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diff options
5 files changed, 6169 insertions, 2675 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/org.eclipse.xpand3/src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g b/plugins/org.eclipse.xpand3/src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g
index 356d77f9..f1425e49 100644
--- a/plugins/org.eclipse.xpand3/src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g
+++ b/plugins/org.eclipse.xpand3/src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g
@@ -1,4 +1,7 @@
grammar Xpand3;
+@lexer::members {
+ private boolean xpandMode = false;
@parser::header {
package org.eclipse.xpand3.parser;
@@ -9,6 +12,8 @@ package org.eclipse.xpand3.parser;
r_file :
(r_abstractDeclaration )*
@@ -16,16 +21,123 @@ r_file :
r_nsImport :
- 'import' r_type ';'
- |'extension' r_type ('reexport')? ';'
+ LG 'IMPORT' r_type RG |
+ LG 'EXTENSION' r_type RG |
+ 'import' r_type ';' |
+ 'extension' r_type ('reexport')? ';'
r_abstractDeclaration :
r_check |
r_around |
- r_extension
+ r_extension |
+ r_definition |
+ r_definitionAround
+// XPAND start
+r_definition :
+ LG DEFINE r_identifier ('(' (r_declaredParameterList (','? '*')? | '*')? ')')? 'FOR' r_type
+ r_sequence
+r_definitionAround :
+ LG AROUND r_pointcut ('(' (r_declaredParameterList (','? '*')? | '*')? ')')? 'FOR' r_type
+ r_sequence
+r_sequence :
+ r_textSequence
+ (r_statement
+ r_textSequence)*
+r_statement :
+ r_simpleStatement
+| r_fileStatement
+| r_foreachStatement
+| r_ifStatement
+| r_letStatement
+| r_protectStatement
+r_textSequence :
+ r_text (r_text)*
+r_text :
+ '-'? TEXT
+r_simpleStatement :
+ r_errorStatement
+| r_expandStatement
+| r_expressionStmt
+r_errorStatement :
+ 'ERROR' r_expression
+r_expandStatement :
+ 'EXPAND' r_simpleType ('(' r_parameterList ')')? (('FOR' r_expression)
+ | ('FOREACH'r_expression ('SEPARATOR' r_expression)?))?
+r_expressionStmt :
+ r_expression
+r_fileStatement :
+ 'FILE' r_expression (r_identifier)?
+ r_sequence
+r_foreachStatement :
+ 'FOREACH' r_expression 'AS' r_identifier ('ITERATOR' r_identifier)? ('SEPARATOR' r_expression)?
+ r_sequence
+r_ifStatement :
+ 'IF' r_expression
+ r_sequence
+ r_elseIfStatement*
+ r_elseStatement?
+r_elseIfStatement :
+ 'ELSEIF' r_expression
+ r_sequence
+r_elseStatement :
+ 'ELSE'
+ r_sequence
+r_letStatement :
+ 'LET' r_expression 'AS' r_identifier
+ r_sequence
+r_protectStatement :
+ 'CSTART' r_expression
+ 'CEND' r_expression
+ 'ID' r_expression 'DISABLE'?
+ r_sequence
+// Xtend start
r_check :
'context' r_type ('if' r_expression)? ('ERROR'|'WARNING') r_expression ':'
r_expression ';'
@@ -262,6 +374,14 @@ UnicodeEscape
HexDigit : ('0'..'9'|'a'..'f'|'A'..'F') ;
+DEFINE : {xpandMode=true;} 'DEFINE';
+ : 'ENDDEFINE' {xpandMode=false;};
+AROUND : {xpandMode=true;}'AROUND';
+ENDAROUND : 'ENDAROUND'{xpandMode=false;};
: ('^')? Letter (Letter|JavaIDDigit)*
@@ -312,8 +432,17 @@ COMMENT
: '//' ~('\n'|'\r')* ('\r'? '\n'|EOF) {$channel=HIDDEN;}
+ 'REM' RG ( options {greedy=false;} : . )* '\u00ABENDREM' {$channel=HIDDEN;}
+ {xpandMode}? RG ~(LG)* (LG)?
: '\u00AB';
: '\u00BB';
diff --git a/plugins/org.eclipse.xpand3/src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.tokens b/plugins/org.eclipse.xpand3/src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.tokens
index d4c17f55..22d1e4f4 100644
--- a/plugins/org.eclipse.xpand3/src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.tokens
+++ b/plugins/org.eclipse.xpand3/src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.tokens
@@ -1,77 +1,106 @@
diff --git a/plugins/org.eclipse.xpand3/src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/ b/plugins/org.eclipse.xpand3/src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/
index b0c6eb5e..01008001 100644
--- a/plugins/org.eclipse.xpand3/src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/
+++ b/plugins/org.eclipse.xpand3/src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-// $ANTLR 3.0 src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g 2008-02-27 13:36:50
+// $ANTLR 3.0 src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g 2008-02-27 17:07:41
package org.eclipse.xpand3.parser;
@@ -9,212 +9,131 @@ import java.util.List;
import java.util.ArrayList;
public class Xpand3Lexer extends Lexer {
- public static final int T79=79;
- public static final int IntLiteral=5;
public static final int T29=29;
- public static final int HexDigit=10;
- public static final int T36=36;
- public static final int T58=58;
+ public static final int HexDigit=17;
public static final int T70=70;
public static final int T74=74;
+ public static final int REM_COMMENT=23;
+ public static final int T85=85;
+ public static final int T102=102;
+ public static final int Letter=18;
+ public static final int T103=103;
+ public static final int T32=32;
+ public static final int T81=81;
+ public static final int T41=41;
+ public static final int T24=24;
+ public static final int LG=4;
+ public static final int T62=62;
+ public static final int T109=109;
+ public static final int T68=68;
+ public static final int T73=73;
+ public static final int T84=84;
+ public static final int T33=33;
+ public static final int Identifier=13;
+ public static final int T78=78;
+ public static final int WS=20;
+ public static final int T42=42;
+ public static final int RG=5;
+ public static final int T96=96;
+ public static final int T71=71;
+ public static final int LINE_COMMENT=22;
+ public static final int T72=72;
+ public static final int T94=94;
+ public static final int T76=76;
+ public static final int UnicodeEscape=15;
+ public static final int T75=75;
+ public static final int T89=89;
+ public static final int T67=67;
+ public static final int TEXT=10;
+ public static final int ENDAROUND=9;
+ public static final int T31=31;
+ public static final int T60=60;
+ public static final int T82=82;
+ public static final int T100=100;
+ public static final int T49=49;
+ public static final int T30=30;
+ public static final int T79=79;
+ public static final int IntLiteral=12;
+ public static final int T36=36;
+ public static final int T58=58;
+ public static final int T93=93;
public static final int T35=35;
+ public static final int T107=107;
+ public static final int T83=83;
public static final int T61=61;
public static final int T45=45;
- public static final int T20=20;
public static final int T34=34;
+ public static final int T101=101;
public static final int T64=64;
- public static final int Letter=11;
public static final int T25=25;
- public static final int T18=18;
+ public static final int T91=91;
+ public static final int T105=105;
public static final int T37=37;
- public static final int EscapeSequence=7;
+ public static final int T86=86;
+ public static final int EscapeSequence=14;
public static final int T26=26;
- public static final int T32=32;
public static final int T51=51;
public static final int T46=46;
public static final int T77=77;
public static final int T38=38;
- public static final int T41=41;
- public static final int T24=24;
- public static final int T19=19;
+ public static final int T106=106;
public static final int T69=69;
public static final int T39=39;
- public static final int T21=21;
- public static final int T62=62;
public static final int T44=44;
public static final int T55=55;
- public static final int T73=73;
- public static final int T68=68;
- public static final int T33=33;
- public static final int Identifier=6;
- public static final int T22=22;
+ public static final int T95=95;
public static final int T50=50;
- public static final int T78=78;
- public static final int WS=13;
+ public static final int T108=108;
+ public static final int T92=92;
public static final int T43=43;
- public static final int T23=23;
+ public static final int ENDDEFINE=7;
public static final int T28=28;
- public static final int T42=42;
- public static final int T66=66;
public static final int T40=40;
- public static final int COMMENT=14;
- public static final int T71=71;
- public static final int StringLiteral=4;
+ public static final int T66=66;
+ public static final int COMMENT=21;
+ public static final int T88=88;
+ public static final int StringLiteral=11;
public static final int T63=63;
public static final int T57=57;
- public static final int LINE_COMMENT=15;
- public static final int T72=72;
public static final int T65=65;
+ public static final int T98=98;
public static final int T56=56;
- public static final int T76=76;
+ public static final int T87=87;
public static final int T80=80;
- public static final int XPAND_TAG_OPEN=16;
- public static final int JavaIDDigit=12;
- public static final int UnicodeEscape=8;
- public static final int T75=75;
+ public static final int JavaIDDigit=19;
+ public static final int DEFINE=6;
public static final int T59=59;
+ public static final int T97=97;
public static final int T48=48;
public static final int T54=54;
public static final int EOF=-1;
- public static final int T67=67;
+ public static final int T104=104;
public static final int T47=47;
- public static final int Tokens=81;
+ public static final int Tokens=110;
public static final int T53=53;
- public static final int T60=60;
- public static final int T31=31;
- public static final int OctalEscape=9;
- public static final int T49=49;
+ public static final int OctalEscape=16;
+ public static final int T99=99;
public static final int T27=27;
public static final int T52=52;
- public static final int XPAND_TAG_CLOSE=17;
- public static final int T30=30;
+ public static final int T90=90;
+ public static final int AROUND=8;
+ private boolean xpandMode = false;
public Xpand3Lexer() {;}
public Xpand3Lexer(CharStream input) {
public String getGrammarFileName() { return "src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g"; }
- // $ANTLR start T18
- public void mT18() throws RecognitionException {
- try {
- int _type = T18;
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:6:7: ( 'import' )
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:6:7: 'import'
- {
- match("import");
- }
- this.type = _type;
- }
- finally {
- }
- }
- // $ANTLR end T18
- // $ANTLR start T19
- public void mT19() throws RecognitionException {
- try {
- int _type = T19;
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:7:7: ( ';' )
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:7:7: ';'
- {
- match(';');
- }
- this.type = _type;
- }
- finally {
- }
- }
- // $ANTLR end T19
- // $ANTLR start T20
- public void mT20() throws RecognitionException {
- try {
- int _type = T20;
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:8:7: ( 'extension' )
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:8:7: 'extension'
- {
- match("extension");
- }
- this.type = _type;
- }
- finally {
- }
- }
- // $ANTLR end T20
- // $ANTLR start T21
- public void mT21() throws RecognitionException {
- try {
- int _type = T21;
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:9:7: ( 'reexport' )
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:9:7: 'reexport'
- {
- match("reexport");
- }
- this.type = _type;
- }
- finally {
- }
- }
- // $ANTLR end T21
- // $ANTLR start T22
- public void mT22() throws RecognitionException {
- try {
- int _type = T22;
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:10:7: ( 'context' )
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:10:7: 'context'
- {
- match("context");
- }
- this.type = _type;
- }
- finally {
- }
- }
- // $ANTLR end T22
- // $ANTLR start T23
- public void mT23() throws RecognitionException {
- try {
- int _type = T23;
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:11:7: ( 'if' )
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:11:7: 'if'
- {
- match("if");
- }
- this.type = _type;
- }
- finally {
- }
- }
- // $ANTLR end T23
// $ANTLR start T24
public void mT24() throws RecognitionException {
try {
int _type = T24;
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:12:7: ( 'ERROR' )
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:12:7: 'ERROR'
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:9:7: ( 'IMPORT' )
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:9:7: 'IMPORT'
- match("ERROR");
+ match("IMPORT");
@@ -230,10 +149,10 @@ public class Xpand3Lexer extends Lexer {
public void mT25() throws RecognitionException {
try {
int _type = T25;
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:13:7: ( 'WARNING' )
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:13:7: 'WARNING'
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:10:7: ( 'EXTENSION' )
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:10:7: 'EXTENSION'
- match("WARNING");
+ match("EXTENSION");
@@ -249,10 +168,11 @@ public class Xpand3Lexer extends Lexer {
public void mT26() throws RecognitionException {
try {
int _type = T26;
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:14:7: ( ':' )
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:14:7: ':'
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:11:7: ( 'import' )
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:11:7: 'import'
- match(':');
+ match("import");
@@ -267,11 +187,10 @@ public class Xpand3Lexer extends Lexer {
public void mT27() throws RecognitionException {
try {
int _type = T27;
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:15:7: ( 'around' )
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:15:7: 'around'
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:12:7: ( ';' )
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:12:7: ';'
- match("around");
+ match(';');
@@ -286,10 +205,11 @@ public class Xpand3Lexer extends Lexer {
public void mT28() throws RecognitionException {
try {
int _type = T28;
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:16:7: ( '(' )
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:16:7: '('
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:13:7: ( 'extension' )
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:13:7: 'extension'
- match('(');
+ match("extension");
@@ -304,10 +224,11 @@ public class Xpand3Lexer extends Lexer {
public void mT29() throws RecognitionException {
try {
int _type = T29;
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:17:7: ( ',' )
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:17:7: ','
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:14:7: ( 'reexport' )
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:14:7: 'reexport'
- match(',');
+ match("reexport");
@@ -322,10 +243,10 @@ public class Xpand3Lexer extends Lexer {
public void mT30() throws RecognitionException {
try {
int _type = T30;
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:18:7: ( '*' )
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:18:7: '*'
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:15:7: ( '(' )
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:15:7: '('
- match('*');
+ match('(');
@@ -340,10 +261,10 @@ public class Xpand3Lexer extends Lexer {
public void mT31() throws RecognitionException {
try {
int _type = T31;
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:19:7: ( ')' )
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:19:7: ')'
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:16:7: ( ',' )
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:16:7: ','
- match(')');
+ match(',');
@@ -358,11 +279,10 @@ public class Xpand3Lexer extends Lexer {
public void mT32() throws RecognitionException {
try {
int _type = T32;
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:20:7: ( '::' )
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:20:7: '::'
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:17:7: ( '*' )
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:17:7: '*'
- match("::");
+ match('*');
@@ -377,11 +297,10 @@ public class Xpand3Lexer extends Lexer {
public void mT33() throws RecognitionException {
try {
int _type = T33;
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:21:7: ( 'private' )
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:21:7: 'private'
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:18:7: ( ')' )
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:18:7: ')'
- match("private");
+ match(')');
@@ -396,10 +315,10 @@ public class Xpand3Lexer extends Lexer {
public void mT34() throws RecognitionException {
try {
int _type = T34;
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:22:7: ( 'cached' )
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:22:7: 'cached'
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:19:7: ( 'FOR' )
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:19:7: 'FOR'
- match("cached");
+ match("FOR");
@@ -415,11 +334,10 @@ public class Xpand3Lexer extends Lexer {
public void mT35() throws RecognitionException {
try {
int _type = T35;
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:23:7: ( 'create' )
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:23:7: 'create'
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:20:7: ( '-' )
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:20:7: '-'
- match("create");
+ match('-');
@@ -434,10 +352,10 @@ public class Xpand3Lexer extends Lexer {
public void mT36() throws RecognitionException {
try {
int _type = T36;
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:24:7: ( 'JAVA' )
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:24:7: 'JAVA'
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:21:7: ( 'ERROR' )
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:21:7: 'ERROR'
- match("JAVA");
+ match("ERROR");
@@ -453,10 +371,11 @@ public class Xpand3Lexer extends Lexer {
public void mT37() throws RecognitionException {
try {
int _type = T37;
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:25:7: ( '.' )
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:25:7: '.'
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:22:7: ( 'EXPAND' )
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:22:7: 'EXPAND'
- match('.');
+ match("EXPAND");
@@ -471,10 +390,10 @@ public class Xpand3Lexer extends Lexer {
public void mT38() throws RecognitionException {
try {
int _type = T38;
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:26:7: ( 'Collection' )
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:26:7: 'Collection'
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:23:7: ( 'FOREACH' )
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:23:7: 'FOREACH'
- match("Collection");
+ match("FOREACH");
@@ -490,10 +409,10 @@ public class Xpand3Lexer extends Lexer {
public void mT39() throws RecognitionException {
try {
int _type = T39;
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:27:7: ( 'List' )
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:27:7: 'List'
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:24:7: ( 'SEPARATOR' )
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:24:7: 'SEPARATOR'
- match("List");
+ match("SEPARATOR");
@@ -509,10 +428,10 @@ public class Xpand3Lexer extends Lexer {
public void mT40() throws RecognitionException {
try {
int _type = T40;
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:28:7: ( 'Set' )
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:28:7: 'Set'
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:25:7: ( 'FILE' )
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:25:7: 'FILE'
- match("Set");
+ match("FILE");
@@ -528,10 +447,10 @@ public class Xpand3Lexer extends Lexer {
public void mT41() throws RecognitionException {
try {
int _type = T41;
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:29:7: ( 'let' )
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:29:7: 'let'
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:26:7: ( 'ENDFILE' )
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:26:7: 'ENDFILE'
- match("let");
+ match("ENDFILE");
@@ -547,10 +466,11 @@ public class Xpand3Lexer extends Lexer {
public void mT42() throws RecognitionException {
try {
int _type = T42;
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:30:7: ( '=' )
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:30:7: '='
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:27:7: ( 'AS' )
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:27:7: 'AS'
- match('=');
+ match("AS");
@@ -565,10 +485,10 @@ public class Xpand3Lexer extends Lexer {
public void mT43() throws RecognitionException {
try {
int _type = T43;
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:31:7: ( '->' )
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:31:7: '->'
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:28:7: ( 'ITERATOR' )
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:28:7: 'ITERATOR'
- match("->");
+ match("ITERATOR");
@@ -584,10 +504,11 @@ public class Xpand3Lexer extends Lexer {
public void mT44() throws RecognitionException {
try {
int _type = T44;
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:32:7: ( '?' )
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:32:7: '?'
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:29:7: ( 'ENDFOREACH' )
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:29:7: 'ENDFOREACH'
- match('?');
+ match("ENDFOREACH");
@@ -602,10 +523,10 @@ public class Xpand3Lexer extends Lexer {
public void mT45() throws RecognitionException {
try {
int _type = T45;
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:33:7: ( 'then' )
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:33:7: 'then'
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:30:7: ( 'IF' )
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:30:7: 'IF'
- match("then");
+ match("IF");
@@ -621,10 +542,10 @@ public class Xpand3Lexer extends Lexer {
public void mT46() throws RecognitionException {
try {
int _type = T46;
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:34:7: ( 'else' )
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:34:7: 'else'
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:31:7: ( 'ENDIF' )
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:31:7: 'ENDIF'
- match("else");
+ match("ENDIF");
@@ -640,10 +561,10 @@ public class Xpand3Lexer extends Lexer {
public void mT47() throws RecognitionException {
try {
int _type = T47;
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:35:7: ( 'switch' )
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:35:7: 'switch'
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:32:7: ( 'ELSEIF' )
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:32:7: 'ELSEIF'
- match("switch");
+ match("ELSEIF");
@@ -659,10 +580,10 @@ public class Xpand3Lexer extends Lexer {
public void mT48() throws RecognitionException {
try {
int _type = T48;
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:36:7: ( 'default' )
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:36:7: 'default'
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:33:7: ( 'ELSE' )
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:33:7: 'ELSE'
- match("default");
+ match("ELSE");
@@ -678,10 +599,11 @@ public class Xpand3Lexer extends Lexer {
public void mT49() throws RecognitionException {
try {
int _type = T49;
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:37:7: ( '}' )
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:37:7: '}'
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:34:7: ( 'LET' )
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:34:7: 'LET'
- match('}');
+ match("LET");
@@ -696,10 +618,10 @@ public class Xpand3Lexer extends Lexer {
public void mT50() throws RecognitionException {
try {
int _type = T50;
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:38:7: ( 'case' )
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:38:7: 'case'
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:35:7: ( 'ENDLET' )
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:35:7: 'ENDLET'
- match("case");
+ match("ENDLET");
@@ -715,10 +637,10 @@ public class Xpand3Lexer extends Lexer {
public void mT51() throws RecognitionException {
try {
int _type = T51;
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:39:7: ( '||' )
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:39:7: '||'
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:36:7: ( 'PROTECT' )
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:36:7: 'PROTECT'
- match("||");
+ match("PROTECT");
@@ -734,10 +656,10 @@ public class Xpand3Lexer extends Lexer {
public void mT52() throws RecognitionException {
try {
int _type = T52;
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:40:7: ( '&&' )
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:40:7: '&&'
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:37:7: ( 'CSTART' )
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:37:7: 'CSTART'
- match("&&");
+ match("CSTART");
@@ -753,10 +675,10 @@ public class Xpand3Lexer extends Lexer {
public void mT53() throws RecognitionException {
try {
int _type = T53;
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:41:7: ( 'implies' )
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:41:7: 'implies'
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:38:7: ( 'CEND' )
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:38:7: 'CEND'
- match("implies");
+ match("CEND");
@@ -772,10 +694,10 @@ public class Xpand3Lexer extends Lexer {
public void mT54() throws RecognitionException {
try {
int _type = T54;
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:42:7: ( '==' )
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:42:7: '=='
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:39:7: ( 'ID' )
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:39:7: 'ID'
- match("==");
+ match("ID");
@@ -791,10 +713,10 @@ public class Xpand3Lexer extends Lexer {
public void mT55() throws RecognitionException {
try {
int _type = T55;
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:43:7: ( '!=' )
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:43:7: '!='
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:40:7: ( 'DISABLE' )
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:40:7: 'DISABLE'
- match("!=");
+ match("DISABLE");
@@ -810,10 +732,10 @@ public class Xpand3Lexer extends Lexer {
public void mT56() throws RecognitionException {
try {
int _type = T56;
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:44:7: ( '>=' )
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:44:7: '>='
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:41:7: ( 'ENDPROTECT' )
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:41:7: 'ENDPROTECT'
- match(">=");
+ match("ENDPROTECT");
@@ -829,10 +751,10 @@ public class Xpand3Lexer extends Lexer {
public void mT57() throws RecognitionException {
try {
int _type = T57;
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:45:7: ( '<=' )
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:45:7: '<='
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:42:7: ( 'context' )
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:42:7: 'context'
- match("<=");
+ match("context");
@@ -848,10 +770,11 @@ public class Xpand3Lexer extends Lexer {
public void mT58() throws RecognitionException {
try {
int _type = T58;
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:46:7: ( '>' )
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:46:7: '>'
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:43:7: ( 'if' )
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:43:7: 'if'
- match('>');
+ match("if");
@@ -866,10 +789,11 @@ public class Xpand3Lexer extends Lexer {
public void mT59() throws RecognitionException {
try {
int _type = T59;
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:47:7: ( '<' )
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:47:7: '<'
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:44:7: ( 'WARNING' )
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:44:7: 'WARNING'
- match('<');
+ match("WARNING");
@@ -884,10 +808,10 @@ public class Xpand3Lexer extends Lexer {
public void mT60() throws RecognitionException {
try {
int _type = T60;
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:48:7: ( '+' )
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:48:7: '+'
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:45:7: ( ':' )
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:45:7: ':'
- match('+');
+ match(':');
@@ -902,10 +826,11 @@ public class Xpand3Lexer extends Lexer {
public void mT61() throws RecognitionException {
try {
int _type = T61;
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:49:7: ( '-' )
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:49:7: '-'
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:46:7: ( 'around' )
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:46:7: 'around'
- match('-');
+ match("around");
@@ -920,10 +845,11 @@ public class Xpand3Lexer extends Lexer {
public void mT62() throws RecognitionException {
try {
int _type = T62;
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:50:7: ( '/' )
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:50:7: '/'
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:47:7: ( '::' )
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:47:7: '::'
- match('/');
+ match("::");
@@ -938,10 +864,11 @@ public class Xpand3Lexer extends Lexer {
public void mT63() throws RecognitionException {
try {
int _type = T63;
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:51:7: ( '!' )
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:51:7: '!'
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:48:7: ( 'private' )
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:48:7: 'private'
- match('!');
+ match("private");
@@ -956,10 +883,10 @@ public class Xpand3Lexer extends Lexer {
public void mT64() throws RecognitionException {
try {
int _type = T64;
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:52:7: ( 'GLOBALVAR' )
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:52:7: 'GLOBALVAR'
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:49:7: ( 'cached' )
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:49:7: 'cached'
- match("GLOBALVAR");
+ match("cached");
@@ -975,10 +902,11 @@ public class Xpand3Lexer extends Lexer {
public void mT65() throws RecognitionException {
try {
int _type = T65;
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:53:7: ( '[' )
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:53:7: '['
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:50:7: ( 'create' )
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:50:7: 'create'
- match('[');
+ match("create");
@@ -993,10 +921,11 @@ public class Xpand3Lexer extends Lexer {
public void mT66() throws RecognitionException {
try {
int _type = T66;
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:54:7: ( ']' )
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:54:7: ']'
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:51:7: ( 'JAVA' )
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:51:7: 'JAVA'
- match(']');
+ match("JAVA");
@@ -1011,11 +940,10 @@ public class Xpand3Lexer extends Lexer {
public void mT67() throws RecognitionException {
try {
int _type = T67;
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:55:7: ( 'new' )
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:55:7: 'new'
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:52:7: ( '.' )
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:52:7: '.'
- match("new");
+ match('.');
@@ -1030,10 +958,10 @@ public class Xpand3Lexer extends Lexer {
public void mT68() throws RecognitionException {
try {
int _type = T68;
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:56:7: ( 'false' )
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:56:7: 'false'
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:53:7: ( 'Collection' )
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:53:7: 'Collection'
- match("false");
+ match("Collection");
@@ -1049,10 +977,10 @@ public class Xpand3Lexer extends Lexer {
public void mT69() throws RecognitionException {
try {
int _type = T69;
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:57:7: ( 'true' )
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:57:7: 'true'
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:54:7: ( 'List' )
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:54:7: 'List'
- match("true");
+ match("List");
@@ -1068,10 +996,10 @@ public class Xpand3Lexer extends Lexer {
public void mT70() throws RecognitionException {
try {
int _type = T70;
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:58:7: ( 'null' )
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:58:7: 'null'
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:55:7: ( 'Set' )
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:55:7: 'Set'
- match("null");
+ match("Set");
@@ -1087,10 +1015,10 @@ public class Xpand3Lexer extends Lexer {
public void mT71() throws RecognitionException {
try {
int _type = T71;
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:59:7: ( 'typeSelect' )
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:59:7: 'typeSelect'
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:56:7: ( 'let' )
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:56:7: 'let'
- match("typeSelect");
+ match("let");
@@ -1106,11 +1034,10 @@ public class Xpand3Lexer extends Lexer {
public void mT72() throws RecognitionException {
try {
int _type = T72;
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:60:7: ( 'collect' )
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:60:7: 'collect'
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:57:7: ( '=' )
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:57:7: '='
- match("collect");
+ match('=');
@@ -1125,10 +1052,10 @@ public class Xpand3Lexer extends Lexer {
public void mT73() throws RecognitionException {
try {
int _type = T73;
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:61:7: ( 'select' )
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:61:7: 'select'
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:58:7: ( '->' )
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:58:7: '->'
- match("select");
+ match("->");
@@ -1144,11 +1071,10 @@ public class Xpand3Lexer extends Lexer {
public void mT74() throws RecognitionException {
try {
int _type = T74;
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:62:7: ( 'selectFirst' )
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:62:7: 'selectFirst'
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:59:7: ( '?' )
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:59:7: '?'
- match("selectFirst");
+ match('?');
@@ -1163,10 +1089,10 @@ public class Xpand3Lexer extends Lexer {
public void mT75() throws RecognitionException {
try {
int _type = T75;
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:63:7: ( 'reject' )
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:63:7: 'reject'
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:60:7: ( 'then' )
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:60:7: 'then'
- match("reject");
+ match("then");
@@ -1182,10 +1108,10 @@ public class Xpand3Lexer extends Lexer {
public void mT76() throws RecognitionException {
try {
int _type = T76;
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:64:7: ( 'exists' )
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:64:7: 'exists'
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:61:7: ( 'else' )
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:61:7: 'else'
- match("exists");
+ match("else");
@@ -1201,10 +1127,10 @@ public class Xpand3Lexer extends Lexer {
public void mT77() throws RecognitionException {
try {
int _type = T77;
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:65:7: ( 'notExists' )
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:65:7: 'notExists'
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:62:7: ( 'switch' )
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:62:7: 'switch'
- match("notExists");
+ match("switch");
@@ -1220,10 +1146,10 @@ public class Xpand3Lexer extends Lexer {
public void mT78() throws RecognitionException {
try {
int _type = T78;
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:66:7: ( 'sortBy' )
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:66:7: 'sortBy'
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:63:7: ( 'default' )
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:63:7: 'default'
- match("sortBy");
+ match("default");
@@ -1239,11 +1165,10 @@ public class Xpand3Lexer extends Lexer {
public void mT79() throws RecognitionException {
try {
int _type = T79;
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:67:7: ( 'forAll' )
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:67:7: 'forAll'
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:64:7: ( '}' )
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:64:7: '}'
- match("forAll");
+ match('}');
@@ -1258,10 +1183,11 @@ public class Xpand3Lexer extends Lexer {
public void mT80() throws RecognitionException {
try {
int _type = T80;
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:68:7: ( '|' )
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:68:7: '|'
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:65:7: ( 'case' )
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:65:7: 'case'
- match('|');
+ match("case");
@@ -1272,14 +1198,557 @@ public class Xpand3Lexer extends Lexer {
// $ANTLR end T80
+ // $ANTLR start T81
+ public void mT81() throws RecognitionException {
+ try {
+ int _type = T81;
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:66:7: ( '||' )
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:66:7: '||'
+ {
+ match("||");
+ }
+ this.type = _type;
+ }
+ finally {
+ }
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end T81
+ // $ANTLR start T82
+ public void mT82() throws RecognitionException {
+ try {
+ int _type = T82;
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:67:7: ( '&&' )
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:67:7: '&&'
+ {
+ match("&&");
+ }
+ this.type = _type;
+ }
+ finally {
+ }
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end T82
+ // $ANTLR start T83
+ public void mT83() throws RecognitionException {
+ try {
+ int _type = T83;
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:68:7: ( 'implies' )
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:68:7: 'implies'
+ {
+ match("implies");
+ }
+ this.type = _type;
+ }
+ finally {
+ }
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end T83
+ // $ANTLR start T84
+ public void mT84() throws RecognitionException {
+ try {
+ int _type = T84;
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:69:7: ( '==' )
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:69:7: '=='
+ {
+ match("==");
+ }
+ this.type = _type;
+ }
+ finally {
+ }
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end T84
+ // $ANTLR start T85
+ public void mT85() throws RecognitionException {
+ try {
+ int _type = T85;
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:70:7: ( '!=' )
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:70:7: '!='
+ {
+ match("!=");
+ }
+ this.type = _type;
+ }
+ finally {
+ }
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end T85
+ // $ANTLR start T86
+ public void mT86() throws RecognitionException {
+ try {
+ int _type = T86;
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:71:7: ( '>=' )
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:71:7: '>='
+ {
+ match(">=");
+ }
+ this.type = _type;
+ }
+ finally {
+ }
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end T86
+ // $ANTLR start T87
+ public void mT87() throws RecognitionException {
+ try {
+ int _type = T87;
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:72:7: ( '<=' )
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:72:7: '<='
+ {
+ match("<=");
+ }
+ this.type = _type;
+ }
+ finally {
+ }
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end T87
+ // $ANTLR start T88
+ public void mT88() throws RecognitionException {
+ try {
+ int _type = T88;
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:73:7: ( '>' )
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:73:7: '>'
+ {
+ match('>');
+ }
+ this.type = _type;
+ }
+ finally {
+ }
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end T88
+ // $ANTLR start T89
+ public void mT89() throws RecognitionException {
+ try {
+ int _type = T89;
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:74:7: ( '<' )
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:74:7: '<'
+ {
+ match('<');
+ }
+ this.type = _type;
+ }
+ finally {
+ }
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end T89
+ // $ANTLR start T90
+ public void mT90() throws RecognitionException {
+ try {
+ int _type = T90;
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:75:7: ( '+' )
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:75:7: '+'
+ {
+ match('+');
+ }
+ this.type = _type;
+ }
+ finally {
+ }
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end T90
+ // $ANTLR start T91
+ public void mT91() throws RecognitionException {
+ try {
+ int _type = T91;
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:76:7: ( '/' )
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:76:7: '/'
+ {
+ match('/');
+ }
+ this.type = _type;
+ }
+ finally {
+ }
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end T91
+ // $ANTLR start T92
+ public void mT92() throws RecognitionException {
+ try {
+ int _type = T92;
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:77:7: ( '!' )
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:77:7: '!'
