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Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/org.eclipse.gmt.tcs.extractor/src/org/eclipse/gmt/tcs/extractor/')
1 files changed, 962 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/org.eclipse.gmt.tcs.extractor/src/org/eclipse/gmt/tcs/extractor/ b/plugins/org.eclipse.gmt.tcs.extractor/src/org/eclipse/gmt/tcs/extractor/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d0085a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/org.eclipse.gmt.tcs.extractor/src/org/eclipse/gmt/tcs/extractor/
@@ -0,0 +1,962 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2008 INRIA.
+ * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
+ * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
+ * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
+ *
+ *
+ * Contributors:
+ * INRIA - initial API and implementation
+ *
+ * $Id:,v 1.7 2008/07/02 18:33:39 fjouault Exp $
+ */
+package org.eclipse.gmt.tcs.extractor;
+import java.text.DecimalFormat;
+import java.text.DecimalFormatSymbols;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.Collection;
+import java.util.HashMap;
+import java.util.Iterator;
+import java.util.Map;
+import java.util.Stack;
+ * @author Frédéric Jouault
+ * @author Mikaël Barbero
+ *
+ */
+public class PrettyPrinter {
+ private Map templates = new HashMap();
+ private Map primitiveTemplates = new HashMap();
+ private Map tokens = new HashMap();
+ private Collection keywords = new ArrayList();
+ private boolean kwCheckIgnoreCase;
+ private String identEscStart = "\"";
+ private String identEscEnd = "\"";
+ private String stringDelim = "\'";
+ private boolean serializeComments = true;
+ private boolean usePrimitiveTemplates = false;
+ private static DecimalFormatSymbols dfs = new DecimalFormatSymbols();
+ private DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("0.##############", dfs);
+ private TCSExtractorStream out;
+ private Stack priorities = new Stack();
+ private Stack currentSeparator = new Stack();
+ private int indentLevel = 0;
+ private String indentString = " ";
+ private String curIndent = "";
+ private String standardSeparator = " ";
+ private String lineFeed = "\n";
+ private ModelAdapter modelAdapter;
+ public void prettyPrint(Object source, ModelAdapter ma, OutputStream target, Map arguments) {
+ this.modelAdapter = ma;
+ out = (TCSExtractorStream)arguments.get("stream");
+ if(out == null)
+ out = new TCSExtractorPrintStream(target);
+ String newIndentString = (String)arguments.get("indentString");
+ String newStandardSeparator = (String)arguments.get("standardSeparator");
+ kwCheckIgnoreCase = "true".equals(arguments.get("kwCheckIgnoreCase"));
+ debug = "true".equals(arguments.get("debug"));
+ debugws = "true".equals(arguments.get("debugws"));
+ serializeComments = !"false".equals(arguments.get("serializeComments"));
+ usePrimitiveTemplates = "true".equals(arguments.get("usePrimitiveTemplates"));
+ String identEscStart = (String)arguments.get("identEscStart");
+ if(identEscStart != null) {
+ this.identEscStart = identEscStart;
+ }
+ String identEscEnd = (String)arguments.get("identEscEnd");
+ if(identEscEnd != null) {
+ this.identEscEnd = identEscEnd;
+ }
+ String identEsc = (String)arguments.get("identEsc");
+ if(identEsc != null) {
+ this.identEscStart = identEsc;
+ this.identEscEnd = identEsc;
+ }
+ String stringDelim = (String)arguments.get("stringDelim");
+ if(stringDelim != null) {
+ this.stringDelim = stringDelim;
+ }
+ String decimalFormat = (String)arguments.get("decimalFormat");
+ if(decimalFormat != null) {
+ this.df = new DecimalFormat(decimalFormat, dfs);
+ }
+ if(newIndentString != null)
+ indentString = newIndentString;
+ if(newStandardSeparator != null)
+ standardSeparator = newStandardSeparator;
+ Object format = arguments.get("format");
+ String rootName = null;
+ Object rootTemplate = null;
+ for(Iterator i = modelAdapter.getElementsByType(format, "Template").iterator() ; i.hasNext() ; ) {
+ Object ame =;
+ String name = this.modelAdapter.getString(ame, "name");
+ boolean isMain = false;
+ if("ClassTemplate".equals(this.modelAdapter.getTypeName(ame))) {
+ isMain = this.modelAdapter.getBool(ame, "isMain");
+ }
+ if(isMain) {
+ rootName = name;
+ rootTemplate = ame;
+ }
