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authorFrank Becker2012-02-24 16:22:43 +0000
committerFrank Becker2012-02-26 12:16:39 +0000
commitc2f4cab9b71b2392ad32f30409c229bfb33a4c5b (patch)
tree4134b0328447a862337377e8812b70fe7cb2c78e /org.eclipse.mylyn.bugzilla.tests/src
parent9e8d9e96fb990b421e4b28a0e7ad52b43e04c55c (diff)
REOPENED - bug 354023: create method to get more information from the
Bugzilla Webservice Change-Id: Iceafa09973f6ce7efb19e67c097d1f7249c10a46
Diffstat (limited to 'org.eclipse.mylyn.bugzilla.tests/src')
1 files changed, 355 insertions, 9 deletions
diff --git a/org.eclipse.mylyn.bugzilla.tests/src/org/eclipse/mylyn/bugzilla/tests/core/ b/org.eclipse.mylyn.bugzilla.tests/src/org/eclipse/mylyn/bugzilla/tests/core/
index 0020d6df1..ffa59157f 100644
--- a/org.eclipse.mylyn.bugzilla.tests/src/org/eclipse/mylyn/bugzilla/tests/core/
+++ b/org.eclipse.mylyn.bugzilla.tests/src/org/eclipse/mylyn/bugzilla/tests/core/
@@ -11,12 +11,17 @@
package org.eclipse.mylyn.bugzilla.tests.core;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
+import java.util.SortedSet;
+import java.util.TreeSet;
import junit.framework.TestCase;
@@ -30,17 +35,37 @@ import;
import org.eclipse.mylyn.internal.bugzilla.core.AbstractBugzillaOperation;
+import org.eclipse.mylyn.internal.bugzilla.core.BugzillaAttribute;
import org.eclipse.mylyn.internal.bugzilla.core.BugzillaAttributeMapper;
import org.eclipse.mylyn.internal.bugzilla.core.BugzillaClient;
import org.eclipse.mylyn.internal.bugzilla.core.BugzillaRepositoryConnector;
import org.eclipse.mylyn.internal.bugzilla.core.BugzillaVersion;
import org.eclipse.mylyn.internal.bugzilla.core.CustomTransitionManager;
import org.eclipse.mylyn.internal.bugzilla.core.service.BugzillaXmlRpcClient;
+import org.eclipse.mylyn.internal.tasks.core.AbstractTask;
+import org.eclipse.mylyn.internal.tasks.core.RepositoryQuery;
+import org.eclipse.mylyn.internal.tasks.core.TaskRepositoryManager;
+import org.eclipse.mylyn.internal.tasks.ui.ITasksUiPreferenceConstants;
+import org.eclipse.mylyn.internal.tasks.ui.TasksUiPlugin;
+import org.eclipse.mylyn.internal.tasks.ui.util.TasksUiInternal;
+import org.eclipse.mylyn.tasks.core.ITask;
+import org.eclipse.mylyn.tasks.core.RepositoryResponse;
+import org.eclipse.mylyn.tasks.core.RepositoryResponse.ResponseKind;
+import org.eclipse.mylyn.tasks.core.TaskMapping;
import org.eclipse.mylyn.tasks.core.TaskRepository;
+import org.eclipse.mylyn.tasks.core.sync.SubmitJob;
+import org.eclipse.mylyn.tasks.ui.TasksUi;
+import org.eclipse.mylyn.tasks.ui.TasksUiUtil;
+import org.eclipse.mylyn.tests.util.TestFixture;
import org.eclipse.mylyn.tests.util.TestUtil.PrivilegeLevel;
@@ -60,6 +85,8 @@ public class BugzillaXmlRpcClientTest extends TestCase {
private BugzillaRepositoryConnector connector;
+ protected TaskRepositoryManager manager;
private BugzillaClient client;
@@ -308,6 +335,11 @@ public class BugzillaXmlRpcClientTest extends TestCase {
public void setUp() throws Exception {
+ TasksUiPlugin.getDefault()
+ .getPreferenceStore()
+ .setValue(ITasksUiPreferenceConstants.REPOSITORY_SYNCH_SCHEDULE_ENABLED, false);
+ manager = TasksUiPlugin.getRepositoryManager();
+ TestFixture.resetTaskListAndRepositories();
WebLocation webLocation = new WebLocation(BugzillaFixture.current().getRepositoryUrl() + "/xmlrpc.cgi");
webLocation.setCredentials(AuthenticationType.REPOSITORY, "", "mylyntest");
client = BugzillaFixture.current().client(PrivilegeLevel.USER);
@@ -315,6 +347,282 @@ public class BugzillaXmlRpcClientTest extends TestCase {
connector = BugzillaFixture.current().connector();
bugzillaClient = new BugzillaXmlRpcClient(webLocation, client);
