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Diffstat (limited to 'tests/org.eclipse.xpand3.tests/src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 248 deletions
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.xpand3.tests/src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/ b/tests/org.eclipse.xpand3.tests/src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/
deleted file mode 100644
index 3876123d..00000000
--- a/tests/org.eclipse.xpand3.tests/src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,248 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2005, 2007 committers of openArchitectureWare and others.
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- * committers of openArchitectureWare - initial API and implementation
- *******************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.xpand3.parser;
-import org.antlr.runtime.ANTLRStringStream;
-import org.antlr.runtime.CommonTokenStream;
-import org.eclipse.xpand3.node.CompositeNode;
-import org.eclipse.xpand3.node.Node;
-import org.eclipse.xpand3.node.NodeUtil;
- * @author Jan Kšhnlein
- */
-public class StatementParserTest extends AbstractXpand3NodeParserTest {
- private CompositeNode parse(String s) throws Exception {
- System.out.println(s);
- ANTLRStringStream stream = new ANTLRStringStream(s);
- Xpand3Lexer lexer = new Xpand3Lexer(stream);
- CommonTokenStream tokenStream = new CommonTokenStream(lexer);
- AbstractXpand3NodeParser xpand3NodeParser = new Xpand3NodeParser(
- tokenStream);
- xpand3NodeParser.r_file();
- Node rootNode = xpand3NodeParser.getRootNode();
- if (rootNode == null) {
- System.out.println("Nothing parsed.");
- } else {
- System.out.println(NodeUtil.toString(rootNode));
- }
- return (CompositeNode) rootNode;
- }
- public final void testEmptyTemplate() throws Exception {
- Node expr = parse("");
- assertNull(expr);
- }
- public final void testSimpleDefine() throws Exception {
- Node expr = parse(tag("DEFINE test FOR ecore::EClass")
- + tag("ENDDEFINE"));
- checkIsRule(expr, "r_definition", 8);
- checkChildIsToken(expr, 0, LGS);
- checkChildIsToken(expr, 1, "DEFINE");
- checkChildIsIdentifier(expr, 2, "test");
- checkChildIsToken(expr, 3, "FOR");
- checkChildIsScopedType(expr, 4, "ecore", "EClass");
- checkChildIsSequenceText(expr, 5, "", 1);
- checkChildIsToken(expr, 6, "ENDDEFINE");
- checkChildIsToken(expr, 7, RGS);
- }
- public final void testDoubleDefine() throws Exception {
- Node file = parse(tag("DEFINE test FOR ecore::EClass")
- + tag("ENDDEFINE")
- + tag("DEFINE test2(String txt) FOR ecore::EClass")
- + tag("ENDDEFINE"));
- checkIsRule(file, "r_file", 2);
- CompositeNode expr = checkChildIsRule(file, 0, "r_definition", 8);
- checkChildIsToken(expr, 0, LGS);
- checkChildIsToken(expr, 1, "DEFINE");
- checkChildIsIdentifier(expr, 2, "test");
- checkChildIsToken(expr, 3, "FOR");
- checkChildIsScopedType(expr, 4, "ecore", "EClass");
- checkChildIsSequenceText(expr, 5, "", 1);
- checkChildIsToken(expr, 6, "ENDDEFINE");
- checkChildIsToken(expr, 7, RGS);
- CompositeNode expr1 = checkChildIsRule(file, 1, "r_definition", 11);
- checkChildIsToken(expr1, 0, LGS);
- checkChildIsToken(expr1, 1, "DEFINE");
- checkChildIsIdentifier(expr1, 2, "test2");
- checkChildIsToken(expr1, 3, "(");
- CompositeNode dpl = checkChildIsRule(expr1, 4,
- "r_declaredParameterList", 1);