+ if(this.modelAdapter.getTypeName(ame).equals("EnumerationTemplate")) {
+ Map mappings = new HashMap();
+ for(Iterator j = this.modelAdapter.getCol(ame, "mappings") ; j.hasNext() ; ) {
+ Object mapping =;
+ mappings.put(this.modelAdapter.getString(this.modelAdapter.getME(mapping, "literal"), "name"), this.modelAdapter.getME(mapping, "element"));
+ }
+ templates.put(name, mappings);
+ } else if(this.modelAdapter.getTypeName(ame).equals("PrimitiveTemplate")) {
+ primitiveTemplates.put(name, ame);
+ name = this.modelAdapter.getString(ame, "typeName");
+ Collection c = (Collection)templates.get(name);
+ if(c == null) {
+ c = new ArrayList();
+ templates.put(name, c);
+ }
+ c.add(ame);
+ } else {
+ templates.put(name, ame);
+ }
+ }
+ for(Iterator i = modelAdapter.getElementsByType(format, "Keyword").iterator() ; i.hasNext() ; ) {
+ Object ame =;
+ String value = this.modelAdapter.getString(ame, "value");
+ if(kwCheckIgnoreCase)
+ value = value.toUpperCase();
+ keywords.add(value);
+ }
+ for(Iterator i = modelAdapter.getElementsByType(format, "Token").iterator() ; i.hasNext() ; ) {
+ Object ame =;
+ String name = this.modelAdapter.getString(ame, "name");
+ tokens.put(name, ame);
+// if("COMMENT".equals(name)) {
+// this.modelAdapter.getCol(this.modelAdapter.getME(ame, "pattern"), "simplePatterns");
+// AMN.isa(ame, "");
+// commentToken = ame;
+// }
+ }
+ for(Iterator i = modelAdapter.getElementsByType(format, "Symbol").iterator() ; i.hasNext() ; ) {
+ Object ame =;
+ String value = this.modelAdapter.getString(ame, "value");
+ debug("Symbol: " + value);
+ int type = TYPE_SYMBOL;
+ for(Iterator j = this.modelAdapter.getCol(ame, "spaces") ; j.hasNext() ; ) {
+ String l = this.modelAdapter.getEnumLiteralName(;
+ debug("\tLiteral: " + l);
+ if(l.equals("leftSpace"))
+ type += SYMBOL_LS;
+ else if(l.equals("leftNone"))
+ type += SYMBOL_LN;
+ if(l.equals("rightSpace"))
+ type += SYMBOL_RS;
+ else if(l.equals("rightNone"))
+ type += SYMBOL_RN;
+ }
+ symbols.put(value, new Integer(type));
+ }
+ Iterator possibleRoots = this.modelAdapter.getElementsByType(source, rootName).iterator();
+ boolean isMulti = this.modelAdapter.getBool(rootTemplate, "isMulti");
+ boolean first = true;
+ while(possibleRoots.hasNext()) {
+ Object root =;
+ if(this.modelAdapter.isAModelElement(this.modelAdapter.refImmediateComposite(root)))
+ continue; // not a real root
+ if((!isMulti) && (!first)) {
+ System.out.println("Error: multiple possible roots found.");
+ break;
+ }
+ priorities.push(new Integer(Integer.MAX_VALUE));
+ //pushSep(" ");
+ serialize(root);
+ first = false;
+ }
+ if(first && !isMulti) {
+ System.out.println("Error: no root found.");
+ }
+ out.close();
+ }
+ private void pushSep(String sep) {
+ currentSeparator.push(sep);
+ debug("PUSHING SEPARATOR: \"" + sep + "\"");
+ }
+ private void popSep() {
+ String old = (String)currentSeparator.pop();
+ debug("POPING SEPARATOR: \"" + old + "\"");
+ }
+ private void serialize(Object ame) {
+ pushSep(standardSeparator);
+ String typeName = this.modelAdapter.getTypeName(ame);
+ debug("processing " + typeName);
+ Object template = templates.get(typeName);
+ if(template == null) {
+ throw new TCSExtractionException("cannot find mathing template for: " + typeName, null);
+ }
+ String templateTypeName = this.modelAdapter.getTypeName(template);
+ debug("Applying template type " + templateTypeName);
+ if(serializeComments) {
+ try {
+ boolean first = true;
+ boolean nl = false;
+ for(Iterator i = this.modelAdapter.getCol(ame, "commentsBefore") ; i.hasNext() ; ) {
+ String c = this.modelAdapter.nextString(i);
+ if(c.equals("\n")) {
+ nl = true;
+ } else {
+ debug("printing comment: \"" + c + "\"");
+ if(first && !nl) {
+ printComment(c);
+ //out.print("SHOULD-BE-NONL");
+ } else {
+ printComment(c);
+ }
+ printWS(lineFeed + curIndent);
+ first = false;
+ }
+ }
+ } catch(Exception e) {
+ System.out.println("Warning: could not get comments of " + ame + ", disabling further comments serialization");
+ serializeComments = false;
+ }
+ }
+ if(templateTypeName.equals("ClassTemplate")) {
+ priorities.push(new Integer(Integer.MAX_VALUE));
+ serializeSeq(ame, this.modelAdapter.getME(template, "templateSequence"));
+ priorities.pop();
+ } else if(templateTypeName.equals("OperatorTemplate")) {
+ String sourcePropName = this.modelAdapter.getString(template, "source");
