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authorjphillips2009-04-17 16:18:54 +0000
committerjphillips2009-04-17 16:18:54 +0000
commit6ae8f9442454ec31e059339192d9702d402d09c2 (patch)
parent0fc96c8f538d51209d0727b37675d71b7f333220 (diff)
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 205 deletions
diff --git a/org.eclipse.osee.framework.skynet.core/src/org/eclipse/osee/framework/skynet/core/artifact/ b/org.eclipse.osee.framework.skynet.core/src/org/eclipse/osee/framework/skynet/core/artifact/
deleted file mode 100644
index 58dbf8aa1fa..00000000000
--- a/org.eclipse.osee.framework.skynet.core/src/org/eclipse/osee/framework/skynet/core/artifact/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,205 +0,0 @@
- * Created on Mar 26, 2009
- *
- */
-package org.eclipse.osee.framework.skynet.core.artifact;
-import java.sql.Timestamp;
-import java.util.LinkedList;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.logging.Level;
-import org.eclipse.osee.framework.core.enums.TxChange;
-import org.eclipse.osee.framework.db.connection.ConnectionHandler;
-import org.eclipse.osee.framework.db.connection.OseeConnection;
-import org.eclipse.osee.framework.db.connection.OseeDbConnection;
-import org.eclipse.osee.framework.db.connection.exception.ArtifactDoesNotExist;
-import org.eclipse.osee.framework.db.connection.exception.OseeCoreException;
-import org.eclipse.osee.framework.db.connection.exception.OseeDataStoreException;
-import org.eclipse.osee.framework.jdk.core.util.time.GlobalTime;
-import org.eclipse.osee.framework.logging.OseeLog;
-import org.eclipse.osee.framework.skynet.core.UserManager;
-import org.eclipse.osee.framework.skynet.core.event.OseeEventManager;
-import org.eclipse.osee.framework.skynet.core.relation.CoreRelationEnumeration;
-import org.eclipse.osee.framework.skynet.core.transaction.SkynetTransaction;
-import org.eclipse.osee.framework.skynet.core.transaction.TransactionId;
-import org.eclipse.osee.framework.skynet.core.transaction.TransactionIdManager;
- * @author Theron Virgin
- * @author Jeff C. Phillips
- */
-public class ArtifactUpdateHandler {
- "INSERT INTO osee_join_transaction (insert_time, transaction_id, gamma_id, query_id) (Select ?, tx1.transaction_id, tx1.gamma_id, ? FROM osee_txs tx1, osee_tx_details td1, osee_artifact_version av1, osee_join_artifact ja1 WHERE td1.branch_id = ? AND td1.transaction_id = tx1.transaction_id AND tx1.gamma_id = av1.gamma_id AND av1.art_id = ja1.art_id AND ja1.branch_id = ? AND ja1.query_id = ?)";
- private static final String POPULATE_ATTRIBUTE_GAMMAS_FOR_UPDATES =
- "INSERT INTO osee_join_transaction (insert_time, transaction_id, gamma_id, query_id) (Select ?, tx2.transaction_id, tx2.gamma_id, ? FROM osee_txs tx2, osee_tx_details td2, osee_attribute at2, osee_join_artifact ja2 WHERE td2.branch_id = ? AND td2.transaction_id = tx2.transaction_id AND tx2.gamma_id = at2.gamma_id AND at2.art_id = ja2.art_id AND ja2.branch_id = ? AND ja2.query_id = ?)";
- private static final String POPULATE_RELATION_GAMMAS_FOR_UPDATES =
- "INSERT INTO osee_join_transaction (insert_time, transaction_id, gamma_id, query_id) (Select ?, tx3.transaction_id, tx3.gamma_id, ? FROM osee_txs tx3, osee_tx_details td3, osee_relation_link rl3, osee_join_artifact ja3 WHERE td3.branch_id = ? AND td3.transaction_id = tx3.transaction_id AND tx3.gamma_id = rl3.gamma_id AND (rl3.a_art_id = ja3.art_id OR rl3.b_art_id = ja3.art_id) AND ja3.branch_id = ? AND ja3.query_id = ?)";
