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 * Copyright (c) 2004, 2007 Boeing.
 * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
 * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
 * Contributors:
 *     Boeing - initial API and implementation
package org.eclipse.osee.framework.jdk.core.util.xml;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder;
import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory;
import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException;
import javax.xml.transform.Result;
import javax.xml.transform.Source;
import javax.xml.transform.Transformer;
import javax.xml.transform.TransformerException;
import javax.xml.transform.TransformerFactory;
import javax.xml.transform.dom.DOMSource;
import javax.xml.xpath.XPath;
import javax.xml.xpath.XPathConstants;
import javax.xml.xpath.XPathExpression;
import javax.xml.xpath.XPathExpressionException;
import javax.xml.xpath.XPathFactory;
import org.apache.xml.serialize.OutputFormat;
import org.apache.xml.serialize.XMLSerializer;
import org.eclipse.osee.framework.jdk.core.util.Strings;
import org.w3c.dom.Attr;
import org.w3c.dom.Document;
import org.w3c.dom.Element;
import org.w3c.dom.NamedNodeMap;
import org.w3c.dom.Node;
import org.w3c.dom.NodeList;
import org.w3c.dom.ProcessingInstruction;
import org.w3c.dom.Text;
import org.xml.sax.InputSource;
import org.xml.sax.SAXException;

public class Jaxp {
   private static final DocumentBuilderFactory namespceUnawareFactory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
   private static final DocumentBuilderFactory NonDeferredNamespceUnawareFactory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
   private static final DocumentBuilderFactory namespceAwareFactory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
   static {

    * Obtains a list of all direct descendants of element
    * @param element the element to find the children of
    * @return A list of elements that are direct children of element. If no children exist, an empty list is returned.
   public static List<Element> getChildDirects(Element element) {
      NodeList nl = element.getChildNodes();
      List<Element> elementList = new ArrayList<Element>(nl.getLength()); // this may be oversized
      for (int i = 0; i < nl.getLength(); i++) {
         Node n = nl.item(i);
         if (n.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
            elementList.add((Element) n);
      return elementList;

    * Obtains a list of all direct descendants of element with the matching tag.
    * @param element the element to find the children of
    * @param childTagName the tag name for the children
    * @return A list of elements that are direct children of element whose tag names match childTagName. If no such
    * children exist, an empty list is returned.
   public static List<Element> getChildDirects(Element element, String childTagName) {
      List<Element> elementList = new ArrayList<Element>();
      NodeList nl = element.getChildNodes();
      for (int i = 0; i < nl.getLength(); i++) {
         Node n = nl.item(i);
         if (n.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE && ((Element) n).getTagName().equals(childTagName)) {
            elementList.add((Element) n);
      return elementList;

    * Obtains the first child that is a direct descendant of element with the matching tag
    * @param element the element to find the child of
    * @param childTagName the tag name for the child
    * @return the first child with the given tag one level deep from element, null if no such child exists.
   public static Element getChildDirect(Element element, String childTagName) {
      NodeList nl = element.getChildNodes();
      for (int i = 0; i < nl.getLength(); i++) {
         Node n = nl.item(i);
         if (n.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE && ((Element) n).getTagName().equals(childTagName)) {
            return (Element) n;
      return null;

    * Obtains the first child that is a descendant of element with the matching tag
    * @param element the element to find the child of
    * @param childTagName the tag name for the child
    * @return the first child with the given tag, or null if no such children exist
   public static Element getChild(Element element, String childTagName) {
      NodeList elementList = element.getElementsByTagName(childTagName);
      return (Element) elementList.item(0);

   public static Element createElement(Document d, String tag, String characterData) {
      Element e = d.createElement(tag);
      Text t = d.createTextNode(characterData);
      // e.setTextContent(characterData);
      // the above two lines do the same thing as this, but I trust them more so we'll go that
      // route.
      return e;

