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1 files changed, 343 insertions, 126 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/ b/plugins/
index d7fb621d38a..ef9c8010b0d 100644
--- a/plugins/
+++ b/plugins/
@@ -10,191 +10,408 @@
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.Collection;
+import java.util.HashMap;
+import java.util.Iterator;
+import java.util.List;
+import java.util.Map;
+import java.util.Stack;
+import java.util.TreeMap;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
-import java.util.regex.Pattern;
+import javax.script.ScriptEngine;
+import javax.script.ScriptEngineManager;
+import javax.script.ScriptException;
import org.antlr.runtime.ANTLRStringStream;
import org.antlr.runtime.CommonTokenStream;
import org.antlr.runtime.RecognitionException;
import org.eclipse.osee.framework.core.enums.CoreArtifactTypes;
+import org.eclipse.osee.framework.core.enums.CoreAttributeTypes;
+import org.eclipse.osee.framework.core.grammar.ApplicabilityBlock;
+import org.eclipse.osee.framework.core.grammar.ApplicabilityBlock.ApplicabilityType;
import org.eclipse.osee.framework.core.grammar.ApplicabilityGrammarLexer;
import org.eclipse.osee.framework.core.grammar.ApplicabilityGrammarParser;
-import org.eclipse.osee.framework.jdk.core.type.HashCollection;
+import org.eclipse.osee.framework.core.util.WordCoreUtil;
import org.eclipse.osee.framework.jdk.core.type.OseeCoreException;
import org.eclipse.osee.orcs.OrcsApi;
public class WordMLApplicabilityHandler {
- private static String FEATUREAPP = "feature";
- private static String CONFIGAPP = "config";
+ public static String previewValidApplicabilityContent(OrcsApi orcsApi, String content, BranchId branch) throws OseeCoreException {
+ Map<String, List<String>> featureValuesAllowed = new TreeMap<>(String.CASE_INSENSITIVE_ORDER);
+ featureValuesAllowed =
+ orcsApi.getQueryFactory().applicabilityQuery().getBranchViewFeatureValues(branch, branch.getViewId());
- private static String MAX_TAG_OCCURENCE = "30";
- private static String WORD_ML_TAGS = "(\\<[^>]*?>){0," + MAX_TAG_OCCURENCE + "}";
+ String toReturn = content;
- private static String TABLE_CELL = "<w:tc>";
- private static String TABLE = "<w:tbl>";
+ ArtifactReadable featureDefArt = orcsApi.getQueryFactory().fromBranch(branch).andTypeEquals(
+ CoreArtifactTypes.FeatureDefinition).getResults().getExactlyOne();
+ String featureDefJson = featureDefArt.getSoleAttributeAsString(CoreAttributeTypes.GeneralStringData);
+ Collection<String> configurationsAllowed = featureValuesAllowed.get("Config");
+ Stack<ApplicabilityBlock> applicabilityBlocks = new Stack<>();
+ Matcher matcher = WordCoreUtil.FULL_PATTERN.matcher(toReturn);
+ int searchIndex = 0;
+ int applicBlockCount = 0;
+ while (searchIndex < toReturn.length() && matcher.find(searchIndex)) {
+ String beginFeature = != null ? WordCoreUtil.textOnly( : null;
+ String beginConfiguration = != null ? WordCoreUtil.textOnly( : null;
+ String endFeature = != null ? WordCoreUtil.textOnly( : null;
+ String endConfiguration = != null ? WordCoreUtil.textOnly( : null;
+ if (beginFeature != null && beginFeature.toLowerCase().contains(WordCoreUtil.FEATUREAPP)) {
+ applicBlockCount += 1;
+ searchIndex = addBeginApplicabilityBlock(ApplicabilityType.Feature, applicabilityBlocks, matcher,
+ beginFeature, searchIndex);
+ } else if (beginConfiguration != null && beginConfiguration.toLowerCase().contains(WordCoreUtil.CONFIGAPP)) {
+ applicBlockCount += 1;
+ searchIndex = addBeginApplicabilityBlock(ApplicabilityType.Configuration, applicabilityBlocks, matcher,
+ beginConfiguration, searchIndex);
+ } else if ((endFeature != null && endFeature.toLowerCase().contains(
+ WordCoreUtil.FEATUREAPP)) || (endConfiguration != null && endConfiguration.toLowerCase().contains(