+ {
+ match('!');
+ }
+ this.type = _type;
+ }
+ finally {
+ }
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end T92
+ // $ANTLR start T93
+ public void mT93() throws RecognitionException {
+ try {
+ int _type = T93;
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:78:7: ( 'GLOBALVAR' )
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:78:7: 'GLOBALVAR'
+ {
+ match("GLOBALVAR");
+ }
+ this.type = _type;
+ }
+ finally {
+ }
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end T93
+ // $ANTLR start T94
+ public void mT94() throws RecognitionException {
+ try {
+ int _type = T94;
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:79:7: ( '[' )
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:79:7: '['
+ {
+ match('[');
+ }
+ this.type = _type;
+ }
+ finally {
+ }
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end T94
+ // $ANTLR start T95
+ public void mT95() throws RecognitionException {
+ try {
+ int _type = T95;
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:80:7: ( ']' )
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:80:7: ']'
+ {
+ match(']');
+ }
+ this.type = _type;
+ }
+ finally {
+ }
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end T95
+ // $ANTLR start T96
+ public void mT96() throws RecognitionException {
+ try {
+ int _type = T96;
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:81:7: ( 'new' )
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:81:7: 'new'
+ {
+ match("new");
+ }
+ this.type = _type;
+ }
+ finally {
+ }
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end T96
+ // $ANTLR start T97
+ public void mT97() throws RecognitionException {
+ try {
+ int _type = T97;
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:82:7: ( 'false' )
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:82:7: 'false'
+ {
+ match("false");
+ }
+ this.type = _type;
+ }
+ finally {
+ }
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end T97
+ // $ANTLR start T98
+ public void mT98() throws RecognitionException {
+ try {
+ int _type = T98;
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:83:7: ( 'true' )
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:83:7: 'true'
+ {
+ match("true");
+ }
+ this.type = _type;
+ }
+ finally {
+ }
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end T98
+ // $ANTLR start T99
+ public void mT99() throws RecognitionException {
+ try {
+ int _type = T99;
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:84:7: ( 'null' )
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:84:7: 'null'
+ {
+ match("null");
+ }
+ this.type = _type;
+ }
+ finally {
+ }
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end T99
+ // $ANTLR start T100
+ public void mT100() throws RecognitionException {
+ try {
+ int _type = T100;
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:85:8: ( 'typeSelect' )
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:85:8: 'typeSelect'
+ {
+ match("typeSelect");
+ }
+ this.type = _type;
+ }
+ finally {
+ }
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end T100
+ // $ANTLR start T101
+ public void mT101() throws RecognitionException {
+ try {
+ int _type = T101;
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:86:8: ( 'collect' )
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:86:8: 'collect'
+ {
+ match("collect");
+ }
+ this.type = _type;
+ }
+ finally {
+ }
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end T101
+ // $ANTLR start T102
+ public void mT102() throws RecognitionException {
+ try {
+ int _type = T102;
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:87:8: ( 'select' )
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:87:8: 'select'
+ {
+ match("select");
+ }
+ this.type = _type;
+ }
+ finally {
+ }
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end T102
+ // $ANTLR start T103
+ public void mT103() throws RecognitionException {
+ try {
+ int _type = T103;
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:88:8: ( 'selectFirst' )
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:88:8: 'selectFirst'
+ {
+ match("selectFirst");
+ }
+ this.type = _type;
+ }
+ finally {
+ }
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end T103
+ // $ANTLR start T104
+ public void mT104() throws RecognitionException {
+ try {
+ int _type = T104;
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:89:8: ( 'reject' )
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:89:8: 'reject'
+ {
+ match("reject");
+ }
+ this.type = _type;
+ }
+ finally {
+ }
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end T104
+ // $ANTLR start T105
+ public void mT105() throws RecognitionException {
+ try {
+ int _type = T105;
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:90:8: ( 'exists' )
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:90:8: 'exists'
+ {
+ match("exists");
+ }
+ this.type = _type;
+ }
+ finally {
+ }
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end T105
+ // $ANTLR start T106
+ public void mT106() throws RecognitionException {
+ try {
+ int _type = T106;
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:91:8: ( 'notExists' )
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:91:8: 'notExists'
+ {
+ match("notExists");
+ }
+ this.type = _type;
+ }
+ finally {
+ }
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end T106
+ // $ANTLR start T107
+ public void mT107() throws RecognitionException {
+ try {
+ int _type = T107;
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:92:8: ( 'sortBy' )
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:92:8: 'sortBy'
+ {
+ match("sortBy");
+ }
+ this.type = _type;
+ }
+ finally {
+ }
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end T107
+ // $ANTLR start T108
+ public void mT108() throws RecognitionException {
+ try {
+ int _type = T108;
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:93:8: ( 'forAll' )
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:93:8: 'forAll'
+ {
+ match("forAll");
+ }
+ this.type = _type;
+ }
+ finally {
+ }
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end T108
+ // $ANTLR start T109
+ public void mT109() throws RecognitionException {
+ try {
+ int _type = T109;
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:94:8: ( '|' )
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:94:8: '|'
+ {
+ match('|');
+ }
+ this.type = _type;
+ }
+ finally {
+ }
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end T109
// $ANTLR start IntLiteral
public void mIntLiteral() throws RecognitionException {
try {
int _type = IntLiteral;
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:237:14: ( ( '0' | '1' .. '9' ( '0' .. '9' )* ) )
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:237:14: ( '0' | '1' .. '9' ( '0' .. '9' )* )
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:349:14: ( ( '0' | '1' .. '9' ( '0' .. '9' )* ) )
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:349:14: ( '0' | '1' .. '9' ( '0' .. '9' )* )
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:237:14: ( '0' | '1' .. '9' ( '0' .. '9' )* )
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:349:14: ( '0' | '1' .. '9' ( '0' .. '9' )* )
int alt2=2;
int LA2_0 = input.LA(1);
@@ -1291,23 +1760,23 @@ public class Xpand3Lexer extends Lexer {
else {
NoViableAltException nvae =
- new NoViableAltException("237:14: ( '0' | '1' .. '9' ( '0' .. '9' )* )", 2, 0, input);
+ new NoViableAltException("349:14: ( '0' | '1' .. '9' ( '0' .. '9' )* )", 2, 0, input);
throw nvae;
switch (alt2) {
case 1 :
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:237:15: '0'
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:349:15: '0'
case 2 :
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:237:21: '1' .. '9' ( '0' .. '9' )*
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:349:21: '1' .. '9' ( '0' .. '9' )*
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:237:30: ( '0' .. '9' )*
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:349:30: ( '0' .. '9' )*
do {
int alt1=2;
@@ -1320,7 +1789,7 @@ public class Xpand3Lexer extends Lexer {
switch (alt1) {
case 1 :
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:237:30: '0' .. '9'
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:349:30: '0' .. '9'
@@ -1352,7 +1821,7 @@ public class Xpand3Lexer extends Lexer {
public void mStringLiteral() throws RecognitionException {
try {
int _type = StringLiteral;
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:240:8: ( '\"' ( EscapeSequence | ~ ( '\\\\' | '\"' ) )* '\"' | '\\'' ( EscapeSequence | ~ ( '\\'' | '\\\\' ) )* '\\'' )
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:352:8: ( '\"' ( EscapeSequence | ~ ( '\\\\' | '\"' ) )* '\"' | '\\'' ( EscapeSequence | ~ ( '\\'' | '\\\\' ) )* '\\'' )
int alt5=2;
int LA5_0 = input.LA(1);
@@ -1364,16 +1833,16 @@ public class Xpand3Lexer extends Lexer {
else {
NoViableAltException nvae =
- new NoViableAltException("239:1: StringLiteral : ( '\"' ( EscapeSequence | ~ ( '\\\\' | '\"' ) )* '\"' | '\\'' ( EscapeSequence | ~ ( '\\'' | '\\\\' ) )* '\\'' );", 5, 0, input);
+ new NoViableAltException("351:1: StringLiteral : ( '\"' ( EscapeSequence | ~ ( '\\\\' | '\"' ) )* '\"' | '\\'' ( EscapeSequence | ~ ( '\\'' | '\\\\' ) )* '\\'' );", 5, 0, input);
throw nvae;
switch (alt5) {
case 1 :
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:240:8: '\"' ( EscapeSequence | ~ ( '\\\\' | '\"' ) )* '\"'
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:352:8: '\"' ( EscapeSequence | ~ ( '\\\\' | '\"' ) )* '\"'
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:240:12: ( EscapeSequence | ~ ( '\\\\' | '\"' ) )*
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:352:12: ( EscapeSequence | ~ ( '\\\\' | '\"' ) )*
do {
int alt3=3;
@@ -1389,14 +1858,14 @@ public class Xpand3Lexer extends Lexer {
switch (alt3) {
case 1 :
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:240:14: EscapeSequence
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:352:14: EscapeSequence
case 2 :
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:240:31: ~ ( '\\\\' | '\"' )
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:352:31: ~ ( '\\\\' | '\"' )
if ( (input.LA(1)>='\u0000' && input.LA(1)<='!')||(input.LA(1)>='#' && input.LA(1)<='[')||(input.LA(1)>=']' && input.LA(1)<='\uFFFE') ) {
@@ -1422,10 +1891,10 @@ public class Xpand3Lexer extends Lexer {
case 2 :
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:241:8: '\\'' ( EscapeSequence | ~ ( '\\'' | '\\\\' ) )* '\\''
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:353:8: '\\'' ( EscapeSequence | ~ ( '\\'' | '\\\\' ) )* '\\''
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:241:13: ( EscapeSequence | ~ ( '\\'' | '\\\\' ) )*
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:353:13: ( EscapeSequence | ~ ( '\\'' | '\\\\' ) )*
do {
int alt4=3;
@@ -1441,14 +1910,14 @@ public class Xpand3Lexer extends Lexer {
switch (alt4) {
case 1 :
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:241:15: EscapeSequence
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:353:15: EscapeSequence
case 2 :
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:241:32: ~ ( '\\'' | '\\\\' )
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:353:32: ~ ( '\\'' | '\\\\' )
if ( (input.LA(1)>='\u0000' && input.LA(1)<='&')||(input.LA(1)>='(' && input.LA(1)<='[')||(input.LA(1)>=']' && input.LA(1)<='\uFFFE') ) {
@@ -1485,17 +1954,12 @@ public class Xpand3Lexer extends Lexer {
// $ANTLR start EscapeSequence
public void mEscapeSequence() throws RecognitionException {
try {
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:246:9: ( '\\\\' ( 'b' | 't' | 'n' | 'f' | 'r' | '\\\"' | '\\'' | '\\\\' ) | UnicodeEscape | OctalEscape )
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:358:9: ( '\\\\' ( 'b' | 't' | 'n' | 'f' | 'r' | '\\\"' | '\\'' | '\\\\' ) | UnicodeEscape | OctalEscape )
int alt6=3;
int LA6_0 = input.LA(1);
if ( (LA6_0=='\\') ) {
switch ( input.LA(2) ) {
- case 'u':
- {
- alt6=2;
- }
- break;
case '\"':
case '\'':
case '\\':
@@ -1508,6 +1972,11 @@ public class Xpand3Lexer extends Lexer {
+ case 'u':
+ {
+ alt6=2;
+ }
+ break;
case '0':
case '1':
case '2':
@@ -1522,7 +1991,7 @@ public class Xpand3Lexer extends Lexer {
NoViableAltException nvae =
- new NoViableAltException("244:1: fragment EscapeSequence : ( '\\\\' ( 'b' | 't' | 'n' | 'f' | 'r' | '\\\"' | '\\'' | '\\\\' ) | UnicodeEscape | OctalEscape );", 6, 1, input);
+ new NoViableAltException("356:1: fragment EscapeSequence : ( '\\\\' ( 'b' | 't' | 'n' | 'f' | 'r' | '\\\"' | '\\'' | '\\\\' ) | UnicodeEscape | OctalEscape );", 6, 1, input);
throw nvae;
@@ -1530,13 +1999,13 @@ public class Xpand3Lexer extends Lexer {
else {
NoViableAltException nvae =
- new NoViableAltException("244:1: fragment EscapeSequence : ( '\\\\' ( 'b' | 't' | 'n' | 'f' | 'r' | '\\\"' | '\\'' | '\\\\' ) | UnicodeEscape | OctalEscape );", 6, 0, input);
+ new NoViableAltException("356:1: fragment EscapeSequence : ( '\\\\' ( 'b' | 't' | 'n' | 'f' | 'r' | '\\\"' | '\\'' | '\\\\' ) | UnicodeEscape | OctalEscape );", 6, 0, input);
throw nvae;
switch (alt6) {
case 1 :
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:246:9: '\\\\' ( 'b' | 't' | 'n' | 'f' | 'r' | '\\\"' | '\\'' | '\\\\' )
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:358:9: '\\\\' ( 'b' | 't' | 'n' | 'f' | 'r' | '\\\"' | '\\'' | '\\\\' )
if ( input.LA(1)=='\"'||input.LA(1)=='\''||input.LA(1)=='\\'||input.LA(1)=='b'||input.LA(1)=='f'||input.LA(1)=='n'||input.LA(1)=='r'||input.LA(1)=='t' ) {
@@ -1553,14 +2022,14 @@ public class Xpand3Lexer extends Lexer {
case 2 :
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:247:9: UnicodeEscape
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:359:9: UnicodeEscape
case 3 :
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:248:9: OctalEscape
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:360:9: OctalEscape
@@ -1577,7 +2046,7 @@ public class Xpand3Lexer extends Lexer {
// $ANTLR start OctalEscape
public void mOctalEscape() throws RecognitionException {
try {
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:253:9: ( '\\\\' ( '0' .. '3' ) ( '0' .. '7' ) ( '0' .. '7' ) | '\\\\' ( '0' .. '7' ) ( '0' .. '7' ) | '\\\\' ( '0' .. '7' ) )
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:365:9: ( '\\\\' ( '0' .. '3' ) ( '0' .. '7' ) ( '0' .. '7' ) | '\\\\' ( '0' .. '7' ) ( '0' .. '7' ) | '\\\\' ( '0' .. '7' ) )
int alt7=3;
int LA7_0 = input.LA(1);
@@ -1610,38 +2079,38 @@ public class Xpand3Lexer extends Lexer {
else {
NoViableAltException nvae =
- new NoViableAltException("251:1: fragment OctalEscape : ( '\\\\' ( '0' .. '3' ) ( '0' .. '7' ) ( '0' .. '7' ) | '\\\\' ( '0' .. '7' ) ( '0' .. '7' ) | '\\\\' ( '0' .. '7' ) );", 7, 1, input);
+ new NoViableAltException("363:1: fragment OctalEscape : ( '\\\\' ( '0' .. '3' ) ( '0' .. '7' ) ( '0' .. '7' ) | '\\\\' ( '0' .. '7' ) ( '0' .. '7' ) | '\\\\' ( '0' .. '7' ) );", 7, 1, input);
throw nvae;
else {
NoViableAltException nvae =
- new NoViableAltException("251:1: fragment OctalEscape : ( '\\\\' ( '0' .. '3' ) ( '0' .. '7' ) ( '0' .. '7' ) | '\\\\' ( '0' .. '7' ) ( '0' .. '7' ) | '\\\\' ( '0' .. '7' ) );", 7, 0, input);
+ new NoViableAltException("363:1: fragment OctalEscape : ( '\\\\' ( '0' .. '3' ) ( '0' .. '7' ) ( '0' .. '7' ) | '\\\\' ( '0' .. '7' ) ( '0' .. '7' ) | '\\\\' ( '0' .. '7' ) );", 7, 0, input);
throw nvae;
switch (alt7) {
case 1 :
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:253:9: '\\\\' ( '0' .. '3' ) ( '0' .. '7' ) ( '0' .. '7' )
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:365:9: '\\\\' ( '0' .. '3' ) ( '0' .. '7' ) ( '0' .. '7' )
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:253:14: ( '0' .. '3' )
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:253:15: '0' .. '3'
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:365:14: ( '0' .. '3' )
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:365:15: '0' .. '3'
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:253:25: ( '0' .. '7' )
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:253:26: '0' .. '7'
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:365:25: ( '0' .. '7' )
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:365:26: '0' .. '7'
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:253:36: ( '0' .. '7' )
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:253:37: '0' .. '7'
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:365:36: ( '0' .. '7' )
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:365:37: '0' .. '7'
@@ -1651,18 +2120,18 @@ public class Xpand3Lexer extends Lexer {
case 2 :
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:254:9: '\\\\' ( '0' .. '7' ) ( '0' .. '7' )
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:366:9: '\\\\' ( '0' .. '7' ) ( '0' .. '7' )
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:254:14: ( '0' .. '7' )
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:254:15: '0' .. '7'
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:366:14: ( '0' .. '7' )
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:366:15: '0' .. '7'
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:254:25: ( '0' .. '7' )
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:254:26: '0' .. '7'
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:366:25: ( '0' .. '7' )
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:366:26: '0' .. '7'
@@ -1672,11 +2141,11 @@ public class Xpand3Lexer extends Lexer {
case 3 :
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:255:9: '\\\\' ( '0' .. '7' )
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:367:9: '\\\\' ( '0' .. '7' )
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:255:14: ( '0' .. '7' )
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:255:15: '0' .. '7'
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:367:14: ( '0' .. '7' )
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:367:15: '0' .. '7'
@@ -1696,8 +2165,8 @@ public class Xpand3Lexer extends Lexer {
// $ANTLR start UnicodeEscape
public void mUnicodeEscape() throws RecognitionException {
try {
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:260:9: ( '\\\\' 'u' HexDigit HexDigit HexDigit HexDigit )
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:260:9: '\\\\' 'u' HexDigit HexDigit HexDigit HexDigit
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:372:9: ( '\\\\' 'u' HexDigit HexDigit HexDigit HexDigit )
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:372:9: '\\\\' 'u' HexDigit HexDigit HexDigit HexDigit
@@ -1717,8 +2186,8 @@ public class Xpand3Lexer extends Lexer {
// $ANTLR start HexDigit
public void mHexDigit() throws RecognitionException {
try {
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:263:12: ( ( '0' .. '9' | 'a' .. 'f' | 'A' .. 'F' ) )
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:263:12: ( '0' .. '9' | 'a' .. 'f' | 'A' .. 'F' )
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:375:12: ( ( '0' .. '9' | 'a' .. 'f' | 'A' .. 'F' ) )
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:375:12: ( '0' .. '9' | 'a' .. 'f' | 'A' .. 'F' )
if ( (input.LA(1)>='0' && input.LA(1)<='9')||(input.LA(1)>='A' && input.LA(1)<='F')||(input.LA(1)>='a' && input.LA(1)<='f') ) {
@@ -1739,14 +2208,94 @@ public class Xpand3Lexer extends Lexer {
// $ANTLR end HexDigit
+ // $ANTLR start DEFINE
+ public void mDEFINE() throws RecognitionException {
+ try {
+ int _type = DEFINE;
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:378:11: ( 'DEFINE' )
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:378:11: 'DEFINE'
+ {
+ xpandMode=true;
+ match("DEFINE");
+ }
+ this.type = _type;
+ }
+ finally {
+ }
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end DEFINE
+ public void mENDDEFINE() throws RecognitionException {
+ try {
+ int _type = ENDDEFINE;
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:380:4: ( 'ENDDEFINE' )
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:380:4: 'ENDDEFINE'
+ {
+ match("ENDDEFINE");
+ xpandMode=false;
+ }
+ this.type = _type;
+ }
+ finally {
+ }
+ }
+ // $ANTLR start AROUND
+ public void mAROUND() throws RecognitionException {
+ try {
+ int _type = AROUND;
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:382:11: ( 'AROUND' )
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:382:11: 'AROUND'
+ {
+ xpandMode=true;
+ match("AROUND");
+ }
+ this.type = _type;
+ }
+ finally {
+ }
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end AROUND
+ public void mENDAROUND() throws RecognitionException {
+ try {
+ int _type = ENDAROUND;
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:383:13: ( 'ENDAROUND' )
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:383:13: 'ENDAROUND'
+ {
+ match("ENDAROUND");
+ xpandMode=false;
+ }
+ this.type = _type;
+ }
+ finally {
+ }
+ }
// $ANTLR start Identifier
public void mIdentifier() throws RecognitionException {
try {
int _type = Identifier;
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:266:9: ( ( '^' )? Letter ( Letter | JavaIDDigit )* )
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:266:9: ( '^' )? Letter ( Letter | JavaIDDigit )*
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:386:9: ( ( '^' )? Letter ( Letter | JavaIDDigit )* )
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:386:9: ( '^' )? Letter ( Letter | JavaIDDigit )*
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:266:9: ( '^' )?
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:386:9: ( '^' )?
int alt8=2;
int LA8_0 = input.LA(1);
@@ -1755,7 +2304,7 @@ public class Xpand3Lexer extends Lexer {
switch (alt8) {
case 1 :
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:266:10: '^'
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:386:10: '^'
@@ -1765,7 +2314,7 @@ public class Xpand3Lexer extends Lexer {
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:266:23: ( Letter | JavaIDDigit )*
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:386:23: ( Letter | JavaIDDigit )*
do {
int alt9=2;
@@ -1812,7 +2361,7 @@ public class Xpand3Lexer extends Lexer {
// $ANTLR start Letter
public void mLetter() throws RecognitionException {
try {
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:271:8: ( '\\u0024' | '\\u0041' .. '\\u005a' | '\\u005f' | '\\u0061' .. '\\u007a' | '\\u00c0' .. '\\u00d6' | '\\u00d8' .. '\\u00f6' | '\\u00f8' .. '\\u00ff' | '\\u0100' .. '\\u1fff' | '\\u3040' .. '\\u318f' | '\\u3300' .. '\\u337f' | '\\u3400' .. '\\u3d2d' | '\\u4e00' .. '\\u9fff' | '\\uf900' .. '\\ufaff' )
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:391:8: ( '\\u0024' | '\\u0041' .. '\\u005a' | '\\u005f' | '\\u0061' .. '\\u007a' | '\\u00c0' .. '\\u00d6' | '\\u00d8' .. '\\u00f6' | '\\u00f8' .. '\\u00ff' | '\\u0100' .. '\\u1fff' | '\\u3040' .. '\\u318f' | '\\u3300' .. '\\u337f' | '\\u3400' .. '\\u3d2d' | '\\u4e00' .. '\\u9fff' | '\\uf900' .. '\\ufaff' )
// src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:
if ( input.LA(1)=='$'||(input.LA(1)>='A' && input.LA(1)<='Z')||input.LA(1)=='_'||(input.LA(1)>='a' && input.LA(1)<='z')||(input.LA(1)>='\u00C0' && input.LA(1)<='\u00D6')||(input.LA(1)>='\u00D8' && input.LA(1)<='\u00F6')||(input.LA(1)>='\u00F8' && input.LA(1)<='\u1FFF')||(input.LA(1)>='\u3040' && input.LA(1)<='\u318F')||(input.LA(1)>='\u3300' && input.LA(1)<='\u337F')||(input.LA(1)>='\u3400' && input.LA(1)<='\u3D2D')||(input.LA(1)>='\u4E00' && input.LA(1)<='\u9FFF')||(input.LA(1)>='\uF900' && input.LA(1)<='\uFAFF') ) {
@@ -1837,7 +2386,7 @@ public class Xpand3Lexer extends Lexer {
// $ANTLR start JavaIDDigit
public void mJavaIDDigit() throws RecognitionException {
try {
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:288:8: ( '\\u0030' .. '\\u0039' | '\\u0660' .. '\\u0669' | '\\u06f0' .. '\\u06f9' | '\\u0966' .. '\\u096f' | '\\u09e6' .. '\\u09ef' | '\\u0a66' .. '\\u0a6f' | '\\u0ae6' .. '\\u0aef' | '\\u0b66' .. '\\u0b6f' | '\\u0be7' .. '\\u0bef' | '\\u0c66' .. '\\u0c6f' | '\\u0ce6' .. '\\u0cef' | '\\u0d66' .. '\\u0d6f' | '\\u0e50' .. '\\u0e59' | '\\u0ed0' .. '\\u0ed9' | '\\u1040' .. '\\u1049' )
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:408:8: ( '\\u0030' .. '\\u0039' | '\\u0660' .. '\\u0669' | '\\u06f0' .. '\\u06f9' | '\\u0966' .. '\\u096f' | '\\u09e6' .. '\\u09ef' | '\\u0a66' .. '\\u0a6f' | '\\u0ae6' .. '\\u0aef' | '\\u0b66' .. '\\u0b6f' | '\\u0be7' .. '\\u0bef' | '\\u0c66' .. '\\u0c6f' | '\\u0ce6' .. '\\u0cef' | '\\u0d66' .. '\\u0d6f' | '\\u0e50' .. '\\u0e59' | '\\u0ed0' .. '\\u0ed9' | '\\u1040' .. '\\u1049' )
// src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:
if ( (input.LA(1)>='0' && input.LA(1)<='9')||(input.LA(1)>='\u0660' && input.LA(1)<='\u0669')||(input.LA(1)>='\u06F0' && input.LA(1)<='\u06F9')||(input.LA(1)>='\u0966' && input.LA(1)<='\u096F')||(input.LA(1)>='\u09E6' && input.LA(1)<='\u09EF')||(input.LA(1)>='\u0A66' && input.LA(1)<='\u0A6F')||(input.LA(1)>='\u0AE6' && input.LA(1)<='\u0AEF')||(input.LA(1)>='\u0B66' && input.LA(1)<='\u0B6F')||(input.LA(1)>='\u0BE7' && input.LA(1)<='\u0BEF')||(input.LA(1)>='\u0C66' && input.LA(1)<='\u0C6F')||(input.LA(1)>='\u0CE6' && input.LA(1)<='\u0CEF')||(input.LA(1)>='\u0D66' && input.LA(1)<='\u0D6F')||(input.LA(1)>='\u0E50' && input.LA(1)<='\u0E59')||(input.LA(1)>='\u0ED0' && input.LA(1)<='\u0ED9')||(input.LA(1)>='\u1040' && input.LA(1)<='\u1049') ) {
@@ -1863,8 +2412,8 @@ public class Xpand3Lexer extends Lexer {
public void mWS() throws RecognitionException {
try {
int _type = WS;
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:305:8: ( ( ' ' | '\\r' | '\\t' | '\\u000C' | '\\n' ) )
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:305:8: ( ' ' | '\\r' | '\\t' | '\\u000C' | '\\n' )
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:425:8: ( ( ' ' | '\\r' | '\\t' | '\\u000C' | '\\n' ) )
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:425:8: ( ' ' | '\\r' | '\\t' | '\\u000C' | '\\n' )
if ( (input.LA(1)>='\t' && input.LA(1)<='\n')||(input.LA(1)>='\f' && input.LA(1)<='\r')||input.LA(1)==' ' ) {
@@ -1891,12 +2440,12 @@ public class Xpand3Lexer extends Lexer {
public void mCOMMENT() throws RecognitionException {
try {
int _type = COMMENT;
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:309:9: ( '/*' ( options {greedy=false; } : . )* '*/' )
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:309:9: '/*' ( options {greedy=false; } : . )* '*/'
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:429:9: ( '/*' ( options {greedy=false; } : . )* '*/' )
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:429:9: '/*' ( options {greedy=false; } : . )* '*/'
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:309:14: ( options {greedy=false; } : . )*
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:429:14: ( options {greedy=false; } : . )*
do {
int alt10=2;
@@ -1921,7 +2470,7 @@ public class Xpand3Lexer extends Lexer {
switch (alt10) {
case 1 :
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:309:42: .
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:429:42: .
@@ -1950,12 +2499,12 @@ public class Xpand3Lexer extends Lexer {
public void mLINE_COMMENT() throws RecognitionException {
try {
int _type = LINE_COMMENT;
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:313:7: ( '//' (~ ( '\\n' | '\\r' ) )* ( ( '\\r' )? '\\n' | EOF ) )
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:313:7: '//' (~ ( '\\n' | '\\r' ) )* ( ( '\\r' )? '\\n' | EOF )
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:433:7: ( '//' (~ ( '\\n' | '\\r' ) )* ( ( '\\r' )? '\\n' | EOF ) )
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:433:7: '//' (~ ( '\\n' | '\\r' ) )* ( ( '\\r' )? '\\n' | EOF )
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:313:12: (~ ( '\\n' | '\\r' ) )*
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:433:12: (~ ( '\\n' | '\\r' ) )*
do {
int alt11=2;
@@ -1968,7 +2517,7 @@ public class Xpand3Lexer extends Lexer {
switch (alt11) {
case 1 :
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:313:12: ~ ( '\\n' | '\\r' )
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:433:12: ~ ( '\\n' | '\\r' )
if ( (input.LA(1)>='\u0000' && input.LA(1)<='\t')||(input.LA(1)>='\u000B' && input.LA(1)<='\f')||(input.LA(1)>='\u000E' && input.LA(1)<='\uFFFE') ) {
@@ -1989,7 +2538,7 @@ public class Xpand3Lexer extends Lexer {
} while (true);
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:313:26: ( ( '\\r' )? '\\n' | EOF )
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:433:26: ( ( '\\r' )? '\\n' | EOF )
int alt13=2;
int LA13_0 = input.LA(1);
@@ -2000,9 +2549,9 @@ public class Xpand3Lexer extends Lexer {
switch (alt13) {
case 1 :
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:313:27: ( '\\r' )? '\\n'
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:433:27: ( '\\r' )? '\\n'
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:313:27: ( '\\r' )?
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:433:27: ( '\\r' )?
int alt12=2;
int LA12_0 = input.LA(1);
@@ -2011,7 +2560,7 @@ public class Xpand3Lexer extends Lexer {
switch (alt12) {
case 1 :
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:313:27: '\\r'
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:433:27: '\\r'
@@ -2025,7 +2574,7 @@ public class Xpand3Lexer extends Lexer {
case 2 :
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:313:38: EOF
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:433:38: EOF
@@ -2045,12 +2594,190 @@ public class Xpand3Lexer extends Lexer {
- public void mXPAND_TAG_OPEN() throws RecognitionException {
+ public void mREM_COMMENT() throws RecognitionException {
+ try {
+ int _type = REM_COMMENT;
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:437:2: ( 'REM' RG ( options {greedy=false; } : . )* '\\u00ABENDREM' )
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:437:2: 'REM' RG ( options {greedy=false; } : . )* '\\u00ABENDREM'
+ {
+ match("REM");
+ mRG();
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:437:11: ( options {greedy=false; } : . )*
+ loop14:
+ do {
+ int alt14=2;
+ int LA14_0 = input.LA(1);
+ if ( (LA14_0=='\u00AB') ) {
+ int LA14_1 = input.LA(2);
+ if ( (LA14_1=='E') ) {
+ int LA14_3 = input.LA(3);
+ if ( (LA14_3=='N') ) {
+ int LA14_4 = input.LA(4);
+ if ( (LA14_4=='D') ) {
+ int LA14_5 = input.LA(5);
+ if ( (LA14_5=='R') ) {
+ int LA14_6 = input.LA(6);
+ if ( (LA14_6=='E') ) {
+ int LA14_7 = input.LA(7);
+ if ( (LA14_7=='M') ) {
+ alt14=2;
+ }
+ else if ( ((LA14_7>='\u0000' && LA14_7<='L')||(LA14_7>='N' && LA14_7<='\uFFFE')) ) {
+ alt14=1;
+ }
+ }
+ else if ( ((LA14_6>='\u0000' && LA14_6<='D')||(LA14_6>='F' && LA14_6<='\uFFFE')) ) {
+ alt14=1;
+ }
+ }
+ else if ( ((LA14_5>='\u0000' && LA14_5<='Q')||(LA14_5>='S' && LA14_5<='\uFFFE')) ) {
+ alt14=1;
+ }
+ }
+ else if ( ((LA14_4>='\u0000' && LA14_4<='C')||(LA14_4>='E' && LA14_4<='\uFFFE')) ) {
+ alt14=1;
+ }
+ }
+ else if ( ((LA14_3>='\u0000' && LA14_3<='M')||(LA14_3>='O' && LA14_3<='\uFFFE')) ) {
+ alt14=1;
+ }
+ }
+ else if ( ((LA14_1>='\u0000' && LA14_1<='D')||(LA14_1>='F' && LA14_1<='\uFFFE')) ) {
+ alt14=1;
+ }
+ }
+ else if ( ((LA14_0>='\u0000' && LA14_0<='\u00AA')||(LA14_0>='\u00AC' && LA14_0<='\uFFFE')) ) {
+ alt14=1;
+ }
+ switch (alt14) {
+ case 1 :
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:437:39: .
+ {
+ matchAny();
+ }
+ break;
+ default :
+ break loop14;
+ }
+ } while (true);
+ match("\u00ABENDREM");
+ channel=HIDDEN;
+ }
+ this.type = _type;
+ }
+ finally {
+ }
+ }
+ // $ANTLR start TEXT
+ public void mTEXT() throws RecognitionException {
try {
- int _type = XPAND_TAG_OPEN;
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:317:4: ( '\\u00AB' )
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:317:4: '\\u00AB'
+ int _type = TEXT;
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:442:3: ({...}? RG (~ ( LG ) )* ( LG )? )
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:442:3: {...}? RG (~ ( LG ) )* ( LG )?
+ {
+ if ( !(xpandMode) ) {
+ throw new FailedPredicateException(input, "TEXT", "xpandMode");
+ }
+ mRG();
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:442:19: (~ ( LG ) )*
+ loop15:
+ do {
+ int alt15=2;
+ int LA15_0 = input.LA(1);
+ if ( ((LA15_0>='\u0000' && LA15_0<='\u00AA')||(LA15_0>='\u00AC' && LA15_0<='\uFFFE')) ) {
+ alt15=1;
+ }
+ switch (alt15) {
+ case 1 :
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:442:19: ~ ( LG )
+ {
+ if ( (input.LA(1)>='\u0000' && input.LA(1)<='\u00AA')||(input.LA(1)>='\u00AC' && input.LA(1)<='\uFFFE') ) {
+ input.consume();
+ }
+ else {
+ MismatchedSetException mse =
+ new MismatchedSetException(null,input);
+ recover(mse); throw mse;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ default :
+ break loop15;
+ }
+ } while (true);
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:442:26: ( LG )?
+ int alt16=2;
+ int LA16_0 = input.LA(1);
+ if ( (LA16_0=='\u00AB') ) {
+ alt16=1;
+ }
+ switch (alt16) {
+ case 1 :
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:442:27: LG
+ {
+ mLG();
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ this.type = _type;
+ }
+ finally {
+ }
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end TEXT
+ // $ANTLR start LG
+ public void mLG() throws RecognitionException {
+ try {
+ int _type = LG;
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:446:4: ( '\\u00AB' )
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:446:4: '\\u00AB'
@@ -2061,14 +2788,14 @@ public class Xpand3Lexer extends Lexer {
finally {
+ // $ANTLR end LG
- public void mXPAND_TAG_CLOSE() throws RecognitionException {
+ // $ANTLR start RG
+ public void mRG() throws RecognitionException {