    * Obtains the character data for the Element. Note this differs from the Node.getTextContext(); call, which returns
    * the concatenation of the character data for all children of this Element.
    * @param e The element go get the character data for
    * @param trimWhitespace if true, each segment will be trimmed.
    * @return All of the character data for the Element e. This means if there are elements separating the character
    * data, it will all be concatenated together. If trimWhitespace, each segment will be trimmed of whitespace, with a
    * single space between segments; otherwise the segments will be concatenated without any space separation. If no
    * character data is present, returns an empty string.
   public static String getElementCharacterData(Element e, boolean trimWhitespace) {
      NodeList childNodes = e.getChildNodes();
      StringBuilder resultString = new StringBuilder();
      boolean first = true;

      for (int i = 0; i < childNodes.getLength(); i++) {
         Node n = childNodes.item(i);
         if (n.getNodeType() == Node.TEXT_NODE) {
            if (!first && trimWhitespace) {
               resultString.append(" ");
            resultString.append(trimWhitespace ? n.getNodeValue().trim() : n.getNodeValue());
            first = false;
         } else if (n.getNodeType() == Node.CDATA_SECTION_NODE) {
            if (!first && trimWhitespace) {
               resultString.append(" ");
            resultString.append(trimWhitespace ? n.getNodeValue().trim() : n.getNodeValue());
            first = false;
      return resultString.toString();

    * Obtains the character data for the Element. Note this differs from the Node.getTextContext(); call, which returns
    * the concatenation of the character data for all children of this Element.
    * @param e The element go get the character data for
    * @return All of the character data for the Element e. This means if there are elements separating the character
    * data, it will all be concatenated together. Each segment will be trimmed of whitespace, with a single space
    * between segments. If no character data is present, returns an empty string.
   public static String getElementCharacterData(Element e) {
      return getElementCharacterData(e, true);

    * Obtains the character data for each element in the collection, return as a List. Each entry in the list
    * corresponding to the character data for one of the elements in the collection.
   public static List<String> getElementsCharacterData(Collection<Element> elements) {
      List<String> result = new ArrayList<String>(elements.size());
      for (Element e : elements) {
      return result;

    * @param nodes The NodeList whose text we will return
    * @return An ArrayList<String> of the text for all nodes
   public static ArrayList<String> getChildrenTexts(NodeList nodes) {
      ArrayList<String> retVal = new ArrayList<String>(nodes.getLength());

      for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) {
         Element element = (Element) nodes.item(i);
      return retVal;

    * Obtains a list of Strings of the character data for all elements in the document whose tag name matches.
    * @param document The document to be searched
    * @param tagName The tagName for the children whose text we will obtain
    * @return An ArrayList<String> of the text for all child nodes matching tagName
   public static ArrayList<String> getChildrenTexts(Document document, String tagName) {
      return getChildrenTexts(document.getElementsByTagName(tagName));

    * Obtains a list of Strings of the character data for all descendants of element whose tag name matches.
    * @param document The document to be searched
    * @param tagName The tagName for the children whose text we will obtain
    * @return An ArrayList<String> of the text for all child nodes matching tagName
   public static ArrayList<String> getChildrenTexts(Element element, String tagName) {
      return getChildrenTexts(element.getElementsByTagName(tagName));

   public static String getChildText(Element element, String childTagName, boolean trim) {
      Element child = getChild(element, childTagName);
      if (child != null) {
         return getElementCharacterData(child, trim);
      return null;

   public static String getChildText(Element element, String childTagName) {
      return getChildText(element, childTagName, false);

   public static String getChildTextTrim(Element element, String childTagName) {
      return getChildText(element, childTagName, true);

   private static void findElementsInternal(List<Element> source, LinkedList<String> path, List<Element> list) {
      String tag = path.poll();
      LinkedList<String> childPath = new LinkedList<String>(path);

      for (Element e : source) {
         List<Element> children = getChildDirects(e, tag);
         if (!children.isEmpty()) {
            if (path.isEmpty()) {
            } else {
               findElementsInternal(children, childPath, list);

    * Searches for all sub-elements found at the path provided.
    * @param element The element underneath which we will search
    * @param elementPath The path to follow. For example ["script","configuration","element_i_want"]
    * @param firstIsRoot If true, the first item in elementPath must match element. That is, in the above example, e's
    * tag name must be "script". This is useful when calling from the document level, that is where element is
    * Document.getDocumentElement(), the first item in the path would be the first root element of the xml tree.
    * @return All elements that match the specified path.
   public static List<Element> findElements(Element element, List<String> elementPath, boolean firstIsRoot) {
      List<Element> result = new LinkedList<Element>();
      List<Element> source = new ArrayList<Element>(1);

      LinkedList<String> path;
      if (elementPath instanceof LinkedList<?>) {
         path = (LinkedList<String>) elementPath;
      } else {
         path = new LinkedList<String>(elementPath);

