import "platform:/plugin/org.eclipse.osee.framework.skynet.core/support/OseeTypes_Framework.osee" abstract artifactType "ats.Release Artifact" extends "Artifact" { id 61 attribute "ats.Released" } artifactType "Insertion" extends "ats.Ats Config Artifact" { id 1735587136604728792 attribute "ats.Description" } artifactType "Insertion Activity" extends "ats.Ats Config Artifact" { id 3943415539127781884 attribute "ats.Description" } artifactType "Agile Team" extends "ats.Ats Config Artifact" { id 7553778770333667393 attribute "ats.Description" attribute "ats.Points Attribute Type" } artifactType "Agile Feature Group" extends "ats.Ats Config Artifact" { id 560322181883393633 attribute "ats.Description" } artifactType "Agile Sprint" extends "ats.State Machine" { id 9088615648290692675 attribute "ats.Holiday" attribute "ats.Planned Points" attribute "ats.Un-Planned Points" } artifactType "Work Definition" extends "Artifact" { id 62 attribute "ats.DSL Sheet" } artifactType "Rule Definition" extends "Artifact" { id 6370402109038303278 attribute "ats.DSL Sheet" } abstract artifactType "ats.Ats Artifact" extends "Artifact" { id 63 attribute "ats.Description" attribute "ats.Goal Order Vote" } abstract artifactType "ats.Ats Team Definition or AI" extends "ats.Ats Config Artifact" { id 803 attribute "ats.Actionable" attribute "ats.Rule Definition" } artifactType "Country" extends "ats.Ats Config Artifact" { id 4955822638391722788 attribute "ats.Description" } artifactType "Program" extends "ats.Ats Config Artifact" { id 52374361342017540 attribute "ats.Team Definition" attribute "ats.Namespace" attribute "ats.Description" attribute "ats.closure.Closure State" attribute "ats.CSCI" } abstract artifactType "ats.Review" extends "ats.State Machine" { id 64 attribute "ats.Actionable Item" attribute "ats.Related To State" attribute "ats.Review Blocks" } artifactType "PeerToPeer Review" extends "ats.Review" { id 65 attribute "ats.Location" attribute "ats.Review Defect" attribute "ats.Role" attribute "ats.LOC Changed" attribute "ats.LOC Reviewed" attribute "ats.Pages Changed" attribute "ats.Pages Reviewed" attribute "ats.Review Formal Type" attribute "ats.Meeting Attendee" attribute "ats.Meeting Length" attribute "ats.Meeting Location" attribute "ats.Meeting Date" attribute "ats.Verification Code Inspection" attribute "ats.CSCI" } artifactType "Decision Review" extends "ats.Review" { id 66 attribute "ats.Decision Review Options" attribute "ats.Decision" } artifactType "Action" extends "ats.Ats Artifact" { id 67 attribute "ats.Actionable Item" attribute "ats.Change Type" attribute "ats.Need By" attribute "ats.Priority" attribute "ats.Validation Required" attribute "ats.Id" } abstract artifactType "ats.Ats Config Artifact" extends "Artifact" { id 801 attribute "ats.Active" } artifactType "Team Definition" extends "ats.Ats Team Definition or AI" , "Abstract Access Controlled" { id 68 attribute "ats.Hours Per Work Day" attribute "ats.Full Name" attribute "ats.Team Uses Versions" attribute "ats.Require Targeted Version" attribute "ats.Baseline Branch Guid" attribute "ats.Baseline Branch Uuid" attribute "ats.Action Details Format" attribute "ats.Allow Create Branch" attribute "ats.Allow Commit Branch" attribute "ats.Related Task Workflow Definition" attribute "ats.Related Peer Workflow Definition" attribute "ats.Workflow Definition" attribute "ats.Id Prefix" attribute "ats.Id Sequence Name" attribute "ats.Team Workflow Artifact Type" attribute "ats.closure.Active" attribute "ats.Work Type" attribute "ats.CSCI" attribute "ats.Program Uuid" } artifactType "Actionable Item" extends "ats.Ats Team Definition or AI" , "Abstract Access Controlled" { id 69 attribute "ats.Allow User Action Creation" attribute "ats.Work Type" attribute "ats.CSCI" attribute "ats.Program Uuid" } artifactType "Version" extends "ats.Ats Artifact" { id 70 attribute "ats.Allow Commit Branch" attribute "ats.Allow Create Branch" attribute "ats.Estimated Release Date" attribute "ats.Full Name" attribute "ats.Next Version" attribute "ats.Baseline Branch Guid" attribute "ats.Baseline Branch Uuid" attribute "ats.Release Date" attribute "ats.Released" attribute "ats.Version Locked" attribute "ats.TestRunToSourceLocator" attribute "ats.closure.Closure State" } abstract artifactType "ats.State Machine" extends "ats.Ats Artifact" { id 71 attribute "ats.Work Package" attribute "ats.Category" attribute "ats.Category2" attribute "ats.Category3" attribute "ats.Points" attribute "ats.Points Numeric" attribute "ats.Numeric1" attribute "ats.Numeric2" attribute "ats.Current State" attribute "ats.Estimated Completion Date" attribute "ats.Estimated Hours" attribute "ats.Estimated Release Date" attribute "ats.Log" attribute "ats.Percent Complete" attribute "ats.Release Date" attribute "ats.Resolution" attribute "ats.SMA Note" attribute "ats.State Notes" attribute "ats.State" attribute "ats.Start Date" attribute "ats.End Date" attribute "ats.Current State Type" attribute "ats.Created By" attribute "ats.Created Date" attribute "ats.Completed By" attribute "ats.Completed Date" attribute "ats.Completed From State" attribute "ats.Cancelled By" attribute "ats.Cancelled Date" attribute "ats.Cancelled From State" attribute "ats.Cancelled Reason" attribute "ats.Workflow Definition" attribute "ats.Work Package Guid" attribute "ats.Id" attribute "ats.Unplanned Work" attribute "ats.Peer Review Id" } artifactType "Goal" extends "ats.State Machine" { id 72 attribute "ats.Change Type" attribute "ats.Need By" attribute "ats.Priority" } artifactType "Team Workflow" extends "ats.State Machine" , "Abstract Access Controlled" { id 73 attribute "ats.Actionable Item" attribute "ats.Branch Metrics" attribute "ats.Baseline Branch Guid" attribute "ats.Baseline Branch Uuid" attribute "ats.Validation Required" attribute "ats.Weekly Benefit" attribute "ats.Change Type" attribute "ats.Legacy PCR Id" attribute "ats.Need By" attribute "ats.Percent Rework" attribute "ats.Priority" attribute "ats.Problem" attribute "ats.Proposed Resolution" attribute "ats.Team Definition" attribute "ats.Operational Impact" attribute "ats.Operational Impact Description" attribute "ats.Operational Impact Workaround" attribute "ats.Operational Impact Workaround Description" attribute "ats.Related Task Workflow Definition" attribute "ats.Program Uuid" attribute "ats.Applicability Workflow" attribute "ats.Applicable to Program" attribute "ats.Duplicated PCR Id" attribute "ats.Originating PCR Id" attribute "ats.PCR Tool Id" } artifactType "Work Package" extends "Artifact" { id 802 attribute "ats.Work Package Id" attribute "ats.Work Package Type" attribute "ats.Work Package Program" attribute "ats.Activity Id" attribute "ats.Activity Name" attribute "ats.Active" attribute "ats.Start Date" attribute "ats.End Date" attribute "ats.Percent Complete" attribute "Notes" attribute "ats.Points Numeric" attribute "ats.Description" attribute "ats.Estimated Hours" attribute "ats.IPT" attribute "ats.CAM" attribute "ats.Color Team" } overrides artifactType "User" { inheritAll add attribute "ATS Quick Search" } attributeType "ATS Quick Search" extends StringAttribute { id 72063457009467643 dataProvider DefaultAttributeDataProvider min 0 max unlimited taggerId DefaultAttributeTaggerProvider mediaType "text/plain" } artifactType "Task" extends "ats.State Machine" { id 74 attribute "ats.Related To State" attribute "ats.Uses Resolution Options" attribute "ats.Task To Changed Artifact Reference" } artifactType "Configuration" extends "Artifact" { id 93802085744703 attribute "ats.Description" attribute "ats.ATS Configured Branch" attribute "ats.Default" } attributeType "ats.Color Team" extends EnumeratedAttribute { id 1364016837443371647 dataProvider DefaultAttributeDataProvider min 0 max 1 taggerId DefaultAttributeTaggerProvider enumType "" mediaType "text/plain" defaultValue "Unspecified" } oseeEnumType "" { id 5000740273963153015 entry "Blood Red Team" entryGuid "74310723" entry "Blue Crew Team" entryGuid "74310724" entry "Mean Green Team" entryGuid "74310725" entry "Purple Team" entryGuid "74310726" entry "Burnt Orange Team" entryGuid "74319302" entry "Bronze Team" entryGuid "74319303" entry "Silver Team" entryGuid "74319304" entry "Pirate Black Team" entryGuid "74319305" entry "Gold Team" entryGuid "74319306" entry "Plaid Team" entryGuid "74319307" entry "Unspecified" entryGuid "74319308" } attributeType "ats.Holiday" extends DateAttribute { id 72064629481881851 dataProvider DefaultAttributeDataProvider min 0 max unlimited mediaType "text/calendar" } attributeType "ats.Planned Points" extends IntegerAttribute { id 232851836925913430 dataProvider DefaultAttributeDataProvider min 0 max 1 mediaType "text/plain" } attributeType "ats.Un-Planned Points" extends IntegerAttribute { id 284254492767020802 dataProvider DefaultAttributeDataProvider min 0 max 1 mediaType "text/plain" } attributeType "ats.Work Type" extends StringAttribute { id 72063456955810043 dataProvider DefaultAttributeDataProvider min 0 max 1 taggerId DefaultAttributeTaggerProvider mediaType "text/plain" } attributeType "ats.CSCI" extends StringAttribute { id 72063457007112443 dataProvider DefaultAttributeDataProvider min 0 max unlimited taggerId DefaultAttributeTaggerProvider mediaType "text/plain" } attributeType "ats.ATS Configured Branch" extends StringAttribute { id 72063456936722683 dataProvider DefaultAttributeDataProvider min 0 max 1 taggerId DefaultAttributeTaggerProvider mediaType "text/plain" } attributeType "ats.Unplanned Work" extends BooleanAttribute { id 2421093774890249189 dataProvider DefaultAttributeDataProvider min 0 max 1 taggerId DefaultAttributeTaggerProvider mediaType "text/plain" } attributeType "ats.Default" extends BooleanAttribute { id 1152921875139002538 dataProvider DefaultAttributeDataProvider min 0 max 1 taggerId DefaultAttributeTaggerProvider mediaType "text/plain" } attributeType "ats.Applicability Workflow" extends BooleanAttribute { id 1152922022510067882 dataProvider DefaultAttributeDataProvider min 0 max 1 taggerId DefaultAttributeTaggerProvider mediaType "text/plain" } oseeEnumType "" { id 1152921949229285546 entry "Yes" entryGuid "CArJmR2JDn5DXT8FGPQA" entry "No" entryGuid "CArJmR3xrEmbw8zbyqgA" } attributeType "ats.Applicable to Program" extends