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- <div align=center><h1>Mylar Frequently Asked Questions</h1></div>
- <p><b>Setup</b></p>
- <ul>
- <li><a href="#configuration-eclipse">Recommended configuration</a></li>
- <li><a href="#install">Install troubleshooting</a></li>
- <li><a href="#install-linux">Installing on Linux</a>&nbsp;
- </li>
- <li><a href="#install-macos">Installing on MacOS</a></li>
- <li><a href="#uninstall">Uninstall troubleshooting</a></li>
- <li><a href="#tasklist-backup">Task List backup and restore</a></li>
- </ul>
- <p><b>Integration</b></p>
- <li><a href="#performance-summary">Performance profile</a></li>
- <li><a href="#context-ui-config">Which Focused UI features can I turn off?</a></li>
- <li><a href="#change-sets">Synchronize and Change Set troubleshooting</a></li>
- <li><a href="#eclipse-views-tasks">Does the Task List replace the Eclipse Tasks view?</a></li>
-<p><b>Tasks and Repository Connectors</b></p>
- <ul>
- <li><a href="#repositories-unsupported">What if Mylar doesn't support my task/bug/issue tracker?</a></li>
- <li><a href="#connector-bugzilla">Bugzilla Connector troubleshooting</a></li>
- <li><a href="#connector-jira">JIRA Connector troubleshooting</a></li>
- <li><a href="#repositories-connectivity">Network and proxy server
- troubleshooting</a></li>
- </ul>
-<p><b>Java Development</b></p>
- <ul>
- <li><a href="#content-assist">Content assist troubleshooting</a></li>
- <li><a href="#filtering-declarations">How do I stop declarations from showing up in the Package Explorer?</a></li>
- <li><a href="#active-search-empty">Why does nothing show up in the Active Search or Active Hierarchy?</a></li>
- </ul>
- <p><b>Key Limitations </b></p>
- <ul>
- <li><a href="">Bug 106678</a>&nbsp;
- The Package Explorer hierarchical layout is not supported properly yet and
- will show uninteresting elements when enabled.</li>
- </ul>
- <p>&nbsp;</p>
- <hr>
-<h3><a name="configuration-eclipse">Recommended configuration</a></h3>
- <p>Recommendations for Mylar 0.5.0:</p>
- <ul>
- <li>Package Explorer<ul>
- <li>Use flat layout in the Package Explorer (local pull down -&gt; <i>Layout</i>
- -&gt; <i>Flat</i>).&nbsp; Hierarchical layout is not supported.</li>
- <li>Link the Package Explorer with the editor (toolbar -&gt; <i>Link with
- Editor</i>).&nbsp; With Mylar applied this won't cause the jumping around
- problems it typically does.</li>
- <li>Deselect the Referenced Libraries filter (local pull down -&gt; <i>Filters</i>
- -&gt; <i>Referenced Libraries</i>).&nbsp; With Mylar applied libraries won't blow
- up the tree.</li>
- <li>Leave the <i>General</i> -&gt; <i>Appearance </i>-&gt; <i>Java Type Indicator
- </i>off.&nbsp;
- Since the type under the Java file is visible when Mylar is visible when
- Mylar is applied this information is redundant.</li>
- </ul>
- </li>
- <li>Editors<ul>
- <li>Turn comment folding on to reduce clutter when using auto folding
- (<i>Preferences</i> -&gt; <i>Java </i>-&gt; <i>Editor </i>-&gt; <i>Folding</i>).&nbsp; </li>
- <li>Turn off or increase the number of editors to leave open (<i>Preferences</i> -&gt;
- <i>General </i>-&gt; <i>Editors </i>-&gt; <i>Number of opened editors before closing</i>).&nbsp; Since
- Mylar will manage the open editors with task activation, this number can
- be set higher or automatic closing disabled entirely.</li>
- <li>If auto folding is used, the Outline view can be closed or made a
- fast view</li>
- </ul>
- </li>
- <li>Views<ul>
- <li>Outline: can keep closed for Java development, since the Package Explorer and folded signatures should
- provide enough context, and the in-place Outline (Ctrl+O) can be used
- when needed.</li>
- </ul>
- </li>
- <li>Team<ul>
- <li>Set Synchronize view to Change Sets mode (on 3.2: third toolbar
- button: select <i>Change Sets</i>;&nbsp; on 3.1: toggle toolbar button:
- <i>Show Change
- Sets</i>)</li>
- <li>Use graphical CVS decorators only (<i>Preferences -&gt; Team -&gt; CVS -&gt; Label Decorations
- -&gt; Text Decorations</i> -&gt; clear all but Project; <i>Icon Decorations</i> -&gt; enable