      // Strip off the first item of elementPath and make sure it matches 'element'
      if (firstIsRoot) {
         String firstTagName = path.poll();
         if (element.getTagName().equals(firstTagName)) {
            return result;

      findElementsInternal(source, path, result);
      return result;

   private static List<Element> findElementsSinglePath(Element e, String elementPath, boolean firstIsRoot) {
      return findElements(e, Arrays.asList(elementPath.split("/")), firstIsRoot);

   private static List<Element> findElements(Element e, String elementPath, boolean firstIsRoot) {
      List<Element> result = new LinkedList<Element>();
      String[] paths = elementPath.split("\\|");

      for (String path : paths) {
         result.addAll(findElementsSinglePath(e, path, firstIsRoot));
      return result;

   public static List<Element> findElements(Element element, String elementPath) {
      return findElements(element, elementPath, false);

   public static List<Element> findElements(Document d, String elementPath) {
      return findElements(d.getDocumentElement(), elementPath, true);

    * Searches for a sub-element found at the path provided. Each list element indicates the tag name for the next
    * sub-element.
    * @param e The element underneath which we will search
    * @param elementPath The path to follow. For example ["script","configuration","element_i_want"]
    * @return The first element that matches the provided path, beneath the provided element e, or null if no such
    * element exists.
   public static Element findElement(Element element, List<String> elementPath) {

      Element e = element;
      for (String tag : elementPath) {
         NodeList a = e.getChildNodes();
         Element nextElement = null;
         for (int i = 0; i < a.getLength() && nextElement == null; i++) {
            Node n = a.item(i);
            if (n.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE && ((Element) n).getTagName().equals(tag)) {
               nextElement = (Element) n;
         if (nextElement == null) {
            return null;
         } else {
            e = nextElement;
      return e;

    * Searches the Document for the Element found at the '/' delimited path provided. The path should begin with the
    * root node of the document.
    * @param d The document to search
    * @param elementPath The path to follow. For example "script/configuration/element_i_want"
    * @return The first element that matches the provided path, or null if no such element exists.
   public static Element findElement(Document d, String elementPath) {
      List<String> pathList = Arrays.asList(elementPath.split("/"));
      String rootTagName = pathList.get(0);
      // Remove the first item from the list, Arrays.asList List type doesn't support .remove()
      if (pathList.size() > 1) {
         pathList = pathList.subList(1, pathList.size());
      } else {

      Element root = d.getDocumentElement();
      if (!root.getTagName().equals(rootTagName)) {
         return null;
      return findElement(d.getDocumentElement(), pathList);

    * Searches for a sub-element found at the '/' delimited path provided. The path should begin with the first node
    * underneath the provided element.
    * @param e The element underneath which we will search
    * @param elementPath The path to follow. For example "script/configuration/element_i_want"
    * @return The first element that matches the provided path, beneath the provided element e, or null if no such
    * element exists.
   public static Element findElement(Element e, String elementPath) {
      return findElement(e, Arrays.asList(elementPath.split("/")));

   public static Document readXmlDocument(InputStream is) throws ParserConfigurationException, SAXException, IOException {
      return readXmlDocument(is, "UTF-8");

   public static Document readXmlDocument(InputStream is, String encoding) throws ParserConfigurationException, SAXException, IOException {
      InputSource inputSource = new InputSource(is);
      DocumentBuilder builder = namespceUnawareFactory.newDocumentBuilder();
      return builder.parse(inputSource);

   public static Document nonDeferredReadXmlDocument(InputStream is, String encoding) throws ParserConfigurationException, SAXException, IOException {
      InputSource inputSource = new InputSource(is);
      NonDeferredNamespceUnawareFactory.setFeature("", false);
      DocumentBuilder builder = NonDeferredNamespceUnawareFactory.newDocumentBuilder();
      return builder.parse(inputSource);

   public static Document nonDeferredreadXmlDocument(String xmlString) throws ParserConfigurationException, SAXException, IOException {
      NonDeferredNamespceUnawareFactory.setFeature("", false);
      DocumentBuilder builder = NonDeferredNamespceUnawareFactory.newDocumentBuilder();
      CharBackedInputStream charBak = new CharBackedInputStream();
      Document document = builder.parse(charBak);
      return document;

