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Diffstat (limited to 'extraplugins/qompass-designer/org.eclipse.papyrus.qompass.designer.core/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/qompass/designer/core/transformations/')
1 files changed, 435 insertions, 303 deletions
diff --git a/extraplugins/qompass-designer/org.eclipse.papyrus.qompass.designer.core/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/qompass/designer/core/transformations/ b/extraplugins/qompass-designer/org.eclipse.papyrus.qompass.designer.core/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/qompass/designer/core/transformations/
index a1e27391ee8..117c7e86d26 100644
--- a/extraplugins/qompass-designer/org.eclipse.papyrus.qompass.designer.core/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/qompass/designer/core/transformations/
+++ b/extraplugins/qompass-designer/org.eclipse.papyrus.qompass.designer.core/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/qompass/designer/core/transformations/
@@ -27,7 +27,6 @@ import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.MinimalEObjectImpl;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.Resource;
import org.eclipse.jface.dialogs.MessageDialog;
import org.eclipse.papyrus.FCM.Configuration;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.FCM.DeploymentPlan;
import org.eclipse.papyrus.FCM.util.MapUtil;
import org.eclipse.papyrus.acceleo.AcceleoDriver;
import org.eclipse.papyrus.qompass.designer.core.Log;
@@ -47,31 +46,25 @@ import org.eclipse.papyrus.qompass.designer.core.extensions.InstanceConfigurator
import org.eclipse.papyrus.qompass.designer.core.extensions.LanguageSupport;
import org.eclipse.papyrus.qompass.designer.core.generate.GenerateCode;
import org.eclipse.papyrus.qompass.designer.core.generate.GenerationOptions;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.qompass.designer.core.templates.InstantiateCppIncludeWOB;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.qompass.designer.core.transformations.filters.FilterComments;
import org.eclipse.papyrus.qompass.designer.core.transformations.filters.FilterRuleApplication;
import org.eclipse.papyrus.qompass.designer.core.transformations.filters.FilterStateMachines;
import org.eclipse.papyrus.qompass.designer.core.transformations.filters.FilterTemplate;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Shell;
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Classifier;
-import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Element;
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.InstanceSpecification;
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Model;
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.NamedElement;
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Package;
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.PackageableElement;
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Profile;
-import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.util.UMLUtil;
* This class executes all transformations during the instantiation of a
- * deployment plan, i.e.
- * 1. The reification of connectors (including template instantiation). This transformation targets a new model
- * 2. Adding get_p/connect_q operations to a class (transformation within same model)
- * 3. Remove all component types
- * 4. distribute to nodes
+ * deployment plan, i.e. 1. The reification of connectors (including template
+ * instantiation). This transformation targets a new model 2. Adding
+ * get_p/connect_q operations to a class (transformation within same model) 3.
+ * Remove all component types 4. distribute to nodes
* @author ansgar
@@ -79,302 +72,414 @@ import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.util.UMLUtil;
public class InstantiateDepPlan {
- * The location of the temporary model (relative to current project).
- * TODO: make configurable?
+ * The location of the temporary model (relative to current project). TODO:
+ * make configurable?
public static final String TEMP_MODEL_FOLDER = "tmpModel"; //$NON-NLS-1$
* Postfix of the temporary model (prefix = name of top-level package).
* TODO: make configurable?
public static final String TEMP_MODEL_POSTFIX = "Tmp.uml"; //$NON-NLS-1$
- * Instantiate a deployment plan, i.e. generate an intermediate model via a sequence of transformations
- *
- * @param cdpOrConfig a deployment plan (UML package) or a configuration (UML class)
- * @param monitor a progress monitor.
- * @param project the current project. This information is used to store the intermediate model in
- * a subfolder (tmpModel) of the current project
- * @param genOptions select whether to produce an intermediate model only, also code, ... @see GenerationOptions
+ * Progress monitor of Eclipse.