try {
- int _type = XPAND_TAG_CLOSE;
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:319:4: ( '\\u00BB' )
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:319:4: '\\u00BB'
+ int _type = RG;
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:448:4: ( '\\u00BB' )
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:448:4: '\\u00BB'
@@ -2079,122 +2806,644 @@ public class Xpand3Lexer extends Lexer {
finally {
+ // $ANTLR end RG
public void mTokens() throws RecognitionException {
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:1:10: ( T18 | T19 | T20 | T21 | T22 | T23 | T24 | T25 | T26 | T27 | T28 | T29 | T30 | T31 | T32 | T33 | T34 | T35 | T36 | T37 | T38 | T39 | T40 | T41 | T42 | T43 | T44 | T45 | T46 | T47 | T48 | T49 | T50 | T51 | T52 | T53 | T54 | T55 | T56 | T57 | T58 | T59 | T60 | T61 | T62 | T63 | T64 | T65 | T66 | T67 | T68 | T69 | T70 | T71 | T72 | T73 | T74 | T75 | T76 | T77 | T78 | T79 | T80 | IntLiteral | StringLiteral | Identifier | WS | COMMENT | LINE_COMMENT | XPAND_TAG_OPEN | XPAND_TAG_CLOSE )
- int alt14=71;
- int LA14_0 = input.LA(1);
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:1:10: ( T24 | T25 | T26 | T27 | T28 | T29 | T30 | T31 | T32 | T33 | T34 | T35 | T36 | T37 | T38 | T39 | T40 | T41 | T42 | T43 | T44 | T45 | T46 | T47 | T48 | T49 | T50 | T51 | T52 | T53 | T54 | T55 | T56 | T57 | T58 | T59 | T60 | T61 | T62 | T63 | T64 | T65 | T66 | T67 | T68 | T69 | T70 | T71 | T72 | T73 | T74 | T75 | T76 | T77 | T78 | T79 | T80 | T81 | T82 | T83 | T84 | T85 | T86 | T87 | T88 | T89 | T90 | T91 | T92 | T93 | T94 | T95 | T96 | T97 | T98 | T99 | T100 | T101 | T102 | T103 | T104 | T105 | T106 | T107 | T108 | T109 | IntLiteral | StringLiteral | DEFINE | ENDDEFINE | AROUND | ENDAROUND | Identifier | WS | COMMENT | LINE_COMMENT | REM_COMMENT | TEXT | LG | RG )
+ int alt17=100;
+ int LA17_0 = input.LA(1);
+ if ( (LA17_0=='I') ) {
+ switch ( input.LA(2) ) {
+ case 'F':
+ {
+ int LA17_52 = input.LA(3);
+ if ( (LA17_52=='$'||(LA17_52>='0' && LA17_52<='9')||(LA17_52>='A' && LA17_52<='Z')||LA17_52=='_'||(LA17_52>='a' && LA17_52<='z')||(LA17_52>='\u00C0' && LA17_52<='\u00D6')||(LA17_52>='\u00D8' && LA17_52<='\u00F6')||(LA17_52>='\u00F8' && LA17_52<='\u1FFF')||(LA17_52>='\u3040' && LA17_52<='\u318F')||(LA17_52>='\u3300' && LA17_52<='\u337F')||(LA17_52>='\u3400' && LA17_52<='\u3D2D')||(LA17_52>='\u4E00' && LA17_52<='\u9FFF')||(LA17_52>='\uF900' && LA17_52<='\uFAFF')) ) {
+ alt17=93;
+ }
+ else {
+ alt17=22;}
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'T':
+ {
+ int LA17_53 = input.LA(3);
+ if ( (LA17_53=='E') ) {
+ int LA17_121 = input.LA(4);
+ if ( (LA17_121=='R') ) {
+ int LA17_175 = input.LA(5);
+ if ( (LA17_175=='A') ) {
+ int LA17_232 = input.LA(6);
+ if ( (LA17_232=='T') ) {
+ int LA17_285 = input.LA(7);
+ if ( (LA17_285=='O') ) {
+ int LA17_328 = input.LA(8);
+ if ( (LA17_328=='R') ) {
+ int LA17_369 = input.LA(9);
+ if ( (LA17_369=='$'||(LA17_369>='0' && LA17_369<='9')||(LA17_369>='A' && LA17_369<='Z')||LA17_369=='_'||(LA17_369>='a' && LA17_369<='z')||(LA17_369>='\u00C0' && LA17_369<='\u00D6')||(LA17_369>='\u00D8' && LA17_369<='\u00F6')||(LA17_369>='\u00F8' && LA17_369<='\u1FFF')||(LA17_369>='\u3040' && LA17_369<='\u318F')||(LA17_369>='\u3300' && LA17_369<='\u337F')||(LA17_369>='\u3400' && LA17_369<='\u3D2D')||(LA17_369>='\u4E00' && LA17_369<='\u9FFF')||(LA17_369>='\uF900' && LA17_369<='\uFAFF')) ) {
+ alt17=93;
+ }
+ else {
+ alt17=20;}
+ }
+ else {
+ alt17=93;}
+ }
+ else {
+ alt17=93;}
+ }
+ else {
+ alt17=93;}
+ }
+ else {
+ alt17=93;}
+ }
+ else {
+ alt17=93;}
+ }
+ else {
+ alt17=93;}
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'D':
+ {
+ int LA17_54 = input.LA(3);
+ if ( (LA17_54=='$'||(LA17_54>='0' && LA17_54<='9')||(LA17_54>='A' && LA17_54<='Z')||LA17_54=='_'||(LA17_54>='a' && LA17_54<='z')||(LA17_54>='\u00C0' && LA17_54<='\u00D6')||(LA17_54>='\u00D8' && LA17_54<='\u00F6')||(LA17_54>='\u00F8' && LA17_54<='\u1FFF')||(LA17_54>='\u3040' && LA17_54<='\u318F')||(LA17_54>='\u3300' && LA17_54<='\u337F')||(LA17_54>='\u3400' && LA17_54<='\u3D2D')||(LA17_54>='\u4E00' && LA17_54<='\u9FFF')||(LA17_54>='\uF900' && LA17_54<='\uFAFF')) ) {
+ alt17=93;
+ }
+ else {
+ alt17=31;}
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'M':
+ {
+ int LA17_55 = input.LA(3);
+ if ( (LA17_55=='P') ) {
+ int LA17_123 = input.LA(4);
+ if ( (LA17_123=='O') ) {
+ int LA17_176 = input.LA(5);
+ if ( (LA17_176=='R') ) {
+ int LA17_233 = input.LA(6);
+ if ( (LA17_233=='T') ) {
+ int LA17_286 = input.LA(7);
+ if ( (LA17_286=='$'||(LA17_286>='0' && LA17_286<='9')||(LA17_286>='A' && LA17_286<='Z')||LA17_286=='_'||(LA17_286>='a' && LA17_286<='z')||(LA17_286>='\u00C0' && LA17_286<='\u00D6')||(LA17_286>='\u00D8' && LA17_286<='\u00F6')||(LA17_286>='\u00F8' && LA17_286<='\u1FFF')||(LA17_286>='\u3040' && LA17_286<='\u318F')||(LA17_286>='\u3300' && LA17_286<='\u337F')||(LA17_286>='\u3400' && LA17_286<='\u3D2D')||(LA17_286>='\u4E00' && LA17_286<='\u9FFF')||(LA17_286>='\uF900' && LA17_286<='\uFAFF')) ) {
+ alt17=93;
+ }
+ else {
+ alt17=1;}
+ }
+ else {
+ alt17=93;}
+ }
+ else {
+ alt17=93;}
+ }
+ else {
+ alt17=93;}
+ }
+ else {
+ alt17=93;}
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ alt17=93;}
+ }
+ else if ( (LA17_0=='E') ) {
+ switch ( input.LA(2) ) {
+ case 'N':
+ {
+ int LA17_56 = input.LA(3);
+ if ( (LA17_56=='D') ) {
+ switch ( input.LA(4) ) {
+ case 'F':
+ {
+ switch ( input.LA(5) ) {
+ case 'O':
+ {
+ int LA17_234 = input.LA(6);
+ if ( (LA17_234=='R') ) {
+ int LA17_287 = input.LA(7);
+ if ( (LA17_287=='E') ) {
+ int LA17_330 = input.LA(8);
+ if ( (LA17_330=='A') ) {
+ int LA17_370 = input.LA(9);
+ if ( (LA17_370=='C') ) {
+ int LA17_394 = input.LA(10);
+ if ( (LA17_394=='H') ) {
+ int LA17_407 = input.LA(11);
+ if ( (LA17_407=='$'||(LA17_407>='0' && LA17_407<='9')||(LA17_407>='A' && LA17_407<='Z')||LA17_407=='_'||(LA17_407>='a' && LA17_407<='z')||(LA17_407>='\u00C0' && LA17_407<='\u00D6')||(LA17_407>='\u00D8' && LA17_407<='\u00F6')||(LA17_407>='\u00F8' && LA17_407<='\u1FFF')||(LA17_407>='\u3040' && LA17_407<='\u318F')||(LA17_407>='\u3300' && LA17_407<='\u337F')||(LA17_407>='\u3400' && LA17_407<='\u3D2D')||(LA17_407>='\u4E00' && LA17_407<='\u9FFF')||(LA17_407>='\uF900' && LA17_407<='\uFAFF')) ) {
+ alt17=93;
+ }
+ else {
+ alt17=21;}
+ }
+ else {
+ alt17=93;}
+ }
+ else {
+ alt17=93;}
+ }
+ else {
+ alt17=93;}
+ }
+ else {
+ alt17=93;}
+ }
+ else {
+ alt17=93;}
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'I':
+ {
+ int LA17_235 = input.LA(6);
+ if ( (LA17_235=='L') ) {
+ int LA17_288 = input.LA(7);
+ if ( (LA17_288=='E') ) {
+ int LA17_331 = input.LA(8);
+ if ( (LA17_331=='$'||(LA17_331>='0' && LA17_331<='9')||(LA17_331>='A' && LA17_331<='Z')||LA17_331=='_'||(LA17_331>='a' && LA17_331<='z')||(LA17_331>='\u00C0' && LA17_331<='\u00D6')||(LA17_331>='\u00D8' && LA17_331<='\u00F6')||(LA17_331>='\u00F8' && LA17_331<='\u1FFF')||(LA17_331>='\u3040' && LA17_331<='\u318F')||(LA17_331>='\u3300' && LA17_331<='\u337F')||(LA17_331>='\u3400' && LA17_331<='\u3D2D')||(LA17_331>='\u4E00' && LA17_331<='\u9FFF')||(LA17_331>='\uF900' && LA17_331<='\uFAFF')) ) {
+ alt17=93;
+ }
+ else {
+ alt17=18;}
+ }
+ else {
+ alt17=93;}
+ }
+ else {
+ alt17=93;}
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ alt17=93;}
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'L':
+ {
+ int LA17_178 = input.LA(5);
+ if ( (LA17_178=='E') ) {
+ int LA17_236 = input.LA(6);
+ if ( (LA17_236=='T') ) {
+ int LA17_289 = input.LA(7);
+ if ( (LA17_289=='$'||(LA17_289>='0' && LA17_289<='9')||(LA17_289>='A' && LA17_289<='Z')||LA17_289=='_'||(LA17_289>='a' && LA17_289<='z')||(LA17_289>='\u00C0' && LA17_289<='\u00D6')||(LA17_289>='\u00D8' && LA17_289<='\u00F6')||(LA17_289>='\u00F8' && LA17_289<='\u1FFF')||(LA17_289>='\u3040' && LA17_289<='\u318F')||(LA17_289>='\u3300' && LA17_289<='\u337F')||(LA17_289>='\u3400' && LA17_289<='\u3D2D')||(LA17_289>='\u4E00' && LA17_289<='\u9FFF')||(LA17_289>='\uF900' && LA17_289<='\uFAFF')) ) {
+ alt17=93;
+ }
+ else {
+ alt17=27;}
+ }
+ else {
+ alt17=93;}
+ }
+ else {
+ alt17=93;}
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'A':
+ {
+ int LA17_179 = input.LA(5);
+ if ( (LA17_179=='R') ) {
+ int LA17_237 = input.LA(6);
+ if ( (LA17_237=='O') ) {
+ int LA17_290 = input.LA(7);
+ if ( (LA17_290=='U') ) {
+ int LA17_333 = input.LA(8);
+ if ( (LA17_333=='N') ) {
+ int LA17_372 = input.LA(9);
+ if ( (LA17_372=='D') ) {
+ int LA17_395 = input.LA(10);
+ if ( (LA17_395=='$'||(LA17_395>='0' && LA17_395<='9')||(LA17_395>='A' && LA17_395<='Z')||LA17_395=='_'||(LA17_395>='a' && LA17_395<='z')||(LA17_395>='\u00C0' && LA17_395<='\u00D6')||(LA17_395>='\u00D8' && LA17_395<='\u00F6')||(LA17_395>='\u00F8' && LA17_395<='\u1FFF')||(LA17_395>='\u3040' && LA17_395<='\u318F')||(LA17_395>='\u3300' && LA17_395<='\u337F')||(LA17_395>='\u3400' && LA17_395<='\u3D2D')||(LA17_395>='\u4E00' && LA17_395<='\u9FFF')||(LA17_395>='\uF900' && LA17_395<='\uFAFF')) ) {
+ alt17=93;
+ }
+ else {
+ alt17=92;}
+ }
+ else {
+ alt17=93;}
+ }
+ else {
+ alt17=93;}
+ }
+ else {
+ alt17=93;}
+ }
+ else {
+ alt17=93;}
+ }
+ else {
+ alt17=93;}
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'I':
+ {
+ int LA17_180 = input.LA(5);
+ if ( (LA17_180=='F') ) {
+ int LA17_238 = input.LA(6);
+ if ( (LA17_238=='$'||(LA17_238>='0' && LA17_238<='9')||(LA17_238>='A' && LA17_238<='Z')||LA17_238=='_'||(LA17_238>='a' && LA17_238<='z')||(LA17_238>='\u00C0' && LA17_238<='\u00D6')||(LA17_238>='\u00D8' && LA17_238<='\u00F6')||(LA17_238>='\u00F8' && LA17_238<='\u1FFF')||(LA17_238>='\u3040' && LA17_238<='\u318F')||(LA17_238>='\u3300' && LA17_238<='\u337F')||(LA17_238>='\u3400' && LA17_238<='\u3D2D')||(LA17_238>='\u4E00' && LA17_238<='\u9FFF')||(LA17_238>='\uF900' && LA17_238<='\uFAFF')) ) {
+ alt17=93;
+ }
+ else {
+ alt17=23;}
+ }
+ else {
+ alt17=93;}
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'P':
+ {
+ int LA17_181 = input.LA(5);
+ if ( (LA17_181=='R') ) {
+ int LA17_239 = input.LA(6);
+ if ( (LA17_239=='O') ) {
+ int LA17_292 = input.LA(7);
+ if ( (LA17_292=='T') ) {
+ int LA17_334 = input.LA(8);
+ if ( (LA17_334=='E') ) {
+ int LA17_373 = input.LA(9);
+ if ( (LA17_373=='C') ) {
+ int LA17_396 = input.LA(10);
+ if ( (LA17_396=='T') ) {
+ int LA17_409 = input.LA(11);
+ if ( (LA17_409=='$'||(LA17_409>='0' && LA17_409<='9')||(LA17_409>='A' && LA17_409<='Z')||LA17_409=='_'||(LA17_409>='a' && LA17_409<='z')||(LA17_409>='\u00C0' && LA17_409<='\u00D6')||(LA17_409>='\u00D8' && LA17_409<='\u00F6')||(LA17_409>='\u00F8' && LA17_409<='\u1FFF')||(LA17_409>='\u3040' && LA17_409<='\u318F')||(LA17_409>='\u3300' && LA17_409<='\u337F')||(LA17_409>='\u3400' && LA17_409<='\u3D2D')||(LA17_409>='\u4E00' && LA17_409<='\u9FFF')||(LA17_409>='\uF900' && LA17_409<='\uFAFF')) ) {
+ alt17=93;
+ }
+ else {
+ alt17=33;}
+ }
+ else {
+ alt17=93;}
+ }
+ else {
+ alt17=93;}
+ }
+ else {
+ alt17=93;}
+ }
+ else {
+ alt17=93;}
+ }
+ else {
+ alt17=93;}
+ }
+ else {
+ alt17=93;}
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'D':
+ {
+ int LA17_182 = input.LA(5);
+ if ( (LA17_182=='E') ) {
+ int LA17_240 = input.LA(6);
+ if ( (LA17_240=='F') ) {
+ int LA17_293 = input.LA(7);
+ if ( (LA17_293=='I') ) {
+ int LA17_335 = input.LA(8);
+ if ( (LA17_335=='N') ) {
+ int LA17_374 = input.LA(9);
+ if ( (LA17_374=='E') ) {
+ int LA17_397 = input.LA(10);
+ if ( (LA17_397=='$'||(LA17_397>='0' && LA17_397<='9')||(LA17_397>='A' && LA17_397<='Z')||LA17_397=='_'||(LA17_397>='a' && LA17_397<='z')||(LA17_397>='\u00C0' && LA17_397<='\u00D6')||(LA17_397>='\u00D8' && LA17_397<='\u00F6')||(LA17_397>='\u00F8' && LA17_397<='\u1FFF')||(LA17_397>='\u3040' && LA17_397<='\u318F')||(LA17_397>='\u3300' && LA17_397<='\u337F')||(LA17_397>='\u3400' && LA17_397<='\u3D2D')||(LA17_397>='\u4E00' && LA17_397<='\u9FFF')||(LA17_397>='\uF900' && LA17_397<='\uFAFF')) ) {
+ alt17=93;
+ }
+ else {
+ alt17=90;}
+ }
+ else {
+ alt17=93;}
+ }
+ else {
+ alt17=93;}
+ }
+ else {
+ alt17=93;}
+ }
+ else {
+ alt17=93;}
+ }
+ else {
+ alt17=93;}
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ alt17=93;}
+ }
+ else {
+ alt17=93;}
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'L':
+ {
+ int LA17_57 = input.LA(3);
+ if ( (LA17_57=='S') ) {
+ int LA17_125 = input.LA(4);
+ if ( (LA17_125=='E') ) {
+ int LA17_183 = input.LA(5);
+ if ( (LA17_183=='I') ) {
+ int LA17_241 = input.LA(6);
- if ( (LA14_0=='i') ) {
+ if ( (LA17_241=='F') ) {
+ int LA17_294 = input.LA(7);
+ if ( (LA17_294=='$'||(LA17_294>='0' && LA17_294<='9')||(LA17_294>='A' && LA17_294<='Z')||LA17_294=='_'||(LA17_294>='a' && LA17_294<='z')||(LA17_294>='\u00C0' && LA17_294<='\u00D6')||(LA17_294>='\u00D8' && LA17_294<='\u00F6')||(LA17_294>='\u00F8' && LA17_294<='\u1FFF')||(LA17_294>='\u3040' && LA17_294<='\u318F')||(LA17_294>='\u3300' && LA17_294<='\u337F')||(LA17_294>='\u3400' && LA17_294<='\u3D2D')||(LA17_294>='\u4E00' && LA17_294<='\u9FFF')||(LA17_294>='\uF900' && LA17_294<='\uFAFF')) ) {
+ alt17=93;
+ }
+ else {
+ alt17=24;}
+ }
+ else {
+ alt17=93;}
+ }
+ else if ( (LA17_183=='$'||(LA17_183>='0' && LA17_183<='9')||(LA17_183>='A' && LA17_183<='H')||(LA17_183>='J' && LA17_183<='Z')||LA17_183=='_'||(LA17_183>='a' && LA17_183<='z')||(LA17_183>='\u00C0' && LA17_183<='\u00D6')||(LA17_183>='\u00D8' && LA17_183<='\u00F6')||(LA17_183>='\u00F8' && LA17_183<='\u1FFF')||(LA17_183>='\u3040' && LA17_183<='\u318F')||(LA17_183>='\u3300' && LA17_183<='\u337F')||(LA17_183>='\u3400' && LA17_183<='\u3D2D')||(LA17_183>='\u4E00' && LA17_183<='\u9FFF')||(LA17_183>='\uF900' && LA17_183<='\uFAFF')) ) {
+ alt17=93;
+ }
+ else {
+ alt17=25;}
+ }
+ else {
+ alt17=93;}
+ }
+ else {
+ alt17=93;}
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'X':
+ {
+ switch ( input.LA(3) ) {
+ case 'P':
+ {
+ int LA17_126 = input.LA(4);
+ if ( (LA17_126=='A') ) {
+ int LA17_184 = input.LA(5);
+ if ( (LA17_184=='N') ) {
+ int LA17_243 = input.LA(6);
+ if ( (LA17_243=='D') ) {
+ int LA17_295 = input.LA(7);
+ if ( (LA17_295=='$'||(LA17_295>='0' && LA17_295<='9')||(LA17_295>='A' && LA17_295<='Z')||LA17_295=='_'||(LA17_295>='a' && LA17_295<='z')||(LA17_295>='\u00C0' && LA17_295<='\u00D6')||(LA17_295>='\u00D8' && LA17_295<='\u00F6')||(LA17_295>='\u00F8' && LA17_295<='\u1FFF')||(LA17_295>='\u3040' && LA17_295<='\u318F')||(LA17_295>='\u3300' && LA17_295<='\u337F')||(LA17_295>='\u3400' && LA17_295<='\u3D2D')||(LA17_295>='\u4E00' && LA17_295<='\u9FFF')||(LA17_295>='\uF900' && LA17_295<='\uFAFF')) ) {
+ alt17=93;
+ }
+ else {
+ alt17=14;}
+ }
+ else {
+ alt17=93;}
+ }
+ else {
+ alt17=93;}
+ }
+ else {
+ alt17=93;}
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'T':
+ {
+ int LA17_127 = input.LA(4);
+ if ( (LA17_127=='E') ) {
+ int LA17_185 = input.LA(5);
+ if ( (LA17_185=='N') ) {
+ int LA17_244 = input.LA(6);
+ if ( (LA17_244=='S') ) {
+ int LA17_296 = input.LA(7);
+ if ( (LA17_296=='I') ) {
+ int LA17_338 = input.LA(8);
+ if ( (LA17_338=='O') ) {
+ int LA17_375 = input.LA(9);
+ if ( (LA17_375=='N') ) {
+ int LA17_398 = input.LA(10);
+ if ( (LA17_398=='$'||(LA17_398>='0' && LA17_398<='9')||(LA17_398>='A' && LA17_398<='Z')||LA17_398=='_'||(LA17_398>='a' && LA17_398<='z')||(LA17_398>='\u00C0' && LA17_398<='\u00D6')||(LA17_398>='\u00D8' && LA17_398<='\u00F6')||(LA17_398>='\u00F8' && LA17_398<='\u1FFF')||(LA17_398>='\u3040' && LA17_398<='\u318F')||(LA17_398>='\u3300' && LA17_398<='\u337F')||(LA17_398>='\u3400' && LA17_398<='\u3D2D')||(LA17_398>='\u4E00' && LA17_398<='\u9FFF')||(LA17_398>='\uF900' && LA17_398<='\uFAFF')) ) {
+ alt17=93;
+ }
+ else {
+ alt17=2;}
+ }
+ else {
+ alt17=93;}
+ }
+ else {
+ alt17=93;}
+ }
+ else {
+ alt17=93;}
+ }
+ else {
+ alt17=93;}
+ }
+ else {
+ alt17=93;}
+ }
+ else {
+ alt17=93;}
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ alt17=93;}
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'R':
+ {
+ int LA17_59 = input.LA(3);
+ if ( (LA17_59=='R') ) {
+ int LA17_128 = input.LA(4);
+ if ( (LA17_128=='O') ) {
+ int LA17_186 = input.LA(5);
+ if ( (LA17_186=='R') ) {
+ int LA17_245 = input.LA(6);
+ if ( (LA17_245=='$'||(LA17_245>='0' && LA17_245<='9')||(LA17_245>='A' && LA17_245<='Z')||LA17_245=='_'||(LA17_245>='a' && LA17_245<='z')||(LA17_245>='\u00C0' && LA17_245<='\u00D6')||(LA17_245>='\u00D8' && LA17_245<='\u00F6')||(LA17_245>='\u00F8' && LA17_245<='\u1FFF')||(LA17_245>='\u3040' && LA17_245<='\u318F')||(LA17_245>='\u3300' && LA17_245<='\u337F')||(LA17_245>='\u3400' && LA17_245<='\u3D2D')||(LA17_245>='\u4E00' && LA17_245<='\u9FFF')||(LA17_245>='\uF900' && LA17_245<='\uFAFF')) ) {
+ alt17=93;
+ }
+ else {
+ alt17=13;}
+ }
+ else {
+ alt17=93;}
+ }
+ else {
+ alt17=93;}
+ }
+ else {
+ alt17=93;}
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ alt17=93;}
+ }
+ else if ( (LA17_0=='i') ) {
switch ( input.LA(2) ) {
case 'm':
- int LA14_46 = input.LA(3);
+ int LA17_60 = input.LA(3);
- if ( (LA14_46=='p') ) {
+ if ( (LA17_60=='p') ) {
switch ( input.LA(4) ) {
case 'o':
- int LA14_127 = input.LA(5);
+ int LA17_187 = input.LA(5);
- if ( (LA14_127=='r') ) {
- int LA14_161 = input.LA(6);
+ if ( (LA17_187=='r') ) {
+ int LA17_246 = input.LA(6);
- if ( (LA14_161=='t') ) {
- int LA14_192 = input.LA(7);
+ if ( (LA17_246=='t') ) {
+ int LA17_298 = input.LA(7);
- if ( (LA14_192=='$'||(LA14_192>='0' && LA14_192<='9')||(LA14_192>='A' && LA14_192<='Z')||LA14_192=='_'||(LA14_192>='a' && LA14_192<='z')||(LA14_192>='\u00C0' && LA14_192<='\u00D6')||(LA14_192>='\u00D8' && LA14_192<='\u00F6')||(LA14_192>='\u00F8' && LA14_192<='\u1FFF')||(LA14_192>='\u3040' && LA14_192<='\u318F')||(LA14_192>='\u3300' && LA14_192<='\u337F')||(LA14_192>='\u3400' && LA14_192<='\u3D2D')||(LA14_192>='\u4E00' && LA14_192<='\u9FFF')||(LA14_192>='\uF900' && LA14_192<='\uFAFF')) ) {
- alt14=66;
+ if ( (LA17_298=='$'||(LA17_298>='0' && LA17_298<='9')||(LA17_298>='A' && LA17_298<='Z')||LA17_298=='_'||(LA17_298>='a' && LA17_298<='z')||(LA17_298>='\u00C0' && LA17_298<='\u00D6')||(LA17_298>='\u00D8' && LA17_298<='\u00F6')||(LA17_298>='\u00F8' && LA17_298<='\u1FFF')||(LA17_298>='\u3040' && LA17_298<='\u318F')||(LA17_298>='\u3300' && LA17_298<='\u337F')||(LA17_298>='\u3400' && LA17_298<='\u3D2D')||(LA17_298>='\u4E00' && LA17_298<='\u9FFF')||(LA17_298>='\uF900' && LA17_298<='\uFAFF')) ) {
+ alt17=93;
else {
- alt14=1;}
+ alt17=3;}
else {
- alt14=66;}
+ alt17=93;}
else {
- alt14=66;}
+ alt17=93;}
case 'l':
- int LA14_128 = input.LA(5);
+ int LA17_188 = input.LA(5);
- if ( (LA14_128=='i') ) {
- int LA14_162 = input.LA(6);
+ if ( (LA17_188=='i') ) {
+ int LA17_247 = input.LA(6);
- if ( (LA14_162=='e') ) {
- int LA14_193 = input.LA(7);
+ if ( (LA17_247=='e') ) {
+ int LA17_299 = input.LA(7);
- if ( (LA14_193=='s') ) {
- int LA14_217 = input.LA(8);
+ if ( (LA17_299=='s') ) {
+ int LA17_340 = input.LA(8);
- if ( (LA14_217=='$'||(LA14_217>='0' && LA14_217<='9')||(LA14_217>='A' && LA14_217<='Z')||LA14_217=='_'||(LA14_217>='a' && LA14_217<='z')||(LA14_217>='\u00C0' && LA14_217<='\u00D6')||(LA14_217>='\u00D8' && LA14_217<='\u00F6')||(LA14_217>='\u00F8' && LA14_217<='\u1FFF')||(LA14_217>='\u3040' && LA14_217<='\u318F')||(LA14_217>='\u3300' && LA14_217<='\u337F')||(LA14_217>='\u3400' && LA14_217<='\u3D2D')||(LA14_217>='\u4E00' && LA14_217<='\u9FFF')||(LA14_217>='\uF900' && LA14_217<='\uFAFF')) ) {
- alt14=66;
+ if ( (LA17_340=='$'||(LA17_340>='0' && LA17_340<='9')||(LA17_340>='A' && LA17_340<='Z')||LA17_340=='_'||(LA17_340>='a' && LA17_340<='z')||(LA17_340>='\u00C0' && LA17_340<='\u00D6')||(LA17_340>='\u00D8' && LA17_340<='\u00F6')||(LA17_340>='\u00F8' && LA17_340<='\u1FFF')||(LA17_340>='\u3040' && LA17_340<='\u318F')||(LA17_340>='\u3300' && LA17_340<='\u337F')||(LA17_340>='\u3400' && LA17_340<='\u3D2D')||(LA17_340>='\u4E00' && LA17_340<='\u9FFF')||(LA17_340>='\uF900' && LA17_340<='\uFAFF')) ) {
+ alt17=93;
else {
- alt14=36;}
+ alt17=60;}
else {
- alt14=66;}
+ alt17=93;}
else {
- alt14=66;}
+ alt17=93;}
else {
- alt14=66;}
+ alt17=93;}
- alt14=66;}
+ alt17=93;}
else {
- alt14=66;}
+ alt17=93;}
case 'f':
- int LA14_47 = input.LA(3);
+ int LA17_61 = input.LA(3);
- if ( (LA14_47=='$'||(LA14_47>='0' && LA14_47<='9')||(LA14_47>='A' && LA14_47<='Z')||LA14_47=='_'||(LA14_47>='a' && LA14_47<='z')||(LA14_47>='\u00C0' && LA14_47<='\u00D6')||(LA14_47>='\u00D8' && LA14_47<='\u00F6')||(LA14_47>='\u00F8' && LA14_47<='\u1FFF')||(LA14_47>='\u3040' && LA14_47<='\u318F')||(LA14_47>='\u3300' && LA14_47<='\u337F')||(LA14_47>='\u3400' && LA14_47<='\u3D2D')||(LA14_47>='\u4E00' && LA14_47<='\u9FFF')||(LA14_47>='\uF900' && LA14_47<='\uFAFF')) ) {
- alt14=66;
+ if ( (LA17_61=='$'||(LA17_61>='0' && LA17_61<='9')||(LA17_61>='A' && LA17_61<='Z')||LA17_61=='_'||(LA17_61>='a' && LA17_61<='z')||(LA17_61>='\u00C0' && LA17_61<='\u00D6')||(LA17_61>='\u00D8' && LA17_61<='\u00F6')||(LA17_61>='\u00F8' && LA17_61<='\u1FFF')||(LA17_61>='\u3040' && LA17_61<='\u318F')||(LA17_61>='\u3300' && LA17_61<='\u337F')||(LA17_61>='\u3400' && LA17_61<='\u3D2D')||(LA17_61>='\u4E00' && LA17_61<='\u9FFF')||(LA17_61>='\uF900' && LA17_61<='\uFAFF')) ) {
+ alt17=93;
else {
- alt14=6;}
+ alt17=35;}
- alt14=66;}
+ alt17=93;}
- else if ( (LA14_0==';') ) {
- alt14=2;
+ else if ( (LA17_0==';') ) {
+ alt17=4;
- else if ( (LA14_0=='e') ) {
+ else if ( (LA17_0=='e') ) {
switch ( input.LA(2) ) {
case 'l':
- int LA14_48 = input.LA(3);
+ int LA17_62 = input.LA(3);
- if ( (LA14_48=='s') ) {
- int LA14_95 = input.LA(4);
+ if ( (LA17_62=='s') ) {
+ int LA17_131 = input.LA(4);
- if ( (LA14_95=='e') ) {
- int LA14_129 = input.LA(5);
+ if ( (LA17_131=='e') ) {
+ int LA17_189 = input.LA(5);
- if ( (LA14_129=='$'||(LA14_129>='0' && LA14_129<='9')||(LA14_129>='A' && LA14_129<='Z')||LA14_129=='_'||(LA14_129>='a' && LA14_129<='z')||(LA14_129>='\u00C0' && LA14_129<='\u00D6')||(LA14_129>='\u00D8' && LA14_129<='\u00F6')||(LA14_129>='\u00F8' && LA14_129<='\u1FFF')||(LA14_129>='\u3040' && LA14_129<='\u318F')||(LA14_129>='\u3300' && LA14_129<='\u337F')||(LA14_129>='\u3400' && LA14_129<='\u3D2D')||(LA14_129>='\u4E00' && LA14_129<='\u9FFF')||(LA14_129>='\uF900' && LA14_129<='\uFAFF')) ) {
- alt14=66;
+ if ( (LA17_189=='$'||(LA17_189>='0' && LA17_189<='9')||(LA17_189>='A' && LA17_189<='Z')||LA17_189=='_'||(LA17_189>='a' && LA17_189<='z')||(LA17_189>='\u00C0' && LA17_189<='\u00D6')||(LA17_189>='\u00D8' && LA17_189<='\u00F6')||(LA17_189>='\u00F8' && LA17_189<='\u1FFF')||(LA17_189>='\u3040' && LA17_189<='\u318F')||(LA17_189>='\u3300' && LA17_189<='\u337F')||(LA17_189>='\u3400' && LA17_189<='\u3D2D')||(LA17_189>='\u4E00' && LA17_189<='\u9FFF')||(LA17_189>='\uF900' && LA17_189<='\uFAFF')) ) {
+ alt17=93;
else {
- alt14=29;}
+ alt17=53;}
else {
- alt14=66;}
+ alt17=93;}
else {
- alt14=66;}
+ alt17=93;}
case 'x':
@@ -2202,1822 +3451,2415 @@ public class Xpand3Lexer extends Lexer {
switch ( input.LA(3) ) {
case 't':
- int LA14_96 = input.LA(4);
+ int LA17_132 = input.LA(4);
- if ( (LA14_96=='e') ) {
- int LA14_130 = input.LA(5);
+ if ( (LA17_132=='e') ) {
+ int LA17_190 = input.LA(5);
- if ( (LA14_130=='n') ) {
- int LA14_164 = input.LA(6);
+ if ( (LA17_190=='n') ) {
+ int LA17_249 = input.LA(6);
- if ( (LA14_164=='s') ) {
- int LA14_194 = input.LA(7);
+ if ( (LA17_249=='s') ) {
+ int LA17_300 = input.LA(7);
- if ( (LA14_194=='i') ) {
- int LA14_218 = input.LA(8);
+ if ( (LA17_300=='i') ) {
+ int LA17_341 = input.LA(8);
- if ( (LA14_218=='o') ) {
- int LA14_240 = input.LA(9);
+ if ( (LA17_341=='o') ) {
+ int LA17_377 = input.LA(9);
- if ( (LA14_240=='n') ) {
- int LA14_252 = input.LA(10);
+ if ( (LA17_377=='n') ) {
+ int LA17_399 = input.LA(10);
- if ( (LA14_252=='$'||(LA14_252>='0' && LA14_252<='9')||(LA14_252>='A' && LA14_252<='Z')||LA14_252=='_'||(LA14_252>='a' && LA14_252<='z')||(LA14_252>='\u00C0' && LA14_252<='\u00D6')||(LA14_252>='\u00D8' && LA14_252<='\u00F6')||(LA14_252>='\u00F8' && LA14_252<='\u1FFF')||(LA14_252>='\u3040' && LA14_252<='\u318F')||(LA14_252>='\u3300' && LA14_252<='\u337F')||(LA14_252>='\u3400' && LA14_252<='\u3D2D')||(LA14_252>='\u4E00' && LA14_252<='\u9FFF')||(LA14_252>='\uF900' && LA14_252<='\uFAFF')) ) {
- alt14=66;
+ if ( (LA17_399=='$'||(LA17_399>='0' && LA17_399<='9')||(LA17_399>='A' && LA17_399<='Z')||LA17_399=='_'||(LA17_399>='a' && LA17_399<='z')||(LA17_399>='\u00C0' && LA17_399<='\u00D6')||(LA17_399>='\u00D8' && LA17_399<='\u00F6')||(LA17_399>='\u00F8' && LA17_399<='\u1FFF')||(LA17_399>='\u3040' && LA17_399<='\u318F')||(LA17_399>='\u3300' && LA17_399<='\u337F')||(LA17_399>='\u3400' && LA17_399<='\u3D2D')||(LA17_399>='\u4E00' && LA17_399<='\u9FFF')||(LA17_399>='\uF900' && LA17_399<='\uFAFF')) ) {
+ alt17=93;
else {
- alt14=3;}
+ alt17=5;}
else {
- alt14=66;}
+ alt17=93;}
else {
- alt14=66;}
+ alt17=93;}
else {
- alt14=66;}
+ alt17=93;}
else {
- alt14=66;}
+ alt17=93;}
else {
- alt14=66;}
+ alt17=93;}
else {
- alt14=66;}
+ alt17=93;}
case 'i':
- int LA14_97 = input.LA(4);
+ int LA17_133 = input.LA(4);
- if ( (LA14_97=='s') ) {
- int LA14_131 = input.LA(5);
+ if ( (LA17_133=='s') ) {
+ int LA17_191 = input.LA(5);
- if ( (LA14_131=='t') ) {
- int LA14_165 = input.LA(6);
+ if ( (LA17_191=='t') ) {
+ int LA17_250 = input.LA(6);
- if ( (LA14_165=='s') ) {
- int LA14_195 = input.LA(7);
+ if ( (LA17_250=='s') ) {
+ int LA17_301 = input.LA(7);
- if ( (LA14_195=='$'||(LA14_195>='0' && LA14_195<='9')||(LA14_195>='A' && LA14_195<='Z')||LA14_195=='_'||(LA14_195>='a' && LA14_195<='z')||(LA14_195>='\u00C0' && LA14_195<='\u00D6')||(LA14_195>='\u00D8' && LA14_195<='\u00F6')||(LA14_195>='\u00F8' && LA14_195<='\u1FFF')||(LA14_195>='\u3040' && LA14_195<='\u318F')||(LA14_195>='\u3300' && LA14_195<='\u337F')||(LA14_195>='\u3400' && LA14_195<='\u3D2D')||(LA14_195>='\u4E00' && LA14_195<='\u9FFF')||(LA14_195>='\uF900' && LA14_195<='\uFAFF')) ) {
- alt14=66;
+ if ( (LA17_301=='$'||(LA17_301>='0' && LA17_301<='9')||(LA17_301>='A' && LA17_301<='Z')||LA17_301=='_'||(LA17_301>='a' && LA17_301<='z')||(LA17_301>='\u00C0' && LA17_301<='\u00D6')||(LA17_301>='\u00D8' && LA17_301<='\u00F6')||(LA17_301>='\u00F8' && LA17_301<='\u1FFF')||(LA17_301>='\u3040' && LA17_301<='\u318F')||(LA17_301>='\u3300' && LA17_301<='\u337F')||(LA17_301>='\u3400' && LA17_301<='\u3D2D')||(LA17_301>='\u4E00' && LA17_301<='\u9FFF')||(LA17_301>='\uF900' && LA17_301<='\uFAFF')) ) {
+ alt17=93;
else {
- alt14=59;}
+ alt17=82;}
else {
- alt14=66;}
+ alt17=93;}
else {
- alt14=66;}
+ alt17=93;}
else {
- alt14=66;}
+ alt17=93;}
- alt14=66;}
+ alt17=93;}
- alt14=66;}
+ alt17=93;}
- else if ( (LA14_0=='r') ) {
- int LA14_4 = input.LA(2);
+ else if ( (LA17_0=='r') ) {
+ int LA17_6 = input.LA(2);
- if ( (LA14_4=='e') ) {
+ if ( (LA17_6=='e') ) {
switch ( input.LA(3) ) {
+ case 'j':
+ {
+ int LA17_134 = input.LA(4);
+ if ( (LA17_134=='e') ) {
+ int LA17_192 = input.LA(5);
+ if ( (LA17_192=='c') ) {
+ int LA17_251 = input.LA(6);
+ if ( (LA17_251=='t') ) {
+ int LA17_302 = input.LA(7);
+ if ( (LA17_302=='$'||(LA17_302>='0' && LA17_302<='9')||(LA17_302>='A' && LA17_302<='Z')||LA17_302=='_'||(LA17_302>='a' && LA17_302<='z')||(LA17_302>='\u00C0' && LA17_302<='\u00D6')||(LA17_302>='\u00D8' && LA17_302<='\u00F6')||(LA17_302>='\u00F8' && LA17_302<='\u1FFF')||(LA17_302>='\u3040' && LA17_302<='\u318F')||(LA17_302>='\u3300' && LA17_302<='\u337F')||(LA17_302>='\u3400' && LA17_302<='\u3D2D')||(LA17_302>='\u4E00' && LA17_302<='\u9FFF')||(LA17_302>='\uF900' && LA17_302<='\uFAFF')) ) {
+ alt17=93;
+ }
+ else {
+ alt17=81;}
+ }
+ else {
+ alt17=93;}
+ }
+ else {
+ alt17=93;}
+ }
+ else {
+ alt17=93;}
+ }
+ break;
case 'e':
- int LA14_98 = input.LA(4);
+ int LA17_135 = input.LA(4);
- if ( (LA14_98=='x') ) {
- int LA14_132 = input.LA(5);
+ if ( (LA17_135=='x') ) {
+ int LA17_193 = input.LA(5);
- if ( (LA14_132=='p') ) {
- int LA14_166 = input.LA(6);
+ if ( (LA17_193=='p') ) {
+ int LA17_252 = input.LA(6);
- if ( (LA14_166=='o') ) {
- int LA14_196 = input.LA(7);
+ if ( (LA17_252=='o') ) {
+ int LA17_303 = input.LA(7);
- if ( (LA14_196=='r') ) {
- int LA14_220 = input.LA(8);
+ if ( (LA17_303=='r') ) {
+ int LA17_344 = input.LA(8);
- if ( (LA14_220=='t') ) {
- int LA14_241 = input.LA(9);
+ if ( (LA17_344=='t') ) {
+ int LA17_378 = input.LA(9);
- if ( (LA14_241=='$'||(LA14_241>='0' && LA14_241<='9')||(LA14_241>='A' && LA14_241<='Z')||LA14_241=='_'||(LA14_241>='a' && LA14_241<='z')||(LA14_241>='\u00C0' && LA14_241<='\u00D6')||(LA14_241>='\u00D8' && LA14_241<='\u00F6')||(LA14_241>='\u00F8' && LA14_241<='\u1FFF')||(LA14_241>='\u3040' && LA14_241<='\u318F')||(LA14_241>='\u3300' && LA14_241<='\u337F')||(LA14_241>='\u3400' && LA14_241<='\u3D2D')||(LA14_241>='\u4E00' && LA14_241<='\u9FFF')||(LA14_241>='\uF900' && LA14_241<='\uFAFF')) ) {
- alt14=66;
+ if ( (LA17_378=='$'||(LA17_378>='0' && LA17_378<='9')||(LA17_378>='A' && LA17_378<='Z')||LA17_378=='_'||(LA17_378>='a' && LA17_378<='z')||(LA17_378>='\u00C0' && LA17_378<='\u00D6')||(LA17_378>='\u00D8' && LA17_378<='\u00F6')||(LA17_378>='\u00F8' && LA17_378<='\u1FFF')||(LA17_378>='\u3040' && LA17_378<='\u318F')||(LA17_378>='\u3300' && LA17_378<='\u337F')||(LA17_378>='\u3400' && LA17_378<='\u3D2D')||(LA17_378>='\u4E00' && LA17_378<='\u9FFF')||(LA17_378>='\uF900' && LA17_378<='\uFAFF')) ) {
+ alt17=93;
else {
- alt14=4;}
+ alt17=6;}
else {
- alt14=66;}
+ alt17=93;}
else {
- alt14=66;}
+ alt17=93;}
else {
- alt14=66;}
+ alt17=93;}
else {
- alt14=66;}
+ alt17=93;}
else {
- alt14=66;}
+ alt17=93;}
- case 'j':
- {
- int LA14_99 = input.LA(4);
+ default:
+ alt17=93;}
+ }
+ else {
+ alt17=93;}
+ }
+ else if ( (LA17_0=='(') ) {
+ alt17=7;
+ }
+ else if ( (LA17_0==',') ) {
+ alt17=8;
+ }
+ else if ( (LA17_0=='*') ) {
+ alt17=9;
+ }
+ else if ( (LA17_0==')') ) {
+ alt17=10;
+ }
+ else if ( (LA17_0=='F') ) {
+ switch ( input.LA(2) ) {
+ case 'O':
+ {
+ int LA17_65 = input.LA(3);
+ if ( (LA17_65=='R') ) {
+ int LA17_136 = input.LA(4);
- if ( (LA14_99=='e') ) {
- int LA14_133 = input.LA(5);
+ if ( (LA17_136=='E') ) {
+ int LA17_194 = input.LA(5);
- if ( (LA14_133=='c') ) {
- int LA14_167 = input.LA(6);
+ if ( (LA17_194=='A') ) {
+ int LA17_253 = input.LA(6);
- if ( (LA14_167=='t') ) {
- int LA14_197 = input.LA(7);
+ if ( (LA17_253=='C') ) {
+ int LA17_304 = input.LA(7);
- if ( (LA14_197=='$'||(LA14_197>='0' && LA14_197<='9')||(LA14_197>='A' && LA14_197<='Z')||LA14_197=='_'||(LA14_197>='a' && LA14_197<='z')||(LA14_197>='\u00C0' && LA14_197<='\u00D6')||(LA14_197>='\u00D8' && LA14_197<='\u00F6')||(LA14_197>='\u00F8' && LA14_197<='\u1FFF')||(LA14_197>='\u3040' && LA14_197<='\u318F')||(LA14_197>='\u3300' && LA14_197<='\u337F')||(LA14_197>='\u3400' && LA14_197<='\u3D2D')||(LA14_197>='\u4E00' && LA14_197<='\u9FFF')||(LA14_197>='\uF900' && LA14_197<='\uFAFF')) ) {
- alt14=66;
+ if ( (LA17_304=='H') ) {
+ int LA17_345 = input.LA(8);
+ if ( (LA17_345=='$'||(LA17_345>='0' && LA17_345<='9')||(LA17_345>='A' && LA17_345<='Z')||LA17_345=='_'||(LA17_345>='a' && LA17_345<='z')||(LA17_345>='\u00C0' && LA17_345<='\u00D6')||(LA17_345>='\u00D8' && LA17_345<='\u00F6')||(LA17_345>='\u00F8' && LA17_345<='\u1FFF')||(LA17_345>='\u3040' && LA17_345<='\u318F')||(LA17_345>='\u3300' && LA17_345<='\u337F')||(LA17_345>='\u3400' && LA17_345<='\u3D2D')||(LA17_345>='\u4E00' && LA17_345<='\u9FFF')||(LA17_345>='\uF900' && LA17_345<='\uFAFF')) ) {
+ alt17=93;
+ }
+ else {
+ alt17=15;}
else {
- alt14=58;}
+ alt17=93;}
else {
- alt14=66;}
+ alt17=93;}
else {
- alt14=66;}
+ alt17=93;}
+ }
+ else if ( (LA17_136=='$'||(LA17_136>='0' && LA17_136<='9')||(LA17_136>='A' && LA17_136<='D')||(LA17_136>='F' && LA17_136<='Z')||LA17_136=='_'||(LA17_136>='a' && LA17_136<='z')||(LA17_136>='\u00C0' && LA17_136<='\u00D6')||(LA17_136>='\u00D8' && LA17_136<='\u00F6')||(LA17_136>='\u00F8' && LA17_136<='\u1FFF')||(LA17_136>='\u3040' && LA17_136<='\u318F')||(LA17_136>='\u3300' && LA17_136<='\u337F')||(LA17_136>='\u3400' && LA17_136<='\u3D2D')||(LA17_136>='\u4E00' && LA17_136<='\u9FFF')||(LA17_136>='\uF900' && LA17_136<='\uFAFF')) ) {
+ alt17=93;
else {
- alt14=66;}
+ alt17=11;}
+ }
+ else {
+ alt17=93;}
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'I':
+ {
+ int LA17_66 = input.LA(3);
+ if ( (LA17_66=='L') ) {
+ int LA17_137 = input.LA(4);
+ if ( (LA17_137=='E') ) {
+ int LA17_196 = input.LA(5);
+ if ( (LA17_196=='$'||(LA17_196>='0' && LA17_196<='9')||(LA17_196>='A' && LA17_196<='Z')||LA17_196=='_'||(LA17_196>='a' && LA17_196<='z')||(LA17_196>='\u00C0' && LA17_196<='\u00D6')||(LA17_196>='\u00D8' && LA17_196<='\u00F6')||(LA17_196>='\u00F8' && LA17_196<='\u1FFF')||(LA17_196>='\u3040' && LA17_196<='\u318F')||(LA17_196>='\u3300' && LA17_196<='\u337F')||(LA17_196>='\u3400' && LA17_196<='\u3D2D')||(LA17_196>='\u4E00' && LA17_196<='\u9FFF')||(LA17_196>='\uF900' && LA17_196<='\uFAFF')) ) {
+ alt17=93;
+ }
+ else {
+ alt17=17;}
- break;
- default:
- alt14=66;}
+ else {
+ alt17=93;}
+ }
+ else {
+ alt17=93;}
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ alt17=93;}
+ }
+ else if ( (LA17_0=='-') ) {
+ int LA17_12 = input.LA(2);
+ if ( (LA17_12=='>') ) {
+ alt17=50;
else {
- alt14=66;}
+ alt17=12;}
- else if ( (LA14_0=='c') ) {
+ else if ( (LA17_0=='S') ) {
switch ( input.LA(2) ) {
- case 'r':
+ case 'e':
+ {
+ int LA17_69 = input.LA(3);
+ if ( (LA17_69=='t') ) {
+ int LA17_138 = input.LA(4);
+ if ( (LA17_138=='$'||(LA17_138>='0' && LA17_138<='9')||(LA17_138>='A' && LA17_138<='Z')||LA17_138=='_'||(LA17_138>='a' && LA17_138<='z')||(LA17_138>='\u00C0' && LA17_138<='\u00D6')||(LA17_138>='\u00D8' && LA17_138<='\u00F6')||(LA17_138>='\u00F8' && LA17_138<='\u1FFF')||(LA17_138>='\u3040' && LA17_138<='\u318F')||(LA17_138>='\u3300' && LA17_138<='\u337F')||(LA17_138>='\u3400' && LA17_138<='\u3D2D')||(LA17_138>='\u4E00' && LA17_138<='\u9FFF')||(LA17_138>='\uF900' && LA17_138<='\uFAFF')) ) {
+ alt17=93;
+ }
+ else {