- private static final String UPDATE_REVERT_TABLE =
- "INSERT INTO osee_removed_txs (transaction_id, rem_mod_type, rem_tx_current, rem_transaction_id, rem_gamma_id) (SELECT ?, txs.mod_type, txs.tx_current, txs.transaction_id, txs.gamma_id FROM osee_txs txs, osee_join_transaction trn1 WHERE txs.gamma_id = trn1.gamma_id AND txs.transaction_id = trn1.transaction_id AND trn1.query_id = ? AND NOT EXISTS (Select 'x' from osee_removed_txs rmt1 WHERE rmt1.rem_transaction_id = txs.transaction_id AND txs.gamma_id = rmt1.rem_gamma_id))";
- private static final String DELETE_FROM_TXS_TABLE =
- "DELETE FROM osee_txs where (transaction_id, gamma_id) in (SELECT transaction_id, gamma_id FROM osee_join_transaction WHERE query_id = ?)";
- private static final String INSERT_UPDATED_ARTIFACTS =
- "INSERT INTO osee_txs (transaction_id, gamma_id, mod_type, tx_current) SELECT ?, tx1.gamma_id, tx1.mod_type, tx1.tx_current FROM osee_txs tx1, osee_tx_details td1, osee_artifact_version av1, osee_join_artifact ja1 WHERE td1.branch_id = ? AND td1.transaction_id = tx1.transaction_id AND tx1.tx_current = " + TxChange.CURRENT.getValue() + " AND tx1.gamma_id = av1.gamma_id AND td1.branch_id = ja1.branch_id AND av1.art_id = ja1.art_id AND ja1.query_id = ?";
- private static final String INSERT_UPDATED_ATTRIBUTES_GAMMAS =
- "INSERT INTO osee_txs (transaction_id, gamma_id, mod_type, tx_current) SELECT ?, tx1.gamma_id, tx1.mod_type, tx1.tx_current FROM osee_txs tx1, osee_tx_details td1, osee_attribute at1, osee_join_artifact ja1 WHERE td1.branch_id = ? AND td1.transaction_id = tx1.transaction_id AND tx1.tx_current = " + TxChange.CURRENT.getValue() + " AND tx1.gamma_id = at1.gamma_id AND td1.branch_id = ja1.branch_id AND at1.art_id = ja1.art_id AND ja1.query_id = ?";
- private static final String INSERT_UPDATED_LINKS_GAMMAS =
- "INSERT INTO osee_txs (transaction_id, gamma_id, mod_type, tx_current) SELECT DISTINCT ?, tx1.gamma_id, tx1.mod_type, tx1.tx_current FROM osee_txs tx1, osee_tx_details td1, osee_relation_link rl1, osee_join_artifact ja1 WHERE td1.branch_id = ? AND td1.transaction_id = tx1.transaction_id AND tx1.tx_current = " + TxChange.CURRENT.getValue() + " AND tx1.gamma_id = rl1.gamma_id AND td1.branch_id = ja1.branch_id AND (rl1.a_art_id = ja1.art_id OR rl1.b_art_id = ja1.art_id) AND ja1.query_id = ?";
- private static final String DELETE_FROM_JOIN_TRANSACTION = "DELETE FROM osee_join_transaction WHERE query_id = ?";
- public static void updateArtifacts(Branch branchToUpdate, List<Artifact> artifactVersions, Branch updatingSourceBranch) throws OseeCoreException {
- updateArtifacts(branchToUpdate, artifactVersions, updatingSourceBranch, null, false);
- }
- /* (non-Javadoc)
- * @see org.eclipse.osee.framework.ui.skynet.blam.operation.BlamOperation#runOperation(org.eclipse.osee.framework.ui.skynet.blam.VariableMap, org.eclipse.osee.framework.skynet.core.artifact.Branch, org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor)
- */