- public static void instantiate(Element cdpOrConfig, IProgressMonitor monitor, IProject project, int genOptions) {
- boolean OOmodel = true;
- if(project == null) {
- String projectName = cdpOrConfig.eResource().getURI().toString();
- project = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot().getProject(projectName);
+ protected IProgressMonitor monitor = null;
+ protected int generationOptions;
+ protected boolean generateCode;
+ protected boolean generateCACOnly;
+ protected Package srcModelComponentDeploymentPlan = null;
+ protected Configuration configuration = null;
+ protected IProject project;
+ protected boolean modelIsObjectOriented = true;
+ public void instantiate(Configuration configuration,
+ IProgressMonitor monitor, IProject project, int genOptions) {
+ this.configuration = configuration;
+ srcModelComponentDeploymentPlan = configuration
+ .getDeploymentPlan().getBase_Package();
+ //
+ if (srcModelComponentDeploymentPlan == null) {
+ String message = String
+ .format(Messages.InstantiateDepPlan_DepPlanStereotypeNotInitialized,
+ configuration.getBase_Class().getName());
+ displayError(Messages.InstantiateDepPlan_TransformationException,
+ message);
- Model tmpModel = null;
- ModelManagement tmpMM = null;
- boolean generateCode = (genOptions & GenerationOptions.MODEL_ONLY) == 0;
- boolean generateCACOnly = (genOptions & GenerationOptions.CAC_ONLY) != 0;
- AcceleoDriver.clearErrors();
- Package smCDP;
- Configuration configuration = null;
- if(cdpOrConfig instanceof Package) {
- smCDP = (Package)cdpOrConfig;
- RuleManagement.setConfiguration(null);
+ this.project = project;
+ if (project == null) {
+ String projectName = configuration.getBase_Class().eResource()
+ .getURI().toString();
+ this.project = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot()
+ .getProject(projectName);
- else if(StereotypeUtil.isApplied(cdpOrConfig, Configuration.class)) {
- configuration = UMLUtil.getStereotypeApplication(cdpOrConfig, Configuration.class);
- DeploymentPlan fcmCDP = configuration.getDeploymentPlan();
- if(fcmCDP == null) {
- final NamedElement config = (NamedElement)cdpOrConfig;
- Display.getDefault().syncExec(new Runnable() {
- public void run() {
- Shell shell = new Shell();
- MessageDialog.openError(shell, Messages.InstantiateDepPlan_CannotGenModel,
- String.format(Messages.InstantiateDepPlan_DepPlanStereotypeNotInitialized, config.getName()));
- }
- });
- return;
- }
- smCDP = fcmCDP.getBase_Package();
- RuleManagement.setConfiguration(configuration);
- } else {
- return;
+ //
+ instantiate(monitor, genOptions);
+ }
+ public void instantiate(Package pkg, IProgressMonitor monitor,
+ IProject project, int genOptions) {
+ configuration = null;
+ srcModelComponentDeploymentPlan = pkg;
+ //
+ this.project = project;
+ if (project == null) {
+ String projectName = pkg.eResource().getURI().toString();
+ this.project = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot()
+ .getProject(projectName);
+ //
+ instantiate(monitor, genOptions);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Instantiate a deployment plan, i.e. generate an intermediate model via a
+ * sequence of transformations
+ *
+ * @param umlElement
+ * a deployment plan (UML package) or a configuration (UML class)
+ * @param monitor
+ * a progress monitor.
+ *
+ * @param project
+ * the current project. This information is used to store the
+ * intermediate model in a subfolder (tmpModel) of the current
+ * project
+ * @param genOptions
+ * select whether to produce an intermediate model only, also
+ * code, ... @see GenerationOptions
+ */
+ private void instantiate(IProgressMonitor monitor, int genOptions) {
try {
- EnumService.init();
- InstanceSpecification rootIS = DepUtils.getMainInstance(smCDP);
- // Package copyCDP = dt.getCopyCDT (selectedCDP);
- EList<InstanceSpecification> nodes = AllocUtils.getAllNodes(rootIS);
- // -- calc # of steps for progress monitor
- // 1 (tmpModel creation) + 1 (reification) + 1 (tmpModel save)
- // 5x on each deployed node (see below)
- // problem? Connector reification is a single, relatively long step
- int steps = 3;
- steps += 5 * nodes.size();
- if(generateCode) {
- steps += nodes.size();
- }
- monitor.beginTask(Messages.InstantiateDepPlan_InfoGeneratingModel, steps);
- if(monitor.isCanceled()) {
- return;
- }
+ initialize(monitor, genOptions);
+ AcceleoDriver.clearErrors();
+ executeTransformation();
+ } catch (AcceleoException e) {
+ displayError(Messages.InstantiateDepPlan_AcceleoErrors,
+ Messages.InstantiateDepPlan_AcceleoErrorsCheckLog);
+ } catch (final TransformationException e) {
+ printAndDisplayErrorMessage(e,
+ Messages.InstantiateDepPlan_TransformationException, false);
+ } catch (final Exception e) {
+ printAndDisplayErrorMessage(e,
+ Messages.InstantiateDepPlan_ErrorsDuringTransformation,
+ true);
+ }
+ }
- // 1a: create a new model (and applies same profiles / imports)
- Model existingModel = smCDP.getModel();
- TransformationContext.sourceRoot = existingModel;
- tmpMM = createTargetModel(existingModel, monitor, existingModel.getName(), true);
- tmpModel = tmpMM.getModel();
- // Declare that the new model is a derivedElement (kind of hack, since the source
- // element (attribute of derive element) remains undefined). This is used to
- // de-activate automatic transformations that should not be applied to the generated
- // model.
