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BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
mastercatch up with branch dailyRalf Mollik5 years
AgeCommit messageAuthorFilesLines
2019-06-04catch up with branch dailyHEADmasterRalf Mollik2-0/+6
2018-07-09catch up with branch developmentRalf Mollik1-0/+0
2018-07-02adjust distribution repo definitionRalf Mollik1-13/+61
2018-07-02remove xmlpull againRalf Mollik1-2/+1
2018-06-28catch up with branch developmentRalf Mollik6-114/+15
2018-04-04add the distribution settings from releng tycho definitionRalf Mollik1-0/+61
2018-04-03remove distribution management definitionRalf Mollik1-15/+0
2018-03-29configure the default Nexus URLRalf Mollik1-0/+2
2018-03-19reexport unitapi in uomo.unitsRalf Mollik4-14/+10
2018-03-16one more place to add unit-api-0.6.1.jarRalf Mollik4-3/+7

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