+ alt17=47;}
+ }
+ else {
+ alt17=93;}
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'E':
- int LA14_51 = input.LA(3);
+ int LA17_70 = input.LA(3);
+ if ( (LA17_70=='P') ) {
+ int LA17_139 = input.LA(4);
+ if ( (LA17_139=='A') ) {
+ int LA17_198 = input.LA(5);
+ if ( (LA17_198=='R') ) {
+ int LA17_255 = input.LA(6);
- if ( (LA14_51=='e') ) {
- int LA14_100 = input.LA(4);
+ if ( (LA17_255=='A') ) {
+ int LA17_305 = input.LA(7);
- if ( (LA14_100=='a') ) {
- int LA14_134 = input.LA(5);
+ if ( (LA17_305=='T') ) {
+ int LA17_346 = input.LA(8);
- if ( (LA14_134=='t') ) {
- int LA14_168 = input.LA(6);
+ if ( (LA17_346=='O') ) {
+ int LA17_380 = input.LA(9);
- if ( (LA14_168=='e') ) {
- int LA14_198 = input.LA(7);
+ if ( (LA17_380=='R') ) {
+ int LA17_401 = input.LA(10);
- if ( (LA14_198=='$'||(LA14_198>='0' && LA14_198<='9')||(LA14_198>='A' && LA14_198<='Z')||LA14_198=='_'||(LA14_198>='a' && LA14_198<='z')||(LA14_198>='\u00C0' && LA14_198<='\u00D6')||(LA14_198>='\u00D8' && LA14_198<='\u00F6')||(LA14_198>='\u00F8' && LA14_198<='\u1FFF')||(LA14_198>='\u3040' && LA14_198<='\u318F')||(LA14_198>='\u3300' && LA14_198<='\u337F')||(LA14_198>='\u3400' && LA14_198<='\u3D2D')||(LA14_198>='\u4E00' && LA14_198<='\u9FFF')||(LA14_198>='\uF900' && LA14_198<='\uFAFF')) ) {
- alt14=66;
+ if ( (LA17_401=='$'||(LA17_401>='0' && LA17_401<='9')||(LA17_401>='A' && LA17_401<='Z')||LA17_401=='_'||(LA17_401>='a' && LA17_401<='z')||(LA17_401>='\u00C0' && LA17_401<='\u00D6')||(LA17_401>='\u00D8' && LA17_401<='\u00F6')||(LA17_401>='\u00F8' && LA17_401<='\u1FFF')||(LA17_401>='\u3040' && LA17_401<='\u318F')||(LA17_401>='\u3300' && LA17_401<='\u337F')||(LA17_401>='\u3400' && LA17_401<='\u3D2D')||(LA17_401>='\u4E00' && LA17_401<='\u9FFF')||(LA17_401>='\uF900' && LA17_401<='\uFAFF')) ) {
+ alt17=93;
+ }
+ else {
+ alt17=16;}
+ }
+ else {
+ alt17=93;}
+ }
+ else {
+ alt17=93;}
else {
- alt14=18;}
+ alt17=93;}
else {
- alt14=66;}
+ alt17=93;}
else {
- alt14=66;}
+ alt17=93;}
else {
- alt14=66;}
+ alt17=93;}
else {
- alt14=66;}
+ alt17=93;}
- case 'a':
+ default:
+ alt17=93;}
+ }
+ else if ( (LA17_0=='A') ) {
+ switch ( input.LA(2) ) {
+ case 'R':
- switch ( input.LA(3) ) {
- case 'c':
- {
- int LA14_101 = input.LA(4);
+ int LA17_71 = input.LA(3);
+ if ( (LA17_71=='O') ) {
+ int LA17_140 = input.LA(4);
- if ( (LA14_101=='h') ) {
- int LA14_135 = input.LA(5);
+ if ( (LA17_140=='U') ) {
+ int LA17_199 = input.LA(5);
- if ( (LA14_135=='e') ) {
- int LA14_169 = input.LA(6);
+ if ( (LA17_199=='N') ) {
+ int LA17_256 = input.LA(6);
- if ( (LA14_169=='d') ) {
- int LA14_199 = input.LA(7);
+ if ( (LA17_256=='D') ) {
+ int LA17_306 = input.LA(7);
- if ( (LA14_199=='$'||(LA14_199>='0' && LA14_199<='9')||(LA14_199>='A' && LA14_199<='Z')||LA14_199=='_'||(LA14_199>='a' && LA14_199<='z')||(LA14_199>='\u00C0' && LA14_199<='\u00D6')||(LA14_199>='\u00D8' && LA14_199<='\u00F6')||(LA14_199>='\u00F8' && LA14_199<='\u1FFF')||(LA14_199>='\u3040' && LA14_199<='\u318F')||(LA14_199>='\u3300' && LA14_199<='\u337F')||(LA14_199>='\u3400' && LA14_199<='\u3D2D')||(LA14_199>='\u4E00' && LA14_199<='\u9FFF')||(LA14_199>='\uF900' && LA14_199<='\uFAFF')) ) {
- alt14=66;
+ if ( (LA17_306=='$'||(LA17_306>='0' && LA17_306<='9')||(LA17_306>='A' && LA17_306<='Z')||LA17_306=='_'||(LA17_306>='a' && LA17_306<='z')||(LA17_306>='\u00C0' && LA17_306<='\u00D6')||(LA17_306>='\u00D8' && LA17_306<='\u00F6')||(LA17_306>='\u00F8' && LA17_306<='\u1FFF')||(LA17_306>='\u3040' && LA17_306<='\u318F')||(LA17_306>='\u3300' && LA17_306<='\u337F')||(LA17_306>='\u3400' && LA17_306<='\u3D2D')||(LA17_306>='\u4E00' && LA17_306<='\u9FFF')||(LA17_306>='\uF900' && LA17_306<='\uFAFF')) ) {
+ alt17=93;
else {
- alt14=17;}
+ alt17=91;}
else {
- alt14=66;}
+ alt17=93;}
else {
- alt14=66;}
+ alt17=93;}
else {
- alt14=66;}
+ alt17=93;}
+ }
+ else {
+ alt17=93;}
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'S':
+ {
+ int LA17_72 = input.LA(3);
+ if ( (LA17_72=='$'||(LA17_72>='0' && LA17_72<='9')||(LA17_72>='A' && LA17_72<='Z')||LA17_72=='_'||(LA17_72>='a' && LA17_72<='z')||(LA17_72>='\u00C0' && LA17_72<='\u00D6')||(LA17_72>='\u00D8' && LA17_72<='\u00F6')||(LA17_72>='\u00F8' && LA17_72<='\u1FFF')||(LA17_72>='\u3040' && LA17_72<='\u318F')||(LA17_72>='\u3300' && LA17_72<='\u337F')||(LA17_72>='\u3400' && LA17_72<='\u3D2D')||(LA17_72>='\u4E00' && LA17_72<='\u9FFF')||(LA17_72>='\uF900' && LA17_72<='\uFAFF')) ) {
+ alt17=93;
+ }
+ else {
+ alt17=19;}
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ alt17=93;}
+ }
+ else if ( (LA17_0=='L') ) {
+ switch ( input.LA(2) ) {
+ case 'E':
+ {
+ int LA17_73 = input.LA(3);
+ if ( (LA17_73=='T') ) {
+ int LA17_142 = input.LA(4);
+ if ( (LA17_142=='$'||(LA17_142>='0' && LA17_142<='9')||(LA17_142>='A' && LA17_142<='Z')||LA17_142=='_'||(LA17_142>='a' && LA17_142<='z')||(LA17_142>='\u00C0' && LA17_142<='\u00D6')||(LA17_142>='\u00D8' && LA17_142<='\u00F6')||(LA17_142>='\u00F8' && LA17_142<='\u1FFF')||(LA17_142>='\u3040' && LA17_142<='\u318F')||(LA17_142>='\u3300' && LA17_142<='\u337F')||(LA17_142>='\u3400' && LA17_142<='\u3D2D')||(LA17_142>='\u4E00' && LA17_142<='\u9FFF')||(LA17_142>='\uF900' && LA17_142<='\uFAFF')) ) {
+ alt17=93;
- break;
- case 's':
- {
- int LA14_102 = input.LA(4);
+ else {
+ alt17=26;}
+ }
+ else {
+ alt17=93;}
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'i':
+ {
+ int LA17_74 = input.LA(3);
+ if ( (LA17_74=='s') ) {
+ int LA17_143 = input.LA(4);
- if ( (LA14_102=='e') ) {
- int LA14_136 = input.LA(5);
+ if ( (LA17_143=='t') ) {
+ int LA17_201 = input.LA(5);
- if ( (LA14_136=='$'||(LA14_136>='0' && LA14_136<='9')||(LA14_136>='A' && LA14_136<='Z')||LA14_136=='_'||(LA14_136>='a' && LA14_136<='z')||(LA14_136>='\u00C0' && LA14_136<='\u00D6')||(LA14_136>='\u00D8' && LA14_136<='\u00F6')||(LA14_136>='\u00F8' && LA14_136<='\u1FFF')||(LA14_136>='\u3040' && LA14_136<='\u318F')||(LA14_136>='\u3300' && LA14_136<='\u337F')||(LA14_136>='\u3400' && LA14_136<='\u3D2D')||(LA14_136>='\u4E00' && LA14_136<='\u9FFF')||(LA14_136>='\uF900' && LA14_136<='\uFAFF')) ) {
- alt14=66;
+ if ( (LA17_201=='$'||(LA17_201>='0' && LA17_201<='9')||(LA17_201>='A' && LA17_201<='Z')||LA17_201=='_'||(LA17_201>='a' && LA17_201<='z')||(LA17_201>='\u00C0' && LA17_201<='\u00D6')||(LA17_201>='\u00D8' && LA17_201<='\u00F6')||(LA17_201>='\u00F8' && LA17_201<='\u1FFF')||(LA17_201>='\u3040' && LA17_201<='\u318F')||(LA17_201>='\u3300' && LA17_201<='\u337F')||(LA17_201>='\u3400' && LA17_201<='\u3D2D')||(LA17_201>='\u4E00' && LA17_201<='\u9FFF')||(LA17_201>='\uF900' && LA17_201<='\uFAFF')) ) {
+ alt17=93;
else {
- alt14=33;}
+ alt17=46;}
else {
- alt14=66;}
- }
- break;
- default:
- alt14=66;}
+ alt17=93;}
+ }
+ else {
+ alt17=93;}
- case 'o':
- {
- switch ( input.LA(3) ) {
- case 'n':
- {
- int LA14_103 = input.LA(4);
+ default:
+ alt17=93;}
+ }
+ else if ( (LA17_0=='P') ) {
+ int LA17_16 = input.LA(2);
+ if ( (LA17_16=='R') ) {
+ int LA17_75 = input.LA(3);
- if ( (LA14_103=='t') ) {
- int LA14_137 = input.LA(5);
+ if ( (LA17_75=='O') ) {
+ int LA17_144 = input.LA(4);
- if ( (LA14_137=='e') ) {
- int LA14_171 = input.LA(6);
+ if ( (LA17_144=='T') ) {
+ int LA17_202 = input.LA(5);
- if ( (LA14_171=='x') ) {
- int LA14_200 = input.LA(7);
+ if ( (LA17_202=='E') ) {
+ int LA17_258 = input.LA(6);
- if ( (LA14_200=='t') ) {
- int LA14_224 = input.LA(8);
+ if ( (LA17_258=='C') ) {
+ int LA17_307 = input.LA(7);
- if ( (LA14_224=='$'||(LA14_224>='0' && LA14_224<='9')||(LA14_224>='A' && LA14_224<='Z')||LA14_224=='_'||(LA14_224>='a' && LA14_224<='z')||(LA14_224>='\u00C0' && LA14_224<='\u00D6')||(LA14_224>='\u00D8' && LA14_224<='\u00F6')||(LA14_224>='\u00F8' && LA14_224<='\u1FFF')||(LA14_224>='\u3040' && LA14_224<='\u318F')||(LA14_224>='\u3300' && LA14_224<='\u337F')||(LA14_224>='\u3400' && LA14_224<='\u3D2D')||(LA14_224>='\u4E00' && LA14_224<='\u9FFF')||(LA14_224>='\uF900' && LA14_224<='\uFAFF')) ) {
- alt14=66;
+ if ( (LA17_307=='T') ) {
+ int LA17_348 = input.LA(8);
+ if ( (LA17_348=='$'||(LA17_348>='0' && LA17_348<='9')||(LA17_348>='A' && LA17_348<='Z')||LA17_348=='_'||(LA17_348>='a' && LA17_348<='z')||(LA17_348>='\u00C0' && LA17_348<='\u00D6')||(LA17_348>='\u00D8' && LA17_348<='\u00F6')||(LA17_348>='\u00F8' && LA17_348<='\u1FFF')||(LA17_348>='\u3040' && LA17_348<='\u318F')||(LA17_348>='\u3300' && LA17_348<='\u337F')||(LA17_348>='\u3400' && LA17_348<='\u3D2D')||(LA17_348>='\u4E00' && LA17_348<='\u9FFF')||(LA17_348>='\uF900' && LA17_348<='\uFAFF')) ) {
+ alt17=93;
else {
- alt14=5;}
+ alt17=28;}
else {
- alt14=66;}
+ alt17=93;}
else {
- alt14=66;}
+ alt17=93;}
else {
- alt14=66;}
+ alt17=93;}
else {
- alt14=66;}
+ alt17=93;}
+ }
+ else {
+ alt17=93;}
+ }
+ else {
+ alt17=93;}
+ }
+ else if ( (LA17_0=='C') ) {
+ switch ( input.LA(2) ) {
+ case 'E':
+ {
+ int LA17_76 = input.LA(3);
+ if ( (LA17_76=='N') ) {
+ int LA17_145 = input.LA(4);
+ if ( (LA17_145=='D') ) {
+ int LA17_203 = input.LA(5);
+ if ( (LA17_203=='$'||(LA17_203>='0' && LA17_203<='9')||(LA17_203>='A' && LA17_203<='Z')||LA17_203=='_'||(LA17_203>='a' && LA17_203<='z')||(LA17_203>='\u00C0' && LA17_203<='\u00D6')||(LA17_203>='\u00D8' && LA17_203<='\u00F6')||(LA17_203>='\u00F8' && LA17_203<='\u1FFF')||(LA17_203>='\u3040' && LA17_203<='\u318F')||(LA17_203>='\u3300' && LA17_203<='\u337F')||(LA17_203>='\u3400' && LA17_203<='\u3D2D')||(LA17_203>='\u4E00' && LA17_203<='\u9FFF')||(LA17_203>='\uF900' && LA17_203<='\uFAFF')) ) {
+ alt17=93;
+ }
+ else {
+ alt17=30;}
- break;
- case 'l':
- {
- int LA14_104 = input.LA(4);
+ else {
+ alt17=93;}
+ }
+ else {
+ alt17=93;}
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'o':
+ {
+ int LA17_77 = input.LA(3);
+ if ( (LA17_77=='l') ) {
+ int LA17_146 = input.LA(4);
+ if ( (LA17_146=='l') ) {
+ int LA17_204 = input.LA(5);
+ if ( (LA17_204=='e') ) {
+ int LA17_260 = input.LA(6);
+ if ( (LA17_260=='c') ) {
+ int LA17_308 = input.LA(7);
- if ( (LA14_104=='l') ) {
- int LA14_138 = input.LA(5);
+ if ( (LA17_308=='t') ) {
+ int LA17_349 = input.LA(8);
- if ( (LA14_138=='e') ) {
- int LA14_172 = input.LA(6);
+ if ( (LA17_349=='i') ) {
+ int LA17_382 = input.LA(9);
- if ( (LA14_172=='c') ) {
- int LA14_201 = input.LA(7);
+ if ( (LA17_382=='o') ) {
+ int LA17_402 = input.LA(10);
- if ( (LA14_201=='t') ) {
- int LA14_225 = input.LA(8);
+ if ( (LA17_402=='n') ) {
+ int LA17_414 = input.LA(11);
- if ( (LA14_225=='$'||(LA14_225>='0' && LA14_225<='9')||(LA14_225>='A' && LA14_225<='Z')||LA14_225=='_'||(LA14_225>='a' && LA14_225<='z')||(LA14_225>='\u00C0' && LA14_225<='\u00D6')||(LA14_225>='\u00D8' && LA14_225<='\u00F6')||(LA14_225>='\u00F8' && LA14_225<='\u1FFF')||(LA14_225>='\u3040' && LA14_225<='\u318F')||(LA14_225>='\u3300' && LA14_225<='\u337F')||(LA14_225>='\u3400' && LA14_225<='\u3D2D')||(LA14_225>='\u4E00' && LA14_225<='\u9FFF')||(LA14_225>='\uF900' && LA14_225<='\uFAFF')) ) {
- alt14=66;
+ if ( (LA17_414=='$'||(LA17_414>='0' && LA17_414<='9')||(LA17_414>='A' && LA17_414<='Z')||LA17_414=='_'||(LA17_414>='a' && LA17_414<='z')||(LA17_414>='\u00C0' && LA17_414<='\u00D6')||(LA17_414>='\u00D8' && LA17_414<='\u00F6')||(LA17_414>='\u00F8' && LA17_414<='\u1FFF')||(LA17_414>='\u3040' && LA17_414<='\u318F')||(LA17_414>='\u3300' && LA17_414<='\u337F')||(LA17_414>='\u3400' && LA17_414<='\u3D2D')||(LA17_414>='\u4E00' && LA17_414<='\u9FFF')||(LA17_414>='\uF900' && LA17_414<='\uFAFF')) ) {
+ alt17=93;
+ }
+ else {
+ alt17=45;}
+ }
+ else {
+ alt17=93;}
+ }
+ else {
+ alt17=93;}
else {
- alt14=55;}
+ alt17=93;}
else {
- alt14=66;}
+ alt17=93;}
else {
- alt14=66;}
+ alt17=93;}
else {
- alt14=66;}
+ alt17=93;}
else {
- alt14=66;}
- }
- break;
- default:
- alt14=66;}
+ alt17=93;}
+ }
+ else {
+ alt17=93;}
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'S':
+ {
+ int LA17_78 = input.LA(3);
+ if ( (LA17_78=='T') ) {
+ int LA17_147 = input.LA(4);
+ if ( (LA17_147=='A') ) {
+ int LA17_205 = input.LA(5);
+ if ( (LA17_205=='R') ) {
+ int LA17_261 = input.LA(6);
+ if ( (LA17_261=='T') ) {
+ int LA17_309 = input.LA(7);
+ if ( (LA17_309=='$'||(LA17_309>='0' && LA17_309<='9')||(LA17_309>='A' && LA17_309<='Z')||LA17_309=='_'||(LA17_309>='a' && LA17_309<='z')||(LA17_309>='\u00C0' && LA17_309<='\u00D6')||(LA17_309>='\u00D8' && LA17_309<='\u00F6')||(LA17_309>='\u00F8' && LA17_309<='\u1FFF')||(LA17_309>='\u3040' && LA17_309<='\u318F')||(LA17_309>='\u3300' && LA17_309<='\u337F')||(LA17_309>='\u3400' && LA17_309<='\u3D2D')||(LA17_309>='\u4E00' && LA17_309<='\u9FFF')||(LA17_309>='\uF900' && LA17_309<='\uFAFF')) ) {
+ alt17=93;
+ }
+ else {
+ alt17=29;}
+ }
+ else {
+ alt17=93;}
+ }
+ else {
+ alt17=93;}
+ }
+ else {
+ alt17=93;}
+ }
+ else {
+ alt17=93;}
- alt14=66;}
+ alt17=93;}
- else if ( (LA14_0=='E') ) {
- int LA14_6 = input.LA(2);
+ else if ( (LA17_0=='D') ) {
+ switch ( input.LA(2) ) {
+ case 'E':
+ {
+ int LA17_79 = input.LA(3);
- if ( (LA14_6=='R') ) {
- int LA14_54 = input.LA(3);
+ if ( (LA17_79=='F') ) {
+ int LA17_148 = input.LA(4);
- if ( (LA14_54=='R') ) {
- int LA14_105 = input.LA(4);
+ if ( (LA17_148=='I') ) {
+ int LA17_206 = input.LA(5);
- if ( (LA14_105=='O') ) {
- int LA14_139 = input.LA(5);
+ if ( (LA17_206=='N') ) {
+ int LA17_262 = input.LA(6);
- if ( (LA14_139=='R') ) {
- int LA14_173 = input.LA(6);
+ if ( (LA17_262=='E') ) {
+ int LA17_310 = input.LA(7);
- if ( (LA14_173=='$'||(LA14_173>='0' && LA14_173<='9')||(LA14_173>='A' && LA14_173<='Z')||LA14_173=='_'||(LA14_173>='a' && LA14_173<='z')||(LA14_173>='\u00C0' && LA14_173<='\u00D6')||(LA14_173>='\u00D8' && LA14_173<='\u00F6')||(LA14_173>='\u00F8' && LA14_173<='\u1FFF')||(LA14_173>='\u3040' && LA14_173<='\u318F')||(LA14_173>='\u3300' && LA14_173<='\u337F')||(LA14_173>='\u3400' && LA14_173<='\u3D2D')||(LA14_173>='\u4E00' && LA14_173<='\u9FFF')||(LA14_173>='\uF900' && LA14_173<='\uFAFF')) ) {
- alt14=66;
+ if ( (LA17_310=='$'||(LA17_310>='0' && LA17_310<='9')||(LA17_310>='A' && LA17_310<='Z')||LA17_310=='_'||(LA17_310>='a' && LA17_310<='z')||(LA17_310>='\u00C0' && LA17_310<='\u00D6')||(LA17_310>='\u00D8' && LA17_310<='\u00F6')||(LA17_310>='\u00F8' && LA17_310<='\u1FFF')||(LA17_310>='\u3040' && LA17_310<='\u318F')||(LA17_310>='\u3300' && LA17_310<='\u337F')||(LA17_310>='\u3400' && LA17_310<='\u3D2D')||(LA17_310>='\u4E00' && LA17_310<='\u9FFF')||(LA17_310>='\uF900' && LA17_310<='\uFAFF')) ) {
+ alt17=93;
+ }
+ else {
+ alt17=89;}
else {
- alt14=7;}
+ alt17=93;}
else {
- alt14=66;}
+ alt17=93;}
else {
- alt14=66;}
+ alt17=93;}
else {
- alt14=66;}
- }
- else {
- alt14=66;}
- }
- else if ( (LA14_0=='W') ) {
- int LA14_7 = input.LA(2);
- if ( (LA14_7=='A') ) {
- int LA14_55 = input.LA(3);
+ alt17=93;}
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'I':
+ {
+ int LA17_80 = input.LA(3);
- if ( (LA14_55=='R') ) {
- int LA14_106 = input.LA(4);
+ if ( (LA17_80=='S') ) {
+ int LA17_149 = input.LA(4);
- if ( (LA14_106=='N') ) {
- int LA14_140 = input.LA(5);
+ if ( (LA17_149=='A') ) {
+ int LA17_207 = input.LA(5);
- if ( (LA14_140=='I') ) {
- int LA14_174 = input.LA(6);
+ if ( (LA17_207=='B') ) {
+ int LA17_263 = input.LA(6);
- if ( (LA14_174=='N') ) {
- int LA14_203 = input.LA(7);
+ if ( (LA17_263=='L') ) {
+ int LA17_311 = input.LA(7);
- if ( (LA14_203=='G') ) {
- int LA14_226 = input.LA(8);
+ if ( (LA17_311=='E') ) {
+ int LA17_352 = input.LA(8);
- if ( (LA14_226=='$'||(LA14_226>='0' && LA14_226<='9')||(LA14_226>='A' && LA14_226<='Z')||LA14_226=='_'||(LA14_226>='a' && LA14_226<='z')||(LA14_226>='\u00C0' && LA14_226<='\u00D6')||(LA14_226>='\u00D8' && LA14_226<='\u00F6')||(LA14_226>='\u00F8' && LA14_226<='\u1FFF')||(LA14_226>='\u3040' && LA14_226<='\u318F')||(LA14_226>='\u3300' && LA14_226<='\u337F')||(LA14_226>='\u3400' && LA14_226<='\u3D2D')||(LA14_226>='\u4E00' && LA14_226<='\u9FFF')||(LA14_226>='\uF900' && LA14_226<='\uFAFF')) ) {
- alt14=66;
+ if ( (LA17_352=='$'||(LA17_352>='0' && LA17_352<='9')||(LA17_352>='A' && LA17_352<='Z')||LA17_352=='_'||(LA17_352>='a' && LA17_352<='z')||(LA17_352>='\u00C0' && LA17_352<='\u00D6')||(LA17_352>='\u00D8' && LA17_352<='\u00F6')||(LA17_352>='\u00F8' && LA17_352<='\u1FFF')||(LA17_352>='\u3040' && LA17_352<='\u318F')||(LA17_352>='\u3300' && LA17_352<='\u337F')||(LA17_352>='\u3400' && LA17_352<='\u3D2D')||(LA17_352>='\u4E00' && LA17_352<='\u9FFF')||(LA17_352>='\uF900' && LA17_352<='\uFAFF')) ) {
+ alt17=93;
else {
- alt14=8;}
+ alt17=32;}
else {
- alt14=66;}
+ alt17=93;}
else {
- alt14=66;}
+ alt17=93;}
else {
- alt14=66;}
+ alt17=93;}
else {
- alt14=66;}
+ alt17=93;}
else {
- alt14=66;}
- }
- else {
- alt14=66;}
- }
- else if ( (LA14_0==':') ) {
- int LA14_8 = input.LA(2);
+ alt17=93;}
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ alt17=93;}
- if ( (LA14_8==':') ) {
- alt14=15;
- }
- else {
- alt14=9;}
- else if ( (LA14_0=='a') ) {
- int LA14_9 = input.LA(2);
- if ( (LA14_9=='r') ) {
- int LA14_58 = input.LA(3);
+ else if ( (LA17_0=='c') ) {
+ switch ( input.LA(2) ) {
+ case 'r':
+ {
+ int LA17_81 = input.LA(3);
- if ( (LA14_58=='o') ) {
- int LA14_107 = input.LA(4);
+ if ( (LA17_81=='e') ) {
+ int LA17_150 = input.LA(4);
- if ( (LA14_107=='u') ) {
- int LA14_141 = input.LA(5);
+ if ( (LA17_150=='a') ) {
+ int LA17_208 = input.LA(5);
- if ( (LA14_141=='n') ) {
- int LA14_175 = input.LA(6);
+ if ( (LA17_208=='t') ) {
+ int LA17_264 = input.LA(6);
- if ( (LA14_175=='d') ) {
- int LA14_204 = input.LA(7);
+ if ( (LA17_264=='e') ) {
+ int LA17_312 = input.LA(7);
- if ( (LA14_204=='$'||(LA14_204>='0' && LA14_204<='9')||(LA14_204>='A' && LA14_204<='Z')||LA14_204=='_'||(LA14_204>='a' && LA14_204<='z')||(LA14_204>='\u00C0' && LA14_204<='\u00D6')||(LA14_204>='\u00D8' && LA14_204<='\u00F6')||(LA14_204>='\u00F8' && LA14_204<='\u1FFF')||(LA14_204>='\u3040' && LA14_204<='\u318F')||(LA14_204>='\u3300' && LA14_204<='\u337F')||(LA14_204>='\u3400' && LA14_204<='\u3D2D')||(LA14_204>='\u4E00' && LA14_204<='\u9FFF')||(LA14_204>='\uF900' && LA14_204<='\uFAFF')) ) {
- alt14=66;
+ if ( (LA17_312=='$'||(LA17_312>='0' && LA17_312<='9')||(LA17_312>='A' && LA17_312<='Z')||LA17_312=='_'||(LA17_312>='a' && LA17_312<='z')||(LA17_312>='\u00C0' && LA17_312<='\u00D6')||(LA17_312>='\u00D8' && LA17_312<='\u00F6')||(LA17_312>='\u00F8' && LA17_312<='\u1FFF')||(LA17_312>='\u3040' && LA17_312<='\u318F')||(LA17_312>='\u3300' && LA17_312<='\u337F')||(LA17_312>='\u3400' && LA17_312<='\u3D2D')||(LA17_312>='\u4E00' && LA17_312<='\u9FFF')||(LA17_312>='\uF900' && LA17_312<='\uFAFF')) ) {
+ alt17=93;
else {
- alt14=10;}
+ alt17=42;}
else {
- alt14=66;}
+ alt17=93;}
else {
- alt14=66;}
+ alt17=93;}
else {
- alt14=66;}
+ alt17=93;}
else {
- alt14=66;}
- }
- else {
- alt14=66;}
- }
- else if ( (LA14_0=='(') ) {
- alt14=11;
- }
- else if ( (LA14_0==',') ) {
- alt14=12;
- }
- else if ( (LA14_0=='*') ) {
- alt14=13;
- }
- else if ( (LA14_0==')') ) {
- alt14=14;
- }
- else if ( (LA14_0=='p') ) {
- int LA14_14 = input.LA(2);
+ alt17=93;}
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'o':
+ {
+ switch ( input.LA(3) ) {
+ case 'l':
+ {
+ int LA17_151 = input.LA(4);
- if ( (LA14_14=='r') ) {
- int LA14_59 = input.LA(3);
+ if ( (LA17_151=='l') ) {
+ int LA17_209 = input.LA(5);
- if ( (LA14_59=='i') ) {
- int LA14_108 = input.LA(4);
+ if ( (LA17_209=='e') ) {
+ int LA17_265 = input.LA(6);
- if ( (LA14_108=='v') ) {
- int LA14_142 = input.LA(5);
+ if ( (LA17_265=='c') ) {
+ int LA17_313 = input.LA(7);
- if ( (LA14_142=='a') ) {
- int LA14_176 = input.LA(6);
+ if ( (LA17_313=='t') ) {
+ int LA17_354 = input.LA(8);
- if ( (LA14_176=='t') ) {
- int LA14_205 = input.LA(7);
+ if ( (LA17_354=='$'||(LA17_354>='0' && LA17_354<='9')||(LA17_354>='A' && LA17_354<='Z')||LA17_354=='_'||(LA17_354>='a' && LA17_354<='z')||(LA17_354>='\u00C0' && LA17_354<='\u00D6')||(LA17_354>='\u00D8' && LA17_354<='\u00F6')||(LA17_354>='\u00F8' && LA17_354<='\u1FFF')||(LA17_354>='\u3040' && LA17_354<='\u318F')||(LA17_354>='\u3300' && LA17_354<='\u337F')||(LA17_354>='\u3400' && LA17_354<='\u3D2D')||(LA17_354>='\u4E00' && LA17_354<='\u9FFF')||(LA17_354>='\uF900' && LA17_354<='\uFAFF')) ) {
+ alt17=93;
+ }
+ else {
+ alt17=78;}
+ }
+ else {
+ alt17=93;}
+ }
+ else {
+ alt17=93;}
+ }
+ else {
+ alt17=93;}
+ }
+ else {
+ alt17=93;}
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'n':
+ {
+ int LA17_152 = input.LA(4);
+ if ( (LA17_152=='t') ) {
+ int LA17_210 = input.LA(5);
- if ( (LA14_205=='e') ) {
- int LA14_228 = input.LA(8);
+ if ( (LA17_210=='e') ) {
+ int LA17_266 = input.LA(6);
- if ( (LA14_228=='$'||(LA14_228>='0' && LA14_228<='9')||(LA14_228>='A' && LA14_228<='Z')||LA14_228=='_'||(LA14_228>='a' && LA14_228<='z')||(LA14_228>='\u00C0' && LA14_228<='\u00D6')||(LA14_228>='\u00D8' && LA14_228<='\u00F6')||(LA14_228>='\u00F8' && LA14_228<='\u1FFF')||(LA14_228>='\u3040' && LA14_228<='\u318F')||(LA14_228>='\u3300' && LA14_228<='\u337F')||(LA14_228>='\u3400' && LA14_228<='\u3D2D')||(LA14_228>='\u4E00' && LA14_228<='\u9FFF')||(LA14_228>='\uF900' && LA14_228<='\uFAFF')) ) {
- alt14=66;
+ if ( (LA17_266=='x') ) {
+ int LA17_314 = input.LA(7);
+ if ( (LA17_314=='t') ) {
+ int LA17_355 = input.LA(8);
+ if ( (LA17_355=='$'||(LA17_355>='0' && LA17_355<='9')||(LA17_355>='A' && LA17_355<='Z')||LA17_355=='_'||(LA17_355>='a' && LA17_355<='z')||(LA17_355>='\u00C0' && LA17_355<='\u00D6')||(LA17_355>='\u00D8' && LA17_355<='\u00F6')||(LA17_355>='\u00F8' && LA17_355<='\u1FFF')||(LA17_355>='\u3040' && LA17_355<='\u318F')||(LA17_355>='\u3300' && LA17_355<='\u337F')||(LA17_355>='\u3400' && LA17_355<='\u3D2D')||(LA17_355>='\u4E00' && LA17_355<='\u9FFF')||(LA17_355>='\uF900' && LA17_355<='\uFAFF')) ) {
+ alt17=93;
else {
- alt14=16;}
+ alt17=34;}
else {
- alt14=66;}
+ alt17=93;}
else {
- alt14=66;}
+ alt17=93;}
else {
- alt14=66;}
+ alt17=93;}
else {
- alt14=66;}
+ alt17=93;}
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ alt17=93;}
- else {
- alt14=66;}
- }
- else {
- alt14=66;}
- }
- else if ( (LA14_0=='J') ) {
- int LA14_15 = input.LA(2);
+ break;
+ case 'a':
+ {
+ switch ( input.LA(3) ) {
+ case 's':
+ {
+ int LA17_153 = input.LA(4);
+ if ( (LA17_153=='e') ) {
+ int LA17_211 = input.LA(5);
+ if ( (LA17_211=='$'||(LA17_211>='0' && LA17_211<='9')||(LA17_211>='A' && LA17_211<='Z')||LA17_211=='_'||(LA17_211>='a' && LA17_211<='z')||(LA17_211>='\u00C0' && LA17_211<='\u00D6')||(LA17_211>='\u00D8' && LA17_211<='\u00F6')||(LA17_211>='\u00F8' && LA17_211<='\u1FFF')||(LA17_211>='\u3040' && LA17_211<='\u318F')||(LA17_211>='\u3300' && LA17_211<='\u337F')||(LA17_211>='\u3400' && LA17_211<='\u3D2D')||(LA17_211>='\u4E00' && LA17_211<='\u9FFF')||(LA17_211>='\uF900' && LA17_211<='\uFAFF')) ) {
+ alt17=93;
+ }
+ else {
+ alt17=57;}
+ }
+ else {
+ alt17=93;}
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'c':
+ {
+ int LA17_154 = input.LA(4);
- if ( (LA14_15=='A') ) {
- int LA14_60 = input.LA(3);
+ if ( (LA17_154=='h') ) {
+ int LA17_212 = input.LA(5);
- if ( (LA14_60=='V') ) {
- int LA14_109 = input.LA(4);
+ if ( (LA17_212=='e') ) {
+ int LA17_268 = input.LA(6);
- if ( (LA14_109=='A') ) {
- int LA14_143 = input.LA(5);
+ if ( (LA17_268=='d') ) {
+ int LA17_315 = input.LA(7);
- if ( (LA14_143=='$'||(LA14_143>='0' && LA14_143<='9')||(LA14_143>='A' && LA14_143<='Z')||LA14_143=='_'||(LA14_143>='a' && LA14_143<='z')||(LA14_143>='\u00C0' && LA14_143<='\u00D6')||(LA14_143>='\u00D8' && LA14_143<='\u00F6')||(LA14_143>='\u00F8' && LA14_143<='\u1FFF')||(LA14_143>='\u3040' && LA14_143<='\u318F')||(LA14_143>='\u3300' && LA14_143<='\u337F')||(LA14_143>='\u3400' && LA14_143<='\u3D2D')||(LA14_143>='\u4E00' && LA14_143<='\u9FFF')||(LA14_143>='\uF900' && LA14_143<='\uFAFF')) ) {
- alt14=66;
+ if ( (LA17_315=='$'||(LA17_315>='0' && LA17_315<='9')||(LA17_315>='A' && LA17_315<='Z')||LA17_315=='_'||(LA17_315>='a' && LA17_315<='z')||(LA17_315>='\u00C0' && LA17_315<='\u00D6')||(LA17_315>='\u00D8' && LA17_315<='\u00F6')||(LA17_315>='\u00F8' && LA17_315<='\u1FFF')||(LA17_315>='\u3040' && LA17_315<='\u318F')||(LA17_315>='\u3300' && LA17_315<='\u337F')||(LA17_315>='\u3400' && LA17_315<='\u3D2D')||(LA17_315>='\u4E00' && LA17_315<='\u9FFF')||(LA17_315>='\uF900' && LA17_315<='\uFAFF')) ) {
+ alt17=93;
+ }
+ else {
+ alt17=41;}
+ }
+ else {
+ alt17=93;}
else {
- alt14=19;}
+ alt17=93;}
else {
- alt14=66;}
- }
- else {
- alt14=66;}
- }
- else {
- alt14=66;}
- }
- else if ( (LA14_0=='.') ) {
- alt14=20;
- }
- else if ( (LA14_0=='C') ) {
- int LA14_17 = input.LA(2);
- if ( (LA14_17=='o') ) {
- int LA14_61 = input.LA(3);
+ alt17=93;}
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ alt17=93;}
- if ( (LA14_61=='l') ) {
- int LA14_110 = input.LA(4);
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ alt17=93;}
- if ( (LA14_110=='l') ) {
- int LA14_144 = input.LA(5);
+ }
+ else if ( (LA17_0=='W') ) {
+ int LA17_20 = input.LA(2);
- if ( (LA14_144=='e') ) {
- int LA14_178 = input.LA(6);
+ if ( (LA17_20=='A') ) {
+ int LA17_84 = input.LA(3);
- if ( (LA14_178=='c') ) {
- int LA14_206 = input.LA(7);
+ if ( (LA17_84=='R') ) {
+ int LA17_155 = input.LA(4);
- if ( (LA14_206=='t') ) {
- int LA14_229 = input.LA(8);
+ if ( (LA17_155=='N') ) {
+ int LA17_213 = input.LA(5);
- if ( (LA14_229=='i') ) {
- int LA14_246 = input.LA(9);
+ if ( (LA17_213=='I') ) {
+ int LA17_269 = input.LA(6);
- if ( (LA14_246=='o') ) {
- int LA14_254 = input.LA(10);
+ if ( (LA17_269=='N') ) {
+ int LA17_316 = input.LA(7);
- if ( (LA14_254=='n') ) {
- int LA14_260 = input.LA(11);
+ if ( (LA17_316=='G') ) {
+ int LA17_357 = input.LA(8);
- if ( (LA14_260=='$'||(LA14_260>='0' && LA14_260<='9')||(LA14_260>='A' && LA14_260<='Z')||LA14_260=='_'||(LA14_260>='a' && LA14_260<='z')||(LA14_260>='\u00C0' && LA14_260<='\u00D6')||(LA14_260>='\u00D8' && LA14_260<='\u00F6')||(LA14_260>='\u00F8' && LA14_260<='\u1FFF')||(LA14_260>='\u3040' && LA14_260<='\u318F')||(LA14_260>='\u3300' && LA14_260<='\u337F')||(LA14_260>='\u3400' && LA14_260<='\u3D2D')||(LA14_260>='\u4E00' && LA14_260<='\u9FFF')||(LA14_260>='\uF900' && LA14_260<='\uFAFF')) ) {
- alt14=66;
- }
- else {
- alt14=21;}
- }
- else {
- alt14=66;}
- }
- else {
- alt14=66;}
+ if ( (LA17_357=='$'||(LA17_357>='0' && LA17_357<='9')||(LA17_357>='A' && LA17_357<='Z')||LA17_357=='_'||(LA17_357>='a' && LA17_357<='z')||(LA17_357>='\u00C0' && LA17_357<='\u00D6')||(LA17_357>='\u00D8' && LA17_357<='\u00F6')||(LA17_357>='\u00F8' && LA17_357<='\u1FFF')||(LA17_357>='\u3040' && LA17_357<='\u318F')||(LA17_357>='\u3300' && LA17_357<='\u337F')||(LA17_357>='\u3400' && LA17_357<='\u3D2D')||(LA17_357>='\u4E00' && LA17_357<='\u9FFF')||(LA17_357>='\uF900' && LA17_357<='\uFAFF')) ) {
+ alt17=93;
else {
- alt14=66;}
+ alt17=36;}
else {
- alt14=66;}
+ alt17=93;}
else {
- alt14=66;}
+ alt17=93;}
else {
- alt14=66;}
+ alt17=93;}
else {
- alt14=66;}
+ alt17=93;}
else {
- alt14=66;}
+ alt17=93;}
+ }
+ else {
+ alt17=93;}
+ }
+ else if ( (LA17_0==':') ) {
+ int LA17_21 = input.LA(2);
+ if ( (LA17_21==':') ) {
+ alt17=39;
else {
- alt14=66;}
+ alt17=37;}
- else if ( (LA14_0=='L') ) {
- int LA14_18 = input.LA(2);
+ else if ( (LA17_0=='a') ) {
+ int LA17_22 = input.LA(2);
- if ( (LA14_18=='i') ) {
- int LA14_62 = input.LA(3);
+ if ( (LA17_22=='r') ) {
+ int LA17_87 = input.LA(3);
- if ( (LA14_62=='s') ) {
- int LA14_111 = input.LA(4);
+ if ( (LA17_87=='o') ) {
+ int LA17_156 = input.LA(4);
- if ( (LA14_111=='t') ) {
- int LA14_145 = input.LA(5);
+ if ( (LA17_156=='u') ) {
+ int LA17_214 = input.LA(5);
- if ( (LA14_145=='$'||(LA14_145>='0' && LA14_145<='9')||(LA14_145>='A' && LA14_145<='Z')||LA14_145=='_'||(LA14_145>='a' && LA14_145<='z')||(LA14_145>='\u00C0' && LA14_145<='\u00D6')||(LA14_145>='\u00D8' && LA14_145<='\u00F6')||(LA14_145>='\u00F8' && LA14_145<='\u1FFF')||(LA14_145>='\u3040' && LA14_145<='\u318F')||(LA14_145>='\u3300' && LA14_145<='\u337F')||(LA14_145>='\u3400' && LA14_145<='\u3D2D')||(LA14_145>='\u4E00' && LA14_145<='\u9FFF')||(LA14_145>='\uF900' && LA14_145<='\uFAFF')) ) {
- alt14=66;
+ if ( (LA17_214=='n') ) {
+ int LA17_270 = input.LA(6);
+ if ( (LA17_270=='d') ) {
+ int LA17_317 = input.LA(7);
+ if ( (LA17_317=='$'||(LA17_317>='0' && LA17_317<='9')||(LA17_317>='A' && LA17_317<='Z')||LA17_317=='_'||(LA17_317>='a' && LA17_317<='z')||(LA17_317>='\u00C0' && LA17_317<='\u00D6')||(LA17_317>='\u00D8' && LA17_317<='\u00F6')||(LA17_317>='\u00F8' && LA17_317<='\u1FFF')||(LA17_317>='\u3040' && LA17_317<='\u318F')||(LA17_317>='\u3300' && LA17_317<='\u337F')||(LA17_317>='\u3400' && LA17_317<='\u3D2D')||(LA17_317>='\u4E00' && LA17_317<='\u9FFF')||(LA17_317>='\uF900' && LA17_317<='\uFAFF')) ) {
+ alt17=93;
+ }
+ else {
+ alt17=38;}
+ }
+ else {
+ alt17=93;}
else {
- alt14=22;}
+ alt17=93;}
else {
- alt14=66;}
+ alt17=93;}
else {
- alt14=66;}
+ alt17=93;}
else {
- alt14=66;}
+ alt17=93;}
- else if ( (LA14_0=='S') ) {
- int LA14_19 = input.LA(2);
+ else if ( (LA17_0=='p') ) {
+ int LA17_23 = input.LA(2);
- if ( (LA14_19=='e') ) {
- int LA14_63 = input.LA(3);
+ if ( (LA17_23=='r') ) {
+ int LA17_88 = input.LA(3);
- if ( (LA14_63=='t') ) {
- int LA14_112 = input.LA(4);
+ if ( (LA17_88=='i') ) {
+ int LA17_157 = input.LA(4);
- if ( (LA14_112=='$'||(LA14_112>='0' && LA14_112<='9')||(LA14_112>='A' && LA14_112<='Z')||LA14_112=='_'||(LA14_112>='a' && LA14_112<='z')||(LA14_112>='\u00C0' && LA14_112<='\u00D6')||(LA14_112>='\u00D8' && LA14_112<='\u00F6')||(LA14_112>='\u00F8' && LA14_112<='\u1FFF')||(LA14_112>='\u3040' && LA14_112<='\u318F')||(LA14_112>='\u3300' && LA14_112<='\u337F')||(LA14_112>='\u3400' && LA14_112<='\u3D2D')||(LA14_112>='\u4E00' && LA14_112<='\u9FFF')||(LA14_112>='\uF900' && LA14_112<='\uFAFF')) ) {
- alt14=66;
- }
- else {
- alt14=23;}
- }
- else {
- alt14=66;}
- }
- else {
- alt14=66;}
- }
- else if ( (LA14_0=='l') ) {
- int LA14_20 = input.LA(2);
+ if ( (LA17_157=='v') ) {
+ int LA17_215 = input.LA(5);
- if ( (LA14_20=='e') ) {
- int LA14_64 = input.LA(3);
+ if ( (LA17_215=='a') ) {
+ int LA17_271 = input.LA(6);
- if ( (LA14_64=='t') ) {
- int LA14_113 = input.LA(4);
+ if ( (LA17_271=='t') ) {
+ int LA17_318 = input.LA(7);
- if ( (LA14_113=='$'||(LA14_113>='0' && LA14_113<='9')||(LA14_113>='A' && LA14_113<='Z')||LA14_113=='_'||(LA14_113>='a' && LA14_113<='z')||(LA14_113>='\u00C0' && LA14_113<='\u00D6')||(LA14_113>='\u00D8' && LA14_113<='\u00F6')||(LA14_113>='\u00F8' && LA14_113<='\u1FFF')||(LA14_113>='\u3040' && LA14_113<='\u318F')||(LA14_113>='\u3300' && LA14_113<='\u337F')||(LA14_113>='\u3400' && LA14_113<='\u3D2D')||(LA14_113>='\u4E00' && LA14_113<='\u9FFF')||(LA14_113>='\uF900' && LA14_113<='\uFAFF')) ) {
- alt14=66;
+ if ( (LA17_318=='e') ) {
+ int LA17_359 = input.LA(8);
+ if ( (LA17_359=='$'||(LA17_359>='0' && LA17_359<='9')||(LA17_359>='A' && LA17_359<='Z')||LA17_359=='_'||(LA17_359>='a' && LA17_359<='z')||(LA17_359>='\u00C0' && LA17_359<='\u00D6')||(LA17_359>='\u00D8' && LA17_359<='\u00F6')||(LA17_359>='\u00F8' && LA17_359<='\u1FFF')||(LA17_359>='\u3040' && LA17_359<='\u318F')||(LA17_359>='\u3300' && LA17_359<='\u337F')||(LA17_359>='\u3400' && LA17_359<='\u3D2D')||(LA17_359>='\u4E00' && LA17_359<='\u9FFF')||(LA17_359>='\uF900' && LA17_359<='\uFAFF')) ) {
+ alt17=93;
+ }
+ else {
+ alt17=40;}
+ }
+ else {
+ alt17=93;}
+ }
+ else {
+ alt17=93;}
+ }
+ else {
+ alt17=93;}
else {
- alt14=24;}
+ alt17=93;}
else {
- alt14=66;}
+ alt17=93;}
else {
- alt14=66;}
+ alt17=93;}
- else if ( (LA14_0=='=') ) {
- int LA14_21 = input.LA(2);
+ else if ( (LA17_0=='J') ) {
+ int LA17_24 = input.LA(2);
- if ( (LA14_21=='=') ) {
- alt14=37;
- }
- else {
- alt14=25;}
- }
- else if ( (LA14_0=='-') ) {
- int LA14_22 = input.LA(2);
+ if ( (LA17_24=='A') ) {
+ int LA17_89 = input.LA(3);
- if ( (LA14_22=='>') ) {
- alt14=26;
- }
- else {
- alt14=44;}
- }
- else if ( (LA14_0=='?') ) {
- alt14=27;
- }
- else if ( (LA14_0=='t') ) {
- switch ( input.LA(2) ) {
- case 'r':
- {
- int LA14_69 = input.LA(3);
- if ( (LA14_69=='u') ) {
- int LA14_114 = input.LA(4);
+ if ( (LA17_89=='V') ) {
+ int LA17_158 = input.LA(4);
- if ( (LA14_114=='e') ) {
- int LA14_148 = input.LA(5);
+ if ( (LA17_158=='A') ) {
+ int LA17_216 = input.LA(5);
- if ( (LA14_148=='$'||(LA14_148>='0' && LA14_148<='9')||(LA14_148>='A' && LA14_148<='Z')||LA14_148=='_'||(LA14_148>='a' && LA14_148<='z')||(LA14_148>='\u00C0' && LA14_148<='\u00D6')||(LA14_148>='\u00D8' && LA14_148<='\u00F6')||(LA14_148>='\u00F8' && LA14_148<='\u1FFF')||(LA14_148>='\u3040' && LA14_148<='\u318F')||(LA14_148>='\u3300' && LA14_148<='\u337F')||(LA14_148>='\u3400' && LA14_148<='\u3D2D')||(LA14_148>='\u4E00' && LA14_148<='\u9FFF')||(LA14_148>='\uF900' && LA14_148<='\uFAFF')) ) {
- alt14=66;
+ if ( (LA17_216=='$'||(LA17_216>='0' && LA17_216<='9')||(LA17_216>='A' && LA17_216<='Z')||LA17_216=='_'||(LA17_216>='a' && LA17_216<='z')||(LA17_216>='\u00C0' && LA17_216<='\u00D6')||(LA17_216>='\u00D8' && LA17_216<='\u00F6')||(LA17_216>='\u00F8' && LA17_216<='\u1FFF')||(LA17_216>='\u3040' && LA17_216<='\u318F')||(LA17_216>='\u3300' && LA17_216<='\u337F')||(LA17_216>='\u3400' && LA17_216<='\u3D2D')||(LA17_216>='\u4E00' && LA17_216<='\u9FFF')||(LA17_216>='\uF900' && LA17_216<='\uFAFF')) ) {
+ alt17=93;
else {
- alt14=52;}
+ alt17=43;}
else {
- alt14=66;}
+ alt17=93;}
else {
- alt14=66;}
- }
- break;
- case 'h':
- {
- int LA14_70 = input.LA(3);
+ alt17=93;}
+ }
+ else {
+ alt17=93;}
+ }
+ else if ( (LA17_0=='.') ) {
+ alt17=44;
+ }
+ else if ( (LA17_0=='l') ) {
+ int LA17_26 = input.LA(2);
- if ( (LA14_70=='e') ) {
- int LA14_115 = input.LA(4);
+ if ( (LA17_26=='e') ) {
+ int LA17_90 = input.LA(3);
- if ( (LA14_115=='n') ) {
- int LA14_149 = input.LA(5);
+ if ( (LA17_90=='t') ) {
+ int LA17_159 = input.LA(4);