- monitor.worked(1);
- if(monitor.isCanceled()) {
- return;
- }
+ private void initialize(IProgressMonitor monitor, int genOptions)
+ throws TransformationException {
+ this.monitor = monitor;
+ this.generationOptions = genOptions;
+ this.generateCode = (genOptions & GenerationOptions.MODEL_ONLY) == 0;
+ this.generateCACOnly = (genOptions & GenerationOptions.CAC_ONLY) != 0;
- // LateEval.clear();
+ RuleManagement.setConfiguration(configuration);
+ }
- EnumService.createEnumPackage(tmpModel);
+ protected void executeTransformation() throws Exception {
+ modelIsObjectOriented = true;
+ ModelManagement intermediateModelManagement = null;
+ InstanceSpecification mainInstance = DepUtils
+ .getMainInstance(srcModelComponentDeploymentPlan);
+ EList<InstanceSpecification> nodes = AllocUtils
+ .getAllNodes(mainInstance);
+ initiateProgressMonitor(generateCode, nodes);
+ // --------------------------------------------------------------------
+ checkProgressStatus();
+ // --------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // 1a: create a new model (and applies same profiles / imports)
+ Model existingModel = srcModelComponentDeploymentPlan.getModel();
+ TransformationContext.sourceRoot = existingModel;
+ intermediateModelManagement = createTargetModel(existingModel,
+ existingModel.getName(), true);
+ // Declare that the new model is a derivedElement (kind of hack,
+ // since the source element (attribute of derive element) remains
+ // undefined). This is used to deactivate automatic transformations
+ // that should not be applied to the generated model.
+ // --------------------------------------------------------------------
+ checkProgressStatus();
+ // --------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // get the temporary model
+ Model intermediateModel = intermediateModelManagement.getModel();
+ // create a package for global enumerations that are used by Acceleo code
+ EnumService.createEnumPackage(intermediateModel);
+ // create a lazy copier towards the intermediate model
+ LazyCopier intermediateModelCopier = new LazyCopier(existingModel, intermediateModel, false, true);
+ // add pre-copy and post-copy listeners to the copier
+ intermediateModelCopier.preCopyListeners.add(FilterTemplate.getInstance());
+ // 1b: reify the connectors "into" the new model
+ monitor.subTask(Messages.InstantiateDepPlan_InfoExpandingConnectors);
+ // obtain the component deployment plan in target model
+ Package intermediateModelComponentDeploymentPlan = (Package) intermediateModelCopier
+ .shallowCopy(srcModelComponentDeploymentPlan);
+ intermediateModelCopier.createShallowContainer(srcModelComponentDeploymentPlan);
+ ContainerTrafo.init();
+ InstanceConfigurator.onNodeModel = false;
+ MainModelTrafo mainModelTrafo = new MainModelTrafo(intermediateModelCopier,
+ intermediateModelComponentDeploymentPlan);
+ InstanceSpecification newMainInstance = mainModelTrafo
+ .transformInstance(mainInstance, null);
+ // --------------------------------------------------------------------
+ checkProgressStatus();
+ // --------------------------------------------------------------------
+ TransformationUtil.applyInstanceConfigurators(newMainInstance);
+ FlattenInteractionComponents.getInstance().flattenAssembly(
+ newMainInstance, null);
+ TransformationUtil.propagateAllocation(newMainInstance);
+ intermediateModelManagement.saveModel(project, TEMP_MODEL_FOLDER,
+ // --------------------------------------------------------------------
+ checkProgressStatus();
+ // --------------------------------------------------------------------
+ if (!generateCACOnly) {
+ deployOnNodes(mainInstance, existingModel, intermediateModel,
+ newMainInstance);
+ }
- Copy tmpCopy = new Copy(existingModel, tmpModel, false);
- tmpCopy.preCopyListeners.add(FilterTemplate.getInstance());
- tmpCopy.preCopyListeners.add(FilterComments.getInstance());
