertyAssignment_1 ) ) )
- // ../ ( ( rule__SubsetsRule__PropertyAssignment_1 ) )
- {
- // ../ ( ( rule__SubsetsRule__PropertyAssignment_1 ) )
- // ../ ( rule__SubsetsRule__PropertyAssignment_1 )
- {
- before(grammarAccess.getSubsetsRuleAccess().getPropertyAssignment_1());
- // ../ ( rule__SubsetsRule__PropertyAssignment_1 )
- // ../ rule__SubsetsRule__PropertyAssignment_1
- {
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_rule__SubsetsRule__PropertyAssignment_1_in_rule__SubsetsRule__Group__1__Impl3986);
- rule__SubsetsRule__PropertyAssignment_1();
+ } catch (RecognitionException re) {
+ reportError(re);
+ recover(input, re);
+ } finally {
- state._fsp--;
+ restoreStackSize(stackSize);
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end "rule__RealValue__Group_0__1__Impl"
- }
- after(grammarAccess.getSubsetsRuleAccess().getPropertyAssignment_1());
+ // $ANTLR start "rule__RealValue__Group_1__0"
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2078:1: rule__RealValue__Group_1__0 : rule__RealValue__Group_1__0__Impl rule__RealValue__Group_1__1 ;
+ public final void rule__RealValue__Group_1__0() throws RecognitionException {
- }
+ int stackSize = keepStackSize();
+ try {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2082:1: ( rule__RealValue__Group_1__0__Impl rule__RealValue__Group_1__1 )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2083:2: rule__RealValue__Group_1__0__Impl rule__RealValue__Group_1__1
+ {
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_17);
+ rule__RealValue__Group_1__0__Impl();
- }
+ state._fsp--;
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- reportError(re);
- recover(input,re);
- }
- finally {
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_2);
+ rule__RealValue__Group_1__1();
- restoreStackSize(stackSize);
+ state._fsp--;
- }
- return ;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "rule__SubsetsRule__Group__1__Impl"
+ }
- // $ANTLR start "rule__DefaultValueRule__Group__0"
- // ../ rule__DefaultValueRule__Group__0 : rule__DefaultValueRule__Group__0__Impl rule__DefaultValueRule__Group__1 ;
- public final void rule__DefaultValueRule__Group__0() throws RecognitionException {
+ } catch (RecognitionException re) {
+ reportError(re);
+ recover(input, re);
+ } finally {
- int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- try {
- // ../ ( rule__DefaultValueRule__Group__0__Impl rule__DefaultValueRule__Group__1 )
- // ../ rule__DefaultValueRule__Group__0__Impl rule__DefaultValueRule__Group__1
- {
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_rule__DefaultValueRule__Group__0__Impl_in_rule__DefaultValueRule__Group__04020);
- rule__DefaultValueRule__Group__0__Impl();
+ restoreStackSize(stackSize);
- state._fsp--;
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end "rule__RealValue__Group_1__0"
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_rule__DefaultValueRule__Group__1_in_rule__DefaultValueRule__Group__04023);
- rule__DefaultValueRule__Group__1();
- state._fsp--;
+ // $ANTLR start "rule__RealValue__Group_1__0__Impl"
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2090:1: rule__RealValue__Group_1__0__Impl : ( '.' ) ;
+ public final void rule__RealValue__Group_1__0__Impl() throws RecognitionException {
+ int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- }
+ try {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2094:1: ( ( '.' ) )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2095:1: ( '.' )
+ {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2095:1: ( '.' )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2096:1: '.'
+ {
+ before(grammarAccess.getRealValueAccess().getFullStopKeyword_1_0());
+ match(input, 34, FOLLOW_2);
+ after(grammarAccess.getRealValueAccess().getFullStopKeyword_1_0());
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- reportError(re);
- recover(input,re);
- }
- finally {
+ }
- restoreStackSize(stackSize);
- }
- return ;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "rule__DefaultValueRule__Group__0"
+ }
+ } catch (RecognitionException re) {
+ reportError(re);
+ recover(input, re);
+ } finally {
- // $ANTLR start "rule__DefaultValueRule__Group__0__Impl"
- // ../ rule__DefaultValueRule__Group__0__Impl : ( '=' ) ;
- public final void rule__DefaultValueRule__Group__0__Impl() throws RecognitionException {
+ restoreStackSize(stackSize);
- int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- try {
- // ../ ( ( '=' ) )
- // ../ ( '=' )
- {
- // ../ ( '=' )
- // ../ '='
- {
- before(grammarAccess.getDefaultValueRuleAccess().getEqualsSignKeyword_0());
- match(input,33,FOLLOW_33_in_rule__DefaultValueRule__Group__0__Impl4051);
- after(grammarAccess.getDefaultValueRuleAccess().getEqualsSignKeyword_0());
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end "rule__RealValue__Group_1__0__Impl"
- }
+ // $ANTLR start "rule__RealValue__Group_1__1"
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2109:1: rule__RealValue__Group_1__1 : rule__RealValue__Group_1__1__Impl ;
+ public final void rule__RealValue__Group_1__1() throws RecognitionException {
- }
+ int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- reportError(re);
- recover(input,re);
- }
- finally {
+ try {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2113:1: ( rule__RealValue__Group_1__1__Impl )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2114:2: rule__RealValue__Group_1__1__Impl
+ {
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_2);
+ rule__RealValue__Group_1__1__Impl();
- restoreStackSize(stackSize);
+ state._fsp--;
- }
- return ;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "rule__DefaultValueRule__Group__0__Impl"
+ }
- // $ANTLR start "rule__DefaultValueRule__Group__1"
- // ../ rule__DefaultValueRule__Group__1 : rule__DefaultValueRule__Group__1__Impl ;
- public final void rule__DefaultValueRule__Group__1() throws RecognitionException {
+ } catch (RecognitionException re) {
+ reportError(re);
+ recover(input, re);
+ } finally {
- int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- try {
- // ../ ( rule__DefaultValueRule__Group__1__Impl )
- // ../ rule__DefaultValueRule__Group__1__Impl
- {
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_rule__DefaultValueRule__Group__1__Impl_in_rule__DefaultValueRule__Group__14082);
- rule__DefaultValueRule__Group__1__Impl();
+ restoreStackSize(stackSize);
- state._fsp--;
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end "rule__RealValue__Group_1__1"
- }
+ // $ANTLR start "rule__RealValue__Group_1__1__Impl"
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2120:1: rule__RealValue__Group_1__1__Impl : ( ( rule__RealValue__FractionAssignment_1_1 ) ) ;
+ public final void rule__RealValue__Group_1__1__Impl() throws RecognitionException {
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- reportError(re);
- recover(input,re);
- }
- finally {
+ int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- restoreStackSize(stackSize);
+ try {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2124:1: ( ( ( rule__RealValue__FractionAssignment_1_1 ) ) )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2125:1: ( ( rule__RealValue__FractionAssignment_1_1 ) )
+ {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2125:1: ( ( rule__RealValue__FractionAssignment_1_1 ) )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2126:1: ( rule__RealValue__FractionAssignment_1_1 )
+ {
+ before(grammarAccess.getRealValueAccess().getFractionAssignment_1_1());
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2127:1: ( rule__RealValue__FractionAssignment_1_1 )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2127:2: rule__RealValue__FractionAssignment_1_1
+ {
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_2);
+ rule__RealValue__FractionAssignment_1_1();
- }
- return ;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "rule__DefaultValueRule__Group__1"
+ state._fsp--;
- // $ANTLR start "rule__DefaultValueRule__Group__1__Impl"
- // ../ rule__DefaultValueRule__Group__1__Impl : ( ( rule__DefaultValueRule__DefaultAssignment_1 ) ) ;
- public final void rule__DefaultValueRule__Group__1__Impl() throws RecognitionException {
+ }
- int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- try {
- // ../ ( ( ( rule__DefaultValueRule__DefaultAssignment_1 ) ) )
- // ../ ( ( rule__DefaultValueRule__DefaultAssignment_1 ) )
- {
- // ../ ( ( rule__DefaultValueRule__DefaultAssignment_1 ) )
- // ../ ( rule__DefaultValueRule__DefaultAssignment_1 )
- {
- before(grammarAccess.getDefaultValueRuleAccess().getDefaultAssignment_1());
- // ../ ( rule__DefaultValueRule__DefaultAssignment_1 )
- // ../ rule__DefaultValueRule__DefaultAssignment_1
- {
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_rule__DefaultValueRule__DefaultAssignment_1_in_rule__DefaultValueRule__Group__1__Impl4109);
- rule__DefaultValueRule__DefaultAssignment_1();
+ after(grammarAccess.getRealValueAccess().getFractionAssignment_1_1());
- state._fsp--;
+ }
- }
+ }
- after(grammarAccess.getDefaultValueRuleAccess().getDefaultAssignment_1());
+ } catch (RecognitionException re) {
+ reportError(re);
+ recover(input, re);
+ } finally {
- }
+ restoreStackSize(stackSize);
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end "rule__RealValue__Group_1__1__Impl"
- }
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- reportError(re);
- recover(input,re);
- }
- finally {
+ // $ANTLR start "rule__RealValue__Group_2__0"
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2141:1: rule__RealValue__Group_2__0 : rule__RealValue__Group_2__0__Impl rule__RealValue__Group_2__1 ;
+ public final void rule__RealValue__Group_2__0() throws RecognitionException {
- restoreStackSize(stackSize);
+ int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- }
- return ;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "rule__DefaultValueRule__Group__1__Impl"
+ try {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2145:1: ( rule__RealValue__Group_2__0__Impl rule__RealValue__Group_2__1 )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2146:2: rule__RealValue__Group_2__0__Impl rule__RealValue__Group_2__1
+ {
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_16);
+ rule__RealValue__Group_2__0__Impl();
+ state._fsp--;
- // $ANTLR start "rule__RealValue__Group_0__0"
- // ../ rule__RealValue__Group_0__0 : rule__RealValue__Group_0__0__Impl rule__RealValue__Group_0__1 ;
- public final void rule__RealValue__Group_0__0() throws RecognitionException {
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_2);
+ rule__RealValue__Group_2__1();
- int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- try {
- // ../ ( rule__RealValue__Group_0__0__Impl rule__RealValue__Group_0__1 )
- // ../ rule__RealValue__Group_0__0__Impl rule__RealValue__Group_0__1
- {
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_rule__RealValue__Group_0__0__Impl_in_rule__RealValue__Group_0__04143);
- rule__RealValue__Group_0__0__Impl();
+ state._fsp--;
- state._fsp--;
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_rule__RealValue__Group_0__1_in_rule__RealValue__Group_0__04146);
- rule__RealValue__Group_0__1();
+ }
- state._fsp--;
+ } catch (RecognitionException re) {
+ reportError(re);
+ recover(input, re);
+ } finally {
+ restoreStackSize(stackSize);
- }
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end "rule__RealValue__Group_2__0"
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- reportError(re);
- recover(input,re);
- }
- finally {
- restoreStackSize(stackSize);
+ // $ANTLR start "rule__RealValue__Group_2__0__Impl"
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2153:1: rule__RealValue__Group_2__0__Impl : ( ( rule__RealValue__IntegerAssignment_2_0 ) ) ;
+ public final void rule__RealValue__Group_2__0__Impl() throws RecognitionException {
- }
- return ;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "rule__RealValue__Group_0__0"
+ int stackSize = keepStackSize();
+ try {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2157:1: ( ( ( rule__RealValue__IntegerAssignment_2_0 ) ) )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2158:1: ( ( rule__RealValue__IntegerAssignment_2_0 ) )
+ {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2158:1: ( ( rule__RealValue__IntegerAssignment_2_0 ) )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2159:1: ( rule__RealValue__IntegerAssignment_2_0 )
+ {
+ before(grammarAccess.getRealValueAccess().getIntegerAssignment_2_0());
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2160:1: ( rule__RealValue__IntegerAssignment_2_0 )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2160:2: rule__RealValue__IntegerAssignment_2_0
+ {
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_2);
+ rule__RealValue__IntegerAssignment_2_0();
- // $ANTLR start "rule__RealValue__Group_0__0__Impl"
- // ../ rule__RealValue__Group_0__0__Impl : ( ( rule__RealValue__IntegerAssignment_0_0 ) ) ;
- public final void rule__RealValue__Group_0__0__Impl() throws RecognitionException {
+ state._fsp--;
- int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- try {
- // ../ ( ( ( rule__RealValue__IntegerAssignment_0_0 ) ) )
- // ../ ( ( rule__RealValue__IntegerAssignment_0_0 ) )
- {
- // ../ ( ( rule__RealValue__IntegerAssignment_0_0 ) )
- // ../ ( rule__RealValue__IntegerAssignment_0_0 )
- {
- before(grammarAccess.getRealValueAccess().getIntegerAssignment_0_0());
- // ../ ( rule__RealValue__IntegerAssignment_0_0 )
- // ../ rule__RealValue__IntegerAssignment_0_0
- {
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_rule__RealValue__IntegerAssignment_0_0_in_rule__RealValue__Group_0__0__Impl4173);
- rule__RealValue__IntegerAssignment_0_0();
- state._fsp--;
+ }
+ after(grammarAccess.getRealValueAccess().getIntegerAssignment_2_0());
- }
+ }
- after(grammarAccess.getRealValueAccess().getIntegerAssignment_0_0());
- }
+ }
+ } catch (RecognitionException re) {
+ reportError(re);
+ recover(input, re);
+ } finally {
- }
+ restoreStackSize(stackSize);
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- reportError(re);
- recover(input,re);
- }
- finally {
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end "rule__RealValue__Group_2__0__Impl"
- restoreStackSize(stackSize);
- }
- return ;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "rule__RealValue__Group_0__0__Impl"
+ // $ANTLR start "rule__RealValue__Group_2__1"
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2170:1: rule__RealValue__Group_2__1 : rule__RealValue__Group_2__1__Impl rule__RealValue__Group_2__2 ;
+ public final void rule__RealValue__Group_2__1() throws RecognitionException {
+ int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- // $ANTLR start "rule__RealValue__Group_0__1"
- // ../ rule__RealValue__Group_0__1 : rule__RealValue__Group_0__1__Impl ;
- public final void rule__RealValue__Group_0__1() throws RecognitionException {
+ try {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2174:1: ( rule__RealValue__Group_2__1__Impl rule__RealValue__Group_2__2 )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2175:2: rule__RealValue__Group_2__1__Impl rule__RealValue__Group_2__2
+ {
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_17);
+ rule__RealValue__Group_2__1__Impl();
- int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- try {
- // ../ ( rule__RealValue__Group_0__1__Impl )
- // ../ rule__RealValue__Group_0__1__Impl
- {
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_rule__RealValue__Group_0__1__Impl_in_rule__RealValue__Group_0__14203);
- rule__RealValue__Group_0__1__Impl();
+ state._fsp--;
- state._fsp--;
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_2);
+ rule__RealValue__Group_2__2();
+ state._fsp--;
- }
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- reportError(re);
- recover(input,re);
- }
- finally {
+ }
- restoreStackSize(stackSize);
+ } catch (RecognitionException re) {
+ reportError(re);
+ recover(input, re);
+ } finally {
- }
- return ;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "rule__RealValue__Group_0__1"
+ restoreStackSize(stackSize);
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end "rule__RealValue__Group_2__1"
- // $ANTLR start "rule__RealValue__Group_0__1__Impl"
- // ../ rule__RealValue__Group_0__1__Impl : ( '.' ) ;
- public final void rule__RealValue__Group_0__1__Impl() throws RecognitionException {
- int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- try {
- // ../ ( ( '.' ) )
- // ../ ( '.' )
- {
- // ../ ( '.' )
- // ../ '.'
- {
- before(grammarAccess.getRealValueAccess().getFullStopKeyword_0_1());
- match(input,34,FOLLOW_34_in_rule__RealValue__Group_0__1__Impl4231);
- after(grammarAccess.getRealValueAccess().getFullStopKeyword_0_1());
+ // $ANTLR start "rule__RealValue__Group_2__1__Impl"
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2182:1: rule__RealValue__Group_2__1__Impl : ( '.' ) ;
+ public final void rule__RealValue__Group_2__1__Impl() throws RecognitionException {
- }
+ int stackSize = keepStackSize();
+ try {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2186:1: ( ( '.' ) )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2187:1: ( '.' )
+ {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2187:1: ( '.' )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2188:1: '.'
