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Diffstat (limited to 'extraplugins/diagram-definition/org.eclipse.papyrus.dd.editor/batik-1.7/samples/tests/spec/structure/svgImageViewBoxClip.svg')
1 files changed, 508 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/extraplugins/diagram-definition/org.eclipse.papyrus.dd.editor/batik-1.7/samples/tests/spec/structure/svgImageViewBoxClip.svg b/extraplugins/diagram-definition/org.eclipse.papyrus.dd.editor/batik-1.7/samples/tests/spec/structure/svgImageViewBoxClip.svg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..c4395a1ab49
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extraplugins/diagram-definition/org.eclipse.papyrus.dd.editor/batik-1.7/samples/tests/spec/structure/svgImageViewBoxClip.svg
@@ -0,0 +1,508 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?>
+<!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.0//EN"
+ Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+ contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
+ this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+ The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+ (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+ the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ limitations under the License.
+<!-- ========================================================================= -->
+<!-- This example validates the handling of viewBox and preserveAspectRatio -->
+<!-- for <image> elements referencing svg content. This test sets a clip on -->
+<!-- the <image> tag. -->
+<!-- -->
+<!-- @author -->
+<!-- @version $Id: svgImageViewBoxClip.svg 475477 2006-11-15 22:44:28Z cam $ -->
+<!-- ========================================================================= -->
+<?xml-stylesheet type="text/css" href="../../resources/style/test.css" ?>
+<svg xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" id="body" width="450" height="500" viewBox="0 0 450 500">
+<title>&lt;image&gt; and viewBox &amp; preserveAspectRatio</title>
+ <style type="text/css"><![CDATA[
+ .label { text-anchor: middle; }
+ .oddRow { fill:white; stroke:black; }
+ .evenRow { fill:#eeeeee; stroke:black; }
+ ]]></style>
+ <g id="content">
+ <text class="title" x="50%" y="30">viewBox &amp; preserveAspectRatio on</text>
+ <text class="title" x="50%" y="50">svg &lt;image&gt;clip set to rect(5,4,3,2)</text>
+ <g id="table" class="label" transform="translate(80, 60)">
+ <rect width="110" height="20" class="oddRow" />
+ <text x="55" y="15">meet</text>
+ <rect width="110" height="20" class="oddRow" transform="translate(110,0)"/>
+ <text x="55" y="15" transform="translate(110, 0)">slice</text>
+ <rect width="110" height="20" class="oddRow" transform="translate(220,0)"/>
+ <text x="55" y="15" transform="translate(220, 0)">unspecified</text>
+ <g id="yMXX">
+ <rect x="-20" y="20" width="20" height="40" class="oddRow" />
+ <text x="-5" y="40" transform="rotate(-90,-5,40)">yMin</text>
+ <g transform="translate(0,40)">
+ <rect x="-20" y="20" width="20" height="40" class="evenRow" />
+ <text x="-5" y="40" transform="rotate(-90,-5,40)">yMid</text>
+ </g>
+ <g transform="translate(0,80)">
+ <rect x="-20" y="20" width="20" height="40" class="oddRow" />
+ <text x="-5" y="40" transform="rotate(-90,-5,40)">yMax</text>
+ </g>
+ </g>
+ <g transform="translate(0,120)">
+ <rect x="-20" y="20" width="20" height="40" class="oddRow" />
+ <text x="-5" y="40" transform="rotate(-90,-5,40)">yMin</text>
+ <g transform="translate(0,40)">
+ <rect x="-20" y="20" width="20" height="40" class="evenRow" />
+ <text x="-5" y="40" transform="rotate(-90,-5,40)">yMid</text>
+ </g>
+ <g transform="translate(0,80)">
+ <rect x="-20" y="20" width="20" height="40" class="oddRow" />
+ <text x="-5" y="40" transform="rotate(-90,-5,40)">yMax</text>
+ </g>
+ </g>
+ <g transform="translate(0,240)">
+ <rect x="-20" y="20" width="20" height="40" class="oddRow" />
+ <text x="-5" y="40" transform="rotate(-90,-5,40)">yMin</text>
+ <g transform="translate(0,40)">
+ <rect x="-20" y="20" width="20" height="40" class="evenRow" />
+ <text x="-5" y="40" transform="rotate(-90,-5,40)">yMid</text>