- tmpCopy.postCopyListeners.add(InstantiateCppIncludeWOB.getInstance());
+ intermediateModelManagement.dispose();
- Copy.copyID(existingModel, tmpModel);
+ if (AcceleoDriver.hasErrors()) {
+ throw new AcceleoException();
+ }
- // 1b: reify the connectors "into" the new model
- monitor.subTask(Messages.InstantiateDepPlan_InfoExpandingConnectors);
+ }
+ private void deployOnNodes(InstanceSpecification mainInstance,
+ Model existingModel, Model tmpModel, InstanceSpecification newRootIS)
+ throws TransformationException, InterruptedException {
- // obtain reference to CDP in target model
- //
- tmpCopy.createShallowContainer(rootIS);
- Package tmCDP = (Package)tmpCopy.get(smCDP);
+ // not deploy on each node
+ DepCreation.initAutoValues(newRootIS);
- ContainerTrafo.init();
- InstanceConfigurator.onNodeModel = false;
- MainModelTrafo mainModelTrafo = new MainModelTrafo(tmpCopy, tmCDP);
- InstanceSpecification newRootIS = mainModelTrafo.transformInstance(rootIS, null);
- monitor.worked(1);
+ EList<InstanceSpecification> nodes = AllocUtils.getAllNodes(newRootIS);
+ if (nodes.size() > 0) {
+ InstanceConfigurator.onNodeModel = true;
+ for (int nodeIndex = 0; nodeIndex < nodes.size(); nodeIndex++) {
+ InstanceSpecification node = nodes.get(nodeIndex);
- // 1c: late bindings
- // LateEval.bindLateOperations();
- // 3: distribute to nodes
+ deployNode(mainInstance, existingModel, tmpModel, newRootIS,
+ nodes, nodeIndex, node);
+ }
+ } else {
+ throw new TransformationException(
+ Messages.InstantiateDepPlan_InfoNoneAllocated);
+ }
+ }
- // UpdateDerivedInterfaces.updateIntfs(newRootIS);
- ApplyInstanceConfigurators.applyInstanceConfigurators(newRootIS);
+ private void deployNode(InstanceSpecification mainInstance,
+ Model existingModel, Model tmpModel,
+ InstanceSpecification newRootIS,
+ EList<InstanceSpecification> nodes, int nodeIndex,
+ InstanceSpecification node) throws TransformationException,
+ InterruptedException {
+ ModelManagement genModelManagement = createTargetModel(existingModel,
+ MapUtil.rootModelName, false);
+ Model generatedModel = genModelManagement.getModel();
+ // --------------------------------------------------------------------
+ checkProgressStatus();
+ // --------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // new model has name "root" and contains a package with the
+ // existing model
+ // Package originalRoot = genModel.createNestedPackage
+ // (existingModel.getName ());
+ LazyCopier targetCopy = new LazyCopier(tmpModel, generatedModel, true, true);
+ // TODO: distribution to nodes is currently not done. How
+ // can it be realized with a copy filter ?
+ targetCopy.preCopyListeners.add(FilterStateMachines.getInstance());
+ targetCopy.preCopyListeners.add(FilterRuleApplication.getInstance());
+ monitor.setTaskName(String.format(
+ Messages.InstantiateDepPlan_InfoDeployingForNode,
+ node.getName()));
+ ILangSupport langSupport = configureLanguageSupport(mainInstance,
+ existingModel, node);
+ Deploy deployment = new Deploy(targetCopy, langSupport, node,
+ nodeIndex, nodes.size());
+ InstanceSpecification nodeRootIS = deployment
+ .distributeToNode(newRootIS);
+ TransformationUtil.updateDerivedInterfaces(nodeRootIS);
+ // --------------------------------------------------------------------
+ checkProgressStatus();
+ // --------------------------------------------------------------------
+ removeDerivedInterfacesInRoot(generatedModel);
+ CompImplTrafos.transform(
+ deployment.getBootloader(), targetCopy, generatedModel,
+ modelIsObjectOriented);
+ // --------------------------------------------------------------------
+ checkProgressStatus();
+ // --------------------------------------------------------------------
+ destroyDeploymentPlanFolder(generatedModel);
+ if (generateCode) {
+ GenerateCode codeGenerator = new GenerateCode(
+ langSupport.getProject(), langSupport, genModelManagement,
