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Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/org.eclipse.osee.framework.core.model.test/src/org/eclipse/osee/framework/core/model/type/')
1 files changed, 308 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/org.eclipse.osee.framework.core.model.test/src/org/eclipse/osee/framework/core/model/type/ b/plugins/org.eclipse.osee.framework.core.model.test/src/org/eclipse/osee/framework/core/model/type/
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+++ b/plugins/org.eclipse.osee.framework.core.model.test/src/org/eclipse/osee/framework/core/model/type/
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+ * Copyright (c) 2004, 2007 Boeing.
+ * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
+ * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
+ * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
+ *
+ *
+ * Contributors:
+ * Boeing - initial API and implementation
+ *******************************************************************************/
+package org.eclipse.osee.framework.core.model.type;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.Collection;
+import org.junit.Assert;
+import org.eclipse.osee.framework.core.exception.OseeCoreException;
+import org.eclipse.osee.framework.core.model.type.ArtifactType;
+import org.eclipse.osee.framework.jdk.core.util.GUID;
+import org.junit.Ignore;
+import org.junit.Test;
+import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
+import org.junit.runners.Parameterized;
+import org.junit.runners.Parameterized.Parameters;
+ * Test Case for {@link ArtifactType}
+ *
+ * @author Roberto E. Escobar
+ */
+public class ArtifactTypeTest extends AbstractOseeTypeTest<ArtifactType> {
+ private final boolean isAbstract;
+ public ArtifactTypeTest(ArtifactType type, String guid, String name, boolean isAbstract) {
+ super(type, guid, name);
+ this.isAbstract = isAbstract;
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testSetGetIsAbstract() throws OseeCoreException {
+ Assert.assertEquals(isAbstract, getType().isAbstract());
+ getType().clearDirty();
+ Assert.assertFalse(getType().isDirty());
+ Assert.assertFalse(getType().areFieldsDirty(ArtifactType.ARTIFACT_IS_ABSTRACT_FIELD_KEY));
+ // Check assigning the same value does not affect dirty
+ getType().setAbstract(isAbstract);
+ Assert.assertFalse(getType().isDirty());
+ Assert.assertFalse(getType().areFieldsDirty(ArtifactType.ARTIFACT_IS_ABSTRACT_FIELD_KEY));
+ getType().setAbstract(!isAbstract);
+ Assert.assertEquals(!isAbstract, getType().isAbstract());
+ Assert.assertTrue(getType().isDirty());
+ Assert.assertTrue(getType().areFieldsDirty(ArtifactType.ARTIFACT_IS_ABSTRACT_FIELD_KEY));
+ getType().setAbstract(isAbstract);
+ getType().clearDirty();
+ }
+ @Ignore
+ @Test
+ public void test() {
+ // getType().compareTo(other);
+ // getType().getAttributeTypes(branch);
+ // getType().setAttributeTypes(attributeTypes, branch);
+ // getType().getFieldNames();
+ // getType().getFirstLevelDescendantTypes();
+ // getType().getAllDescendantTypes();
+ // getType().getLocalAttributeTypes();
+ // getType().getSuperArtifactTypes();
+ // getType().setSuperType(superType);
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void testToString() {
+ Assert.assertEquals(getExpectedName(), getType().toString());
+ }
+ @Parameters
+ public static Collection<Object[]> getData() {
+ Collection<Object[]> data = new ArrayList<Object[]>();