+ </g>
+ <g transform="translate(0,80)">
+ <rect x="-20" y="20" width="20" height="40" class="oddRow" />
+ <text x="-5" y="40" transform="rotate(-90,-5,40)">yMax</text>
+ </g>
+ </g>
+ <rect x="-40" y="20" width="20" height="120" class="evenRow" />
+ <text x="-25" y="80" transform="rotate(-90,-25,80)">xMin</text>
+ <g transform="translate(0,120)">
+ <rect x="-40" y="20" width="20" height="120" class="oddRow" />
+ <text x="-25" y="80" transform="rotate(-90,-25,80)">xMid</text>
+ </g>
+ <g transform="translate(0,240)">
+ <rect x="-40" y="20" width="20" height="120" class="evenRow" />
+ <text x="-25" y="80" transform="rotate(-90,-25,80)">xMax</text>
+ </g>
+ <defs>
+ <g id="row">
+ <rect width="110" height="40" transform="translate(0 ,20)"/>
+ <rect width="110" height="40" transform="translate(110,20)"/>
+ <rect width="110" height="40" transform="translate(220,20)"/>
+ </g>
+ </defs>
+ <g id="evenRowBlock">
+ <use xlink:href="#row" class="evenRow" transform="translate(0,0)"/>
+ <use xlink:href="#row" class="oddRow" transform="translate(0,40)"/>
+ <use xlink:href="#row" class="evenRow" transform="translate(0,80)"/>
+ </g>
+ <g id="oddRowBlock" transform="translate(0,120)">
+ <use xlink:href="#row" class="oddRow" transform="translate(0,0)"/>
+ <use xlink:href="#row" class="evenRow" transform="translate(0,40)"/>
+ <use xlink:href="#row" class="oddRow" transform="translate(0,80)"/>
+ </g>
+ <use xlink:href="#evenRowBlock" transform="translate(0,240)"/>
+ <rect x="-40" y="380" width="40" height="40" fill="white" stroke="black" />
+ <text x="-15" y="400" transform="rotate(-90, -15, 400)">none</text>
+ <use xlink:href="#row" class="oddRow" transform="translate(0,360)" />
+ <line x1="55" y1="20" x2="55" y2="420" stroke="black" />
+ <line x1="165" y1="20" x2="165" y2="420" stroke="black" />
+ <line x1="275" y1="20" x2="275" y2="420" stroke="black" />
+ </g>
+ <g id="testCases" transform="translate(80, 80)">
+ <defs>
+ <rect id="hViewBox" x="12.5" y="7.5" width="30" height="25" stroke="red" fill="none"/>
+ <rect id="vViewBox" x="72.5" y="7.5" width="20" height="25" stroke="red" fill="none"/>
+ <rect id="hClipBox" x="14.5" y="12.5" width="24" height="17" stroke="#0A0" fill="none"/>
+ <rect id="vClipBox" x="74.5" y="12.5" width="14" height="17" stroke="#0A0" fill="none"/>
+ </defs>
+ <!-- xMinYXXX XXX -->
+ <g>
+ <!-- ... YMin XXX -->
+ <g>
+ <g>
+ <image xlink:href="../../resources/images/svg3.svg" overflow="hidden" clip="rect(5,4,3,2)" preserveAspectRatio="xMinYMin meet" x="12.5" y="7.5" width="30" height="25" />
+ <use xlink:href="#hViewBox" />
+ <use xlink:href="#hClipBox" />
+ <image xlink:href="../../resources/images/svg3.svg" overflow="hidden" clip="rect(5,4,3,2)" preserveAspectRatio="xMinYMin meet" x="72.5" y="7.5" width="20" height="25" />
+ <use xlink:href="#vViewBox" />
+ <use xlink:href="#vClipBox" />
+ </g>
+ <g transform="translate(110, 0)">
+ <image xlink:href="../../resources/images/svg3.svg" overflow="hidden" clip="rect(5,4,3,2)" preserveAspectRatio="xMinYMin slice" x="12.5" y="7.5" width="30" height="25" />
+ <use xlink:href="#hViewBox" />
+ <use xlink:href="#hClipBox" />
+ <image xlink:href="../../resources/images/svg3.svg" overflow="hidden" clip="rect(5,4,3,2)" preserveAspectRatio="xMinYMin slice" x="72.5" y="7.5" width="20" height="25" />
+ <use xlink:href="#vViewBox" />
+ <use xlink:href="#vClipBox" />
+ </g>
+ <g transform="translate(220, 0)">
+ <image xlink:href="../../resources/images/svg3.svg" overflow="hidden" clip="rect(5,4,3,2)" preserveAspectRatio="xMinYMin" x="12.5" y="7.5" width="30" height="25" />
+ <use xlink:href="#hViewBox" />
+ <use xlink:href="#hClipBox" />
+ <image xlink:href="../../resources/images/svg3.svg" overflow="hidden" clip="rect(5,4,3,2)" preserveAspectRatio="xMinYMin" x="72.5" y="7.5" width="20" height="25" />
+ <use xlink:href="#vViewBox" />
+ <use xlink:href="#vClipBox" />
+ </g>
+ </g>
+ <!-- ... YMid XXX -->
+ <g transform="translate(0, 40)">
+ <g>
+ <image xlink:href="../../resources/images/svg3.svg" overflow="hidden" clip="rect(5,4,3,2)" preserveAspectRatio="xMinYMid meet" x="12.5" y="7.5" width="30" height="25" />
