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diff --git a/releng/build-scripts/build/run.xml b/releng/build-scripts/build/run.xml
index 2aab6fdf3..5d1b9c8e3 100644
--- a/releng/build-scripts/build/run.xml
+++ b/releng/build-scripts/build/run.xml
@@ -64,8 +64,7 @@ path to map file (with substitutions):
<property name="test.eclipseDir" value="${test.root.dir}/eclipse" />
<!-- directories for update sites: -->
- <property name="compilerUpdatesDir" value="${user.dir}/updateSiteCompiler"/>
- <!-- TODO: extract to prerequisistes? -->
+ <!-- TODO: extract compilerUpdatesDir to prerequisistes? -->
<property name="compilerUpdatesDir" value=""/>
<property name="otdtUpdatesDir" value="${user.dir}/updateSite"/>
<property name="testsUpdatesDirBase" value="${user.dir}/updateSiteTests"/>
@@ -223,46 +222,7 @@ path to map file (with substitutions):
<!-- setting an empty inputstring is a workaround for -->
<target name="createOTCompilerEclipse" depends="setupForCompile" description="create the bootstrapping Eclipse with OT/J compiler">
<echo message="Invoke pdebuild for creating the OT-Compiler"/>
-<!-- don't build it ...
- <java
- inputstring=""
- dir="${baseLocation}"
- fork="true"
- classname="org.eclipse.equinox.launcher.Main"
- classpath="${baseLocation}/plugins/${org.eclipse.equinox.launcher_jar}">
- <arg value="${ws}"/>
- <arg value="-Dosgi.os=${os}"/>
- <arg value="-Dosgi.arch=${arch}"/>
- <arg value="-application"/>
- <arg value="org.eclipse.ant.core.antRunner"/>
- <arg value="-buildfile"/>
- <arg value="${buildfile}"/>
- <arg value="-Dbuild.root.dir=${build.root.dir}"/>
- <arg value="-DbaseLocation=${baseLocation}"/>
- <arg value="-DOTScriptDir=${OTScriptDir}"/>
- <arg value="-Drun.eclipseScriptDir=${run.eclipseScriptDir}"/>
- <arg value="-Dbuilder=${builder-otcompiler}"/>
- <arg value="-D${installmode}=true"/> <! - - <- obsolete? - - >
- <arg value="-Dcomponent.short=OT-Compiler"/>
- <arg value="-DotdtUpdatesDir=${compilerUpdatesDir}"/>
- <arg value="-Dconfigs=*,*,*"/>
- <arg value="-Dbaseos=${os}"/>
- <arg value="-Dbasews=${ws}"/>
- <arg value="-Dbasearch=${arch}"/>
- <arg value="-Dtest.root.dir=${test.root.dir}"/>
- <arg value="-Dtest.eclipseDir=${test.eclipseDir}"/>
- <arg value="-DmapVersionTag=${mapVersionTag}"/>
- <arg value="-Dmap.file.path=${map.file.path}"/>
- <arg value="-DfetchCacheLocation=${fetchCacheLocation}"/>
- <arg value="-Declipse-app.tgz=${eclipse-app.tgz}"/>
- <arg value="${}"/>
- <arg value="-Djdt.compiler.apt=${jdt.compiler.apt}"/>
- <arg value="-Djdt.compiler.tool=${jdt.compiler.tool}"/>
- < ! - -arg value="-verbose" / - ->
- <jvmarg value="${vm.args}"/>
- </java>
-.. by try to re-use the compiler from the previous published build: -->
- <!-- Now we should have an update site with the patch feature, time to install it into base: -->
+<!-- Re-use the compiler from the previous published build: -->
<ant antfile="${OTScriptDir}/p2helper.xml" target="installFeatureFromUrl" dir="${baseLocation}">
<property name="feature" value=""/>
<property name="sourceUpdatesUrl" value="${compilerUpdatesDir}"/>

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