+ WordCoreUtil.CONFIGAPP))) {
+ applicBlockCount -= 1;
+ ApplicabilityBlock applicabilityBlock = getFullApplicabilityBlock(applicabilityBlocks, matcher, toReturn);
+ int endBracketGroup = applicabilityBlock.getType().equals(ApplicabilityType.Feature) ? 25 : 60;
+ String optionalEndBracket =
+ != null ? WordCoreUtil.textOnly( : null;
+ String toInsert = evaluateApplicabilityBlock(applicabilityBlock, optionalEndBracket, toReturn,
+ featureDefJson, featureValuesAllowed, configurationsAllowed);
+ String toReplace =
+ toReturn.substring(applicabilityBlock.getStartInsertIndex(), applicabilityBlock.getEndInsertIndex());
+ toReturn = toReturn.replace(toReplace, toInsert);
+ searchIndex = applicabilityBlock.getStartInsertIndex() + toInsert.length();
+ matcher = WordCoreUtil.FULL_PATTERN.matcher(toReturn);
+ } else {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
- public static String END = "E" + WORD_ML_TAGS + "n" + WORD_ML_TAGS + "d ?" + WORD_ML_TAGS + " ?";
- public static String ELSE = "E" + WORD_ML_TAGS + "l" + WORD_ML_TAGS + "s" + WORD_ML_TAGS + "e ?";
- public static String FEATURE =
- "F" + WORD_ML_TAGS + "e" + WORD_ML_TAGS + "a" + WORD_ML_TAGS + "t" + WORD_ML_TAGS + "u" + WORD_ML_TAGS + "r" + WORD_ML_TAGS + "e";
- public static String CONFIG =
- "C" + WORD_ML_TAGS + "o" + WORD_ML_TAGS + "n" + WORD_ML_TAGS + "f" + WORD_ML_TAGS + "i" + WORD_ML_TAGS + "g" + WORD_ML_TAGS + "u" + WORD_ML_TAGS + "r" + WORD_ML_TAGS + "a" + WORD_ML_TAGS + "t" + WORD_ML_TAGS + "i" + WORD_ML_TAGS + "o" + WORD_ML_TAGS + "n";
+ toReturn = removeEmptyLists(toReturn);
+ if (applicBlockCount != 0) {
+ throw new OseeCoreException("An applicability block of text is missing an End Feature/Configuration tag");
+ }
- public static String ENDBRACKETS = WORD_ML_TAGS + "(\\[(.*?)\\]) ?";
- public static String OPTIONAL_ENDBRACKETS = " ?(" + WORD_ML_TAGS + "(\\[.*?\\]))?";
- public static String BEGINCONFIG = CONFIG + ENDBRACKETS;
+ return toReturn;
+ }
- public static String LOGICAL_STRING = WORD_ML_TAGS + " ?(LM|ID).*?";
+ private static String evaluateApplicabilityBlock(ApplicabilityBlock applicabilityBlock, String optionalEndBracket, String fullWordML, String featureDefJson, Map<String, List<String>> featureValuesAllowed, Collection<String> configurationsAllowed) {
+ //Remove Logical Messages that were mistaken for optional end brackets
+ if (optionalEndBracket != null && optionalEndBracket.contains(".")) {
+ int originalEnd = applicabilityBlock.getEndInsertIndex();
+ applicabilityBlock.setEndInsertIndex(originalEnd - optionalEndBracket.length());
+ } else {
+ Integer endTextIndex = applicabilityBlock.getEndTextIndex();
+ Integer endInsertIndex = applicabilityBlock.getEndInsertIndex();
+ String toCheck = fullWordML.substring(endTextIndex, endInsertIndex);
- public static Pattern LOGICAL_PATTERN =
- Pattern.compile(LOGICAL_STRING, Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE | Pattern.DOTALL | Pattern.MULTILINE);
+ int indexOf = WordCoreUtil.indexOf(toCheck, WordCoreUtil.LOGICAL_STRING);
+ if (indexOf != -1) {
+ applicabilityBlock.setEndInsertIndex(endTextIndex + indexOf);
+ }
+ }
- public static Pattern FEATURE_CONFIG_PATTERN =
- Pattern.compile("(" + BEGINFEATURE + "(.*?)" + ENDFEATURE + ")|(" + BEGINCONFIG + "(.*?)" + ENDCONFIG + ")",
+ Map<String, String> binDataMap = new TreeMap<>(String.CASE_INSENSITIVE_ORDER);
+ saveBinData(applicabilityBlock.getFullText(), binDataMap);
+ String toInsert = evaluateApplicabilityExpression(applicabilityBlock, featureDefJson, configurationsAllowed,
+ featureValuesAllowed);
+ toInsert = insertMissingbinData(toInsert, binDataMap);
- public static Pattern ELSE_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("(" + FEATURE + "|" + CONFIG + ")" + " " + ELSE,