+ String opPropName = this.modelAdapter.getString(template, "storeOpTo");
+ String rightPropName = this.modelAdapter.getString(template, "storeRightTo");
+ debug("OperatorTemplate: source = " + sourcePropName + " ; operator = " + opPropName + " ; right = " + rightPropName);
+ Object r = null;
+ boolean isPostfix = false; // only valid for unary operators
+ boolean isUnary = false;
+ if(rightPropName != null) {
+ r = this.modelAdapter.get(ame, rightPropName);
+ if(r instanceof Collection) {
+ isUnary = (((Collection)r).size() == 0);
+ } else {
+ isUnary = r == null;
+ }
+ } else {
+ isUnary = true;
+ }
+ debug("rightPropName = " + rightPropName + " ; isUnary = " + isUnary);
+ Object operator = null;
+ if(opPropName != null) {
+ String op = this.modelAdapter.getString(ame, opPropName);
+ if (op == null) {
+ throw new RuntimeException("Property " + opPropName + " has not been set in " + ame + " (" + this.modelAdapter.getMetaobject(ame) + ")");
+ }
+ for(Iterator i = this.modelAdapter.getCol(template, "operators") ; i.hasNext() && (operator == null) ; ) {
+ Object opme =;
+ Object literal = this.modelAdapter.getME(opme, "literal");
+ String opmes = null;
+ if(literal == null)
+ opmes = "";
+ else
+ opmes = this.modelAdapter.getString(literal, "value");
+ int arity = this.modelAdapter.getInt(opme, "arity");
+ if(op.equals(opmes)) {
+ if(rightPropName != null) {
+ if((isUnary && (arity == 1)) ||
+ ((!isUnary) && (arity == 2))) {
+ operator = opme;
+ }
+ } else {
+ operator = opme;
+ isPostfix = this.modelAdapter.getBool(opme, "isPostfix");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(operator == null) {
+ System.err.println("Error: could not find operator \"" + op + "\"");
+ }
+ } else {
+ operator = this.modelAdapter.getCol(template, "operators").next();
+ isUnary = this.modelAdapter.getInt(operator, "arity") == 1;
+ if(isUnary) {
+ isPostfix = this.modelAdapter.getBool(operator, "isPostfix");
+ }
+ }
+ int curPrio = ((Integer)priorities.peek()).intValue();
+ int priority = this.modelAdapter.getInt(this.modelAdapter.getME(operator, "priority"), "value");
+ boolean paren = priority > curPrio;
+ priorities.push(new Integer(priority));
+ Object literal = this.modelAdapter.getME(operator, "literal");
+ debug("PRIORITY = " + priority + " ; CURPRIO = " + curPrio + " ; OPERATOR = " + ((literal != null) ? this.modelAdapter.getString(literal, "value") : "") + " ; paren = " + paren);
+ if(paren)
+ printSymbol("(");
+ Object source = this.modelAdapter.getME(ame, sourcePropName);
+ if(isUnary) {
+ if(isPostfix) {
+ serialize(source);
+ if(literal != null)
+ printLiteral(literal);
+ } else {
+ if(literal != null)
+ printLiteral(literal);
+ serialize(source);
+ }
+ } else {
+ serialize(source);
+ if(literal != null)
+ printLiteral(literal);
+ }
+ Object seq = this.modelAdapter.getME(template, "otSequence");
+ if(rightPropName == null) {
+ priorities.push(new Integer(Integer.MAX_VALUE));
+ serializeSeq(ame, seq);
+ priorities.pop();
+ } else {
+ if(seq != null)
+ serializeSeq(ame, seq);
+ if(r instanceof Collection) {
+ for(Iterator i = ((Collection)r).iterator() ; i.hasNext() ; ) {
+ serialize(;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if(!isUnary)
+ serialize(r);
+ }
+ }
+ priorities.pop();
+ if(paren)
+ printSymbol(")");
+ } else {
+ error("unsupported template type: " + templateTypeName);
+ }
+ if(serializeComments) {
+ try {
+ for(Iterator i = this.modelAdapter.getCol(ame, "commentsAfter") ; i.hasNext() ; ) {
+ String c = this.modelAdapter.nextString(i);
+ if(c.equals("\n")) {
+ } else {
+ printComment(c);
+ printWS(lineFeed + curIndent);
+ }
+ }
+ } catch(Exception e) {
+ System.out.println("Warning: could not get comments of " + ame + ", disabling further comments serialization");
+ serializeComments = false;
+ }
+ }
+ popSep();
+ }
+ private void serializeSeq(Object ame, Object seq) {
+ if(seq != null) {
+ for(Iterator i = this.modelAdapter.getCol(seq, "elements") ; i.hasNext() ; ) {
+ Object e =;
+ serializeSeqElem(ame, e);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private String getLineFeeds(int n) {
+ String ret = "";
+ for(int i = 0 ; i < n ; i++) {
+ ret += lineFeed;
+ }
+ return ret;
+ }
+ /**
+ *
+ * @param element Context model element of which to serialize a part (from source model).