- public static void updateArtifacts(Branch branchToUpdate, List<Artifact> artifactVersions, Branch updatingSourceBranch, Artifact destinationParentArtifact, boolean useNewTransaction) throws OseeCoreException {
- if (updatingSourceBranch == null) {
- if (!artifactVersions.isEmpty()) {
- updatingSourceBranch = artifactVersions.get(0).getBranch();
- } else {
- throw new OseeCoreException("Source Branch could not be identified for Artifact Update");
- }
- }
- int transactionNumber;
- SkynetTransaction transaction = null;
- if (useNewTransaction) {
- transaction = new SkynetTransaction(branchToUpdate, "Artifact updated from " + updatingSourceBranch.getBranchShortName());
- transactionNumber = transaction.getTransactionNumber();
- } else {
- //use baseline transaction number
- transactionNumber = TransactionIdManager.getStartEndPoint(branchToUpdate).getKey().getTransactionNumber();
- }
- int queryIdForBranchInfo = ArtifactLoader.getNewQueryId();
- int queryIdForTransGammaIds = ArtifactLoader.getNewQueryId();
- Timestamp insertTime = GlobalTime.GreenwichMeanTimestamp();
- List<Object[]> insertParameters = new LinkedList<Object[]>();
- TransactionId transId = TransactionIdManager.createNextTransactionId(branchToUpdate, UserManager.getUser(), "");
- OseeConnection connection = OseeDbConnection.getConnection();
- try {
- // insert into the artifact_join_table
- for (Artifact artifact : artifactVersions) {
- insertParameters.add(new Object[] {queryIdForBranchInfo, insertTime, artifact.getArtId(),
- updatingSourceBranch.getBranchId(), SQL3DataType.INTEGER});
- try {
- Artifact sourceArtifact = ArtifactQuery.getArtifactFromId(artifact.getArtId(), branchToUpdate);
- sourceArtifact.revert();
- } catch (ArtifactDoesNotExist ex) {
- //Artifact does not need to be reverted if it does not exist.
- }
- }
- ArtifactLoader.insertIntoArtifactJoin(connection, insertParameters);
- runSql(branchToUpdate, updatingSourceBranch, destinationParentArtifact == null, transactionNumber,
- queryIdForBranchInfo, queryIdForTransGammaIds, transId, connection);
- updateSystemWithChanges(branchToUpdate, artifactVersions, destinationParentArtifact, useNewTransaction,
- transaction);
- } finally {
- ArtifactLoader.clearQuery(connection, queryIdForBranchInfo);
- ConnectionHandler.runPreparedUpdate(connection, DELETE_FROM_JOIN_TRANSACTION, queryIdForTransGammaIds);
- if (transaction != null) {
- transaction.execute();
- }
- connection.close();
- }
- }
- private static void runSql(Branch branchToUpdate, Branch updatingSourceBranch, boolean loadRelations, int transactionNumber, int queryIdForBranchInfo, int queryIdForTransGammaIds, TransactionId transId, OseeConnection connection) throws OseeDataStoreException {
- Timestamp timestamp = GlobalTime.GreenwichMeanTimestamp();
- int count =
- ConnectionHandler.runPreparedUpdate(connection, POPULATE_ARTIFACT_VERSION_GAMMAS_FOR_UPDATES, timestamp,
- queryIdForTransGammaIds, branchToUpdate.getBranchId(), updatingSourceBranch.getBranchId(),
- queryIdForBranchInfo);
- OseeLog.log(ArtifactUpdateHandler.class, Level.INFO,
- "populated " + count + " Artifact Version gammas into the join table");
- count =
- ConnectionHandler.runPreparedUpdate(connection, POPULATE_ATTRIBUTE_GAMMAS_FOR_UPDATES, timestamp,
- queryIdForTransGammaIds, branchToUpdate.getBranchId(), updatingSourceBranch.getBranchId(),
- queryIdForBranchInfo);