+ {
+ before(grammarAccess.getRealValueAccess().getFullStopKeyword_2_1());
+ match(input, 34, FOLLOW_2);
+ after(grammarAccess.getRealValueAccess().getFullStopKeyword_2_1());
- }
+ }
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- reportError(re);
- recover(input,re);
- }
- finally {
- restoreStackSize(stackSize);
+ }
- }
- return ;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "rule__RealValue__Group_0__1__Impl"
+ } catch (RecognitionException re) {
+ reportError(re);
+ recover(input, re);
+ } finally {
+ restoreStackSize(stackSize);
- // $ANTLR start "rule__RealValue__Group_1__0"
- // ../ rule__RealValue__Group_1__0 : rule__RealValue__Group_1__0__Impl rule__RealValue__Group_1__1 ;
- public final void rule__RealValue__Group_1__0() throws RecognitionException {
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end "rule__RealValue__Group_2__1__Impl"
- int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- try {
- // ../ ( rule__RealValue__Group_1__0__Impl rule__RealValue__Group_1__1 )
- // ../ rule__RealValue__Group_1__0__Impl rule__RealValue__Group_1__1
- {
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_rule__RealValue__Group_1__0__Impl_in_rule__RealValue__Group_1__04266);
- rule__RealValue__Group_1__0__Impl();
- state._fsp--;
+ // $ANTLR start "rule__RealValue__Group_2__2"
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2201:1: rule__RealValue__Group_2__2 : rule__RealValue__Group_2__2__Impl ;
+ public final void rule__RealValue__Group_2__2() throws RecognitionException {
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_rule__RealValue__Group_1__1_in_rule__RealValue__Group_1__04269);
- rule__RealValue__Group_1__1();
+ int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- state._fsp--;
+ try {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2205:1: ( rule__RealValue__Group_2__2__Impl )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2206:2: rule__RealValue__Group_2__2__Impl
+ {
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_2);
+ rule__RealValue__Group_2__2__Impl();
+ state._fsp--;
- }
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- reportError(re);
- recover(input,re);
- }
- finally {
+ }
- restoreStackSize(stackSize);
+ } catch (RecognitionException re) {
+ reportError(re);
+ recover(input, re);
+ } finally {
- }
- return ;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "rule__RealValue__Group_1__0"
+ restoreStackSize(stackSize);
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end "rule__RealValue__Group_2__2"
- // $ANTLR start "rule__RealValue__Group_1__0__Impl"
- // ../ rule__RealValue__Group_1__0__Impl : ( '.' ) ;
- public final void rule__RealValue__Group_1__0__Impl() throws RecognitionException {
- int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- try {
- // ../ ( ( '.' ) )
- // ../ ( '.' )
- {
- // ../ ( '.' )
- // ../ '.'
- {
- before(grammarAccess.getRealValueAccess().getFullStopKeyword_1_0());
- match(input,34,FOLLOW_34_in_rule__RealValue__Group_1__0__Impl4297);
- after(grammarAccess.getRealValueAccess().getFullStopKeyword_1_0());
+ // $ANTLR start "rule__RealValue__Group_2__2__Impl"
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2212:1: rule__RealValue__Group_2__2__Impl : ( ( rule__RealValue__FractionAssignment_2_2 ) ) ;
+ public final void rule__RealValue__Group_2__2__Impl() throws RecognitionException {
- }
+ int stackSize = keepStackSize();
+ try {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2216:1: ( ( ( rule__RealValue__FractionAssignment_2_2 ) ) )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2217:1: ( ( rule__RealValue__FractionAssignment_2_2 ) )
+ {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2217:1: ( ( rule__RealValue__FractionAssignment_2_2 ) )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2218:1: ( rule__RealValue__FractionAssignment_2_2 )
+ {
+ before(grammarAccess.getRealValueAccess().getFractionAssignment_2_2());
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2219:1: ( rule__RealValue__FractionAssignment_2_2 )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2219:2: rule__RealValue__FractionAssignment_2_2
+ {
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_2);
+ rule__RealValue__FractionAssignment_2_2();
- }
+ state._fsp--;
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- reportError(re);
- recover(input,re);
- }
- finally {
- restoreStackSize(stackSize);
+ }
- }
- return ;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "rule__RealValue__Group_1__0__Impl"
+ after(grammarAccess.getRealValueAccess().getFractionAssignment_2_2());
+ }
- // $ANTLR start "rule__RealValue__Group_1__1"
- // ../ rule__RealValue__Group_1__1 : rule__RealValue__Group_1__1__Impl ;
- public final void rule__RealValue__Group_1__1() throws RecognitionException {
- int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- try {
- // ../ ( rule__RealValue__Group_1__1__Impl )
- // ../ rule__RealValue__Group_1__1__Impl
- {
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_rule__RealValue__Group_1__1__Impl_in_rule__RealValue__Group_1__14328);
- rule__RealValue__Group_1__1__Impl();
+ }
- state._fsp--;
+ } catch (RecognitionException re) {
+ reportError(re);
+ recover(input, re);
+ } finally {
+ restoreStackSize(stackSize);
- }
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end "rule__RealValue__Group_2__2__Impl"
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- reportError(re);
- recover(input,re);
- }
- finally {
- restoreStackSize(stackSize);
+ // $ANTLR start "rule__NullValue__Group__0"
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2235:1: rule__NullValue__Group__0 : rule__NullValue__Group__0__Impl rule__NullValue__Group__1 ;
+ public final void rule__NullValue__Group__0() throws RecognitionException {
- }
- return ;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "rule__RealValue__Group_1__1"
+ int stackSize = keepStackSize();
+ try {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2239:1: ( rule__NullValue__Group__0__Impl rule__NullValue__Group__1 )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2240:2: rule__NullValue__Group__0__Impl rule__NullValue__Group__1
+ {
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_18);
+ rule__NullValue__Group__0__Impl();
- // $ANTLR start "rule__RealValue__Group_1__1__Impl"
- // ../ rule__RealValue__Group_1__1__Impl : ( ( rule__RealValue__FractionAssignment_1_1 ) ) ;
- public final void rule__RealValue__Group_1__1__Impl() throws RecognitionException {
+ state._fsp--;
- int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- try {
- // ../ ( ( ( rule__RealValue__FractionAssignment_1_1 ) ) )
- // ../ ( ( rule__RealValue__FractionAssignment_1_1 ) )
- {
- // ../ ( ( rule__RealValue__FractionAssignment_1_1 ) )
- // ../ ( rule__RealValue__FractionAssignment_1_1 )
- {
- before(grammarAccess.getRealValueAccess().getFractionAssignment_1_1());
- // ../ ( rule__RealValue__FractionAssignment_1_1 )
- // ../ rule__RealValue__FractionAssignment_1_1
- {
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_rule__RealValue__FractionAssignment_1_1_in_rule__RealValue__Group_1__1__Impl4355);
- rule__RealValue__FractionAssignment_1_1();
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_2);
+ rule__NullValue__Group__1();
- state._fsp--;
+ state._fsp--;
- }
+ }
- after(grammarAccess.getRealValueAccess().getFractionAssignment_1_1());
+ } catch (RecognitionException re) {
+ reportError(re);
+ recover(input, re);
+ } finally {
- }
+ restoreStackSize(stackSize);
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end "rule__NullValue__Group__0"
- }
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- reportError(re);
- recover(input,re);
- }
- finally {
+ // $ANTLR start "rule__NullValue__Group__0__Impl"
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2247:1: rule__NullValue__Group__0__Impl : ( () ) ;
+ public final void rule__NullValue__Group__0__Impl() throws RecognitionException {
- restoreStackSize(stackSize);
+ int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- }
- return ;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "rule__RealValue__Group_1__1__Impl"
+ try {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2251:1: ( ( () ) )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2252:1: ( () )
+ {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2252:1: ( () )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2253:1: ()
+ {
+ before(grammarAccess.getNullValueAccess().getNullValueAction_0());
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2254:1: ()
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2256:1:
+ {
+ }
+ after(grammarAccess.getNullValueAccess().getNullValueAction_0());
- // $ANTLR start "rule__RealValue__Group_2__0"
- // ../ rule__RealValue__Group_2__0 : rule__RealValue__Group_2__0__Impl rule__RealValue__Group_2__1 ;
- public final void rule__RealValue__Group_2__0() throws RecognitionException {
+ }
- int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- try {
- // ../ ( rule__RealValue__Group_2__0__Impl rule__RealValue__Group_2__1 )
- // ../ rule__RealValue__Group_2__0__Impl rule__RealValue__Group_2__1
- {
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_rule__RealValue__Group_2__0__Impl_in_rule__RealValue__Group_2__04389);
- rule__RealValue__Group_2__0__Impl();
- state._fsp--;
+ }
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_rule__RealValue__Group_2__1_in_rule__RealValue__Group_2__04392);
- rule__RealValue__Group_2__1();
+ } finally {
- state._fsp--;
+ restoreStackSize(stackSize);
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end "rule__NullValue__Group__0__Impl"
- }
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- reportError(re);
- recover(input,re);
- }
- finally {
+ // $ANTLR start "rule__NullValue__Group__1"
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2266:1: rule__NullValue__Group__1 : rule__NullValue__Group__1__Impl ;
+ public final void rule__NullValue__Group__1() throws RecognitionException {
- restoreStackSize(stackSize);
+ int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- }
- return ;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "rule__RealValue__Group_2__0"
+ try {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2270:1: ( rule__NullValue__Group__1__Impl )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2271:2: rule__NullValue__Group__1__Impl
+ {
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_2);
+ rule__NullValue__Group__1__Impl();
+ state._fsp--;
- // $ANTLR start "rule__RealValue__Group_2__0__Impl"
- // ../ rule__RealValue__Group_2__0__Impl : ( ( rule__RealValue__IntegerAssignment_2_0 ) ) ;
- public final void rule__RealValue__Group_2__0__Impl() throws RecognitionException {
- int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- try {
- // ../ ( ( ( rule__RealValue__IntegerAssignment_2_0 ) ) )
- // ../ ( ( rule__RealValue__IntegerAssignment_2_0 ) )
- {
- // ../ ( ( rule__RealValue__IntegerAssignment_2_0 ) )
- // ../ ( rule__RealValue__IntegerAssignment_2_0 )
- {
- before(grammarAccess.getRealValueAccess().getIntegerAssignment_2_0());
- // ../ ( rule__RealValue__IntegerAssignment_2_0 )
- // ../ rule__RealValue__IntegerAssignment_2_0
- {
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_rule__RealValue__IntegerAssignment_2_0_in_rule__RealValue__Group_2__0__Impl4419);
- rule__RealValue__IntegerAssignment_2_0();
+ }
- state._fsp--;
+ } catch (RecognitionException re) {
+ reportError(re);
+ recover(input, re);
+ } finally {
+ restoreStackSize(stackSize);
- }
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end "rule__NullValue__Group__1"
- after(grammarAccess.getRealValueAccess().getIntegerAssignment_2_0());
- }
+ // $ANTLR start "rule__NullValue__Group__1__Impl"
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2277:1: rule__NullValue__Group__1__Impl : ( 'null' ) ;
+ public final void rule__NullValue__Group__1__Impl() throws RecognitionException {
+ int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- }
+ try {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2281:1: ( ( 'null' ) )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2282:1: ( 'null' )
+ {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2282:1: ( 'null' )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2283:1: 'null'
+ {
+ before(grammarAccess.getNullValueAccess().getNullKeyword_1());
+ match(input, 35, FOLLOW_2);
+ after(grammarAccess.getNullValueAccess().getNullKeyword_1());
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- reportError(re);
- recover(input,re);
- }
- finally {
+ }
- restoreStackSize(stackSize);
- }
- return ;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "rule__RealValue__Group_2__0__Impl"
+ }
+ } catch (RecognitionException re) {
+ reportError(re);
+ recover(input, re);
+ } finally {
- // $ANTLR start "rule__RealValue__Group_2__1"
- // ../ rule__RealValue__Group_2__1 : rule__RealValue__Group_2__1__Impl rule__RealValue__Group_2__2 ;
- public final void rule__RealValue__Group_2__1() throws RecognitionException {
+ restoreStackSize(stackSize);
- int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- try {
- // ../ ( rule__RealValue__Group_2__1__Impl rule__RealValue__Group_2__2 )
- // ../ rule__RealValue__Group_2__1__Impl rule__RealValue__Group_2__2
- {
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_rule__RealValue__Group_2__1__Impl_in_rule__RealValue__Group_2__14449);
- rule__RealValue__Group_2__1__Impl();
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end "rule__NullValue__Group__1__Impl"
- state._fsp--;
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_rule__RealValue__Group_2__2_in_rule__RealValue__Group_2__14452);
- rule__RealValue__Group_2__2();
+ // $ANTLR start "rule__NoValue__Group__0"
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2300:1: rule__NoValue__Group__0 : rule__NoValue__Group__0__Impl rule__NoValue__Group__1 ;
+ public final void rule__NoValue__Group__0() throws RecognitionException {
- state._fsp--;
+ int stackSize = keepStackSize();
+ try {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2304:1: ( rule__NoValue__Group__0__Impl rule__NoValue__Group__1 )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2305:2: rule__NoValue__Group__0__Impl rule__NoValue__Group__1
+ {
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_15);
+ rule__NoValue__Group__0__Impl();
- }
+ state._fsp--;
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- reportError(re);
- recover(input,re);
- }
- finally {
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_2);
+ rule__NoValue__Group__1();
- restoreStackSize(stackSize);
+ state._fsp--;
- }
- return ;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "rule__RealValue__Group_2__1"
+ }
- // $ANTLR start "rule__RealValue__Group_2__1__Impl"
- // ../ rule__RealValue__Group_2__1__Impl : ( '.' ) ;
- public final void rule__RealValue__Group_2__1__Impl() throws RecognitionException {
+ } catch (RecognitionException re) {
+ reportError(re);
+ recover(input, re);
+ } finally {
- int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- try {
- // ../ ( ( '.' ) )
- // ../ ( '.' )
- {
- // ../ ( '.' )
- // ../ '.'
