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Diffstat (limited to 'deprecated/org.eclipse.papyrus.conversion.di2todi/TransfoQvtoDi2toDi/ClassDiagNodes.qvto')
1 files changed, 658 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/deprecated/org.eclipse.papyrus.conversion.di2todi/TransfoQvtoDi2toDi/ClassDiagNodes.qvto b/deprecated/org.eclipse.papyrus.conversion.di2todi/TransfoQvtoDi2toDi/ClassDiagNodes.qvto
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..8c7168fa8fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/deprecated/org.eclipse.papyrus.conversion.di2todi/TransfoQvtoDi2toDi/ClassDiagNodes.qvto
@@ -0,0 +1,658 @@
+--Author Manel Fredj-CEA LIST
+library HelpersClassDiagram;
+import ClassDiagVisualIDs;
+import NotationQueries;
+import GeneralMappingsandHelpers;
+modeltype di2 uses '';
+modeltype notation uses '';
+modeltype ecore uses '';
+modeltype uml uses '';
+mapping di2::GraphNode::classDiagNode2Shape() : notation::Shape inherits di2::GraphNode::node2Shape
+ eAnnotations := setEAnnotations ();
+ if (self.getElement().oclIsTypeOf(uml::Class)) then {
+ type := VisualId_Class;
+ children := setChildrenForClass(self);
+ styles := setStylesForClass();
+ } endif;
+ if (self.getElement().oclIsTypeOf(uml::Comment)) then {
+ type := VisualId_Comment;
+ children := setChildrenForComment();
+ } endif;
+ if (self.getElement().oclIsTypeOf(uml::Profile)) then {
+ type := VisualId_Profile;
+ children := setChildrenForProfile(self);
+ } endif;
+ if (self.getElement().oclIsTypeOf(uml::Stereotype)) then {
+ type := VisualId_Stereotype;
+ children := setChildrenForStereotype();
+ } endif;
+ if (self.getElement().oclIsTypeOf(uml::Package)) then {
+ type := VisualId_Package;
+ children := setChildrenForPackage(self);
+ } endif;
+ if (self.getElement().oclIsTypeOf(uml::Enumeration)) then {
+ type := VisualId_Enum;
+ children := setChildrenForEnum(self);
+ } endif;
+ if (self.getElement().oclIsTypeOf(uml::Interface)) then {
+ type := VisualId_Interface;
+ children := setChildrenForInterface(self);
+ } endif;
+ if (self.getElement().oclIsTypeOf(uml::PrimitiveType)) then {
+ type := VisualId_PrimitiveType;
+ children := setChildrenForPrimitiveType(self);
+ } endif;
+ if (self.getElement().oclIsTypeOf(uml::DataType)) then {
+ type := VisualId_DataType;
+ children := setChildrenForDataType(self);
+ } endif;
+ if (self.getElement().oclIsTypeOf(uml::Model)) then {
+ type := VisualId_Package;
+ } endif;
+ if (self.getElement().oclIsTypeOf(uml::Component)) then {
+ type := VisualId_Component;
+ children := setChildrenForComponent(self);
+ } endif;
+ if (self.getElement().oclIsTypeOf(uml::RedefinableTemplateSignature)) then {
+ type := VisualId_RedefinableTemplateSig;
+ children := setChildrenForRedefinableTemplateSignature(self);
+ } endif;
+--for a class
+--first argument is related to the contained operations which are integrated in the third child, i.e. the
+--basic compartment typed 7018
+helper setChildrenForClass (in node:di2::GraphNode) : OrderedSet(notation::Node)
+ -- first child
+ var child1 := object notation::DecorationNode {
+ type := VisualId_Class_Label;
+ --the id is set automatically
+ };
+ -- second child
+ var child2 := object notation::BasicCompartment {
+ type:=VisualId_Class_Attributes;
+ --the id is set automatically
+ --set the properties
+ children := setAttributesForClass(node);
+ var style1 := object notation::SortingStyle {
+ --the id is set automatically
+ };
+ var style2 := object notation::FilteringStyle {
+ --the id is set automatically
+ };
+ styles := OrderedSet {
+ style1, style2
+ };
+ layoutConstraint:=object notation::Bounds {};
+ };
+ -- third child includes operations