+ return toInsert;
+ }
- public static Pattern TABLE_PATTERN =
- Pattern.compile("<w:tbl>(.*?)</w:tbl>", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE | Pattern.DOTALL | Pattern.MULTILINE);
- public static Pattern TABLE_ROW_PATTERN =
- Pattern.compile("<w:tr wsp:rsidR=\".*?\" wsp:rsidRPr=\".*?\" wsp:rsidTr=\".*?\">(.*?)</w:tr>",
- public static Pattern TABLE_CELL_PATTERN =
- Pattern.compile("<w:tc>(.*?)</w:tc>", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE | Pattern.DOTALL | Pattern.MULTILINE);
+ private static String removeEmptyLists(String wordML) {
+ return wordML.replaceAll(WordCoreUtil.EMPTY_LIST_REGEX, "");
+ }
- private static int startSearchIndex = 0;
- private static int startReplaceIndex = 0;
- private static int endReplaceIndex = 0;
+ private static String insertMissingbinData(String toInsert, Map<String, String> binDataMap) {
+ String temp = toInsert;
+ Matcher matcher = WordCoreUtil.IMG_SRC_PATTERN.matcher(temp);
+ while (matcher.find()) {
+ String srcId =;
+ if (binDataMap.containsKey(srcId)) {
+ String binData = binDataMap.get(srcId);
+ if (!temp.contains(binData)) {
+ temp = binData + temp;
+ }
+ }
+ }
- public static String previewValidApplicabilityContent(OrcsApi orcsApi, String content, BranchId branch) throws OseeCoreException {
- String toReturn = content;
- startReplaceIndex = 0;
- endReplaceIndex = 0;
- startSearchIndex = 0;
+ return temp;
+ }
- HashCollection<String, String> featureValuesAllowed =
- orcsApi.getQueryFactory().applicabilityQuery().getBranchViewFeatureValues(branch, branch.getViewId());
+ private static void saveBinData(String fullText, Map<String, String> binDataMap) {
+ Matcher matcher = WordCoreUtil.BIN_DATA_PATTERN.matcher(fullText);
+ while (matcher.find()) {
+ binDataMap.put(,;
+ }
+ }
- String configuration = featureValuesAllowed.getValues("CONFIG").iterator().next();
+ private static int addBeginApplicabilityBlock(ApplicabilityType type, Stack<ApplicabilityBlock> applicabilityBlocks, Matcher matcher, String applicabilityExpression, int searchIndex) {
+ ApplicabilityBlock beginApplic = new ApplicabilityBlock();
+ beginApplic.setType(type);
+ //Remove extra space
+ applicabilityExpression = applicabilityExpression.replace(" [", "[");
+ beginApplic.setApplicabilityExpression(applicabilityExpression);
+ beginApplic.setStartInsertIndex(matcher.start());
+ beginApplic.setStartTextIndex(matcher.end());
+ applicabilityBlocks.push(beginApplic);
+ searchIndex = matcher.end();
+ return searchIndex;
+ }
- ApplicabilityExpression appExp = new ApplicabilityExpression(configuration, featureValuesAllowed);
+ private static ApplicabilityBlock getFullApplicabilityBlock(Stack<ApplicabilityBlock> applicabilityBlocks, Matcher matcher, String toReturn) {
+ if (applicabilityBlocks.isEmpty()) {
+ throw new OseeCoreException("An applicability block of text is missing a start Feature/Configuration tag");
+ }
+ ApplicabilityBlock applic = applicabilityBlocks.pop();
+ applic.setEndInsertIndex(matcher.end());
+ applic.setEndTextIndex(matcher.start());
+ String insideText = toReturn.substring(applic.getStartTextIndex(), applic.getEndTextIndex());
+ applic.setFullText(insideText);
+ // Adjust start and end insert indicies if tags are inside a table
+ if (!applic.getFullText().contains(WordCoreUtil.TABLE) && applic.getFullText().contains(
+ WordCoreUtil.TABLE_CELL)) {
+ String findStartOfRow = toReturn.substring(0, applic.getStartInsertIndex());
+ int startRowIndex = findStartOfRow.lastIndexOf("<w:tr wsp:rsidR=");
+ if (startRowIndex != -1) {
+ // find end of row after the END configuration/feature tag
+ String findEndOfRow = toReturn.substring(matcher.end());
+ int endRowIndex = findEndOfRow.indexOf("</w:tr>");
+ if (endRowIndex != -1) {