- {
- before(grammarAccess.getRealValueAccess().getFullStopKeyword_2_1());
- match(input,34,FOLLOW_34_in_rule__RealValue__Group_2__1__Impl4480);
- after(grammarAccess.getRealValueAccess().getFullStopKeyword_2_1());
+ restoreStackSize(stackSize);
- }
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end "rule__NoValue__Group__0"
- }
+ // $ANTLR start "rule__NoValue__Group__0__Impl"
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2312:1: rule__NoValue__Group__0__Impl : ( () ) ;
+ public final void rule__NoValue__Group__0__Impl() throws RecognitionException {
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- reportError(re);
- recover(input,re);
- }
- finally {
+ int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- restoreStackSize(stackSize);
+ try {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2316:1: ( ( () ) )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2317:1: ( () )
+ {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2317:1: ( () )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2318:1: ()
+ {
+ before(grammarAccess.getNoValueAccess().getNoValueAction_0());
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2319:1: ()
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2321:1:
+ {
+ }
- }
- return ;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "rule__RealValue__Group_2__1__Impl"
+ after(grammarAccess.getNoValueAccess().getNoValueAction_0());
+ }
- // $ANTLR start "rule__RealValue__Group_2__2"
- // ../ rule__RealValue__Group_2__2 : rule__RealValue__Group_2__2__Impl ;
- public final void rule__RealValue__Group_2__2() throws RecognitionException {
- int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- try {
- // ../ ( rule__RealValue__Group_2__2__Impl )
- // ../ rule__RealValue__Group_2__2__Impl
- {
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_rule__RealValue__Group_2__2__Impl_in_rule__RealValue__Group_2__24511);
- rule__RealValue__Group_2__2__Impl();
+ }
- state._fsp--;
+ } finally {
+ restoreStackSize(stackSize);
- }
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end "rule__NoValue__Group__0__Impl"
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- reportError(re);
- recover(input,re);
- }
- finally {
- restoreStackSize(stackSize);
+ // $ANTLR start "rule__NoValue__Group__1"
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2331:1: rule__NoValue__Group__1 : rule__NoValue__Group__1__Impl ;
+ public final void rule__NoValue__Group__1() throws RecognitionException {
- }
- return ;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "rule__RealValue__Group_2__2"
+ int stackSize = keepStackSize();
+ try {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2335:1: ( rule__NoValue__Group__1__Impl )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2336:2: rule__NoValue__Group__1__Impl
+ {
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_2);
+ rule__NoValue__Group__1__Impl();
- // $ANTLR start "rule__RealValue__Group_2__2__Impl"
- // ../ rule__RealValue__Group_2__2__Impl : ( ( rule__RealValue__FractionAssignment_2_2 ) ) ;
- public final void rule__RealValue__Group_2__2__Impl() throws RecognitionException {
+ state._fsp--;
- int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- try {
- // ../ ( ( ( rule__RealValue__FractionAssignment_2_2 ) ) )
- // ../ ( ( rule__RealValue__FractionAssignment_2_2 ) )
- {
- // ../ ( ( rule__RealValue__FractionAssignment_2_2 ) )
- // ../ ( rule__RealValue__FractionAssignment_2_2 )
- {
- before(grammarAccess.getRealValueAccess().getFractionAssignment_2_2());
- // ../ ( rule__RealValue__FractionAssignment_2_2 )
- // ../ rule__RealValue__FractionAssignment_2_2
- {
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_rule__RealValue__FractionAssignment_2_2_in_rule__RealValue__Group_2__2__Impl4538);
- rule__RealValue__FractionAssignment_2_2();
- state._fsp--;
+ }
+ } catch (RecognitionException re) {
+ reportError(re);
+ recover(input, re);
+ } finally {
- }
+ restoreStackSize(stackSize);
- after(grammarAccess.getRealValueAccess().getFractionAssignment_2_2());
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end "rule__NoValue__Group__1"
- }
+ // $ANTLR start "rule__NoValue__Group__1__Impl"
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2342:1: rule__NoValue__Group__1__Impl : ( 'none' ) ;
+ public final void rule__NoValue__Group__1__Impl() throws RecognitionException {
- }
+ int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- reportError(re);
- recover(input,re);
- }
- finally {
+ try {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2346:1: ( ( 'none' ) )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2347:1: ( 'none' )
+ {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2347:1: ( 'none' )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2348:1: 'none'
+ {
+ before(grammarAccess.getNoValueAccess().getNoneKeyword_1());
+ match(input, 36, FOLLOW_2);
+ after(grammarAccess.getNoValueAccess().getNoneKeyword_1());
- restoreStackSize(stackSize);
+ }
- }
- return ;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "rule__RealValue__Group_2__2__Impl"
+ }
- // $ANTLR start "rule__NullValue__Group__0"
- // ../ rule__NullValue__Group__0 : rule__NullValue__Group__0__Impl rule__NullValue__Group__1 ;
- public final void rule__NullValue__Group__0() throws RecognitionException {
+ } catch (RecognitionException re) {
+ reportError(re);
+ recover(input, re);
+ } finally {
- int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- try {
- // ../ ( rule__NullValue__Group__0__Impl rule__NullValue__Group__1 )
- // ../ rule__NullValue__Group__0__Impl rule__NullValue__Group__1
- {
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_rule__NullValue__Group__0__Impl_in_rule__NullValue__Group__04574);
- rule__NullValue__Group__0__Impl();
+ restoreStackSize(stackSize);
- state._fsp--;
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end "rule__NoValue__Group__1__Impl"
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_rule__NullValue__Group__1_in_rule__NullValue__Group__04577);
- rule__NullValue__Group__1();
- state._fsp--;
+ // $ANTLR start "rule__PropertyRule__VisibilityAssignment_0"
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2366:1: rule__PropertyRule__VisibilityAssignment_0 : ( ruleVisibilityRule ) ;
+ public final void rule__PropertyRule__VisibilityAssignment_0() throws RecognitionException {
+ int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- }
+ try {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2370:1: ( ( ruleVisibilityRule ) )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2371:1: ( ruleVisibilityRule )
+ {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2371:1: ( ruleVisibilityRule )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2372:1: ruleVisibilityRule
+ {
+ before(grammarAccess.getPropertyRuleAccess().getVisibilityVisibilityRuleParserRuleCall_0_0());
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_2);
+ ruleVisibilityRule();
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- reportError(re);
- recover(input,re);
- }
- finally {
+ state._fsp--;
- restoreStackSize(stackSize);
+ after(grammarAccess.getPropertyRuleAccess().getVisibilityVisibilityRuleParserRuleCall_0_0());
- }
- return ;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "rule__NullValue__Group__0"
+ }
- // $ANTLR start "rule__NullValue__Group__0__Impl"
- // ../ rule__NullValue__Group__0__Impl : ( () ) ;
- public final void rule__NullValue__Group__0__Impl() throws RecognitionException {
+ }
- int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- try {
- // ../ ( ( () ) )
- // ../ ( () )
- {
- // ../ ( () )
- // ../ ()
- {
- before(grammarAccess.getNullValueAccess().getNullValueAction_0());
- // ../ ()
- // ../
- {
- }
+ } catch (RecognitionException re) {
+ reportError(re);
+ recover(input, re);
+ } finally {
- after(grammarAccess.getNullValueAccess().getNullValueAction_0());
+ restoreStackSize(stackSize);
- }
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end "rule__PropertyRule__VisibilityAssignment_0"
- }
+ // $ANTLR start "rule__PropertyRule__DerivedAssignment_1"
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2381:1: rule__PropertyRule__DerivedAssignment_1 : ( ( '/' ) ) ;
+ public final void rule__PropertyRule__DerivedAssignment_1() throws RecognitionException {
- }
- finally {
+ int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- restoreStackSize(stackSize);
+ try {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2385:1: ( ( ( '/' ) ) )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2386:1: ( ( '/' ) )
+ {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2386:1: ( ( '/' ) )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2387:1: ( '/' )
+ {
+ before(grammarAccess.getPropertyRuleAccess().getDerivedSolidusKeyword_1_0());
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2388:1: ( '/' )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2389:1: '/'
+ {
+ before(grammarAccess.getPropertyRuleAccess().getDerivedSolidusKeyword_1_0());
+ match(input, 37, FOLLOW_2);
+ after(grammarAccess.getPropertyRuleAccess().getDerivedSolidusKeyword_1_0());
- }
- return ;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "rule__NullValue__Group__0__Impl"
+ }
+ after(grammarAccess.getPropertyRuleAccess().getDerivedSolidusKeyword_1_0());
- // $ANTLR start "rule__NullValue__Group__1"
- // ../ rule__NullValue__Group__1 : rule__NullValue__Group__1__Impl ;
- public final void rule__NullValue__Group__1() throws RecognitionException {
+ }
- int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- try {
- // ../ ( rule__NullValue__Group__1__Impl )
- // ../ rule__NullValue__Group__1__Impl
- {
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_rule__NullValue__Group__1__Impl_in_rule__NullValue__Group__14635);
- rule__NullValue__Group__1__Impl();
- state._fsp--;
+ }
+ } catch (RecognitionException re) {
+ reportError(re);
+ recover(input, re);
+ } finally {
- }
+ restoreStackSize(stackSize);
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- reportError(re);
- recover(input,re);
- }
- finally {
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end "rule__PropertyRule__DerivedAssignment_1"
- restoreStackSize(stackSize);
- }
- return ;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "rule__NullValue__Group__1"
+ // $ANTLR start "rule__PropertyRule__NameAssignment_2"
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2404:1: rule__PropertyRule__NameAssignment_2 : ( RULE_ID ) ;
+ public final void rule__PropertyRule__NameAssignment_2() throws RecognitionException {
+ int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- // $ANTLR start "rule__NullValue__Group__1__Impl"
- // ../ rule__NullValue__Group__1__Impl : ( 'null' ) ;
- public final void rule__NullValue__Group__1__Impl() throws RecognitionException {
+ try {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2408:1: ( ( RULE_ID ) )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2409:1: ( RULE_ID )
+ {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2409:1: ( RULE_ID )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2410:1: RULE_ID
+ {
+ before(grammarAccess.getPropertyRuleAccess().getNameIDTerminalRuleCall_2_0());
+ match(input, RULE_ID, FOLLOW_2);
+ after(grammarAccess.getPropertyRuleAccess().getNameIDTerminalRuleCall_2_0());
- int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- try {
- // ../ ( ( 'null' ) )
- // ../ ( 'null' )
- {
- // ../ ( 'null' )
- // ../ 'null'
- {
- before(grammarAccess.getNullValueAccess().getNullKeyword_1());
- match(input,35,FOLLOW_35_in_rule__NullValue__Group__1__Impl4663);
- after(grammarAccess.getNullValueAccess().getNullKeyword_1());
+ }
- }
+ }
- }
+ } catch (RecognitionException re) {
+ reportError(re);
+ recover(input, re);
+ } finally {
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- reportError(re);
- recover(input,re);
- }
- finally {
+ restoreStackSize(stackSize);
- restoreStackSize(stackSize);
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end "rule__PropertyRule__NameAssignment_2"
- }
- return ;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "rule__NullValue__Group__1__Impl"
+ // $ANTLR start "rule__PropertyRule__TypeAssignment_3_1_0"
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2419:1: rule__PropertyRule__TypeAssignment_3_1_0 : ( ruleTypeRule ) ;
+ public final void rule__PropertyRule__TypeAssignment_3_1_0() throws RecognitionException {
- // $ANTLR start "rule__NoValue__Group__0"
- // ../ rule__NoValue__Group__0 : rule__NoValue__Group__0__Impl rule__NoValue__Group__1 ;
- public final void rule__NoValue__Group__0() throws RecognitionException {
+ int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- try {
- // ../ ( rule__NoValue__Group__0__Impl rule__NoValue__Group__1 )
- // ../ rule__NoValue__Group__0__Impl rule__NoValue__Group__1
- {
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_rule__NoValue__Group__0__Impl_in_rule__NoValue__Group__04698);
- rule__NoValue__Group__0__Impl();
+ try {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2423:1: ( ( ruleTypeRule ) )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2424:1: ( ruleTypeRule )
+ {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2424:1: ( ruleTypeRule )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2425:1: ruleTypeRule
+ {
+ before(grammarAccess.getPropertyRuleAccess().getTypeTypeRuleParserRuleCall_3_1_0_0());
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_2);
+ ruleTypeRule();
- state._fsp--;
+ state._fsp--;
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_rule__NoValue__Group__1_in_rule__NoValue__Group__04701);
- rule__NoValue__Group__1();
+ after(grammarAccess.getPropertyRuleAccess().getTypeTypeRuleParserRuleCall_3_1_0_0());
- state._fsp--;
+ }
- }
+ }
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- reportError(re);
- recover(input,re);
- }
- finally {
+ } catch (RecognitionException re) {
+ reportError(re);
+ recover(input, re);
+ } finally {
- restoreStackSize(stackSize);
+ restoreStackSize(stackSize);
- }
- return ;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "rule__NoValue__Group__0"
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end "rule__PropertyRule__TypeAssignment_3_1_0"
- // $ANTLR start "rule__NoValue__Group__0__Impl"
- // ../ rule__NoValue__Group__0__Impl : ( () ) ;
- public final void rule__NoValue__Group__0__Impl() throws RecognitionException {
+ // $ANTLR start "rule__PropertyRule__TypeUndefinedAssignment_3_1_1"
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2434:1: rule__PropertyRule__TypeUndefinedAssignment_3_1_1 : ( ( '<Undefined>' ) ) ;
+ public final void rule__PropertyRule__TypeUndefinedAssignment_3_1_1() throws RecognitionException {
- int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- try {
- // ../ ( ( () ) )
- // ../ ( () )
- {
- // ../ ( () )
- // ../ ()
- {
- before(grammarAccess.getNoValueAccess().getNoValueAction_0());
- // ../ ()
- // ../
- {
- }
+ int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- after(grammarAccess.getNoValueAccess().getNoValueAction_0());
+ try {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2438:1: ( ( ( '<Undefined>' ) ) )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2439:1: ( ( '<Undefined>' ) )
+ {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2439:1: ( ( '<Undefined>' ) )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2440:1: ( '<Undefined>' )
+ {
+ before(grammarAccess.getPropertyRuleAccess().getTypeUndefinedUndefinedKeyword_3_1_1_0());
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2441:1: ( '<Undefined>' )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2442:1: '<Undefined>'
+ {
+ before(grammarAccess.getPropertyRuleAccess().getTypeUndefinedUndefinedKeyword_3_1_1_0());
+ match(input, 38, FOLLOW_2);
+ after(grammarAccess.getPropertyRuleAccess().getTypeUndefinedUndefinedKeyword_3_1_1_0());
- }
+ }
+ after(grammarAccess.getPropertyRuleAccess().getTypeUndefinedUndefinedKeyword_3_1_1_0());
- }
+ }
- }
- finally {
- restoreStackSize(stackSize);
+ }
- }
- return ;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "rule__NoValue__Group__0__Impl"
+ } catch (RecognitionException re) {
+ reportError(re);
+ recover(input, re);
+ } finally {
+ restoreStackSize(stackSize);
- // $ANTLR start "rule__NoValue__Group__1"
- // ../ rule__NoValue__Group__1 : rule__NoValue__Group__1__Impl ;
- public final void rule__NoValue__Group__1() throws RecognitionException {
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end "rule__PropertyRule__TypeUndefinedAssignment_3_1_1"
- int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- try {
- // ../ ( rule__NoValue__Group__1__Impl )
- // ../ rule__NoValue__Group__1__Impl
- {
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_rule__NoValue__Group__1__Impl_in_rule__NoValue__Group__14759);
- rule__NoValue__Group__1__Impl();
- state._fsp--;
+ // $ANTLR start "rule__PropertyRule__MultiplicityAssignment_4"
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2457:1: rule__PropertyRule__MultiplicityAssignment_4 : ( ruleMultiplicityRule ) ;
+ public final void rule__PropertyRule__MultiplicityAssignment_4() throws RecognitionException {
+ int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- }
+ try {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2461:1: ( ( ruleMultiplicityRule ) )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2462:1: ( ruleMultiplicityRule )
+ {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2462:1: ( ruleMultiplicityRule )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2463:1: ruleMultiplicityRule
+ {
+ before(grammarAccess.getPropertyRuleAccess().getMultiplicityMultiplicityRuleParserRuleCall_4_0());
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_2);
+ ruleMultiplicityRule();
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- reportError(re);
- recover(input,re);
- }
- finally {
+ state._fsp--;
- restoreStackSize(stackSize);
+ after(grammarAccess.getPropertyRuleAccess().getMultiplicityMultiplicityRuleParserRuleCall_4_0());
- }
- return ;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "rule__NoValue__Group__1"
+ }
- // $ANTLR start "rule__NoValue__Group__1__Impl"
- // ../ rule__NoValue__Group__1__Impl : ( 'none' ) ;
- public final void rule__NoValue__Group__1__Impl() throws RecognitionException {
+ }
- int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- try {
- // ../ ( ( 'none' ) )
- // ../ ( 'none' )
- {
- // ../ ( 'none' )
- // ../ 'none'
- {
- before(grammarAccess.getNoValueAccess().getNoneKeyword_1());
- match(input,36,FOLLOW_36_in_rule__NoValue__Group__1__Impl4787);
- after(grammarAccess.getNoValueAccess().getNoneKeyword_1());
+ } catch (RecognitionException re) {
+ reportError(re);
+ recover(input, re);
+ } finally {
- }
+ restoreStackSize(stackSize);
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end "rule__PropertyRule__MultiplicityAssignment_4"
- }