+ boolean isAbstract = true;
+ for (int index = 1; index <= 3; index++) {
+ String guid = GUID.create();
+ String name = "index: " + index;
+ isAbstract ^= isAbstract;
+ data.add(new Object[] {new ArtifactType(guid, name, isAbstract), guid, name, isAbstract});
+ }
+ return data;
+ }
+ // @Override
+ // @Ignore
+ // @Test
+ // public void testPersist() throws OseeCoreException {
+ //
+ // // T item1 = data.get(0);
+ // // T item2 = data.get(1);
+ // //
+ // // cache.storeByGuid(guids);
+ // // cache.storeItem(item);
+ // // cache.storeItems(toStore);
+ // // cache.storeItems(items);
+ // // public void storeItem(AbstractOseeType item) throws OseeCoreException {
+ //
+ // // public void storeItems(T... items) throws OseeCoreException {
+ //
+ // // public void storeItems(Collection<T> toStore) throws OseeCoreException {
+ // }
+ // @org.junit.Test
+ // public void testArtifactInheritanceCycleDetect() throws OseeCoreException {
+ // ArtifactType baseType = artCache.getUniqueByName("BaseArtifactType");
+ // Assert.assertNotNull(baseType);
+ //
+ // Set<ArtifactType> baseSuperType = new HashSet<ArtifactType>();
+ // baseSuperType.add(baseType);
+ //
+ // try {
+ // artCache.cacheArtifactSuperType(baseType, baseSuperType);
+ // Assert.assertTrue(
+ // "This line should not be execute, an inheritance cycle should have been detected and an exception should have been thrown",
+ // false);
+ // } catch (OseeInvalidInheritanceException ex) {
+ // Assert.assertNotNull(ex);
+ // }
+ // }
+ //
+ // @org.junit.Test
+ // public void testArtifactInheritance() throws OseeCoreException {
+ // OseeTypesUtil.checkInheritance(artCache, "000", "000");// inherits from returns true if comparing against itself
+ // OseeTypesUtil.checkInheritance(artCache, "111", "000");
+ // OseeTypesUtil.checkInheritance(artCache, "222", "000");
+ // OseeTypesUtil.checkInheritance(artCache, "333", "000", "222");
+ // OseeTypesUtil.checkInheritance(artCache, "444", "000", "222", "333");
+ // OseeTypesUtil.checkInheritance(artCache, "555", "000", "444", "333", "222");
+ // OseeTypesUtil.checkInheritance(artCache, "666", "000", "333", "222");
+ // }
+ //
+ // @org.junit.Test
+ // public void testArtifactInheritanceDescendants() throws OseeCoreException {
+ // OseeTypesUtil.checkDescendants(artCache, "000", false, "111", "222");
+ // OseeTypesUtil.checkDescendants(artCache, "000", true, "111", "222", "333", "444", "555", "666");
+ //
+ // OseeTypesUtil.checkDescendants(artCache, "111", false);
+ // OseeTypesUtil.checkDescendants(artCache, "111", true);
+ //
+ // OseeTypesUtil.checkDescendants(artCache, "222", false, "333");
+ // OseeTypesUtil.checkDescendants(artCache, "222", true, "333", "444", "555", "666");
+ //
+ // OseeTypesUtil.checkDescendants(artCache, "333", false, "333", "444");
+ // OseeTypesUtil.checkDescendants(artCache, "333", true, "444", "555", "666");
+ //
+ // OseeTypesUtil.checkDescendants(artCache, "444", false, "555");
+ // OseeTypesUtil.checkDescendants(artCache, "444", true, "555");
+ // }
+ //
+ // @org.junit.Test
+ // public void testNullArtifactInheritanceCheck() throws OseeCoreException {
+ // ArtifactType baseType = artCache.getUniqueByName("BaseArtifactType");
+ // // Check for null inheritance
+ // Assert.assertFalse(baseType.inheritsFrom((ArtifactType) null));
+ // }
+ //
+ // @org.junit.Test
+ // public void testArtifactInheritanceByName() throws OseeCoreException {