- CompositeNode dp = checkChildIsRule(dpl, 0, "r_declaredParameter", 2);
- checkChildIsSimpleType(dp, 0, "String");
- checkChildIsIdentifier(dp, 1, "txt");
- checkChildIsToken(expr1, 5, ")");
- checkChildIsToken(expr1, 6, "FOR");
- checkChildIsScopedType(expr1, 7, "ecore", "EClass");
- checkChildIsSequenceText(expr1, 8, "", 1);
- checkChildIsToken(expr1, 9, "ENDDEFINE");
- checkChildIsToken(expr1, 10, RGS);
- }
- public final void testMoreComplexDefine() throws Exception {
- Node expr = parse(tag("DEFINE test(ecore::EPackage a,String b) FOR ecore::EClass")
- + tag("FILE name+\".txt\"")
- + "Text und so "
- + tag("name")
- + tag("FOREACH eAllAttributes AS attr")
- + "Attribute : "
- + tag("")
- + tag("ENDFOREACH")
- + tag("ENDFILE")
- + tag("ENDDEFINE"));
- checkIsRule(expr, "r_definition", 11);
- checkChildIsToken(expr, 0, LGS);
- checkChildIsToken(expr, 1, "DEFINE");
- checkChildIsIdentifier(expr, 2, "test");
- checkChildIsToken(expr, 3, "(");
- CompositeNode dpl = checkChildIsRule(expr, 4,
- "r_declaredParameterList", 3);
- CompositeNode dp0 = checkChildIsRule(dpl, 0, "r_declaredParameter", 2);
- checkChildIsScopedType(dp0, 0, "ecore", "EPackage");
- checkChildIsIdentifier(dp0, 1, "a");
- checkChildIsToken(dpl, 1, ",");
- CompositeNode dp = checkChildIsRule(dpl, 2, "r_declaredParameter", 2);
- checkChildIsSimpleType(dp, 0, "String");
- checkChildIsIdentifier(dp, 1, "b");
- checkChildIsToken(expr, 5, ")");
- checkChildIsToken(expr, 6, "FOR");
- checkChildIsScopedType(expr, 7, "ecore", "EClass");
- CompositeNode rs = checkChildIsSequenceText(expr, 8, "", 3);
- CompositeNode fs = checkChildIsRule(rs, 1, "r_fileStatement", 4);
- checkChildIsToken(fs, 0, "FILE");
- CompositeNode ae = checkChildIsRule(fs, 1, "r_additiveExpression", 3);
- checkChildIsSimpleType(ae, 0, "name");
- checkChildIsToken(ae, 1, "+");
- checkChildIsStringLiteral(ae, 2, "\".txt\"");
- CompositeNode s0 = checkChildIsSequenceText(fs, 2, "Text und so ", 5);
- CompositeNode es = checkChildIsRule(s0, 1, "r_expressionStmt", 1);
- checkChildIsSimpleType(es, 0, "name");
- checkChildIsText(s0, 2, "");
- CompositeNode fes = checkChildIsRule(s0, 3, "r_foreachStatement", 6);
- checkChildIsToken(fes, 0, "FOREACH");
- checkChildIsSimpleType(fes, 1, "eAllAttributes");
- checkChildIsToken(fes, 2, "AS");
- checkChildIsIdentifier(fes, 3, "attr");
- CompositeNode s1 = checkChildIsSequenceText(fes, 4, "Attribute : ", 3);
- CompositeNode es1 = checkChildIsRule(s1, 1, "r_expressionStmt", 1);
- CompositeNode ie = checkChildIsRule(es1, 0, "r_infixExpression", 3);
- checkChildIsSimpleType(ie, 0, "attr");
- checkChildIsToken(ie, 1, ".");
- checkChildIsSimpleType(ie, 2, "name");
- checkChildIsText(s1, 2, "");
- checkChildIsToken(fes, 5, "ENDFOREACH");
- checkChildIsText(s0, 4, "");
- checkChildIsToken(fs, 3, "ENDFILE");
- checkChildIsText(rs, 2, "");
- checkChildIsToken(expr, 9, "ENDDEFINE");
- checkChildIsToken(expr, 10, RGS);
- }
- public final void testImportDeclaration() throws Exception {
- Node expr = parse(tag("IMPORT org::eclipse::xtend")
- + tag("IMPORT org::eclipse::xtend::xpand")
- + tag("DEFINE test FOR ecore::EClass") + tag("ENDDEFINE"));
- checkIsRule(expr, "r_file", 3);
- CompositeNode i0 = checkChildIsRule(expr, 0, "r_nsImport", 4);
- checkChildIsToken(i0, 0, LGS);
- checkChildIsToken(i0, 1, "IMPORT");
- checkChildIsScopedType(i0, 2, "org", "eclipse", "xtend");
- checkChildIsToken(i0, 3, RGS);