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- reportError(re);
- recover(input,re);
- }
- finally {
+ // $ANTLR start "rule__PropertyRule__ModifiersAssignment_5"
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2472:1: rule__PropertyRule__ModifiersAssignment_5 : ( ruleModifiersRule ) ;
+ public final void rule__PropertyRule__ModifiersAssignment_5() throws RecognitionException {
- restoreStackSize(stackSize);
+ int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- }
- return ;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "rule__NoValue__Group__1__Impl"
+ try {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2476:1: ( ( ruleModifiersRule ) )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2477:1: ( ruleModifiersRule )
+ {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2477:1: ( ruleModifiersRule )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2478:1: ruleModifiersRule
+ {
+ before(grammarAccess.getPropertyRuleAccess().getModifiersModifiersRuleParserRuleCall_5_0());
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_2);
+ ruleModifiersRule();
+ state._fsp--;
- // $ANTLR start "rule__PropertyRule__VisibilityAssignment_0"
- // ../ rule__PropertyRule__VisibilityAssignment_0 : ( ruleVisibilityRule ) ;
- public final void rule__PropertyRule__VisibilityAssignment_0() throws RecognitionException {
+ after(grammarAccess.getPropertyRuleAccess().getModifiersModifiersRuleParserRuleCall_5_0());
- int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- try {
- // ../ ( ( ruleVisibilityRule ) )
- // ../ ( ruleVisibilityRule )
- {
- // ../ ( ruleVisibilityRule )
- // ../ ruleVisibilityRule
- {
- before(grammarAccess.getPropertyRuleAccess().getVisibilityVisibilityRuleParserRuleCall_0_0());
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleVisibilityRule_in_rule__PropertyRule__VisibilityAssignment_04827);
- ruleVisibilityRule();
+ }
- state._fsp--;
- after(grammarAccess.getPropertyRuleAccess().getVisibilityVisibilityRuleParserRuleCall_0_0());
+ }
- }
+ } catch (RecognitionException re) {
+ reportError(re);
+ recover(input, re);
+ } finally {
+ restoreStackSize(stackSize);
- }
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end "rule__PropertyRule__ModifiersAssignment_5"
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- reportError(re);
- recover(input,re);
- }
- finally {
- restoreStackSize(stackSize);
- }
- return ;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "rule__PropertyRule__VisibilityAssignment_0"
+ // $ANTLR start "rule__PropertyRule__DefaultAssignment_6"
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2487:1: rule__PropertyRule__DefaultAssignment_6 : ( ruleDefaultValueRule ) ;
+ public final void rule__PropertyRule__DefaultAssignment_6() throws RecognitionException {
+ int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- // $ANTLR start "rule__PropertyRule__DerivedAssignment_1"
- // ../ rule__PropertyRule__DerivedAssignment_1 : ( ( '/' ) ) ;
- public final void rule__PropertyRule__DerivedAssignment_1() throws RecognitionException {
+ try {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2491:1: ( ( ruleDefaultValueRule ) )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2492:1: ( ruleDefaultValueRule )
+ {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2492:1: ( ruleDefaultValueRule )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2493:1: ruleDefaultValueRule
+ {
+ before(grammarAccess.getPropertyRuleAccess().getDefaultDefaultValueRuleParserRuleCall_6_0());
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_2);
+ ruleDefaultValueRule();
- int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- try {
- // ../ ( ( ( '/' ) ) )
- // ../ ( ( '/' ) )
- {
- // ../ ( ( '/' ) )
- // ../ ( '/' )
- {
- before(grammarAccess.getPropertyRuleAccess().getDerivedSolidusKeyword_1_0());
- // ../ ( '/' )
- // ../ '/'
- {
- before(grammarAccess.getPropertyRuleAccess().getDerivedSolidusKeyword_1_0());
- match(input,37,FOLLOW_37_in_rule__PropertyRule__DerivedAssignment_14863);
- after(grammarAccess.getPropertyRuleAccess().getDerivedSolidusKeyword_1_0());
+ state._fsp--;
- }
+ after(grammarAccess.getPropertyRuleAccess().getDefaultDefaultValueRuleParserRuleCall_6_0());
- after(grammarAccess.getPropertyRuleAccess().getDerivedSolidusKeyword_1_0());
+ }
- }
+ }
- }
+ } catch (RecognitionException re) {
+ reportError(re);
+ recover(input, re);
+ } finally {
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- reportError(re);
- recover(input,re);
- }
- finally {
+ restoreStackSize(stackSize);
- restoreStackSize(stackSize);
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end "rule__PropertyRule__DefaultAssignment_6"
- }
- return ;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "rule__PropertyRule__DerivedAssignment_1"
- // $ANTLR start "rule__PropertyRule__NameAssignment_2"
- // ../ rule__PropertyRule__NameAssignment_2 : ( RULE_ID ) ;
- public final void rule__PropertyRule__NameAssignment_2() throws RecognitionException {
- int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- try {
- // ../ ( ( RULE_ID ) )
- // ../ ( RULE_ID )
- {
- // ../ ( RULE_ID )
- // ../ RULE_ID
- {
- before(grammarAccess.getPropertyRuleAccess().getNameIDTerminalRuleCall_2_0());
- match(input,RULE_ID,FOLLOW_RULE_ID_in_rule__PropertyRule__NameAssignment_24902);
- after(grammarAccess.getPropertyRuleAccess().getNameIDTerminalRuleCall_2_0());
+ // $ANTLR start "rule__VisibilityRule__VisibilityAssignment"
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2502:1: rule__VisibilityRule__VisibilityAssignment : ( ruleVisibilityKind ) ;
+ public final void rule__VisibilityRule__VisibilityAssignment() throws RecognitionException {
- }
+ int stackSize = keepStackSize();
+ try {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2506:1: ( ( ruleVisibilityKind ) )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2507:1: ( ruleVisibilityKind )
+ {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2507:1: ( ruleVisibilityKind )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2508:1: ruleVisibilityKind
+ {
+ before(grammarAccess.getVisibilityRuleAccess().getVisibilityVisibilityKindEnumRuleCall_0());
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_2);
+ ruleVisibilityKind();
- }
+ state._fsp--;
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- reportError(re);
- recover(input,re);
- }
- finally {
+ after(grammarAccess.getVisibilityRuleAccess().getVisibilityVisibilityKindEnumRuleCall_0());
- restoreStackSize(stackSize);
+ }
- }
- return ;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "rule__PropertyRule__NameAssignment_2"
+ }
- // $ANTLR start "rule__PropertyRule__TypeAssignment_3_1_0"
- // ../ rule__PropertyRule__TypeAssignment_3_1_0 : ( ruleTypeRule ) ;
- public final void rule__PropertyRule__TypeAssignment_3_1_0() throws RecognitionException {
- int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- try {
- // ../ ( ( ruleTypeRule ) )
- // ../ ( ruleTypeRule )
- {
- // ../ ( ruleTypeRule )
- // ../ ruleTypeRule
- {
- before(grammarAccess.getPropertyRuleAccess().getTypeTypeRuleParserRuleCall_3_1_0_0());
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleTypeRule_in_rule__PropertyRule__TypeAssignment_3_1_04933);
- ruleTypeRule();
+ } catch (RecognitionException re) {
+ reportError(re);
+ recover(input, re);
+ } finally {
- state._fsp--;
+ restoreStackSize(stackSize);
- after(grammarAccess.getPropertyRuleAccess().getTypeTypeRuleParserRuleCall_3_1_0_0());
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end "rule__VisibilityRule__VisibilityAssignment"
- }
+ // $ANTLR start "rule__TypeRule__PathAssignment_0"
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2517:1: rule__TypeRule__PathAssignment_0 : ( ruleQualifiedName ) ;
+ public final void rule__TypeRule__PathAssignment_0() throws RecognitionException {
- }
+ int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- reportError(re);
- recover(input,re);
- }
- finally {
+ try {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2521:1: ( ( ruleQualifiedName ) )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2522:1: ( ruleQualifiedName )
+ {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2522:1: ( ruleQualifiedName )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2523:1: ruleQualifiedName
+ {
+ before(grammarAccess.getTypeRuleAccess().getPathQualifiedNameParserRuleCall_0_0());
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_2);
+ ruleQualifiedName();
- restoreStackSize(stackSize);
+ state._fsp--;
- }
- return ;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "rule__PropertyRule__TypeAssignment_3_1_0"
+ after(grammarAccess.getTypeRuleAccess().getPathQualifiedNameParserRuleCall_0_0());
+ }
- // $ANTLR start "rule__PropertyRule__TypeUndefinedAssignment_3_1_1"
- // ../ rule__PropertyRule__TypeUndefinedAssignment_3_1_1 : ( ( '<Undefined>' ) ) ;
- public final void rule__PropertyRule__TypeUndefinedAssignment_3_1_1() throws RecognitionException {
- int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- try {
- // ../ ( ( ( '<Undefined>' ) ) )
- // ../ ( ( '<Undefined>' ) )
- {
- // ../ ( ( '<Undefined>' ) )
- // ../ ( '<Undefined>' )
- {
- before(grammarAccess.getPropertyRuleAccess().getTypeUndefinedUndefinedKeyword_3_1_1_0());
- // ../ ( '<Undefined>' )
- // ../ '<Undefined>'
- {
- before(grammarAccess.getPropertyRuleAccess().getTypeUndefinedUndefinedKeyword_3_1_1_0());
- match(input,38,FOLLOW_38_in_rule__PropertyRule__TypeUndefinedAssignment_3_1_14969);
- after(grammarAccess.getPropertyRuleAccess().getTypeUndefinedUndefinedKeyword_3_1_1_0());
+ }
- }
+ } catch (RecognitionException re) {
+ reportError(re);
+ recover(input, re);
+ } finally {
- after(grammarAccess.getPropertyRuleAccess().getTypeUndefinedUndefinedKeyword_3_1_1_0());
+ restoreStackSize(stackSize);
- }
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end "rule__TypeRule__PathAssignment_0"
- }
+ // $ANTLR start "rule__TypeRule__TypeAssignment_1"
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2532:1: rule__TypeRule__TypeAssignment_1 : ( ( RULE_ID ) ) ;
+ public final void rule__TypeRule__TypeAssignment_1() throws RecognitionException {
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- reportError(re);
- recover(input,re);
- }
- finally {
+ int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- restoreStackSize(stackSize);
+ try {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2536:1: ( ( ( RULE_ID ) ) )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2537:1: ( ( RULE_ID ) )
+ {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2537:1: ( ( RULE_ID ) )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2538:1: ( RULE_ID )
+ {
+ before(grammarAccess.getTypeRuleAccess().getTypeClassifierCrossReference_1_0());
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2539:1: ( RULE_ID )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2540:1: RULE_ID
+ {
+ before(grammarAccess.getTypeRuleAccess().getTypeClassifierIDTerminalRuleCall_1_0_1());
+ match(input, RULE_ID, FOLLOW_2);
+ after(grammarAccess.getTypeRuleAccess().getTypeClassifierIDTerminalRuleCall_1_0_1());
- }
- return ;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "rule__PropertyRule__TypeUndefinedAssignment_3_1_1"
+ }
+ after(grammarAccess.getTypeRuleAccess().getTypeClassifierCrossReference_1_0());
- // $ANTLR start "rule__PropertyRule__MultiplicityAssignment_4"
- // ../ rule__PropertyRule__MultiplicityAssignment_4 : ( ruleMultiplicityRule ) ;
- public final void rule__PropertyRule__MultiplicityAssignment_4() throws RecognitionException {
+ }
- int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- try {
- // ../ ( ( ruleMultiplicityRule ) )
- // ../ ( ruleMultiplicityRule )
- {
- // ../ ( ruleMultiplicityRule )
- // ../ ruleMultiplicityRule
- {
- before(grammarAccess.getPropertyRuleAccess().getMultiplicityMultiplicityRuleParserRuleCall_4_0());
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleMultiplicityRule_in_rule__PropertyRule__MultiplicityAssignment_45008);
- ruleMultiplicityRule();
- state._fsp--;
+ }
- after(grammarAccess.getPropertyRuleAccess().getMultiplicityMultiplicityRuleParserRuleCall_4_0());
+ } catch (RecognitionException re) {
+ reportError(re);
+ recover(input, re);
+ } finally {
- }
+ restoreStackSize(stackSize);
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end "rule__TypeRule__TypeAssignment_1"
- }
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- reportError(re);
- recover(input,re);
- }
- finally {
+ // $ANTLR start "rule__QualifiedName__PathAssignment_0"
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2551:1: rule__QualifiedName__PathAssignment_0 : ( ( RULE_ID ) ) ;
+ public final void rule__QualifiedName__PathAssignment_0() throws RecognitionException {
- restoreStackSize(stackSize);
+ int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- }
- return ;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "rule__PropertyRule__MultiplicityAssignment_4"
+ try {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2555:1: ( ( ( RULE_ID ) ) )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2556:1: ( ( RULE_ID ) )
+ {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2556:1: ( ( RULE_ID ) )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2557:1: ( RULE_ID )
+ {
+ before(grammarAccess.getQualifiedNameAccess().getPathNamespaceCrossReference_0_0());
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2558:1: ( RULE_ID )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2559:1: RULE_ID
+ {
+ before(grammarAccess.getQualifiedNameAccess().getPathNamespaceIDTerminalRuleCall_0_0_1());
+ match(input, RULE_ID, FOLLOW_2);
+ after(grammarAccess.getQualifiedNameAccess().getPathNamespaceIDTerminalRuleCall_0_0_1());
+ }
- // $ANTLR start "rule__PropertyRule__ModifiersAssignment_5"
- // ../ rule__PropertyRule__ModifiersAssignment_5 : ( ruleModifiersRule ) ;
- public final void rule__PropertyRule__ModifiersAssignment_5() throws RecognitionException {
+ after(grammarAccess.getQualifiedNameAccess().getPathNamespaceCrossReference_0_0());
- int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- try {
- // ../ ( ( ruleModifiersRule ) )
- // ../ ( ruleModifiersRule )
- {
- // ../ ( ruleModifiersRule )
- // ../ ruleModifiersRule
- {
- before(grammarAccess.getPropertyRuleAccess().getModifiersModifiersRuleParserRuleCall_5_0());
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleModifiersRule_in_rule__PropertyRule__ModifiersAssignment_55039);
- ruleModifiersRule();
+ }
- state._fsp--;
- after(grammarAccess.getPropertyRuleAccess().getModifiersModifiersRuleParserRuleCall_5_0());
+ }
- }
+ } catch (RecognitionException re) {
+ reportError(re);
+ recover(input, re);
+ } finally {
+ restoreStackSize(stackSize);
- }
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end "rule__QualifiedName__PathAssignment_0"
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- reportError(re);
- recover(input,re);
- }
- finally {
- restoreStackSize(stackSize);
+ // $ANTLR start "rule__QualifiedName__RemainingAssignment_2"
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2570:1: rule__QualifiedName__RemainingAssignment_2 : ( ruleQualifiedName ) ;
+ public final void rule__QualifiedName__RemainingAssignment_2() throws RecognitionException {
- }
- return ;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "rule__PropertyRule__ModifiersAssignment_5"
+ int stackSize = keepStackSize();
+ try {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2574:1: ( ( ruleQualifiedName ) )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2575:1: ( ruleQualifiedName )
+ {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2575:1: ( ruleQualifiedName )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2576:1: ruleQualifiedName
+ {
+ before(grammarAccess.getQualifiedNameAccess().getRemainingQualifiedNameParserRuleCall_2_0());
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_2);
+ ruleQualifiedName();
- // $ANTLR start "rule__PropertyRule__DefaultAssignment_6"
- // ../ rule__PropertyRule__DefaultAssignment_6 : ( ruleDefaultValueRule ) ;
- public final void rule__PropertyRule__DefaultAssignment_6() throws RecognitionException {
+ state._fsp--;
- int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- try {
- // ../ ( ( ruleDefaultValueRule ) )
- // ../ ( ruleDefaultValueRule )
- {
- // ../ ( ruleDefaultValueRule )
- // ../ ruleDefaultValueRule
- {
- before(grammarAccess.getPropertyRuleAccess().getDefaultDefaultValueRuleParserRuleCall_6_0());
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleDefaultValueRule_in_rule__PropertyRule__DefaultAssignment_65070);
- ruleDefaultValueRule();
+ after(grammarAccess.getQualifiedNameAccess().getRemainingQualifiedNameParserRuleCall_2_0());
- state._fsp--;
+ }
- after(grammarAccess.getPropertyRuleAccess().getDefaultDefaultValueRuleParserRuleCall_6_0());
- }
+ }
+ } catch (RecognitionException re) {
+ reportError(re);
+ recover(input, re);
+ } finally {
- }
+ restoreStackSize(stackSize);
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- reportError(re);
- recover(input,re);
- }
- finally {
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end "rule__QualifiedName__RemainingAssignment_2"
- restoreStackSize(stackSize);
- }
- return ;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "rule__PropertyRule__DefaultAssignment_6"
+ // $ANTLR start "rule__MultiplicityRule__BoundsAssignment_1"
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2585:1: rule__MultiplicityRule__BoundsAssignment_1 : ( ruleBoundSpecification ) ;
+ public final void rule__MultiplicityRule__BoundsAssignment_1() throws RecognitionException {
+ int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- // $ANTLR start "rule__VisibilityRule__VisibilityAssignment"
- // ../ rule__VisibilityRule__VisibilityAssignment : ( ruleVisibilityKind ) ;
- public final void rule__VisibilityRule__VisibilityAssignment() throws RecognitionException {
+ try {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2589:1: ( ( ruleBoundSpecification ) )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2590:1: ( ruleBoundSpecification )
+ {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2590:1: ( ruleBoundSpecification )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2591:1: ruleBoundSpecification
+ {
+ before(grammarAccess.getMultiplicityRuleAccess().getBoundsBoundSpecificationParserRuleCall_1_0());
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_2);
+ ruleBoundSpecification();
- int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- try {
- // ../ ( ( ruleVisibilityKind ) )
- // ../ ( ruleVisibilityKind )
- {
- // ../ ( ruleVisibilityKind )
- // ../ ruleVisibilityKind
- {
- before(grammarAccess.getVisibilityRuleAccess().getVisibilityVisibilityKindEnumRuleCall_0());
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleVisibilityKind_in_rule__VisibilityRule__VisibilityAssignment5101);
- ruleVisibilityKind();