+ var child3 := object notation::BasicCompartment {
+ type := VisualId_Class_Operations;
+ --the id is set automatically
+ --set the operations
+ children := setOperationsForClass(node);
+ --set the styles
+ var style1 := object notation::SortingStyle {
+ --the id is set automatically
+ };
+ var style2 := object notation::FilteringStyle {
+ --the id is set automatically
+ };
+ styles := OrderedSet {
+ style1, style2
+ };
+ layoutConstraint := object notation::Bounds {};
+ };
+ -- fourth child
+ var child4 := object notation::BasicCompartment {
+ type := VisualId_Class_UseCase;
+ --the id is set automatically
+ var style1 := object notation::SortingStyle {
+ --the id is set automatically
+ };
+ var style2 := object notation::FilteringStyle {
+ --the id is set automatically
+ };
+ styles := OrderedSet {
+ style1,
+ style2
+ };
+ layoutConstraint := object notation::Bounds {};
+ };
+ return OrderedSet {
+ child1, child2, child3, child4
+ };
+--for a ForRedefinableTemplateSignature
+helper setChildrenForRedefinableTemplateSignature (in node:di2::GraphNode) : OrderedSet(notation::Node)
+ var containedCTP:= object notation::DecorationNode {
+ type:=VisualId_ContainerofCTP;
+ children:= setClassifierTemplateParameters(node);
+ var style1 := object notation::SortingStyle {
+ };
+ var style2 := object notation::FilteringStyle {
+ };
+ styles := OrderedSet {
+ style1, style2
+ };
+ layoutConstraint:=object notation::Bounds {};
+ };
+ var containedCTPs : OrderedSet(notation::Node);
+ containedCTPs += containedCTP;
+ return containedCTPs;
+helper setClassifierTemplateParameters(in node:di2::GraphNode):OrderedSet (notation::Node){
+ var CTPShapes : OrderedSet(notation::Shape);
+ var containedCTPs : OrderedSet(ecore::EObject) := node.getClassifierTemplateParameter();
+ containedCTPs->forEach (CTP) {
+ -- <children xmi:type="notation:Shape" type="3031" fontHeight="8" lineColor="0">
+ -- <element xmi:type="uml:ClassifierTemplateParameter" href="model.uml#_tisGcNxYEd-VL4dXZB1kyw"/>
+ -- <layoutConstraint xmi:type="notation:Location" />
+ -- </children>
+ var CTPShape := object notation::Shape {
+ type := VisualId_ClassifierTemplateParameter;
+ element := CTP;
+ layoutConstraint := object notation::Location {};
+ };
+ CTPShapes += CTPShape;
+ };
+ return CTPShapes;
+--for a primitive type
+helper setChildrenForPrimitiveType (in node:di2::GraphNode) : OrderedSet(notation::Node)
+ -- <children xmi:type="notation:DecorationNode" xmi:id="_i40XxNMjEd-9-ci4J3MfKg" type="5020"/>
+ -- <children xmi:type="notation:DecorationNode" xmi:id="_i40XxdMjEd-9-ci4J3MfKg" type="7009">
+ -- <layoutConstraint xmi:type="notation:Bounds" xmi:id="_i40XxtMjEd-9-ci4J3MfKg"/>
+ -- </children>
+ -- first child
+ var child1 := object notation::DecorationNode {
+ type := VisualId_PrimitiveTypeChild;
+ --the id is set automatically
+ };
+ --add the set of children to the node
+ return OrderedSet {
+ child1
+ };
+--for a data type
+helper setChildrenForDataType (in node:di2::GraphNode) : OrderedSet(notation::Node)
+ -- first child
+ var child1 := object notation::DecorationNode {
+ type := "5035";
+ --the id is set automatically
+ };
+ -- second child
+ var child2 := object notation::BasicCompartment {
+ type := "7020";
+ --the id is set automatically
+ --set the operations
+ children := setAttributesForClass(node);
+ var style1 := object notation::SortingStyle {
+ --the id is set automatically
+ };
+ var style2 := object notation::FilteringStyle {
+ --the id is set automatically
+ };
+ styles := OrderedSet {
+ style1, style2
+ };
+ layoutConstraint:=object notation::Bounds {};
+ };
+ -- third child includes operations