+ TasksUi.getRepositoryManager().addRepository(repository);
+ }
+ @Override
+ protected void tearDown() throws Exception {
+ super.tearDown();
+ TestFixture.resetTaskList();
+ manager.clearRepositories(TasksUiPlugin.getDefault().getRepositoriesFilePath());
+ }
+ protected TaskDataModel createModel(ITask task) throws CoreException {
+ ITaskDataWorkingCopy taskDataState = getWorkingCopy(task);
+ return new TaskDataModel(repository, task, taskDataState);
+ }
+ protected ITaskDataWorkingCopy getWorkingCopy(ITask task) throws CoreException {
+ return TasksUiPlugin.getTaskDataManager().getWorkingCopy(task);
+ }
+ protected void submit(TaskDataModel model) {
+ SubmitJob submitJob = TasksUiInternal.getJobFactory().createSubmitTaskJob(connector, model.getTaskRepository(),
+ model.getTask(), model.getTaskData(), model.getChangedOldAttributes());
+ submitJob.schedule();
+ try {
+ submitJob.join();
+ } catch (InterruptedException e) {
+ fail(e.getMessage());
+ }
+ }
+// protected void synchAndAssertState(Set<ITask> tasks, SynchronizationState state) {
+// for (ITask task : tasks) {
+// TasksUiInternal.synchronizeTask(connector, task, true, null);
+// TasksUiPlugin.getTaskDataManager().setTaskRead(task, true);
+// assertEquals(task.getSynchronizationState(), state);
+// }
+// }
+ protected ITask generateLocalTaskAndDownload(String id) throws CoreException {
+ ITask task = TasksUi.getRepositoryModel().createTask(repository, id);
+ TasksUiPlugin.getTaskList().addTask(task);
+ TasksUiInternal.synchronizeTask(connector, task, true, null);
+ TasksUiPlugin.getTaskDataManager().setTaskRead(task, true);
+ return task;
+ }
+ protected String taskExists() {
+ String taskID = null;
+ String queryUrlString = repository.getRepositoryUrl() + "/buglist.cgi?"
+ + "short_desc=test%20XMLRPC%20getBugData&resolution=---&query_format=advanced"
+ + "&short_desc_type=casesubstring&component=TestComponent&product=TestProduct";
+ RepositoryQuery query = new RepositoryQuery(repository.getConnectorKind(), "handle-testQueryViaConnector");
+ query.setUrl(queryUrlString);
+ final Map<Integer, TaskData> changedTaskData = new HashMap<Integer, TaskData>();
+ TaskDataCollector collector = new TaskDataCollector() {
+ @Override
+ public void accept(TaskData taskData) {
+ changedTaskData.put(Integer.valueOf(taskData.getTaskId()), taskData);
+ }
+ };
+ connector.performQuery(repository, query, collector, null, new NullProgressMonitor());
+ if (changedTaskData.size() > 0) {
+ Set<Integer> ks = changedTaskData.keySet();
+ SortedSet<Integer> sks = new TreeSet<Integer>(ks);
+ taskID = sks.last().toString();
+ }
+ return taskID;
+ }
+ protected String createTask() throws Exception {
+ final TaskMapping taskMappingInit = new TaskMapping() {
+ @Override
+ public String getProduct() {
+ return "TestProduct";
+ }
+ };
+ final TaskMapping taskMappingSelect = new TaskMapping() {
+ @Override
+ public String getComponent() {
+ return "TestComponent";
+ }
+ @Override
+ public String getSummary() {
+ return "test XMLRPC getBugData";
+ }
+ @Override
+ public String getDescription() {
+ return "The Description of the XMLRPC getBugData Bug";
+ }
+ };
+ TaskAttribute flagA = null;
+ TaskAttribute flagB = null;
+ TaskAttribute flagC = null;
+ TaskAttribute flagD = null;
+ TaskAttribute stateA = null;
+ TaskAttribute stateB = null;
+ TaskAttribute stateC = null;
+ TaskAttribute stateD = null;
+ final TaskData[] taskDataNew = new TaskData[1];
+ // create Task
+ taskDataNew[0] = TasksUiInternal.createTaskData(repository, taskMappingInit, taskMappingSelect, null);
+ ITask taskNew = TasksUiUtil.createOutgoingNewTask(taskDataNew[0].getConnectorKind(),
+ taskDataNew[0].getRepositoryUrl());