+ state._fsp--;
- state._fsp--;
+ after(grammarAccess.getMultiplicityRuleAccess().getBoundsBoundSpecificationParserRuleCall_1_0());
- after(grammarAccess.getVisibilityRuleAccess().getVisibilityVisibilityKindEnumRuleCall_0());
+ }
- }
+ }
- }
+ } catch (RecognitionException re) {
+ reportError(re);
+ recover(input, re);
+ } finally {
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- reportError(re);
- recover(input,re);
- }
- finally {
+ restoreStackSize(stackSize);
- restoreStackSize(stackSize);
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end "rule__MultiplicityRule__BoundsAssignment_1"
- }
- return ;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "rule__VisibilityRule__VisibilityAssignment"
+ // $ANTLR start "rule__MultiplicityRule__BoundsAssignment_2_1"
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2600:1: rule__MultiplicityRule__BoundsAssignment_2_1 : ( ruleBoundSpecification ) ;
+ public final void rule__MultiplicityRule__BoundsAssignment_2_1() throws RecognitionException {
- // $ANTLR start "rule__TypeRule__PathAssignment_0"
- // ../ rule__TypeRule__PathAssignment_0 : ( ruleQualifiedName ) ;
- public final void rule__TypeRule__PathAssignment_0() throws RecognitionException {
- int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- try {
- // ../ ( ( ruleQualifiedName ) )
- // ../ ( ruleQualifiedName )
- {
- // ../ ( ruleQualifiedName )
- // ../ ruleQualifiedName
- {
- before(grammarAccess.getTypeRuleAccess().getPathQualifiedNameParserRuleCall_0_0());
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleQualifiedName_in_rule__TypeRule__PathAssignment_05132);
- ruleQualifiedName();
+ int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- state._fsp--;
+ try {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2604:1: ( ( ruleBoundSpecification ) )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2605:1: ( ruleBoundSpecification )
+ {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2605:1: ( ruleBoundSpecification )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2606:1: ruleBoundSpecification
+ {
+ before(grammarAccess.getMultiplicityRuleAccess().getBoundsBoundSpecificationParserRuleCall_2_1_0());
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_2);
+ ruleBoundSpecification();
- after(grammarAccess.getTypeRuleAccess().getPathQualifiedNameParserRuleCall_0_0());
+ state._fsp--;
- }
+ after(grammarAccess.getMultiplicityRuleAccess().getBoundsBoundSpecificationParserRuleCall_2_1_0());
+ }
- }
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- reportError(re);
- recover(input,re);
- }
- finally {
+ }
- restoreStackSize(stackSize);
+ } catch (RecognitionException re) {
+ reportError(re);
+ recover(input, re);
+ } finally {
- }
- return ;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "rule__TypeRule__PathAssignment_0"
+ restoreStackSize(stackSize);
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end "rule__MultiplicityRule__BoundsAssignment_2_1"
- // $ANTLR start "rule__TypeRule__TypeAssignment_1"
- // ../ rule__TypeRule__TypeAssignment_1 : ( ( RULE_ID ) ) ;
- public final void rule__TypeRule__TypeAssignment_1() throws RecognitionException {
- int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- try {
- // ../ ( ( ( RULE_ID ) ) )
- // ../ ( ( RULE_ID ) )
- {
- // ../ ( ( RULE_ID ) )
- // ../ ( RULE_ID )
- {
- before(grammarAccess.getTypeRuleAccess().getTypeClassifierCrossReference_1_0());
- // ../ ( RULE_ID )
- // ../ RULE_ID
- {
- before(grammarAccess.getTypeRuleAccess().getTypeClassifierIDTerminalRuleCall_1_0_1());
- match(input,RULE_ID,FOLLOW_RULE_ID_in_rule__TypeRule__TypeAssignment_15167);
- after(grammarAccess.getTypeRuleAccess().getTypeClassifierIDTerminalRuleCall_1_0_1());
- }
+ // $ANTLR start "rule__BoundSpecification__ValueAssignment"
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2615:1: rule__BoundSpecification__ValueAssignment : ( ( rule__BoundSpecification__ValueAlternatives_0 ) ) ;
+ public final void rule__BoundSpecification__ValueAssignment() throws RecognitionException {
- after(grammarAccess.getTypeRuleAccess().getTypeClassifierCrossReference_1_0());
+ int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- }
+ try {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2619:1: ( ( ( rule__BoundSpecification__ValueAlternatives_0 ) ) )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2620:1: ( ( rule__BoundSpecification__ValueAlternatives_0 ) )
+ {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2620:1: ( ( rule__BoundSpecification__ValueAlternatives_0 ) )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2621:1: ( rule__BoundSpecification__ValueAlternatives_0 )
+ {
+ before(grammarAccess.getBoundSpecificationAccess().getValueAlternatives_0());
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2622:1: ( rule__BoundSpecification__ValueAlternatives_0 )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2622:2: rule__BoundSpecification__ValueAlternatives_0
+ {
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_2);
+ rule__BoundSpecification__ValueAlternatives_0();
+ state._fsp--;
- }
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- reportError(re);
- recover(input,re);
- }
- finally {
+ }
- restoreStackSize(stackSize);
+ after(grammarAccess.getBoundSpecificationAccess().getValueAlternatives_0());
- }
- return ;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "rule__TypeRule__TypeAssignment_1"
+ }
- // $ANTLR start "rule__QualifiedName__PathAssignment_0"
- // ../ rule__QualifiedName__PathAssignment_0 : ( ( RULE_ID ) ) ;
- public final void rule__QualifiedName__PathAssignment_0() throws RecognitionException {
- int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- try {
- // ../ ( ( ( RULE_ID ) ) )
- // ../ ( ( RULE_ID ) )
- {
- // ../ ( ( RULE_ID ) )
- // ../ ( RULE_ID )
- {
- before(grammarAccess.getQualifiedNameAccess().getPathNamespaceCrossReference_0_0());
- // ../ ( RULE_ID )
- // ../ RULE_ID
- {
- before(grammarAccess.getQualifiedNameAccess().getPathNamespaceIDTerminalRuleCall_0_0_1());
- match(input,RULE_ID,FOLLOW_RULE_ID_in_rule__QualifiedName__PathAssignment_05206);
- after(grammarAccess.getQualifiedNameAccess().getPathNamespaceIDTerminalRuleCall_0_0_1());
+ }
- }
+ } catch (RecognitionException re) {
+ reportError(re);
+ recover(input, re);
+ } finally {
- after(grammarAccess.getQualifiedNameAccess().getPathNamespaceCrossReference_0_0());
+ restoreStackSize(stackSize);
- }
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end "rule__BoundSpecification__ValueAssignment"
- }
+ // $ANTLR start "rule__ModifiersRule__ValuesAssignment_2_0"
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2631:1: rule__ModifiersRule__ValuesAssignment_2_0 : ( ruleModifierSpecification ) ;
+ public final void rule__ModifiersRule__ValuesAssignment_2_0() throws RecognitionException {
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- reportError(re);
- recover(input,re);
- }
- finally {
+ int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- restoreStackSize(stackSize);
+ try {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2635:1: ( ( ruleModifierSpecification ) )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2636:1: ( ruleModifierSpecification )
+ {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2636:1: ( ruleModifierSpecification )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2637:1: ruleModifierSpecification
+ {
+ before(grammarAccess.getModifiersRuleAccess().getValuesModifierSpecificationParserRuleCall_2_0_0());
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_2);
+ ruleModifierSpecification();
- }
- return ;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "rule__QualifiedName__PathAssignment_0"
+ state._fsp--;
+ after(grammarAccess.getModifiersRuleAccess().getValuesModifierSpecificationParserRuleCall_2_0_0());
- // $ANTLR start "rule__QualifiedName__RemainingAssignment_2"
- // ../ rule__QualifiedName__RemainingAssignment_2 : ( ruleQualifiedName ) ;
- public final void rule__QualifiedName__RemainingAssignment_2() throws RecognitionException {
+ }
- int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- try {
- // ../ ( ( ruleQualifiedName ) )
- // ../ ( ruleQualifiedName )
- {
- // ../ ( ruleQualifiedName )
- // ../ ruleQualifiedName
- {
- before(grammarAccess.getQualifiedNameAccess().getRemainingQualifiedNameParserRuleCall_2_0());
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleQualifiedName_in_rule__QualifiedName__RemainingAssignment_25241);
- ruleQualifiedName();
- state._fsp--;
+ }
- after(grammarAccess.getQualifiedNameAccess().getRemainingQualifiedNameParserRuleCall_2_0());
+ } catch (RecognitionException re) {
+ reportError(re);
+ recover(input, re);
+ } finally {
- }
+ restoreStackSize(stackSize);
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end "rule__ModifiersRule__ValuesAssignment_2_0"
- }
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- reportError(re);
- recover(input,re);
- }
- finally {
+ // $ANTLR start "rule__ModifiersRule__ValuesAssignment_2_1_1"
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2646:1: rule__ModifiersRule__ValuesAssignment_2_1_1 : ( ruleModifierSpecification ) ;
+ public final void rule__ModifiersRule__ValuesAssignment_2_1_1() throws RecognitionException {
- restoreStackSize(stackSize);
+ int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- }
- return ;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "rule__QualifiedName__RemainingAssignment_2"
+ try {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2650:1: ( ( ruleModifierSpecification ) )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2651:1: ( ruleModifierSpecification )
+ {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2651:1: ( ruleModifierSpecification )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2652:1: ruleModifierSpecification
+ {
+ before(grammarAccess.getModifiersRuleAccess().getValuesModifierSpecificationParserRuleCall_2_1_1_0());
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_2);
+ ruleModifierSpecification();
+ state._fsp--;
- // $ANTLR start "rule__MultiplicityRule__BoundsAssignment_1"
- // ../ rule__MultiplicityRule__BoundsAssignment_1 : ( ruleBoundSpecification ) ;
- public final void rule__MultiplicityRule__BoundsAssignment_1() throws RecognitionException {
- int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- try {
- // ../ ( ( ruleBoundSpecification ) )
- // ../ ( ruleBoundSpecification )
- {
- // ../ ( ruleBoundSpecification )
- // ../ ruleBoundSpecification
- {
- before(grammarAccess.getMultiplicityRuleAccess().getBoundsBoundSpecificationParserRuleCall_1_0());
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleBoundSpecification_in_rule__MultiplicityRule__BoundsAssignment_15272);
- ruleBoundSpecification();
+ after(grammarAccess.getModifiersRuleAccess().getValuesModifierSpecificationParserRuleCall_2_1_1_0());
- state._fsp--;
+ }
- after(grammarAccess.getMultiplicityRuleAccess().getBoundsBoundSpecificationParserRuleCall_1_0());
- }
+ }
+ } catch (RecognitionException re) {
+ reportError(re);
+ recover(input, re);
+ } finally {
- }
+ restoreStackSize(stackSize);
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- reportError(re);
- recover(input,re);
- }
- finally {
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end "rule__ModifiersRule__ValuesAssignment_2_1_1"
- restoreStackSize(stackSize);
- }
- return ;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "rule__MultiplicityRule__BoundsAssignment_1"
+ // $ANTLR start "rule__ModifierSpecification__ValueAssignment_0"
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2661:1: rule__ModifierSpecification__ValueAssignment_0 : ( ruleModifierKind ) ;
+ public final void rule__ModifierSpecification__ValueAssignment_0() throws RecognitionException {
+ int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- // $ANTLR start "rule__MultiplicityRule__BoundsAssignment_2_1"
- // ../ rule__MultiplicityRule__BoundsAssignment_2_1 : ( ruleBoundSpecification ) ;
- public final void rule__MultiplicityRule__BoundsAssignment_2_1() throws RecognitionException {
+ try {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2665:1: ( ( ruleModifierKind ) )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2666:1: ( ruleModifierKind )
+ {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2666:1: ( ruleModifierKind )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2667:1: ruleModifierKind
+ {
+ before(grammarAccess.getModifierSpecificationAccess().getValueModifierKindEnumRuleCall_0_0());
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_2);
+ ruleModifierKind();
- int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- try {
- // ../ ( ( ruleBoundSpecification ) )
- // ../ ( ruleBoundSpecification )
- {
- // ../ ( ruleBoundSpecification )
- // ../ ruleBoundSpecification
- {
- before(grammarAccess.getMultiplicityRuleAccess().getBoundsBoundSpecificationParserRuleCall_2_1_0());
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleBoundSpecification_in_rule__MultiplicityRule__BoundsAssignment_2_15303);
- ruleBoundSpecification();
+ state._fsp--;
- state._fsp--;
+ after(grammarAccess.getModifierSpecificationAccess().getValueModifierKindEnumRuleCall_0_0());
- after(grammarAccess.getMultiplicityRuleAccess().getBoundsBoundSpecificationParserRuleCall_2_1_0());
+ }
- }
+ }
- }
+ } catch (RecognitionException re) {
+ reportError(re);
+ recover(input, re);
+ } finally {
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- reportError(re);
- recover(input,re);
- }
- finally {
+ restoreStackSize(stackSize);
- restoreStackSize(stackSize);
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end "rule__ModifierSpecification__ValueAssignment_0"
- }
- return ;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "rule__MultiplicityRule__BoundsAssignment_2_1"
+ // $ANTLR start "rule__ModifierSpecification__RedefinesAssignment_1"
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2676:1: rule__ModifierSpecification__RedefinesAssignment_1 : ( ruleRedefinesRule ) ;
+ public final void rule__ModifierSpecification__RedefinesAssignment_1() throws RecognitionException {
- // $ANTLR start "rule__BoundSpecification__ValueAssignment"
- // ../ rule__BoundSpecification__ValueAssignment : ( ( rule__BoundSpecification__ValueAlternatives_0 ) ) ;
- public final void rule__BoundSpecification__ValueAssignment() throws RecognitionException {
+ int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- try {
- // ../ ( ( ( rule__BoundSpecification__ValueAlternatives_0 ) ) )
- // ../ ( ( rule__BoundSpecification__ValueAlternatives_0 ) )
- {
- // ../ ( ( rule__BoundSpecification__ValueAlternatives_0 ) )
- // ../ ( rule__BoundSpecification__ValueAlternatives_0 )
- {
- before(grammarAccess.getBoundSpecificationAccess().getValueAlternatives_0());
- // ../ ( rule__BoundSpecification__ValueAlternatives_0 )
- // ../ rule__BoundSpecification__ValueAlternatives_0
- {
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_rule__BoundSpecification__ValueAlternatives_0_in_rule__BoundSpecification__ValueAssignment5334);
- rule__BoundSpecification__ValueAlternatives_0();
+ try {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2680:1: ( ( ruleRedefinesRule ) )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2681:1: ( ruleRedefinesRule )
+ {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2681:1: ( ruleRedefinesRule )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2682:1: ruleRedefinesRule
+ {
+ before(grammarAccess.getModifierSpecificationAccess().getRedefinesRedefinesRuleParserRuleCall_1_0());
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_2);
+ ruleRedefinesRule();
- state._fsp--;
+ state._fsp--;
+ after(grammarAccess.getModifierSpecificationAccess().getRedefinesRedefinesRuleParserRuleCall_1_0());
- }
+ }
- after(grammarAccess.getBoundSpecificationAccess().getValueAlternatives_0());
- }
+ }
+ } catch (RecognitionException re) {
+ reportError(re);
+ recover(input, re);
+ } finally {
- }
+ restoreStackSize(stackSize);
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- reportError(re);
- recover(input,re);
- }
- finally {
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end "rule__ModifierSpecification__RedefinesAssignment_1"
- restoreStackSize(stackSize);
- }
- return ;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "rule__BoundSpecification__ValueAssignment"
+ // $ANTLR start "rule__ModifierSpecification__SubsetsAssignment_2"
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2691:1: rule__ModifierSpecification__SubsetsAssignment_2 : ( ruleSubsetsRule ) ;
+ public final void rule__ModifierSpecification__SubsetsAssignment_2() throws RecognitionException {
+ int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- // $ANTLR start "rule__ModifiersRule__ValuesAssignment_2_0"
- // ../ rule__ModifiersRule__ValuesAssignment_2_0 : ( ruleModifierSpecification ) ;
- public final void rule__ModifiersRule__ValuesAssignment_2_0() throws RecognitionException {
+ try {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2695:1: ( ( ruleSubsetsRule ) )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2696:1: ( ruleSubsetsRule )
+ {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2696:1: ( ruleSubsetsRule )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2697:1: ruleSubsetsRule
+ {
+ before(grammarAccess.getModifierSpecificationAccess().getSubsetsSubsetsRuleParserRuleCall_2_0());
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_2);
+ ruleSubsetsRule();
- int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- try {
- // ../ ( ( ruleModifierSpecification ) )
- // ../ ( ruleModifierSpecification )
- {
- // ../ ( ruleModifierSpecification )
- // ../ ruleModifierSpecification
- {
- before(grammarAccess.getModifiersRuleAccess().getValuesModifierSpecificationParserRuleCall_2_0_0());
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleModifierSpecification_in_rule__ModifiersRule__ValuesAssignment_2_05367);
- ruleModifierSpecification();
+ state._fsp--;
- state._fsp--;
+ after(grammarAccess.getModifierSpecificationAccess().getSubsetsSubsetsRuleParserRuleCall_2_0());
- after(grammarAccess.getModifiersRuleAccess().getValuesModifierSpecificationParserRuleCall_2_0_0());
+ }
- }
+ }
- }
+ } catch (RecognitionException re) {
+ reportError(re);
+ recover(input, re);
+ } finally {
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- reportError(re);
- recover(input,re);
- }
- finally {
+ restoreStackSize(stackSize);
- restoreStackSize(stackSize);
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end "rule__ModifierSpecification__SubsetsAssignment_2"
- }
- return ;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "rule__ModifiersRule__ValuesAssignment_2_0"
+ // $ANTLR start "rule__RedefinesRule__PropertyAssignment_1"
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2706:1: rule__RedefinesRule__PropertyAssignment_1 : ( ( RULE_ID ) ) ;
