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Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/org.eclipse.xtend.middleend.xtend/src/org/eclipse/xtend/middleend/xtend/')
1 files changed, 231 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/org.eclipse.xtend.middleend.xtend/src/org/eclipse/xtend/middleend/xtend/ b/plugins/org.eclipse.xtend.middleend.xtend/src/org/eclipse/xtend/middleend/xtend/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..89d8d98b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/org.eclipse.xtend.middleend.xtend/src/org/eclipse/xtend/middleend/xtend/
@@ -0,0 +1,231 @@
+Copyright (c) 2008 Arno Haase.
+All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
+are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
+which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
+ Arno Haase - initial API and implementation
+ */
+package org.eclipse.xtend.middleend.xtend;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.Collection;
+import java.util.HashMap;
+import java.util.HashSet;
+import java.util.List;
+import java.util.Map;
+import java.util.Set;
+import org.eclipose.xtend.middleend.MiddleEnd;
+import org.eclipose.xtend.middleend.plugins.LanguageSpecificMiddleEnd;
+import org.eclipse.internal.xtend.xtend.XtendFile;
+import org.eclipse.internal.xtend.xtend.ast.Around;
+import org.eclipse.internal.xtend.xtend.ast.Extension;
+import org.eclipse.internal.xtend.xtend.ast.ExtensionFile;
+import org.eclipse.internal.xtend.xtend.ast.ImportStatement;
+import org.eclipse.xtend.backend.aop.AroundAdvice;
+import org.eclipse.xtend.backend.common.BackendTypesystem;
+import org.eclipse.xtend.backend.common.FunctionDefContext;
+import org.eclipse.xtend.backend.common.NamedFunction;
+import org.eclipse.xtend.backend.functions.FunctionDefContextFactory;
+import org.eclipse.xtend.backend.functions.FunctionDefContextInternal;
+import org.eclipse.xtend.backend.util.Cache;
+import org.eclipse.xtend.expression.ExecutionContext;
+import org.eclipse.xtend.middleend.xtend.internal.OldHelper;
+import org.eclipse.xtend.middleend.xtend.internal.TypeToBackendType;
+import org.eclipse.xtend.middleend.xtend.internal.xtend.CheckConverter;
+import org.eclipse.xtend.middleend.xtend.internal.xtend.OldExtensionConverter;
+import org.eclipse.xtend.middleend.xtend.internal.xtendlib.XtendLibContributor;
+ * This class manages the interdependent graph of parsed and converted files, allowing access to them by "compilation unit".
+ *
+ * @author Arno Haase (
+ */
+public final class OldXtendRegistry implements LanguageSpecificMiddleEnd {
+ private final ExecutionContext _ctx;
+ @SuppressWarnings("unused")
+ private MiddleEnd _middleEnd;
+ private BackendTypesystem _ts;
+ private final Cache<String, FunctionDefContextInternal> _functionDefContexts = new Cache<String, FunctionDefContextInternal> () {
+ @Override
+ protected FunctionDefContextInternal create (String compilationUnit) {
+ return new FunctionDefContextFactory (_ts).create();
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * all functions actually defined in a given compilation unit
+ */
+ private final Map<String, List<NamedFunction>> _definedFunctionsByResource = new HashMap <String, List<NamedFunction>>();
+ /**
+ * all functions exported by a compilation unit, i.e. those functions visible to others that import it
+ */
+ private final Map<String, List<NamedFunction>> _exportedFunctionsByResource = new HashMap <String, List<NamedFunction>>();
+ /**
+ * all locally defined functions that are exported by a compilation unit. This is an artifact to cleanly handle
+ * reexports.
+ */
+ private final Map<String, List<NamedFunction>> _locallyExportedFunctionsByResource = new HashMap <String, List<NamedFunction>>();
+ private final Map<String, List<AroundAdvice>> _advice = new HashMap<String, List<AroundAdvice>> ();
+ /**
+ * the specificData field contains an ExecutionContext initialized with the MetaModels and the file encoding
+ */
+ public OldXtendRegistry (Object specificData) {
+ if (specificData == null)
+ throw new IllegalArgumentException (getName() + " middle end is not initialized - will not contribute");
+ _ctx = (ExecutionContext) specificData;
+ }
+ public void setMiddleEnd (MiddleEnd middleEnd) {
+ _middleEnd = middleEnd;
+ _ts = middleEnd.getTypesystem();
+ }
+ private FunctionDefContextInternal getFunctionDefContext (String xtendName) {
+ return _functionDefContexts.get (OldHelper.normalizeXtendResourceName (xtendName));
+ }
+ /**
+ * parses and converts an Xtend file and all other files it depends on.