+ monitor);
+ boolean option = (generationOptions & GenerationOptions.ONLY_CHANGED) != 0;
+ codeGenerator.generate(node, getTargetLanguage(mainInstance),
+ option);
+ }
- FlattenInteractionComponents.getInstance().flattenAssembly(newRootIS, null);
- PropagateAllocationToSharedInstances.propagateAllocation(newRootIS);
- String tmpPath = tmpMM.getPath(project, TEMP_MODEL_FOLDER, tmpModel.getName() + TEMP_MODEL_POSTFIX);
- tmpMM.saveModel(tmpPath);
+ genModelManagement.dispose();
+ }
- if(monitor.isCanceled()) {
- return;
+ private ILangSupport configureLanguageSupport(
+ InstanceSpecification mainInstance, Model existingModel,
+ InstanceSpecification node) throws TransformationException {
+ ILangSupport langSupport = LanguageSupport
+ .getLangSupport(getTargetLanguage(mainInstance));
+ langSupport.resetConfigurationData();
+ String modelName = getModelName(existingModel, node);
+ IProject genProject = ProjectManagement.getNamedProject(modelName);
+ if ((genProject == null) || !genProject.exists()) {
+ genProject = langSupport.createProject(modelName, node);
+ } else {
+ langSupport.setProject(genProject);
+ if ((generationOptions & GenerationOptions.REWRITE_SETTINGS) != 0) {
+ langSupport.setSettings(node);
- monitor.worked(1);
+ }
+ return langSupport;
+ }
- if(!generateCACOnly) {
- // not deploy on each node
- DepCreation.initAutoValues(newRootIS);
+ private void destroyDeploymentPlanFolder(Model generatedModel) {
+ PackageableElement deploymentPlanFolder = generatedModel
+ .getPackagedElement(DeployConstants.depPlanFolderHw);
+ if (deploymentPlanFolder != null) {
+ deploymentPlanFolder.destroy();
+ }
+ }
- nodes = AllocUtils.getAllNodes(newRootIS);
- if(nodes.size() == 0) {
- throw new TransformationException(Messages.InstantiateDepPlan_InfoNoneAllocated);
+ private void removeDerivedInterfacesInRoot(Model generatedModel) {
+ // 2b: remove derived interfaces in root: derived interfaces
+ // that can not be placed in the same package as the port type (e.g.
+ // since read-only type from system library), are put in a top-level
+ // package called "derivedInterfaces". Due to the copying of imports,
+ // the top-level package has changed which implies that new derived
+ // interfaces are put into a different package and the derivedInterfaces
+ // package in the original root becomes obsolete. Delete this obsolete
+ // package, if existing.
+ for (PackageableElement packagedElement : generatedModel
+ .getPackagedElements()) {
+ if (packagedElement instanceof Package) {
+ NamedElement derivedInterfaces = ((Package) packagedElement)
+ .getPackagedElement("derivedInterfaces"); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ if (derivedInterfaces instanceof Package) {
+ derivedInterfaces.destroy();
- int nodeIndex = 0;
- Classifier cl = DepUtils.getClassifier(rootIS);
- String targetLanguage = DepUtils.getLanguageFromPackage(cl.getNearestPackage());
- if (targetLanguage == null) {
- targetLanguage = "C++"; //$NON-NLS-1$
- }
- InstanceConfigurator.onNodeModel = true;
- for(InstanceSpecification node : nodes) {
- String modelName = existingModel.getName() + "_" + node.getName(); //$NON-NLS-1$
- if(configuration != null) {
- modelName += "_" + configuration.getBase_Class().getName(); //$NON-NLS-1$
- } else {
- modelName += "_" + smCDP.getName(); //$NON-NLS-1$
- }
- ModelManagement genMM = createTargetModel(existingModel, monitor, MapUtil.rootModelName, false);
- Model genModel = genMM.getModel();
- if(monitor.isCanceled()) {
- return;
- }
- monitor.worked(1);
- // new model has name "root" and contains a package with the
- // existing model
- // Package originalRoot = genModel.createNestedPackage
- // (existingModel.getName ());
- Copy targetCopy = new Copy(tmpModel, genModel, true);
- // TODO: distribution to nodes is currently not done. How can it be realized with a copy filter ?