- if ( (LA14_149=='$'||(LA14_149>='0' && LA14_149<='9')||(LA14_149>='A' && LA14_149<='Z')||LA14_149=='_'||(LA14_149>='a' && LA14_149<='z')||(LA14_149>='\u00C0' && LA14_149<='\u00D6')||(LA14_149>='\u00D8' && LA14_149<='\u00F6')||(LA14_149>='\u00F8' && LA14_149<='\u1FFF')||(LA14_149>='\u3040' && LA14_149<='\u318F')||(LA14_149>='\u3300' && LA14_149<='\u337F')||(LA14_149>='\u3400' && LA14_149<='\u3D2D')||(LA14_149>='\u4E00' && LA14_149<='\u9FFF')||(LA14_149>='\uF900' && LA14_149<='\uFAFF')) ) {
- alt14=66;
- }
- else {
- alt14=28;}
+ if ( (LA17_159=='$'||(LA17_159>='0' && LA17_159<='9')||(LA17_159>='A' && LA17_159<='Z')||LA17_159=='_'||(LA17_159>='a' && LA17_159<='z')||(LA17_159>='\u00C0' && LA17_159<='\u00D6')||(LA17_159>='\u00D8' && LA17_159<='\u00F6')||(LA17_159>='\u00F8' && LA17_159<='\u1FFF')||(LA17_159>='\u3040' && LA17_159<='\u318F')||(LA17_159>='\u3300' && LA17_159<='\u337F')||(LA17_159>='\u3400' && LA17_159<='\u3D2D')||(LA17_159>='\u4E00' && LA17_159<='\u9FFF')||(LA17_159>='\uF900' && LA17_159<='\uFAFF')) ) {
+ alt17=93;
else {
- alt14=66;}
+ alt17=48;}
else {
- alt14=66;}
- }
- break;
+ alt17=93;}
+ }
+ else {
+ alt17=93;}
+ }
+ else if ( (LA17_0=='=') ) {
+ int LA17_27 = input.LA(2);
+ if ( (LA17_27=='=') ) {
+ alt17=61;
+ }
+ else {
+ alt17=49;}
+ }
+ else if ( (LA17_0=='?') ) {
+ alt17=51;
+ }
+ else if ( (LA17_0=='t') ) {
+ switch ( input.LA(2) ) {
case 'y':
- int LA14_71 = input.LA(3);
+ int LA17_93 = input.LA(3);
- if ( (LA14_71=='p') ) {
- int LA14_116 = input.LA(4);
+ if ( (LA17_93=='p') ) {
+ int LA17_160 = input.LA(4);
- if ( (LA14_116=='e') ) {
- int LA14_150 = input.LA(5);
+ if ( (LA17_160=='e') ) {
+ int LA17_218 = input.LA(5);
- if ( (LA14_150=='S') ) {
- int LA14_182 = input.LA(6);
+ if ( (LA17_218=='S') ) {
+ int LA17_273 = input.LA(6);
- if ( (LA14_182=='e') ) {
- int LA14_207 = input.LA(7);
+ if ( (LA17_273=='e') ) {
+ int LA17_319 = input.LA(7);
- if ( (LA14_207=='l') ) {
- int LA14_230 = input.LA(8);
+ if ( (LA17_319=='l') ) {
+ int LA17_360 = input.LA(8);
- if ( (LA14_230=='e') ) {
- int LA14_247 = input.LA(9);
+ if ( (LA17_360=='e') ) {
+ int LA17_388 = input.LA(9);
- if ( (LA14_247=='c') ) {
- int LA14_255 = input.LA(10);
+ if ( (LA17_388=='c') ) {
+ int LA17_403 = input.LA(10);
- if ( (LA14_255=='t') ) {
- int LA14_261 = input.LA(11);
+ if ( (LA17_403=='t') ) {
+ int LA17_415 = input.LA(11);
- if ( (LA14_261=='$'||(LA14_261>='0' && LA14_261<='9')||(LA14_261>='A' && LA14_261<='Z')||LA14_261=='_'||(LA14_261>='a' && LA14_261<='z')||(LA14_261>='\u00C0' && LA14_261<='\u00D6')||(LA14_261>='\u00D8' && LA14_261<='\u00F6')||(LA14_261>='\u00F8' && LA14_261<='\u1FFF')||(LA14_261>='\u3040' && LA14_261<='\u318F')||(LA14_261>='\u3300' && LA14_261<='\u337F')||(LA14_261>='\u3400' && LA14_261<='\u3D2D')||(LA14_261>='\u4E00' && LA14_261<='\u9FFF')||(LA14_261>='\uF900' && LA14_261<='\uFAFF')) ) {
- alt14=66;
+ if ( (LA17_415=='$'||(LA17_415>='0' && LA17_415<='9')||(LA17_415>='A' && LA17_415<='Z')||LA17_415=='_'||(LA17_415>='a' && LA17_415<='z')||(LA17_415>='\u00C0' && LA17_415<='\u00D6')||(LA17_415>='\u00D8' && LA17_415<='\u00F6')||(LA17_415>='\u00F8' && LA17_415<='\u1FFF')||(LA17_415>='\u3040' && LA17_415<='\u318F')||(LA17_415>='\u3300' && LA17_415<='\u337F')||(LA17_415>='\u3400' && LA17_415<='\u3D2D')||(LA17_415>='\u4E00' && LA17_415<='\u9FFF')||(LA17_415>='\uF900' && LA17_415<='\uFAFF')) ) {
+ alt17=93;
else {
- alt14=54;}
+ alt17=77;}
else {
- alt14=66;}
+ alt17=93;}
else {
- alt14=66;}
+ alt17=93;}
else {
- alt14=66;}
+ alt17=93;}
else {
- alt14=66;}
+ alt17=93;}
else {
- alt14=66;}
+ alt17=93;}
else {
- alt14=66;}
+ alt17=93;}
else {
- alt14=66;}
+ alt17=93;}
else {
- alt14=66;}
+ alt17=93;}
- default:
- alt14=66;}
- }
- else if ( (LA14_0=='s') ) {
- switch ( input.LA(2) ) {
- case 'w':
+ case 'r':
- int LA14_72 = input.LA(3);
+ int LA17_94 = input.LA(3);
- if ( (LA14_72=='i') ) {
- int LA14_117 = input.LA(4);
+ if ( (LA17_94=='u') ) {
+ int LA17_161 = input.LA(4);
- if ( (LA14_117=='t') ) {
- int LA14_151 = input.LA(5);
+ if ( (LA17_161=='e') ) {
+ int LA17_219 = input.LA(5);
- if ( (LA14_151=='c') ) {
- int LA14_183 = input.LA(6);
+ if ( (LA17_219=='$'||(LA17_219>='0' && LA17_219<='9')||(LA17_219>='A' && LA17_219<='Z')||LA17_219=='_'||(LA17_219>='a' && LA17_219<='z')||(LA17_219>='\u00C0' && LA17_219<='\u00D6')||(LA17_219>='\u00D8' && LA17_219<='\u00F6')||(LA17_219>='\u00F8' && LA17_219<='\u1FFF')||(LA17_219>='\u3040' && LA17_219<='\u318F')||(LA17_219>='\u3300' && LA17_219<='\u337F')||(LA17_219>='\u3400' && LA17_219<='\u3D2D')||(LA17_219>='\u4E00' && LA17_219<='\u9FFF')||(LA17_219>='\uF900' && LA17_219<='\uFAFF')) ) {
+ alt17=93;
+ }
+ else {
+ alt17=75;}
+ }
+ else {
+ alt17=93;}
+ }
+ else {
+ alt17=93;}
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'h':
+ {
+ int LA17_95 = input.LA(3);
- if ( (LA14_183=='h') ) {
- int LA14_208 = input.LA(7);
+ if ( (LA17_95=='e') ) {
+ int LA17_162 = input.LA(4);
- if ( (LA14_208=='$'||(LA14_208>='0' && LA14_208<='9')||(LA14_208>='A' && LA14_208<='Z')||LA14_208=='_'||(LA14_208>='a' && LA14_208<='z')||(LA14_208>='\u00C0' && LA14_208<='\u00D6')||(LA14_208>='\u00D8' && LA14_208<='\u00F6')||(LA14_208>='\u00F8' && LA14_208<='\u1FFF')||(LA14_208>='\u3040' && LA14_208<='\u318F')||(LA14_208>='\u3300' && LA14_208<='\u337F')||(LA14_208>='\u3400' && LA14_208<='\u3D2D')||(LA14_208>='\u4E00' && LA14_208<='\u9FFF')||(LA14_208>='\uF900' && LA14_208<='\uFAFF')) ) {
- alt14=66;
- }
- else {
- alt14=30;}
- }
- else {
- alt14=66;}
+ if ( (LA17_162=='n') ) {
+ int LA17_220 = input.LA(5);
+ if ( (LA17_220=='$'||(LA17_220>='0' && LA17_220<='9')||(LA17_220>='A' && LA17_220<='Z')||LA17_220=='_'||(LA17_220>='a' && LA17_220<='z')||(LA17_220>='\u00C0' && LA17_220<='\u00D6')||(LA17_220>='\u00D8' && LA17_220<='\u00F6')||(LA17_220>='\u00F8' && LA17_220<='\u1FFF')||(LA17_220>='\u3040' && LA17_220<='\u318F')||(LA17_220>='\u3300' && LA17_220<='\u337F')||(LA17_220>='\u3400' && LA17_220<='\u3D2D')||(LA17_220>='\u4E00' && LA17_220<='\u9FFF')||(LA17_220>='\uF900' && LA17_220<='\uFAFF')) ) {
+ alt17=93;
else {
- alt14=66;}
+ alt17=52;}
else {
- alt14=66;}
+ alt17=93;}
else {
- alt14=66;}
+ alt17=93;}
+ default:
+ alt17=93;}
+ }
+ else if ( (LA17_0=='s') ) {
+ switch ( input.LA(2) ) {
case 'e':
- int LA14_73 = input.LA(3);
+ int LA17_96 = input.LA(3);
- if ( (LA14_73=='l') ) {
- int LA14_118 = input.LA(4);
+ if ( (LA17_96=='l') ) {
+ int LA17_163 = input.LA(4);
- if ( (LA14_118=='e') ) {
- int LA14_152 = input.LA(5);
+ if ( (LA17_163=='e') ) {
+ int LA17_221 = input.LA(5);
- if ( (LA14_152=='c') ) {
- int LA14_184 = input.LA(6);
+ if ( (LA17_221=='c') ) {
+ int LA17_276 = input.LA(6);
- if ( (LA14_184=='t') ) {
- int LA14_209 = input.LA(7);
+ if ( (LA17_276=='t') ) {
+ int LA17_320 = input.LA(7);
- if ( (LA14_209=='F') ) {
- int LA14_232 = input.LA(8);
+ if ( (LA17_320=='F') ) {
+ int LA17_361 = input.LA(8);
- if ( (LA14_232=='i') ) {
- int LA14_248 = input.LA(9);
+ if ( (LA17_361=='i') ) {
+ int LA17_389 = input.LA(9);
- if ( (LA14_248=='r') ) {
- int LA14_256 = input.LA(10);
+ if ( (LA17_389=='r') ) {
+ int LA17_404 = input.LA(10);
- if ( (LA14_256=='s') ) {
- int LA14_262 = input.LA(11);
+ if ( (LA17_404=='s') ) {
+ int LA17_416 = input.LA(11);
- if ( (LA14_262=='t') ) {
- int LA14_267 = input.LA(12);
+ if ( (LA17_416=='t') ) {
+ int LA17_423 = input.LA(12);
- if ( (LA14_267=='$'||(LA14_267>='0' && LA14_267<='9')||(LA14_267>='A' && LA14_267<='Z')||LA14_267=='_'||(LA14_267>='a' && LA14_267<='z')||(LA14_267>='\u00C0' && LA14_267<='\u00D6')||(LA14_267>='\u00D8' && LA14_267<='\u00F6')||(LA14_267>='\u00F8' && LA14_267<='\u1FFF')||(LA14_267>='\u3040' && LA14_267<='\u318F')||(LA14_267>='\u3300' && LA14_267<='\u337F')||(LA14_267>='\u3400' && LA14_267<='\u3D2D')||(LA14_267>='\u4E00' && LA14_267<='\u9FFF')||(LA14_267>='\uF900' && LA14_267<='\uFAFF')) ) {
- alt14=66;
+ if ( (LA17_423=='$'||(LA17_423>='0' && LA17_423<='9')||(LA17_423>='A' && LA17_423<='Z')||LA17_423=='_'||(LA17_423>='a' && LA17_423<='z')||(LA17_423>='\u00C0' && LA17_423<='\u00D6')||(LA17_423>='\u00D8' && LA17_423<='\u00F6')||(LA17_423>='\u00F8' && LA17_423<='\u1FFF')||(LA17_423>='\u3040' && LA17_423<='\u318F')||(LA17_423>='\u3300' && LA17_423<='\u337F')||(LA17_423>='\u3400' && LA17_423<='\u3D2D')||(LA17_423>='\u4E00' && LA17_423<='\u9FFF')||(LA17_423>='\uF900' && LA17_423<='\uFAFF')) ) {
+ alt17=93;
else {
- alt14=57;}
+ alt17=80;}
else {
- alt14=66;}
+ alt17=93;}
else {
- alt14=66;}
+ alt17=93;}
else {
- alt14=66;}
+ alt17=93;}
else {
- alt14=66;}
+ alt17=93;}
- else if ( (LA14_209=='$'||(LA14_209>='0' && LA14_209<='9')||(LA14_209>='A' && LA14_209<='E')||(LA14_209>='G' && LA14_209<='Z')||LA14_209=='_'||(LA14_209>='a' && LA14_209<='z')||(LA14_209>='\u00C0' && LA14_209<='\u00D6')||(LA14_209>='\u00D8' && LA14_209<='\u00F6')||(LA14_209>='\u00F8' && LA14_209<='\u1FFF')||(LA14_209>='\u3040' && LA14_209<='\u318F')||(LA14_209>='\u3300' && LA14_209<='\u337F')||(LA14_209>='\u3400' && LA14_209<='\u3D2D')||(LA14_209>='\u4E00' && LA14_209<='\u9FFF')||(LA14_209>='\uF900' && LA14_209<='\uFAFF')) ) {
- alt14=66;
+ else if ( (LA17_320=='$'||(LA17_320>='0' && LA17_320<='9')||(LA17_320>='A' && LA17_320<='E')||(LA17_320>='G' && LA17_320<='Z')||LA17_320=='_'||(LA17_320>='a' && LA17_320<='z')||(LA17_320>='\u00C0' && LA17_320<='\u00D6')||(LA17_320>='\u00D8' && LA17_320<='\u00F6')||(LA17_320>='\u00F8' && LA17_320<='\u1FFF')||(LA17_320>='\u3040' && LA17_320<='\u318F')||(LA17_320>='\u3300' && LA17_320<='\u337F')||(LA17_320>='\u3400' && LA17_320<='\u3D2D')||(LA17_320>='\u4E00' && LA17_320<='\u9FFF')||(LA17_320>='\uF900' && LA17_320<='\uFAFF')) ) {
+ alt17=93;
else {
- alt14=56;}
+ alt17=79;}
else {
- alt14=66;}
+ alt17=93;}
else {
- alt14=66;}
+ alt17=93;}
else {
- alt14=66;}
+ alt17=93;}
else {
- alt14=66;}
+ alt17=93;}
case 'o':
- int LA14_74 = input.LA(3);
+ int LA17_97 = input.LA(3);
+ if ( (LA17_97=='r') ) {
+ int LA17_164 = input.LA(4);
+ if ( (LA17_164=='t') ) {
+ int LA17_222 = input.LA(5);
+ if ( (LA17_222=='B') ) {
+ int LA17_277 = input.LA(6);
+ if ( (LA17_277=='y') ) {
+ int LA17_321 = input.LA(7);
+ if ( (LA17_321=='$'||(LA17_321>='0' && LA17_321<='9')||(LA17_321>='A' && LA17_321<='Z')||LA17_321=='_'||(LA17_321>='a' && LA17_321<='z')||(LA17_321>='\u00C0' && LA17_321<='\u00D6')||(LA17_321>='\u00D8' && LA17_321<='\u00F6')||(LA17_321>='\u00F8' && LA17_321<='\u1FFF')||(LA17_321>='\u3040' && LA17_321<='\u318F')||(LA17_321>='\u3300' && LA17_321<='\u337F')||(LA17_321>='\u3400' && LA17_321<='\u3D2D')||(LA17_321>='\u4E00' && LA17_321<='\u9FFF')||(LA17_321>='\uF900' && LA17_321<='\uFAFF')) ) {
+ alt17=93;
+ }
+ else {
+ alt17=84;}
+ }
+ else {
+ alt17=93;}
+ }
+ else {
+ alt17=93;}
+ }
+ else {
+ alt17=93;}
+ }
+ else {
+ alt17=93;}
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'w':
+ {
+ int LA17_98 = input.LA(3);
- if ( (LA14_74=='r') ) {
- int LA14_119 = input.LA(4);
+ if ( (LA17_98=='i') ) {
+ int LA17_165 = input.LA(4);
- if ( (LA14_119=='t') ) {
- int LA14_153 = input.LA(5);
+ if ( (LA17_165=='t') ) {
+ int LA17_223 = input.LA(5);
- if ( (LA14_153=='B') ) {
- int LA14_185 = input.LA(6);
+ if ( (LA17_223=='c') ) {
+ int LA17_278 = input.LA(6);
- if ( (LA14_185=='y') ) {
- int LA14_210 = input.LA(7);
+ if ( (LA17_278=='h') ) {
+ int LA17_322 = input.LA(7);
- if ( (LA14_210=='$'||(LA14_210>='0' && LA14_210<='9')||(LA14_210>='A' && LA14_210<='Z')||LA14_210=='_'||(LA14_210>='a' && LA14_210<='z')||(LA14_210>='\u00C0' && LA14_210<='\u00D6')||(LA14_210>='\u00D8' && LA14_210<='\u00F6')||(LA14_210>='\u00F8' && LA14_210<='\u1FFF')||(LA14_210>='\u3040' && LA14_210<='\u318F')||(LA14_210>='\u3300' && LA14_210<='\u337F')||(LA14_210>='\u3400' && LA14_210<='\u3D2D')||(LA14_210>='\u4E00' && LA14_210<='\u9FFF')||(LA14_210>='\uF900' && LA14_210<='\uFAFF')) ) {
- alt14=66;
+ if ( (LA17_322=='$'||(LA17_322>='0' && LA17_322<='9')||(LA17_322>='A' && LA17_322<='Z')||LA17_322=='_'||(LA17_322>='a' && LA17_322<='z')||(LA17_322>='\u00C0' && LA17_322<='\u00D6')||(LA17_322>='\u00D8' && LA17_322<='\u00F6')||(LA17_322>='\u00F8' && LA17_322<='\u1FFF')||(LA17_322>='\u3040' && LA17_322<='\u318F')||(LA17_322>='\u3300' && LA17_322<='\u337F')||(LA17_322>='\u3400' && LA17_322<='\u3D2D')||(LA17_322>='\u4E00' && LA17_322<='\u9FFF')||(LA17_322>='\uF900' && LA17_322<='\uFAFF')) ) {
+ alt17=93;
else {
- alt14=61;}
+ alt17=54;}
else {
- alt14=66;}
+ alt17=93;}
else {
- alt14=66;}
+ alt17=93;}
else {
- alt14=66;}
+ alt17=93;}
else {
- alt14=66;}
+ alt17=93;}
- alt14=66;}
+ alt17=93;}
- else if ( (LA14_0=='d') ) {
- int LA14_26 = input.LA(2);
+ else if ( (LA17_0=='d') ) {
+ int LA17_31 = input.LA(2);
- if ( (LA14_26=='e') ) {
- int LA14_75 = input.LA(3);
+ if ( (LA17_31=='e') ) {
+ int LA17_99 = input.LA(3);
- if ( (LA14_75=='f') ) {
- int LA14_120 = input.LA(4);
+ if ( (LA17_99=='f') ) {
+ int LA17_166 = input.LA(4);
- if ( (LA14_120=='a') ) {
- int LA14_154 = input.LA(5);
+ if ( (LA17_166=='a') ) {
+ int LA17_224 = input.LA(5);
- if ( (LA14_154=='u') ) {
- int LA14_186 = input.LA(6);
+ if ( (LA17_224=='u') ) {
+ int LA17_279 = input.LA(6);
- if ( (LA14_186=='l') ) {
- int LA14_211 = input.LA(7);
+ if ( (LA17_279=='l') ) {
+ int LA17_323 = input.LA(7);
- if ( (LA14_211=='t') ) {
- int LA14_235 = input.LA(8);
+ if ( (LA17_323=='t') ) {
+ int LA17_365 = input.LA(8);
- if ( (LA14_235=='$'||(LA14_235>='0' && LA14_235<='9')||(LA14_235>='A' && LA14_235<='Z')||LA14_235=='_'||(LA14_235>='a' && LA14_235<='z')||(LA14_235>='\u00C0' && LA14_235<='\u00D6')||(LA14_235>='\u00D8' && LA14_235<='\u00F6')||(LA14_235>='\u00F8' && LA14_235<='\u1FFF')||(LA14_235>='\u3040' && LA14_235<='\u318F')||(LA14_235>='\u3300' && LA14_235<='\u337F')||(LA14_235>='\u3400' && LA14_235<='\u3D2D')||(LA14_235>='\u4E00' && LA14_235<='\u9FFF')||(LA14_235>='\uF900' && LA14_235<='\uFAFF')) ) {
- alt14=66;
+ if ( (LA17_365=='$'||(LA17_365>='0' && LA17_365<='9')||(LA17_365>='A' && LA17_365<='Z')||LA17_365=='_'||(LA17_365>='a' && LA17_365<='z')||(LA17_365>='\u00C0' && LA17_365<='\u00D6')||(LA17_365>='\u00D8' && LA17_365<='\u00F6')||(LA17_365>='\u00F8' && LA17_365<='\u1FFF')||(LA17_365>='\u3040' && LA17_365<='\u318F')||(LA17_365>='\u3300' && LA17_365<='\u337F')||(LA17_365>='\u3400' && LA17_365<='\u3D2D')||(LA17_365>='\u4E00' && LA17_365<='\u9FFF')||(LA17_365>='\uF900' && LA17_365<='\uFAFF')) ) {
+ alt17=93;
else {
- alt14=31;}
+ alt17=55;}
else {
- alt14=66;}
+ alt17=93;}
else {
- alt14=66;}
+ alt17=93;}
else {
- alt14=66;}
+ alt17=93;}
else {
- alt14=66;}
+ alt17=93;}
else {
- alt14=66;}
+ alt17=93;}
else {
- alt14=66;}
+ alt17=93;}
- else if ( (LA14_0=='}') ) {
- alt14=32;
+ else if ( (LA17_0=='}') ) {
+ alt17=56;
- else if ( (LA14_0=='|') ) {
- int LA14_28 = input.LA(2);
+ else if ( (LA17_0=='|') ) {
+ int LA17_33 = input.LA(2);
- if ( (LA14_28=='|') ) {
- alt14=34;
+ if ( (LA17_33=='|') ) {
+ alt17=58;
else {
- alt14=63;}
+ alt17=86;}
- else if ( (LA14_0=='&') ) {
- alt14=35;
+ else if ( (LA17_0=='&') ) {
+ alt17=59;
- else if ( (LA14_0=='!') ) {
- int LA14_30 = input.LA(2);
+ else if ( (LA17_0=='!') ) {
+ int LA17_35 = input.LA(2);
- if ( (LA14_30=='=') ) {
- alt14=38;
+ if ( (LA17_35=='=') ) {
+ alt17=62;
else {
- alt14=46;}
+ alt17=69;}
- else if ( (LA14_0=='>') ) {
- int LA14_31 = input.LA(2);
+ else if ( (LA17_0=='>') ) {
+ int LA17_36 = input.LA(2);
- if ( (LA14_31=='=') ) {
- alt14=39;
+ if ( (LA17_36=='=') ) {
+ alt17=63;
else {
- alt14=41;}
+ alt17=65;}
- else if ( (LA14_0=='<') ) {
- int LA14_32 = input.LA(2);
+ else if ( (LA17_0=='<') ) {
+ int LA17_37 = input.LA(2);
- if ( (LA14_32=='=') ) {
- alt14=40;
+ if ( (LA17_37=='=') ) {
+ alt17=64;
else {
- alt14=42;}
+ alt17=66;}
- else if ( (LA14_0=='+') ) {
- alt14=43;
+ else if ( (LA17_0=='+') ) {
+ alt17=67;
- else if ( (LA14_0=='/') ) {
+ else if ( (LA17_0=='/') ) {
switch ( input.LA(2) ) {
case '/':
- alt14=69;
+ alt17=96;
case '*':
- alt14=68;
+ alt17=95;
- alt14=45;}
+ alt17=68;}
- else if ( (LA14_0=='G') ) {
- int LA14_35 = input.LA(2);
+ else if ( (LA17_0=='G') ) {
+ int LA17_40 = input.LA(2);
- if ( (LA14_35=='L') ) {
- int LA14_87 = input.LA(3);
+ if ( (LA17_40=='L') ) {
+ int LA17_111 = input.LA(3);
- if ( (LA14_87=='O') ) {
- int LA14_121 = input.LA(4);
+ if ( (LA17_111=='O') ) {
+ int LA17_167 = input.LA(4);
- if ( (LA14_121=='B') ) {
- int LA14_155 = input.LA(5);
+ if ( (LA17_167=='B') ) {
+ int LA17_225 = input.LA(5);
- if ( (LA14_155=='A') ) {
- int LA14_187 = input.LA(6);
+ if ( (LA17_225=='A') ) {
+ int LA17_280 = input.LA(6);
- if ( (LA14_187=='L') ) {
- int LA14_212 = input.LA(7);
+ if ( (LA17_280=='L') ) {
+ int LA17_324 = input.LA(7);
- if ( (LA14_212=='V') ) {
- int LA14_236 = input.LA(8);
+ if ( (LA17_324=='V') ) {
+ int LA17_366 = input.LA(8);
- if ( (LA14_236=='A') ) {
- int LA14_250 = input.LA(9);
+ if ( (LA17_366=='A') ) {
+ int LA17_391 = input.LA(9);
- if ( (LA14_250=='R') ) {
- int LA14_257 = input.LA(10);
+ if ( (LA17_391=='R') ) {
+ int LA17_405 = input.LA(10);
- if ( (LA14_257=='$'||(LA14_257>='0' && LA14_257<='9')||(LA14_257>='A' && LA14_257<='Z')||LA14_257=='_'||(LA14_257>='a' && LA14_257<='z')||(LA14_257>='\u00C0' && LA14_257<='\u00D6')||(LA14_257>='\u00D8' && LA14_257<='\u00F6')||(LA14_257>='\u00F8' && LA14_257<='\u1FFF')||(LA14_257>='\u3040' && LA14_257<='\u318F')||(LA14_257>='\u3300' && LA14_257<='\u337F')||(LA14_257>='\u3400' && LA14_257<='\u3D2D')||(LA14_257>='\u4E00' && LA14_257<='\u9FFF')||(LA14_257>='\uF900' && LA14_257<='\uFAFF')) ) {
- alt14=66;
+ if ( (LA17_405=='$'||(LA17_405>='0' && LA17_405<='9')||(LA17_405>='A' && LA17_405<='Z')||LA17_405=='_'||(LA17_405>='a' && LA17_405<='z')||(LA17_405>='\u00C0' && LA17_405<='\u00D6')||(LA17_405>='\u00D8' && LA17_405<='\u00F6')||(LA17_405>='\u00F8' && LA17_405<='\u1FFF')||(LA17_405>='\u3040' && LA17_405<='\u318F')||(LA17_405>='\u3300' && LA17_405<='\u337F')||(LA17_405>='\u3400' && LA17_405<='\u3D2D')||(LA17_405>='\u4E00' && LA17_405<='\u9FFF')||(LA17_405>='\uF900' && LA17_405<='\uFAFF')) ) {
+ alt17=93;
else {
- alt14=47;}
+ alt17=70;}
else {
- alt14=66;}
+ alt17=93;}
else {
- alt14=66;}
+ alt17=93;}
else {
- alt14=66;}
+ alt17=93;}
else {
- alt14=66;}
+ alt17=93;}
else {
- alt14=66;}
+ alt17=93;}
else {
- alt14=66;}
+ alt17=93;}
else {
- alt14=66;}
+ alt17=93;}
else {
- alt14=66;}
+ alt17=93;}
- else if ( (LA14_0=='[') ) {
- alt14=48;
+ else if ( (LA17_0=='[') ) {
+ alt17=71;
- else if ( (LA14_0==']') ) {
- alt14=49;
+ else if ( (LA17_0==']') ) {
+ alt17=72;
- else if ( (LA14_0=='n') ) {
+ else if ( (LA17_0=='n') ) {
switch ( input.LA(2) ) {
+ case 'e':
+ {
+ int LA17_112 = input.LA(3);
+ if ( (LA17_112=='w') ) {
+ int LA17_168 = input.LA(4);
+ if ( (LA17_168=='$'||(LA17_168>='0' && LA17_168<='9')||(LA17_168>='A' && LA17_168<='Z')||LA17_168=='_'||(LA17_168>='a' && LA17_168<='z')||(LA17_168>='\u00C0' && LA17_168<='\u00D6')||(LA17_168>='\u00D8' && LA17_168<='\u00F6')||(LA17_168>='\u00F8' && LA17_168<='\u1FFF')||(LA17_168>='\u3040' && LA17_168<='\u318F')||(LA17_168>='\u3300' && LA17_168<='\u337F')||(LA17_168>='\u3400' && LA17_168<='\u3D2D')||(LA17_168>='\u4E00' && LA17_168<='\u9FFF')||(LA17_168>='\uF900' && LA17_168<='\uFAFF')) ) {
+ alt17=93;
+ }
+ else {
+ alt17=73;}
+ }
+ else {
+ alt17=93;}
+ }
+ break;
case 'u':
- int LA14_88 = input.LA(3);
+ int LA17_113 = input.LA(3);
- if ( (LA14_88=='l') ) {
- int LA14_122 = input.LA(4);
+ if ( (LA17_113=='l') ) {
+ int LA17_169 = input.LA(4);
- if ( (LA14_122=='l') ) {
- int LA14_156 = input.LA(5);
+ if ( (LA17_169=='l') ) {
+ int LA17_227 = input.LA(5);
- if ( (LA14_156=='$'||(LA14_156>='0' && LA14_156<='9')||(LA14_156>='A' && LA14_156<='Z')||LA14_156=='_'||(LA14_156>='a' && LA14_156<='z')||(LA14_156>='\u00C0' && LA14_156<='\u00D6')||(LA14_156>='\u00D8' && LA14_156<='\u00F6')||(LA14_156>='\u00F8' && LA14_156<='\u1FFF')||(LA14_156>='\u3040' && LA14_156<='\u318F')||(LA14_156>='\u3300' && LA14_156<='\u337F')||(LA14_156>='\u3400' && LA14_156<='\u3D2D')||(LA14_156>='\u4E00' && LA14_156<='\u9FFF')||(LA14_156>='\uF900' && LA14_156<='\uFAFF')) ) {
- alt14=66;
+ if ( (LA17_227=='$'||(LA17_227>='0' && LA17_227<='9')||(LA17_227>='A' && LA17_227<='Z')||LA17_227=='_'||(LA17_227>='a' && LA17_227<='z')||(LA17_227>='\u00C0' && LA17_227<='\u00D6')||(LA17_227>='\u00D8' && LA17_227<='\u00F6')||(LA17_227>='\u00F8' && LA17_227<='\u1FFF')||(LA17_227>='\u3040' && LA17_227<='\u318F')||(LA17_227>='\u3300' && LA17_227<='\u337F')||(LA17_227>='\u3400' && LA17_227<='\u3D2D')||(LA17_227>='\u4E00' && LA17_227<='\u9FFF')||(LA17_227>='\uF900' && LA17_227<='\uFAFF')) ) {
+ alt17=93;
else {
- alt14=53;}
+ alt17=76;}
else {
- alt14=66;}
+ alt17=93;}
else {
- alt14=66;}
+ alt17=93;}
case 'o':
- int LA14_89 = input.LA(3);
+ int LA17_114 = input.LA(3);
- if ( (LA14_89=='t') ) {
- int LA14_123 = input.LA(4);
+ if ( (LA17_114=='t') ) {
+ int LA17_170 = input.LA(4);
- if ( (LA14_123=='E') ) {
- int LA14_157 = input.LA(5);
+ if ( (LA17_170=='E') ) {
+ int LA17_228 = input.LA(5);
- if ( (LA14_157=='x') ) {
- int LA14_189 = input.LA(6);
+ if ( (LA17_228=='x') ) {
+ int LA17_282 = input.LA(6);
- if ( (LA14_189=='i') ) {
- int LA14_213 = input.LA(7);
+ if ( (LA17_282=='i') ) {
+ int LA17_325 = input.LA(7);
- if ( (LA14_213=='s') ) {
- int LA14_237 = input.LA(8);
+ if ( (LA17_325=='s') ) {
+ int LA17_367 = input.LA(8);
- if ( (LA14_237=='t') ) {
- int LA14_251 = input.LA(9);
+ if ( (LA17_367=='t') ) {
+ int LA17_392 = input.LA(9);
- if ( (LA14_251=='s') ) {
- int LA14_258 = input.LA(10);
+ if ( (LA17_392=='s') ) {
+ int LA17_406 = input.LA(10);
- if ( (LA14_258=='$'||(LA14_258>='0' && LA14_258<='9')||(LA14_258>='A' && LA14_258<='Z')||LA14_258=='_'||(LA14_258>='a' && LA14_258<='z')||(LA14_258>='\u00C0' && LA14_258<='\u00D6')||(LA14_258>='\u00D8' && LA14_258<='\u00F6')||(LA14_258>='\u00F8' && LA14_258<='\u1FFF')||(LA14_258>='\u3040' && LA14_258<='\u318F')||(LA14_258>='\u3300' && LA14_258<='\u337F')||(LA14_258>='\u3400' && LA14_258<='\u3D2D')||(LA14_258>='\u4E00' && LA14_258<='\u9FFF')||(LA14_258>='\uF900' && LA14_258<='\uFAFF')) ) {
- alt14=66;
+ if ( (LA17_406=='$'||(LA17_406>='0' && LA17_406<='9')||(LA17_406>='A' && LA17_406<='Z')||LA17_406=='_'||(LA17_406>='a' && LA17_406<='z')||(LA17_406>='\u00C0' && LA17_406<='\u00D6')||(LA17_406>='\u00D8' && LA17_406<='\u00F6')||(LA17_406>='\u00F8' && LA17_406<='\u1FFF')||(LA17_406>='\u3040' && LA17_406<='\u318F')||(LA17_406>='\u3300' && LA17_406<='\u337F')||(LA17_406>='\u3400' && LA17_406<='\u3D2D')||(LA17_406>='\u4E00' && LA17_406<='\u9FFF')||(LA17_406>='\uF900' && LA17_406<='\uFAFF')) ) {
+ alt17=93;
else {
- alt14=60;}
+ alt17=83;}
else {
- alt14=66;}
+ alt17=93;}
else {
- alt14=66;}
+ alt17=93;}
else {
- alt14=66;}
+ alt17=93;}
else {
- alt14=66;}
+ alt17=93;}
else {
- alt14=66;}
+ alt17=93;}
else {
- alt14=66;}
+ alt17=93;}
else {
- alt14=66;}
- }
- break;
- case 'e':
- {
- int LA14_90 = input.LA(3);
- if ( (LA14_90=='w') ) {
- int LA14_124 = input.LA(4);
- if ( (LA14_124=='$'||(LA14_124>='0' && LA14_124<='9')||(LA14_124>='A' && LA14_124<='Z')||LA14_124=='_'||(LA14_124>='a' && LA14_124<='z')||(LA14_124>='\u00C0' && LA14_124<='\u00D6')||(LA14_124>='\u00D8' && LA14_124<='\u00F6')||(LA14_124>='\u00F8' && LA14_124<='\u1FFF')||(LA14_124>='\u3040' && LA14_124<='\u318F')||(LA14_124>='\u3300' && LA14_124<='\u337F')||(LA14_124>='\u3400' && LA14_124<='\u3D2D')||(LA14_124>='\u4E00' && LA14_124<='\u9FFF')||(LA14_124>='\uF900' && LA14_124<='\uFAFF')) ) {
- alt14=66;
- }
- else {
- alt14=50;}
- }
- else {
- alt14=66;}
+ alt17=93;}
- alt14=66;}
+ alt17=93;}
- else if ( (LA14_0=='f') ) {
+ else if ( (LA17_0=='f') ) {
switch ( input.LA(2) ) {
- case 'a':
+ case 'o':
- int LA14_91 = input.LA(3);
+ int LA17_115 = input.LA(3);
+ if ( (LA17_115=='r') ) {
+ int LA17_171 = input.LA(4);
- if ( (LA14_91=='l') ) {
- int LA14_125 = input.LA(4);
+ if ( (LA17_171=='A') ) {
+ int LA17_229 = input.LA(5);
- if ( (LA14_125=='s') ) {
- int LA14_159 = input.LA(5);
+ if ( (LA17_229=='l') ) {
+ int LA17_283 = input.LA(6);
- if ( (LA14_159=='e') ) {
- int LA14_190 = input.LA(6);
+ if ( (LA17_283=='l') ) {
+ int LA17_326 = input.LA(7);
- if ( (LA14_190=='$'||(LA14_190>='0' && LA14_190<='9')||(LA14_190>='A' && LA14_190<='Z')||LA14_190=='_'||(LA14_190>='a' && LA14_190<='z')||(LA14_190>='\u00C0' && LA14_190<='\u00D6')||(LA14_190>='\u00D8' && LA14_190<='\u00F6')||(LA14_190>='\u00F8' && LA14_190<='\u1FFF')||(LA14_190>='\u3040' && LA14_190<='\u318F')||(LA14_190>='\u3300' && LA14_190<='\u337F')||(LA14_190>='\u3400' && LA14_190<='\u3D2D')||(LA14_190>='\u4E00' && LA14_190<='\u9FFF')||(LA14_190>='\uF900' && LA14_190<='\uFAFF')) ) {
- alt14=66;
+ if ( (LA17_326=='$'||(LA17_326>='0' && LA17_326<='9')||(LA17_326>='A' && LA17_326<='Z')||LA17_326=='_'||(LA17_326>='a' && LA17_326<='z')||(LA17_326>='\u00C0' && LA17_326<='\u00D6')||(LA17_326>='\u00D8' && LA17_326<='\u00F6')||(LA17_326>='\u00F8' && LA17_326<='\u1FFF')||(LA17_326>='\u3040' && LA17_326<='\u318F')||(LA17_326>='\u3300' && LA17_326<='\u337F')||(LA17_326>='\u3400' && LA17_326<='\u3D2D')||(LA17_326>='\u4E00' && LA17_326<='\u9FFF')||(LA17_326>='\uF900' && LA17_326<='\uFAFF')) ) {
+ alt17=93;
+ }
+ else {
+ alt17=85;}
else {
- alt14=51;}
+ alt17=93;}
else {
- alt14=66;}
+ alt17=93;}
else {
- alt14=66;}
+ alt17=93;}
else {
- alt14=66;}
+ alt17=93;}
- case 'o':
+ case 'a':
- int LA14_92 = input.LA(3);
+ int LA17_116 = input.LA(3);
- if ( (LA14_92=='r') ) {
- int LA14_126 = input.LA(4);
+ if ( (LA17_116=='l') ) {
+ int LA17_172 = input.LA(4);
- if ( (LA14_126=='A') ) {
- int LA14_160 = input.LA(5);
+ if ( (LA17_172=='s') ) {
+ int LA17_230 = input.LA(5);
- if ( (LA14_160=='l') ) {
- int LA14_191 = input.LA(6);
+ if ( (LA17_230=='e') ) {
+ int LA17_284 = input.LA(6);
- if ( (LA14_191=='l') ) {
- int LA14_215 = input.LA(7);
- if ( (LA14_215=='$'||(LA14_215>='0' && LA14_215<='9')||(LA14_215>='A' && LA14_215<='Z')||LA14_215=='_'||(LA14_215>='a' && LA14_215<='z')||(LA14_215>='\u00C0' && LA14_215<='\u00D6')||(LA14_215>='\u00D8' && LA14_215<='\u00F6')||(LA14_215>='\u00F8' && LA14_215<='\u1FFF')||(LA14_215>='\u3040' && LA14_215<='\u318F')||(LA14_215>='\u3300' && LA14_215<='\u337F')||(LA14_215>='\u3400' && LA14_215<='\u3D2D')||(LA14_215>='\u4E00' && LA14_215<='\u9FFF')||(LA14_215>='\uF900' && LA14_215<='\uFAFF')) ) {
- alt14=66;
- }
- else {
- alt14=62;}
+ if ( (LA17_284=='$'||(LA17_284>='0' && LA17_284<='9')||(LA17_284>='A' && LA17_284<='Z')||LA17_284=='_'||(LA17_284>='a' && LA17_284<='z')||(LA17_284>='\u00C0' && LA17_284<='\u00D6')||(LA17_284>='\u00D8' && LA17_284<='\u00F6')||(LA17_284>='\u00F8' && LA17_284<='\u1FFF')||(LA17_284>='\u3040' && LA17_284<='\u318F')||(LA17_284>='\u3300' && LA17_284<='\u337F')||(LA17_284>='\u3400' && LA17_284<='\u3D2D')||(LA17_284>='\u4E00' && LA17_284<='\u9FFF')||(LA17_284>='\uF900' && LA17_284<='\uFAFF')) ) {
+ alt17=93;
else {
- alt14=66;}
+ alt17=74;}
else {
- alt14=66;}
+ alt17=93;}
else {
- alt14=66;}
+ alt17=93;}
else {
- alt14=66;}
+ alt17=93;}
- alt14=66;}
+ alt17=93;}
- else if ( ((LA14_0>='0' && LA14_0<='9')) ) {
- alt14=64;
+ else if ( ((LA17_0>='0' && LA17_0<='9')) ) {
+ alt17=87;
- else if ( (LA14_0=='\"'||LA14_0=='\'') ) {
- alt14=65;
+ else if ( (LA17_0=='\"'||LA17_0=='\'') ) {
+ alt17=88;
- else if ( (LA14_0=='$'||(LA14_0>='A' && LA14_0<='B')||LA14_0=='D'||LA14_0=='F'||(LA14_0>='H' && LA14_0<='I')||LA14_0=='K'||(LA14_0>='M' && LA14_0<='R')||(LA14_0>='T' && LA14_0<='V')||(LA14_0>='X' && LA14_0<='Z')||(LA14_0>='^' && LA14_0<='_')||LA14_0=='b'||(LA14_0>='g' && LA14_0<='h')||(LA14_0>='j' && LA14_0<='k')||LA14_0=='m'||LA14_0=='o'||LA14_0=='q'||(LA14_0>='u' && LA14_0<='z')||(LA14_0>='\u00C0' && LA14_0<='\u00D6')||(LA14_0>='\u00D8' && LA14_0<='\u00F6')||(LA14_0>='\u00F8' && LA14_0<='\u1FFF')||(LA14_0>='\u3040' && LA14_0<='\u318F')||(LA14_0>='\u3300' && LA14_0<='\u337F')||(LA14_0>='\u3400' && LA14_0<='\u3D2D')||(LA14_0>='\u4E00' && LA14_0<='\u9FFF')||(LA14_0>='\uF900' && LA14_0<='\uFAFF')) ) {
- alt14=66;
+ else if ( (LA17_0=='$'||LA17_0=='B'||LA17_0=='H'||LA17_0=='K'||(LA17_0>='M' && LA17_0<='O')||LA17_0=='Q'||(LA17_0>='T' && LA17_0<='V')||(LA17_0>='X' && LA17_0<='Z')||(LA17_0>='^' && LA17_0<='_')||LA17_0=='b'||(LA17_0>='g' && LA17_0<='h')||(LA17_0>='j' && LA17_0<='k')||LA17_0=='m'||LA17_0=='o'||LA17_0=='q'||(LA17_0>='u' && LA17_0<='z')||(LA17_0>='\u00C0' && LA17_0<='\u00D6')||(LA17_0>='\u00D8' && LA17_0<='\u00F6')||(LA17_0>='\u00F8' && LA17_0<='\u1FFF')||(LA17_0>='\u3040' && LA17_0<='\u318F')||(LA17_0>='\u3300' && LA17_0<='\u337F')||(LA17_0>='\u3400' && LA17_0<='\u3D2D')||(LA17_0>='\u4E00' && LA17_0<='\u9FFF')||(LA17_0>='\uF900' && LA17_0<='\uFAFF')) ) {
+ alt17=93;
- else if ( ((LA14_0>='\t' && LA14_0<='\n')||(LA14_0>='\f' && LA14_0<='\r')||LA14_0==' ') ) {
- alt14=67;
+ else if ( (LA17_0=='R') ) {
+ int LA17_48 = input.LA(2);
+ if ( (LA17_48=='E') ) {
+ int LA17_117 = input.LA(3);
+ if ( (LA17_117=='M') ) {
+ int LA17_173 = input.LA(4);
+ if ( (LA17_173=='\u00BB') ) {
+ alt17=97;
+ }
+ else {
+ alt17=93;}
+ }
+ else {
+ alt17=93;}
+ }
+ else {
+ alt17=93;}
- else if ( (LA14_0=='\u00AB') ) {
- alt14=70;
+ else if ( ((LA17_0>='\t' && LA17_0<='\n')||(LA17_0>='\f' && LA17_0<='\r')||LA17_0==' ') ) {
+ alt17=94;
- else if ( (LA14_0=='\u00BB') ) {
- alt14=71;
+ else if ( (LA17_0=='\u00BB') ) {
+ int LA17_50 = input.LA(2);
+ if ( ((LA17_50>='\u0000' && LA17_50<='\uFFFE')) ) {
+ alt17=98;
+ }
+ else if ( (xpandMode) ) {
+ alt17=98;
+ }
+ else if ( (true) ) {
+ alt17=100;
+ }
+ else {
+ NoViableAltException nvae =
+ new NoViableAltException("1:1: Tokens : ( T24 | T25 | T26 | T27 | T28 | T29 | T30 | T31 | T32 | T33 | T34 | T35 | T36 | T37 | T38 | T39 | T40 | T41 | T42 | T43 | T44 | T45 | T46 | T47 | T48 | T49 | T50 | T51 | T52 | T53 | T54 | T55 | T56 | T57 | T58 | T59 | T60 | T61 | T62 | T63 | T64 | T65 | T66 | T67 | T68 | T69 | T70 | T71 | T72 | T73 | T74 | T75 | T76 | T77 | T78 | T79 | T80 | T81 | T82 | T83 | T84 | T85 | T86 | T87 | T88 | T89 | T90 | T91 | T92 | T93 | T94 | T95 | T96 | T97 | T98 | T99 | T100 | T101 | T102 | T103 | T104 | T105 | T106 | T107 | T108 | T109 | IntLiteral | StringLiteral | DEFINE | ENDDEFINE | AROUND | ENDAROUND | Identifier | WS | COMMENT | LINE_COMMENT | REM_COMMENT | TEXT | LG | RG );", 17, 50, input);
+ throw nvae;
+ }
+ }
+ else if ( (LA17_0=='\u00AB') ) {
+ alt17=99;
else {
NoViableAltException nvae =
- new NoViableAltException("1:1: Tokens : ( T18 | T19 | T20 | T21 | T22 | T23 | T24 | T25 | T26 | T27 | T28 | T29 | T30 | T31 | T32 | T33 | T34 | T35 | T36 | T37 | T38 | T39 | T40 | T41 | T42 | T43 | T44 | T45 | T46 | T47 | T48 | T49 | T50 | T51 | T52 | T53 | T54 | T55 | T56 | T57 | T58 | T59 | T60 | T61 | T62 | T63 | T64 | T65 | T66 | T67 | T68 | T69 | T70 | T71 | T72 | T73 | T74 | T75 | T76 | T77 | T78 | T79 | T80 | IntLiteral | StringLiteral | Identifier | WS | COMMENT | LINE_COMMENT | XPAND_TAG_OPEN | XPAND_TAG_CLOSE );", 14, 0, input);
+ new NoViableAltException("1:1: Tokens : ( T24 | T25 | T26 | T27 | T28 | T29 | T30 | T31 | T32 | T33 | T34 | T35 | T36 | T37 | T38 | T39 | T40 | T41 | T42 | T43 | T44 | T45 | T46 | T47 | T48 | T49 | T50 | T51 | T52 | T53 | T54 | T55 | T56 | T57 | T58 | T59 | T60 | T61 | T62 | T63 | T64 | T65 | T66 | T67 | T68 | T69 | T70 | T71 | T72 | T73 | T74 | T75 | T76 | T77 | T78 | T79 | T80 | T81 | T82 | T83 | T84 | T85 | T86 | T87 | T88 | T89 | T90 | T91 | T92 | T93 | T94 | T95 | T96 | T97 | T98 | T99 | T100 | T101 | T102 | T103 | T104 | T105 | T106 | T107 | T108 | T109 | IntLiteral | StringLiteral | DEFINE | ENDDEFINE | AROUND | ENDAROUND | Identifier | WS | COMMENT | LINE_COMMENT | REM_COMMENT | TEXT | LG | RG );", 17, 0, input);
throw nvae;
- switch (alt14) {
+ switch (alt17) {
case 1 :
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:1:10: T18
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:1:10: T24
- mT18();
+ mT24();
case 2 :
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:1:14: T19
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:1:14: T25
- mT19();
+ mT25();
case 3 :
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:1:18: T20
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:1:18: T26
- mT20();
+ mT26();
case 4 :
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:1:22: T21
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:1:22: T27
- mT21();
+ mT27();
case 5 :
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:1:26: T22
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:1:26: T28
- mT22();
+ mT28();
case 6 :
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:1:30: T23
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:1:30: T29
- mT23();
+ mT29();
case 7 :
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:1:34: T24
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:1:34: T30
- mT24();
+ mT30();
case 8 :
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:1:38: T25
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:1:38: T31
- mT25();
+ mT31();
case 9 :
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:1:42: T26
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:1:42: T32
- mT26();
+ mT32();
case 10 :
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:1:46: T27
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:1:46: T33
- mT27();
+ mT33();
case 11 :
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:1:50: T28
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:1:50: T34
- mT28();
+ mT34();
case 12 :
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:1:54: T29
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:1:54: T35
- mT29();
+ mT35();
case 13 :
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:1:58: T30
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:1:58: T36
- mT30();
+ mT36();
case 14 :
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:1:62: T31
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:1:62: T37
- mT31();
+ mT37();
case 15 :
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:1:66: T32