+ ITaskDataWorkingCopy workingCopy = TasksUi.getTaskDataManager().createWorkingCopy(taskNew, taskDataNew[0]);
+ Set<TaskAttribute> changed = new HashSet<TaskAttribute>();
+, null);
+ RepositoryResponse response = BugzillaFixture.current().submitTask(taskDataNew[0], client);//connector.getTaskDataHandler().postTaskData(repository, taskDataNew[0], changed,
+ //new NullProgressMonitor());
+ ((AbstractTask) taskNew).setSubmitting(true);
+ assertNotNull(response);
+ assertEquals(ResponseKind.TASK_CREATED.toString(), response.getReposonseKind().toString());
+ String taskId = response.getTaskId();
+ ITask task = generateLocalTaskAndDownload(taskId);
+ assertNotNull(task);
+ TaskDataModel model = createModel(task);
+ TaskData taskData = model.getTaskData();
+ assertNotNull(taskData);
+ TaskAttribute attrAttachment = taskData.getAttributeMapper().createTaskAttachment(taskData);
+ TaskAttachmentMapper attachmentMapper = TaskAttachmentMapper.createFrom(attrAttachment);
+ /* Test uploading a proper file */
+ String fileName = "test-attach-1.txt";
+ File attachFile = new File(fileName);
+ attachFile.createNewFile();
+ attachFile.deleteOnExit();
+ BufferedWriter write = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(attachFile));
+ write.write("test file from " + System.currentTimeMillis());
+ write.close();
+ FileTaskAttachmentSource attachment = new FileTaskAttachmentSource(attachFile);
+ attachment.setContentType("text/plain");
+ attachment.setDescription("Description");
+ attachment.setName("My Attachment 1");
+ try {
+ client.postAttachment(taskData.getTaskId(), attachmentMapper.getComment(), attachment, attrAttachment,
+ new NullProgressMonitor());
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ fail("never reach this!");
+ }
+ taskData = BugzillaFixture.current().getTask(taskData.getTaskId(), client);
+ assertNotNull(taskData);
+ TaskAttribute attachmentAttribute = taskData.getAttributeMapper()
+ .getAttributesByType(taskData, TaskAttribute.TYPE_ATTACHMENT)
+ .get(0);
+ int flagCount = 0;
+ int flagCountUnused = 0;
+ TaskAttribute attachmentFlag1 = null;
+ TaskAttribute attachmentFlag2 = null;
+ for (TaskAttribute attribute : attachmentAttribute.getAttributes().values()) {
+ if (!attribute.getId().startsWith(BugzillaAttribute.KIND_FLAG)) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ flagCount++;
+ if (attribute.getId().startsWith(BugzillaAttribute.KIND_FLAG_TYPE)) {
+ flagCountUnused++;
+ TaskAttribute stateAttribute = taskData.getAttributeMapper().getAssoctiatedAttribute(attribute);
+ if (stateAttribute.getMetaData().getLabel().equals("AttachmentFlag1")) {
+ attachmentFlag1 = attribute;
+ }
+ if (stateAttribute.getMetaData().getLabel().equals("AttachmentFlag2")) {
+ attachmentFlag2 = attribute;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ assertEquals(2, flagCount);
+ assertEquals(2, flagCountUnused);
+ assertNotNull(attachmentFlag1);
+ assertNotNull(attachmentFlag2);
+ TaskAttribute stateAttribute1 = taskData.getAttributeMapper().getAssoctiatedAttribute(attachmentFlag1);
+ stateAttribute1.setValue("?");
+ TaskAttribute requestee = attachmentFlag1.getAttribute("requestee"); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ requestee.setValue("");
+ client.postUpdateAttachment(attachmentAttribute, "update", null);
+ task = generateLocalTaskAndDownload(taskId);
+ assertNotNull(task);
+ model = createModel(task);
+ taskData = model.getTaskData();
+ assertNotNull(taskData);
+ for (TaskAttribute taskAttribute : taskData.getRoot().getAttributes().values()) {
+ if (taskAttribute.getId().startsWith(BugzillaAttribute.KIND_FLAG)) {
+ TaskAttribute state = taskAttribute.getAttribute("state");