+ * @param seqElem SequenceElement specifying a part of element to serialize.
+ */
+ private void serializeSeqElem(Object element, Object seqElem) {
+ String tn = this.modelAdapter.getTypeName(seqElem);
+ debug("serializing seq elem " + tn);
+ if(tn.equals("LiteralRef")) {
+ Object literal = this.modelAdapter.getME(seqElem, "referredLiteral");
+ printLiteral(literal);
+ } else if(tn.equals("CustomSeparator")) {
+ String name = this.modelAdapter.getString(seqElem, "name");
+ if(name.equals("no_space")) {
+ } else if(name.equals("space")) {
+ printWS(" ");
+ } else if(name.equals("newline")) {
+ printWS(lineFeed);
+ } else if(name.equals("tab")) {
+ printWS("\t");
+ }
+ } else if(tn.equals("Property")) {
+ Object v = this.modelAdapter.get(element, this.modelAdapter.getString(seqElem, "name"));
+ serializeProperty(element, v, seqElem);
+ } else if(tn.equals("Block")) {
+if(debugws) out.debug("<block>");
+ Object nbNLBArg = getBArg(this.modelAdapter, seqElem, "NbNL");
+ Object startNbNLBArg = getBArg(this.modelAdapter, seqElem, "StartNbNL");
+ Object indentIncrBArg = getBArg(this.modelAdapter, seqElem, "IndentIncr");
+ Object startNLBArg = getBArg(this.modelAdapter, seqElem, "StartNL");
+ Object endNLBArg = getBArg(this.modelAdapter, seqElem, "EndNL");
+ int indentIncr = 1;
+ int nbNL = 1;
+ boolean startNL = true;
+ boolean endNL = true;
+ if(nbNLBArg != null) {
+ nbNL = this.modelAdapter.getInt(nbNLBArg, "value");
+ }
+ int startNbNL = nbNL; // by default, startNbNL = nbNL
+ if(startNbNLBArg != null) {
+ startNbNL = this.modelAdapter.getInt(startNbNLBArg, "value");
+ }
+ if(indentIncrBArg != null) {
+ indentIncr = this.modelAdapter.getInt(indentIncrBArg, "value");
+ }
+ if(startNLBArg != null) {
+ startNL = this.modelAdapter.getBool(startNLBArg, "value");
+ }
+ if(endNLBArg != null) {
+ endNL = this.modelAdapter.getBool(endNLBArg, "value");
+ }
+ debug("nbNL = " + nbNL + " ; indentIncr = " + indentIncr);
+ indentLevel += indentIncr;
+ for(int i = 0 ; i < indentIncr ; i++) {
+ curIndent += indentString;
+ }
+ String nls = getLineFeeds(nbNL);
+/*TODO: this was removed because of ATL filter but why was it necessary?