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:1:66: T38
- mT32();
+ mT38();
case 16 :
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:1:70: T33
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:1:70: T39
- mT33();
+ mT39();
case 17 :
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:1:74: T34
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:1:74: T40
- mT34();
+ mT40();
case 18 :
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:1:78: T35
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:1:78: T41
- mT35();
+ mT41();
case 19 :
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:1:82: T36
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:1:82: T42
- mT36();
+ mT42();
case 20 :
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:1:86: T37
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:1:86: T43
- mT37();
+ mT43();
case 21 :
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:1:90: T38
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:1:90: T44
- mT38();
+ mT44();
case 22 :
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:1:94: T39
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:1:94: T45
- mT39();
+ mT45();
case 23 :
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:1:98: T40
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:1:98: T46
- mT40();
+ mT46();
case 24 :
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:1:102: T41
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:1:102: T47
- mT41();
+ mT47();
case 25 :
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:1:106: T42
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:1:106: T48
- mT42();
+ mT48();
case 26 :
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:1:110: T43
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:1:110: T49
- mT43();
+ mT49();
case 27 :
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:1:114: T44
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:1:114: T50
- mT44();
+ mT50();
case 28 :
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:1:118: T45
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:1:118: T51
- mT45();
+ mT51();
case 29 :
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:1:122: T46
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:1:122: T52
- mT46();
+ mT52();
case 30 :
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:1:126: T47
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:1:126: T53
- mT47();
+ mT53();
case 31 :
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:1:130: T48
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:1:130: T54
- mT48();
+ mT54();
case 32 :
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:1:134: T49
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:1:134: T55
- mT49();
+ mT55();
case 33 :
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:1:138: T50
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:1:138: T56
- mT50();
+ mT56();
case 34 :
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:1:142: T51
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:1:142: T57
- mT51();
+ mT57();
case 35 :
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:1:146: T52
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:1:146: T58
- mT52();
+ mT58();
case 36 :
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:1:150: T53
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:1:150: T59
- mT53();
+ mT59();
case 37 :
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:1:154: T54
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:1:154: T60
- mT54();
+ mT60();
case 38 :
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:1:158: T55
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:1:158: T61
- mT55();
+ mT61();
case 39 :
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:1:162: T56
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:1:162: T62
- mT56();
+ mT62();
case 40 :
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:1:166: T57
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:1:166: T63
- mT57();
+ mT63();
case 41 :
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:1:170: T58
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:1:170: T64
- mT58();
+ mT64();
case 42 :
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:1:174: T59
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:1:174: T65
- mT59();
+ mT65();
case 43 :
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:1:178: T60
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:1:178: T66
- mT60();
+ mT66();
case 44 :
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:1:182: T61
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:1:182: T67
- mT61();
+ mT67();
case 45 :
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:1:186: T62
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:1:186: T68
- mT62();
+ mT68();
case 46 :
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:1:190: T63
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:1:190: T69
- mT63();
+ mT69();
case 47 :
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:1:194: T64
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:1:194: T70
- mT64();
+ mT70();
case 48 :
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:1:198: T65
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:1:198: T71
- mT65();
+ mT71();
case 49 :
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:1:202: T66
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:1:202: T72
- mT66();
+ mT72();
case 50 :
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:1:206: T67
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:1:206: T73
- mT67();
+ mT73();
case 51 :
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:1:210: T68
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:1:210: T74
- mT68();
+ mT74();
case 52 :
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:1:214: T69
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:1:214: T75
- mT69();
+ mT75();
case 53 :
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:1:218: T70
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:1:218: T76
- mT70();
+ mT76();
case 54 :
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:1:222: T71
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:1:222: T77
- mT71();
+ mT77();
case 55 :
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:1:226: T72
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:1:226: T78
- mT72();
+ mT78();
case 56 :
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:1:230: T73
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:1:230: T79
- mT73();
+ mT79();
case 57 :
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:1:234: T74
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:1:234: T80
- mT74();
+ mT80();
case 58 :
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:1:238: T75
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:1:238: T81
- mT75();
+ mT81();
case 59 :
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:1:242: T76
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:1:242: T82
- mT76();
+ mT82();
case 60 :
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:1:246: T77
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:1:246: T83
- mT77();
+ mT83();
case 61 :
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:1:250: T78
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:1:250: T84
- mT78();
+ mT84();
case 62 :
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:1:254: T79
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:1:254: T85
- mT79();
+ mT85();
case 63 :
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:1:258: T80
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:1:258: T86
- mT80();
+ mT86();
case 64 :
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:1:262: IntLiteral
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:1:262: T87
- mIntLiteral();
+ mT87();
case 65 :
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:1:273: StringLiteral
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:1:266: T88
- mStringLiteral();
+ mT88();
case 66 :
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:1:287: Identifier
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:1:270: T89
- mIdentifier();
+ mT89();
case 67 :
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:1:298: WS
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:1:274: T90
- mWS();
+ mT90();
case 68 :
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:1:301: COMMENT
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:1:278: T91
+ mT91();
case 69 :
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:1:309: LINE_COMMENT
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:1:282: T92
+ mT92();
case 70 :
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:1:322: XPAND_TAG_OPEN
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:1:286: T93
+ mT93();
case 71 :
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:1:337: XPAND_TAG_CLOSE
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:1:290: T94
+ {
+ mT94();
+ }
+ break;
+ case 72 :
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:1:294: T95
+ {
+ mT95();
+ }
+ break;
+ case 73 :
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:1:298: T96
+ {
+ mT96();
+ }
+ break;
+ case 74 :
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:1:302: T97
+ {
+ mT97();
+ }
+ break;
+ case 75 :
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:1:306: T98
+ {
+ mT98();
+ }
+ break;
+ case 76 :
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:1:310: T99
+ {
+ mT99();
+ }
+ break;
+ case 77 :
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:1:314: T100
+ {
+ mT100();
+ }
+ break;
+ case 78 :
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:1:319: T101
+ {
+ mT101();
+ }
+ break;
+ case 79 :
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:1:324: T102
+ {
+ mT102();
+ }
+ break;
+ case 80 :
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:1:329: T103
+ {
+ mT103();
+ }
+ break;
+ case 81 :
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:1:334: T104
+ {
+ mT104();
+ }
+ break;
+ case 82 :
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:1:339: T105
+ {
+ mT105();
+ }
+ break;
+ case 83 :
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:1:344: T106
+ {
+ mT106();
+ }
+ break;
+ case 84 :
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:1:349: T107
+ {
+ mT107();
+ }
+ break;
+ case 85 :
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:1:354: T108
+ {
+ mT108();
+ }
+ break;
+ case 86 :
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:1:359: T109
+ {
+ mT109();
+ }
+ break;
+ case 87 :
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:1:364: IntLiteral
+ {
+ mIntLiteral();
+ }
+ break;
+ case 88 :
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:1:375: StringLiteral
+ {
+ mStringLiteral();
+ }
+ break;
+ case 89 :
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:1:389: DEFINE
+ {
+ mDEFINE();
+ }
+ break;
+ case 90 :
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:1:396: ENDDEFINE
+ {
+ }
+ break;
+ case 91 :
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:1:406: AROUND
+ {
+ mAROUND();
+ }
+ break;
+ case 92 :
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:1:413: ENDAROUND
+ {
+ }
+ break;
+ case 93 :
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:1:423: Identifier
+ {
+ mIdentifier();
+ }
+ break;
+ case 94 :
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:1:434: WS
+ {
+ mWS();
+ }
+ break;
+ case 95 :
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:1:437: COMMENT
+ {
+ }
+ break;
+ case 96 :
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:1:445: LINE_COMMENT
+ {
+ }
+ break;
+ case 97 :
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:1:458: REM_COMMENT
+ {
+ }
+ break;
+ case 98 :
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:1:470: TEXT
+ {
+ mTEXT();
+ }
+ break;
+ case 99 :
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:1:475: LG
+ {
+ mLG();
+ }
+ break;
+ case 100 :
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:1:478: RG
+ mRG();
diff --git a/plugins/org.eclipse.xpand3/src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/ b/plugins/org.eclipse.xpand3/src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/
index 70665e28..97213816 100644
--- a/plugins/org.eclipse.xpand3/src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/
+++ b/plugins/org.eclipse.xpand3/src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-// $ANTLR 3.0 src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g 2008-02-27 13:36:49
+// $ANTLR 3.0 src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g 2008-02-27 17:07:41
package org.eclipse.xpand3.parser;
@@ -11,27 +11,33 @@ import java.util.Map;
import java.util.HashMap;
public class Xpand3Parser extends Parser {
public static final String[] tokenNames = new String[] {
- "<invalid>", "<EOR>", "<DOWN>", "<UP>", "StringLiteral", "IntLiteral", "Identifier", "EscapeSequence", "UnicodeEscape", "OctalEscape", "HexDigit", "Letter", "JavaIDDigit", "WS", "COMMENT", "LINE_COMMENT", "XPAND_TAG_OPEN", "XPAND_TAG_CLOSE", "'import'", "';'", "'extension'", "'reexport'", "'context'", "'if'", "'ERROR'", "'WARNING'", "':'", "'around'", "'('", "','", "'*'", "')'", "'::'", "'private'", "'cached'", "'create'", "'JAVA'", "'.'", "'Collection'", "'List'", "'Set'", "'let'", "'='", "'->'", "'?'", "'then'", "'else'", "'switch'", "'default'", "'}'", "'case'", "'||'", "'&&'", "'implies'", "'=='", "'!='", "'>='", "'<='", "'>'", "'<'", "'+'", "'-'", "'/'", "'!'", "'GLOBALVAR'", "'['", "']'", "'new'", "'false'", "'true'", "'null'", "'typeSelect'", "'collect'", "'select'", "'selectFirst'", "'reject'", "'exists'", "'notExists'", "'sortBy'", "'forAll'", "'|'"
+ "<invalid>", "<EOR>", "<DOWN>", "<UP>", "LG", "RG", "DEFINE", "ENDDEFINE", "AROUND", "ENDAROUND", "TEXT", "StringLiteral", "IntLiteral", "Identifier", "EscapeSequence", "UnicodeEscape", "OctalEscape", "HexDigit", "Letter", "JavaIDDigit", "WS", "COMMENT", "LINE_COMMENT", "REM_COMMENT", "'IMPORT'", "'EXTENSION'", "'import'", "';'", "'extension'", "'reexport'", "'('", "','", "'*'", "')'", "'FOR'", "'-'", "'ERROR'", "'EXPAND'", "'FOREACH'", "'SEPARATOR'", "'FILE'", "'ENDFILE'", "'AS'", "'ITERATOR'", "'ENDFOREACH'", "'IF'", "'ENDIF'", "'ELSEIF'", "'ELSE'", "'LET'", "'ENDLET'", "'PROTECT'", "'CSTART'", "'CEND'", "'ID'", "'DISABLE'", "'ENDPROTECT'", "'context'", "'if'", "'WARNING'", "':'", "'around'", "'::'", "'private'", "'cached'", "'create'", "'JAVA'", "'.'", "'Collection'", "'List'", "'Set'", "'let'", "'='", "'->'", "'?'", "'then'", "'else'", "'switch'", "'default'", "'}'", "'case'", "'||'", "'&&'", "'implies'", "'=='", "'!='", "'>='", "'<='", "'>'", "'<'", "'+'", "'/'", "'!'", "'GLOBALVAR'", "'['", "']'", "'new'", "'false'", "'true'", "'null'", "'typeSelect'", "'collect'", "'select'", "'selectFirst'", "'reject'", "'exists'", "'notExists'", "'sortBy'", "'forAll'", "'|'"
- public static final int XPAND_TAG_OPEN=16;
- public static final int JavaIDDigit=12;
- public static final int Letter=11;
- public static final int UnicodeEscape=8;
- public static final int IntLiteral=5;
- public static final int Identifier=6;
- public static final int HexDigit=10;
- public static final int EscapeSequence=7;
- public static final int WS=13;
+ public static final int IntLiteral=12;
+ public static final int Identifier=13;
+ public static final int HexDigit=17;
+ public static final int WS=20;
+ public static final int ENDDEFINE=7;
+ public static final int REM_COMMENT=23;
+ public static final int RG=5;
+ public static final int COMMENT=21;
+ public static final int StringLiteral=11;
+ public static final int LINE_COMMENT=22;
+ public static final int JavaIDDigit=19;
+ public static final int Letter=18;
+ public static final int DEFINE=6;
+ public static final int UnicodeEscape=15;
+ public static final int EscapeSequence=14;
public static final int EOF=-1;
- public static final int OctalEscape=9;
- public static final int COMMENT=14;
- public static final int StringLiteral=4;
- public static final int LINE_COMMENT=15;
- public static final int XPAND_TAG_CLOSE=17;
+ public static final int TEXT=10;
+ public static final int ENDAROUND=9;
+ public static final int OctalEscape=16;
+ public static final int AROUND=8;
+ public static final int LG=4;
public Xpand3Parser(TokenStream input) {
- ruleMemo = new HashMap[41+1];
+ ruleMemo = new HashMap[58+1];
@@ -41,28 +47,37 @@ public class Xpand3Parser extends Parser {
// $ANTLR start r_file
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:12:1: r_file : ( r_nsImport )* ( r_abstractDeclaration )* EOF ;
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:17:1: r_file : ( r_nsImport )* ( r_abstractDeclaration )* EOF ;
public void r_file() throws RecognitionException {
try {
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:13:2: ( ( r_nsImport )* ( r_abstractDeclaration )* EOF )
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:13:2: ( r_nsImport )* ( r_abstractDeclaration )* EOF
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:18:2: ( ( r_nsImport )* ( r_abstractDeclaration )* EOF )
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:18:2: ( r_nsImport )* ( r_abstractDeclaration )* EOF
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:13:2: ( r_nsImport )*
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:18:2: ( r_nsImport )*
do {
int alt1=2;
int LA1_0 = input.LA(1);
- if ( (LA1_0==18||LA1_0==20) ) {
+ if ( (LA1_0==LG) ) {
+ int LA1_2 = input.LA(2);
+ if ( ((LA1_2>=24 && LA1_2<=25)) ) {
+ alt1=1;
+ }
+ }
+ else if ( (LA1_0==26||LA1_0==28) ) {
switch (alt1) {
case 1 :
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:13:3: r_nsImport
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:18:3: r_nsImport
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_nsImport_in_r_file32);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_nsImport_in_r_file42);
if (failed) return ;
@@ -75,22 +90,22 @@ public class Xpand3Parser extends Parser {
} while (true);
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:14:2: ( r_abstractDeclaration )*
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:19:2: ( r_abstractDeclaration )*
do {
int alt2=2;
int LA2_0 = input.LA(1);
- if ( (LA2_0==Identifier||LA2_0==22||LA2_0==27||(LA2_0>=33 && LA2_0<=35)||(LA2_0>=38 && LA2_0<=40)) ) {
+ if ( (LA2_0==LG||LA2_0==Identifier||LA2_0==57||LA2_0==61||(LA2_0>=63 && LA2_0<=65)||(LA2_0>=68 && LA2_0<=70)) ) {
switch (alt2) {
case 1 :
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:14:3: r_abstractDeclaration
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:19:3: r_abstractDeclaration
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_abstractDeclaration_in_r_file38);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_abstractDeclaration_in_r_file48);
if (failed) return ;
@@ -103,7 +118,7 @@ public class Xpand3Parser extends Parser {
} while (true);
- match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_EOF_in_r_file45); if (failed) return ;
+ match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_EOF_in_r_file55); if (failed) return ;
@@ -120,66 +135,115 @@ public class Xpand3Parser extends Parser {
// $ANTLR start r_nsImport
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:18:1: r_nsImport : ( 'import' r_type ';' | 'extension' r_type ( 'reexport' )? ';' );
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:23:1: r_nsImport : ( LG 'IMPORT' r_type RG | LG 'EXTENSION' r_type RG | 'import' r_type ';' | 'extension' r_type ( 'reexport' )? ';' );
public void r_nsImport() throws RecognitionException {
try {
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:19:2: ( 'import' r_type ';' | 'extension' r_type ( 'reexport' )? ';' )
- int alt4=2;
- int LA4_0 = input.LA(1);
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:24:2: ( LG 'IMPORT' r_type RG | LG 'EXTENSION' r_type RG | 'import' r_type ';' | 'extension' r_type ( 'reexport' )? ';' )
+ int alt4=4;
+ switch ( input.LA(1) ) {
+ case LG:
+ {
+ int LA4_1 = input.LA(2);
- if ( (LA4_0==18) ) {
- alt4=1;
- }
- else if ( (LA4_0==20) ) {
- alt4=2;
- }
- else {
+ if ( (LA4_1==25) ) {
+ alt4=2;
+ }
+ else if ( (LA4_1==24) ) {
+ alt4=1;
+ }
+ else {
+ if (backtracking>0) {failed=true; return ;}
+ NoViableAltException nvae =
+ new NoViableAltException("23:1: r_nsImport : ( LG 'IMPORT' r_type RG | LG 'EXTENSION' r_type RG | 'import' r_type ';' | 'extension' r_type ( 'reexport' )? ';' );", 4, 1, input);
+ throw nvae;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case 26:
+ {
+ alt4=3;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 28:
+ {
+ alt4=4;
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
if (backtracking>0) {failed=true; return ;}
NoViableAltException nvae =
- new NoViableAltException("18:1: r_nsImport : ( 'import' r_type ';' | 'extension' r_type ( 'reexport' )? ';' );", 4, 0, input);
+ new NoViableAltException("23:1: r_nsImport : ( LG 'IMPORT' r_type RG | LG 'EXTENSION' r_type RG | 'import' r_type ';' | 'extension' r_type ( 'reexport' )? ';' );", 4, 0, input);
throw nvae;
switch (alt4) {
case 1 :
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:19:2: 'import' r_type ';'
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:24:2: LG 'IMPORT' r_type RG
- match(input,18,FOLLOW_18_in_r_nsImport55); if (failed) return ;
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_type_in_r_nsImport57);
+ match(input,LG,FOLLOW_LG_in_r_nsImport65); if (failed) return ;
+ match(input,24,FOLLOW_24_in_r_nsImport67); if (failed) return ;
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_type_in_r_nsImport69);
if (failed) return ;
- match(input,19,FOLLOW_19_in_r_nsImport60); if (failed) return ;
+ match(input,RG,FOLLOW_RG_in_r_nsImport71); if (failed) return ;
case 2 :
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:20:3: 'extension' r_type ( 'reexport' )? ';'
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:25:2: LG 'EXTENSION' r_type RG
+ {
+ match(input,LG,FOLLOW_LG_in_r_nsImport76); if (failed) return ;
+ match(input,25,FOLLOW_25_in_r_nsImport78); if (failed) return ;
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_type_in_r_nsImport80);
+ r_type();
+ _fsp--;
+ if (failed) return ;
+ match(input,RG,FOLLOW_RG_in_r_nsImport82); if (failed) return ;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 3 :
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:26:2: 'import' r_type ';'
+ {
+ match(input,26,FOLLOW_26_in_r_nsImport87); if (failed) return ;
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_type_in_r_nsImport89);
+ r_type();
+ _fsp--;
+ if (failed) return ;
+ match(input,27,FOLLOW_27_in_r_nsImport92); if (failed) return ;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 4 :
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:27:2: 'extension' r_type ( 'reexport' )? ';'
- match(input,20,FOLLOW_20_in_r_nsImport65); if (failed) return ;
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_type_in_r_nsImport67);
+ match(input,28,FOLLOW_28_in_r_nsImport98); if (failed) return ;
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_type_in_r_nsImport100);
if (failed) return ;
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:20:22: ( 'reexport' )?
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:27:21: ( 'reexport' )?
int alt3=2;
int LA3_0 = input.LA(1);
- if ( (LA3_0==21) ) {
+ if ( (LA3_0==29) ) {
switch (alt3) {
case 1 :
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:20:23: 'reexport'
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:27:22: 'reexport'
- match(input,21,FOLLOW_21_in_r_nsImport70); if (failed) return ;
+ match(input,29,FOLLOW_29_in_r_nsImport103); if (failed) return ;
- match(input,19,FOLLOW_19_in_r_nsImport74); if (failed) return ;
+ match(input,27,FOLLOW_27_in_r_nsImport107); if (failed) return ;
@@ -198,46 +262,65 @@ public class Xpand3Parser extends Parser {
// $ANTLR start r_abstractDeclaration
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:23:1: r_abstractDeclaration : ( r_check | r_around | r_extension );
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:30:1: r_abstractDeclaration : ( r_check | r_around | r_extension | r_definition | r_definitionAround );
public void r_abstractDeclaration() throws RecognitionException {
try {
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:24:2: ( r_check | r_around | r_extension )
- int alt5=3;
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:31:2: ( r_check | r_around | r_extension | r_definition | r_definitionAround )
+ int alt5=5;
switch ( input.LA(1) ) {
- case 22:
+ case 57:
- case 27:
+ case 61:
case Identifier:
- case 33:
- case 34:
- case 35:
- case 38:
- case 39:
- case 40:
+ case 63:
+ case 64:
+ case 65:
+ case 68:
+ case 69:
+ case 70:
+ case LG:
+ {
+ int LA5_4 = input.LA(2);
+ if ( (LA5_4==AROUND) ) {
+ alt5=5;
+ }
+ else if ( (LA5_4==DEFINE) ) {
+ alt5=4;
+ }
+ else {
+ if (backtracking>0) {failed=true; return ;}
+ NoViableAltException nvae =
+ new NoViableAltException("30:1: r_abstractDeclaration : ( r_check | r_around | r_extension | r_definition | r_definitionAround );", 5, 4, input);
+ throw nvae;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
if (backtracking>0) {failed=true; return ;}
NoViableAltException nvae =
- new NoViableAltException("23:1: r_abstractDeclaration : ( r_check | r_around | r_extension );", 5, 0, input);
+ new NoViableAltException("30:1: r_abstractDeclaration : ( r_check | r_around | r_extension | r_definition | r_definitionAround );", 5, 0, input);
throw nvae;
switch (alt5) {
case 1 :
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:24:2: r_check
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:31:2: r_check
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_check_in_r_abstractDeclaration85);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_check_in_r_abstractDeclaration118);
if (failed) return ;
@@ -245,9 +328,9 @@ public class Xpand3Parser extends Parser {
case 2 :
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:25:2: r_around
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:32:2: r_around
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_around_in_r_abstractDeclaration90);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_around_in_r_abstractDeclaration123);
if (failed) return ;
@@ -255,15 +338,35 @@ public class Xpand3Parser extends Parser {
case 3 :
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:26:2: r_extension
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:33:2: r_extension
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_extension_in_r_abstractDeclaration95);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_extension_in_r_abstractDeclaration128);
if (failed) return ;
+ case 4 :
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:34:2: r_definition
+ {
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_definition_in_r_abstractDeclaration133);
+ r_definition();
+ _fsp--;
+ if (failed) return ;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 5 :
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:35:2: r_definitionAround
+ {
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_definitionAround_in_r_abstractDeclaration138);
+ r_definitionAround();
+ _fsp--;
+ if (failed) return ;
+ }
+ break;
@@ -278,31 +381,1236 @@ public class Xpand3Parser extends Parser {
// $ANTLR end r_abstractDeclaration
+ // $ANTLR start r_definition
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:40:1: r_definition : LG DEFINE r_identifier ( '(' ( r_declaredParameterList ( ( ',' )? '*' )? | '*' )? ')' )? 'FOR' r_type r_sequence ENDDEFINE RG ;
+ public void r_definition() throws RecognitionException {
+ try {
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:41:2: ( LG DEFINE r_identifier ( '(' ( r_declaredParameterList ( ( ',' )? '*' )? | '*' )? ')' )? 'FOR' r_type r_sequence ENDDEFINE RG )
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:41:2: LG DEFINE r_identifier ( '(' ( r_declaredParameterList ( ( ',' )? '*' )? | '*' )? ')' )? 'FOR' r_type r_sequence ENDDEFINE RG
+ {
+ match(input,LG,FOLLOW_LG_in_r_definition150); if (failed) return ;
+ match(input,DEFINE,FOLLOW_DEFINE_in_r_definition152); if (failed) return ;
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_identifier_in_r_definition154);
+ r_identifier();
+ _fsp--;
+ if (failed) return ;
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:41:25: ( '(' ( r_declaredParameterList ( ( ',' )? '*' )? | '*' )? ')' )?
+ int alt9=2;
+ int LA9_0 = input.LA(1);
+ if ( (LA9_0==30) ) {
+ alt9=1;
+ }
+ switch (alt9) {
+ case 1 :
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:41:26: '(' ( r_declaredParameterList ( ( ',' )? '*' )? | '*' )? ')'
+ {
+ match(input,30,FOLLOW_30_in_r_definition157); if (failed) return ;
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:41:30: ( r_declaredParameterList ( ( ',' )? '*' )? | '*' )?
+ int alt8=3;
+ int LA8_0 = input.LA(1);
+ if ( (LA8_0==Identifier||(LA8_0>=68 && LA8_0<=70)) ) {
+ alt8=1;
+ }
+ else if ( (LA8_0==32) ) {
+ alt8=2;
+ }
+ switch (alt8) {
+ case 1 :
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:41:31: r_declaredParameterList ( ( ',' )? '*' )?
+ {
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_declaredParameterList_in_r_definition160);
+ r_declaredParameterList();
+ _fsp--;
+ if (failed) return ;
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:41:55: ( ( ',' )? '*' )?
+ int alt7=2;
+ int LA7_0 = input.LA(1);
+ if ( ((LA7_0>=31 && LA7_0<=32)) ) {
+ alt7=1;
+ }
+ switch (alt7) {
+ case 1 :
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:41:56: ( ',' )? '*'
+ {
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:41:56: ( ',' )?
+ int alt6=2;
+ int LA6_0 = input.LA(1);
+ if ( (LA6_0==31) ) {
+ alt6=1;
+ }
+ switch (alt6) {
+ case 1 :
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:41:56: ','
+ {
+ match(input,31,FOLLOW_31_in_r_definition163); if (failed) return ;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ match(input,32,FOLLOW_32_in_r_definition166); if (failed) return ;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case 2 :
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:41:69: '*'
+ {
+ match(input,32,FOLLOW_32_in_r_definition172); if (failed) return ;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ match(input,33,FOLLOW_33_in_r_definition176); if (failed) return ;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ match(input,34,FOLLOW_34_in_r_definition180); if (failed) return ;
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_type_in_r_definition182);
+ r_type();
+ _fsp--;
+ if (failed) return ;
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_sequence_in_r_definition185);
+ r_sequence();
+ _fsp--;
+ if (failed) return ;
+ match(input,ENDDEFINE,FOLLOW_ENDDEFINE_in_r_definition188); if (failed) return ;
+ match(input,RG,FOLLOW_RG_in_r_definition190); if (failed) return ;
+ }
+ }
+ catch (RecognitionException re) {
+ reportError(re);
+ recover(input,re);
+ }
+ finally {
+ }
+ return ;
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end r_definition
+ // $ANTLR start r_definitionAround
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:46:1: r_definitionAround : LG AROUND r_pointcut ( '(' ( r_declaredParameterList ( ( ',' )? '*' )? | '*' )? ')' )? 'FOR' r_type r_sequence ENDAROUND RG ;
+ public void r_definitionAround() throws RecognitionException {
+ try {
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:47:2: ( LG AROUND r_pointcut ( '(' ( r_declaredParameterList ( ( ',' )? '*' )? | '*' )? ')' )? 'FOR' r_type r_sequence ENDAROUND RG )
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:47:2: LG AROUND r_pointcut ( '(' ( r_declaredParameterList ( ( ',' )? '*' )? | '*' )? ')' )? 'FOR' r_type r_sequence ENDAROUND RG
+ {
+ match(input,LG,FOLLOW_LG_in_r_definitionAround202); if (failed) return ;
+ match(input,AROUND,FOLLOW_AROUND_in_r_definitionAround204); if (failed) return ;
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_pointcut_in_r_definitionAround206);
+ r_pointcut();
+ _fsp--;
+ if (failed) return ;
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:47:23: ( '(' ( r_declaredParameterList ( ( ',' )? '*' )? | '*' )? ')' )?
+ int alt13=2;
+ int LA13_0 = input.LA(1);
+ if ( (LA13_0==30) ) {
+ alt13=1;
+ }
+ switch (alt13) {
+ case 1 :
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:47:24: '(' ( r_declaredParameterList ( ( ',' )? '*' )? | '*' )? ')'
+ {
+ match(input,30,FOLLOW_30_in_r_definitionAround209); if (failed) return ;
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:47:28: ( r_declaredParameterList ( ( ',' )? '*' )? | '*' )?
+ int alt12=3;
+ int LA12_0 = input.LA(1);
+ if ( (LA12_0==Identifier||(LA12_0>=68 && LA12_0<=70)) ) {
+ alt12=1;
+ }
+ else if ( (LA12_0==32) ) {
+ alt12=2;
+ }
+ switch (alt12) {
+ case 1 :
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:47:29: r_declaredParameterList ( ( ',' )? '*' )?
+ {
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_declaredParameterList_in_r_definitionAround212);
+ r_declaredParameterList();
+ _fsp--;
+ if (failed) return ;
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:47:53: ( ( ',' )? '*' )?
+ int alt11=2;
+ int LA11_0 = input.LA(1);
+ if ( ((LA11_0>=31 && LA11_0<=32)) ) {
+ alt11=1;
+ }
+ switch (alt11) {
+ case 1 :
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:47:54: ( ',' )? '*'
+ {
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:47:54: ( ',' )?