+ */
+ public void registerExtensionFile (String xtendFile) {
+ xtendFile = OldHelper.normalizeXtendResourceName (xtendFile);
+ if (_definedFunctionsByResource.containsKey (xtendFile))
+ return;
+ final ExtensionFile extensionFile = (ExtensionFile) _ctx.getResourceManager().loadResource (xtendFile, XtendFile.FILE_EXTENSION);
+ if (extensionFile == null)
+ throw new IllegalArgumentException ("could not find extension '" + xtendFile + "'");
+ final ExecutionContext ctx = _ctx.cloneWithResource (extensionFile);
+ final TypeToBackendType typeConverter = new TypeToBackendType (_ts, ctx);
+ final OldExtensionConverter extensionFactory = new OldExtensionConverter (ctx, typeConverter);
+ for (Extension ext: extensionFile.getExtensions())
+ ext.init (ctx);
+ final List<NamedFunction> defined = new ArrayList<NamedFunction>();
+ final List<NamedFunction> exported = new ArrayList<NamedFunction>();
+ final FunctionDefContextInternal fdc = getFunctionDefContext (xtendFile);
+ // register the XtendLib. Do this first so the extension can override functions
+ for (NamedFunction f: new XtendLibContributor (_ts).getContributedFunctions())
+ fdc.register (f, false);
+ fdc.register (new CheckConverter (ctx, typeConverter).createCheckFunction(_ts, fdc, extensionFile), false);
+ for (Extension ext: extensionFile.getExtensions()) {
+ final NamedFunction f = extensionFactory.create (ext, fdc);
+ defined.add(f);
+ if (!ext.isPrivate())
+ exported.add (f);
+ }
+ _definedFunctionsByResource.put (xtendFile, defined);
+ _exportedFunctionsByResource.put (xtendFile, exported);
+ _locallyExportedFunctionsByResource.put (xtendFile, new ArrayList<NamedFunction> (exported));
+ // make sure all imported resources are registered as well
+ for (String imported: extensionFile.getImportedExtensions())
+ registerExtensionFile (imported);
+ // make all imported extensions visible for the scope of this compilation unit
+ for (String importedResource: extensionFile.getImportedExtensions()) {
+ for (NamedFunction f: _locallyExportedFunctionsByResource.get (OldHelper.normalizeXtendResourceName (importedResource)))
+ fdc.register (f, false);
+ }
+ final Set<String> visitedForReexport = new HashSet<String>();
+ visitedForReexport.add (xtendFile);
+ final List<NamedFunction> reexported = new ArrayList<NamedFunction>();
+ getReexported (xtendFile, reexported, visitedForReexport, new HashSet<String>());
+ for (NamedFunction f: reexported) {
+ exported.add (f);
+ fdc.register (f, true);
+ }
+ final List<AroundAdvice> advice = new ArrayList<AroundAdvice> ();
+ _advice.put (xtendFile, advice);
+ for (Around a: extensionFile.getArounds())
+ advice.add (extensionFactory.create (a, fdc));
+ }
+ private void getReexported (String xtendFile, Collection<NamedFunction> result, Set<String> harvestedCompilationUnits, Set<String> processedCompilationUnits) {
+ xtendFile = OldHelper.normalizeXtendResourceName (xtendFile);
+ if (processedCompilationUnits.contains (xtendFile))
+ return;
+ processedCompilationUnits.add (xtendFile);
+ if (! harvestedCompilationUnits.contains (xtendFile)) {
+ for (NamedFunction f: _locallyExportedFunctionsByResource.get(xtendFile))
+ result.add (f);
+ harvestedCompilationUnits.add (xtendFile);
+ }
+ final ExtensionFile file = (ExtensionFile) _ctx.getResourceManager().loadResource (xtendFile, XtendFile.FILE_EXTENSION);
+ for (ImportStatement imp: file.getExtImports()) {
+ if (imp.isExported())
+ getReexported (imp.getImportedId().getValue(), result, harvestedCompilationUnits, processedCompilationUnits);
+ }
+ }
+ public boolean canHandle (String resourceName) {
+ resourceName = OldHelper.normalizeXtendResourceName (resourceName);
+ if (_definedFunctionsByResource.containsKey (resourceName))
+ return true;
+ try {
+ final ExtensionFile extensionFile = (ExtensionFile) _ctx.getResourceManager().loadResource (resourceName, XtendFile.FILE_EXTENSION);
+ return extensionFile != null;
+ }
+ catch (Exception exc) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ public FunctionDefContext getContributedFunctions (String xtendFile) {
+ registerExtensionFile (xtendFile);
+ return getFunctionDefContext(xtendFile);
+ }
+ public List<AroundAdvice> getContributedAdvice (String resourceName) {
+ registerExtensionFile (resourceName);
+ return _advice.get (OldHelper.normalizeXtendResourceName (resourceName));
+ }
+ public String getName () {
+ return "Xtend";
+ }

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