+ var child3 := object notation::BasicCompartment {
+ type := "7021";
+ --the id is set automatically
+ --set the operations
+ children := setOperationsForClass(node);
+ --set the styles
+ var style1 := object notation::SortingStyle {
+ --the id is set automatically
+ };
+ var style2 := object notation::FilteringStyle {
+ --the id is set automatically
+ };
+ styles := OrderedSet {
+ style1, style2
+ };
+ layoutConstraint := object notation::Bounds {};
+ };
+ --add the set of children to the node
+ return OrderedSet {
+ child1, child2, child3
+ };
+--for an interface
+helper setChildrenForInterface (in node:di2::GraphNode) : OrderedSet(notation::Node)
+ -- first child
+ var child1 := object notation::DecorationNode {
+ type := "5011";
+ };
+ -- second child
+ var child2 := object notation::BasicCompartment {
+ type := "7006";
+ --the id is set automatically
+ --set the operations
+ children := setAttributesForClass(node);
+ var style1 := object notation::SortingStyle {
+ --the id is set automatically
+ };
+ var style2 := object notation::FilteringStyle {
+ --the id is set automatically
+ };
+ styles := OrderedSet {
+ style1, style2
+ };
+ layoutConstraint:=object notation::Bounds {};
+ };
+ -- third child includes operations
+ var child3 := object notation::BasicCompartment {
+ type := "7007";
+ --the id is set automatically
+ --set the operations
+ children := setOperationsForClass(node);
+ --set the styles
+ var style1 := object notation::SortingStyle {
+ --the id is set automatically
+ };
+ var style2 := object notation::FilteringStyle {
+ --the id is set automatically
+ };
+ styles := OrderedSet {
+ style1, style2
+ };
+ layoutConstraint := object notation::Bounds {};
+ };
+ -- third child includes operations
+ var child4 := object notation::BasicCompartment {
+ type := "7008";
+ --the id is set automatically
+ --set the operations
+ --children := setOperationsForClass(node);
+ --set the styles
+ var style1 := object notation::SortingStyle {
+ --the id is set automatically
+ };
+ var style2 := object notation::FilteringStyle {
+ --the id is set automatically
+ };
+ styles := OrderedSet {
+ style1, style2
+ };
+ layoutConstraint := object notation::Bounds {};
+ };
+ --add the set of children to the node
+ return OrderedSet {
+ child1, child2, child3, child4
+ };
+--for an enumeration
+helper setChildrenForEnum (in node : di2::GraphNode) : OrderedSet(notation::Node)
+ -- first child
+ var child1 := object notation::DecorationNode {
+ type := VisualId_Enum_Label;
+ --the id is set automatically
+ };
+ -- second child
+ var child2 := object notation::BasicCompartment {
+ type := VisualId_Enum_Literals;
+ --set the literals
+ children := getLiterals(node);
+ var style1 := object notation::SortingStyle { };
+ var style2 := object notation::FilteringStyle { };
+ styles := OrderedSet {
+ style1, style2
+ };
+ layoutConstraint := object notation::Bounds {};
+ --the id is set automatically
+ };
+ --add the set of children to the node
+ return OrderedSet {
+ child1, child2
+ };
+helper setStylesForClass() : OrderedSet(notation::Style)
+ var style:=object notation::HintedDiagramLinkStyle {
+ --the id is set automatically
+ };
+ return OrderedSet{style};
+--reusable Helpers
+helper setOperations(in node:di2::GraphNode,in VisualId:String): OrderedSet(notation::Node)
+ var operationsShape : OrderedSet(notation::Node);
+ var containedOp : OrderedSet(ecore::EObject) := node.getOperations();
+ containedOp->forEach (operation) {
+ var operationShape := object notation::Shape {
+ --an operation is typed 3013
+ type := VisualId;
+ --fontHeight="8";
+ --lineColor="0";
+ element := operation;