- targetCopy.preCopyListeners.add(FilterStateMachines.getInstance());
- targetCopy.preCopyListeners.add(FilterRuleApplication.getInstance());
- targetCopy.postCopyListeners.add(InstantiateCppIncludeWOB.getInstance());
- monitor.setTaskName(String.format(Messages.InstantiateDepPlan_InfoDeployingForNode, node.getName()));
- ILangSupport langSupport = LanguageSupport.getLangSupport(targetLanguage);
- langSupport.resetConfigurationData();
- Deploy deploy = new Deploy(targetCopy, langSupport, node, nodeIndex, nodes.size());
- InstanceSpecification nodeRootIS = deploy.distributeToNode(newRootIS);
- UpdateDerivedInterfaces.updateIntfs(nodeRootIS);
- if(monitor.isCanceled()) {
- return;
- }
- monitor.worked(1);
- // 2b: remove derived interfaces in root: derived interfaces that can
- // not be placed in the same package as the port type (e.g. since read-only
- // type from system library), are put in a top-level package called "derivedInterfaces".
- // Due to the copying of imports, the top-level package has changed which implies that new
- // derived interfaces are put into a different package and the derivedInterfaces package in
- // the original root becomes obsolete. Delete this obsolete package, if existing.
- for (PackageableElement pe : genModel.getPackagedElements()) {
- if (pe instanceof Package) {
- NamedElement derivedInterfaces = ((Package) pe).getPackagedElement("derivedInterfaces"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- if(derivedInterfaces instanceof Package) {
- derivedInterfaces.destroy();
- }
- }
- }
- // 2c: add get_p/connect_q operations
- // caveat: may modify imported classes
- CompImplTrafos.bootloader = deploy.getBootloader();
- CompImplTrafos.addPortOperations(targetCopy, genModel);
- if(OOmodel) {
- // 3: component -> OO transformations related to ports:
- // complete port access operations
- // (get<PortName>/connect<PortName> and
- // remove the ports afterwards
- CompTypeTrafos.completeAccessOps(genModel);
- CompTypeTrafos.removePorts(genModel);
- }
- // 4: remove connectors from implementations, since their endpoint's roles
- // have disappeared during step 4b (targeted ports have been
- // deleted together with the types).
- CompImplTrafos.deleteConnectors(genModel);
- if(monitor.isCanceled()) {
- return;
- }
- monitor.worked(1);
+ }
+ }
+ }
- PackageableElement depPlanFolder = genModel.getPackagedElement(DeployConstants.depPlanFolderHw);
- if (depPlanFolder != null) {
- depPlanFolder.destroy();
- }
- IProject genProject = ProjectManagement.getNamedProject(modelName);
- if((genProject == null) || !genProject.exists()) {
- genProject = langSupport.createProject(modelName, node);
- }
- else {
- langSupport.setProject(genProject);
- if((genOptions & GenerationOptions.REWRITE_SETTINGS) != 0) {
- langSupport.setSettings(node);
- }
- }
+ private String getModelName(Model existingModel, InstanceSpecification node) {
+ String modelName = existingModel.getName() + "_" + node.getName(); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ if (configuration != null) {
+ modelName += "_" + configuration.getBase_Class().getName(); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ } else {
+ modelName += "_" + srcModelComponentDeploymentPlan.getName(); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ }
+ return modelName;
+ }
- if(generateCode) {
- GenerateCode codeGen = new GenerateCode(genProject, langSupport, genMM, monitor);
- codeGen.generate(node, targetLanguage, (genOptions & GenerationOptions.ONLY_CHANGED) != 0);
- }
+ private String getTargetLanguage(InstanceSpecification mainInstance) {
+ Classifier cl = DepUtils.getClassifier(mainInstance);
+ String targetLanguage = DepUtils.getLanguageFromPackage(cl
+ .getNearestPackage());
+ if (targetLanguage == null) {
+ targetLanguage = "C++"; //$NON-NLS-1$
+ }
+ return targetLanguage;
+ }
- nodeIndex++;
- genMM.dispose();
- }
- }
- } catch (TransformationException te) {
- // Get UI thread to show dialog
- final TransformationException teFinal = te;
- Display.getDefault().syncExec(new Runnable() {
- public void run() {
- Shell shell = new Shell();
- MessageDialog.openError(shell, Messages.InstantiateDepPlan_TransformationException, teFinal.getMessage());
- }
- });
- Log.log(Status.ERROR, Log.DEPLOYMENT, "", teFinal); //$NON-NLS-1$
- } catch (Exception e) {
