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Diffstat (limited to 'tests/org.eclipse.xpand3.parser.tests/src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/')
1 files changed, 199 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.xpand3.parser.tests/src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/ b/tests/org.eclipse.xpand3.parser.tests/src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5f1e0928
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/org.eclipse.xpand3.parser.tests/src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/
@@ -0,0 +1,199 @@
+package org.eclipse.xpand3.parser;
+import org.antlr.runtime.ANTLRStringStream;
+import org.antlr.runtime.CommonTokenStream;
+import org.eclipse.tmf.common.node.CompositeNode;
+import org.eclipse.tmf.common.node.Node;
+import org.eclipse.tmf.common.node.NodeUtil;
+public class Xpand3MigratedNodeParserTest extends AbstractXpand3NodeParserTest {
+ public final void testSimple() throws Exception {
+ CompositeNode parse = parse("true == null");
+ CompositeNode cn = checkIsRule(parse, "relationalExpression", 3);
+ checkChildIsTrueLiteral(cn, 0);
+ checkChildIsToken(cn, 1, "==");
+ CompositeNode nl = checkChildIsRule(cn, 2, "nullLiteral", 1);
+ checkChildIsToken(nl, 0, "null");
+ }
+ public final void testSimple2() throws Exception {
+ CompositeNode ie = checkIsRule(
+ parse("String.feature.test(true,{\"test\",\"hallo\"})"),
+ "infixExpression", 5);
+ checkChildIsSimpleType(ie, 0, "String");
+ checkChildIsToken(ie, 1, ".");
+ checkChildIsSimpleType(ie, 2, "feature");
+ checkChildIsToken(ie, 3, ".");
+ CompositeNode fc = checkChildIsRule(ie, 4, "featureCall", 4);
+ checkChildIsIdentifier(fc, 0, "test");
+ checkChildIsToken(fc, 1, "(");
+ CompositeNode pl = checkChildIsRule(fc, 2, "parameterList", 3);
+ checkChildIsTrueLiteral(pl, 0);
+ checkChildIsToken(pl, 1, ",");
+ CompositeNode ll = checkChildIsRule(pl, 2, "listLiteral", 5);
+ checkChildIsToken(ll, 0, "{");
+ checkChildIsStringLiteral(ll, 1, "\"test\"");
+ checkChildIsToken(ll, 2, ",");
+ checkChildIsStringLiteral(ll, 3, "\"hallo\"");
+ checkChildIsToken(ll, 4, "}");
+ checkChildIsToken(fc, 3, ")");
+ }
+ public final void testIfExpression() throws Exception {
+ CompositeNode expr = parse("(client.sIdent1 != null) ? client.sIdent1 : \"XXXXXXXX\"");
+ CompositeNode ie = checkIsRule(expr, "ifExpression", 5);
+ CompositeNode pe = checkChildIsRule(ie, 0, "paranthesizedExpression", 3);
+ checkChildIsToken(pe, 0, "(");
+ CompositeNode re = checkChildIsRule(pe, 1, "relationalExpression", 3);
+ CompositeNode ie0 = checkChildIsRule(re, 0, "infixExpression", 3);
+ checkChildIsSimpleType(ie0, 0, "client");
+ checkChildIsToken(ie0, 1, ".");
+ checkChildIsSimpleType(ie0, 2, "sIdent1");
+ checkChildIsToken(re, 1, "!=");
+ CompositeNode nl = checkChildIsRule(re, 2, "nullLiteral", 1);
+ checkChildIsToken(nl, 0, "null");
+ checkChildIsToken(pe, 2, ")");
+ checkChildIsToken(ie, 1, "?");
+ CompositeNode ie1 = checkChildIsRule(ie, 2, "infixExpression", 3);
+ checkChildIsSimpleType(ie1, 0, "client");
+ checkChildIsToken(ie1, 1, ".");
+ checkChildIsSimpleType(ie1, 2, "sIdent1");
+ checkChildIsToken(ie, 3, ":");
+ checkChildIsStringLiteral(ie, 4, "\"XXXXXXXX\"");
+ }
+ public void testIfExpression2() throws Exception {
+ Node expr = parse("if true then true else false");
+ checkIsRule(expr, "ifExpression", 6);
+ checkChildIsToken(expr, 0, "if");
+ checkChildIsTrueLiteral(expr, 1);
+ checkChildIsToken(expr, 2, "then");
+ checkChildIsTrueLiteral(expr, 3);
+ checkChildIsToken(expr, 4, "else");
+ checkChildIsFalseLiteral(expr, 5);
+ }
+ public final void testEscaped() throws Exception {
+ Node expr = parse("\"\\\"\"");
+ checkIsRule(expr, "stringLiteral", 1);
+ checkChildIsToken(expr, 0, "\"\\\"\"");
+ }
+ public final void testNot() throws Exception {
+ Node expr = parse("! ts.checked");
+ checkIsRule(expr, "unaryExpression", 2);
+ checkChildIsToken(expr, 0, "!");
+ }
+ public final void testCast() throws Exception {