- all).&nbsp; This helps reduce visual clutter.</li>
- </ul>
- </li>
- </ul>
- <hr>
- <h3><a name="performance-summary">Performance profile</a></h3>
-<p>The goal is for Mylar to have no noticeable effect on Eclipse's speed or
-memory usage, you do not need to increase the amount of memory Eclipse runs with
-to use Mylar, and any performance issue should be
-<a href="">reported as
-a bug</a>.&nbsp; The current performance profile is:</p>
- <li>Mylar only runs if a task is active, and has no impact on Eclipse if no
- task is active.</li>
- <li>Task context models have negligible memory overhead.&nbsp; </li>
- <li>When a task is active, additional view refresh is required to update the
- views based on interest model changes.&nbsp; This should not be noticeable
- on Windows where refresh is very quick, but could be more noticeable on
- other platforms.</li>
- <li>The time to activate a task context is dominated by the time it takes
- Eclipse to open the editors in the context.&nbsp; You can set the preference
- for how many editors to open in the Mylar preference page (e.g. setting to 1
- will dramatically reduce activation time, but also remove the benefit of
- having open editors correspond to the task context).&nbsp; You can also turn off
- editor management entirely in the Mylar Tasks view pull-down.</li>
- <li>Eclipse startup is slowed down by (4) if a task is active when Eclipse
- is shut down.</li>
- <li>The low priority background searches that the Active Search view runs
- can be noticeable on slower machines.</li>
- <hr>
- <h3>&nbsp;</h3>
- <h3><a name="install">Install Troubleshooting</a></h3>
- <p>For supported platforms and known limitations please see
- <a href=""></a>&nbsp;
- Install/update failures can include:</p>
-<p><b>Update manager failure</b>: the update manager failed because it could not
-access the update site, or because it got confused about the configuration state
-of your Eclipse.&nbsp; In this case you may see update errors like: <tt>org.eclipse.update.internal.core.SiteFilePackedPluginContentConsumer</tt>.&nbsp;
-First try updating again to
-see if the feature is accessible.&nbsp; If you are trying to update the JIRA
-connector you can also try de-selecting that feature in case the
-update site is not accessible.&nbsp; Using use &quot;Search new features..&quot; when
-installing can help avoid this problem.&nbsp; If that does not work see the
-feature configuration troubleshooting below.</p><b>Incompatible VM (e.g. JDK 1.4)</b>: in this case you'll errors like the following in your log file.&nbsp; To
-check JDK version that Eclipse was launched with to to Help -&gt; About Eclipse SDK
--&gt; Configuration Details and verify that the java.vm.version is 1.5.&nbsp; Mac
-users should refer to the last comment on
-<a href="">bug 1163477</a>
-for instructions on how to change the 1.4 default.<p>
-<tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Root exception:
- java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: <br>
-&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; org/eclipse/mylar/tasklist/MylarTasklistPlugin
- (Unsupported major.minor version 49.0)
-If you are using JDK 1.6 on Eclipse 3.1 (<a href="">not
-recommended</a>) you must add the following line to your config.ini file: <tt>
-&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; org.osgi.framework.executionenvironment=OSGi/Minimum-1.0,OSGi/Minimum-1.1,JRE-1.1,J2SE-1.2,<br>
-&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; J2SE-1.3,J2SE-1.4,J2SE-1.5,JavaSE-1.6</p><p>
-<b>Incompatible version of Eclipse</b>: separate versions and update sites exist
-<a href="">for Eclipse 3.1 and for the latest 3.2</a>), in which case you may see errors like the following in your
-&lt;workspace&gt;/.metadata/.log file or in a Mylar view:</p>
-<tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; java.lang.NoSuchMethodError:
- org.eclipse.ui.internal.dialogs.FilteredTree.getFilterControl()<br>
-&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; The activator for bundle is invalid
