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Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/infra/org.eclipse.papyrus.infra.elementtypesconfigurations/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/infra/elementtypesconfigurations/registries/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 559 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/infra/org.eclipse.papyrus.infra.elementtypesconfigurations/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/infra/elementtypesconfigurations/registries/ b/plugins/infra/org.eclipse.papyrus.infra.elementtypesconfigurations/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/infra/elementtypesconfigurations/registries/
deleted file mode 100644
index 9b8027227e2..00000000000
--- a/plugins/infra/org.eclipse.papyrus.infra.elementtypesconfigurations/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/infra/elementtypesconfigurations/registries/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,559 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2014, 2016 CEA LIST, Christian W. Damus, and others.
- *
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- * CEA LIST - Initial API and implementation
- * Christian W. Damus - bugs 459174, 467207, 485220
- *
- *****************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.papyrus.infra.elementtypesconfigurations.registries;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.Collection;
-import java.util.Collections;
-import java.util.HashMap;
-import java.util.HashSet;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.Map;
-import java.util.Set;
-import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IConfigurationElement;
-import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IPath;
-import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Platform;
-import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.TreeIterator;
-import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.URI;
-import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject;
-import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.Resource;
-import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.ResourceSet;
-import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.impl.ResourceSetImpl;
-import org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.emf.type.core.ClientContextManager;
-import org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.emf.type.core.ElementTypeRegistry;
-import org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.emf.type.core.ElementTypeUtil;
-import org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.emf.type.core.IAdviceBindingDescriptor;
-import org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.emf.type.core.IClientContext;
-import org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.emf.type.core.IElementType;
-import org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.emf.type.core.IMetamodelType;
-import org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.emf.type.core.ISpecializationType;
-import org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.emf.type.core.NullElementType;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.infra.elementtypesconfigurations.AbstractAdviceBindingConfiguration;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.infra.elementtypesconfigurations.Activator;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.infra.elementtypesconfigurations.AdviceConfiguration;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.infra.elementtypesconfigurations.ElementTypeConfiguration;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.infra.elementtypesconfigurations.ElementTypeSetConfiguration;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.infra.elementtypesconfigurations.SpecializationTypeConfiguration;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.infra.elementtypesconfigurations.extensionpoints.IElementTypeSetExtensionPoint;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.infra.elementtypesconfigurations.utils.ElementTypeConfigurationCycleUtil;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.infra.elementtypesconfigurations.utils.ElementTypeRegistryUtils;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.infra.elementtypesconfigurations.utils.OrientedGraph;
-import org.osgi.framework.Bundle;
- * Registry to manage load/unloaded {@link ElementTypeSetConfiguration}.
- */
-public class ElementTypeSetConfigurationRegistry {
- protected static ElementTypeSetConfigurationRegistry elementTypeSetConfigurationRegistry;
- /** Map of retrieved elementType sets, key is their identifier */
- protected Map<String, Map<String, ElementTypeSetConfiguration>> elementTypeSetConfigurations = null;
- protected OrientedGraph<String> advicesDeps = null;
- /** unique resource set to load all elementType sets models */
- protected ResourceSet elementTypeSetConfigurationResourceSet = null;
- /**
- * returns the singleton instance of this registry
- *
- * @return the singleton instance of this registry
- */
- public static synchronized ElementTypeSetConfigurationRegistry getInstance() {
- if (elementTypeSetConfigurationRegistry == null) {
- elementTypeSetConfigurationRegistry = new ElementTypeSetConfigurationRegistry();
- elementTypeSetConfigurationRegistry.init();
- }
- return elementTypeSetConfigurationRegistry;
- }
- /**
- * Inits the registry.