+ if(!" ".equals(currentSeparator.peek())) {
+ printWS();
+ }
+ pushSep(nls + ((nbNL == 0) ? standardSeparator : curIndent));
+if(debugws) out.debug("<BeforeFirstWS/>");
+ if(startNL) {
+ if(startNbNL == 0) {
+ printWS("");
+ } else if(nbNL == startNbNL) {
+ printWS();
+ } else {
+ printWS(getLineFeeds(startNbNL) + curIndent);
+ }
+ } else {
+if(debugws) out.debug("<BeforeNonStartNLWS/>");
+ printWS(""); // to make sure the last item was a TYPE_SPACE
+if(debugws) out.debug("<AfterNonStartNLWS/>");
+ }
+if(debugws) out.debug("<blockContent>");
+ serializeSeq(element, this.modelAdapter.getME(seqElem, "blockSequence"));
+if(debugws) out.debug("</blockContent>");
+ indentLevel -= indentIncr;
+ curIndent = curIndent.substring(0, curIndent.length() - indentString.length() * indentIncr);
+ if(endNL) {
+ printWS(lineFeed + curIndent);
+ }
+ popSep();
+if(debugws) out.debug("</block>");
+ } else if(tn.equals("FunctionCall")) {
+ serializeSeq(element, this.modelAdapter.getME(this.modelAdapter.getME(seqElem, "calledFunction"), "functionSequence"));
+ } else if(tn.equals("ConditionalElement")) {
+ Object condition = this.modelAdapter.getME(seqElem, "condition");
+ if(eval(element, condition)) {
+ Object tseq = this.modelAdapter.getME(seqElem, "thenSequence");
+ if(tseq != null) printWSBlockNoDup();
+ serializeSeq(element, tseq);
+ } else {
+ Object eseq = this.modelAdapter.getME(seqElem, "elseSequence");
+ debug("ELSE SEQ = " + eseq);
+ if(eseq != null) printWSBlockNoDup();
+ serializeSeq(element, eseq);
+ }
+ } else {
+ error("unsupported: " + tn);
+ }
+ }
+ private boolean eval(Object context, Object condition) {
+ boolean ret = true;
+ String ctn = this.modelAdapter.getTypeName(condition);
+ if(ctn.equals("AndExp")) {
+ ret = true;
+ for(Iterator i = this.modelAdapter.getCol(condition, "expressions") ; i.hasNext() ; ) {
+ ret &= eval(context,;
+ }
+ } else if(ctn.equals("BooleanPropertyExp")) {
+ ret = this.modelAdapter.getBool(context, this.modelAdapter.getString(condition, "propertyName"));
+ } else if(ctn.equals("IsDefinedExp")) {
+ Object val = this.modelAdapter.get(context, this.modelAdapter.getString(condition, "propertyName"));
+ if (val == null) {
+ ret = false;
+ } else if(val instanceof Collection) {
+ ret = (((Collection)val).size() > 0);
+ } else {
+ ret = true;
+ }
+ if(this.modelAdapter.getString(condition, "propertyName").equals("superRule"))
+ debug("!!!superRule: " + ret + " " + val);
+ } else if(ctn.equals("OneExp")) {
+ Object val = this.modelAdapter.get(context, this.modelAdapter.getString(condition, "propertyName"));
+ if (val == null) {
+ ret = false;
+ } else if(val instanceof Collection) {
+ ret = (((Collection)val).size() == 1);
+ } else {
+ ret = true;
+ }
+ if(this.modelAdapter.getString(condition, "propertyName").equals("superRule"))
+ debug("!!!superRule: " + ret + " " + val);
+ } else if(ctn.equals("EqualsExp")) {
+ Object value = this.modelAdapter.getME(condition, "value");
+ String vtn = this.modelAdapter.getTypeName(value);
+ if(vtn.equals("IntegerVal")) {
+ int lv = this.modelAdapter.getInt(value, "symbol");
+ int pv = this.modelAdapter.getInt(context, this.modelAdapter.getString(condition, "propertyName"));
+ ret = (lv == pv);
+ } else if(vtn.equals("NegativeIntegerVal")) {
+ int lv = -this.modelAdapter.getInt(value, "symbol");
+ int pv = this.modelAdapter.getInt(context, this.modelAdapter.getString(condition, "propertyName"));
+ ret = (lv == pv);
+ } else if(vtn.equals("StringVal")) {
+ String lv = this.modelAdapter.getString(value, "symbol");
+ String pv = this.modelAdapter.getString(context, this.modelAdapter.getString(condition, "propertyName"));
+ ret = (lv.equals(pv));
+ } else if(vtn.equals("EnumLiteralVal")) {
+ String lv = this.modelAdapter.getString(value, "name");
+ String pv = this.modelAdapter.getString(context, this.modelAdapter.getString(condition, "propertyName"));