+ Node expr = parse("(List[InnerType] ) anExpr");
+ checkIsRule(expr, "castedExpression", 4);
+ checkChildIsToken(expr, 0, "(");
+ CompositeNode ct = checkChildIsRule(expr, 1, "collectionType", 4);
+ checkChildIsToken(ct, 0, "List");
+ checkChildIsToken(ct, 1, "[");
+ checkChildIsSimpleType(ct, 2, "InnerType");
+ checkChildIsToken(ct, 3, "]");
+ checkChildIsToken(expr, 2, ")");
+ checkChildIsSimpleType(expr, 3, "anExpr");
+ }
+ public final void testGenericType() throws Exception {
+ Node expr = parse("List[x]");
+ checkIsRule(expr, "collectionType", 4);
+ checkChildIsToken(expr, 0, "List");
+ checkChildIsToken(expr, 1, "[");
+ checkChildIsSimpleType(expr, 2, "x");
+ checkChildIsToken(expr, 3, "]");
+ }
+ public final void testSwitch() throws Exception {
+ Node expr = parse("switch { default : true }");
+ checkIsRule(expr, "switchExpression", 6);
+ checkChildIsToken(expr, 0, "switch");
+ checkChildIsToken(expr, 1, "{");
+ checkChildIsToken(expr, 2, "default");
+ checkChildIsToken(expr, 3, ":");
+ checkChildIsTrueLiteral(expr, 4);
+ checkChildIsToken(expr, 5, "}");
+ }
+ public final void testChainExpression() throws Exception {
+ Node expr = parse("1 -> 2 -> 3 -> 4");
+ checkIsRule(expr, "chainExpression", 7);
+ checkChildIsNumberLiteral(expr, 0, "1");
+ checkChildIsToken(expr, 1, "->");
+ checkChildIsNumberLiteral(expr, 2, "2");
+ checkChildIsToken(expr, 3, "->");
+ checkChildIsNumberLiteral(expr, 4, "3");
+ checkChildIsToken(expr, 5, "->");
+ checkChildIsNumberLiteral(expr, 6, "4");
+ }
+ public final void testPositionInfo() throws Exception {
+ Node expr = parse("\n\n\n1");
+ assertEquals(4, expr.line());
+ assertEquals(3, expr.start());
+ assertEquals(4, expr.end());
+ }
+ public final void testPositionInfo2() throws Exception {
+ Node exp = parse("/*\n\n\n*/1");
+ assertEquals(4, exp.line());
+ assertEquals(7, exp.start());
+ assertEquals(8, exp.end());
+ }
+ public final void testPositionInfo3() throws Exception {
+ Node expr = parse("'/*\n\n\n*/'+1");
+ assertEquals(1, expr.line());
+ assertEquals(0, expr.start());
+ assertEquals(11, expr.end());
+ checkIsRule(expr, "additiveExpression", 3);
+ CompositeNode sl = checkChildIsStringLiteral(expr, 0, "'/*\n\n\n*/'");
+ assertEquals(1, sl.line());
+ assertEquals(0, sl.start());
+ assertEquals(9, sl.end());
+ checkChildIsToken(expr, 1, "+");
+ CompositeNode il = checkChildIsNumberLiteral(expr, 2, "1");
+ assertEquals(4, il.line());
+ assertEquals(10, il.start());
+ assertEquals(11, il.end());
+ }
+ public final void testTypeLiterals() throws Exception {
+ Node expr = parse("{" + " Object,\n" + " String,\n" + "Collection,\n"
+ + " Set,\n" + " List,\n" + " oaw::Type,\n" + " oaw::Feature,\n"
+ + " oaw::Property\n}");
+ checkIsRule(expr, "listLiteral", 17);
+ checkChildIsToken(expr, 0, "{");
+ checkChildIsSimpleType(expr, 1, "Object");
+ checkChildIsToken(expr, 2, ",");
+ checkChildIsSimpleType(expr, 3, "String");
+ checkChildIsToken(expr, 4, ",");
+ checkChildIsCollectionType(expr, 5, "Collection");
+ checkChildIsToken(expr, 6, ",");
+ checkChildIsCollectionType(expr, 7, "Set");
+ checkChildIsToken(expr, 8, ",");
+ checkChildIsCollectionType(expr, 9, "List");
+ checkChildIsToken(expr, 10, ",");
+ checkChildIsScopedType(expr, 11, "oaw", "Type");
+ checkChildIsToken(expr, 12, ",");
+ checkChildIsScopedType(expr, 13, "oaw", "Feature");
+ checkChildIsToken(expr, 14, ",");
+ checkChildIsScopedType(expr, 15, "oaw", "Property");
+ checkChildIsToken(expr, 16, "}");
+ }
+ private CompositeNode parse(String s) throws Exception {
+ ANTLRStringStream stream = new ANTLRStringStream(s);
+ Xpand3NodeLexer lexer = new Xpand3NodeLexer(stream);
+ CommonTokenStream tokenStream = new CommonTokenStream(lexer);
+ Xpand3NodeParser xpand3NodeParser = new Xpand3NodeParser(tokenStream);
+ Node rootNode = xpand3NodeParser.test_expression();
+ System.out.println(NodeUtil.toString(rootNode));
+ return (CompositeNode) rootNode;
+ }

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