-<p><b>Mylar feature configuration problem</b>: if the above do not address the
-issue, the easiest thing to do is
-uninstall any old versions and update to the latest Mylar.&nbsp; Your tasks won't be
-lost, by default they are stored in the &lt;workspace&gt;/.mylar/tasklist.xml file
-which will be read next time Mylar starts correctly.&nbsp;First, uninstall the old version of Mylar using Help -&gt;
-Software Updates -&gt; Manage Configuration.&nbsp; You need to first Disable on all
-Mylar features by right-clicking them, allow Eclipse to restart after the last
-is disabled, and after restart.&nbsp; Then ensure that the 3rd toolbar button is
-pressed (figure below) so that you see the disabled features to uninstall, and
-Uninstall them using the popup menu.&nbsp; If you don't uninstall the the Update
-Manager will think that you have the latest and tell you that there are no
-updates. Note that manually removing the plug-ins
-and features can lead to Eclipse configuration errors. After uninstalling update Eclipse
-by adding the correct update site specified at:
- <a href=""></a>,
-and after that automatically or manually updating will install the correct
-<img border="0" src="images/faq/eclipse-manage-configuration.gif" width="679" height="335"></p>
- <hr>
- <p>
-<h3><a name="install-linux">Installing on Linux</a></h3>
- <p>Mylar Task Management features make user of Eclipse's Internal Browser
- which may require additional install steps.&nbsp; The following have been
- verified on Fedora Core.</p>
- <ol>
- <li>Run Mozilla (not firefox) to confirm that it works.</li>
- <li>Confirm the location of your Mozilla install ( /usr/lib/mozilla-1.7.12
- on our test box)</li>
- <li>Set necessary environment variables in &lt;home_directory&gt;/.bashrc,
- adding the following 3 lines<br>
-&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME=/usr/lib/mozilla-1.7.12<br>
-&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; export MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME LD_LIBRARY_PATH </li>
- <li>Log out and log in again (or type &quot;source .bashrc&quot; at the prompt)</li>
- <li>Start Eclipse and test the internal web browser</li>
- </ol>
- <p>If you are get exceptions indicating missing libraries, check that the
- paths are accurate and that you in fact have the libraries requested. For
- example, on our test box a library was still missing after these steps. The
- was being reported as missing. To solve this problem, find an
- rpm online that will install the missing legacy library. In our case we
- found necessary rpm (compat-libstdc++-33-3.2.3-47.fc4.i386.rpm) on
- <a title="" href=""></a>
- using their search facility.&nbsp; References:
- <a title="" href="">
- SWT FAQ</a></p>
- <hr>
-<h3><a name="install-macos">Installing on MacOS</a></h3>
- <p>If you see errors like the following it may be due to Xerces missing from
- the Mac JDK so you may need to add it to your default classpath.&nbsp;
- Please refer to and comment on
- <a href="">bug 144287</a>
- if you see this problem.</p>
- <p>Could not create Bugzilla editor input<br>
- SAX2 driver class org.apache.xerces.parsers.SAXParser
- not found</p>
- <p>To ensure that you are using the 1.5 VM refer to the last comment on
-<a href="">bug 1163477</a>
-for instructions on how to change the 1.4 default.</p>
- <hr>
- <p>&nbsp;</p>
- <h3><a name="uninstall">Uninstall Troubleshooting</a></h3>
- <p>
-On Eclipse 3.1, you may need to reset the Java editor to be default for &quot;.java&quot;
-again via: <i>Preferences -&gt; General -&gt; Editors -&gt; File Associations
-</i> </p>
- <p>
-On Eclipse 3.2, you may need to ensure that the &quot;Java Completions&quot; and &quot;Java
-Types&quot; proposal categories are included in the default proposals via:
-<i>Preferences -&gt; Java -&gt; Editor -&gt; Content Assist -&gt; Advanced</i> (<a href="#content-assist-duplication">see
-screenshot</a>) <i>-&gt; Restore Defaults</i></p>
- <hr>
- <p>