- */
- protected void init() {
- // 0. Resets values
- elementTypeSetConfigurationResourceSet = null;
- elementTypeSetConfigurations = new HashMap<String, Map<String, ElementTypeSetConfiguration>>();
- // 1. creates the resource set
- elementTypeSetConfigurationResourceSet = createResourceSet();
- // 2. creates the list only when registry is acceded for the first time,
- Map<String, Set<ElementTypeSetConfiguration>> elementTypeSetConfigurationsToLoad = readElementTypeSetConfigurationModelsFromExtensionPoints();
- // Try to load all elementType set definitions
- for (String contexId : elementTypeSetConfigurationsToLoad.keySet()) {
- loadElementTypeSetConfigurations(contexId, elementTypeSetConfigurationsToLoad.get(contexId));
- }
- }
- protected Map<String, Set<ElementTypeSetConfiguration>> readElementTypeSetConfigurationModels() {
- Map<String, Set<ElementTypeSetConfiguration>> elementTypeSetConfigurations = new HashMap<String, Set<ElementTypeSetConfiguration>>();
- return elementTypeSetConfigurations;
- }
- /**
- * Dispose this registry, i.e. remove all contribution on the elementType registry.
- */
- public synchronized void dispose() {
- if (elementTypeSetConfigurations == null) {
- return;
- }
- for (String contextId : elementTypeSetConfigurations.keySet()) {
- for (String elementTypeSetId : elementTypeSetConfigurations.get(contextId).keySet()) {
- unload(contextId, elementTypeSetId);
- }
- }
- elementTypeSetConfigurationResourceSet = null;
- elementTypeSetConfigurations = null;
- elementTypeSetConfigurationRegistry = null;
- }
- /**
- * Loads a given elementType set from a given identifier
- */
- public boolean loadElementTypeSetConfiguration(String contextId, String path) {
- if (path == null) {
- Activator.log.warn("Path must not be null" + path);
- return false;
- }
- if (contextId == null) {
- Activator.log.warn("contextId must not be null" + path);
- return false;
- }
- URI localURI = URI.createPlatformResourceURI(path, true);
- Resource resource = elementTypeSetConfigurationResourceSet.createResource(localURI);
- try {
- resource.load(null);
- EObject content = resource.getContents().get(0);
- if (content instanceof ElementTypeSetConfiguration) {
- return loadElementTypeSetConfiguration(contextId, (ElementTypeSetConfiguration) content);
- }
- } catch (IOException e) {
- Activator.log.error(e);
- }
- return false;
- }
- public boolean loadElementTypeSetConfiguration(String clientContextID, ElementTypeSetConfiguration elementTypeSetConfiguration) {
- return loadElementTypeSetConfigurations(clientContextID, Collections.singleton(elementTypeSetConfiguration));
- }
- public OrientedGraph<String> getAdvicesDeps() {
- if (advicesDeps == null) {
- advicesDeps = new OrientedGraph<>();
- }
- return advicesDeps;
- }
- protected boolean isAlreadyRegistred(String elementTypeID, IClientContext context) {
- if (ElementTypeRegistry.getInstance().getType(elementTypeID) != null) {
- if (!elementTypeID.equals(NullElementType.ID)) {
- if (ElementTypeRegistryUtils.getType(context, elementTypeID) == null) {
- // The elementType is already existing but not binded yet
- context.bindId(elementTypeID);
- + " is already registred elementtype but it is not binded yet. It has been binded to Papyrus context. ");
- }
- }
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- protected boolean registerElementTypeConfiguration(ElementTypeConfiguration elementTypeConfiguration, Map<String, ElementTypeConfiguration> elementTypeConfigurationsDefinitions, IClientContext context) {
- String elementTypeID = elementTypeConfiguration.getIdentifier();
- if (isAlreadyRegistred(elementTypeID, context)) {
- return true;
- }
- if (elementTypeConfiguration instanceof SpecializationTypeConfiguration) {
- // First, check if dependencies are registered
- for (String specializedTypeId : ((SpecializationTypeConfiguration) elementTypeConfiguration).getSpecializedTypesID()) {
- if (!isAlreadyRegistred(specializedTypeId, context)) {
- // try to register the dependency