+ int alt10=2;
+ int LA10_0 = input.LA(1);
+ if ( (LA10_0==31) ) {
+ alt10=1;
+ }
+ switch (alt10) {
+ case 1 :
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:47:54: ','
+ {
+ match(input,31,FOLLOW_31_in_r_definitionAround215); if (failed) return ;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ match(input,32,FOLLOW_32_in_r_definitionAround218); if (failed) return ;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case 2 :
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:47:67: '*'
+ {
+ match(input,32,FOLLOW_32_in_r_definitionAround224); if (failed) return ;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ match(input,33,FOLLOW_33_in_r_definitionAround228); if (failed) return ;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ match(input,34,FOLLOW_34_in_r_definitionAround232); if (failed) return ;
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_type_in_r_definitionAround234);
+ r_type();
+ _fsp--;
+ if (failed) return ;
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_sequence_in_r_definitionAround237);
+ r_sequence();
+ _fsp--;
+ if (failed) return ;
+ match(input,ENDAROUND,FOLLOW_ENDAROUND_in_r_definitionAround240); if (failed) return ;
+ match(input,RG,FOLLOW_RG_in_r_definitionAround242); if (failed) return ;
+ }
+ }
+ catch (RecognitionException re) {
+ reportError(re);
+ recover(input,re);
+ }
+ finally {
+ }
+ return ;
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end r_definitionAround
+ // $ANTLR start r_sequence
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:52:1: r_sequence : r_textSequence ( r_statement r_textSequence )* ;
+ public void r_sequence() throws RecognitionException {
+ try {
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:53:3: ( r_textSequence ( r_statement r_textSequence )* )
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:53:3: r_textSequence ( r_statement r_textSequence )*
+ {
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_textSequence_in_r_sequence254);
+ r_textSequence();
+ _fsp--;
+ if (failed) return ;
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:54:3: ( r_statement r_textSequence )*
+ loop14:
+ do {
+ int alt14=2;
+ int LA14_0 = input.LA(1);
+ if ( ((LA14_0>=StringLiteral && LA14_0<=Identifier)||LA14_0==30||(LA14_0>=35 && LA14_0<=38)||LA14_0==40||LA14_0==45||LA14_0==49||LA14_0==51||LA14_0==58||(LA14_0>=68 && LA14_0<=71)||LA14_0==77||(LA14_0>=92 && LA14_0<=94)||(LA14_0>=96 && LA14_0<=108)) ) {
+ alt14=1;
+ }
+ switch (alt14) {
+ case 1 :
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:54:4: r_statement r_textSequence
+ {
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_statement_in_r_sequence260);
+ r_statement();
+ _fsp--;
+ if (failed) return ;
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_textSequence_in_r_sequence266);
+ r_textSequence();
+ _fsp--;
+ if (failed) return ;
+ }
+ break;
+ default :
+ break loop14;
+ }
+ } while (true);
+ }
+ }
+ catch (RecognitionException re) {
+ reportError(re);
+ recover(input,re);
+ }
+ finally {
+ }
+ return ;
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end r_sequence
+ // $ANTLR start r_statement
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:58:1: r_statement : ( r_simpleStatement | r_fileStatement | r_foreachStatement | r_ifStatement | r_letStatement | r_protectStatement );
+ public void r_statement() throws RecognitionException {
+ try {
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:59:3: ( r_simpleStatement | r_fileStatement | r_foreachStatement | r_ifStatement | r_letStatement | r_protectStatement )
+ int alt15=6;
+ switch ( input.LA(1) ) {
+ case StringLiteral:
+ case IntLiteral:
+ case Identifier:
+ case 30:
+ case 35:
+ case 36:
+ case 37:
+ case 58:
+ case 68:
+ case 69:
+ case 70:
+ case 71:
+ case 77:
+ case 92:
+ case 93:
+ case 94:
+ case 96:
+ case 97:
+ case 98:
+ case 99:
+ case 100:
+ case 101:
+ case 102:
+ case 103:
+ case 104:
+ case 105:
+ case 106:
+ case 107:
+ case 108:
+ {
+ alt15=1;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 40:
+ {
+ alt15=2;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 38:
+ {
+ alt15=3;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 45:
+ {
+ alt15=4;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 49:
+ {
+ alt15=5;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 51:
+ {
+ alt15=6;
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ if (backtracking>0) {failed=true; return ;}
+ NoViableAltException nvae =
+ new NoViableAltException("58:1: r_statement : ( r_simpleStatement | r_fileStatement | r_foreachStatement | r_ifStatement | r_letStatement | r_protectStatement );", 15, 0, input);
+ throw nvae;
+ }
+ switch (alt15) {
+ case 1 :
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:59:3: r_simpleStatement
+ {
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_simpleStatement_in_r_statement281);
+ r_simpleStatement();
+ _fsp--;
+ if (failed) return ;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 2 :
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:60:3: r_fileStatement
+ {
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_fileStatement_in_r_statement286);
+ r_fileStatement();
+ _fsp--;
+ if (failed) return ;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 3 :
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:61:3: r_foreachStatement
+ {
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_foreachStatement_in_r_statement291);
+ r_foreachStatement();
+ _fsp--;
+ if (failed) return ;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 4 :
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:62:3: r_ifStatement
+ {
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_ifStatement_in_r_statement296);
+ r_ifStatement();
+ _fsp--;
+ if (failed) return ;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 5 :
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:63:3: r_letStatement
+ {
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_letStatement_in_r_statement301);
+ r_letStatement();
+ _fsp--;
+ if (failed) return ;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 6 :
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:64:3: r_protectStatement
+ {
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_protectStatement_in_r_statement306);
+ r_protectStatement();
+ _fsp--;
+ if (failed) return ;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ catch (RecognitionException re) {
+ reportError(re);
+ recover(input,re);
+ }
+ finally {
+ }
+ return ;
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end r_statement
+ // $ANTLR start r_textSequence
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:67:1: r_textSequence : r_text ( r_text )* ;
+ public void r_textSequence() throws RecognitionException {
+ try {
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:68:2: ( r_text ( r_text )* )
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:68:2: r_text ( r_text )*
+ {
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_text_in_r_textSequence317);
+ r_text();
+ _fsp--;
+ if (failed) return ;
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:68:9: ( r_text )*
+ loop16:
+ do {
+ int alt16=2;
+ int LA16_0 = input.LA(1);
+ if ( (LA16_0==35) ) {
+ int LA16_2 = input.LA(2);
+ if ( (LA16_2==TEXT) ) {
+ alt16=1;
+ }
+ }
+ else if ( (LA16_0==TEXT) ) {
+ alt16=1;
+ }
+ switch (alt16) {
+ case 1 :
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:68:10: r_text
+ {
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_text_in_r_textSequence320);
+ r_text();
+ _fsp--;
+ if (failed) return ;
+ }
+ break;
+ default :
+ break loop16;
+ }
+ } while (true);
+ }
+ }
+ catch (RecognitionException re) {
+ reportError(re);
+ recover(input,re);
+ }
+ finally {
+ }
+ return ;
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end r_textSequence
+ // $ANTLR start r_text
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:71:1: r_text : ( '-' )? TEXT ;
+ public void r_text() throws RecognitionException {
+ try {
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:72:2: ( ( '-' )? TEXT )
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:72:2: ( '-' )? TEXT
+ {
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:72:2: ( '-' )?
+ int alt17=2;
+ int LA17_0 = input.LA(1);
+ if ( (LA17_0==35) ) {
+ alt17=1;
+ }
+ switch (alt17) {
+ case 1 :
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:72:2: '-'
+ {
+ match(input,35,FOLLOW_35_in_r_text332); if (failed) return ;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ match(input,TEXT,FOLLOW_TEXT_in_r_text335); if (failed) return ;
+ }
+ }
+ catch (RecognitionException re) {
+ reportError(re);
+ recover(input,re);
+ }
+ finally {
+ }
+ return ;
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end r_text
+ // $ANTLR start r_simpleStatement
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:75:1: r_simpleStatement : ( r_errorStatement | r_expandStatement | r_expressionStmt );
+ public void r_simpleStatement() throws RecognitionException {
+ try {
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:76:3: ( r_errorStatement | r_expandStatement | r_expressionStmt )
+ int alt18=3;
+ switch ( input.LA(1) ) {
+ case 36:
+ {
+ alt18=1;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 37:
+ {
+ alt18=2;
+ }
+ break;
+ case StringLiteral:
+ case IntLiteral:
+ case Identifier:
+ case 30:
+ case 35:
+ case 58:
+ case 68:
+ case 69:
+ case 70:
+ case 71:
+ case 77:
+ case 92:
+ case 93:
+ case 94:
+ case 96:
+ case 97:
+ case 98:
+ case 99:
+ case 100:
+ case 101:
+ case 102:
+ case 103:
+ case 104:
+ case 105:
+ case 106:
+ case 107:
+ case 108:
+ {
+ alt18=3;
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ if (backtracking>0) {failed=true; return ;}
+ NoViableAltException nvae =
+ new NoViableAltException("75:1: r_simpleStatement : ( r_errorStatement | r_expandStatement | r_expressionStmt );", 18, 0, input);
+ throw nvae;
+ }
+ switch (alt18) {
+ case 1 :
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:76:3: r_errorStatement
+ {
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_errorStatement_in_r_simpleStatement346);
+ r_errorStatement();
+ _fsp--;
+ if (failed) return ;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 2 :
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:77:3: r_expandStatement
+ {
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_expandStatement_in_r_simpleStatement350);
+ r_expandStatement();
+ _fsp--;
+ if (failed) return ;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 3 :
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:78:3: r_expressionStmt
+ {
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_expressionStmt_in_r_simpleStatement354);
+ r_expressionStmt();
+ _fsp--;
+ if (failed) return ;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ catch (RecognitionException re) {
+ reportError(re);
+ recover(input,re);
+ }
+ finally {
+ }
+ return ;
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end r_simpleStatement
+ // $ANTLR start r_errorStatement
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:81:1: r_errorStatement : 'ERROR' r_expression ;
+ public void r_errorStatement() throws RecognitionException {
+ try {
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:82:3: ( 'ERROR' r_expression )
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:82:3: 'ERROR' r_expression
+ {
+ match(input,36,FOLLOW_36_in_r_errorStatement365); if (failed) return ;
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_expression_in_r_errorStatement367);
+ r_expression();
+ _fsp--;
+ if (failed) return ;
+ }
+ }
+ catch (RecognitionException re) {
+ reportError(re);
+ recover(input,re);
+ }
+ finally {
+ }
+ return ;
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end r_errorStatement
+ // $ANTLR start r_expandStatement
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:85:1: r_expandStatement : 'EXPAND' r_simpleType ( '(' r_parameterList ')' )? ( ( 'FOR' r_expression ) | ( 'FOREACH' r_expression ( 'SEPARATOR' r_expression )? ) )? ;
+ public void r_expandStatement() throws RecognitionException {
+ try {
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:86:3: ( 'EXPAND' r_simpleType ( '(' r_parameterList ')' )? ( ( 'FOR' r_expression ) | ( 'FOREACH' r_expression ( 'SEPARATOR' r_expression )? ) )? )
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:86:3: 'EXPAND' r_simpleType ( '(' r_parameterList ')' )? ( ( 'FOR' r_expression ) | ( 'FOREACH' r_expression ( 'SEPARATOR' r_expression )? ) )?
+ {
+ match(input,37,FOLLOW_37_in_r_expandStatement378); if (failed) return ;
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_simpleType_in_r_expandStatement380);
+ r_simpleType();
+ _fsp--;
+ if (failed) return ;
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:86:25: ( '(' r_parameterList ')' )?
+ int alt19=2;
+ int LA19_0 = input.LA(1);
+ if ( (LA19_0==30) ) {
+ alt19=1;
+ }
+ switch (alt19) {
+ case 1 :
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:86:26: '(' r_parameterList ')'
+ {
+ match(input,30,FOLLOW_30_in_r_expandStatement383); if (failed) return ;
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_parameterList_in_r_expandStatement385);
+ r_parameterList();
+ _fsp--;
+ if (failed) return ;
+ match(input,33,FOLLOW_33_in_r_expandStatement387); if (failed) return ;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:86:52: ( ( 'FOR' r_expression ) | ( 'FOREACH' r_expression ( 'SEPARATOR' r_expression )? ) )?
+ int alt21=3;
+ int LA21_0 = input.LA(1);
+ if ( (LA21_0==34) ) {
+ alt21=1;
+ }
+ else if ( (LA21_0==38) ) {
+ alt21=2;
+ }
+ switch (alt21) {
+ case 1 :
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:86:53: ( 'FOR' r_expression )
+ {
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:86:53: ( 'FOR' r_expression )
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:86:54: 'FOR' r_expression
+ {
+ match(input,34,FOLLOW_34_in_r_expandStatement393); if (failed) return ;
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_expression_in_r_expandStatement395);
+ r_expression();
+ _fsp--;
+ if (failed) return ;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case 2 :
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:87:5: ( 'FOREACH' r_expression ( 'SEPARATOR' r_expression )? )
+ {
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:87:5: ( 'FOREACH' r_expression ( 'SEPARATOR' r_expression )? )
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:87:6: 'FOREACH' r_expression ( 'SEPARATOR' r_expression )?
+ {
+ match(input,38,FOLLOW_38_in_r_expandStatement403); if (failed) return ;
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_expression_in_r_expandStatement404);
+ r_expression();
+ _fsp--;
+ if (failed) return ;
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:87:28: ( 'SEPARATOR' r_expression )?
+ int alt20=2;
+ int LA20_0 = input.LA(1);
+ if ( (LA20_0==39) ) {
+ alt20=1;
+ }
+ switch (alt20) {
+ case 1 :
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:87:29: 'SEPARATOR' r_expression
+ {
+ match(input,39,FOLLOW_39_in_r_expandStatement407); if (failed) return ;
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_expression_in_r_expandStatement409);
+ r_expression();
+ _fsp--;
+ if (failed) return ;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ catch (RecognitionException re) {
+ reportError(re);
+ recover(input,re);
+ }
+ finally {
+ }
+ return ;
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end r_expandStatement
+ // $ANTLR start r_expressionStmt
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:90:1: r_expressionStmt : r_expression ;
+ public void r_expressionStmt() throws RecognitionException {
+ try {
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:91:2: ( r_expression )
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:91:2: r_expression
+ {
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_expression_in_r_expressionStmt425);
+ r_expression();
+ _fsp--;
+ if (failed) return ;
+ }
+ }
+ catch (RecognitionException re) {
+ reportError(re);
+ recover(input,re);
+ }
+ finally {
+ }
+ return ;
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end r_expressionStmt
+ // $ANTLR start r_fileStatement
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:94:1: r_fileStatement : 'FILE' r_expression ( r_identifier )? r_sequence 'ENDFILE' ;
+ public void r_fileStatement() throws RecognitionException {
+ try {
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:95:2: ( 'FILE' r_expression ( r_identifier )? r_sequence 'ENDFILE' )
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:95:2: 'FILE' r_expression ( r_identifier )? r_sequence 'ENDFILE'
+ {
+ match(input,40,FOLLOW_40_in_r_fileStatement435); if (failed) return ;
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_expression_in_r_fileStatement437);
+ r_expression();
+ _fsp--;
+ if (failed) return ;
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:95:22: ( r_identifier )?
+ int alt22=2;
+ int LA22_0 = input.LA(1);
+ if ( (LA22_0==Identifier) ) {
+ alt22=1;
+ }
+ switch (alt22) {
+ case 1 :
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:95:23: r_identifier
+ {
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_identifier_in_r_fileStatement440);
+ r_identifier();
+ _fsp--;
+ if (failed) return ;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_sequence_in_r_fileStatement446);
+ r_sequence();
+ _fsp--;
+ if (failed) return ;
+ match(input,41,FOLLOW_41_in_r_fileStatement450); if (failed) return ;
+ }
+ }
+ catch (RecognitionException re) {
+ reportError(re);
+ recover(input,re);
+ }
+ finally {
+ }
+ return ;
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end r_fileStatement
+ // $ANTLR start r_foreachStatement
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:100:1: r_foreachStatement : 'FOREACH' r_expression 'AS' r_identifier ( 'ITERATOR' r_identifier )? ( 'SEPARATOR' r_expression )? r_sequence 'ENDFOREACH' ;
+ public void r_foreachStatement() throws RecognitionException {
+ try {
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:101:3: ( 'FOREACH' r_expression 'AS' r_identifier ( 'ITERATOR' r_identifier )? ( 'SEPARATOR' r_expression )? r_sequence 'ENDFOREACH' )
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:101:3: 'FOREACH' r_expression 'AS' r_identifier ( 'ITERATOR' r_identifier )? ( 'SEPARATOR' r_expression )? r_sequence 'ENDFOREACH'
+ {
+ match(input,38,FOLLOW_38_in_r_foreachStatement462); if (failed) return ;
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_expression_in_r_foreachStatement464);
+ r_expression();
+ _fsp--;
+ if (failed) return ;
+ match(input,42,FOLLOW_42_in_r_foreachStatement466); if (failed) return ;
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_identifier_in_r_foreachStatement468);
+ r_identifier();
+ _fsp--;
+ if (failed) return ;
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:101:44: ( 'ITERATOR' r_identifier )?
+ int alt23=2;
+ int LA23_0 = input.LA(1);
+ if ( (LA23_0==43) ) {
+ alt23=1;
+ }
+ switch (alt23) {
+ case 1 :
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:101:45: 'ITERATOR' r_identifier
+ {
+ match(input,43,FOLLOW_43_in_r_foreachStatement471); if (failed) return ;
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_identifier_in_r_foreachStatement473);
+ r_identifier();
+ _fsp--;
+ if (failed) return ;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:101:71: ( 'SEPARATOR' r_expression )?
+ int alt24=2;
+ int LA24_0 = input.LA(1);
+ if ( (LA24_0==39) ) {
+ alt24=1;
+ }
+ switch (alt24) {
+ case 1 :
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:101:72: 'SEPARATOR' r_expression
+ {
+ match(input,39,FOLLOW_39_in_r_foreachStatement478); if (failed) return ;
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_expression_in_r_foreachStatement480);
+ r_expression();
+ _fsp--;
+ if (failed) return ;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_sequence_in_r_foreachStatement488);
+ r_sequence();
+ _fsp--;
+ if (failed) return ;
+ match(input,44,FOLLOW_44_in_r_foreachStatement493); if (failed) return ;
+ }
+ }
+ catch (RecognitionException re) {
+ reportError(re);
+ recover(input,re);
+ }
+ finally {
+ }
+ return ;
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end r_foreachStatement
+ // $ANTLR start r_ifStatement
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:106:1: r_ifStatement : 'IF' r_expression r_sequence ( r_elseIfStatement )* ( r_elseStatement )? 'ENDIF' ;
+ public void r_ifStatement() throws RecognitionException {
+ try {
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:107:6: ( 'IF' r_expression r_sequence ( r_elseIfStatement )* ( r_elseStatement )? 'ENDIF' )
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:107:6: 'IF' r_expression r_sequence ( r_elseIfStatement )* ( r_elseStatement )? 'ENDIF'
+ {
+ match(input,45,FOLLOW_45_in_r_ifStatement508); if (failed) return ;
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_expression_in_r_ifStatement510);
+ r_expression();
+ _fsp--;
+ if (failed) return ;
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_sequence_in_r_ifStatement514);
+ r_sequence();
+ _fsp--;
+ if (failed) return ;
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:109:3: ( r_elseIfStatement )*
+ loop25:
+ do {
+ int alt25=2;
+ int LA25_0 = input.LA(1);
+ if ( (LA25_0==47) ) {
+ alt25=1;
+ }
+ switch (alt25) {
+ case 1 :
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:109:3: r_elseIfStatement
+ {
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_elseIfStatement_in_r_ifStatement519);
+ r_elseIfStatement();
+ _fsp--;
+ if (failed) return ;
+ }
+ break;
+ default :
+ break loop25;
+ }
+ } while (true);
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:110:3: ( r_elseStatement )?
+ int alt26=2;
+ int LA26_0 = input.LA(1);
+ if ( (LA26_0==48) ) {
+ alt26=1;
+ }
+ switch (alt26) {
+ case 1 :
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:110:3: r_elseStatement
+ {
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_elseStatement_in_r_ifStatement524);
+ r_elseStatement();
+ _fsp--;
+ if (failed) return ;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ match(input,46,FOLLOW_46_in_r_ifStatement529); if (failed) return ;
+ }
+ }
+ catch (RecognitionException re) {
+ reportError(re);
+ recover(input,re);
+ }
+ finally {
+ }
+ return ;
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end r_ifStatement
+ // $ANTLR start r_elseIfStatement
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:114:1: r_elseIfStatement : 'ELSEIF' r_expression r_sequence ;
+ public void r_elseIfStatement() throws RecognitionException {
+ try {
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:115:2: ( 'ELSEIF' r_expression r_sequence )
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:115:2: 'ELSEIF' r_expression r_sequence
+ {
+ match(input,47,FOLLOW_47_in_r_elseIfStatement539); if (failed) return ;
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_expression_in_r_elseIfStatement541);
+ r_expression();
+ _fsp--;
+ if (failed) return ;
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_sequence_in_r_elseIfStatement545);
+ r_sequence();
+ _fsp--;
+ if (failed) return ;
+ }
+ }
+ catch (RecognitionException re) {
+ reportError(re);
+ recover(input,re);
+ }
+ finally {
+ }
+ return ;
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end r_elseIfStatement
+ // $ANTLR start r_elseStatement
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:119:1: r_elseStatement : 'ELSE' r_sequence ;
+ public void r_elseStatement() throws RecognitionException {
+ try {
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:120:2: ( 'ELSE' r_sequence )
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:120:2: 'ELSE' r_sequence
+ {
+ match(input,48,FOLLOW_48_in_r_elseStatement557); if (failed) return ;
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_sequence_in_r_elseStatement561);
+ r_sequence();
+ _fsp--;
+ if (failed) return ;
+ }
+ }
+ catch (RecognitionException re) {
+ reportError(re);
+ recover(input,re);
+ }
+ finally {
+ }
+ return ;
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end r_elseStatement
+ // $ANTLR start r_letStatement
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:124:1: r_letStatement : 'LET' r_expression 'AS' r_identifier r_sequence 'ENDLET' ;
+ public void r_letStatement() throws RecognitionException {
+ try {
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:125:3: ( 'LET' r_expression 'AS' r_identifier r_sequence 'ENDLET' )
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:125:3: 'LET' r_expression 'AS' r_identifier r_sequence 'ENDLET'
+ {
+ match(input,49,FOLLOW_49_in_r_letStatement573); if (failed) return ;
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_expression_in_r_letStatement575);
+ r_expression();
+ _fsp--;
+ if (failed) return ;
+ match(input,42,FOLLOW_42_in_r_letStatement577); if (failed) return ;
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_identifier_in_r_letStatement579);
+ r_identifier();
+ _fsp--;
+ if (failed) return ;
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_sequence_in_r_letStatement585);
+ r_sequence();
+ _fsp--;
+ if (failed) return ;
+ match(input,50,FOLLOW_50_in_r_letStatement590); if (failed) return ;
+ }
+ }
+ catch (RecognitionException re) {
+ reportError(re);
+ recover(input,re);
+ }
+ finally {
+ }
+ return ;
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end r_letStatement
+ // $ANTLR start r_protectStatement
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:130:1: r_protectStatement : 'PROTECT' 'CSTART' r_expression 'CEND' r_expression 'ID' r_expression ( 'DISABLE' )? r_sequence 'ENDPROTECT' ;
+ public void r_protectStatement() throws RecognitionException {
+ try {
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:131:2: ( 'PROTECT' 'CSTART' r_expression 'CEND' r_expression 'ID' r_expression ( 'DISABLE' )? r_sequence 'ENDPROTECT' )
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:131:2: 'PROTECT' 'CSTART' r_expression 'CEND' r_expression 'ID' r_expression ( 'DISABLE' )? r_sequence 'ENDPROTECT'
+ {
+ match(input,51,FOLLOW_51_in_r_protectStatement601); if (failed) return ;
+ match(input,52,FOLLOW_52_in_r_protectStatement606); if (failed) return ;
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_expression_in_r_protectStatement608);
+ r_expression();
+ _fsp--;
+ if (failed) return ;
+ match(input,53,FOLLOW_53_in_r_protectStatement613); if (failed) return ;
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_expression_in_r_protectStatement615);
+ r_expression();
+ _fsp--;
+ if (failed) return ;
+ match(input,54,FOLLOW_54_in_r_protectStatement628); if (failed) return ;
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_expression_in_r_protectStatement630);
+ r_expression();
+ _fsp--;
+ if (failed) return ;
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:134:29: ( 'DISABLE' )?
+ int alt27=2;
+ int LA27_0 = input.LA(1);
+ if ( (LA27_0==55) ) {
+ alt27=1;
+ }
+ switch (alt27) {
+ case 1 :
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:134:29: 'DISABLE'
+ {
+ match(input,55,FOLLOW_55_in_r_protectStatement632); if (failed) return ;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_sequence_in_r_protectStatement638);
+ r_sequence();
+ _fsp--;
+ if (failed) return ;
+ match(input,56,FOLLOW_56_in_r_protectStatement642); if (failed) return ;
+ }
+ }
+ catch (RecognitionException re) {
+ reportError(re);
+ recover(input,re);
+ }
+ finally {
+ }
+ return ;
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end r_protectStatement
// $ANTLR start r_check
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:29:1: r_check : 'context' r_type ( 'if' r_expression )? ( 'ERROR' | 'WARNING' ) r_expression ':' r_expression ';' ;
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:141:1: r_check : 'context' r_type ( 'if' r_expression )? ( 'ERROR' | 'WARNING' ) r_expression ':' r_expression ';' ;
public void r_check() throws RecognitionException {
try {
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:30:2: ( 'context' r_type ( 'if' r_expression )? ( 'ERROR' | 'WARNING' ) r_expression ':' r_expression ';' )
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:30:2: 'context' r_type ( 'if' r_expression )? ( 'ERROR' | 'WARNING' ) r_expression ':' r_expression ';'
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:142:2: ( 'context' r_type ( 'if' r_expression )? ( 'ERROR' | 'WARNING' ) r_expression ':' r_expression ';' )
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:142:2: 'context' r_type ( 'if' r_expression )? ( 'ERROR' | 'WARNING' ) r_expression ':' r_expression ';'
- match(input,22,FOLLOW_22_in_r_check106); if (failed) return ;
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_type_in_r_check108);
+ match(input,57,FOLLOW_57_in_r_check654); if (failed) return ;
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_type_in_r_check656);
if (failed) return ;
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:30:19: ( 'if' r_expression )?
- int alt6=2;
- int LA6_0 = input.LA(1);
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:142:19: ( 'if' r_expression )?
+ int alt28=2;
+ int LA28_0 = input.LA(1);
- if ( (LA6_0==23) ) {
- alt6=1;
+ if ( (LA28_0==58) ) {
+ alt28=1;
- switch (alt6) {
+ switch (alt28) {
case 1 :
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:30:20: 'if' r_expression
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:142:20: 'if' r_expression
- match(input,23,FOLLOW_23_in_r_check111); if (failed) return ;
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_expression_in_r_check113);
+ match(input,58,FOLLOW_58_in_r_check659); if (failed) return ;
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_expression_in_r_check661);
if (failed) return ;
@@ -312,7 +1620,7 @@ public class Xpand3Parser extends Parser {
- if ( (input.LA(1)>=24 && input.LA(1)<=25) ) {
+ if ( input.LA(1)==36||input.LA(1)==59 ) {
@@ -320,19 +1628,19 @@ public class Xpand3Parser extends Parser {
if (backtracking>0) {failed=true; return ;}
MismatchedSetException mse =
new MismatchedSetException(null,input);
- recoverFromMismatchedSet(input,mse,FOLLOW_set_in_r_check117); throw mse;
+ recoverFromMismatchedSet(input,mse,FOLLOW_set_in_r_check665); throw mse;
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_expression_in_r_check123);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_expression_in_r_check671);
if (failed) return ;
- match(input,26,FOLLOW_26_in_r_check125); if (failed) return ;
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_expression_in_r_check129);
+ match(input,60,FOLLOW_60_in_r_check673); if (failed) return ;
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_expression_in_r_check677);
if (failed) return ;
- match(input,19,FOLLOW_19_in_r_check131); if (failed) return ;
+ match(input,27,FOLLOW_27_in_r_check679); if (failed) return ;
@@ -349,66 +1657,66 @@ public class Xpand3Parser extends Parser {
// $ANTLR start r_around
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:34:1: r_around : 'around' r_pointcut '(' ( r_declaredParameterList ( ( ',' )? '*' )? | '*' )? ')' ':' r_expression ';' ;
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:146:1: r_around : 'around' r_pointcut '(' ( r_declaredParameterList ( ( ',' )? '*' )? | '*' )? ')' ':' r_expression ';' ;
public void r_around() throws RecognitionException {
try {
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:35:5: ( 'around' r_pointcut '(' ( r_declaredParameterList ( ( ',' )? '*' )? | '*' )? ')' ':' r_expression ';' )
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:35:5: 'around' r_pointcut '(' ( r_declaredParameterList ( ( ',' )? '*' )? | '*' )? ')' ':' r_expression ';'
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:147:5: ( 'around' r_pointcut '(' ( r_declaredParameterList ( ( ',' )? '*' )? | '*' )? ')' ':' r_expression ';' )
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:147:5: 'around' r_pointcut '(' ( r_declaredParameterList ( ( ',' )? '*' )? | '*' )? ')' ':' r_expression ';'
- match(input,27,FOLLOW_27_in_r_around146); if (failed) return ;
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_pointcut_in_r_around148);
+ match(input,61,FOLLOW_61_in_r_around694); if (failed) return ;
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_pointcut_in_r_around696);
if (failed) return ;
- match(input,28,FOLLOW_28_in_r_around150); if (failed) return ;
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:35:29: ( r_declaredParameterList ( ( ',' )? '*' )? | '*' )?
- int alt9=3;
- int LA9_0 = input.LA(1);
+ match(input,30,FOLLOW_30_in_r_around698); if (failed) return ;
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:147:29: ( r_declaredParameterList ( ( ',' )? '*' )? | '*' )?
+ int alt31=3;
+ int LA31_0 = input.LA(1);
- if ( (LA9_0==Identifier||(LA9_0>=38 && LA9_0<=40)) ) {
- alt9=1;
+ if ( (LA31_0==Identifier||(LA31_0>=68 && LA31_0<=70)) ) {
+ alt31=1;
- else if ( (LA9_0==30) ) {
- alt9=2;
+ else if ( (LA31_0==32) ) {
+ alt31=2;
- switch (alt9) {
+ switch (alt31) {
case 1 :
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:35:30: r_declaredParameterList ( ( ',' )? '*' )?
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:147:30: r_declaredParameterList ( ( ',' )? '*' )?
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_declaredParameterList_in_r_around153);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_declaredParameterList_in_r_around701);
if (failed) return ;
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:35:54: ( ( ',' )? '*' )?
- int alt8=2;
- int LA8_0 = input.LA(1);
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:147:54: ( ( ',' )? '*' )?
+ int alt30=2;
+ int LA30_0 = input.LA(1);
- if ( ((LA8_0>=29 && LA8_0<=30)) ) {
- alt8=1;
+ if ( ((LA30_0>=31 && LA30_0<=32)) ) {
+ alt30=1;
- switch (alt8) {
+ switch (alt30) {
case 1 :
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:35:55: ( ',' )? '*'
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:147:55: ( ',' )? '*'
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:35:55: ( ',' )?
- int alt7=2;
- int LA7_0 = input.LA(1);
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:147:55: ( ',' )?
+ int alt29=2;
+ int LA29_0 = input.LA(1);
- if ( (LA7_0==29) ) {
- alt7=1;
+ if ( (LA29_0==31) ) {
+ alt29=1;
- switch (alt7) {
+ switch (alt29) {
case 1 :
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:35:55: ','
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:147:55: ','
- match(input,29,FOLLOW_29_in_r_around156); if (failed) return ;
+ match(input,31,FOLLOW_31_in_r_around704); if (failed) return ;
- match(input,30,FOLLOW_30_in_r_around159); if (failed) return ;
+ match(input,32,FOLLOW_32_in_r_around707); if (failed) return ;
@@ -419,22 +1727,22 @@ public class Xpand3Parser extends Parser {
case 2 :
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:35:68: '*'
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:147:68: '*'
- match(input,30,FOLLOW_30_in_r_around165); if (failed) return ;
+ match(input,32,FOLLOW_32_in_r_around713); if (failed) return ;
- match(input,31,FOLLOW_31_in_r_around169); if (failed) return ;
- match(input,26,FOLLOW_26_in_r_around171); if (failed) return ;
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_expression_in_r_around178);
+ match(input,33,FOLLOW_33_in_r_around717); if (failed) return ;
+ match(input,60,FOLLOW_60_in_r_around719); if (failed) return ;
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_expression_in_r_around726);
if (failed) return ;
- match(input,19,FOLLOW_19_in_r_around180); if (failed) return ;
+ match(input,27,FOLLOW_27_in_r_around728); if (failed) return ;
@@ -451,41 +1759,41 @@ public class Xpand3Parser extends Parser {
// $ANTLR start r_pointcut
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:39:1: r_pointcut : ( '*' | r_identifier ) ( '*' | r_identifier | '::' )* ;
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:151:1: r_pointcut : ( '*' | r_identifier ) ( '*' | r_identifier | '::' )* ;
public void r_pointcut() throws RecognitionException {
try {
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:40:2: ( ( '*' | r_identifier ) ( '*' | r_identifier | '::' )* )
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:40:2: ( '*' | r_identifier ) ( '*' | r_identifier | '::' )*
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:152:2: ( ( '*' | r_identifier ) ( '*' | r_identifier | '::' )* )
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:152:2: ( '*' | r_identifier ) ( '*' | r_identifier | '::' )*
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:40:2: ( '*' | r_identifier )
- int alt10=2;
- int LA10_0 = input.LA(1);
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:152:2: ( '*' | r_identifier )
+ int alt32=2;
+ int LA32_0 = input.LA(1);
- if ( (LA10_0==30) ) {
- alt10=1;
+ if ( (LA32_0==32) ) {
+ alt32=1;
- else if ( (LA10_0==Identifier) ) {
- alt10=2;
+ else if ( (LA32_0==Identifier) ) {
+ alt32=2;
else {
if (backtracking>0) {failed=true; return ;}
NoViableAltException nvae =
- new NoViableAltException("40:2: ( '*' | r_identifier )", 10, 0, input);
+ new NoViableAltException("152:2: ( '*' | r_identifier )", 32, 0, input);
throw nvae;
- switch (alt10) {
+ switch (alt32) {
case 1 :
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:40:4: '*'
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:152:4: '*'
- match(input,30,FOLLOW_30_in_r_pointcut197); if (failed) return ;
+ match(input,32,FOLLOW_32_in_r_pointcut745); if (failed) return ;
case 2 :
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:41:4: r_identifier
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:153:4: r_identifier
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_identifier_in_r_pointcut203);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_identifier_in_r_pointcut751);
if (failed) return ;
@@ -495,41 +1803,41 @@ public class Xpand3Parser extends Parser {
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:42:4: ( '*' | r_identifier | '::' )*
- loop11:
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:154:4: ( '*' | r_identifier | '::' )*
+ loop33:
do {
- int alt11=4;
+ int alt33=4;
switch ( input.LA(1) ) {
- case 30:
+ case 32:
- alt11=1;
+ alt33=1;
case Identifier:
- alt11=2;
+ alt33=2;
- case 32:
+ case 62:
- alt11=3;
+ alt33=3;
- switch (alt11) {
+ switch (alt33) {
case 1 :
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:42:6: '*'
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:154:6: '*'
- match(input,30,FOLLOW_30_in_r_pointcut211); if (failed) return ;
+ match(input,32,FOLLOW_32_in_r_pointcut759); if (failed) return ;
case 2 :
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:43:6: r_identifier
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:155:6: r_identifier
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_identifier_in_r_pointcut219);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_identifier_in_r_pointcut767);
if (failed) return ;
@@ -537,15 +1845,15 @@ public class Xpand3Parser extends Parser {
case 3 :
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:44:6: '::'
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:156:6: '::'
- match(input,32,FOLLOW_32_in_r_pointcut227); if (failed) return ;
+ match(input,62,FOLLOW_62_in_r_pointcut775); if (failed) return ;
default :
- break loop11;
+ break loop33;
} while (true);
@@ -565,28 +1873,28 @@ public class Xpand3Parser extends Parser {
// $ANTLR start r_extension
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:47:1: r_extension : ( 'private' | 'cached' | 'create' )* ( r_type )? r_identifier ( r_identifier )? '(' ( r_declaredParameterList )? ')' ':' ( 'JAVA' r_javaType '.' r_identifier '(' ( r_javaType ( ',' r_javaType )* )? ')' | r_expression ) ';' ;
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:159:1: r_extension : ( 'private' | 'cached' | 'create' )* ( r_type )? r_identifier ( r_identifier )? '(' ( r_declaredParameterList )? ')' ':' ( 'JAVA' r_javaType '.' r_identifier '(' ( r_javaType ( ',' r_javaType )* )? ')' | r_expression ) ';' ;
public void r_extension() throws RecognitionException {
try {
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:48:2: ( ( 'private' | 'cached' | 'create' )* ( r_type )? r_identifier ( r_identifier )? '(' ( r_declaredParameterList )? ')' ':' ( 'JAVA' r_javaType '.' r_identifier '(' ( r_javaType ( ',' r_javaType )* )? ')' | r_expression ) ';' )
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:48:2: ( 'private' | 'cached' | 'create' )* ( r_type )? r_identifier ( r_identifier )? '(' ( r_declaredParameterList )? ')' ':' ( 'JAVA' r_javaType '.' r_identifier '(' ( r_javaType ( ',' r_javaType )* )? ')' | r_expression ) ';'
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:160:2: ( ( 'private' | 'cached' | 'create' )* ( r_type )? r_identifier ( r_identifier )? '(' ( r_declaredParameterList )? ')' ':' ( 'JAVA' r_javaType '.' r_identifier '(' ( r_javaType ( ',' r_javaType )* )? ')' | r_expression ) ';' )
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:160:2: ( 'private' | 'cached' | 'create' )* ( r_type )? r_identifier ( r_identifier )? '(' ( r_declaredParameterList )? ')' ':' ( 'JAVA' r_javaType '.' r_identifier '(' ( r_javaType ( ',' r_javaType )* )? ')' | r_expression ) ';'
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:48:2: ( 'private' | 'cached' | 'create' )*
- loop12:
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:160:2: ( 'private' | 'cached' | 'create' )*
+ loop34:
do {
- int alt12=2;
- int LA12_0 = input.LA(1);
+ int alt34=2;
+ int LA34_0 = input.LA(1);
- if ( ((LA12_0>=33 && LA12_0<=35)) ) {
- alt12=1;
+ if ( ((LA34_0>=63 && LA34_0<=65)) ) {
+ alt34=1;
- switch (alt12) {
+ switch (alt34) {
case 1 :
// src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:
- if ( (input.LA(1)>=33 && input.LA(1)<=35) ) {
+ if ( (input.LA(1)>=63 && input.LA(1)<=65) ) {
@@ -594,7 +1902,7 @@ public class Xpand3Parser extends Parser {
if (backtracking>0) {failed=true; return ;}
MismatchedSetException mse =
new MismatchedSetException(null,input);
- recoverFromMismatchedSet(input,mse,FOLLOW_set_in_r_extension241); throw mse;
+ recoverFromMismatchedSet(input,mse,FOLLOW_set_in_r_extension789); throw mse;
@@ -602,32 +1910,32 @@ public class Xpand3Parser extends Parser {
default :
- break loop12;
+ break loop34;
} while (true);
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:48:33: ( r_type )?
- int alt13=2;
- int LA13_0 = input.LA(1);
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:160:33: ( r_type )?
+ int alt35=2;
+ int LA35_0 = input.LA(1);
- if ( ((LA13_0>=38 && LA13_0<=40)) ) {
- alt13=1;
+ if ( ((LA35_0>=68 && LA35_0<=70)) ) {
+ alt35=1;
- else if ( (LA13_0==Identifier) ) {
- int LA13_2 = input.LA(2);
+ else if ( (LA35_0==Identifier) ) {
+ int LA35_2 = input.LA(2);
- if ( (LA13_2==32) ) {
- alt13=1;
+ if ( (LA35_2==62) ) {
+ alt35=1;
- else if ( (LA13_2==Identifier) ) {
- alt13=1;
+ else if ( (LA35_2==Identifier) ) {
+ alt35=1;
- switch (alt13) {
+ switch (alt35) {
case 1 :
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:48:33: r_type
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:160:33: r_type
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_type_in_r_extension250);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_type_in_r_extension798);
if (failed) return ;
@@ -637,22 +1945,22 @@ public class Xpand3Parser extends Parser {
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_identifier_in_r_extension253);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_identifier_in_r_extension801);
if (failed) return ;
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:48:54: ( r_identifier )?
- int alt14=2;
- int LA14_0 = input.LA(1);
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:160:54: ( r_identifier )?
+ int alt36=2;
+ int LA36_0 = input.LA(1);
- if ( (LA14_0==Identifier) ) {
- alt14=1;
+ if ( (LA36_0==Identifier) ) {
+ alt36=1;
- switch (alt14) {
+ switch (alt36) {
case 1 :
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:48:54: r_identifier
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:160:54: r_identifier
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_identifier_in_r_extension255);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_identifier_in_r_extension803);
if (failed) return ;
@@ -662,19 +1970,19 @@ public class Xpand3Parser extends Parser {
- match(input,28,FOLLOW_28_in_r_extension258); if (failed) return ;
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:48:72: ( r_declaredParameterList )?
- int alt15=2;
- int LA15_0 = input.LA(1);
+ match(input,30,FOLLOW_30_in_r_extension806); if (failed) return ;
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:160:72: ( r_declaredParameterList )?