-<h3><a name="tasklist-backup">Task backup and restore</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </h3>
-<p>The task list is <b>backed up by default</b> in the
- &lt;workspace&gt;/.mylar/backup directory, with rolling backups set according to
- the schedule in <i>Preferences -&gt; Mylar -&gt; Task List -&gt; Backup</i>.&nbsp;
- Use <i>File -&gt; Import -&gt; Mylar Task Data</i> to restore from one of the
- archive zips.</p>
- <p>Note that uninstalling a connector will cause all of the queries and
- tasks of that kind to disappear from the Task List (<a href="">bug
- 146344</a>), so you may need to restore from a backup if you did this
- accidentally.</p>
-<p>If the Task List is blank Mylar failed to <a href="#install-failure">install or update</a>,
-or there was a problem reading the task list.&nbsp; By default Mylar
-keeps your task list in <i>&lt;workspace&gt;/.mylar/tasklist.xml</i>.&nbsp; If
-you move workspaces, and have not changed the Mylar data directory via the Task
-List preference page, the new location will be used when Eclipse restarts (hit
-Restore Defaults on that page to copy tasks back to the default location).&nbsp;
-If your tasks disappear due to to a bug you can check the .mylar folder for a <i>tasklist-backup.xml</i>
-file, which will contain the previously-saved list.&nbsp;</p>
-<p>You can also back up your task list and context data manually or periodically use
- <i>File -&gt;
- Import/Export -&gt; &nbsp;Mylar Task Data</i>.&nbsp; Note that when restoring
- an previous tasklist.xml file you should first close Eclipse.</p>
- <p>
- <img border="0" src="images/faq/tasklist-backup.gif" width="525" height="310"></p>
- <hr>
-<h3><a name="context-ui-config">Which Focused UI features can I turn off?</a></h3>
- <p>
- All of them.&nbsp; When no task is active neither are any of Mylar's
- features.&nbsp; When working with task contexts Mylar's Focused UI features
- are all optional and in general configurable.&nbsp; The following table
- summarizes how the key features can be toggled.&nbsp; Additional
- configuration options are under the Mylar and General -&gt; Appearance
- preference pages.</p>
-<table border="1" style="border-collapse: collapse" width="100%" id="table2" cellpadding="4" bordercolor="#FFFFFF">
- <tr>
- <td bgcolor="#595791" width="17%" align="center"><font color="#FFFFFF">
- <b>UI Mechanism</b></font></td>
- <td bgcolor="#595791" width="20%" align="center"><font color="#FFFFFF">
- <b>Example/description</b></font></td>
- <td bgcolor="#595791" width="*" align="center"><font color="#FFFFFF"><b>
- Toggle using</b></font></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td bgcolor="#FAF7FB">Interest filtering</td>
- <td bgcolor="#FAF7FB" align="left">
- Package Explorer</td>
- <td bgcolor="#FAF7FB">Apply Mylar button on view toolbar</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td bgcolor="#FAF7FB">Interest decoration</td>
- <td bgcolor="#FAF7FB" align="left">
- Bolding of landmark elements</td>
- <td bgcolor="#FAF7FB">Preferences -&gt; General -&gt; Appearance -&gt; Label
- Decoration</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td bgcolor="#FAF7FB">Content assist</td>
- <td bgcolor="#FAF7FB" align="left">
- Ranking of interesting elements</td>
- <td bgcolor="#FAF7FB">Eclipse 3.2: Java -&gt; Editor -&gt; Content Assist -&gt;
- Work in Progress -&gt; turn off Mylar, turn on Java<br>
- Eclipse 3.1: set the Java editor to be default for .java, not the Mylar
- Java editor</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td bgcolor="#FAF7FB">Active change sets</td>
- <td bgcolor="#FAF7FB" align="left">
- Grouping of changes by tasks</td>
- <td bgcolor="#FAF7FB">Preferences -&gt; Mylar -&gt; Team</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td bgcolor="#FAF7FB">Editor management</td>
- <td bgcolor="#FAF7FB" align="left">
- Auto opening/closing of editors</td>
- <td bgcolor="#FAF7FB">Preferences -&gt; Mylar -&gt; Editor Management</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td bgcolor="#FAF7FB">Active views</td>
