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authorRoberto E. Escobar2012-11-14 22:46:09 +0000
committerRoberto E. Escobar2012-11-14 22:46:09 +0000
commit45eff165b34ae3fd70d085214653474551496c7c (patch)
tree2f5e575027618671a7fa9abff854ddd09b9070df /plugins/org.eclipse.osee.framework.database.init
parent311028ac2ae680fd1872b8d4cb84ce5f589bb462 (diff)
feature[ats_TL5SF]: Remove unused db init type gen class
Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/org.eclipse.osee.framework.database.init')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 262 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/org.eclipse.osee.framework.database.init/src/org/eclipse/osee/framework/database/init/ b/plugins/org.eclipse.osee.framework.database.init/src/org/eclipse/osee/framework/database/init/
deleted file mode 100644
index 4f66f843b38..00000000000
--- a/plugins/org.eclipse.osee.framework.database.init/src/org/eclipse/osee/framework/database/init/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,262 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2004, 2007 Boeing.
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- * Boeing - initial API and implementation
- *******************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.osee.framework.database.init;
-import java.util.Arrays;
-import java.util.Iterator;
-import java.util.TreeSet;
-import java.util.regex.Pattern;
-import org.xml.sax.InputSource;
-import org.xml.sax.SAXException;
-import org.xml.sax.XMLReader;
-import org.xml.sax.helpers.XMLReaderFactory;
-public class SkynetTypesEnumGenerator implements RowProcessor {
- private static final Pattern nonJavaCharP = Pattern.compile("[^a-zA-Z_0-9]");
- private static final String relationImports =
- "import java.sql.SQLException;\n" + "import org.eclipse.osee.framework.skynet.core.artifact.Branch;\n" + "import org.eclipse.osee.framework.skynet.core.relation.IRelationEnumeration;\n" + "import org.eclipse.osee.framework.skynet.core.relation.RelationLink;\n" + "import org.eclipse.osee.framework.skynet.core.relation.RelationPersistenceManager;\n" + "import org.eclipse.osee.framework.skynet.core.relation.RelationSide;\n" + "import org.eclipse.osee.framework.skynet.core.relation.RelationType;\n" + "import org.eclipse.osee.framework.skynet.core.relation.RelationTypeManager;\n\n";
- private static final String relationEnumCode =
- " private boolean sideA;\n" + "\n" + " private String typeName;\n" + "\n" + " private CLASSNAME_PLACEHOLDER(boolean sideA, String typeName) {\n" + " this.sideA = sideA;\n" + " this.typeName = typeName;\n" + " RelationPersistenceManager.sideHash.put(typeName, sideA, this);\n" + " }\n" + " \n" + " public static IRelationEnumeration getRelationSide(String relationType, String relationSide, Branch branch) throws SQLException {\n" + " RelationType desc = RelationTypeManager.getType(relationType);\n" + " boolean isSideA = (desc.getSideAName().equals(relationSide));\n" + " return RelationPersistenceManager.sideHash.get(relationType, isSideA);\n" + " }\n" + "\n" + " /**\n" + " * @return Returns the sideName.\n" + " */\n" + " public boolean isSideA() {\n" + " return sideA;\n" + " }\n" + "\n" + " public String getSideName(Branch branch) throws SQLException {\n" + " if (isSideA())\n" + " return getRelationType().getSideAName();\n" + " else\n" + " return getRelationType().getSideBName();\n" + " }\n" + "\n" + " /**\n" + " * @return Returns the typeName.\n" + " */\n" + " public String getName() {\n" + " return typeName;\n" + " }\n" + "\n" + " public RelationType getRelationType() throws SQLException {\n" + " return RelationTypeManager.getType(typeName);\n" + " }\n" + " \n" + " public RelationSide getSide() { \n" + " return sideA ? RelationSide.SIDE_A : RelationSide.SIDE_B;\n" + "}\n\n" + " public String getSideName() throws SQLException {\n" + " if (isSideA()) {\n" + " return getRelationType().getSideAName();\n" + " } else {\n" + " return getRelationType().getSideBName();\n}\n}\n";
- private enum Table {
- }
- private static final String description = "Setup artifact, attribute, and relation type data";
- private final ExcelSaxHandler excelHandler;
- private Table currentTable;
- private Iterator<Table> tableIterator;
- private boolean done;
- private final XMLReader xmlReader;
- private final TreeSet<String> artifacts;
- private final TreeSet<String> attributes;
- private final TreeSet<String> relations;
- private String sheetName;
- private File destinationDir;
- private static final String skynetTypeCode =
- " private String name;\n private CLASSNAME_PLACEHOLDER(String name){ = name; }\n public String getName(){ return;}\n";
- public SkynetTypesEnumGenerator() throws SAXException {
- excelHandler = new ExcelSaxHandler(this, true, true);
- xmlReader = XMLReaderFactory.createXMLReader();
- xmlReader.setContentHandler(excelHandler);
- artifacts = new TreeSet<String>();
- attributes = new TreeSet<String>();
- relations = new TreeSet<String>();
- }
- public void extractTypesFromSheet(File importFile, File destinationDir) throws IOException, SAXException {
- done = false;
- tableIterator = Arrays.asList(Table.values()).iterator();