- ElementTypeConfiguration specializedTypeConfiguration = elementTypeConfigurationsDefinitions.get(specializedTypeId);
- if (specializedTypeConfiguration != null) {
- boolean registred = registerElementTypeConfiguration(specializedTypeConfiguration, elementTypeConfigurationsDefinitions, context);
- if (!registred) {
-"Failed to register " + specializedTypeId);
- return false;
- }
- } else {
- if (!specializedTypeId.equals(NullElementType.ID)) {
-"Cannot find ElementTypeConfiguration for " + specializedTypeId);
- return false;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- IElementType elementType = ElementTypeConfigurationTypeRegistry.getInstance().getElementType(elementTypeConfiguration);
- if (elementType != null) {
- // register elementType
- if (elementType instanceof ISpecializationType) {
- if (ElementTypeRegistry.getInstance().register((ISpecializationType) elementType)) {
- context.bindId(elementType.getId());
- return true;
- } else {
-"SpecializationType not added: " + elementType);
- }
- } else if (elementType instanceof IMetamodelType) {
- if (ElementTypeRegistry.getInstance().register((IMetamodelType) elementType)) {
- context.bindId(elementType.getId());
- return true;
- } else {
-"MetamodelType not added: " + elementType);
- ElementTypeRegistry.getInstance().register((IMetamodelType) elementType);
- }
- }
- }
- return false;
- }
- public boolean loadElementTypeSetConfigurations(String contexId, Collection<ElementTypeSetConfiguration> elementTypeSetConfigurationsToRegister) {
- if (contexId == null) {
- Activator.log.warn("contexId must not be null. Loading aborted. ");
- return false;
- }
- IClientContext context = ClientContextManager.getInstance().getClientContext(contexId);
- if (context == null) {
- Activator.log.warn("contexId couldn't be found. Loading aborted. ");
- return false;
- }
- Map<String, ElementTypeConfiguration> elementTypeConfigurationsDefinitions = new HashMap<String, ElementTypeConfiguration>();
- // Read from elementTypeSetConfigurations
- Set<ElementTypeSetConfiguration> registrableElementTypeSetConfiguration = new HashSet<ElementTypeSetConfiguration>();
- for (ElementTypeSetConfiguration elementTypeSetConfiguration : elementTypeSetConfigurationsToRegister) {
- // Check if not already registered
- if (elementTypeSetConfigurations.containsKey(elementTypeSetConfiguration.getIdentifier())) {
- Activator.log.warn("The following ElementTypesSetConfiguration has been ignored because the same ID already registreted: " + elementTypeSetConfiguration.getIdentifier());
- } else {
- registrableElementTypeSetConfiguration.add(elementTypeSetConfiguration);
- for (ElementTypeConfiguration elementTypeConfiguration : elementTypeSetConfiguration.getElementTypeConfigurations()) {
- elementTypeConfigurationsDefinitions.put(elementTypeConfiguration.getIdentifier(), elementTypeConfiguration);
- }
- }
- }
- // Check there is no cyclic dependencies among elementTypes introduced by this loading
- HashSet<ElementTypeConfiguration> elementTypesToCheck = new HashSet<ElementTypeConfiguration>();
- // The old ones already registered
- if (elementTypeSetConfigurations.containsKey(contexId)) {
- for (ElementTypeSetConfiguration elementTypeSetConfiguration : elementTypeSetConfigurations.get(contexId).values()) {
- elementTypesToCheck.addAll(elementTypeSetConfiguration.getElementTypeConfigurations());
- }
- }
- // The new ones we wan to register
- elementTypesToCheck.addAll(elementTypeConfigurationsDefinitions.values());
- OrientedGraph<String> elementTypesDeps = ElementTypeConfigurationCycleUtil.getDependenciesAmongElementTypes(elementTypesToCheck);
- Collection<Collection<Object>> cyclesElementTypes = ElementTypeConfigurationCycleUtil.getCyclesAmongElementTypes(elementTypesDeps.getVertices(), elementTypesDeps.getEdges());
- if (!cyclesElementTypes.isEmpty()) {
- Activator.log.warn("The ElementTypesConfiguration registration has been aborted because there is at least a cyclic-dependency in the ElementTypes definitions: " + cyclesElementTypes);