+ public final void rule__RedefinesRule__PropertyAssignment_1() throws RecognitionException {
- // $ANTLR start "rule__ModifiersRule__ValuesAssignment_2_1_1"
- // ../ rule__ModifiersRule__ValuesAssignment_2_1_1 : ( ruleModifierSpecification ) ;
- public final void rule__ModifiersRule__ValuesAssignment_2_1_1() throws RecognitionException {
+ int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- try {
- // ../ ( ( ruleModifierSpecification ) )
- // ../ ( ruleModifierSpecification )
- {
- // ../ ( ruleModifierSpecification )
- // ../ ruleModifierSpecification
- {
- before(grammarAccess.getModifiersRuleAccess().getValuesModifierSpecificationParserRuleCall_2_1_1_0());
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleModifierSpecification_in_rule__ModifiersRule__ValuesAssignment_2_1_15398);
- ruleModifierSpecification();
+ try {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2710:1: ( ( ( RULE_ID ) ) )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2711:1: ( ( RULE_ID ) )
+ {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2711:1: ( ( RULE_ID ) )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2712:1: ( RULE_ID )
+ {
+ before(grammarAccess.getRedefinesRuleAccess().getPropertyPropertyCrossReference_1_0());
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2713:1: ( RULE_ID )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2714:1: RULE_ID
+ {
+ before(grammarAccess.getRedefinesRuleAccess().getPropertyPropertyIDTerminalRuleCall_1_0_1());
+ match(input, RULE_ID, FOLLOW_2);
+ after(grammarAccess.getRedefinesRuleAccess().getPropertyPropertyIDTerminalRuleCall_1_0_1());
- state._fsp--;
+ }
- after(grammarAccess.getModifiersRuleAccess().getValuesModifierSpecificationParserRuleCall_2_1_1_0());
+ after(grammarAccess.getRedefinesRuleAccess().getPropertyPropertyCrossReference_1_0());
- }
+ }
- }
+ }
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- reportError(re);
- recover(input,re);
- }
- finally {
+ } catch (RecognitionException re) {
+ reportError(re);
+ recover(input, re);
+ } finally {
- restoreStackSize(stackSize);
+ restoreStackSize(stackSize);
- }
- return ;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "rule__ModifiersRule__ValuesAssignment_2_1_1"
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end "rule__RedefinesRule__PropertyAssignment_1"
- // $ANTLR start "rule__ModifierSpecification__ValueAssignment_0"
- // ../ rule__ModifierSpecification__ValueAssignment_0 : ( ruleModifierKind ) ;
- public final void rule__ModifierSpecification__ValueAssignment_0() throws RecognitionException {
+ // $ANTLR start "rule__SubsetsRule__PropertyAssignment_1"
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2725:1: rule__SubsetsRule__PropertyAssignment_1 : ( ( RULE_ID ) ) ;
+ public final void rule__SubsetsRule__PropertyAssignment_1() throws RecognitionException {
- int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- try {
- // ../ ( ( ruleModifierKind ) )
- // ../ ( ruleModifierKind )
- {
- // ../ ( ruleModifierKind )
- // ../ ruleModifierKind
- {
- before(grammarAccess.getModifierSpecificationAccess().getValueModifierKindEnumRuleCall_0_0());
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleModifierKind_in_rule__ModifierSpecification__ValueAssignment_05429);
- ruleModifierKind();
+ int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- state._fsp--;
+ try {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2729:1: ( ( ( RULE_ID ) ) )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2730:1: ( ( RULE_ID ) )
+ {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2730:1: ( ( RULE_ID ) )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2731:1: ( RULE_ID )
+ {
+ before(grammarAccess.getSubsetsRuleAccess().getPropertyPropertyCrossReference_1_0());
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2732:1: ( RULE_ID )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2733:1: RULE_ID
+ {
+ before(grammarAccess.getSubsetsRuleAccess().getPropertyPropertyIDTerminalRuleCall_1_0_1());
+ match(input, RULE_ID, FOLLOW_2);
+ after(grammarAccess.getSubsetsRuleAccess().getPropertyPropertyIDTerminalRuleCall_1_0_1());
- after(grammarAccess.getModifierSpecificationAccess().getValueModifierKindEnumRuleCall_0_0());
+ }
- }
+ after(grammarAccess.getSubsetsRuleAccess().getPropertyPropertyCrossReference_1_0());
+ }
- }
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- reportError(re);
- recover(input,re);
- }
- finally {
+ }
- restoreStackSize(stackSize);
+ } catch (RecognitionException re) {
+ reportError(re);
+ recover(input, re);
+ } finally {
- }
- return ;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "rule__ModifierSpecification__ValueAssignment_0"
+ restoreStackSize(stackSize);
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end "rule__SubsetsRule__PropertyAssignment_1"
- // $ANTLR start "rule__ModifierSpecification__RedefinesAssignment_1"
- // ../ rule__ModifierSpecification__RedefinesAssignment_1 : ( ruleRedefinesRule ) ;
- public final void rule__ModifierSpecification__RedefinesAssignment_1() throws RecognitionException {
- int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- try {
- // ../ ( ( ruleRedefinesRule ) )
- // ../ ( ruleRedefinesRule )
- {
- // ../ ( ruleRedefinesRule )
- // ../ ruleRedefinesRule
- {
- before(grammarAccess.getModifierSpecificationAccess().getRedefinesRedefinesRuleParserRuleCall_1_0());
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleRedefinesRule_in_rule__ModifierSpecification__RedefinesAssignment_15460);
- ruleRedefinesRule();
+ // $ANTLR start "rule__DefaultValueRule__DefaultAssignment_1"
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2744:1: rule__DefaultValueRule__DefaultAssignment_1 : ( ruleValue ) ;
+ public final void rule__DefaultValueRule__DefaultAssignment_1() throws RecognitionException {
- state._fsp--;
+ int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- after(grammarAccess.getModifierSpecificationAccess().getRedefinesRedefinesRuleParserRuleCall_1_0());
+ try {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2748:1: ( ( ruleValue ) )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2749:1: ( ruleValue )
+ {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2749:1: ( ruleValue )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2750:1: ruleValue
+ {
+ before(grammarAccess.getDefaultValueRuleAccess().getDefaultValueParserRuleCall_1_0());
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_2);
+ ruleValue();
- }
+ state._fsp--;
+ after(grammarAccess.getDefaultValueRuleAccess().getDefaultValueParserRuleCall_1_0());
- }
+ }
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- reportError(re);
- recover(input,re);
- }
- finally {
- restoreStackSize(stackSize);
+ }
- }
- return ;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "rule__ModifierSpecification__RedefinesAssignment_1"
+ } catch (RecognitionException re) {
+ reportError(re);
+ recover(input, re);
+ } finally {
+ restoreStackSize(stackSize);
- // $ANTLR start "rule__ModifierSpecification__SubsetsAssignment_2"
- // ../ rule__ModifierSpecification__SubsetsAssignment_2 : ( ruleSubsetsRule ) ;
- public final void rule__ModifierSpecification__SubsetsAssignment_2() throws RecognitionException {
- int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- try {
- // ../ ( ( ruleSubsetsRule ) )
- // ../ ( ruleSubsetsRule )
- {
- // ../ ( ruleSubsetsRule )
- // ../ ruleSubsetsRule
- {
- before(grammarAccess.getModifierSpecificationAccess().getSubsetsSubsetsRuleParserRuleCall_2_0());
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleSubsetsRule_in_rule__ModifierSpecification__SubsetsAssignment_25491);
- ruleSubsetsRule();
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end "rule__DefaultValueRule__DefaultAssignment_1"
- state._fsp--;
- after(grammarAccess.getModifierSpecificationAccess().getSubsetsSubsetsRuleParserRuleCall_2_0());
+ // $ANTLR start "rule__IntValue__LiteralIntegerAssignment"
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2759:1: rule__IntValue__LiteralIntegerAssignment : ( RULE_INT ) ;
+ public final void rule__IntValue__LiteralIntegerAssignment() throws RecognitionException {
- }
+ int stackSize = keepStackSize();
+ try {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2763:1: ( ( RULE_INT ) )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2764:1: ( RULE_INT )
+ {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2764:1: ( RULE_INT )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2765:1: RULE_INT
+ {
+ before(grammarAccess.getIntValueAccess().getLiteralIntegerINTTerminalRuleCall_0());
+ match(input, RULE_INT, FOLLOW_2);
+ after(grammarAccess.getIntValueAccess().getLiteralIntegerINTTerminalRuleCall_0());
- }
+ }
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- reportError(re);
- recover(input,re);
- }
- finally {
- restoreStackSize(stackSize);
+ }
- }
- return ;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "rule__ModifierSpecification__SubsetsAssignment_2"
+ } catch (RecognitionException re) {
+ reportError(re);
+ recover(input, re);
+ } finally {
+ restoreStackSize(stackSize);
- // $ANTLR start "rule__RedefinesRule__PropertyAssignment_1"
- // ../ rule__RedefinesRule__PropertyAssignment_1 : ( ( RULE_ID ) ) ;
- public final void rule__RedefinesRule__PropertyAssignment_1() throws RecognitionException {
- int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- try {
- // ../ ( ( ( RULE_ID ) ) )
- // ../ ( ( RULE_ID ) )
- {
- // ../ ( ( RULE_ID ) )
- // ../ ( RULE_ID )
- {
- before(grammarAccess.getRedefinesRuleAccess().getPropertyPropertyCrossReference_1_0());
- // ../ ( RULE_ID )
- // ../ RULE_ID
- {
- before(grammarAccess.getRedefinesRuleAccess().getPropertyPropertyIDTerminalRuleCall_1_0_1());
- match(input,RULE_ID,FOLLOW_RULE_ID_in_rule__RedefinesRule__PropertyAssignment_15526);
- after(grammarAccess.getRedefinesRuleAccess().getPropertyPropertyIDTerminalRuleCall_1_0_1());
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end "rule__IntValue__LiteralIntegerAssignment"
- }
- after(grammarAccess.getRedefinesRuleAccess().getPropertyPropertyCrossReference_1_0());
+ // $ANTLR start "rule__StringValue__LiteralStringAssignment"
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2774:1: rule__StringValue__LiteralStringAssignment : ( RULE_STRING ) ;
+ public final void rule__StringValue__LiteralStringAssignment() throws RecognitionException {
- }
+ int stackSize = keepStackSize();
+ try {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2778:1: ( ( RULE_STRING ) )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2779:1: ( RULE_STRING )
+ {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2779:1: ( RULE_STRING )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2780:1: RULE_STRING
+ {
+ before(grammarAccess.getStringValueAccess().getLiteralStringSTRINGTerminalRuleCall_0());
+ match(input, RULE_STRING, FOLLOW_2);
+ after(grammarAccess.getStringValueAccess().getLiteralStringSTRINGTerminalRuleCall_0());
- }
+ }
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- reportError(re);
- recover(input,re);
- }
- finally {
- restoreStackSize(stackSize);
+ }
- }
- return ;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "rule__RedefinesRule__PropertyAssignment_1"
+ } catch (RecognitionException re) {
+ reportError(re);
+ recover(input, re);
+ } finally {
+ restoreStackSize(stackSize);
- // $ANTLR start "rule__SubsetsRule__PropertyAssignment_1"
- // ../ rule__SubsetsRule__PropertyAssignment_1 : ( ( RULE_ID ) ) ;
- public final void rule__SubsetsRule__PropertyAssignment_1() throws RecognitionException {
- int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- try {
- // ../ ( ( ( RULE_ID ) ) )
- // ../ ( ( RULE_ID ) )
- {
- // ../ ( ( RULE_ID ) )
- // ../ ( RULE_ID )
- {
- before(grammarAccess.getSubsetsRuleAccess().getPropertyPropertyCrossReference_1_0());
- // ../ ( RULE_ID )
- // ../ RULE_ID
- {
- before(grammarAccess.getSubsetsRuleAccess().getPropertyPropertyIDTerminalRuleCall_1_0_1());
- match(input,RULE_ID,FOLLOW_RULE_ID_in_rule__SubsetsRule__PropertyAssignment_15565);
- after(grammarAccess.getSubsetsRuleAccess().getPropertyPropertyIDTerminalRuleCall_1_0_1());
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end "rule__StringValue__LiteralStringAssignment"
- }
- after(grammarAccess.getSubsetsRuleAccess().getPropertyPropertyCrossReference_1_0());
+ // $ANTLR start "rule__BooleanValue__LiteralBooleanAssignment"
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2789:1: rule__BooleanValue__LiteralBooleanAssignment : ( ruleBooleanLiterals ) ;
+ public final void rule__BooleanValue__LiteralBooleanAssignment() throws RecognitionException {
- }
+ int stackSize = keepStackSize();
+ try {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2793:1: ( ( ruleBooleanLiterals ) )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2794:1: ( ruleBooleanLiterals )
+ {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2794:1: ( ruleBooleanLiterals )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2795:1: ruleBooleanLiterals
+ {
+ before(grammarAccess.getBooleanValueAccess().getLiteralBooleanBooleanLiteralsEnumRuleCall_0());
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_2);
+ ruleBooleanLiterals();
- }
+ state._fsp--;
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- reportError(re);
- recover(input,re);
- }
- finally {
+ after(grammarAccess.getBooleanValueAccess().getLiteralBooleanBooleanLiteralsEnumRuleCall_0());
- restoreStackSize(stackSize);
- }
- return ;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "rule__SubsetsRule__PropertyAssignment_1"
+ }
- // $ANTLR start "rule__DefaultValueRule__DefaultAssignment_1"
- // ../ rule__DefaultValueRule__DefaultAssignment_1 : ( ruleValue ) ;
- public final void rule__DefaultValueRule__DefaultAssignment_1() throws RecognitionException {
+ }
- int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- try {
- // ../ ( ( ruleValue ) )
- // ../ ( ruleValue )
- {
- // ../ ( ruleValue )
- // ../ ruleValue
- {
- before(grammarAccess.getDefaultValueRuleAccess().getDefaultValueParserRuleCall_1_0());
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleValue_in_rule__DefaultValueRule__DefaultAssignment_15600);
- ruleValue();
+ } catch (RecognitionException re) {
+ reportError(re);
+ recover(input, re);
+ } finally {
- state._fsp--;
+ restoreStackSize(stackSize);
- after(grammarAccess.getDefaultValueRuleAccess().getDefaultValueParserRuleCall_1_0());
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end "rule__BooleanValue__LiteralBooleanAssignment"
- }
+ // $ANTLR start "rule__RealValue__IntegerAssignment_0_0"
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2804:1: rule__RealValue__IntegerAssignment_0_0 : ( RULE_INT ) ;
+ public final void rule__RealValue__IntegerAssignment_0_0() throws RecognitionException {
- }
+ int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- reportError(re);
- recover(input,re);
- }
- finally {
+ try {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2808:1: ( ( RULE_INT ) )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2809:1: ( RULE_INT )
+ {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2809:1: ( RULE_INT )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2810:1: RULE_INT
+ {
+ before(grammarAccess.getRealValueAccess().getIntegerINTTerminalRuleCall_0_0_0());
+ match(input, RULE_INT, FOLLOW_2);
+ after(grammarAccess.getRealValueAccess().getIntegerINTTerminalRuleCall_0_0_0());
- restoreStackSize(stackSize);
+ }
- }
- return ;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "rule__DefaultValueRule__DefaultAssignment_1"
+ }
- // $ANTLR start "rule__IntValue__LiteralIntegerAssignment"
- // ../ rule__IntValue__LiteralIntegerAssignment : ( RULE_INT ) ;
- public final void rule__IntValue__LiteralIntegerAssignment() throws RecognitionException {
+ } catch (RecognitionException re) {
+ reportError(re);
+ recover(input, re);
+ } finally {
- int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- try {
- // ../ ( ( RULE_INT ) )
- // ../ ( RULE_INT )
- {
- // ../ ( RULE_INT )
- // ../ RULE_INT
- {
- before(grammarAccess.getIntValueAccess().getLiteralIntegerINTTerminalRuleCall_0());
- match(input,RULE_INT,FOLLOW_RULE_INT_in_rule__IntValue__LiteralIntegerAssignment5631);
- after(grammarAccess.getIntValueAccess().getLiteralIntegerINTTerminalRuleCall_0());
+ restoreStackSize(stackSize);
- }
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end "rule__RealValue__IntegerAssignment_0_0"
- }
+ // $ANTLR start "rule__RealValue__FractionAssignment_1_1"
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2819:1: rule__RealValue__FractionAssignment_1_1 : ( RULE_INT ) ;
+ public final void rule__RealValue__FractionAssignment_1_1() throws RecognitionException {
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- reportError(re);
- recover(input,re);
- }
- finally {
+ int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- restoreStackSize(stackSize);
+ try {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2823:1: ( ( RULE_INT ) )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2824:1: ( RULE_INT )
+ {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2824:1: ( RULE_INT )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2825:1: RULE_INT
+ {
+ before(grammarAccess.getRealValueAccess().getFractionINTTerminalRuleCall_1_1_0());
+ match(input, RULE_INT, FOLLOW_2);
+ after(grammarAccess.getRealValueAccess().getFractionINTTerminalRuleCall_1_1_0());
- }
- return ;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "rule__IntValue__LiteralIntegerAssignment"
+ }
- // $ANTLR start "rule__StringValue__LiteralStringAssignment"
- // ../ rule__StringValue__LiteralStringAssignment : ( RULE_STRING ) ;
- public final void rule__StringValue__LiteralStringAssignment() throws RecognitionException {
+ }
- int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- try {
- // ../ ( ( RULE_STRING ) )
- // ../ ( RULE_STRING )
- {
- // ../ ( RULE_STRING )
- // ../ RULE_STRING
- {
- before(grammarAccess.getStringValueAccess().getLiteralStringSTRINGTerminalRuleCall_0());
- match(input,RULE_STRING,FOLLOW_RULE_STRING_in_rule__StringValue__LiteralStringAssignment5662);
- after(grammarAccess.getStringValueAccess().getLiteralStringSTRINGTerminalRuleCall_0());
+ } catch (RecognitionException re) {
+ reportError(re);
+ recover(input, re);
+ } finally {
- }
+ restoreStackSize(stackSize);
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end "rule__RealValue__FractionAssignment_1_1"
- }
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- reportError(re);
- recover(input,re);
- }
- finally {
- restoreStackSize(stackSize);
- }
- return ;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "rule__StringValue__LiteralStringAssignment"
+ // $ANTLR start "rule__RealValue__IntegerAssignment_2_0"
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2834:1: rule__RealValue__IntegerAssignment_2_0 : ( RULE_INT ) ;