+ ret = (lv.equals(pv));
+ } else {
+ error(vtn + " unsupported.");
+ }
+ //TODO: PropertyVal
+ }
+ return ret;
+ }
+ private void serializeProperty(Object element, Object value, Object property) {
+ if(value == null) return;
+ if(value instanceof Collection) {
+ Object sep = getPArg(this.modelAdapter, property, "Separator");
+ if(sep != null) sep = this.modelAdapter.getME(sep, "separatorSequence");
+ boolean first = true;
+ for(Iterator i = ((Collection)value).iterator() ; i.hasNext() ; ) {
+ if(first) {
+ printWSBlockNoDup();
+ first = false;
+ } else {
+ if(typeLast != TYPE_SPACE)
+ printWS();
+ }
+ serializeProperty(element,, property);
+ if(i.hasNext()) {
+ if(sep != null) {
+ serializeSeq(null, sep);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } else if(this.modelAdapter.isEnumLiteral(value)) {
+ //error("enumeration literals cannot be properly serialized at the present time (" + enumName + ")");
+ String enumName = this.modelAdapter.getName(this.modelAdapter.getPropertyType(this.modelAdapter.getMetaobject(element), this.modelAdapter.getName(property)));
+ Map mappings = (Map)templates.get(enumName);
+ Object seqElem = mappings.get(this.modelAdapter.getEnumLiteralName(value));
+ serializeSeqElem(element, seqElem);
+ } else if (this.modelAdapter.isAModelElement(value)) {
+ printWSBlockNoDup();
+ Object refersTo = getPArg(this.modelAdapter, property, "RefersTo");
+ if(refersTo == null) {
+ serialize(value);
+ } else {
+ Object v = this.modelAdapter.get(value, this.modelAdapter.getString(refersTo, "propertyName"));
+ Object asp = getPArg(this.modelAdapter, property, "As");
+ String as = null;
+ if(asp != null) {
+ as = this.modelAdapter.getString(asp, "value");
+ }
+ serializePrimitive(v, as);
+ }
+ } else if(this.modelAdapter.isPrimitive(value)) {
+ printWSBlockNoDup();
+ Object asp = getPArg(this.modelAdapter, property, "As");
+ String as = null;
+ if(asp != null) {
+ as = this.modelAdapter.getString(asp, "value");
+ }
+ serializePrimitive(value, as);
+ } else {
+ error("unsupported " + ((value == null) ? null : value.getClass()));
+ }
+ }
+ private void serializePrimitive(Object value, String as) {
+ if(value instanceof String) {
+ boolean doDefault = true;
+ if(usePrimitiveTemplates) {
+ Collection c = (Collection)templates.get("String");
+ Object t = null;
+ for(Iterator i = c.iterator() ; i.hasNext() && (t == null) ; ) {
+ Object ame =;
+ if((as == null) && this.modelAdapter.getBool(ame, "isDefault")) {
+ t = ame;
+ } else if(this.modelAdapter.getString(ame, "name").equals(as)) {
+ t = ame;
+ }
+ }
+ if(t == null) {
+ System.out.println("warning: no primitive template found for String" + ((as == null) ? "" : "as " + as));
+ } else {
+ String tokenName = this.modelAdapter.getString(t, "tokenName");
+ Object token = tokens.get(tokenName);
+ if(token != null) {
+ System.out.println("Token found: " + tokenName);
+ Object pattern = this.modelAdapter.getME(token, "pattern");
+ String regex = "^" + buildRegex(pattern) + "$";
+ System.out.println(regex);
+ String val = (String)value;
+ System.out.println(val);
+ System.out.println(val.matches(regex));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(doDefault) {
+ if("stringSymbol".equals(as)) {
+ printStringLiteral(cString((String)value));
+ } else {
+ Object template = primitiveTemplates.get(as);
+ boolean orKeyword = false;
+ if(template != null)
+ orKeyword = this.modelAdapter.getBoolUndefinedIsFalse(template, "orKeyword");
+ printIdentifier((String)value, orKeyword);
+ }
+ }
+ } else if(value instanceof Integer) {
+ printIntegerLiteral(((Integer)value).intValue());
+ } else if(value instanceof Double) {
+ printRealLiteral(((Double)value).doubleValue());
+ } else if(value instanceof Boolean) {
+ printBooleanLiteral(((Boolean)value).booleanValue());
+ }
+ }
+ private static String cString(String s) {
+ StringBuffer ret = new StringBuffer();