- return false;
- }
- // Collect all advicesconfiguration
- HashSet<AdviceConfiguration> adviceToCheck = new HashSet<AdviceConfiguration>();
- // The old ones already registered
- if (elementTypeSetConfigurations.containsKey(contexId)) {
- for (ElementTypeSetConfiguration elementTypeSetConfiguration : elementTypeSetConfigurations.get(contexId).values()) {
- TreeIterator<EObject> it = elementTypeSetConfiguration.eAllContents();
- while (it.hasNext()) {
- EObject element =;
- if (element instanceof AdviceConfiguration) {
- adviceToCheck.add((AdviceConfiguration) element);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- // The new ones we want to register
- for (ElementTypeSetConfiguration elementTypeSetConfiguration : registrableElementTypeSetConfiguration) {
- TreeIterator<EObject> it = elementTypeSetConfiguration.eAllContents();
- while (it.hasNext()) {
- EObject element =;
- if (element instanceof AdviceConfiguration) {
- adviceToCheck.add((AdviceConfiguration) element);
- }
- }
- }
- // Check that there is no cyclic dependencies among advices introduced by this loading
- advicesDeps = ElementTypeConfigurationCycleUtil.getDependenciesAmongAdvices(adviceToCheck);
- Collection<Collection<Object>> cyclesAdvices = ElementTypeConfigurationCycleUtil.getCyclesInAdvices(advicesDeps.getVertices(), advicesDeps.getEdges());
- if (!cyclesAdvices.isEmpty()) {
- Activator.log.warn("The ElementTypesConfiguration registration has been aborted because there is at least a cyclic-dependencies in the Advices definitions: " + cyclesAdvices);
- return false;
- }
- // If we reached that point, we should be able to register safely the none already registered elementTypeSets
- for (ElementTypeSetConfiguration elementTypeSetConfiguration : registrableElementTypeSetConfiguration) {
- if (!elementTypeSetConfigurations.containsKey(contexId)) {
- elementTypeSetConfigurations.put(contexId, new HashMap<String, ElementTypeSetConfiguration>());
- }
- elementTypeSetConfigurations.get(contexId).put(elementTypeSetConfiguration.getIdentifier(), elementTypeSetConfiguration);
- }
- // New ElementTypesConfigurations can be registered
- for (ElementTypeConfiguration elementTypeConfiguration : elementTypeConfigurationsDefinitions.values()) {
- registerElementTypeConfiguration(elementTypeConfiguration, elementTypeConfigurationsDefinitions, context);
- }
- // Register adviceBindings
- for (ElementTypeSetConfiguration elementTypeSetConfiguration : registrableElementTypeSetConfiguration) {
- List<AbstractAdviceBindingConfiguration> adviceBindingConfigurations = elementTypeSetConfiguration.getAdviceBindingsConfigurations();
- for (AbstractAdviceBindingConfiguration adviceBindingConfiguration : adviceBindingConfigurations) {
- IAdviceBindingDescriptor editHelperAdviceDecriptor = AdviceConfigurationTypeRegistry.getInstance().getEditHelperAdviceDecriptor(adviceBindingConfiguration);
- ElementTypeRegistryUtils.registerAdviceBinding(editHelperAdviceDecriptor);
- context.bindId(editHelperAdviceDecriptor.getId());
- }
- }
- return true;
- }
- public boolean unload(String contextId, String elementTypeSetId) {
- if (elementTypeSetConfigurations == null) {
- return false;
- }
- if (!elementTypeSetConfigurations.containsKey(contextId)) {
- return false;
- }
- Map<String, ElementTypeSetConfiguration> map = elementTypeSetConfigurations.get(contextId);
- ElementTypeSetConfiguration elementTypeSet = map.remove(elementTypeSetId);
- if (elementTypeSet == null) {
- return false;
- }
- // Remove elementTypes
- ElementTypeRegistry registry = ElementTypeRegistry.getInstance();
- List<IElementType> elementTypes = new ArrayList<IElementType>(elementTypeSet.getElementTypeConfigurations().size());
- for (ElementTypeConfiguration elementTypeConfiguration : elementTypeSet.getElementTypeConfigurations()) {
- if (elementTypeConfiguration != null && elementTypeConfiguration.getIdentifier() != null) {
- String configIdentifier = elementTypeConfiguration.getIdentifier();