+ layoutConstraint := object notation::Location{};
+ };
+ operationsShape += operationShape;
+ };
+ return operationsShape;
+helper setAttributes(in node : di2::GraphNode, in VisualId:String) : OrderedSet(notation::Node)
+ var attributesShape : OrderedSet(notation::Node);
+ var attributes : OrderedSet(ecore::EObject) := node.getProperties();
+ attributes->forEach (attribute) {
+ var attributeShape := object notation::Shape {
+ -- an attribute is type 3012
+ type := VisualId;
+ --fontName="Sans Serif";
+ --lineColor="0";
+ element := attribute;
+ layoutConstraint := object notation::Location{};
+ };
+ attributesShape += attributeShape;
+ };
+ return attributesShape;
+--in containedOp:OrderedSet(ecore::EObject)
+helper setOperationsForClass(in node:di2::GraphNode): OrderedSet(notation::Node)
+ return setOperations(node,VisualId_Class_Operation);
+--in containedAttr:OrderedSet (ecore::EObject)
+helper setAttributesForClass(in node : di2::GraphNode) : OrderedSet(notation::Node)
+ return setAttributes(node,VisualId_Class_Attribute);
+--for Enumeration
+--in containedAttr:OrderedSet (ecore::EObject)
+helper getLiterals(in node : di2::GraphNode) : OrderedSet(notation::Node)
+ var enumLiteralsShape : OrderedSet(notation::Node);
+ var enumLiterals : OrderedSet(ecore::EObject) := node.getEnumLiterals();
+ enumLiterals->forEach (enumLiteral) {
+ var enumLiteralShape := object notation::Shape {
+ -- an attribute is typed 3017
+ type := VisualId_EnumLiteral;
+ --fontName="Sans Serif";
+ --lineColor="0";
+ element := enumLiteral;
+ layoutConstraint := object notation::Location{};
+ };
+ enumLiteralsShape += enumLiteralShape;
+ };
+ return enumLiteralsShape;
+--for a component
+helper setChildrenForComponent (in node:di2::GraphNode) : OrderedSet(notation::Node)
+ -- first child
+ var child1 := object notation::DecorationNode {
+ type := VisualId_Component_child1;
+ --the id is set automatically
+ };
+ -- second child
+ var child2 := object notation::BasicCompartment {
+ type := VisualId_Component_child2;
+ --the id is set automatically
+ --set the properties
+ children := setAttributesForComponent(node);
+ var style1 := object notation::SortingStyle {
+ --the id is set automatically
+ };
+ var style2 := object notation::FilteringStyle {
+ --the id is set automatically
+ };
+ styles := OrderedSet {
+ style1, style2
+ };
+ layoutConstraint := object notation::Bounds {};
+ };
+ -- third child
+ var child3 := object notation::BasicCompartment {
+ type := VisualId_Component_child3;
+ --the id is set automatically
+ --set the operations
+ children := setOperationsForComponent(node);
+ var style1 := object notation::SortingStyle {
+ --the id is set automatically
+ };
+ var style2 := object notation::FilteringStyle {
+ --the id is set automatically
+ };
+ styles := OrderedSet {
+ style1, style2
+ };
+ layoutConstraint := object notation::Bounds {};
+ };
+ -- fourth child
+ var child4 := object notation::BasicCompartment {
+ type := VisualId_Component_child4;
+ --the id is set automatically
+ var style1 := object notation::SortingStyle {
+ --the id is set automatically
+ };
+ var style2 := object notation::FilteringStyle {
+ --the id is set automatically
+ };
+ styles := OrderedSet {
+ style1, style2
+ };
+ layoutConstraint := object notation::Bounds {};
+ };
+ return OrderedSet {
+ child1, child2,child3,child4
+ };
+--in containedOp:OrderedSet(ecore::EObject)
+helper setOperationsForComponent(in node:di2::GraphNode): OrderedSet(notation::Node)
+ return setOperations(node,VisualId_Component_Operation);
+--in containedAttr:OrderedSet (ecore::EObject)
+helper setAttributesForComponent(in node : di2::GraphNode) : OrderedSet(notation::Node)