- xmlReader.parse(new InputSource(new FileInputStream(importFile)));
- this.destinationDir =
- destinationDir != null && destinationDir.isDirectory() ? destinationDir : importFile.getParentFile();
- }
- public void finish() throws IOException {
- BufferedWriter out;
- //relation enum gen
- String relClassName = this.sheetName + "_RELATIONS";
- out = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(new File(destinationDir, relClassName + ".java")));
- out.append("\n\n");
- out.append(relationImports);
- out.append("public enum ");
- out.append(relClassName);
- out.append(" implements IRelationEnumeration {\n");
- Iterator<String> it = relations.iterator();
- while (it.hasNext()) {
- out.append(" ");
- out.append(;
- if (it.hasNext()) {
- out.append(",\n");
- }
- }
- out.append(";\n");
- out.append(relationEnumCode.replace("CLASSNAME_PLACEHOLDER", relClassName));
- out.append("}");
- out.close();
- //attribute enum gen
- String attrClassName = this.sheetName + "_ATTRIBUTES";
- out = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(new File(destinationDir, attrClassName + ".java")));
- out.append("\n\nimport org.eclipse.osee.framework.skynet.core.ISkynetType;\n\npublic enum ");
- out.append(attrClassName);
- out.append(" implements ISkynetType {\n");
- it = attributes.iterator();
- while (it.hasNext()) {
- out.append(" ");
- out.append(;
- if (it.hasNext()) {
- out.append(",\n");
- }
- }
- out.append(";\n\n");
- out.append(skynetTypeCode.replace("CLASSNAME_PLACEHOLDER", attrClassName));
- out.append("}");
- out.close();
- //artifact enum gen
- String artClassName = this.sheetName + "_ARTIFACTS";
- out = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(new File(destinationDir, artClassName + ".java")));
- out.append("\n\nimport org.eclipse.osee.framework.skynet.core.ISkynetType;\n\npublic enum ");
- out.append(artClassName);
- out.append(" implements ISkynetType {\n");
- it = artifacts.iterator();
- while (it.hasNext()) {
- out.append(" ");
- out.append(;
- if (it.hasNext()) {
- out.append(",\n");
- }
- }
- out.append(";\n\n");
- out.append(skynetTypeCode.replace("CLASSNAME_PLACEHOLDER", artClassName));
- out.append("}");
- out.close();
- }
- public static String getDescription() {
- return description;
- }
- @Override
- public void processHeaderRow(String[] headerRow) {
- if (done) {
- return;
- }
- if (tableIterator.hasNext()) {
- currentTable =;
- } else {
- throw new IllegalArgumentException(
- "Encountered row past end of last expected table: " + Arrays.deepToString(headerRow));
- }
- }
- /**
- * import Artifacts
- */
- @Override
- public void processRow(String[] row) {
- if (done) {
- return;
- }
- switch (currentTable) {
- addArtifactType(row);
- break;
- addAttributeType(row);
- break;
- addRelationType(row);
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- }
- private void addAttributeType(String[] row) {
- // String attrBaseType = row[0];
- // String attrProviderType = row[1];
- String attributeName = row[2];
- int index = attributeName.lastIndexOf(".");
- if (index != -1 && index + 1 < attributeName.length()) {
- attributeName = attributeName.substring(index + 1, attributeName.length());
- }
- // String fileTypeExtension = row[3];
- // String defaultValue = row[4];
- // String validityXml = row[5];
- // int minOccurrence = getQuantity(row[6]);
- // int maxOccurrence = getQuantity(row[7]);
- // String tipText = row[8];
- // if (fileTypeExtension == null) {
- // fileTypeExtension = "";
- // }
- attributes.add(nonJavaCharP.matcher(attributeName).replaceAll("_").toUpperCase() + "(\"" + attributeName + "\")");
- }
- private void addRelationType(String[] row) {
- String relationTypeName = row[0];
- String sideAName = row[1];
- // String A2BPhrase = row[2];
- String sideBName = row[3];
- // String B2APhrase = row[4];
- // String shortName = row[5];
- generateRelationSideEnum(relationTypeName, sideAName, sideBName);
- }
- private void generateRelationSideEnum(String relationTypeName, String sideAName, String sideBName) {
- sideAName = nonJavaCharP.matcher(sideAName).replaceAll("_").toUpperCase();
- sideBName = nonJavaCharP.matcher(sideBName).replaceAll("_").toUpperCase();
- String enumPrefix = nonJavaCharP.matcher(relationTypeName).replaceAll("_").toUpperCase();
- relations.add(String.format("%s__%s(true, \"%s\"),\n %s__%s(false, \"%s\")", enumPrefix, sideAName,
- relationTypeName, enumPrefix, sideBName, relationTypeName));
- }
- private void addArtifactType(String[] row) {
- // String factoryClassName = row[0];
- String artifactTypeName = row[1];
- // String superTypeName = row[2];
- artifacts.add(nonJavaCharP.matcher(artifactTypeName).replaceAll("_").toUpperCase() + "(\"" + artifactTypeName + "\")");
- }
- @Override
- public void processEmptyRow() {
- }
- @Override
- public void processCommentRow(String[] row) {
- }
- @Override
- public void reachedEndOfWorksheet() {
- done = true;
- }
- @Override
- public void detectedRowAndColumnCounts(int rowCount, int columnCount) {
- }
- @Override
- public void foundStartOfWorksheet(String sheetName) {
- this.sheetName = nonJavaCharP.matcher(sheetName).replaceAll("_").toUpperCase();
- }

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