+ public final void rule__RealValue__IntegerAssignment_2_0() throws RecognitionException {
+ int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- // $ANTLR start "rule__BooleanValue__LiteralBooleanAssignment"
- // ../ rule__BooleanValue__LiteralBooleanAssignment : ( ruleBooleanLiterals ) ;
- public final void rule__BooleanValue__LiteralBooleanAssignment() throws RecognitionException {
+ try {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2838:1: ( ( RULE_INT ) )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2839:1: ( RULE_INT )
+ {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2839:1: ( RULE_INT )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2840:1: RULE_INT
+ {
+ before(grammarAccess.getRealValueAccess().getIntegerINTTerminalRuleCall_2_0_0());
+ match(input, RULE_INT, FOLLOW_2);
+ after(grammarAccess.getRealValueAccess().getIntegerINTTerminalRuleCall_2_0_0());
- int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- try {
- // ../ ( ( ruleBooleanLiterals ) )
- // ../ ( ruleBooleanLiterals )
- {
- // ../ ( ruleBooleanLiterals )
- // ../ ruleBooleanLiterals
- {
- before(grammarAccess.getBooleanValueAccess().getLiteralBooleanBooleanLiteralsEnumRuleCall_0());
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleBooleanLiterals_in_rule__BooleanValue__LiteralBooleanAssignment5693);
- ruleBooleanLiterals();
+ }
- state._fsp--;
- after(grammarAccess.getBooleanValueAccess().getLiteralBooleanBooleanLiteralsEnumRuleCall_0());
+ }
- }
+ } catch (RecognitionException re) {
+ reportError(re);
+ recover(input, re);
+ } finally {
+ restoreStackSize(stackSize);
- }
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- reportError(re);
- recover(input,re);
- }
- finally {
- restoreStackSize(stackSize);
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end "rule__RealValue__IntegerAssignment_2_0"
- }
- return ;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "rule__BooleanValue__LiteralBooleanAssignment"
+ // $ANTLR start "rule__RealValue__FractionAssignment_2_2"
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2849:1: rule__RealValue__FractionAssignment_2_2 : ( RULE_INT ) ;
+ public final void rule__RealValue__FractionAssignment_2_2() throws RecognitionException {
- // $ANTLR start "rule__RealValue__IntegerAssignment_0_0"
- // ../ rule__RealValue__IntegerAssignment_0_0 : ( RULE_INT ) ;
- public final void rule__RealValue__IntegerAssignment_0_0() throws RecognitionException {
+ int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- try {
- // ../ ( ( RULE_INT ) )
- // ../ ( RULE_INT )
- {
- // ../ ( RULE_INT )
- // ../ RULE_INT
- {
- before(grammarAccess.getRealValueAccess().getIntegerINTTerminalRuleCall_0_0_0());
- match(input,RULE_INT,FOLLOW_RULE_INT_in_rule__RealValue__IntegerAssignment_0_05724);
- after(grammarAccess.getRealValueAccess().getIntegerINTTerminalRuleCall_0_0_0());
+ try {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2853:1: ( ( RULE_INT ) )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2854:1: ( RULE_INT )
+ {
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2854:1: ( RULE_INT )
+ // InternalUmlProperty.g:2855:1: RULE_INT
+ {
+ before(grammarAccess.getRealValueAccess().getFractionINTTerminalRuleCall_2_2_0());
+ match(input, RULE_INT, FOLLOW_2);
+ after(grammarAccess.getRealValueAccess().getFractionINTTerminalRuleCall_2_2_0());
- }
+ }
- }
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- reportError(re);
- recover(input,re);
- }
- finally {
- restoreStackSize(stackSize);
+ }
- }
- return ;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "rule__RealValue__IntegerAssignment_0_0"
+ } catch (RecognitionException re) {
+ reportError(re);
+ recover(input, re);
+ } finally {
+ restoreStackSize(stackSize);
- // $ANTLR start "rule__RealValue__FractionAssignment_1_1"
- // ../ rule__RealValue__FractionAssignment_1_1 : ( RULE_INT ) ;
- public final void rule__RealValue__FractionAssignment_1_1() throws RecognitionException {
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end "rule__RealValue__FractionAssignment_2_2"
- int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- try {
- // ../ ( ( RULE_INT ) )
- // ../ ( RULE_INT )
- {
- // ../ ( RULE_INT )
- // ../ RULE_INT
- {
- before(grammarAccess.getRealValueAccess().getFractionINTTerminalRuleCall_1_1_0());
- match(input,RULE_INT,FOLLOW_RULE_INT_in_rule__RealValue__FractionAssignment_1_15755);
- after(grammarAccess.getRealValueAccess().getFractionINTTerminalRuleCall_1_1_0());
+ // Delegated rules
- }
- }
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- reportError(re);
- recover(input,re);
- }
- finally {
- restoreStackSize(stackSize);
- }
- return ;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "rule__RealValue__FractionAssignment_1_1"
- // $ANTLR start "rule__RealValue__IntegerAssignment_2_0"
- // ../ rule__RealValue__IntegerAssignment_2_0 : ( RULE_INT ) ;
- public final void rule__RealValue__IntegerAssignment_2_0() throws RecognitionException {
- int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- try {
- // ../ ( ( RULE_INT ) )
- // ../ ( RULE_INT )
- {
- // ../ ( RULE_INT )
- // ../ RULE_INT
- {
- before(grammarAccess.getRealValueAccess().getIntegerINTTerminalRuleCall_2_0_0());
- match(input,RULE_INT,FOLLOW_RULE_INT_in_rule__RealValue__IntegerAssignment_2_05786);
- after(grammarAccess.getRealValueAccess().getIntegerINTTerminalRuleCall_2_0_0());
- }
- }
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- reportError(re);
- recover(input,re);
- }
- finally {
- restoreStackSize(stackSize);
- }
- return ;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "rule__RealValue__IntegerAssignment_2_0"
- // $ANTLR start "rule__RealValue__FractionAssignment_2_2"
- // ../ rule__RealValue__FractionAssignment_2_2 : ( RULE_INT ) ;
- public final void rule__RealValue__FractionAssignment_2_2() throws RecognitionException {
- int stackSize = keepStackSize();
- try {
- // ../ ( ( RULE_INT ) )
- // ../ ( RULE_INT )
- {
- // ../ ( RULE_INT )
- // ../ RULE_INT
- {
- before(grammarAccess.getRealValueAccess().getFractionINTTerminalRuleCall_2_2_0());
- match(input,RULE_INT,FOLLOW_RULE_INT_in_rule__RealValue__FractionAssignment_2_25817);
- after(grammarAccess.getRealValueAccess().getFractionINTTerminalRuleCall_2_2_0());
- }
- }
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- reportError(re);
- recover(input,re);
- }
- finally {
- restoreStackSize(stackSize);
- }
- return ;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "rule__RealValue__FractionAssignment_2_2"
- // Delegated rules
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_rulePropertyRule_in_entryRulePropertyRule61 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRulePropertyRule68 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_rule__PropertyRule__Group__0_in_rulePropertyRule94 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleVisibilityRule_in_entryRuleVisibilityRule121 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleVisibilityRule128 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_rule__VisibilityRule__VisibilityAssignment_in_ruleVisibilityRule154 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleTypeRule_in_entryRuleTypeRule181 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleTypeRule188 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_rule__TypeRule__Group__0_in_ruleTypeRule214 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleQualifiedName_in_entryRuleQualifiedName241 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleQualifiedName248 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_rule__QualifiedName__Group__0_in_ruleQualifiedName274 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleMultiplicityRule_in_entryRuleMultiplicityRule301 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleMultiplicityRule308 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_rule__MultiplicityRule__Group__0_in_ruleMultiplicityRule334 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleBoundSpecification_in_entryRuleBoundSpecification361 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleBoundSpecification368 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_rule__BoundSpecification__ValueAssignment_in_ruleBoundSpecification394 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleUnlimitedLiteral_in_entryRuleUnlimitedLiteral421 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleUnlimitedLiteral428 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_rule__UnlimitedLiteral__Alternatives_in_ruleUnlimitedLiteral454 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleStringLiteral_in_entryRuleStringLiteral481 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleStringLiteral488 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_RULE_STRING_in_ruleStringLiteral514 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleModifiersRule_in_entryRuleModifiersRule540 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleModifiersRule547 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_rule__ModifiersRule__Group__0_in_ruleModifiersRule573 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleModifierSpecification_in_entryRuleModifierSpecification600 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleModifierSpecification607 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_rule__ModifierSpecification__Alternatives_in_ruleModifierSpecification633 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleRedefinesRule_in_entryRuleRedefinesRule660 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleRedefinesRule667 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_rule__RedefinesRule__Group__0_in_ruleRedefinesRule693 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleSubsetsRule_in_entryRuleSubsetsRule720 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleSubsetsRule727 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_rule__SubsetsRule__Group__0_in_ruleSubsetsRule753 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleDefaultValueRule_in_entryRuleDefaultValueRule780 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleDefaultValueRule787 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_rule__DefaultValueRule__Group__0_in_ruleDefaultValueRule813 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleValue_in_entryRuleValue840 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleValue847 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_rule__Value__Alternatives_in_ruleValue873 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleIntValue_in_entryRuleIntValue900 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleIntValue907 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_rule__IntValue__LiteralIntegerAssignment_in_ruleIntValue933 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleStringValue_in_entryRuleStringValue960 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleStringValue967 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_rule__StringValue__LiteralStringAssignment_in_ruleStringValue993 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleBooleanValue_in_entryRuleBooleanValue1020 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleBooleanValue1027 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_rule__BooleanValue__LiteralBooleanAssignment_in_ruleBooleanValue1053 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleRealValue_in_entryRuleRealValue1080 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleRealValue1087 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_rule__RealValue__Alternatives_in_ruleRealValue1113 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleNullValue_in_entryRuleNullValue1140 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleNullValue1147 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_rule__NullValue__Group__0_in_ruleNullValue1173 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleNoValue_in_entryRuleNoValue1200 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleNoValue1207 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_rule__NoValue__Group__0_in_ruleNoValue1233 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_rule__VisibilityKind__Alternatives_in_ruleVisibilityKind1270 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_rule__ModifierKind__Alternatives_in_ruleModifierKind1306 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_rule__BooleanLiterals__Alternatives_in_ruleBooleanLiterals1342 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_rule__PropertyRule__TypeAssignment_3_1_0_in_rule__PropertyRule__Alternatives_3_11377 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_rule__PropertyRule__TypeUndefinedAssignment_3_1_1_in_rule__PropertyRule__Alternatives_3_11395 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleUnlimitedLiteral_in_rule__BoundSpecification__ValueAlternatives_01428 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleStringLiteral_in_rule__BoundSpecification__ValueAlternatives_01445 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_RULE_INT_in_rule__UnlimitedLiteral__Alternatives1477 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_12_in_rule__UnlimitedLiteral__Alternatives1495 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_rule__ModifierSpecification__ValueAssignment_0_in_rule__ModifierSpecification__Alternatives1529 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_rule__ModifierSpecification__RedefinesAssignment_1_in_rule__ModifierSpecification__Alternatives1547 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_rule__ModifierSpecification__SubsetsAssignment_2_in_rule__ModifierSpecification__Alternatives1565 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleIntValue_in_rule__Value__Alternatives1598 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleStringValue_in_rule__Value__Alternatives1615 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleBooleanValue_in_rule__Value__Alternatives1632 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleRealValue_in_rule__Value__Alternatives1649 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleNullValue_in_rule__Value__Alternatives1666 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleNoValue_in_rule__Value__Alternatives1683 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_rule__RealValue__Group_0__0_in_rule__RealValue__Alternatives1715 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_rule__RealValue__Group_1__0_in_rule__RealValue__Alternatives1733 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_rule__RealValue__Group_2__0_in_rule__RealValue__Alternatives1751 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_13_in_rule__VisibilityKind__Alternatives1785 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_14_in_rule__VisibilityKind__Alternatives1806 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_15_in_rule__VisibilityKind__Alternatives1827 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_16_in_rule__VisibilityKind__Alternatives1848 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_17_in_rule__ModifierKind__Alternatives1884 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_18_in_rule__ModifierKind__Alternatives1905 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_19_in_rule__ModifierKind__Alternatives1926 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_20_in_rule__ModifierKind__Alternatives1947 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_21_in_rule__BooleanLiterals__Alternatives1983 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_22_in_rule__BooleanLiterals__Alternatives2004 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_rule__PropertyRule__Group__0__Impl_in_rule__PropertyRule__Group__02037 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000002000000040L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_rule__PropertyRule__Group__1_in_rule__PropertyRule__Group__02040 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_rule__PropertyRule__VisibilityAssignment_0_in_rule__PropertyRule__Group__0__Impl2067 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_rule__PropertyRule__Group__1__Impl_in_rule__PropertyRule__Group__12098 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000002000000040L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_rule__PropertyRule__Group__2_in_rule__PropertyRule__Group__12101 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_rule__PropertyRule__DerivedAssignment_1_in_rule__PropertyRule__Group__1__Impl2128 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_rule__PropertyRule__Group__2__Impl_in_rule__PropertyRule__Group__22159 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000212800000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_rule__PropertyRule__Group__3_in_rule__PropertyRule__Group__22162 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_rule__PropertyRule__NameAssignment_2_in_rule__PropertyRule__Group__2__Impl2189 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_rule__PropertyRule__Group__3__Impl_in_rule__PropertyRule__Group__32219 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000212800000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_rule__PropertyRule__Group__4_in_rule__PropertyRule__Group__32222 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_rule__PropertyRule__Group_3__0_in_rule__PropertyRule__Group__3__Impl2249 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_rule__PropertyRule__Group__4__Impl_in_rule__PropertyRule__Group__42280 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000212800000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_rule__PropertyRule__Group__5_in_rule__PropertyRule__Group__42283 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_rule__PropertyRule__MultiplicityAssignment_4_in_rule__PropertyRule__Group__4__Impl2310 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_rule__PropertyRule__Group__5__Impl_in_rule__PropertyRule__Group__52341 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000212800000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_rule__PropertyRule__Group__6_in_rule__PropertyRule__Group__52344 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_rule__PropertyRule__ModifiersAssignment_5_in_rule__PropertyRule__Group__5__Impl2371 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_rule__PropertyRule__Group__6__Impl_in_rule__PropertyRule__Group__62402 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_rule__PropertyRule__DefaultAssignment_6_in_rule__PropertyRule__Group__6__Impl2429 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_rule__PropertyRule__Group_3__0__Impl_in_rule__PropertyRule__Group_3__02474 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000004000000040L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_rule__PropertyRule__Group_3__1_in_rule__PropertyRule__Group_3__02477 