- CompositeNode i1 = checkChildIsRule(expr, 1, "r_nsImport", 4);
- checkChildIsToken(i1, 0, LGS);
- checkChildIsToken(i1, 1, "IMPORT");
- checkChildIsScopedType(i1, 2, "org", "eclipse", "xtend", "xpand");
- checkChildIsToken(i1, 3, RGS);
- CompositeNode d = checkChildIsRule(expr, 2, "r_definition", 8);
- checkChildIsToken(d, 0, LGS);
- checkChildIsToken(d, 1, "DEFINE");
- checkChildIsIdentifier(d, 2, "test");
- checkChildIsToken(d, 6, "ENDDEFINE");
- checkChildIsToken(d, 7, RGS);
- }
- public final void testFileStatement() throws Exception {
- Node expr = parse(tag("DEFINE test FOR ecore::EClass")
- + tag("FILE \"test.txt\" ONCE") + tag("ENDFILE")
- + tag("ENDDEFINE"));
- checkIsRule(expr, "r_definition", 8);
- checkChildIsToken(expr, 0, LGS);
- checkChildIsToken(expr, 1, "DEFINE");
- checkChildIsIdentifier(expr, 2, "test");
- checkChildIsToken(expr, 3, "FOR");
- checkChildIsScopedType(expr, 4, "ecore", "EClass");
- CompositeNode s = checkChildIsSequenceText(expr, 5, "", 3);
- CompositeNode fs = checkChildIsRule(s, 1, "r_fileStatement", 5);
- checkChildIsToken(fs, 0, "FILE");
- checkChildIsStringLiteral(fs, 1, "\"test.txt\"");
- checkChildIsIdentifier(fs, 2, "ONCE");
- checkChildIsSequenceText(fs, 3, "", 1);
- checkChildIsToken(fs, 4, "ENDFILE");
- checkChildIsText(s, 2, "");
- checkChildIsToken(expr, 6, "ENDDEFINE");
- checkChildIsToken(expr, 7, RGS);
- }
- public final void testIfStatement() throws Exception {
- Node expr = parse(tag("DEFINE test FOR ecore::EClass")
- + tag("IF !true") + tag("ELSEIF false") + tag("ELSE")
- + tag("ENDIF") + tag("ENDDEFINE"));
- checkIsRule(expr, "r_definition", 8);
- checkChildIsToken(expr, 0, LGS);
- checkChildIsToken(expr, 1, "DEFINE");
- checkChildIsIdentifier(expr, 2, "test");
- checkChildIsToken(expr, 3, "FOR");
- checkChildIsScopedType(expr, 4, "ecore", "EClass");
- CompositeNode s = checkChildIsSequenceText(expr, 5, "", 3);
- CompositeNode is = checkChildIsRule(s, 1, "r_ifStatement", 6);
- checkChildIsToken(is, 0, "IF");
- CompositeNode ue = checkChildIsRule(is, 1, "r_unaryExpression", 2);
- checkChildIsToken(ue, 0, "!");
- checkChildIsTrueLiteral(ue, 1);
- checkChildIsSequenceText(is, 2, "", 1);
- CompositeNode eis = checkChildIsRule(is, 3, "r_elseIfStatement", 3);
- checkChildIsToken(eis, 0, "ELSEIF");
- checkChildIsFalseLiteral(eis, 1);
- checkChildIsSequenceText(eis, 2, "", 1);
- CompositeNode es = checkChildIsRule(is, 4, "r_elseStatement", 2);
- checkChildIsToken(es, 0, "ELSE");
- checkChildIsSequenceText(es, 1, "", 1);
- checkChildIsText(s, 2, "");
- checkChildIsToken(expr, 6, "ENDDEFINE");
- checkChildIsToken(expr, 7, RGS);
- }
- public void testLocation() throws Exception {
- String defineStart = tag("DEFINE test FOR ecore::EClass");
- String ifStmnt = tag("IF !true") + tag("ELSEIF false") + tag("ELSE")
- + tag("ENDIF");
- String string = defineStart + ifStmnt + tag("ENDDEFINE");
- CompositeNode expr = parse(string);
- assertEquals(0, expr.start());
- assertEquals(string.length(), expr.end());
- assertEquals(1, expr.getChildren().get(1).start());
- assertEquals(string.length() - 1, expr.getChildren().get(6).end());
- assertEquals(defineStart.length() - 1, expr.getChildren().get(5)
- .start());
- assertEquals(defineStart.length() + ifStmnt.length() + 1, expr
- .getChildren().get(5).end());
- }
-} \ No newline at end of file

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