+ for(int i = 0 ; i < s.length() ; i++) {
+ char c = s.charAt(i);
+ if(c == '\n') {
+ ret.append("\\n");
+ } else if(c == '\r') {
+ ret.append("\\r");
+ } else if(c == '\t') {
+ ret.append("\\t");
+ } else if(c == '\b') {
+ ret.append("\\b");
+ } else if(c == '\f') {
+ ret.append("\\f");
+ } else if((c < ' ') || ((c > '~') && (c < 'ˇ'))) {
+ ret.append("\\");
+ if(c < 010)
+ ret.append("0");
+ if(c < 0100)
+ ret.append("0");
+ ret.append(java.lang.Integer.toOctalString(c));
+ } else if(c == '\'') {
+ ret.append("\\'");
+ } else if(c == '\"') {
+ ret.append("\\\"");
+ } else if(c == '\\') {
+ ret.append("\\\\");
+ } else {
+ ret.append(c);
+ }
+ }
+ return "" + ret;
+ }
+ private String buildRegex(Object pattern) {
+ String ret = null;
+ String typeName = this.modelAdapter.getTypeName(pattern);
+ if(typeName.equals("OrPattern")) {
+ boolean paren = false;
+ for(Iterator i = this.modelAdapter.getCol(pattern, "simplePatterns") ; i.hasNext() ; ) {
+ Object p =;
+ if(ret == null) {
+ ret = buildRegex(p);
+ } else {
+ paren = true;
+ ret += "|" + buildRegex(p);
+ }
+ }
+ if(paren) ret = "(" + ret + ")";
+ } else if(typeName.equals("RulePattern")) {
+ Object rule = this.modelAdapter.getME(pattern, "rule");
+ String rtn = this.modelAdapter.getTypeName(rule);
+ if(rtn.equals("WordRule")) {
+ ret = "(";
+ ret += buildRegex(this.modelAdapter.getME(rule, "start"));
+ ret += buildRegex(this.modelAdapter.getME(rule, "part")) + "*";
+ Object end = this.modelAdapter.getME(rule, "end");
+ if(end != null) {
+ ret += buildRegex(end);
+ }
+ ret += ")";
+// } else if(rtn.equals("EndsOfLineRule")) {
+ } else if(rtn.equals("MultiLineRule")) {
+ ret = "(";
+//startIsNotKept ret += buildRegex(getME(rule, "start"));
+ String endRegex = buildRegex(this.modelAdapter.getME(rule, "end"));
+ String middleRegex = "[^" + endRegex + "]";
+ Object esc = this.modelAdapter.getME(rule, "esc");
+ if(esc != null) {
+ String escRegex = buildRegex(esc);
+ middleRegex = "(" + middleRegex + "|" + escRegex + ".)";
+ }
+ ret += middleRegex + "*";
+//endIsNotKept ret += endRegex;
+ ret += ")";
+ } else {
+ error("unsupported rule type: " + rtn);
+ }
+ } else if(typeName.equals("StringPattern")) {
+ String name = this.modelAdapter.getString(pattern, "name");
+ ret = name
+ .replaceAll("\\\\", "\\\\\\\\")
+ .replaceAll("\\*", "\\\\*")
+ .replaceAll("\\{", "\\\\{")
+ .replaceAll("\\}", "\\\\}")
+ .replaceAll("\\(", "\\\\(")
+ .replaceAll("\\)", "\\\\)")
+ .replaceAll("\\+", "\\\\+");
+ } else if(typeName.equals("ClassPattern")) {
+ String name = this.modelAdapter.getString(pattern, "name");
+ ret = "\\p{" + ("" + name.charAt(0)).toUpperCase() + name.substring(1) + "}";
+ } else {
+ error("unsupported pattern type: " + typeName);
+ }
+ return ret;
+ }
+ // Low-level serialization
+ private final static int TYPE_KEYWORD = 1;
+ private final static int TYPE_SYMBOL = 2;
+ private final static int TYPE_IDENT = 3;
+ private final static int TYPE_BOOL = 4;
+ private final static int TYPE_INT = 5;
+ private final static int TYPE_REAL = 6;
+ private final static int TYPE_STRING = 7;
+ private final static int TYPE_SPACE = 8;
+ private final static int TYPE_COMMENT = 9;
+ private final static int SYMBOL_LS = 16; // symbol with a space before (on the Left)
+ private final static int SYMBOL_RS = 32; // symbol with a space after (on the Right)
+ private final static int SYMBOL_BS = SYMBOL_LS + SYMBOL_RS; // symbol with spaces Both before and after
+ private final static int SYMBOL_LN = 64; // symbol with no space before (even if preceding symbol is RS or BS)
+ private final static int SYMBOL_RN = 128; // symbol with no space after (even if following symbol is LS or BS)
+ private int typeLast = 0;
+ private void printLiteral(Object literal) {
+ String s = this.modelAdapter.getString(literal, "value");
+ String ltn = this.modelAdapter.getTypeName(literal);