EnumeratedAttribute { id 1152921949227188394 dataProvider DefaultAttributeDataProvider min 0 max 1 enumType "" taggerId DefaultAttributeTaggerProvider mediaType "text/plain" } attributeType "ats.Peer Review Id" extends StringAttribute { id 4231136442842667818 dataProvider DefaultAttributeDataProvider min 0 max 1 taggerId DefaultAttributeTaggerProvider mediaType "text/plain" } attributeType "ats.Program Uuid" extends ArtifactReferenceAttribute { id 1152922093377028266 dataProvider DefaultAttributeDataProvider min 0 max 1 taggerId DefaultAttributeTaggerProvider mediaType "text/plain" } attributeType "ats.Rationale" extends StringAttribute { id 1152922093379715242 dataProvider DefaultAttributeDataProvider min 0 max 1 taggerId DefaultAttributeTaggerProvider mediaType "text/plain" } attributeType "ats.Duplicated PCR Id" extends StringAttribute { id 1152922093378076842 dataProvider DefaultAttributeDataProvider min 0 max 1 taggerId DefaultAttributeTaggerProvider mediaType "text/plain" } attributeType "ats.Originating PCR Id" extends StringAttribute { id 1152922093379125418 dataProvider DefaultAttributeDataProvider min 0 max 1 taggerId DefaultAttributeTaggerProvider mediaType "text/plain" } attributeType "ats.PCR Tool Id" extends StringAttribute { id 1152922093370736810 dataProvider DefaultAttributeDataProvider min 0 max 1 taggerId DefaultAttributeTaggerProvider mediaType "text/plain" } attributeType "ats.Artifact Reference" extends ArtifactReferenceAttribute { id 1153126013769613561 dataProvider DefaultAttributeDataProvider min 0 max 1 taggerId DefaultAttributeTaggerProvider description "Reference to an artifact" mediaType "application/http" } attributeType "ats.Task To Changed Artifact Reference" extends ArtifactReferenceAttribute { id 1153126013769613562 dataProvider DefaultAttributeDataProvider min 0 max 1 taggerId DefaultAttributeTaggerProvider description "Task reference to the changed artifact" mediaType "text/plain" } attributeType "ats.Work Package Id" extends StringAttribute { id 1152921504606847872 dataProvider DefaultAttributeDataProvider min 0 max 1 taggerId DefaultAttributeTaggerProvider mediaType "text/plain" } attributeType "ats.Work Package Program" extends StringAttribute { id 1152921504606847873 dataProvider DefaultAttributeDataProvider min 0 max 1 taggerId DefaultAttributeTaggerProvider mediaType "text/plain" } oseeEnumType "" { id 3458764513820541333 entry "Discrete" entryGuid "Bwht_BKlJhvXevH9wgwA" entry "Discrete - % Complete" entryGuid "BOsciRhe9TGNFHydWFAA" entry "Discrete - 50-50" entryGuid "BOsciRiFnUHFqODmPuQA" entry "Discrete - 0-100" entryGuid "BOsciRijrkK85LhqYegA" entry "LOE" entryGuid "Bwhv914yDlTLh0AfNZAA" } attributeType "ats.Work Package Type" extends EnumeratedAttribute { id 72057594037928065 dataProvider DefaultAttributeDataProvider min 0 max 1 taggerId DefaultAttributeTaggerProvider enumType "" mediaType "text/plain" } oseeEnumType "enum.ats.ipt" { id 2695446918879429118 entry "Comm/Nav/Ase" entryGuid "ABWZunRwEF66p88MC1QA" entry "Crew Systems" entryGuid "ABWZunnoXUr06VeWlzgA" entry "Integration" entryGuid "ABWZunrQUQnztgs2HAgA" entry "Software" entryGuid "ABWZunrs9AqlPuBkQqwA" entry "CEE" entryGuid "ABWZunsh7lR0XJkpSgAA" entry "Weapons/Sights" entryGuid "ABWZuns7tDXtJXC5U5AA" entry "Processors/Displays" entryGuid "ABWZuntUC0uBwnMoegAA" entry "AH-6" entryGuid "ABWZuntsYj07sqnVyUQA" } attributeType "ats.IPT" extends EnumeratedAttribute { id 6025996821081174931 dataProvider DefaultAttributeDataProvider min 0 max 1 taggerId DefaultAttributeTaggerProvider enumType "enum.ats.ipt" mediaType "text/plain" } attributeType "ats.CAM" extends StringAttribute { id 1152921596009727571 dataProvider DefaultAttributeDataProvider min 0 max 1 taggerId DefaultAttributeTaggerProvider mediaType "text/plain" } attributeType "ats.Activity Id" extends StringAttribute { id 1152921504606847874 dataProvider DefaultAttributeDataProvider min 0 max 1 taggerId DefaultAttributeTaggerProvider mediaType "text/plain" } attributeType "ats.Activity Name" extends StringAttribute { id 1152921504606847875 dataProvider DefaultAttributeDataProvider min 0 max 1 taggerId DefaultAttributeTaggerProvider mediaType "text/plain" } attributeType "ats.Work Package Guid" extends StringAttribute { id 1152921504606847876 dataProvider DefaultAttributeDataProvider min 0 max 1 taggerId DefaultAttributeTaggerProvider mediaType "text/plain" } attributeType "ats.Baseline Branch Guid" extends StringAttribute { id 1152921504606847145 dataProvider DefaultAttributeDataProvider min 0 max 1 mediaType "text/plain" } attributeType "ats.Baseline Branch Uuid" extends StringAttribute { id 1152932018686787753 dataProvider DefaultAttributeDataProvider min 0 max 1 mediaType "text/plain" } attributeType "ats.Validation Required" extends BooleanAttribute { id 1152921504606847146 dataProvider DefaultAttributeDataProvider min 0 max 1 defaultValue "false" mediaType "text/plain" } attributeType "ats.Current State Type" extends StringAttribute { id 1152921504606847147 dataProvider DefaultAttributeDataProvider min 0 max 1 taggerId DefaultAttributeTaggerProvider mediaType "text/plain" } attributeType "ats.Team Workflow Artifact Type" extends StringAttribute { id 1152921504606847148 dataProvider DefaultAttributeDataProvider min 0 max 1 } attributeType "ats.Workflow Definition" extends StringAttribute { id 1152921504606847149 dataProvider DefaultAttributeDataProvider min 0 max 1 taggerId DefaultAttributeTaggerProvider mediaType "text/plain" } attributeType "ats.Rule Definition" extends StringAttribute { id 1152921504606847150 dataProvider DefaultAttributeDataProvider min 0 max unlimited mediaType "text/plain" } attributeType "ats.Related Task Workflow Definition" extends StringAttribute { id 1152921504606847152 dataProvider DefaultAttributeDataProvider min 0 max 1 mediaType "text/plain" } attributeType "ats.Related Peer Workflow Definition" extends StringAttribute { id 1152921504606847870 dataProvider DefaultAttributeDataProvider min 0 max 1 mediaType "text/plain" } attributeType "ats.Active" extends BooleanAttribute { id 1152921504606847153 dataProvider DefaultAttributeDataProvider min 1 max 1 taggerId DefaultAttributeTaggerProvider defaultValue "true" mediaType "text/plain" } attributeType "ats.Uses Resolution Options" extends BooleanAttribute { id 1152921504606847154 dataProvider DefaultAttributeDataProvider min 0 max 1 defaultValue "false" mediaType "text/plain" } attributeType "ats.Released" extends BooleanAttribute { id 1152921504606847155 dataProvider DefaultAttributeDataProvider min 0 max 1 defaultValue "false" mediaType "text/plain" } attributeType "ats.Version Locked" extends BooleanAttribute { id 1152921504606847156 dataProvider DefaultAttributeDataProvider min 0 max 1 defaultValue "false" mediaType "text/plain" } attributeType "ats.Next Version" extends BooleanAttribute { id 1152921504606847157 dataProvider DefaultAttributeDataProvider min 0 max 1 defaultValue "false" mediaType "text/plain" } attributeType "ats.Team Uses Versions" extends BooleanAttribute { id 1152921504606847158 dataProvider DefaultAttributeDataProvider min 0 max 1 defaultValue "false" } attributeType "ats.Require Targeted Version" extends BooleanAttribute { id 1152921504606847159 dataProvider DefaultAttributeDataProvider min 0 max 1 defaultValue "false" mediaType "text/plain" } attributeType "ats.Actionable" extends BooleanAttribute { id 1152921504606847160 dataProvider DefaultAttributeDataProvider min 0 max 1 defaultValue "true" mediaType "text/plain" } attributeType "ats.Allow Create Branch" extends BooleanAttribute { id 1152921504606847161 dataProvider DefaultAttributeDataProvider min 0 max 1 defaultValue "true" mediaType "text/plain" } attributeType "ats.Allow Commit Branch" extends BooleanAttribute { id 1152921504606847162 dataProvider DefaultAttributeDataProvider min 0 max 1 defaultValue "true" mediaType "text/plain" } attributeType "ats.Allow User Action Creation" extends BooleanAttribute { id 1322118789779953012 dataProvider DefaultAttributeDataProvider min 0 max 1 mediaType "text/plain" } attributeType "ats.Need By" extends DateAttribute { id 1152921504606847163 dataProvider DefaultAttributeDataProvider min 0 max 1 mediaType "text/calendar" } attributeType "ats.Estimated Release Date" extends DateAttribute { id 1152921504606847164 dataProvider DefaultAttributeDataProvider min 0 max 1 mediaType "text/calendar" } attributeType "ats.Estimated Completion Date" extends DateAttribute { id 1152921504606847165 dataProvider DefaultAttributeDataProvider min 0 max 1 mediaType "text/calendar" } attributeType "ats.Completed Date" extends DateAttribute { id 1152921504606847166 dataProvider DefaultAttributeDataProvider min 0 max 1 mediaType "text/calendar" } attributeType "ats.Completed By" extends StringAttribute { id 1152921504606847167 dataProvider DefaultAttributeDataProvider min 0 max 1 mediaType "text/plain" } attributeType "ats.Completed From State" extends StringAttribute { id 1152921504606847168 dataProvider DefaultAttributeDataProvider min 0 max 1 mediaType "text/plain" } attributeType "ats.Cancelled Date" extends DateAttribute { id 1152921504606847169 dataProvider DefaultAttributeDataProvider min 0 max 1 mediaType "text/calendar" } attributeType "ats.Cancelled By" extends StringAttribute { id 1152921504606847170 dataProvider DefaultAttributeDataProvider min 0 max 1 mediaType "text/plain" } attributeType "ats.Cancelled Reason" extends StringAttribute { id 1152921504606847171 dataProvider DefaultAttributeDataProvider min 0 max 1 mediaType "text/plain" } attributeType "ats.Cancelled From State" extends StringAttribute { id 1152921504606847172 dataProvider DefaultAttributeDataProvider min 0 max 1 mediaType "text/plain" } attributeType "ats.Created Date" extends DateAttribute { id 1152921504606847173 dataProvider DefaultAttributeDataProvider min 0 max 1 mediaType "text/calendar" } attributeType "ats.Created By" extends StringAttribute { id 1152921504606847174 dataProvider DefaultAttributeDataProvider min 0 max 1 taggerId DefaultAttributeTaggerProvider mediaType "text/plain" } attributeType "ats.Release Date" extends DateAttribute { id 1152921504606847175 dataProvider DefaultAttributeDataProvider min 0 max 1 mediaType "text/calendar" } attributeType "ats.Start Date" extends DateAttribute { id 1152921504606847382 dataProvider DefaultAttributeDataProvider min 0 max 1 mediaType "text/calendar" } attributeType "ats.End Date" extends DateAttribute { id 1152921504606847383 dataProvider DefaultAttributeDataProvider min 0 max 1 mediaType "text/calendar" } oseeEnumType "" { id 3458764513820541322 entry "None" entryGuid "CArJmR2JDn5DXT9FGPQA" entry "Transition" entryGuid "CArJmR3xrEmbw7zbyqgA" entry "Commit" entryGuid "CArJmR5WzHmG_n_OKhQA" } attributeType "ats.Review Blocks" extends EnumeratedAttribute { id 1152921504606847176 dataProvider DefaultAttributeDataProvider min 0 max 1 taggerId DefaultAttributeTaggerProvider enumType "" mediaType "text/plain" } attributeType "ats.Review Formal Type" extends EnumeratedAttribute { id 1152921504606847177 dataProvider DefaultAttributeDataProvider min 0 max 1 taggerId DefaultAttributeTaggerProvider enumType "" mediaType "text/plain" } oseeEnumType "" { id 3458764513820541323 entry "InFormal" entryGuid "AOwhbvyBMHKCIuhSzwgA" entry "Formal" entryGuid "AOwiPVD_jCOHV4KnAQwA" } oseeEnumType "enum.ats.point" { id 3458764513820541324 entry "1" entryGuid "AYyqLF5WrgvoWwAJhb12" entry "2" entryGuid "AYyqLWfS+S+58gmCmOQA" entry "3" entryGuid "APO730vh5yEB35DSIFgA" entry "4" entryGuid "AYyqLY8_ChxManvFc6QA" entry "5" entryGuid "APO+W+I7NA3qcxQSdDwA" entry "8" entryGuid "AYyqLbRYXECHjlLzQ+QA" entry "13" entryGuid "AYyqLdkSvmy0XZECrRwA" entry "20" entryGuid "AYyqLfzfO20iUkZSilgA" entry "40" entryGuid "AYyqLiFHxD1XUanPXBwA" entry "80" entryGuid "AYyqLkUSERzIljDD4agA" entry "150" entryGuid "AYyqLmlTUi3u7Eg8CdgA" entry "Epic" entryGuid "AYyqLo2M7zr1nj1mFfQA" } attributeType "ats.Points" extends EnumeratedAttribute { id 1152921504606847178 dataProvider DefaultAttributeDataProvider min 0 max 1 enumType "enum.ats.point" mediaType "text/plain" } attributeType "ats.Points Numeric" extends FloatingPointAttribute { id 1728793301637070003 dataProvider DefaultAttributeDataProvider min 0 max 1 defaultValue "0.0" mediaType "text/plain" } attributeType "ats.Points Attribute Type" extends StringAttribute { id 1152921573057888257 dataProvider DefaultAttributeDataProvider min 0 max 1 mediaType "text/plain" } oseeEnumType "enum.ats.priority" { id 3458764513820541325 entry "1" entryGuid "CArJmPvK7mXFU4cMY3gA" entry "2" entryGuid "CArJmR7LQUYx7XRMnwQA" entry "3" entryGuid "CArJmR82AgY40rzzjagA" entry "4" entryGuid "CArJmR+dqR2jW6eRU1AA" entry "5" entryGuid "CArJmSAGIB9IRKqlKuAA" } attributeType "ats.Priority" extends EnumeratedAttribute { id 1152921504606847179 dataProvider DefaultAttributeDataProvider min 0 max 1 enumType "enum.ats.priority" mediaType "text/plain" } oseeEnumType "enum.ats.change.type" { id 3458764513820541326 entry "Improvement" entryGuid "CArJmSBzfx4jvQ5vEtAA" entry "Problem" entryGuid "CArJmPw6F3bP1V5B59gA" entry "Support" entryGuid "CArJmSDgGAG4aKsU+KAA" entry "Refinement" entryGuid "ADTfjCHhk0KoDVpUpagA" } attributeType "ats.Change Type" extends EnumeratedAttribute { id 1152921504606847180 dataProvider DefaultAttributeDataProvider min 0 max 1 taggerId DefaultAttributeTaggerProvider enumType "enum.ats.change.type" mediaType "text/plain" } attributeType "ats.Estimated Hours" extends FloatingPointAttribute { id 1152921504606847182 dataProvider DefaultAttributeDataProvider min 0 max 1 defaultValue "0.0" mediaType "text/plain" } attributeType "ats.Percent Complete" extends IntegerAttribute { id 1152921504606847183 dataProvider DefaultAttributeDataProvider min 0 max 1 defaultValue "0" mediaType "text/plain" } attributeType "ats.Numeric1" extends FloatingPointAttribute { id 1152921504606847184 dataProvider DefaultAttributeDataProvider min 0 max 1 defaultValue "0.0" mediaType "text/plain" } attributeType "ats.Numeric2" extends FloatingPointAttribute { id 1152921504606847185 dataProvider DefaultAttributeDataProvider min 0 max 1 defaultValue "0.0" mediaType "text/plain" } attributeType "ats.Weekly Benefit" extends FloatingPointAttribute { id 1152921504606847186 dataProvider DefaultAttributeDataProvider min 0 max 1 defaultValue "0" mediaType "text/plain" } attributeType "ats.Hours Per Work Day" extends FloatingPointAttribute { id 1152921504606847187 dataProvider DefaultAttributeDataProvider min 0 max 1 defaultValue "0.0" mediaType "text/plain" } attributeType "ats.Meeting Length" extends FloatingPointAttribute { id 1152921504606847188 dataProvider DefaultAttributeDataProvider min 0 max 1 defaultValue "0.0" mediaType "text/plain" } attributeType "ats.Percent Rework" extends IntegerAttribute { id 1152921504606847189 dataProvider DefaultAttributeDataProvider min 0 max 1 mediaType "text/plain" } attributeType "ats.Branch Metrics" extends StringAttribute { id 1152921504606847190 dataProvider DefaultAttributeDataProvider min 0 max 1 mediaType "text/plain" } attributeType "ats.State" extends StringAttribute { id 1152921504606847191 dataProvider DefaultAttributeDataProvider min 0 max unlimited taggerId DefaultAttributeTaggerProvider mediaType "text/plain" } attributeType "ats.Current State" extends StringAttribute { id 1152921504606847192 dataProvider DefaultAttributeDataProvider min 0 max 1 