- OseeLog.log(ArtifactUpdateHandler.class, Level.INFO,
- "populated " + count + " Attribute gammas into the join table");
- if (loadRelations) {
- count =
- ConnectionHandler.runPreparedUpdate(connection, POPULATE_RELATION_GAMMAS_FOR_UPDATES, timestamp,
- queryIdForTransGammaIds, branchToUpdate.getBranchId(), updatingSourceBranch.getBranchId(),
- queryIdForBranchInfo);
- OseeLog.log(ArtifactUpdateHandler.class, Level.INFO,
- "populated " + count + " Relation gammas into the join table");
- }
- count =
- ConnectionHandler.runPreparedUpdate(connection, UPDATE_REVERT_TABLE, transId.getTransactionNumber(),
- queryIdForTransGammaIds);
- OseeLog.log(ArtifactUpdateHandler.class, Level.INFO, "inserted " + count + " old gammas into the Revert Table");
- count = ConnectionHandler.runPreparedUpdate(connection, DELETE_FROM_TXS_TABLE, queryIdForTransGammaIds);
- OseeLog.log(ArtifactUpdateHandler.class, Level.INFO, "Deleted " + count + " old gammas from the TXS Table");
- count =
- ConnectionHandler.runPreparedUpdate(connection, INSERT_UPDATED_ARTIFACTS, transactionNumber,
- updatingSourceBranch.getBranchId(), queryIdForBranchInfo);
- OseeLog.log(ArtifactUpdateHandler.class, Level.INFO, "inserted " + count + " artifacts");
- count =
- ConnectionHandler.runPreparedUpdate(connection, INSERT_UPDATED_ATTRIBUTES_GAMMAS, transactionNumber,
- updatingSourceBranch.getBranchId(), queryIdForBranchInfo);
- OseeLog.log(ArtifactUpdateHandler.class, Level.INFO, "inserted " + count + " attributes");
- if (loadRelations) {
- count =
- ConnectionHandler.runPreparedUpdate(connection, INSERT_UPDATED_LINKS_GAMMAS, transactionNumber,
- updatingSourceBranch.getBranchId(), queryIdForBranchInfo);
- OseeLog.log(ArtifactUpdateHandler.class, Level.INFO, "inserted " + count + " relations");
- }
- }
- private static void updateSystemWithChanges(Branch branchToUpdate, List<Artifact> artifactVersions, Artifact destinationParentArtifact, boolean useNewTransaction, SkynetTransaction transaction) throws OseeCoreException {
- for (Artifact artifact : artifactVersions) {
- Artifact droppedArtifact = ArtifactCache.getActive(artifact.getArtId(), branchToUpdate);
- //In case the artifact was new to the branch
- if (droppedArtifact == null) {
- droppedArtifact = ArtifactQuery.getArtifactFromId(artifact.getArtId(), branchToUpdate);
- }
- if (droppedArtifact != null) {
- Artifact parent = droppedArtifact.getParent();
- droppedArtifact.reloadAttributesAndRelations();
- if (useNewTransaction && destinationParentArtifact != null) {
- setNewParent(destinationParentArtifact, droppedArtifact, transaction);
- }
- OseeEventManager.kickArtifactModifiedEvent(ArtifactUpdateHandler.class, ArtifactModType.Changed,
- droppedArtifact);
- if (parent != null) {
- parent.reloadAttributesAndRelations();
- OseeEventManager.kickArtifactModifiedEvent(ArtifactUpdateHandler.class, ArtifactModType.Changed, parent);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- private static void setNewParent(Artifact parent, Artifact child, SkynetTransaction transaction) throws OseeCoreException {
- child.setSoleRelation(CoreRelationEnumeration.DEFAULT_HIERARCHICAL__PARENT, parent);
- child.persistAttributesAndRelations(transaction);
- }

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