- final Exception eFinal = e;
- e.printStackTrace();
- Display.getDefault().syncExec(new Runnable() {
- public void run() {
- Shell shell = new Shell();
- String msg = eFinal.toString() + "\n\n" + //$NON-NLS-1$
- Messages.InstantiateDepPlan_ConsultConsole;
- MessageDialog.openError(shell, Messages.InstantiateDepPlan_ErrorsDuringTransformation, msg);
- }
- });
- Log.log(Status.ERROR, Log.DEPLOYMENT, "", e); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ private void initiateProgressMonitor(boolean generateCode,
+ EList<InstanceSpecification> nodes) {
+ // -- calc # of steps for progress monitor
+ // 1 (tmpModel creation) + 1 (reification) + 1 (tmpModel save)
+ // 5x on each deployed node (see below)
+ // problem? Connector reification is a single, relatively long step
+ int steps = 3;
+ steps += 5 * nodes.size();
+ if (generateCode) {
+ steps += nodes.size();
- if(tmpMM != null) {
- tmpMM.dispose();
+ monitor.beginTask(Messages.InstantiateDepPlan_InfoGeneratingModel,
+ steps);
+ }
+ private void checkProgressStatus() throws InterruptedException {
+ if (monitor.isCanceled()) {
+ throw new InterruptedException();
- if (AcceleoDriver.hasErrors()) {
- Display.getDefault().syncExec(new Runnable() {
- public void run() {
- Shell shell = new Shell();
- MessageDialog.openInformation(shell, Messages.InstantiateDepPlan_AcceleoErrors,
- Messages.InstantiateDepPlan_AcceleoErrorsCheckLog);
- }
- });
+ monitor.worked(1);
+ }
+ private void printAndDisplayErrorMessage(Exception e, final String title,
+ final boolean consultConsole) {
+ String message = e.toString(); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ if (consultConsole) {
+ message = message + "\n\n"
+ + Messages.InstantiateDepPlan_ConsultConsole;
+ printAndDisplayErrorMessage(e, title, message, consultConsole);
+ private void printAndDisplayErrorMessage(Exception e, final String title,
+ final String message, final boolean consultConsole) {
+ e.printStackTrace();
+ displayError(title, message);
+ Log.log(Status.ERROR, Log.DEPLOYMENT, "", e); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ }
+ private void displayError(final String title, final String message) {
+ Display.getDefault().syncExec(new Runnable() {
+ public void run() {
+ Shell shell = new Shell();
+ MessageDialog.openInformation(shell, title, message);
+ }
+ });
+ }
* Create a new empty model from an existing model that applies the same
@@ -383,83 +488,110 @@ public class InstantiateDepPlan {
* @param existingModel
* @return
- public static ModelManagement createTargetModel(Model existingModel, IProgressMonitor monitor, String name, boolean copyImports) throws TransformationException {
+ public ModelManagement createTargetModel(Model existingModel, String name,
+ boolean copyImports) throws TransformationException {
ModelManagement mm = new ModelManagement();
Model newModel = mm.getModel();
try {
// copy profile application
- for(Profile profile : existingModel.getAppliedProfiles()) {
+ for (Profile profile : existingModel.getAppliedProfiles()) {
// reload profile in resource of new model
- monitor.subTask(Messages.InstantiateDepPlan_InfoApplyProfile + profile.getQualifiedName());
+ monitor.subTask(Messages.InstantiateDepPlan_InfoApplyProfile
+ + profile.getQualifiedName());
- if(profile.eResource() == null) {
+ if (profile.eResource() == null) {
String profileName = profile.getQualifiedName();
- if(profileName == null) {
- if(profile instanceof MinimalEObjectImpl.Container) {
- URI uri = ((MinimalEObjectImpl.Container)profile).eProxyURI();
- if(uri != null) {
- throw new TransformationException(String.format(Messages.InstantiateDepPlan_CheckInputModelProfileNoRes, uri));
+ if (profileName == null) {
+ if (profile instanceof MinimalEObjectImpl.Container) {
+ URI uri = ((MinimalEObjectImpl.Container) profile)
+ .eProxyURI();
+ if (uri != null) {
+ throw new TransformationException(
+ String.format(
+ Messages.InstantiateDepPlan_CheckInputModelProfileNoRes,
+ uri));
- throw new TransformationException(Messages.InstantiateDepPlan_CheckInputModelProfileNoResNoName);
+ throw new TransformationException(
+ Messages.InstantiateDepPlan_CheckInputModelProfileNoResNoName);
- throw new TransformationException(String.format(Messages.InstantiateDepPlan_CheckInputModelProfile3, profileName));
+ throw new TransformationException(