+ if(ltn.equals("Keyword")) {
+ printKeyword(s);
+ } else {
+ printSymbol(s);
+ }
+ }
+ private void printWS(String ws) {
+ debug("printing WS = \"" + ws + "\"");
+ out.printWhiteSpace(ws);
+ typeLast = TYPE_SPACE;
+ //new Exception().printStackTrace(out);
+ }
+ private void printWS() {
+ printWS((String)currentSeparator.peek());
+ }
+ private boolean isSymbol(int type, int test) {
+ test += TYPE_SYMBOL;
+ return (type & test) == test;
+ }
+ private void printDisambiguationWS() {
+ if((typeLast == TYPE_KEYWORD) ||
+ (typeLast == TYPE_IDENT) ||
+ (typeLast == TYPE_INT) ||
+ (typeLast == TYPE_REAL) ||
+ (typeLast == TYPE_STRING) ||
+ (typeLast == TYPE_BOOL) ||
+ (isSymbol(typeLast, SYMBOL_BS)) ||
+ (isSymbol(typeLast, SYMBOL_RS))) {
+// out.print("<typeLast=" + typeLast + ">");
+ printWS();
+ }
+ }
+ private void printWSBlockNoDup() {
+ if(typeLast != TYPE_SPACE)
+ if(!currentSeparator.peek().equals(" "))
+ printWS();
+ }
+ private void printWSNoDup() {
+ if(typeLast != TYPE_SPACE)
+ printWS();
+ }
+ private void printKeyword(String keyword) {
+ printDisambiguationWS();
+ out.printKeyword(keyword);
+ typeLast = TYPE_KEYWORD;
+ }
+ private Map symbols = new HashMap();
+ private void printSymbol(String symbol) {
+ Integer type = (Integer)symbols.get(symbol);
+ int typeCurrent = -1;
+ if(type == null) {
+ typeCurrent = TYPE_SYMBOL;
+ } else {
+ typeCurrent = type.intValue();
+ }
+ if(
+ ((isSymbol(typeCurrent, SYMBOL_LS) || isSymbol(typeCurrent, SYMBOL_BS)) && !isSymbol(typeLast, SYMBOL_RN)) ||
+ ((isSymbol(typeLast, SYMBOL_RS) || isSymbol(typeLast, SYMBOL_BS)) && !isSymbol(typeCurrent, SYMBOL_LN))
+ ) {
+ printWSNoDup();
+ }
+ out.printSymbol(symbol);
+ typeLast = typeCurrent;
+ }
+// private void printIdentifier(String ident) {
+// printIdentifier(ident, false);
+// }
+ private void printIdentifier(String ident, boolean orKeyword) {
+ printDisambiguationWS();
+ boolean simpleIdent = ident.matches("[_a-zA-Z][_a-zA-Z0-9]*");
+ if(simpleIdent && !orKeyword)
+ simpleIdent = !keywords.contains(ident);
+ if((!orKeyword) && kwCheckIgnoreCase && keywords.contains(ident.toUpperCase())) {
+ simpleIdent = false;
+ }
+ if(simpleIdent) {
+ out.printIdentifier(ident);
+ } else {
+ out.printEscapedIdentifier(identEscStart, ident, identEscEnd);
+ }
+ typeLast = TYPE_IDENT;
+ }
+ private void printBooleanLiteral(boolean v) {
+ printDisambiguationWS();
+ out.printBoolean(v);
+ typeLast = TYPE_BOOL;
+ }
+ private void printIntegerLiteral(int v) {
+ printDisambiguationWS();
+ out.printInteger(v);
+ typeLast = TYPE_INT;
+ }
+ static {
+ dfs.setDecimalSeparator('.');
+ }
+ private void printRealLiteral(double v) {
+ printDisambiguationWS();
+ out.printReal(df.format(v)); // TODO: format properly
+ typeLast = TYPE_REAL;
+ }
+ private void printStringLiteral(String v) {
+ printDisambiguationWS();
+ out.printString(stringDelim, v);
+ typeLast = TYPE_STRING;
+ }
+ private void printComment(String c) {
+ printDisambiguationWS();
+ out.printComment(c);
+ typeLast = TYPE_COMMENT;
+ }
+ // Source model navigation helpers.
+ private static Object getPArg(ModelAdapter ma, Object ame, String name) {
+ Object ret = null;
+ for(Iterator i = ma.getCol(ame, "propertyArgs") ; i.hasNext() && (ret == null) ; ) {
+ Object arg =;
+ if(ma.getTypeName(arg).equals(name + "PArg"))
+ ret = arg;
+ }
+ return ret;
+ }
+ private static Object getBArg(ModelAdapter ma, Object ame, String name) {
+ Object ret = null;
+ for(Iterator i = ma.getCol(ame, "blockArgs") ; i.hasNext() && (ret == null) ; ) {
+ Object arg =;
+ if(ma.getTypeName(arg).equals(name + "BArg"))
+ ret = arg;
+ }
+ return ret;
+ }
+ private boolean debug = false;
+ private boolean debugws = false;
+ private void debug(String msg) {
+ if(debug)
+ System.out.println(msg);
+ }
+ private void error(String msg) {
+ System.out.println("ERROR: " + msg);
+ }

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