+ endRowIndex = endRowIndex + matcher.end() + 7;
+ String fullText = toReturn.substring(startRowIndex, endRowIndex);
+ applic.setIsInTable(true);
+ applic.setStartInsertIndex(startRowIndex);
+ applic.setEndInsertIndex(startRowIndex + fullText.length());
+ fullText = fullText.replaceAll(WordCoreUtil.ENDFEATURE + "|" + WordCoreUtil.ENDCONFIG, "");
+ fullText = fullText.replaceAll(WordCoreUtil.BEGINFEATURE + "|" + WordCoreUtil.BEGINCONFIG, "");
+ applic.setFullText(fullText);
+ }
+ }
+ }
- // need to do this to make sure index keeps getting updated for adding and removing content
- while (startSearchIndex < toReturn.length()) {
- String toSearch = toReturn.substring(startSearchIndex);
- String applicabilityContent = findNextApplicability(toSearch);
+ return applic;
+ }
- if (applicabilityContent == null) {
- break;
+ private static String evaluateApplicabilityExpression(ApplicabilityBlock applic, String featureDefJson, Collection<String> configurationsAllowed, Map<String, List<String>> featureValuesAllowed) {
+ String applicabilityExpression = applic.getApplicabilityExpression();
+ String toInsert = "";
+ try {
+ String fullText = applic.getFullText();
+ ApplicabilityGrammarLexer lex =
+ new ApplicabilityGrammarLexer(new ANTLRStringStream(applicabilityExpression.toUpperCase()));
+ ApplicabilityGrammarParser parser = new ApplicabilityGrammarParser(new CommonTokenStream(lex));
+ parser.start();
+ if (applic.getType().equals(ApplicabilityType.Feature)) {
+ toInsert = getValidFeatureContent(fullText, applic.isInTable(), parser.getIdValuesMap(),
+ parser.getOperators(), featureDefJson, featureValuesAllowed);
+ } else if (applic.getType().equals(ApplicabilityType.Configuration)) {
+ toInsert = getValidConfigurationContent(fullText, parser.getIdValuesMap(), configurationsAllowed);
- String plainText = WordUtilities.textOnly(applicabilityContent);
- String plExpression = plainText.substring(0, plainText.indexOf("]") + 1);
+ } catch (RecognitionException ex) {
+ throw new OseeCoreException(
+ "Failed to parse expression: " + applicabilityExpression + " at start Index: " + applic.getStartInsertIndex());
+ }
+ return toInsert;
+ }
+ public static String getValidConfigurationContent(String fullText, HashMap<String, List<String>> id_value_map, Collection<String> configurationsAllowed) {
+ Matcher match = WordCoreUtil.ELSE_PATTERN.matcher(fullText);
+ String beginningText = fullText;
+ String elseText = "";
+ if (match.find()) {
+ beginningText = fullText.substring(0, match.start());
+ elseText = fullText.substring(match.end());
+ elseText = elseText.replaceAll(WordCoreUtil.ENDCONFIG, "");
+ elseText = elseText.replaceAll(WordCoreUtil.BEGINCONFIG, "");
+ }
+ String toReturn = "";
- if (plExpression.isEmpty()) {
- throw new OseeCoreException("The applicability expression is missing an end bracket\n " + plainText);
+ // Note: this assumes only OR's are put in between configurations
+ for (String id : id_value_map.keySet()) {
+ boolean isIncluded = true;
+ List<String> values = id_value_map.get(id);
+ for (String val : values) {
+ if (val.equalsIgnoreCase("excluded")) {
+ isIncluded = false;
+ }
+ }
+ if (containsIgnoreCase(configurationsAllowed, id) == isIncluded) {
+ toReturn = beginningText;
+ break;
- toReturn = parseExpression(orcsApi, appExp, plExpression, applicabilityContent, toReturn, branch);
return toReturn;
- private static String parseExpression(OrcsApi orcsApi, ApplicabilityExpression featureAppExp, String plExpression, String contentBlock, String toReturn, BranchId branch) {
- String validContent = null;
- try {
- ApplicabilityGrammarLexer lex = new ApplicabilityGrammarLexer(new ANTLRStringStream(plExpression));
- ApplicabilityGrammarParser parser = new ApplicabilityGrammarParser(new CommonTokenStream(lex));