+ String.format(
+ Messages.InstantiateDepPlan_CheckInputModelProfile3,
+ profileName));
Resource profileResource = null;
try {
- profileResource = ModelManagement.getResourceSet().getResource(profile.eResource().getURI(), true);
+ profileResource = ModelManagement.getResourceSet()
+ .getResource(profile.eResource().getURI(), true);
} catch (WrappedException e) {
- // read 2nd time (some diagnostic errors are raised only once)
- Log.log(Status.WARNING, Log.DEPLOYMENT, "Warning: exception in profile.eResource() " + e.getMessage()); //$NON-NLS-1$
- profileResource = ModelManagement.getResourceSet().getResource(profile.eResource().getURI(), true);
+ // read 2nd time (some diagnostic errors are raised only
+ // once)
+ Log.log(Status.WARNING,
+ "Warning: exception in profile.eResource() " + e.getMessage()); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ profileResource = ModelManagement.getResourceSet()
+ .getResource(profile.eResource().getURI(), true);
- Profile newProfileTop = (Profile)profileResource.getContents().get(0);
+ Profile newProfileTop = (Profile) profileResource.getContents()
+ .get(0);
Profile newProfile;
String qname = profile.getQualifiedName();
- if((qname != null) && qname.contains("::")) { //$NON-NLS-1$
+ if ((qname != null) && qname.contains("::")) { //$NON-NLS-1$
// profile is a sub-profile within same resource
// TODO: should Copy class copy profile applications?
// Should be handled in shallowContainer class.
- // if we put profile/newProfile pair into copy map, copy would find (and copy profile
+ // if we put profile/newProfile pair into copy map, copy
+ // would find (and copy profile
// applications in sub-folders
qname = qname.substring(qname.indexOf("::") + 2); //$NON-NLS-1$
- newProfile = (Profile)Utils.getQualifiedElement(newProfileTop, qname);
- }
- else {
+ newProfile = (Profile) Utils.getQualifiedElement(
+ newProfileTop, qname);
+ } else {
newProfile = newProfileTop;
newProfile.getMember("dummy"); // force profile loading //$NON-NLS-1$
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
- throw new TransformationException(Messages.InstantiateDepPlan_IllegalArgumentDuringCopy + e.toString());
+ throw new TransformationException(
+ Messages.InstantiateDepPlan_IllegalArgumentDuringCopy
+ + e.toString());
- // copy imports (and load resources associated - TODO: might not be necessary)
- // While this is useful in general, it implies that code for imported models
- // has been generated and compiled (for the right target) into a library. This may be
+ // copy imports (and load resources associated - TODO: might not be
+ // necessary)
+ // While this is useful in general, it implies that code for imported
+ // models
+ // has been generated and compiled (for the right target) into a
+ // library. This may be
// quite tedious, unless automatically managed.
- // Therefore we do not activate this option in a first pass of the model transformations.
- if(copyImports) {
- for(Package importedPackage : existingModel.getImportedPackages()) {
- if(importedPackage == null) {
- throw new TransformationException(Messages.InstantiateDepPlan_CheckInputImportPkg);
+ // Therefore we do not activate this option in a first pass of the model
+ // transformations.
+ if (copyImports) {
+ for (Package importedPackage : existingModel.getImportedPackages()) {
+ if (importedPackage == null) {
+ throw new TransformationException(
+ Messages.InstantiateDepPlan_CheckInputImportPkg);
- if(importedPackage.eResource() == null) {
+ if (importedPackage.eResource() == null) {
String errorMsg = Messages.InstantiateDepPlan_CheckInputImportPkgNoRes;
- if(importedPackage instanceof MinimalEObjectImpl.Container) {
- URI uri = ((MinimalEObjectImpl.Container)importedPackage).eProxyURI();
- if(uri != null) {
+ if (importedPackage instanceof MinimalEObjectImpl.Container) {
+ URI uri = ((MinimalEObjectImpl.Container) importedPackage)
+ .eProxyURI();
+ if (uri != null) {
errorMsg += " - URI: " + uri.devicePath(); //$NON-NLS-1$
throw new TransformationException(errorMsg);
- monitor.subTask(String.format(Messages.InstantiateDepPlan_InfoImportPackage, importedPackage.getName()));
+ monitor.subTask(String.format(
+ Messages.InstantiateDepPlan_InfoImportPackage,
+ importedPackage.getName()));
try {

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