- <td bgcolor="#FAF7FB" align="left">
- Active Search and Hierarchy</td>
- <td bgcolor="#FAF7FB">Only on if view is active</td>
- </tr>
- <hr>
- <h3>&nbsp;</h3>
-<h3><a name="repositories-unsupported">What if Mylar doesn't support my
-task/bug/issue tracker?</a></h3>
-<p>First, do a search of the <a href="">open
-repository connector requests</a> and vote for the corresponding bug if your tracker is found, or create
-a new report.&nbsp; In the meantime, you can work with those reports (but not
-with queries) via the web integration.&nbsp; To create a task from any web-based
- <li>Drag the URL from the Address bar of the browser, or from a hyperlink in
- a bug listing to the Mylar Tasks view.&nbsp; This will create a task for the
- bug, link it to the page, and populate the description with the title of the
- corresponding page.&nbsp;&nbsp; In Mozilla, simply drag
- the URL.&nbsp; In Internet Explorer you must have Ctrl pressed in
- order for Eclipse to recognize the drop.</li>
- <li>Alternatively you can copy the URL, press the New Task button on the
- Mylar Tasks view.&nbsp; This has the same effect as above but you can edit
- the description after retrieving it.</li>
- <li>Opening the task will now open the corresponding issue.&nbsp; You can
- also right-click the task and select Open in External Browser.</li>
- <p>
- <img border="0" src="images/0.4.1/tasklist-weblink-editor.gif" width="585" height="195"></p>
- <hr>
- <p>&nbsp;</p>
- <h3><a name="repositories-connectivity">Network and proxy server
- troubleshooting</a></h3>
- <p>For accessing repositories via a proxy server, Mylar uses the settings
- under <i>Preferences -&gt; Install/Update</i>.&nbsp; If you are seeing
- errors like <span class="e" id="q_10b3e1bc7372e609_1">
- <font face="Times New Roman" size="3"><span style="FONT-SIZE: 12pt">&quot;HTTP
- Response Code 407&quot; it is likely that you need to configure these proxy
- server settings.</span></font></span></p>
- <hr>
- <p>&nbsp;</p>
-<h3><a name="connector-bugzilla">Bugzilla Connector troubleshooting</a></h3>
- <p>If queries are not working correctly ensure that you have the right
- Bugzilla server version selected for the corresponding repository: <i>Task
- Repositories (view) -&gt; right+click repository -&gt; Properties</i>.&nbsp;
- For supported versions see the <a href="">
- download page</a>.<sub>&nbsp; </sub>If the repository is still not
- functioning it may be due to authentication or
- <a href="#repositories-connectivity">connectivity problems</a>.&nbsp; If
- that does not resolve the problem please post a message to the newsgroup or
- <a href="">submit a bug</a>.</p>
- <hr>
-<h3><a name="connector-jira">JIRA Connector troubleshooting</a></h3>
- <p>Note that the JIRA SOAP/RPC services have to be running on the server.&nbsp;
- For additional details see the Requirements at:
- <a href="">
-</a>.&nbsp; For supported versions see the
- <a href="">download page</a>.&nbsp;&nbsp; </p>
- <p>&nbsp;</p>
- <hr>
-<h3><a name="eclipse-views-tasks">Does the Task List replace the Eclipse Tasks view?</a></h3>
- <p>The SDK's Tasks view is used for showing markers such as 'todo' tags
- which indicate a local problem with a resource, similar to a compiler
- warning.&nbsp; As such, these 'tasks' are at a much lower level of
- granularity than Mylar's tasks, and one task could involve cleaning up
- multiple todos.&nbsp; In order to make working with only the markers in a
- particular task context, e.g. for clean-up before committing, the Apply
- Mylar filter is available for both the Problems and the Tasks views.&nbsp; </p>
- <hr>
-<h3>&nbsp; </h3>
- <h3><a name="change-sets">Change Set troubleshooting</a></h3>
- <p>There are two modes for Change Sets: the <i>models</i> mode (Eclipse 3.2
- only) and the standard mode.&nbsp; The <i>models</i> mode is toggled via <i>
- Synchronize View -&gt; Preferences -&gt; CVS -&gt; Allow Models to participate in
- synchronizations</i>.&nbsp; </p>
-<p>If you are using the standard mode, Change Sets toolbar button will only