+ // Assert.assertTrue(artCache.getByGuid("666").inheritsFrom("ArtifactType3")); // check inherits from using artifact name
+ // }
+ //
+ // @org.junit.Test
+ // public void testAddArtifactSuperTypeMethod() throws OseeCoreException {
+ // ArtifactType artifactType = factory.createArtifactType(artCache, "myGUID", false, "TestMethodCreated");
+ // artCache.cache(artifactType);
+ //
+ // ArtifactType baseType = artCache.getUniqueByName("BaseArtifactType");
+ // Assert.assertFalse(artifactType.inheritsFrom(baseType));
+ // Assert.assertEquals(0, artifactType.getSuperArtifactTypes().size());
+ //
+ // artifactType.setSuperType(new HashSet<ArtifactType>(Arrays.asList(baseType)));
+ // Assert.assertEquals(1, artifactType.getSuperArtifactTypes().size());
+ // Assert.assertTrue(artifactType.inheritsFrom(baseType));
+ // artCache.decache(artifactType);
+ // }
+ //
+ // @org.junit.Test
+ // public void testInheritedAttributeTypes() throws OseeCoreException {
+ // Branch branch1 = branchCache.getByGuid("ROOT");
+ // Branch branch2 = branchCache.getByGuid("TEST");
+ // Assert.assertNotNull(branch1);
+ // Assert.assertNotNull(branch2);
+ // OseeTypesUtil.checkAttributes(artCache, attrCache, "000", branch1, "AAA");
+ // OseeTypesUtil.checkAttributes(artCache, attrCache, "111", branch1, "AAA", "BBB");
+ // OseeTypesUtil.checkAttributes(artCache, attrCache, "222", branch1, "AAA", "CCC");
+ // OseeTypesUtil.checkAttributes(artCache, attrCache, "333", branch1, "AAA", "DDD", "CCC");
+ // OseeTypesUtil.checkAttributes(artCache, attrCache, "444", branch1, "AAA", "FFF", "CCC", "DDD");
+ // OseeTypesUtil.checkAttributes(artCache, attrCache, "555", branch1, "AAA", "GGG", "FFF", "CCC", "DDD");
+ // OseeTypesUtil.checkAttributes(artCache, attrCache, "666", branch1, "AAA", "HHH", "DDD", "CCC");
+ //
+ // OseeTypesUtil.checkAttributes(artCache, attrCache, "000", branch2, "AAA");
+ // OseeTypesUtil.checkAttributes(artCache, attrCache, "111", branch2, "AAA", "BBB");
+ // OseeTypesUtil.checkAttributes(artCache, attrCache, "222", branch2, "AAA", "CCC");
+ // OseeTypesUtil.checkAttributes(artCache, attrCache, "333", branch2, "AAA", "DDD", "CCC", "EEE"); // EEE only visible on branch2
+ // OseeTypesUtil.checkAttributes(artCache, attrCache, "444", branch2, "AAA", "FFF", "CCC", "DDD", "EEE");
+ // OseeTypesUtil.checkAttributes(artCache, attrCache, "555", branch2, "AAA", "GGG", "FFF", "CCC", "DDD", "EEE");
+ // OseeTypesUtil.checkAttributes(artCache, attrCache, "666", branch2, "AAA", "HHH", "DDD", "CCC", "EEE");
+ // }
+ //
+ // @Override
+ // public void testDirty() throws OseeCoreException {
+ // }
+ //
+ // private final static class BranchDataAccessor extends MockOseeDataAccessor<Branch> {
+ //
+ // @Override
+ // public void load(AbstractOseeCache<Branch> cache) throws OseeCoreException {
+ // super.load(cache);
+ // Branch branch1 =
+ // OseeTypesUtil.createBranch(cache, factory, "ROOT", "Root Branch", BranchType.SYSTEM_ROOT,
+ // BranchState.CREATED, false);
+ // branch1.setId(999);
+ // cache.cache(branch1);
+ //
+ // Branch branch2 =
+ // OseeTypesUtil.createBranch(cache, factory, "TEST", "Test Branch", BranchType.BASELINE,
+ // BranchState.CREATED, false);
+ // branch2.setId(998);
+ // cache.cache(branch2);
+ //
+ // ((BranchCache) cache).setBranchParent(branch1, branch2);
+ // }
+ //
+ // }
+ //
+ // private final static class AttributeDataAccessor extends MockOseeDataAccessor<AttributeType> {
+ //
+ // private final List<AttributeType> attributeTypes;
+ //