- IElementType elementType = registry.getType(configIdentifier);
- if (elementType != null) {
- elementTypes.add(elementType);
- }
- }
- }
- ElementTypeUtil.deregisterElementTypes(elementTypes, ElementTypeUtil.ALL_DEPENDENTS);
- // Remove adviceBindings
- List<AbstractAdviceBindingConfiguration> adviceBindingConfigurations = elementTypeSet.getAdviceBindingsConfigurations();
- for (AbstractAdviceBindingConfiguration adviceBindingConfiguration : adviceBindingConfigurations) {
- IAdviceBindingDescriptor advice = AdviceConfigurationTypeRegistry.getInstance().getEditHelperAdviceDecriptor(adviceBindingConfiguration);
- if (advice != null) {
- ElementTypeRegistryUtils.removeAdviceDescriptorFromBindings(advice);
- }
- }
- // If I loaded this element-types configuration model, I should now unload it. Otherwise,
- // I don't own this resource so I should not attempt to manage it
- if (elementTypeSetConfigurationResourceSet != null) {
- Resource resource = elementTypeSet.eResource();
- if ((resource != null) && (resource.getResourceSet() == elementTypeSetConfigurationResourceSet)) {
- resource.unload();
- elementTypeSetConfigurationResourceSet.getResources().remove(resource);
- }
- }
- // Recompute adviceDependencies
- HashSet<AdviceConfiguration> advices = new HashSet<AdviceConfiguration>();
- // The ones still registered
- for (ElementTypeSetConfiguration elementTypeSetConfiguration : elementTypeSetConfigurations.get(contextId).values()) {
- TreeIterator<EObject> it = elementTypeSetConfiguration.eAllContents();
- while (it.hasNext()) {
- EObject element =;
- if (element instanceof AdviceConfiguration) {
- advices.add((AdviceConfiguration) element);
- }
- }
- }
- advicesDeps = ElementTypeConfigurationCycleUtil.getDependenciesAmongAdvices(advices);
- return true;
- }
- protected void addElementTypeSetConfigurationToDefinitions(ElementTypeSetConfiguration set, String clientContextId, Map<String, Set<ElementTypeSetConfiguration>> existingDefinitions) {
- if (set.getIdentifier() == null) {
- Activator.log.warn("The following ElementTypesSetConfiguration has ill-defined ID and is therefore ignored: " + set.eResource().getURI());
- } else {
- if (set != null) {
- if (existingDefinitions.get(clientContextId) != null && containsElementTypeSet(existingDefinitions.get(clientContextId), set.getIdentifier())) {
- Activator.log.warn("The following ElementTypesSetConfiguration has been ignored because the same ID already registreted: " + set.getIdentifier());
- } else {
- if (!existingDefinitions.containsKey(clientContextId)) {
- existingDefinitions.put(clientContextId, new HashSet<ElementTypeSetConfiguration>());
- }
- existingDefinitions.get(clientContextId).add(set);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- protected Map<String, Set<ElementTypeSetConfiguration>> readElementTypeSetConfigurationModelsFromExtensionPoints() {
- Map<String, Set<ElementTypeSetConfiguration>> existingDefinitions = new HashMap<>();
- IConfigurationElement[] elements = Platform.getExtensionRegistry().getConfigurationElementsFor(IElementTypeSetExtensionPoint.EXTENSION_POINT_ID);
- // for each element, parses and retrieve the model file. then loads it and returns the root element
- for (IConfigurationElement element : elements) {
- String modelPath = element.getAttribute(IElementTypeSetExtensionPoint.PATH);
- String clientContextId = element.getAttribute(IElementTypeSetExtensionPoint.CLIENT_CONTEXT_ID);
- String contributorID = element.getContributor().getName();
- if (Platform.inDebugMode()) {
- Activator.log.debug("[Reading extension point]");
- Activator.log.debug("- Path to the model: " + modelPath);
- Activator.log.debug("- ClientContext the model should be registreted to: " + clientContextId);
- Activator.log.debug("- id of the container bundle: " + contributorID);
- }
- ElementTypeSetConfiguration set = getElementTypeSetConfiguration(modelPath, contributorID);
- if (set != null) {
- // It will be null if the file was absent or malformed and so failed to load.