taggerId DefaultAttributeTaggerProvider mediaType "text/plain" } attributeType "ats.Problem" extends StringAttribute { id 1152921504606847193 dataProvider DefaultAttributeDataProvider min 0 max 1 taggerId DefaultAttributeTaggerProvider fileExtension "txt" mediaType "text/plain" } attributeType "ats.Proposed Resolution" extends StringAttribute { id 1152921504606847194 dataProvider DefaultAttributeDataProvider min 0 max 1 taggerId DefaultAttributeTaggerProvider mediaType "text/plain" } attributeType "ats.Resolution" extends StringAttribute { id 1152921504606847195 dataProvider DefaultAttributeDataProvider min 0 max 1 taggerId DefaultAttributeTaggerProvider fileExtension "txt" mediaType "text/plain" } attributeType "ats.Description" extends StringAttribute { id 1152921504606847196 dataProvider DefaultAttributeDataProvider min 0 max 1 taggerId DefaultAttributeTaggerProvider fileExtension "txt" mediaType "text/plain" } attributeType "ats.DSL Sheet" extends StringAttribute { id 1152921504606847197 dataProvider DefaultAttributeDataProvider min 0 max 1 fileExtension "txt" mediaType "application/ats+dsl" } attributeType "ats.Full Name" extends StringAttribute { id 1152921504606847198 dataProvider DefaultAttributeDataProvider min 0 max 1 taggerId DefaultAttributeTaggerProvider mediaType "text/plain" } attributeType "ats.Action Details Format" extends StringAttribute { id 1152921504606847199 dataProvider DefaultAttributeDataProvider min 0 max 1 mediaType "text/plain" } attributeType "ats.Actionable Item" extends StringAttribute { id 1152921504606847200 dataProvider DefaultAttributeDataProvider min 0 max unlimited taggerId DefaultAttributeTaggerProvider mediaType "text/plain" } attributeType "ats.Team Definition" extends StringAttribute { id 1152921504606847201 dataProvider DefaultAttributeDataProvider min 0 max 1 taggerId DefaultAttributeTaggerProvider mediaType "text/plain" } attributeType "ats.Log" extends StringAttribute { id 1152921504606847202 dataProvider DefaultAttributeDataProvider min 0 max 1 taggerId DefaultAttributeTaggerProvider fileExtension "xml" mediaType "text/xml" } attributeType "ats.State Notes" extends StringAttribute { id 1152921504606847203 dataProvider DefaultAttributeDataProvider min 0 max 1 fileExtension "xml" mediaType "text/xml" } attributeType "ats.Related To State" extends StringAttribute { id 1152921504606847204 dataProvider DefaultAttributeDataProvider min 0 max 1 mediaType "text/plain" } attributeType "ats.SMA Note" extends StringAttribute { id 1152921504606847205 dataProvider DefaultAttributeDataProvider min 0 max 1 taggerId DefaultAttributeTaggerProvider mediaType "text/plain" } attributeType "ats.Work Package" extends StringAttribute { id 1152921504606847206 dataProvider DefaultAttributeDataProvider min 0 max 1 taggerId DefaultAttributeTaggerProvider mediaType "text/plain" } attributeType "ats.LOC Changed" extends IntegerAttribute { id 1152921504606847207 dataProvider DefaultAttributeDataProvider min 0 max 1 mediaType "text/plain" } attributeType "ats.LOC Reviewed" extends IntegerAttribute { id 1152921504606847208 dataProvider DefaultAttributeDataProvider min 0 max 1 mediaType "text/plain" } attributeType "ats.Pages Changed" extends IntegerAttribute { id 1152921504606847209 dataProvider DefaultAttributeDataProvider min 0 max 1 } attributeType "ats.Pages Reviewed" extends IntegerAttribute { id 1152921504606847210 dataProvider DefaultAttributeDataProvider min 0 max 1 mediaType "text/plain" } attributeType "ats.Goal Order Vote" extends StringAttribute { id 1152921504606847211 dataProvider DefaultAttributeDataProvider min 0 max 1 taggerId DefaultAttributeTaggerProvider mediaType "text/plain" } attributeType "ats.Category" extends StringAttribute { id 1152921504606847212 dataProvider DefaultAttributeDataProvider min 0 max 1 taggerId DefaultAttributeTaggerProvider mediaType "text/plain" } attributeType "ats.Namespace" extends StringAttribute { id 4676151691645786526 dataProvider DefaultAttributeDataProvider min 0 max 1 taggerId DefaultAttributeTaggerProvider mediaType "text/plain" } attributeType "ats.Operational Impact" extends StringAttribute { id 1152921504606847213 dataProvider DefaultAttributeDataProvider min 0 max 1 mediaType "text/plain" } attributeType "ats.Operational Impact Description" extends StringAttribute { id 1152921504606847214 dataProvider DefaultAttributeDataProvider min 0 max 1 taggerId DefaultAttributeTaggerProvider mediaType "text/plain" } attributeType "ats.Operational Impact Workaround" extends StringAttribute { id 1152921504606847215 dataProvider DefaultAttributeDataProvider min 0 max 1 mediaType "text/plain" } attributeType "ats.Operational Impact Workaround Description" extends StringAttribute { id 1152921504606847216 dataProvider DefaultAttributeDataProvider min 0 max 1 taggerId DefaultAttributeTaggerProvider mediaType "text/plain" } attributeType "ats.Category2" extends StringAttribute { id 1152921504606847217 dataProvider DefaultAttributeDataProvider min 0 max 1 taggerId DefaultAttributeTaggerProvider mediaType "text/plain" } attributeType "ats.Category3" extends StringAttribute { id 1152921504606847218 