   public static Document readXmlDocument(String xmlString) throws ParserConfigurationException, SAXException, IOException {
      DocumentBuilder builder = namespceUnawareFactory.newDocumentBuilder();
      CharBackedInputStream charBak = new CharBackedInputStream();
      Document document = builder.parse(charBak);
      return document;

   public static Document readXmlDocument(File xmlFile) throws ParserConfigurationException, SAXException, IOException {
      DocumentBuilder builder = namespceUnawareFactory.newDocumentBuilder();
      Document document = builder.parse(xmlFile);
      return document;

   public static Document readXmlDocumentFromResource(Class<?> base, String name) throws ParserConfigurationException, SAXException, IOException {
      DocumentBuilder builder = namespceUnawareFactory.newDocumentBuilder();
      Document document = builder.parse(base.getResourceAsStream(name));
      return document;

   public static Document readXmlDocumentNamespaceAware(InputStream is) throws ParserConfigurationException, SAXException, IOException {
      DocumentBuilder builder = namespceAwareFactory.newDocumentBuilder();
      return builder.parse(is);

   public static Document readXmlDocumentNamespaceAware(String xmlString) throws ParserConfigurationException, SAXException, IOException {
      DocumentBuilder builder = namespceAwareFactory.newDocumentBuilder();
      CharBackedInputStream charBak = new CharBackedInputStream();
      Document document = builder.parse(charBak);
      return document;

   public static Document readXmlDocumentNamespaceAware(File xmlFile) throws ParserConfigurationException, SAXException, IOException {
      DocumentBuilder builder = namespceAwareFactory.newDocumentBuilder();

      Document document = builder.parse(xmlFile);
      return document;

   public static Document readXmlDocumentFromResourceNamespaceAware(Class<?> base, String name) throws ParserConfigurationException, SAXException, IOException {
      DocumentBuilder builder = namespceAwareFactory.newDocumentBuilder();
      Document document = builder.parse(base.getResourceAsStream(name));
      return document;

    * Adds the XSL style sheet processing instruction to the document.
   public static void setXslProperty(Document d, String xslPath) {
      ProcessingInstruction xsl = d.createProcessingInstruction("xml-stylesheet", //
         "type=\"text/xsl\" href=\"" + xslPath + "\"");

    * Adds an XML comment to a document
   public static void addComment(Document d, String comment) {

   public static void prependComment(Document d, String comment) {
      Node commentNode = d.createComment(comment);

      Node firstNode = getChild(d.getDocumentElement(), "TestScript");
      d.insertBefore(commentNode, firstNode);

    * Writes the XML document 'document' to the 'file'.
    * @param document The XML document to output
    * @param file Where to put the output
   public static void writeXmlDocument(Document document, File file) throws TransformerException, IOException {
      writeXmlDocument(document, file, getCompactFormat(document));

    * Writes the XML document 'document' to the 'file'.
    * @param document The XML document to output
    * @param file Where to put the output
    * @param prettyOutput If true, turns on indention so the output is more easily readable, if False turns indention
    * off to save space.
   public static void writeXmlDocument(Document document, File file, OutputFormat format) throws TransformerException, IOException {
      BufferedWriter out = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(file));
      outputXmlDocument(document, out, format);

    * Gets the XML document 'document' as a string
    * @param document The XML document to output
    * @param file Where to put the output
    * @param prettyOutput If true, turns on indention so the output is more easily readable, if False turns indention
    * off and is assumed to provide the XML as compactly as possible.
   public static String xmlToString(Document document, OutputFormat format) throws IOException {
      StringWriter stringWriter = new StringWriter();
      outputXmlDocument(document, stringWriter, format);
      return stringWriter.toString();

    * Sends the XML to the output
    * @param document The source XML
    * @param output Where the XML is 'printed' to
    * @param format The format style to use
   private static void outputXmlDocument(Document document, Writer output, OutputFormat format) throws IOException {
      XMLSerializer serializer = new XMLSerializer(output, format);

    * Generates an OutputFormat that is pleasing to look at (indention, newlines, etc)
    * @param document the document to be formatted
    * @return the OutputFormat object to use for XML Formatting
    * @see XMLSerializer
   public static OutputFormat getPrettyFormat(Document document) {
      OutputFormat format = new OutputFormat(document);
      return format;