+ if (state.getMetaData().getLabel().equals("BugFlag1")) {
+ flagA = taskAttribute;
+ stateA = state;
+ } else if (state.getMetaData().getLabel().equals("BugFlag2")) {
+ flagB = taskAttribute;
+ stateB = state;
+ } else if (state.getMetaData().getLabel().equals("BugFlag3")) {
+ flagC = taskAttribute;
+ stateC = state;
+ } else if (state.getMetaData().getLabel().equals("BugFlag4")) {
+ flagD = taskAttribute;
+ stateD = state;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ assertNotNull(flagA);
+ assertNotNull(flagB);
+ assertNotNull(flagC);
+ assertNotNull(flagD);
+ assertNotNull(stateA);
+ assertNotNull(stateB);
+ assertNotNull(stateC);
+ assertNotNull(stateD);
+ if (flagD != null) {
+ TaskAttribute requesteeD = flagD.getAttribute("requestee");
+ requesteeD.setValue("");
+ }
+ if (stateA != null) {
+ stateA.setValue("+");
+ }
+ if (stateB != null) {
+ stateB.setValue("?");
+ }
+ if (stateC != null) {
+ stateC.setValue("?");
+ }
+ if (stateD != null) {
+ stateD.setValue("?");
+ }
+ TaskAttribute cf_freetext = taskData.getRoot().getAttribute("cf_freetext");
+ TaskAttribute cf_dropdown = taskData.getRoot().getAttribute("cf_dropdown");
+ TaskAttribute cf_largetextbox = taskData.getRoot().getAttribute("cf_largetextbox");
+ TaskAttribute cf_multiselect = taskData.getRoot().getAttribute("cf_multiselect");
+ TaskAttribute cf_datetime = taskData.getRoot().getAttribute("cf_datetime");
+ TaskAttribute cf_bugid = taskData.getRoot().getAttribute("cf_bugid");
+ cf_freetext.setValue("Freetext");
+ cf_dropdown.setValue("one");
+ cf_largetextbox.setValue("large text box");
+ cf_multiselect.setValue("Blue");
+ cf_datetime.setValue("2012-01-01 00:00:00");
+ cf_bugid.setValue("3");
+// <cf_freetext>aaaa</cf_freetext>
+// <cf_dropdown>one</cf_dropdown>
+// <cf_largetextbox>aaaaaaaaaaa</cf_largetextbox>
+// <cf_multiselect>Blue</cf_multiselect>
+// <cf_datetime>2012-02-01 00:00:00</cf_datetime>
+// <cf_bugid>3</cf_bugid>
+ model.attributeChanged(cf_freetext);
+ model.attributeChanged(cf_dropdown);
+ model.attributeChanged(cf_largetextbox);
+ model.attributeChanged(cf_multiselect);
+ model.attributeChanged(cf_datetime);
+ model.attributeChanged(cf_bugid);
+ model.attributeChanged(flagA);
+ model.attributeChanged(flagB);
+ model.attributeChanged(flagC);
+ model.attributeChanged(flagD);
+ changed.clear();
+ changed.add(flagA);
+ changed.add(flagB);
+ changed.add(flagC);
+ changed.add(flagD);
+ changed.add(cf_freetext);
+ changed.add(cf_dropdown);
+ changed.add(cf_largetextbox);
+ changed.add(cf_multiselect);
+ changed.add(cf_datetime);
+ changed.add(cf_bugid);
+, null);
+ response = BugzillaFixture.current().submitTask(taskData, client);
+ return taskId;
// @SuppressWarnings("unused")
@@ -332,7 +640,6 @@ public class BugzillaXmlRpcClientTest extends TestCase {
// }
// }
// }
public void testGetVersion() throws Exception {
if (BugzillaFixture.current().getDescription().equals(BugzillaFixture.XML_RPC_DISABLED)) {
@@ -384,7 +691,7 @@ public class BugzillaXmlRpcClientTest extends TestCase {
assertEquals("", ((HashMap<String, String>) userList2[0]).get("name"));
assertEquals("Mylyn guest", ((HashMap<String, String>) userList2[0]).get("real_name"));
assertEquals(((Boolean) true), ((HashMap<String, Boolean>) userList2[0]).get("can_login"));
assertEquals(((Integer) 2), ((HashMap<String, Integer>) userList2[1]).get("id"));
assertEquals("", ((HashMap<String, String>) userList2[1]).get("email"));
assertEquals("", ((HashMap<String, String>) userList2[1]).get("name"));
@@ -494,14 +801,13 @@ public class BugzillaXmlRpcClientTest extends TestCase {
|| BugzillaFixture.current() == BugzillaFixture.BUGS_3_4) {
} else {