-appear if the Synchronize view is in <i>Incoming</i> or <i>Outgoing</i> mode,
-not in the combined <i>Incoming/Outgoing</i> mode.&nbsp; This button must be
-pressed in order for change sets to appear.&nbsp; For working with CVS two modes
-are indistinguishable beyond this limitation.&nbsp; Subclipse only supports the
-standard mode.</p>
- <img border="0" src="images/faq/changeset-subclipse.gif"></p>
-<p>If you are using the <i>models</i> mode, you will notice that the
-Mylar Active Change sets work show up with a decoration in the lower-right
-corner, and that you can view both incoming and outgoing change sets at the same
-time.&nbsp; However, note that there is a refresh problem with this mode (<a href="">bug 142395</a>),
-and until it is resolved we <b>recommend that you use the standard
-mode for CVS</b>.&nbsp; To work around the former, if a a Change
-Set you expect is missing or if you get a <i>There are no more Incoming/Outgoing
-changes</i> message in the view on startup toggle the third toolbar button
-between <i>All Models</i> and <i>Change Sets</i>.&nbsp; If that doesn't resolve
-it activate and deactivate the current task.</p>
- <img border="0" src="images/faq/changesets-model-based.gif"></p>
- <hr>
- <h3>&nbsp;</h3>
-<h3><a name="active-search-empty0">Why does nothing show up in the Active Search or Active Hierarchy?</a></h3>
- <p>
- As you work and elements become landmarks (bold decoration), and
- these elements populate the Active Search and Active Hierarchy
- views.&nbsp; To force an element to populate the views manually make
- it a landmark by right-clicking or hitting Ctrl+Alt+Shift+Up Arrow.&nbsp;
- <hr>
- &nbsp;</p>
- <h3><a name="content-assist">Content assist troubleshooting</a></h3>
-<p>In Eclipse 3.2, Mylar uses extended content assist processors in order to
-rank and separate the elements in the current task context.&nbsp; To see
-proposals ranked according to interest you must have only the <i>(Mylar)</i>
-proposals kinds enabled in the list below, otherwise you will see duplicates.&nbsp;
-<b>If you do not see any proposals</b>, check this list to ensure that either
-the Mylar or the plain proposals are enabled.&nbsp; Running <i>New -&gt; Mylar -&gt; Recommended
-Preferences</i> will do this for you automatically, or you can set toggle them
-manually in the preference page.&nbsp; Proposals will disappear if&nbsp; a
-workspace into which Mylar was installed is run without Mylar installed (e.g. as
-a result of uninstalling or multiple Eclipses using same workspace, see Platform
-<a href="">bug 140416</a>).</p>
-<p>If after invoking content assist you see an error message dialog that states
-&quot;The extension tool too long to return from the 'computeCompletionProposals()'
-operation&quot;, this is most likely due to something interrupting the proposal
-operation (e.g. garbage collection).&nbsp; Ignore it if it does not recur,
-increase Eclipse's memory if it does (e.g via -Xmx384M command line argument),
-or see <a href="">bug 141457</a>
-for more details.</p>
- <img border="0" src="images/faq/content-assist.gif"></p>
- <hr>
- <h3><a name="filtering-declarations">How do I stop declarations from showing up in the Package Explorer?</a></h3>
-<p>If you don't like Mylar's constant showing of Java members in the
- Package Explorer, select the drop-down menu, then &quot;Filters...&quot; and
- enable the &quot;Mylar Java Declarations Filter&quot;.&nbsp; It will then
- stick in the menu in case you want to toggle between modes.&nbsp;
-Note that this will hide interest information about members that aren't in your
-current file (e.g. showing you which methods are landmarks) so this mode is not
-recommended, but can be useful for 1024x768 screen resolutions.</p>
- <p>
- <img border="0" src="images/0.3/filtering-declarations.gif" width="441" height="211"></p>
- <hr>
- &nbsp;</p>
- <h3><a name="active-search-empty">Why does nothing show up in the Active Search or Active Hierarchy?</a></h3>
- <p>
- As you work and elements become landmarks (bold decoration), and