+ <use xlink:href="#hViewBox" />
+ <use xlink:href="#hClipBox" />
+ <image xlink:href="../../resources/images/svg3.svg" overflow="hidden" clip="rect(5,4,3,2)" preserveAspectRatio="xMinYMid meet" x="72.5" y="7.5" width="20" height="25" />
+ <use xlink:href="#vViewBox" />
+ <use xlink:href="#vClipBox" />
+ </g>
+ <g transform="translate(110, 0)">
+ <image xlink:href="../../resources/images/svg3.svg" overflow="hidden" clip="rect(5,4,3,2)" preserveAspectRatio="xMinYMid slice" x="12.5" y="7.5" width="30" height="25" />
+ <use xlink:href="#hViewBox" />
+ <use xlink:href="#hClipBox" />
+ <image xlink:href="../../resources/images/svg3.svg" overflow="hidden" clip="rect(5,4,3,2)" preserveAspectRatio="xMinYMid slice" x="72.5" y="7.5" width="20" height="25" />
+ <use xlink:href="#vViewBox" />
+ <use xlink:href="#vClipBox" />
+ </g>
+ <g transform="translate(220, 0)">
+ <image xlink:href="../../resources/images/svg3.svg" overflow="hidden" clip="rect(5,4,3,2)" preserveAspectRatio="xMinYMid" x="12.5" y="7.5" width="30" height="25" />
+ <use xlink:href="#hViewBox" />
+ <use xlink:href="#hClipBox" />
+ <image xlink:href="../../resources/images/svg3.svg" overflow="hidden" clip="rect(5,4,3,2)" preserveAspectRatio="xMinYMid" x="72.5" y="7.5" width="20" height="25" />
+ <use xlink:href="#vViewBox" />
+ <use xlink:href="#vClipBox" />
+ </g>
+ </g>
+ <!-- ... YMax XXX -->
+ <g transform="translate(0, 80)">
+ <g>
+ <image xlink:href="../../resources/images/svg3.svg" overflow="hidden" clip="rect(5,4,3,2)" preserveAspectRatio="xMinYMax meet" x="12.5" y="7.5" width="30" height="25" />
+ <use xlink:href="#hViewBox" />
+ <use xlink:href="#hClipBox" />
+ <image xlink:href="../../resources/images/svg3.svg" overflow="hidden" clip="rect(5,4,3,2)" preserveAspectRatio="xMinYMax meet" x="72.5" y="7.5" width="20" height="25" />
+ <use xlink:href="#vViewBox" />
+ <use xlink:href="#vClipBox" />
+ </g>
+ <g transform="translate(110, 0)">
+ <image xlink:href="../../resources/images/svg3.svg" overflow="hidden" clip="rect(5,4,3,2)" preserveAspectRatio="xMinYMax slice" x="12.5" y="7.5" width="30" height="25" />
+ <use xlink:href="#hViewBox" />
+ <use xlink:href="#hClipBox" />
+ <image xlink:href="../../resources/images/svg3.svg" overflow="hidden" clip="rect(5,4,3,2)" preserveAspectRatio="xMinYMax slice" x="72.5" y="7.5" width="20" height="25" />
+ <use xlink:href="#vViewBox" />
+ <use xlink:href="#vClipBox" />
+ </g>
+ <g transform="translate(220, 0)">
+ <image xlink:href="../../resources/images/svg3.svg" overflow="hidden" clip="rect(5,4,3,2)" preserveAspectRatio="xMinYMax" x="12.5" y="7.5" width="30" height="25" />
+ <use xlink:href="#hViewBox" />
+ <use xlink:href="#hClipBox" />
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+ <use xlink:href="#vViewBox" />
+ <use xlink:href="#vClipBox" />
+ </g>
+ </g>
+ </g>
+ <!-- xMidYXXX XXX -->
+ <g transform="translate(0, 120)">
+ <!-- ... YMin XXX -->
+ <g>
+ <g>
+ <image xlink:href="../../resources/images/svg3.svg" overflow="hidden" clip="rect(5,4,3,2)" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMin meet" x="12.5" y="7.5" width="30" height="25" />
+ <use xlink:href="#hViewBox" />
+ <use xlink:href="#hClipBox" />
+ <image xlink:href="../../resources/images/svg3.svg" overflow="hidden" clip="rect(5,4,3,2)" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMin meet" x="72.5" y="7.5" width="20" height="25" />
+ <use xlink:href="#vViewBox" />
+ <use xlink:href="#vClipBox" />
+ </g>
+ <g transform="translate(110, 0)">
+ <image xlink:href="../../resources/images/svg3.svg" overflow="hidden" clip="rect(5,4,3,2)" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMin slice" x="12.5" y="7.5" width="30" height="25" />
+ <use xlink:href="#hViewBox" />
+ <use xlink:href="#hClipBox" />
+ <image xlink:href="../../resources/images/svg3.svg" overflow="hidden" clip="rect(5,4,3,2)" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMin slice" x="72.5" y="7.5" width="20" height="25" />
+ <use xlink:href="#vViewBox" />
+ <use xlink:href="#vClipBox" />
+ </g>
+ <g transform="translate(220, 0)">