+ return setAttributes(node, VisualId_Component_Attribute);
+--for a stereotype
+helper setChildrenForStereotype() : OrderedSet(notation::Node)
+ -- first child
+ var child1 := object notation::DecorationNode {
+ type := VisualId_Stereotype_child1;
+ --the id is set automatically
+ };
+ -- second child
+ var child2 := object notation::BasicCompartment {
+ type := VisualId_Stereotype_child2;
+ --the id is set automatically
+ var style1 := object notation::SortingStyle {
+ --the id is set automatically
+ };
+ var style2 := object notation::FilteringStyle {
+ --the id is set automatically
+ };
+ styles := OrderedSet {
+ style1, style2
+ };
+ layoutConstraint := object notation::Bounds {};
+ };
+ -- third child
+ var child3 := object notation::BasicCompartment {
+ type := VisualId_Stereotype_child3;
+ --the id is set automatically
+ var style1 := object notation::SortingStyle {
+ --the id is set automatically
+ };
+ var style2 := object notation::FilteringStyle {
+ --the id is set automatically
+ };
+ styles := OrderedSet {
+ style1, style2
+ };
+ layoutConstraint := object notation::Bounds {};
+ };
+ -- fourth child
+ var child4 := object notation::BasicCompartment {
+ type := VisualId_Stereotype_child4;
+ --the id is set automatically
+ var style1 := object notation::SortingStyle {
+ --the id is set automatically
+ };
+ var style2 := object notation::FilteringStyle {
+ --the id is set automatically
+ };
+ styles := OrderedSet {
+ style1, style2
+ };
+ layoutConstraint := object notation::Bounds {};
+ };
+ return OrderedSet {
+ child1, child2, child3, child4
+ };
+--for a profile in a class diagram
+helper setChildrenForProfile (in node : di2::GraphNode) : OrderedSet(notation::Node)
+ -- first child
+ var child1 := object notation::DecorationNode {
+ type := VisualId_Profile_child1;
+ --the id is set automatically
+ };
+ -- second child
+ var child2 := object notation::DecorationNode {
+ type := VisualId_Profile_child2;
+ children := addStereotypestoProfile(node);
+ layoutConstraint := object notation::Bounds {};
+ --the id is set automatically
+ };
+ --add the set of children to the node
+ return OrderedSet {child1, child2};
+helper addStereotypestoProfile (in node : di2::GraphNode) : OrderedSet(notation::Node)
+ var SetofStereotypes : OrderedSet(notation::Node);
+ node.contained->forEach (elem|elem.oclIsTypeOf(di2::GraphNode)) {
+ if (elem.oclAsType(di2::GraphNode).getElement().oclIsTypeOf(uml::Stereotype))then{
+ --create a new stereotype
+ var stereo:notation::Shape:=elem.oclAsType(di2::GraphNode).map classDiagNode2Shape();
+ SetofStereotypes += stereo;
+ } endif;
+ };
+ return SetofStereotypes;
+--for a package
+helper setChildrenForPackage (in node:di2::GraphNode) : OrderedSet(notation::Node)
+ -- first child
+ var child1 := object notation::DecorationNode {
+ type := VisualId_Package_Label;
+ --the id is set automatically
+ };
+ -- second child
+ var child2 := object notation::DecorationNode {
+ type := VisualId_Package_Label2;
+ var containedElements : OrderedSet(di2::GraphNode) := node.getSubElementsOfPackage();
+ containedElements->forEach (containedElement) {
+ var shape : notation::Shape ::= classDiagNode2Shape();
+ children += shape;
+ };
+ };
+ return OrderedSet {
+ child1, child2
+ };
+--Helpers related to a Comment
+helper setChildrenForComment () : OrderedSet(notation::Node)
+ -- <children xmi:type="notation:DecorationNode" xmi:id="_OVAHGNhVEd-Fo-h2aSJB1A" type="5038"/>
+ var child1 := object notation::DecorationNode {
+ type:=VisualId_Comment_Child;
+ };
+ return OrderedSet {child1};
+} \ No newline at end of file

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