- addElementTypeSetConfigurationToDefinitions(set, clientContextId, existingDefinitions);
- }
- }
- return existingDefinitions;
- }
- protected boolean containsElementTypeSet(Set<ElementTypeSetConfiguration> elementTypeSets, String elementTypeSetConfigurationId) {
- if (elementTypeSets == null) {
- return false;
- }
- for (ElementTypeSetConfiguration elementTypeSetConfiguration : elementTypeSets) {
- if (elementTypeSetConfiguration.getIdentifier().equals(elementTypeSetConfigurationId)) {
- return true;
- }
- }
- return false;
- }
- /**
- * <p>
- * Loads the resource containing the elementType set model.
- * </p>
- * <p>
- * It looks the model file in the fragments first, then in the plugin itself.<BR>
- * If this is already a fragment, it should look in the fragment only
- * </p>
- *
- * @param elementTypesID
- * id of the elementType set to load
- * @param modelPath
- * path of the model in the bundle
- * @param bundleId
- * id of the bundle containing the model file
- * @return the loaded file or <code>null</code> if some problem occured during loading
- */
- protected ElementTypeSetConfiguration getElementTypeSetConfiguration(String modelPath, String bundleId) {
- Bundle bundle = Platform.getBundle(bundleId);
- if (Platform.isFragment(bundle)) {
- ElementTypeSetConfiguration configuration = getElementTypeSetConfigurationInBundle(modelPath, bundleId);
- if (configuration == null) {
- Activator.log.warn("Failed to load resource " + modelPath + " from bundle " + bundleId);
- }
- return configuration;
- } else { // this is a plugin. Search in sub fragments, then in the plugin
- ElementTypeSetConfiguration elementTypeSetConfiguration = null;
- Bundle[] fragments = Platform.getFragments(bundle);
- if (fragments != null) {
- for (Bundle fragment : fragments) {
- elementTypeSetConfiguration = getElementTypeSetConfigurationInBundle(modelPath, fragment.getSymbolicName());
- if (elementTypeSetConfiguration != null) {
- break;
- }
- }
- } // else no fragments, so the file should be in the plugin, itself
- if (elementTypeSetConfiguration == null) {
- // not found in fragments. Look in the plugin itself
- elementTypeSetConfiguration = getElementTypeSetConfigurationInBundle(modelPath, bundleId);
- }
- if (elementTypeSetConfiguration == null) {
- Activator.log.warn("Failed to load resource " + modelPath + " from bundle " + bundleId);
- }
- return elementTypeSetConfiguration;
- }
- }
- /**
- *
- * @param modelPath
- * path of the model in the bundle
- * @param bundleId
- * id of the bundle containing the model file
- * @return the loaded file or <code>null</code> if some problem occured during loading
- */
- protected ElementTypeSetConfiguration getElementTypeSetConfigurationInBundle(String modelPath, String bundleID) {
- String path = bundleID + IPath.SEPARATOR + modelPath;
- Resource resource = elementTypeSetConfigurationResourceSet.createResource(URI.createPlatformPluginURI(path, true));
- try {
- resource.load(null);
- } catch (IOException e) {
- return null; // Don't log the error yet; we're trying several options
- }
- EObject content = resource.getContents().get(0);
- if (content instanceof ElementTypeSetConfiguration) {
- return (ElementTypeSetConfiguration) content;
- }
- return null;
- }
- protected ResourceSet createResourceSet() {
- ResourceSet set = new ResourceSetImpl();
- return set;
- }
- public Map<String, Map<String, ElementTypeSetConfiguration>> getElementTypeSetConfigurations() {
- return elementTypeSetConfigurations;
- }

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