- parser.start();
+ private static String getValidFeatureContent(String fullText, boolean isInTable, HashMap<String, List<String>> featureIdValuesMap, ArrayList<String> featureOperators, String featureDefJson, Map<String, List<String>> featureValuesAllowed) {
+ ScriptEngineManager sem = new ScriptEngineManager();
+ ScriptEngine se = sem.getEngineByName("JavaScript");
- String applicabilityType = parser.getApplicabilityType();
+ Matcher match = WordCoreUtil.ELSE_PATTERN.matcher(fullText);
+ String beginningText = fullText;
+ String elseText = "";
- if (applicabilityType.equals(FEATUREAPP)) {
- ArtifactReadable featureDefArt = orcsApi.getQueryFactory().fromBranch(branch).andTypeEquals(
- CoreArtifactTypes.FeatureDefinition).getResults().getExactlyOne();
+ if (match.find()) {
- validContent = featureAppExp.getValidFeatureContent(contentBlock, parser.getFeatureIdValuesMap(),
- parser.getFeatureOperators(), featureDefArt);
- } else if (applicabilityType.equals(CONFIGAPP)) {
- validContent = featureAppExp.getValidConfigurationContent(contentBlock, parser.getConfigIds());
+ if (isInTable) {
+ String temp = fullText.substring(0, match.end());
+ // Find last occurence of table row
+ int lastIndexOf = temp.lastIndexOf("<w:tr wsp:rsidR=");
+ if (lastIndexOf != -1) {
+ elseText = fullText.substring(lastIndexOf);
+ elseText = elseText.replaceAll(WordCoreUtil.ELSE_EXP, "");
+ beginningText = fullText.substring(0, lastIndexOf);
+ }
+ } else {
+ beginningText = fullText.substring(0, match.start());
+ elseText = fullText.substring(match.end());
- } catch (RecognitionException ex) {
- throw new OseeCoreException(
- "Failed to parse expression: " + plExpression + " at start Index: " + startReplaceIndex);
+ elseText = elseText.replaceAll(WordCoreUtil.ENDFEATURE, "");
+ elseText = elseText.replaceAll(WordCoreUtil.BEGINFEATURE, "");
- if (validContent != null) {
- String toReplace = toReturn.substring(startReplaceIndex, endReplaceIndex);
- toReturn = toReturn.replace(toReplace, validContent);
- startSearchIndex = startReplaceIndex + validContent.length();
+ String toReturn = "";
+ String expression =
+ createFeatureExpression(featureIdValuesMap, featureOperators, featureDefJson, featureValuesAllowed);
+ boolean result = false;
+ try {
+ result = (boolean) se.eval(expression);
+ } catch (ScriptException ex) {
+ throw new OseeCoreException("Failed to parse expression: " + expression);
+ }
+ if (result) {
+ toReturn = beginningText;
} else {
- String toReplace = toReturn.substring(startReplaceIndex, endReplaceIndex);
- toReturn = toReturn.replace(toReplace, "");
- startSearchIndex = startReplaceIndex;
+ toReturn = elseText;
return toReturn;
- private static String findNextApplicability(String toSearch) {
- String toReturn = null;
+ private static String createFeatureExpression(HashMap<String, List<String>> featureIdValuesMap, ArrayList<String> featureOperators, String featureDefJson, Map<String, List<String>> featureValuesAllowed) {
+ ScriptEngineManager sem = new ScriptEngineManager();
+ ScriptEngine se = sem.getEngineByName("JavaScript");
- Matcher match = FEATURE_CONFIG_PATTERN.matcher(toSearch);
+ String myFeatureExpression = "";
+ Iterator<String> iterator = featureOperators.iterator();
- if (match.find()) {
- // If match contains the table tag, the Feature/Config is around entire table and not just a row so no special parsing needed
- if (! && {
- String findStartOfRow = toSearch.substring(0, match.start());
- int startRowIndex = findStartOfRow.lastIndexOf("<w:tr wsp:rsidR=");
- if (startRowIndex != -1) {
- String findEndOfRow = toSearch.substring(startRowIndex);
- int endRowIndex = findEndOfRow.indexOf("</w:tr>");
- if (endRowIndex != -1) {
- endRowIndex = endRowIndex + startRowIndex + 7;