Set<String> taskIds = new HashSet<String>();
-//FB disabled after clear of the database I need to find an other bug
-// if (repository.getRepositoryUrl().startsWith("")) {
-// taskIds.add("1526");
-// }
- taskIds.add("1");
-// taskIds.add("3");
+ String taskId = taskExists();
+ if (taskId == null) {
+ taskId = createTask();
+ }
+ taskIds.add(taskId);
final Map<String, TaskData> results = new HashMap<String, TaskData>();
final Map<String, TaskData> resultsXMLRPC = new HashMap<String, TaskData>();
TaskDataCollector collector = new TaskDataCollector() {
@@ -581,6 +887,17 @@ public class BugzillaXmlRpcClientTest extends TestCase {
Map<String, TaskAttribute> attributesHTML = taskDataHTML.getRoot().getAttributes();
Map<String, TaskAttribute> attributesXMLRPC = taskDataXMLRPC.getRoot().getAttributes();
div += compareAttributes(attributesHTML, attributesXMLRPC, "", "Root-" + taskID + ": "); //$NON-NLS-1$
+// TaskAttribute aa0 = taskDataHTML.getRoot().getAttribute("estimated_time");
+// TaskAttribute aa1 = taskDataXMLRPC.getRoot().getAttribute("estimated_time");
+// TaskAttribute ab0 = taskDataHTML.getRoot().getAttribute("remaining_time");
+// TaskAttribute ab1 = taskDataXMLRPC.getRoot().getAttribute("remaining_time");
+// TaskAttribute ac0 = taskDataHTML.getRoot().getAttribute("actual_time");
+// TaskAttribute ac1 = taskDataXMLRPC.getRoot().getAttribute("actual_time");
+// TaskAttribute ad0 = taskDataHTML.getRoot().getAttribute("deadline");
+// TaskAttribute ad1 = taskDataXMLRPC.getRoot().getAttribute("deadline");
+// @SuppressWarnings("unused")
+// int i = 9;
+// i++;
// set breakpoint to see what is the div between HTML and XMLRPC
@@ -614,6 +931,35 @@ public class BugzillaXmlRpcClientTest extends TestCase {
div += (prefix + attributeNameHTML + " value not equal HTML = \'" + attributeHTML.getValue()
+ "\' XMLRPC = \'" + attributeXMLRPC.getValue() + "\'\n");
+ TaskAttributeMetaData metaHTML = attributeHTML.getMetaData();
+ TaskAttributeMetaData metaXMLRPC = attributeXMLRPC.getMetaData();
+ if (metaHTML != null && metaXMLRPC == null) {
+ div += (prefix + attributeNameHTML + " MetaData not in XMLRPC\n");
+ }
+ if (metaHTML != null && metaXMLRPC != null) {
+ String a0 = metaHTML.getKind();
+ String a1 = metaXMLRPC.getKind();
+ if (metaHTML.getKind() != null && metaXMLRPC.getKind() == null) {
+ div += (prefix + attributeNameHTML + " MetaData Kind not in XMLRPC\n");
+ } else if (metaHTML.getKind() != null && metaHTML.getKind().compareTo(metaXMLRPC.getKind()) != 0) {
+ div += (prefix + attributeNameHTML + " Meta Kind not equal HTML = \'" + metaHTML.getKind()
+ + "\' XMLRPC = \'" + metaXMLRPC.getKind() + "\'\n");
+ }
+ if (metaHTML.getType() != null && metaXMLRPC.getType() == null) {
+ div += (prefix + attributeNameHTML + " MetaData Type not in XMLRPC\n");
+ } else if (metaHTML.getType() != null && metaHTML.getType().compareTo(metaXMLRPC.getType()) != 0) {
+ div += (prefix + attributeNameHTML + " Meta Type not equal HTML = \'" + metaHTML.getType()
+ + "\' XMLRPC = \'" + metaXMLRPC.getType() + "\'\n");
+ }
+ if (metaHTML.getLabel() != null && metaXMLRPC.getLabel() == null) {
+ div += (prefix + attributeNameHTML + " MetaData Label not in XMLRPC\n");
+ } else if (metaHTML.getLabel() != null && metaHTML.getLabel().compareTo(metaXMLRPC.getLabel()) != 0) {
+ div += (prefix + attributeNameHTML + " Meta Label not equal HTML = \'" + metaHTML.getLabel()
+ + "\' XMLRPC = \'" + metaXMLRPC.getLabel() + "\'\n");
+ }
+ }
Map<String, TaskAttribute> subAttribHTML = attributeHTML.getAttributes();
if (!subAttribHTML.isEmpty()) {
Map<String, TaskAttribute> subAttribXMLRPC = attributeXMLRPC.getAttributes();

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