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_23_in_rule__PropertyRule__Group_3__0__Impl2505 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_rule__PropertyRule__Group_3__1__Impl_in_rule__PropertyRule__Group_3__12536 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_rule__PropertyRule__Alternatives_3_1_in_rule__PropertyRule__Group_3__1__Impl2563 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_rule__TypeRule__Group__0__Impl_in_rule__TypeRule__Group__02597 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000040L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_rule__TypeRule__Group__1_in_rule__TypeRule__Group__02600 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_rule__TypeRule__PathAssignment_0_in_rule__TypeRule__Group__0__Impl2627 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_rule__TypeRule__Group__1__Impl_in_rule__TypeRule__Group__12658 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_rule__TypeRule__TypeAssignment_1_in_rule__TypeRule__Group__1__Impl2685 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_rule__QualifiedName__Group__0__Impl_in_rule__QualifiedName__Group__02719 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000001000000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_rule__QualifiedName__Group__1_in_rule__QualifiedName__Group__02722 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_rule__QualifiedName__PathAssignment_0_in_rule__QualifiedName__Group__0__Impl2749 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_rule__QualifiedName__Group__1__Impl_in_rule__QualifiedName__Group__12779 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000040L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_rule__QualifiedName__Group__2_in_rule__QualifiedName__Group__12782 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_24_in_rule__QualifiedName__Group__1__Impl2810 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_rule__QualifiedName__Group__2__Impl_in_rule__QualifiedName__Group__22841 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_rule__QualifiedName__RemainingAssignment_2_in_rule__QualifiedName__Group__2__Impl2868 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_rule__MultiplicityRule__Group__0__Impl_in_rule__MultiplicityRule__Group__02905 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000001030L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_rule__MultiplicityRule__Group__1_in_rule__MultiplicityRule__Group__02908 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_25_in_rule__MultiplicityRule__Group__0__Impl2936 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_rule__MultiplicityRule__Group__1__Impl_in_rule__MultiplicityRule__Group__12967 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x000000000C000000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_rule__MultiplicityRule__Group__2_in_rule__MultiplicityRule__Group__12970 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_rule__MultiplicityRule__BoundsAssignment_1_in_rule__MultiplicityRule__Group__1__Impl2997 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_rule__MultiplicityRule__Group__2__Impl_in_rule__MultiplicityRule__Group__23027 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x000000000C000000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_rule__MultiplicityRule__Group__3_in_rule__MultiplicityRule__Group__23030 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_rule__MultiplicityRule__Group_2__0_in_rule__MultiplicityRule__Group__2__Impl3057 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_rule__MultiplicityRule__Group__3__Impl_in_rule__MultiplicityRule__Group__33088 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_26_in_rule__MultiplicityRule__Group__3__Impl3116 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_rule__MultiplicityRule__Group_2__0__Impl_in_rule__MultiplicityRule__Group_2__03155 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000001030L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_rule__MultiplicityRule__Group_2__1_in_rule__MultiplicityRule__Group_2__03158 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_27_in_rule__MultiplicityRule__Group_2__0__Impl3186 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_rule__MultiplicityRule__Group_2__1__Impl_in_rule__MultiplicityRule__Group_2__13217 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_rule__MultiplicityRule__BoundsAssignment_2_1_in_rule__MultiplicityRule__Group_2__1__Impl3244 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_rule__ModifiersRule__Group__0__Impl_in_rule__ModifiersRule__Group__03278 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000010000000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_rule__ModifiersRule__Group__1_in_rule__ModifiersRule__Group__03281 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_rule__ModifiersRule__Group__1__Impl_in_rule__ModifiersRule__Group__13339 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x00000001A01E0000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_rule__ModifiersRule__Group__2_in_rule__ModifiersRule__Group__13342 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_28_in_rule__ModifiersRule__Group__1__Impl3370 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_rule__ModifiersRule__Group__2__Impl_in_rule__ModifiersRule__Group__23401 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x00000001A01E0000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_rule__ModifiersRule__Group__3_in_rule__ModifiersRule__Group__23404 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_rule__ModifiersRule__Group_2__0_in_rule__ModifiersRule__Group__2__Impl3431 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_rule__ModifiersRule__Group__3__Impl_in_rule__ModifiersRule__Group__33462 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_29_in_rule__ModifiersRule__Group__3__Impl3490 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_rule__ModifiersRule__Group_2__0__Impl_in_rule__ModifiersRule__Group_2__03529 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000040000000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_rule__ModifiersRule__Group_2__1_in_rule__ModifiersRule__Group_2__03532 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_rule__ModifiersRule__ValuesAssignment_2_0_in_rule__ModifiersRule__Group_2__0__Impl3559 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_rule__ModifiersRule__Group_2__1__Impl_in_rule__ModifiersRule__Group_2__13589 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_rule__ModifiersRule__Group_2_1__0_in_rule__ModifiersRule__Group_2__1__Impl3616 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000040000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_rule__ModifiersRule__Group_2_1__0__Impl_in_rule__ModifiersRule__Group_2_1__03651 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x00000001801E0000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_rule__ModifiersRule__Group_2_1__1_in_rule__ModifiersRule__Group_2_1__03654 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_30_in_rule__ModifiersRule__Group_2_1__0__Impl3682 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_rule__ModifiersRule__Group_2_1__1__Impl_in_rule__ModifiersRule__Group_2_1__13713 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_rule__ModifiersRule__ValuesAssignment_2_1_1_in_rule__ModifiersRule__Group_2_1__1__Impl3740 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_rule__RedefinesRule__Group__0__Impl_in_rule__RedefinesRule__Group__03774 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000040L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_rule__RedefinesRule__Group__1_in_rule__RedefinesRule__Group__03777 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_31_in_rule__RedefinesRule__Group__0__Impl3805 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_rule__RedefinesRule__Group__1__Impl_in_rule__RedefinesRule__Group__13836 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_rule__RedefinesRule__PropertyAssignment_1_in_rule__RedefinesRule__Group__1__Impl3863 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_rule__SubsetsRule__Group__0__Impl_in_rule__SubsetsRule__Group__03897 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000040L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_rule__SubsetsRule__Group__1_in_rule__SubsetsRule__Group__03900 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_32_in_rule__SubsetsRule__Group__0__Impl3928 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_rule__SubsetsRule__Group__1__Impl_in_rule__SubsetsRule__Group__13959 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_rule__SubsetsRule__PropertyAssignment_1_in_rule__SubsetsRule__Group__1__Impl3986 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_rule__DefaultValueRule__Group__0__Impl_in_rule__DefaultValueRule__Group__04020 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000001C00600030L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_rule__DefaultValueRule__Group__1_in_rule__DefaultValueRule__Group__04023 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_33_in_rule__DefaultValueRule__Group__0__Impl4051 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_rule__DefaultValueRule__Group__1__Impl_in_rule__DefaultValueRule__Group__14082 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_rule__DefaultValueRule__DefaultAssignment_1_in_rule__DefaultValueRule__Group__1__Impl4109 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_rule__RealValue__Group_0__0__Impl_in_rule__RealValue__Group_0__04143 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000400000000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_rule__RealValue__Group_0__1_in_rule__RealValue__Group_0__04146 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_rule__RealValue__IntegerAssignment_0_0_in_rule__RealValue__Group_0__0__Impl4173 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_rule__RealValue__Group_0__1__Impl_in_rule__RealValue__Group_0__14203 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_34_in_rule__RealValue__Group_0__1__Impl4231 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_rule__RealValue__Group_1__0__Impl_in_rule__RealValue__Group_1__04266 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000020L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_rule__RealValue__Group_1__1_in_rule__RealValue__Group_1__04269 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_34_in_rule__RealValue__Group_1__0__Impl4297 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_rule__RealValue__Group_1__1__Impl_in_rule__RealValue__Group_1__14328 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_rule__RealValue__FractionAssignment_1_1_in_rule__RealValue__Group_1__1__Impl4355 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_rule__RealValue__Group_2__0__Impl_in_rule__RealValue__Group_2__04389 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000400000000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_rule__RealValue__Group_2__1_in_rule__RealValue__Group_2__04392 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_rule__RealValue__IntegerAssignment_2_0_in_rule__RealValue__Group_2__0__Impl4419 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_rule__RealValue__Group_2__1__Impl_in_rule__RealValue__Group_2__14449 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000020L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_rule__RealValue__Group_2__2_in_rule__RealValue__Group_2__14452 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_34_in_rule__RealValue__Group_2__1__Impl4480 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_rule__RealValue__Group_2__2__Impl_in_rule__RealValue__Group_2__24511 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_rule__RealValue__FractionAssignment_2_2_in_rule__RealValue__Group_2__2__Impl4538 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_rule__NullValue__Group__0__Impl_in_rule__NullValue__Group__04574 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000800000000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_rule__NullValue__Group__1_in_rule__NullValue__Group__04577 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_rule__NullValue__Group__1__Impl_in_rule__NullValue__Group__14635 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_35_in_rule__NullValue__Group__1__Impl4663 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_rule__NoValue__Group__0__Impl_in_rule__NoValue__Group__04698 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000001C00600030L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_rule__NoValue__Group__1_in_rule__NoValue__Group__04701 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_rule__NoValue__Group__1__Impl_in_rule__NoValue__Group__14759 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_36_in_rule__NoValue__Group__1__Impl4787 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleVisibilityRule_in_rule__PropertyRule__VisibilityAssignment_04827 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_37_in_rule__PropertyRule__DerivedAssignment_14863 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_RULE_ID_in_rule__PropertyRule__NameAssignment_24902 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleTypeRule_in_rule__PropertyRule__TypeAssignment_3_1_04933 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_38_in_rule__PropertyRule__TypeUndefinedAssignment_3_1_14969 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleMultiplicityRule_in_rule__PropertyRule__MultiplicityAssignment_45008 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleModifiersRule_in_rule__PropertyRule__ModifiersAssignment_55039 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleDefaultValueRule_in_rule__PropertyRule__DefaultAssignment_65070 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleVisibilityKind_in_rule__VisibilityRule__VisibilityAssignment5101 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleQualifiedName_in_rule__TypeRule__PathAssignment_05132 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_RULE_ID_in_rule__TypeRule__TypeAssignment_15167 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_RULE_ID_in_rule__QualifiedName__PathAssignment_05206 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleQualifiedName_in_rule__QualifiedName__RemainingAssignment_25241 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleBoundSpecification_in_rule__MultiplicityRule__BoundsAssignment_15272 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleBoundSpecification_in_rule__MultiplicityRule__BoundsAssignment_2_15303 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_rule__BoundSpecification__ValueAlternatives_0_in_rule__BoundSpecification__ValueAssignment5334 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleModifierSpecification_in_rule__ModifiersRule__ValuesAssignment_2_05367 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleModifierSpecification_in_rule__ModifiersRule__ValuesAssignment_2_1_15398 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleModifierKind_in_rule__ModifierSpecification__ValueAssignment_05429 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleRedefinesRule_in_rule__ModifierSpecification__RedefinesAssignment_15460 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleSubsetsRule_in_rule__ModifierSpecification__SubsetsAssignment_25491 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_RULE_ID_in_rule__RedefinesRule__PropertyAssignment_15526 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_RULE_ID_in_rule__SubsetsRule__PropertyAssignment_15565 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleValue_in_rule__DefaultValueRule__DefaultAssignment_15600 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_RULE_INT_in_rule__IntValue__LiteralIntegerAssignment5631 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_RULE_STRING_in_rule__StringValue__LiteralStringAssignment5662 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleBooleanLiterals_in_rule__BooleanValue__LiteralBooleanAssignment5693 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_RULE_INT_in_rule__RealValue__IntegerAssignment_0_05724 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_RULE_INT_in_rule__RealValue__FractionAssignment_1_15755 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_RULE_INT_in_rule__RealValue__IntegerAssignment_2_05786 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_RULE_INT_in_rule__RealValue__FractionAssignment_2_25817 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_1 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x0000000000000000L });
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_2 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x0000000000000002L });
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_3 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x0000002000000040L });
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_4 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x0000000212800000L });
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_5 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x0000004000000040L });
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_6 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x0000000000000040L });
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_7 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x0000000001000000L });
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_8 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x0000000000001030L });
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_9 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x000000000C000000L });
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_10 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x0000000010000000L });
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_11 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x00000001A01E0000L });
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_12 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x0000000040000000L });
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_13 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x0000000040000002L });
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_14 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x00000001801E0000L });
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_15 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x0000001C00600030L });
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_16 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x0000000400000000L });
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_17 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x0000000000000020L });
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_18 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x0000000800000000L });
} \ No newline at end of file

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