- toReturn = toSearch.substring(startRowIndex, endRowIndex);
- startReplaceIndex = startRowIndex + startSearchIndex;
- endReplaceIndex = startReplaceIndex + toReturn.length();
- }
+ for (String feature : featureIdValuesMap.keySet()) {
+ List<String> values = featureIdValuesMap.get(feature);
+ String valueExpression = createValueExpression(feature, values, featureDefJson, featureValuesAllowed);
+ boolean result = false;
+ try {
+ result = (boolean) se.eval(valueExpression);
+ } catch (ScriptException ex) {
+ throw new OseeCoreException("Failed to parse expression: " + valueExpression);
+ }
+ myFeatureExpression += result + " ";
+ if (iterator.hasNext()) {
+ String next =;
+ if (next.equals("|")) {
+ myFeatureExpression += "|| ";
+ } else if (next.equals("&")) {
+ myFeatureExpression += "&& ";
+ }
+ }
+ return myFeatureExpression;
+ }
+ private static String createValueExpression(String feature, List<String> values, String featureDefJson, Map<String, List<String>> featureValuesAllowed) {
+ String myValueExpression = "";
+ for (String value : values) {
+ if (value.equals("(")) {
+ myValueExpression += "( ";
+ } else if (value.equals(")")) {
+ myValueExpression += ") ";
+ } else if (value.equals("|")) {
+ myValueExpression += "|| ";
+ } else if (value.equals("&")) {
+ myValueExpression += "&& ";
} else {
- //this is End Feature optional bracket
- int actualEnd = match.end();
- // Group 21 is ending brackets for features, Group 56 is ending brackets for Configuration
- String endBracket = null;
- int endIndex = -1;
- int startIndex = -1;
- if ( != null) {
- endBracket =;
- endIndex = match.end(21);
- startIndex = match.start(21);
- } else if ( != null) {
- endBracket =;
- endIndex = match.end(56);
- startIndex = match.start(56);
- }
- if (endBracket != null) {
- String endBracketText = WordUtilities.textOnly(endBracket);
+ boolean eval = isFeatureValuePairValid(feature, value, featureDefJson, featureValuesAllowed);
+ myValueExpression += eval + " ";
+ }
+ }
+ return myValueExpression;
+ }
+ private static boolean isFeatureValuePairValid(String feature, String value, String featureDefJson, Map<String, List<String>> featureValuesAllowed) {
+ if (featureValuesAllowed.containsKey(feature)) {
+ Collection<String> validValues = featureValuesAllowed.get(feature);
+ value = value.equalsIgnoreCase("Default") ? getDefaultValue(feature, featureDefJson) : value;
+ if (containsIgnoreCase(validValues, value)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ private static boolean containsIgnoreCase(Collection<String> validValues, String val) {
+ for (String validValue : validValues) {
+ if (validValue.equalsIgnoreCase(val)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ private static String getDefaultValue(String feature, String featureDefJson) {
+ String toReturn = null;
+ try {
+ ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
+ FeatureDefinitionData[] featDataList = mapper.readValue(featureDefJson, FeatureDefinitionData[].class);
- // Don't include because it is not a feature/configuration tag
- if (endBracketText.contains(".") || toSearch.substring(endIndex).matches(LOGICAL_STRING)) {
- actualEnd = startIndex;
- }
+ for (FeatureDefinitionData featData : featDataList) {
+ if (featData.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(feature)) {
+ toReturn = featData.getDefaultValue();
+ break;
- int e = - (match.end() - actualEnd);
- toReturn =, e);
- startReplaceIndex = match.start() + startSearchIndex;
- endReplaceIndex = actualEnd + startSearchIndex;
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ throw new OseeCoreException("Error getting default value for feature: " + feature);
return toReturn;

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