+ <image xlink:href="../../resources/images/svg3.svg" overflow="hidden" clip="rect(5,4,3,2)" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMin" x="12.5" y="7.5" width="30" height="25" />
+ <use xlink:href="#hViewBox" />
+ <use xlink:href="#hClipBox" />
+ <image xlink:href="../../resources/images/svg3.svg" overflow="hidden" clip="rect(5,4,3,2)" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMin" x="72.5" y="7.5" width="20" height="25" />
+ <use xlink:href="#vViewBox" />
+ <use xlink:href="#vClipBox" />
+ </g>
+ </g>
+ <!-- ... YMid XXX -->
+ <g transform="translate(0, 40)">
+ <g>
+ <image xlink:href="../../resources/images/svg3.svg" overflow="hidden" clip="rect(5,4,3,2)" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet" x="12.5" y="7.5" width="30" height="25" />
+ <use xlink:href="#hViewBox" />
+ <use xlink:href="#hClipBox" />
+ <image xlink:href="../../resources/images/svg3.svg" overflow="hidden" clip="rect(5,4,3,2)" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet" x="72.5" y="7.5" width="20" height="25" />
+ <use xlink:href="#vViewBox" />
+ <use xlink:href="#vClipBox" />
+ </g>
+ <g transform="translate(110, 0)">
+ <image xlink:href="../../resources/images/svg3.svg" overflow="hidden" clip="rect(5,4,3,2)" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid slice" x="12.5" y="7.5" width="30" height="25" />
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+ <use xlink:href="#hClipBox" />
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+ <use xlink:href="#vViewBox" />
+ <use xlink:href="#vClipBox" />
+ </g>
+ <g transform="translate(220, 0)">
+ <image xlink:href="../../resources/images/svg3.svg" overflow="hidden" clip="rect(5,4,3,2)" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid" x="12.5" y="7.5" width="30" height="25" />
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+ <use xlink:href="#vViewBox" />
+ <use xlink:href="#vClipBox" />
+ </g>
+ </g>
+ <!-- ... YMax XXX -->
+ <g transform="translate(0, 80)">
+ <g>
+ <image xlink:href="../../resources/images/svg3.svg" overflow="hidden" clip="rect(5,4,3,2)" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMax meet" x="12.5" y="7.5" width="30" height="25" />
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+ <use xlink:href="#hClipBox" />
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+ <use xlink:href="#vViewBox" />
+ <use xlink:href="#vClipBox" />
+ </g>
+ <g transform="translate(110, 0)">
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+ <use xlink:href="#vViewBox" />
+ <use xlink:href="#vClipBox" />
+ </g>
+ <g transform="translate(220, 0)">
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+ <use xlink:href="#hClipBox" />
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+ <use xlink:href="#vViewBox" />
+ <use xlink:href="#vClipBox" />
+ </g>
+ </g>
+ </g>
+ <!-- xMaxYXXX XXX -->
+ <g transform="translate(0, 240)">
+ <!-- ... YMin XXX -->
+ <g>
+ <g>
+ <image xlink:href="../../resources/images/svg3.svg" overflow="hidden" clip="rect(5,4,3,2)" preserveAspectRatio="xMaxYMin meet" x="12.5" y="7.5" width="30" height="25" />
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+ <use xlink:href="#vViewBox" />
+ <use xlink:href="#vClipBox" />
+ </g>
+ <g transform="translate(110, 0)">
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+ <use xlink:href="#vViewBox" />
+ <use xlink:href="#vClipBox" />
+ </g>
+ <g transform="translate(220, 0)">
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+ <use xlink:href="#vViewBox" />
+ <use xlink:href="#vClipBox" />
+ </g>
+ </g>
+ <!-- ... YMid XXX -->
+ <g transform="translate(0, 40)">
+ <g>
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+ <use xlink:href="#vClipBox" />
+ </g>
+ <g transform="translate(110, 0)">
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+ </g>
+ <g transform="translate(220, 0)">
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+ <use xlink:href="#vClipBox" />
+ </g>
+ </g>
+ <!-- ... YMax XXX -->
+ <g transform="translate(0, 80)">
+ <g>
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+ <g transform="translate(110, 0)">
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