dataProvider DefaultAttributeDataProvider min 0 max 1 taggerId DefaultAttributeTaggerProvider mediaType "text/plain" } attributeType "ats.Legacy PCR Id" extends StringAttribute { id 1152921504606847219 dataProvider DefaultAttributeDataProvider min 0 max 1 taggerId DefaultAttributeTaggerProvider mediaType "text/plain" } attributeType "ats.Decision Review Options" extends StringAttribute { id 1152921504606847220 dataProvider DefaultAttributeDataProvider min 0 max 1 mediaType "text/plain" } attributeType "ats.Decision" extends StringAttribute { id 1152921504606847221 dataProvider DefaultAttributeDataProvider min 0 max 1 taggerId DefaultAttributeTaggerProvider mediaType "text/plain" } attributeType "ats.Review Defect" extends StringAttribute { id 1152921504606847222 dataProvider DefaultAttributeDataProvider min 0 max unlimited mediaType "text/plain" } attributeType "ats.Location" extends StringAttribute { id 1152921504606847223 dataProvider DefaultAttributeDataProvider min 0 max 1 taggerId DefaultAttributeTaggerProvider fileExtension "txt" mediaType "text/plain" } attributeType "ats.Meeting Date" extends DateAttribute { id 5605018543870805270 dataProvider DefaultAttributeDataProvider min 0 max 1 mediaType "text/calendar" } attributeType "ats.Verification Code Inspection" extends BooleanAttribute { id 3454966334779726518 dataProvider DefaultAttributeDataProvider min 0 max 1 taggerId DefaultAttributeTaggerProvider mediaType "text/plain" } attributeType "ats.Meeting Location" extends StringAttribute { id 1152921504606847224 dataProvider DefaultAttributeDataProvider min 0 max 1 taggerId DefaultAttributeTaggerProvider fileExtension "txt" mediaType "text/plain" } attributeType "ats.Meeting Attendee" extends StringAttribute { id 1152921504606847225 dataProvider DefaultAttributeDataProvider min 0 max unlimited fileExtension "txt" mediaType "text/plain" } attributeType "ats.Role" extends StringAttribute { id 1152921504606847226 dataProvider DefaultAttributeDataProvider min 0 max unlimited mediaType "text/plain" } attributeType "ats.SW Enhancement" extends StringAttribute { id 1152921504606847227 dataProvider DefaultAttributeDataProvider min 0 max unlimited taggerId DefaultAttributeTaggerProvider mediaType "text/plain" } relationType "Country To Program" { id 2305846526791909737 sideAName "Country" sideAArtifactType "Country" sideBName "Program" sideBArtifactType "Program" defaultOrderType Unordered multiplicity ONE_TO_MANY } relationType "Work Package" { id 2305843009213694334 sideAName "Work Package" sideAArtifactType "Work Package" sideBName "ATS Team Def or AI" sideBArtifactType "ats.Ats Team Definition or AI" defaultOrderType Unordered multiplicity MANY_TO_MANY } relationType "TeamLead" { id 2305843009213694313 sideAName "Team Definition" sideAArtifactType "Team Definition" sideBName "User" sideBArtifactType "User" defaultOrderType Unordered multiplicity MANY_TO_MANY } relationType "ActionableItemLead" { id 2305843009213694329 sideAName "Actionable Item" sideAArtifactType "Actionable Item" sideBName "User" sideBArtifactType "User" defaultOrderType Unordered multiplicity MANY_TO_MANY } relationType "TeamMember" { id 2305843009213694314 sideAName "Team Definition" sideAArtifactType "Team Definition" sideBName "User" sideBArtifactType "User" defaultOrderType Unordered multiplicity MANY_TO_MANY } relationType "PrivilegedMember" { id 2305843009213694315 sideAName "Team Definition" sideAArtifactType "Team Definition" sideBName "User" sideBArtifactType "User" defaultOrderType Unordered multiplicity MANY_TO_MANY } relationType "TeamActionableItem" { id 2305843009213694316 sideAName "Team Definition" sideAArtifactType "Team Definition" sideBName "Actionable Item" sideBArtifactType "Actionable Item" defaultOrderType Unordered multiplicity ONE_TO_MANY } relationType "Program To Insertion" { id 8921796037933812267 sideAName "Program" sideAArtifactType "Program" sideBName "Insertion" sideBArtifactType "Insertion" defaultOrderType Unordered multiplicity ONE_TO_MANY } relationType "Insertion To Insertion Activity" { id 1336895299757203121 sideAName "Insertion" sideAArtifactType "Insertion" sideBName "Insertion Activity" sideBArtifactType "Insertion Activity" defaultOrderType Unordered multiplicity ONE_TO_MANY } relationType "Insertion Activity To Work Package" { id 8892387571282380815 sideAName "Insertion Activity" sideAArtifactType "Insertion Activity" sideBName "Work Package" sideBArtifactType "Work Package" defaultOrderType Unordered multiplicity ONE_TO_MANY } relationType "AgileFeatureToItem" { id 6017077976601091441 sideAName "Agile Feature Group" sideAArtifactType "Agile Feature Group" sideBName "ATS Item" sideBArtifactType "ats.State Machine" defaultOrderType Lexicographical_Ascending multiplicity MANY_TO_MANY } relationType "AgileSprintToItem" { id 988214123009313457 sideAName "Agile Sprint" sideAArtifactType "Agile Sprint" sideBName "ATS Item" sideBArtifactType "ats.Ats Artifact" defaultOrderType Lexicographical_Ascending multiplicity ONE_TO_MANY } relationType "AgileTeamToFeatureGroup" { id 1067226929733341458 sideAName "Agile Team" sideAArtifactType "Agile Team" sideBName "Agile Feature Group" sideBArtifactType "Agile Feature Group" defaultOrderType Lexicographical_Ascending multiplicity ONE_TO_MANY } relationType "AgileTeamToAtsTeam" { id 9001858956696556140 sideAName "Agile Team" sideAArtifactType "Agile Team" sideBName "ATS Team" sideBArtifactType "Team Definition" defaultOrderType Lexicographical_Ascending multiplicity ONE_TO_MANY } relationType "AgileTeamToBacklog" { id 8816366550731954418 sideAName "Agile Team" sideAArtifactType "Agile Team" sideBName "Backlog" sideBArtifactType "Goal" defaultOrderType Lexicographical_Ascending multiplicity ONE_TO_ONE } relationType "AgileTeamToSprint" { id 7043708594778812661 sideAName "Agile Team" sideAArtifactType "Agile Team" sideBName "Sprint" sideBArtifactType "Agile Sprint" defaultOrderType Lexicographical_Ascending multiplicity ONE_TO_MANY } relationType "ActionToWorkflow" { id 2305843009213694317 sideAName "Action" sideAArtifactType "Action" sideBName "Team Workflow" sideBArtifactType "Team Workflow" defaultOrderType Unordered multiplicity ONE_TO_MANY } relationType "Port" { id 2305843009213694330 sideAName "From" sideAArtifactType "Team Workflow" sideBName "To" sideBArtifactType "Team Workflow" defaultOrderType Unordered multiplicity MANY_TO_MANY } relationType "Derive" { id 2305843009213694331 sideAName "From" sideAArtifactType "Team Workflow" sideBName "To" sideBArtifactType "Team Workflow" defaultOrderType Unordered multiplicity ONE_TO_MANY } relationType "TeamWfToTask" { id 2305843009213694318 sideAName "Team Workflow" sideAArtifactType "Team Workflow" sideBName "Task" sideBArtifactType "Task" defaultOrderType Lexicographical_Ascending multiplicity ONE_TO_MANY } relationType "TeamWorkflowTargetedForVersion" { id 2305843009213694319 sideAName "Team Workflow" sideAArtifactType "Team Workflow" sideBName "Version" sideBArtifactType "Version" defaultOrderType Unordered multiplicity MANY_TO_ONE } relationType "TeamDefinitionToVersion" { id 2305843009213694320 sideAName "Team Definition" sideAArtifactType "Team Definition" sideBName "Version" sideBArtifactType "Version" defaultOrderType Lexicographical_Ascending multiplicity ONE_TO_MANY } relationType "TeamWorkflowToReview" { id 2305843009213694321 sideAName "Team Workflow" sideAArtifactType "Team Workflow" sideBName "Review" sideBArtifactType "ats.Review" defaultOrderType Unordered multiplicity MANY_TO_MANY } relationType "SubscribedUser" { id 2305843009213694322 sideAName "Artifact" sideAArtifactType "Artifact" sideBName "User" sideBArtifactType "User" defaultOrderType Unordered multiplicity MANY_TO_MANY } relationType "FavoriteUser" { id 2305843009213694323 sideAName "Artifact" sideAArtifactType "Artifact" sideBName "User" sideBArtifactType "User" defaultOrderType Unordered multiplicity MANY_TO_MANY } relationType "ParallelVersion" { id 2305843009213694324 sideAName "Parent" sideAArtifactType "Version" sideBName "Child" sideBArtifactType "Version" defaultOrderType Lexicographical_Ascending multiplicity MANY_TO_MANY } relationType "Owner" { id 2305843009213694328 sideAName "Actionable Item" sideAArtifactType "Actionable Item" sideBName "Owner" sideBArtifactType "User" defaultOrderType Lexicographical_Ascending multiplicity MANY_TO_MANY } relationType "Goal" { id 2305843009213694325 sideAName "Goal" sideAArtifactType "Goal" sideBName "Member" sideBArtifactType "ats.Ats Artifact" defaultOrderType Lexicographical_Ascending multiplicity MANY_TO_MANY } relationType "AutoAddActionToGoal" { id 2305843009213694333 sideAName "Goal" sideAArtifactType "Goal" sideBName "Ats Config Object" sideBArtifactType "ats.Ats Config Artifact" defaultOrderType Lexicographical_Ascending multiplicity MANY_TO_MANY } attributeType "ats.Id" extends StringAttribute { id 1152921504606847877 dataProvider DefaultAttributeDataProvider min 1 max 1 taggerId DefaultAttributeTaggerProvider defaultValue "0" mediaType "text/plain" } attributeType "ats.Id Prefix" extends StringAttribute { id 1162773128791720837 dataProvider DefaultAttributeDataProvider min 0 max 1 taggerId DefaultAttributeTaggerProvider mediaType "text/plain" } attributeType "ats.Id Sequence Name" extends StringAttribute { id 1163054603768431493 dataProvider DefaultAttributeDataProvider min 0 max 1 taggerId DefaultAttributeTaggerProvider mediaType "text/plain" } attributeType "ats.TestRunToSourceLocator" extends StringAttribute { id 130595201919637916 dataProvider DefaultAttributeDataProvider min 0 max 1 mediaType "text/plain" } attributeType "ats.closure.Active" extends BooleanAttribute { id 1152921875139002555 dataProvider DefaultAttributeDataProvider min 0 max 1 taggerId DefaultAttributeTaggerProvider mediaType "text/plain" } oseeEnumType "ats.closure.states" { id 3458764513820541340 entry "Closed" entryGuid "CArJmR2JDn5DXT9FGRQB" entry "Closing" entryGuid "CArJmR3xrEmbw7zbyzhA" entry "Open" entryGuid "CArJmR5WzHmGBBBOKhQA" } attributeType "ats.closure.Closure State" extends EnumeratedAttribute { id 1152921504606847452 dataProvider DefaultAttributeDataProvider min 0 max 1 taggerId DefaultAttributeTaggerProvider enumType "ats.closure.states" mediaType "text/plain" }