    * Generates an OutputFormat that is compact (no extra whitepsace)
    * @param document the document to be formatted
    * @return the OutputFormat object to use for XML Formatting
    * @see XMLSerializer
   public static OutputFormat getCompactFormat(Document document) {
      OutputFormat format = new OutputFormat(document);
      return format;

    * @deprecated Use {@link #newDocumentNamespaceAware()} instead
   public static Document newDocument() throws ParserConfigurationException {
      return newDocumentNamespaceAware();

   public static Document newDocumentNamespaceAware() throws ParserConfigurationException {
      DocumentBuilder builder = namespceAwareFactory.newDocumentBuilder();
      return builder.newDocument();

   public static String getDocumentXml(Document doc) throws TransformerException {
      Source source = new DOMSource(doc);
      StringWriter stringWriter = new StringWriter();
      Result result = new StreamResult(stringWriter);
      TransformerFactory factory = TransformerFactory.newInstance();
      Transformer transformer = factory.newTransformer();
      transformer.transform(source, result);
      return stringWriter.getBuffer().toString();

   public static final String selectNodesText(Node startingNode) {
      StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
      NodeList childNodes = startingNode.getChildNodes();
      for (int i = 0; i < childNodes.getLength(); i++) {
         if (childNodes.item(i).getNodeType() == Node.CDATA_SECTION_NODE || childNodes.item(i).getNodeType() == Node.TEXT_NODE) {
      return buffer.toString();

   public static final Collection<Node> selectNodesViaXPath(XPath xPath, Node startingNode, String xPathExpression) throws XPathExpressionException {
      Collection<Node> data = new ArrayList<Node>();
      XPathExpression expression = xPath.compile(xPathExpression);
      Object result = expression.evaluate(startingNode, XPathConstants.NODESET);
      NodeList nodeList = (NodeList) result;
      for (int index = 0; index < nodeList.getLength(); index++) {
      return data;

   public static XPath createXPath() {
      XPathFactory factory = XPathFactory.newInstance();
      return factory.newXPath();

   public static void writeNode(XMLStreamWriter writer, Node node, boolean trimTextNodeWhitespace) throws XMLStreamException {
      if (node instanceof Element) {
         Element element = (Element) node;

         String namespace = element.getNamespaceURI();
         String prefix = element.getPrefix();
         String name = element.getLocalName();
         if (!Strings.isValid(name)) {
            name = element.getNodeName();
         if (Strings.isValid(name)) {
            if (prefix != null && namespace != null) {
               writer.writeStartElement(prefix, name, namespace);
               //            } else if (namespace != null) {
               //               writer.writeStartElement("", namespace, name);
            } else {

            if (node.hasAttributes()) {
               NamedNodeMap nodeMap = node.getAttributes();
               for (int index = 0; index < nodeMap.getLength(); index++) {
                  writeAttrNode(writer, nodeMap.item(index));

            if (node.hasChildNodes()) {
               serialize(writer, element.getChildNodes(), trimTextNodeWhitespace);

            String data = Jaxp.getElementCharacterData(element, trimTextNodeWhitespace);
            if (Strings.isValid(data)) {
               boolean wasCData = false;
               NodeList childNodes = element.getChildNodes();
               for (int i = 0; i < childNodes.getLength(); i++) {
                  Node n = childNodes.item(i);
                  if (n.getNodeType() == Node.TEXT_NODE) {
                     wasCData = true;
               if (wasCData) {
               } else {

   public static void serialize(XMLStreamWriter writer, NodeList nodes, boolean trimTextNodeWhitespace) throws XMLStreamException {
      for (int index = 0; index < nodes.getLength(); index++) {
         writeNode(writer, nodes.item(index), trimTextNodeWhitespace);

   public static void writeAttrNode(XMLStreamWriter writer, Node node) throws XMLStreamException {
      if (node instanceof Attr) {
         Attr attrNode = (Attr) node;

         String namespace = attrNode.getNamespaceURI();
         String prefix = attrNode.getPrefix();
         String value = attrNode.getValue();

         String name = attrNode.getLocalName();
         if (!Strings.isValid(name)) {
            name = attrNode.getNodeName();

         if (Strings.isValid(name) && Strings.isValid(value)) {
            if (prefix != null && namespace != null) {
               writer.writeAttribute(prefix, namespace, name, value);
               //            } else if (namespace != null) {
               //               writer.writeAttribute(" ", namespace, name, value);
            } else {
               writer.writeAttribute(name, value);

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