+ // public AttributeDataAccessor(List<AttributeType> attributeTypes) {
+ // super();
+ // this.attributeTypes = attributeTypes;
+ // }
+ //
+ // private AttributeType createAttributeTypeHelper(AbstractOseeCache<AttributeType> cache, IOseeTypeFactory factory, String guid, String name) throws OseeCoreException {
+ // return factory.createAttributeType(cache, guid, name, "DummyBase", "DummyProvider", "none", "none", null, 1,
+ // 1, "test data", null);
+ // }
+ //
+ // @Override
+ // public void load(AbstractOseeCache<AttributeType> cache) throws OseeCoreException {
+ // super.load(cache);
+ // attributeTypes.add(createAttributeTypeHelper(cache, factory, "AAA", "Attribute1"));
+ // attributeTypes.add(createAttributeTypeHelper(cache, factory, "BBB", "Attribute2"));
+ // attributeTypes.add(createAttributeTypeHelper(cache, factory, "CCC", "Attribute3"));
+ // attributeTypes.add(createAttributeTypeHelper(cache, factory, "DDD", "Attribute4"));
+ // attributeTypes.add(createAttributeTypeHelper(cache, factory, "EEE", "Attribute5"));
+ // attributeTypes.add(createAttributeTypeHelper(cache, factory, "FFF", "Attribute6"));
+ // attributeTypes.add(createAttributeTypeHelper(cache, factory, "GGG", "Attribute7"));
+ // attributeTypes.add(createAttributeTypeHelper(cache, factory, "HHH", "Attribute8"));
+ // int typeId = 200;
+ // for (AttributeType type : attributeTypes) {
+ // type.setId(typeId++);
+ // cache.cache(type);
+ // }
+ // }
+ // }
+ //
+ // private void setUpArtifactTypeInheritance(ArtifactTypeCache cache) throws OseeCoreException {
+ // ArtifactType baseType = cache.getUniqueByName("BaseArtifactType");
+ //
+ // Set<ArtifactType> baseSuperType = new HashSet<ArtifactType>();
+ // baseSuperType.add(baseType);
+ // // 0<-1
+ // cache.cacheArtifactSuperType(cache.getByGuid("111"), baseSuperType);
+ // // 0<-2
+ // cache.cacheArtifactSuperType(cache.getByGuid("222"), baseSuperType);
+ // // 2<-3
+ // cache.cacheArtifactSuperType(cache.getByGuid("333"), Arrays.asList(cache.getByGuid("222")));
+ // // 3<-4
+ // cache.cacheArtifactSuperType(cache.getByGuid("444"), Arrays.asList(cache.getByGuid("333")));
+ // // 4<-5
+ // cache.cacheArtifactSuperType(cache.getByGuid("555"), Arrays.asList(cache.getByGuid("444")));
+ // // 3<-6
+ // cache.cacheArtifactSuperType(cache.getByGuid("666"), Arrays.asList(cache.getByGuid("333")));
+ // }
+ //
+ // private void setUpTypeValidity(ArtifactTypeCache cache) throws OseeCoreException {
+ // Branch branch1 = branchCache.getByGuid("ROOT");
+ // Branch branch2 = branchCache.getByGuid("TEST");
+ // Assert.assertNotNull(branch1);
+ // Assert.assertNotNull(branch2);
+ // cache.cacheTypeValidity(cache.getByGuid("000"), attributeCache.getByGuid("AAA"), branch1);
+ // cache.cacheTypeValidity(cache.getByGuid("111"), attributeCache.getByGuid("BBB"), branch1);
+ // cache.cacheTypeValidity(cache.getByGuid("222"), attributeCache.getByGuid("CCC"), branch1);
+ // cache.cacheTypeValidity(cache.getByGuid("333"), attributeCache.getByGuid("DDD"), branch1);
+ // cache.cacheTypeValidity(cache.getByGuid("333"), attributeCache.getByGuid("EEE"), branch2);
+ // cache.cacheTypeValidity(cache.getByGuid("444"), attributeCache.getByGuid("FFF"), branch1);
+ // cache.cacheTypeValidity(cache.getByGuid("555"), attributeCache.getByGuid("GGG"), branch1);
+ // cache.cacheTypeValidity(cache.getByGuid("666"), attributeCache.getByGuid("HHH"), branch1);
+ // }

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