- these elements populate the Active Search and Active Hierarchy
- views.&nbsp; To force an element to populate the views manually make
- it a landmark by right-clicking or hitting Ctrl+Alt+Shift+Up Arrow.&nbsp;
- <hr>
- &nbsp;</p>
+ <p>&nbsp; </p>
+ <p>See: <b><a href="">
+</a> </b></p>
</body></html> \ No newline at end of file
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- <blockquote>
- <p><b>Please note: </b>documentation of Mylar is still poor. The best way to get an overview of Mylar is by watching the flash
- demos and by reviewing the latest <b><a href="new.html">New &amp; Noteworthy</a></b></p>
- </blockquote>
- <h3>Flash Demos </h3>
- <p>From <a href="">
-</a> </p>
- <li><b><a href="">
- Getting started</a></b> (v0.4, 3.5 min, 8.7 MB) </li>
- <li><a href="">
- <b>Working with tasks and Bugzilla reports</b> </a>(v0.4, 3.5 min, 6 MB)</li>
- <h3>Overview</h3>
- <p>As you work on programming tasks, Mylar watches your activity and creates
- a task context.&nbsp; This context is associated with the task that you have
- activated.&nbsp; Mylar extends Eclipse structure views and editors to show
- you only what you're working on by focusing on the task context, and to
- highlight the degree of interest of the program structure that you are
- working on.&nbsp; The following list and figure summarize the core Mylar
- features.&nbsp; </p>
- <ol>
- <li>Use the task list to create tasks and categories.&nbsp; You can also
- add a bugzilla report as a task, or create a bugzilla query as a
- category.&nbsp; A task context is activated by clicking the gray
- glasses, which causes the task and its category to become bold.&nbsp;
- Note that tasks can show up in multiple categories (e.g. as a result of
- a query, as in the figure below).&nbsp; To disable the context click the
- glasses again.&nbsp; If you are using bugzilla reports you must
- configure the Bugzilla server first (Preferences -&gt; Bugzilla).&nbsp; If
- you double-click a Bugzilla report it will open with the internal
- browser, or with a Bugzilla Editor if you set Preferences -&gt; Mylar -&gt;
- Task List accordingly.</li>
- <li>Click the Mylar glasses to filter out all uninteresting elements
- (i.e. those not a part of the task context), shown here on the Outline
- view.&nbsp; You will notice that views with Mylar filtering update
- automatically as you work.&nbsp; Toggle this button to switch between
- the standard view mode and the Mylar interest filtering.&nbsp; If you
- have no task context active and all of the Mylar glasses are toggled off
- all of the Mylar functionality is disabled.</li>
- <li>The Problems list can be filtered just like the outline.</li>
- <li>The editor provides an automatic folding feature that can be toggled
- using the toolbar button next to &quot;Mark Occurrences&quot;.&nbsp; When enabled
- all uninteresting elements will be folded, an interesting elements
- unfolded.&nbsp; Note that if you use the Mylar Java editor for &quot;.java&quot;
- files the highest interest elements will be moved to the top of the
- content assist list.</li>
- <li>Mylar filtering works in the Package Explorer as well.&nbsp;
- Elements that are not a part of the task context show up in gray
- consistently throughout the views.&nbsp; The highest interest elements,
- called Landmarks, show up in bold.&nbsp; </li>
- </ol>
- <p><img border="0" src="images/0.3/overview.gif" width="640" height="461"></p>
- <p>&nbsp;</p>
+ <p><b>Please note: </b>the best way to get an overview of Mylar is by watching the flash
+ demos and by reviewing the latest <b><a href="new.html">New &amp; Noteworthy</a>
+ </b>&nbsp;and the <b><a href="">
+ FAQ</a></b>.</p>
+ <p><b>Also see: <a href="">
+</a> </b> </p>
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<toc label="Mylar">
<topic label="Overview" href="doc/overview.html"/>
<topic label="New &amp; Noteworthy" href="doc/new.html"/>
- <topic label="FAQ" href="doc/faq.html"/>
<anchor id="concepts"/>
<anchor id="tasklist"/>
<anchor id="java"/>

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