+ int alt37=2;
+ int LA37_0 = input.LA(1);
- if ( (LA15_0==Identifier||(LA15_0>=38 && LA15_0<=40)) ) {
- alt15=1;
+ if ( (LA37_0==Identifier||(LA37_0>=68 && LA37_0<=70)) ) {
+ alt37=1;
- switch (alt15) {
+ switch (alt37) {
case 1 :
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:48:72: r_declaredParameterList
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:160:72: r_declaredParameterList
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_declaredParameterList_in_r_extension260);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_declaredParameterList_in_r_extension808);
if (failed) return ;
@@ -684,72 +1992,72 @@ public class Xpand3Parser extends Parser {
- match(input,31,FOLLOW_31_in_r_extension263); if (failed) return ;
- match(input,26,FOLLOW_26_in_r_extension265); if (failed) return ;
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:49:3: ( 'JAVA' r_javaType '.' r_identifier '(' ( r_javaType ( ',' r_javaType )* )? ')' | r_expression )
- int alt18=2;
- int LA18_0 = input.LA(1);
+ match(input,33,FOLLOW_33_in_r_extension811); if (failed) return ;
+ match(input,60,FOLLOW_60_in_r_extension813); if (failed) return ;
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:161:3: ( 'JAVA' r_javaType '.' r_identifier '(' ( r_javaType ( ',' r_javaType )* )? ')' | r_expression )
+ int alt40=2;
+ int LA40_0 = input.LA(1);
- if ( (LA18_0==36) ) {
- alt18=1;
+ if ( (LA40_0==66) ) {
+ alt40=1;
- else if ( ((LA18_0>=StringLiteral && LA18_0<=Identifier)||LA18_0==23||LA18_0==28||(LA18_0>=38 && LA18_0<=41)||LA18_0==47||LA18_0==61||(LA18_0>=63 && LA18_0<=65)||(LA18_0>=67 && LA18_0<=79)) ) {
- alt18=2;
+ else if ( ((LA40_0>=StringLiteral && LA40_0<=Identifier)||LA40_0==30||LA40_0==35||LA40_0==58||(LA40_0>=68 && LA40_0<=71)||LA40_0==77||(LA40_0>=92 && LA40_0<=94)||(LA40_0>=96 && LA40_0<=108)) ) {
+ alt40=2;
else {
if (backtracking>0) {failed=true; return ;}
NoViableAltException nvae =
- new NoViableAltException("49:3: ( 'JAVA' r_javaType '.' r_identifier '(' ( r_javaType ( ',' r_javaType )* )? ')' | r_expression )", 18, 0, input);
+ new NoViableAltException("161:3: ( 'JAVA' r_javaType '.' r_identifier '(' ( r_javaType ( ',' r_javaType )* )? ')' | r_expression )", 40, 0, input);
throw nvae;
- switch (alt18) {
+ switch (alt40) {
case 1 :
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:49:4: 'JAVA' r_javaType '.' r_identifier '(' ( r_javaType ( ',' r_javaType )* )? ')'
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:161:4: 'JAVA' r_javaType '.' r_identifier '(' ( r_javaType ( ',' r_javaType )* )? ')'
- match(input,36,FOLLOW_36_in_r_extension270); if (failed) return ;
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_javaType_in_r_extension272);
+ match(input,66,FOLLOW_66_in_r_extension818); if (failed) return ;
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_javaType_in_r_extension820);
if (failed) return ;
- match(input,37,FOLLOW_37_in_r_extension274); if (failed) return ;
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_identifier_in_r_extension276);
+ match(input,67,FOLLOW_67_in_r_extension822); if (failed) return ;
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_identifier_in_r_extension824);
if (failed) return ;
- match(input,28,FOLLOW_28_in_r_extension278); if (failed) return ;
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:49:42: ( r_javaType ( ',' r_javaType )* )?
- int alt17=2;
- int LA17_0 = input.LA(1);
+ match(input,30,FOLLOW_30_in_r_extension826); if (failed) return ;
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:161:42: ( r_javaType ( ',' r_javaType )* )?
+ int alt39=2;
+ int LA39_0 = input.LA(1);
- if ( (LA17_0==Identifier) ) {
- alt17=1;
+ if ( (LA39_0==Identifier) ) {
+ alt39=1;
- switch (alt17) {
+ switch (alt39) {
case 1 :
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:49:43: r_javaType ( ',' r_javaType )*
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:161:43: r_javaType ( ',' r_javaType )*
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_javaType_in_r_extension280);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_javaType_in_r_extension828);
if (failed) return ;
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:49:54: ( ',' r_javaType )*
- loop16:
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:161:54: ( ',' r_javaType )*
+ loop38:
do {
- int alt16=2;
- int LA16_0 = input.LA(1);
+ int alt38=2;
+ int LA38_0 = input.LA(1);
- if ( (LA16_0==29) ) {
- alt16=1;
+ if ( (LA38_0==31) ) {
+ alt38=1;
- switch (alt16) {
+ switch (alt38) {
case 1 :
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:49:55: ',' r_javaType
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:161:55: ',' r_javaType
- match(input,29,FOLLOW_29_in_r_extension283); if (failed) return ;
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_javaType_in_r_extension285);
+ match(input,31,FOLLOW_31_in_r_extension831); if (failed) return ;
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_javaType_in_r_extension833);
if (failed) return ;
@@ -758,7 +2066,7 @@ public class Xpand3Parser extends Parser {
default :
- break loop16;
+ break loop38;
} while (true);
@@ -768,14 +2076,14 @@ public class Xpand3Parser extends Parser {
- match(input,31,FOLLOW_31_in_r_extension292); if (failed) return ;
+ match(input,33,FOLLOW_33_in_r_extension840); if (failed) return ;
case 2 :
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:50:4: r_expression
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:162:4: r_expression
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_expression_in_r_extension299);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_expression_in_r_extension847);
if (failed) return ;
@@ -785,7 +2093,7 @@ public class Xpand3Parser extends Parser {
- match(input,19,FOLLOW_19_in_r_extension302); if (failed) return ;
+ match(input,27,FOLLOW_27_in_r_extension850); if (failed) return ;
@@ -802,83 +2110,83 @@ public class Xpand3Parser extends Parser {
// $ANTLR start r_javaType
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:53:1: r_javaType : r_identifier ( '.' ( r_identifier | 'Collection' | 'List' | 'Set' ) )* ;
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:165:1: r_javaType : r_identifier ( '.' ( r_identifier | 'Collection' | 'List' | 'Set' ) )* ;
public void r_javaType() throws RecognitionException {
try {
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:54:2: ( r_identifier ( '.' ( r_identifier | 'Collection' | 'List' | 'Set' ) )* )
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:54:2: r_identifier ( '.' ( r_identifier | 'Collection' | 'List' | 'Set' ) )*
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:166:2: ( r_identifier ( '.' ( r_identifier | 'Collection' | 'List' | 'Set' ) )* )
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:166:2: r_identifier ( '.' ( r_identifier | 'Collection' | 'List' | 'Set' ) )*
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_identifier_in_r_javaType313);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_identifier_in_r_javaType861);
if (failed) return ;
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:55:2: ( '.' ( r_identifier | 'Collection' | 'List' | 'Set' ) )*
- loop20:
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:167:2: ( '.' ( r_identifier | 'Collection' | 'List' | 'Set' ) )*
+ loop42:
do {
- int alt20=2;
- int LA20_0 = input.LA(1);
+ int alt42=2;
+ int LA42_0 = input.LA(1);
- if ( (LA20_0==37) ) {
- int LA20_1 = input.LA(2);
+ if ( (LA42_0==67) ) {
+ int LA42_1 = input.LA(2);
- if ( (LA20_1==Identifier) ) {
- int LA20_3 = input.LA(3);
+ if ( (LA42_1==Identifier) ) {
+ int LA42_3 = input.LA(3);
- if ( (LA20_3==29||LA20_3==31||LA20_3==37) ) {
- alt20=1;
+ if ( (LA42_3==31||LA42_3==33||LA42_3==67) ) {
+ alt42=1;
- else if ( ((LA20_1>=38 && LA20_1<=40)) ) {
- alt20=1;
+ else if ( ((LA42_1>=68 && LA42_1<=70)) ) {
+ alt42=1;
- switch (alt20) {
+ switch (alt42) {
case 1 :
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:55:3: '.' ( r_identifier | 'Collection' | 'List' | 'Set' )
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:167:3: '.' ( r_identifier | 'Collection' | 'List' | 'Set' )
- match(input,37,FOLLOW_37_in_r_javaType319); if (failed) return ;
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:55:7: ( r_identifier | 'Collection' | 'List' | 'Set' )
- int alt19=4;
+ match(input,67,FOLLOW_67_in_r_javaType867); if (failed) return ;
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:167:7: ( r_identifier | 'Collection' | 'List' | 'Set' )
+ int alt41=4;
switch ( input.LA(1) ) {
case Identifier:
- alt19=1;
+ alt41=1;
- case 38:
+ case 68:
- alt19=2;
+ alt41=2;
- case 39:
+ case 69:
- alt19=3;
+ alt41=3;
- case 40:
+ case 70:
- alt19=4;
+ alt41=4;
if (backtracking>0) {failed=true; return ;}
NoViableAltException nvae =
- new NoViableAltException("55:7: ( r_identifier | 'Collection' | 'List' | 'Set' )", 19, 0, input);
+ new NoViableAltException("167:7: ( r_identifier | 'Collection' | 'List' | 'Set' )", 41, 0, input);
throw nvae;
- switch (alt19) {
+ switch (alt41) {
case 1 :
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:55:8: r_identifier
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:167:8: r_identifier
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_identifier_in_r_javaType322);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_identifier_in_r_javaType870);
if (failed) return ;
@@ -886,23 +2194,23 @@ public class Xpand3Parser extends Parser {
case 2 :
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:55:22: 'Collection'
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:167:22: 'Collection'
- match(input,38,FOLLOW_38_in_r_javaType325); if (failed) return ;
+ match(input,68,FOLLOW_68_in_r_javaType873); if (failed) return ;
case 3 :
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:56:2: 'List'
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:168:2: 'List'
- match(input,39,FOLLOW_39_in_r_javaType331); if (failed) return ;
+ match(input,69,FOLLOW_69_in_r_javaType879); if (failed) return ;
case 4 :
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:56:10: 'Set'
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:168:10: 'Set'
- match(input,40,FOLLOW_40_in_r_javaType334); if (failed) return ;
+ match(input,70,FOLLOW_70_in_r_javaType882); if (failed) return ;
@@ -914,7 +2222,7 @@ public class Xpand3Parser extends Parser {
default :
- break loop20;
+ break loop42;
} while (true);
@@ -934,13 +2242,13 @@ public class Xpand3Parser extends Parser {
// $ANTLR start r_expression
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:62:1: r_expression : r_letExpression ;
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:174:1: r_expression : r_letExpression ;
public void r_expression() throws RecognitionException {
try {
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:63:2: ( r_letExpression )
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:63:2: r_letExpression
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:175:2: ( r_letExpression )
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:175:2: r_letExpression
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_letExpression_in_r_expression350);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_letExpression_in_r_expression898);
if (failed) return ;
@@ -960,42 +2268,42 @@ public class Xpand3Parser extends Parser {
// $ANTLR start r_letExpression
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:66:1: r_letExpression : ( 'let' r_identifier '=' r_castedExpression ':' r_expression | r_castedExpression );
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:178:1: r_letExpression : ( 'let' r_identifier '=' r_castedExpression ':' r_expression | r_castedExpression );
public void r_letExpression() throws RecognitionException {
try {
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:67:4: ( 'let' r_identifier '=' r_castedExpression ':' r_expression | r_castedExpression )
- int alt21=2;
- int LA21_0 = input.LA(1);
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:179:4: ( 'let' r_identifier '=' r_castedExpression ':' r_expression | r_castedExpression )
+ int alt43=2;
+ int LA43_0 = input.LA(1);
- if ( (LA21_0==41) ) {
- alt21=1;
+ if ( (LA43_0==71) ) {
+ alt43=1;
- else if ( ((LA21_0>=StringLiteral && LA21_0<=Identifier)||LA21_0==23||LA21_0==28||(LA21_0>=38 && LA21_0<=40)||LA21_0==47||LA21_0==61||(LA21_0>=63 && LA21_0<=65)||(LA21_0>=67 && LA21_0<=79)) ) {
- alt21=2;
+ else if ( ((LA43_0>=StringLiteral && LA43_0<=Identifier)||LA43_0==30||LA43_0==35||LA43_0==58||(LA43_0>=68 && LA43_0<=70)||LA43_0==77||(LA43_0>=92 && LA43_0<=94)||(LA43_0>=96 && LA43_0<=108)) ) {
+ alt43=2;
else {
if (backtracking>0) {failed=true; return ;}
NoViableAltException nvae =
- new NoViableAltException("66:1: r_letExpression : ( 'let' r_identifier '=' r_castedExpression ':' r_expression | r_castedExpression );", 21, 0, input);
+ new NoViableAltException("178:1: r_letExpression : ( 'let' r_identifier '=' r_castedExpression ':' r_expression | r_castedExpression );", 43, 0, input);
throw nvae;
- switch (alt21) {
+ switch (alt43) {
case 1 :
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:67:4: 'let' r_identifier '=' r_castedExpression ':' r_expression
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:179:4: 'let' r_identifier '=' r_castedExpression ':' r_expression
- match(input,41,FOLLOW_41_in_r_letExpression364); if (failed) return ;
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_identifier_in_r_letExpression366);
+ match(input,71,FOLLOW_71_in_r_letExpression912); if (failed) return ;
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_identifier_in_r_letExpression914);
if (failed) return ;
- match(input,42,FOLLOW_42_in_r_letExpression368); if (failed) return ;
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_castedExpression_in_r_letExpression370);
+ match(input,72,FOLLOW_72_in_r_letExpression916); if (failed) return ;
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_castedExpression_in_r_letExpression918);
if (failed) return ;
- match(input,26,FOLLOW_26_in_r_letExpression372); if (failed) return ;
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_expression_in_r_letExpression374);
+ match(input,60,FOLLOW_60_in_r_letExpression920); if (failed) return ;
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_expression_in_r_letExpression922);
if (failed) return ;
@@ -1003,9 +2311,9 @@ public class Xpand3Parser extends Parser {
case 2 :
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:68:4: r_castedExpression
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:180:4: r_castedExpression
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_castedExpression_in_r_letExpression380);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_castedExpression_in_r_letExpression928);
if (failed) return ;
@@ -1027,23 +2335,23 @@ public class Xpand3Parser extends Parser {
// $ANTLR start r_castedExpression
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:71:1: r_castedExpression : ( ( '(' r_type ')' r_castedExpression )=> '(' r_type ')' r_chainExpression | r_chainExpression );
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:183:1: r_castedExpression : ( ( '(' r_type ')' r_castedExpression )=> '(' r_type ')' r_chainExpression | r_chainExpression );
public void r_castedExpression() throws RecognitionException {
try {
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:72:5: ( ( '(' r_type ')' r_castedExpression )=> '(' r_type ')' r_chainExpression | r_chainExpression )
- int alt22=2;
- alt22 = dfa22.predict(input);
- switch (alt22) {
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:184:5: ( ( '(' r_type ')' r_castedExpression )=> '(' r_type ')' r_chainExpression | r_chainExpression )
+ int alt44=2;
+ alt44 = dfa44.predict(input);
+ switch (alt44) {
case 1 :
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:72:5: ( '(' r_type ')' r_castedExpression )=> '(' r_type ')' r_chainExpression
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:184:5: ( '(' r_type ')' r_castedExpression )=> '(' r_type ')' r_chainExpression
- match(input,28,FOLLOW_28_in_r_castedExpression406); if (failed) return ;
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_type_in_r_castedExpression408);
+ match(input,30,FOLLOW_30_in_r_castedExpression954); if (failed) return ;
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_type_in_r_castedExpression956);
if (failed) return ;
- match(input,31,FOLLOW_31_in_r_castedExpression410); if (failed) return ;
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_chainExpression_in_r_castedExpression412);
+ match(input,33,FOLLOW_33_in_r_castedExpression958); if (failed) return ;
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_chainExpression_in_r_castedExpression960);
if (failed) return ;
@@ -1051,9 +2359,9 @@ public class Xpand3Parser extends Parser {
case 2 :
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:74:4: r_chainExpression
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:186:4: r_chainExpression
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_chainExpression_in_r_castedExpression418);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_chainExpression_in_r_castedExpression966);
if (failed) return ;
@@ -1075,33 +2383,33 @@ public class Xpand3Parser extends Parser {
// $ANTLR start r_chainExpression
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:77:1: r_chainExpression : r_ifExpression ( '->' r_ifExpression )* ;
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:189:1: r_chainExpression : r_ifExpression ( '->' r_ifExpression )* ;
public void r_chainExpression() throws RecognitionException {
try {
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:78:2: ( r_ifExpression ( '->' r_ifExpression )* )
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:78:2: r_ifExpression ( '->' r_ifExpression )*
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:190:2: ( r_ifExpression ( '->' r_ifExpression )* )
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:190:2: r_ifExpression ( '->' r_ifExpression )*
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_ifExpression_in_r_chainExpression430);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_ifExpression_in_r_chainExpression978);
if (failed) return ;
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:78:18: ( '->' r_ifExpression )*
- loop23:
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:190:18: ( '->' r_ifExpression )*
+ loop45:
do {
- int alt23=2;
- int LA23_0 = input.LA(1);
+ int alt45=2;
+ int LA45_0 = input.LA(1);
- if ( (LA23_0==43) ) {
- alt23=1;
+ if ( (LA45_0==73) ) {
+ alt45=1;
- switch (alt23) {
+ switch (alt45) {
case 1 :
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:78:20: '->' r_ifExpression
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:190:20: '->' r_ifExpression
- match(input,43,FOLLOW_43_in_r_chainExpression435); if (failed) return ;
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_ifExpression_in_r_chainExpression437);
+ match(input,73,FOLLOW_73_in_r_chainExpression983); if (failed) return ;
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_ifExpression_in_r_chainExpression985);
if (failed) return ;
@@ -1110,7 +2418,7 @@ public class Xpand3Parser extends Parser {
default :
- break loop23;
+ break loop45;
} while (true);
@@ -1130,52 +2438,52 @@ public class Xpand3Parser extends Parser {
// $ANTLR start r_ifExpression
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:81:1: r_ifExpression : ( r_switchExpression ( '?' r_expression ':' r_switchExpression )? | 'if' r_expression 'then' r_switchExpression ( 'else' r_switchExpression )? );
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:193:1: r_ifExpression : ( r_switchExpression ( '?' r_expression ':' r_switchExpression )? | 'if' r_expression 'then' r_switchExpression ( 'else' r_switchExpression )? );
public void r_ifExpression() throws RecognitionException {
try {
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:82:2: ( r_switchExpression ( '?' r_expression ':' r_switchExpression )? | 'if' r_expression 'then' r_switchExpression ( 'else' r_switchExpression )? )
- int alt26=2;
- int LA26_0 = input.LA(1);
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:194:2: ( r_switchExpression ( '?' r_expression ':' r_switchExpression )? | 'if' r_expression 'then' r_switchExpression ( 'else' r_switchExpression )? )
+ int alt48=2;
+ int LA48_0 = input.LA(1);
- if ( ((LA26_0>=StringLiteral && LA26_0<=Identifier)||LA26_0==28||(LA26_0>=38 && LA26_0<=40)||LA26_0==47||LA26_0==61||(LA26_0>=63 && LA26_0<=65)||(LA26_0>=67 && LA26_0<=79)) ) {
- alt26=1;
+ if ( ((LA48_0>=StringLiteral && LA48_0<=Identifier)||LA48_0==30||LA48_0==35||(LA48_0>=68 && LA48_0<=70)||LA48_0==77||(LA48_0>=92 && LA48_0<=94)||(LA48_0>=96 && LA48_0<=108)) ) {
+ alt48=1;
- else if ( (LA26_0==23) ) {
- alt26=2;
+ else if ( (LA48_0==58) ) {
+ alt48=2;
else {
if (backtracking>0) {failed=true; return ;}
NoViableAltException nvae =
- new NoViableAltException("81:1: r_ifExpression : ( r_switchExpression ( '?' r_expression ':' r_switchExpression )? | 'if' r_expression 'then' r_switchExpression ( 'else' r_switchExpression )? );", 26, 0, input);
+ new NoViableAltException("193:1: r_ifExpression : ( r_switchExpression ( '?' r_expression ':' r_switchExpression )? | 'if' r_expression 'then' r_switchExpression ( 'else' r_switchExpression )? );", 48, 0, input);
throw nvae;
- switch (alt26) {
+ switch (alt48) {
case 1 :
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:82:2: r_switchExpression ( '?' r_expression ':' r_switchExpression )?
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:194:2: r_switchExpression ( '?' r_expression ':' r_switchExpression )?
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_switchExpression_in_r_ifExpression451);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_switchExpression_in_r_ifExpression999);
if (failed) return ;
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:82:21: ( '?' r_expression ':' r_switchExpression )?
- int alt24=2;
- int LA24_0 = input.LA(1);
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:194:21: ( '?' r_expression ':' r_switchExpression )?
+ int alt46=2;
+ int LA46_0 = input.LA(1);
- if ( (LA24_0==44) ) {
- alt24=1;
+ if ( (LA46_0==74) ) {
+ alt46=1;
- switch (alt24) {
+ switch (alt46) {
case 1 :
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:82:22: '?' r_expression ':' r_switchExpression
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:194:22: '?' r_expression ':' r_switchExpression
- match(input,44,FOLLOW_44_in_r_ifExpression454); if (failed) return ;
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_expression_in_r_ifExpression456);
+ match(input,74,FOLLOW_74_in_r_ifExpression1002); if (failed) return ;
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_expression_in_r_ifExpression1004);
if (failed) return ;
- match(input,26,FOLLOW_26_in_r_ifExpression458); if (failed) return ;
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_switchExpression_in_r_ifExpression460);
+ match(input,60,FOLLOW_60_in_r_ifExpression1006); if (failed) return ;
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_switchExpression_in_r_ifExpression1008);
if (failed) return ;
@@ -1189,31 +2497,31 @@ public class Xpand3Parser extends Parser {
case 2 :
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:83:3: 'if' r_expression 'then' r_switchExpression ( 'else' r_switchExpression )?
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:195:3: 'if' r_expression 'then' r_switchExpression ( 'else' r_switchExpression )?
- match(input,23,FOLLOW_23_in_r_ifExpression467); if (failed) return ;
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_expression_in_r_ifExpression469);
+ match(input,58,FOLLOW_58_in_r_ifExpression1015); if (failed) return ;
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_expression_in_r_ifExpression1017);
if (failed) return ;
- match(input,45,FOLLOW_45_in_r_ifExpression471); if (failed) return ;
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_switchExpression_in_r_ifExpression473);
+ match(input,75,FOLLOW_75_in_r_ifExpression1019); if (failed) return ;
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_switchExpression_in_r_ifExpression1021);
if (failed) return ;
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:83:47: ( 'else' r_switchExpression )?
- int alt25=2;
- int LA25_0 = input.LA(1);
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:195:47: ( 'else' r_switchExpression )?
+ int alt47=2;
+ int LA47_0 = input.LA(1);
- if ( (LA25_0==46) ) {
- alt25=1;
+ if ( (LA47_0==76) ) {
+ alt47=1;
- switch (alt25) {
+ switch (alt47) {
case 1 :
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:83:48: 'else' r_switchExpression
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:195:48: 'else' r_switchExpression
- match(input,46,FOLLOW_46_in_r_ifExpression476); if (failed) return ;
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_switchExpression_in_r_ifExpression478);
+ match(input,76,FOLLOW_76_in_r_ifExpression1024); if (failed) return ;
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_switchExpression_in_r_ifExpression1026);
if (failed) return ;
@@ -1241,70 +2549,70 @@ public class Xpand3Parser extends Parser {
// $ANTLR start r_switchExpression
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:86:1: r_switchExpression : ( 'switch' ( '(' r_orExpression ')' )? ( r_casePart )* 'default' ':' r_orExpression '}' | r_orExpression );
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:198:1: r_switchExpression : ( 'switch' ( '(' r_orExpression ')' )? ( r_casePart )* 'default' ':' r_orExpression '}' | r_orExpression );
public void r_switchExpression() throws RecognitionException {
try {
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:87:4: ( 'switch' ( '(' r_orExpression ')' )? ( r_casePart )* 'default' ':' r_orExpression '}' | r_orExpression )
- int alt29=2;
- int LA29_0 = input.LA(1);
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:199:4: ( 'switch' ( '(' r_orExpression ')' )? ( r_casePart )* 'default' ':' r_orExpression '}' | r_orExpression )
+ int alt51=2;
+ int LA51_0 = input.LA(1);
- if ( (LA29_0==47) ) {
- alt29=1;
+ if ( (LA51_0==77) ) {
+ alt51=1;
- else if ( ((LA29_0>=StringLiteral && LA29_0<=Identifier)||LA29_0==28||(LA29_0>=38 && LA29_0<=40)||LA29_0==61||(LA29_0>=63 && LA29_0<=65)||(LA29_0>=67 && LA29_0<=79)) ) {
- alt29=2;
+ else if ( ((LA51_0>=StringLiteral && LA51_0<=Identifier)||LA51_0==30||LA51_0==35||(LA51_0>=68 && LA51_0<=70)||(LA51_0>=92 && LA51_0<=94)||(LA51_0>=96 && LA51_0<=108)) ) {
+ alt51=2;
else {
if (backtracking>0) {failed=true; return ;}
NoViableAltException nvae =
- new NoViableAltException("86:1: r_switchExpression : ( 'switch' ( '(' r_orExpression ')' )? ( r_casePart )* 'default' ':' r_orExpression '}' | r_orExpression );", 29, 0, input);
+ new NoViableAltException("198:1: r_switchExpression : ( 'switch' ( '(' r_orExpression ')' )? ( r_casePart )* 'default' ':' r_orExpression '}' | r_orExpression );", 51, 0, input);
throw nvae;
- switch (alt29) {
+ switch (alt51) {
case 1 :
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:87:4: 'switch' ( '(' r_orExpression ')' )? ( r_casePart )* 'default' ':' r_orExpression '}'
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:199:4: 'switch' ( '(' r_orExpression ')' )? ( r_casePart )* 'default' ':' r_orExpression '}'
- match(input,47,FOLLOW_47_in_r_switchExpression494); if (failed) return ;
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:87:13: ( '(' r_orExpression ')' )?
- int alt27=2;
- int LA27_0 = input.LA(1);
+ match(input,77,FOLLOW_77_in_r_switchExpression1042); if (failed) return ;
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:199:13: ( '(' r_orExpression ')' )?
+ int alt49=2;
+ int LA49_0 = input.LA(1);
- if ( (LA27_0==28) ) {
- alt27=1;
+ if ( (LA49_0==30) ) {
+ alt49=1;
- switch (alt27) {
+ switch (alt49) {
case 1 :
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:87:14: '(' r_orExpression ')'
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:199:14: '(' r_orExpression ')'
- match(input,28,FOLLOW_28_in_r_switchExpression497); if (failed) return ;
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_orExpression_in_r_switchExpression499);
+ match(input,30,FOLLOW_30_in_r_switchExpression1045); if (failed) return ;
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_orExpression_in_r_switchExpression1047);
if (failed) return ;
- match(input,31,FOLLOW_31_in_r_switchExpression501); if (failed) return ;
+ match(input,33,FOLLOW_33_in_r_switchExpression1049); if (failed) return ;
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:88:2: ( r_casePart )*
- loop28:
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:200:2: ( r_casePart )*
+ loop50:
do {
- int alt28=2;
- int LA28_0 = input.LA(1);
+ int alt50=2;
+ int LA50_0 = input.LA(1);
- if ( (LA28_0==50) ) {
- alt28=1;
+ if ( (LA50_0==80) ) {
+ alt50=1;
- switch (alt28) {
+ switch (alt50) {
case 1 :
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:88:2: r_casePart
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:200:2: r_casePart
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_casePart_in_r_switchExpression506);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_casePart_in_r_switchExpression1054);
if (failed) return ;
@@ -1313,24 +2621,24 @@ public class Xpand3Parser extends Parser {
default :
- break loop28;
+ break loop50;
} while (true);
- match(input,48,FOLLOW_48_in_r_switchExpression512); if (failed) return ;
- match(input,26,FOLLOW_26_in_r_switchExpression514); if (failed) return ;
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_orExpression_in_r_switchExpression516);
+ match(input,78,FOLLOW_78_in_r_switchExpression1060); if (failed) return ;
+ match(input,60,FOLLOW_60_in_r_switchExpression1062); if (failed) return ;
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_orExpression_in_r_switchExpression1064);
if (failed) return ;
- match(input,49,FOLLOW_49_in_r_switchExpression521); if (failed) return ;
+ match(input,79,FOLLOW_79_in_r_switchExpression1069); if (failed) return ;
case 2 :
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:91:4: r_orExpression
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:203:4: r_orExpression
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_orExpression_in_r_switchExpression526);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_orExpression_in_r_switchExpression1074);
if (failed) return ;
@@ -1352,19 +2660,19 @@ public class Xpand3Parser extends Parser {
// $ANTLR start r_casePart
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:94:1: r_casePart : 'case' r_expression ':' r_expression ;
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:206:1: r_casePart : 'case' r_expression ':' r_expression ;
public void r_casePart() throws RecognitionException {
try {
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:95:2: ( 'case' r_expression ':' r_expression )
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:95:2: 'case' r_expression ':' r_expression
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:207:2: ( 'case' r_expression ':' r_expression )
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:207:2: 'case' r_expression ':' r_expression
- match(input,50,FOLLOW_50_in_r_casePart537); if (failed) return ;
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_expression_in_r_casePart539);
+ match(input,80,FOLLOW_80_in_r_casePart1085); if (failed) return ;
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_expression_in_r_casePart1087);
if (failed) return ;
- match(input,26,FOLLOW_26_in_r_casePart541); if (failed) return ;
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_expression_in_r_casePart543);
+ match(input,60,FOLLOW_60_in_r_casePart1089); if (failed) return ;
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_expression_in_r_casePart1091);
if (failed) return ;
@@ -1384,33 +2692,33 @@ public class Xpand3Parser extends Parser {
// $ANTLR start r_orExpression
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:97:1: r_orExpression : r_andExpression ( '||' r_andExpression )* ;
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:209:1: r_orExpression : r_andExpression ( '||' r_andExpression )* ;
public void r_orExpression() throws RecognitionException {
try {
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:98:4: ( r_andExpression ( '||' r_andExpression )* )
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:98:4: r_andExpression ( '||' r_andExpression )*
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:210:4: ( r_andExpression ( '||' r_andExpression )* )
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:210:4: r_andExpression ( '||' r_andExpression )*
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_andExpression_in_r_orExpression555);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_andExpression_in_r_orExpression1103);
if (failed) return ;
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:98:21: ( '||' r_andExpression )*
- loop30:
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:210:21: ( '||' r_andExpression )*
+ loop52:
do {
- int alt30=2;
- int LA30_0 = input.LA(1);
+ int alt52=2;
+ int LA52_0 = input.LA(1);
- if ( (LA30_0==51) ) {
- alt30=1;
+ if ( (LA52_0==81) ) {
+ alt52=1;
- switch (alt30) {
+ switch (alt52) {
case 1 :
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:98:22: '||' r_andExpression
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:210:22: '||' r_andExpression
- match(input,51,FOLLOW_51_in_r_orExpression559); if (failed) return ;
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_andExpression_in_r_orExpression561);
+ match(input,81,FOLLOW_81_in_r_orExpression1107); if (failed) return ;
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_andExpression_in_r_orExpression1109);
if (failed) return ;
@@ -1419,7 +2727,7 @@ public class Xpand3Parser extends Parser {
default :
- break loop30;
+ break loop52;
} while (true);
@@ -1439,33 +2747,33 @@ public class Xpand3Parser extends Parser {
// $ANTLR start r_andExpression
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:101:1: r_andExpression : r_impliesExpression ( '&&' r_impliesExpression )* ;
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:213:1: r_andExpression : r_impliesExpression ( '&&' r_impliesExpression )* ;
public void r_andExpression() throws RecognitionException {
try {
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:102:2: ( r_impliesExpression ( '&&' r_impliesExpression )* )
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:102:2: r_impliesExpression ( '&&' r_impliesExpression )*
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:214:2: ( r_impliesExpression ( '&&' r_impliesExpression )* )
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:214:2: r_impliesExpression ( '&&' r_impliesExpression )*
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_impliesExpression_in_r_andExpression576);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_impliesExpression_in_r_andExpression1124);
if (failed) return ;
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:102:23: ( '&&' r_impliesExpression )*
- loop31:
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:214:23: ( '&&' r_impliesExpression )*
+ loop53:
do {
- int alt31=2;
- int LA31_0 = input.LA(1);
+ int alt53=2;
+ int LA53_0 = input.LA(1);
- if ( (LA31_0==52) ) {
- alt31=1;
+ if ( (LA53_0==82) ) {
+ alt53=1;
- switch (alt31) {
+ switch (alt53) {
case 1 :
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:102:24: '&&' r_impliesExpression
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:214:24: '&&' r_impliesExpression
- match(input,52,FOLLOW_52_in_r_andExpression580); if (failed) return ;
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_impliesExpression_in_r_andExpression582);
+ match(input,82,FOLLOW_82_in_r_andExpression1128); if (failed) return ;
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_impliesExpression_in_r_andExpression1130);
if (failed) return ;
@@ -1474,7 +2782,7 @@ public class Xpand3Parser extends Parser {
default :
- break loop31;
+ break loop53;
} while (true);
@@ -1494,33 +2802,33 @@ public class Xpand3Parser extends Parser {
// $ANTLR start r_impliesExpression
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:105:1: r_impliesExpression : r_relationalExpression ( 'implies' r_relationalExpression )* ;
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:217:1: r_impliesExpression : r_relationalExpression ( 'implies' r_relationalExpression )* ;
public void r_impliesExpression() throws RecognitionException {
try {
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:106:2: ( r_relationalExpression ( 'implies' r_relationalExpression )* )
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:106:2: r_relationalExpression ( 'implies' r_relationalExpression )*
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:218:2: ( r_relationalExpression ( 'implies' r_relationalExpression )* )
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:218:2: r_relationalExpression ( 'implies' r_relationalExpression )*
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_relationalExpression_in_r_impliesExpression597);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_relationalExpression_in_r_impliesExpression1145);
if (failed) return ;
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:106:26: ( 'implies' r_relationalExpression )*
- loop32:
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:218:26: ( 'implies' r_relationalExpression )*
+ loop54:
do {
- int alt32=2;
- int LA32_0 = input.LA(1);
+ int alt54=2;
+ int LA54_0 = input.LA(1);
- if ( (LA32_0==53) ) {
- alt32=1;
+ if ( (LA54_0==83) ) {
+ alt54=1;
- switch (alt32) {
+ switch (alt54) {
case 1 :
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:106:27: 'implies' r_relationalExpression
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:218:27: 'implies' r_relationalExpression
- match(input,53,FOLLOW_53_in_r_impliesExpression601); if (failed) return ;
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_relationalExpression_in_r_impliesExpression603);
+ match(input,83,FOLLOW_83_in_r_impliesExpression1149); if (failed) return ;
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_relationalExpression_in_r_impliesExpression1151);
if (failed) return ;
@@ -1529,7 +2837,7 @@ public class Xpand3Parser extends Parser {
default :
- break loop32;
+ break loop54;
} while (true);
@@ -1549,32 +2857,32 @@ public class Xpand3Parser extends Parser {
// $ANTLR start r_relationalExpression
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:109:1: r_relationalExpression : r_additiveExpression ( ( '==' | '!=' | '>=' | '<=' | '>' | '<' ) r_additiveExpression )* ;
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:221:1: r_relationalExpression : r_additiveExpression ( ( '==' | '!=' | '>=' | '<=' | '>' | '<' ) r_additiveExpression )* ;
public void r_relationalExpression() throws RecognitionException {
try {
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:110:2: ( r_additiveExpression ( ( '==' | '!=' | '>=' | '<=' | '>' | '<' ) r_additiveExpression )* )
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:110:2: r_additiveExpression ( ( '==' | '!=' | '>=' | '<=' | '>' | '<' ) r_additiveExpression )*
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:222:2: ( r_additiveExpression ( ( '==' | '!=' | '>=' | '<=' | '>' | '<' ) r_additiveExpression )* )
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:222:2: r_additiveExpression ( ( '==' | '!=' | '>=' | '<=' | '>' | '<' ) r_additiveExpression )*
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_additiveExpression_in_r_relationalExpression619);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_additiveExpression_in_r_relationalExpression1167);
if (failed) return ;
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:111:2: ( ( '==' | '!=' | '>=' | '<=' | '>' | '<' ) r_additiveExpression )*
- loop33:
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:223:2: ( ( '==' | '!=' | '>=' | '<=' | '>' | '<' ) r_additiveExpression )*
+ loop55:
do {
- int alt33=2;
- int LA33_0 = input.LA(1);
+ int alt55=2;
+ int LA55_0 = input.LA(1);
- if ( ((LA33_0>=54 && LA33_0<=59)) ) {
- alt33=1;
+ if ( ((LA55_0>=84 && LA55_0<=89)) ) {
+ alt55=1;
- switch (alt33) {
+ switch (alt55) {
case 1 :
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:111:3: ( '==' | '!=' | '>=' | '<=' | '>' | '<' ) r_additiveExpression
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:223:3: ( '==' | '!=' | '>=' | '<=' | '>' | '<' ) r_additiveExpression
- if ( (input.LA(1)>=54 && input.LA(1)<=59) ) {
+ if ( (input.LA(1)>=84 && input.LA(1)<=89) ) {
@@ -1582,10 +2890,10 @@ public class Xpand3Parser extends Parser {
if (backtracking>0) {failed=true; return ;}
MismatchedSetException mse =
new MismatchedSetException(null,input);
- recoverFromMismatchedSet(input,mse,FOLLOW_set_in_r_relationalExpression624); throw mse;
+ recoverFromMismatchedSet(input,mse,FOLLOW_set_in_r_relationalExpression1172); throw mse;
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_additiveExpression_in_r_relationalExpression648);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_additiveExpression_in_r_relationalExpression1196);
if (failed) return ;
@@ -1594,7 +2902,7 @@ public class Xpand3Parser extends Parser {
default :
- break loop33;
+ break loop55;
} while (true);
@@ -1614,32 +2922,41 @@ public class Xpand3Parser extends Parser {
// $ANTLR start r_additiveExpression
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:114:1: r_additiveExpression : r_multiplicativeExpression ( ( '+' | '-' ) r_multiplicativeExpression )* ;
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:226:1: r_additiveExpression : r_multiplicativeExpression ( ( '+' | '-' ) r_multiplicativeExpression )* ;
public void r_additiveExpression() throws RecognitionException {
try {
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:115:2: ( r_multiplicativeExpression ( ( '+' | '-' ) r_multiplicativeExpression )* )
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:115:2: r_multiplicativeExpression ( ( '+' | '-' ) r_multiplicativeExpression )*
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:227:2: ( r_multiplicativeExpression ( ( '+' | '-' ) r_multiplicativeExpression )* )
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:227:2: r_multiplicativeExpression ( ( '+' | '-' ) r_multiplicativeExpression )*
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_multiplicativeExpression_in_r_additiveExpression661);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_multiplicativeExpression_in_r_additiveExpression1209);
if (failed) return ;
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:116:4: ( ( '+' | '-' ) r_multiplicativeExpression )*
- loop34:
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:228:4: ( ( '+' | '-' ) r_multiplicativeExpression )*
+ loop56:
do {
- int alt34=2;
- int LA34_0 = input.LA(1);
+ int alt56=2;
+ int LA56_0 = input.LA(1);
+ if ( (LA56_0==35) ) {
+ int LA56_2 = input.LA(2);
+ if ( ((LA56_2>=StringLiteral && LA56_2<=Identifier)||LA56_2==30||LA56_2==35||(LA56_2>=68 && LA56_2<=70)||(LA56_2>=92 && LA56_2<=94)||(LA56_2>=96 && LA56_2<=108)) ) {
+ alt56=1;
+ }
- if ( ((LA34_0>=60 && LA34_0<=61)) ) {
- alt34=1;
+ }
+ else if ( (LA56_0==90) ) {
+ alt56=1;
- switch (alt34) {
+ switch (alt56) {
case 1 :
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:116:5: ( '+' | '-' ) r_multiplicativeExpression
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:228:5: ( '+' | '-' ) r_multiplicativeExpression
- if ( (input.LA(1)>=60 && input.LA(1)<=61) ) {
+ if ( input.LA(1)==35||input.LA(1)==90 ) {
@@ -1647,10 +2964,10 @@ public class Xpand3Parser extends Parser {
if (backtracking>0) {failed=true; return ;}
MismatchedSetException mse =
new MismatchedSetException(null,input);
- recoverFromMismatchedSet(input,mse,FOLLOW_set_in_r_additiveExpression668); throw mse;
+ recoverFromMismatchedSet(input,mse,FOLLOW_set_in_r_additiveExpression1216); throw mse;
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_multiplicativeExpression_in_r_additiveExpression675);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_multiplicativeExpression_in_r_additiveExpression1223);
if (failed) return ;
@@ -1659,7 +2976,7 @@ public class Xpand3Parser extends Parser {
default :
- break loop34;
+ break loop56;
} while (true);
@@ -1679,32 +2996,32 @@ public class Xpand3Parser extends Parser {
// $ANTLR start r_multiplicativeExpression
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:119:1: r_multiplicativeExpression : r_unaryExpression ( ( '*' | '/' ) r_unaryExpression )* ;
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:231:1: r_multiplicativeExpression : r_unaryExpression ( ( '*' | '/' ) r_unaryExpression )* ;
public void r_multiplicativeExpression() throws RecognitionException {
try {
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:120:2: ( r_unaryExpression ( ( '*' | '/' ) r_unaryExpression )* )
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:120:2: r_unaryExpression ( ( '*' | '/' ) r_unaryExpression )*
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:232:2: ( r_unaryExpression ( ( '*' | '/' ) r_unaryExpression )* )
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:232:2: r_unaryExpression ( ( '*' | '/' ) r_unaryExpression )*
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_unaryExpression_in_r_multiplicativeExpression688);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_unaryExpression_in_r_multiplicativeExpression1236);
if (failed) return ;
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:121:2: ( ( '*' | '/' ) r_unaryExpression )*
- loop35:
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:233:2: ( ( '*' | '/' ) r_unaryExpression )*
+ loop57:
do {
- int alt35=2;
- int LA35_0 = input.LA(1);
+ int alt57=2;
+ int LA57_0 = input.LA(1);
- if ( (LA35_0==30||LA35_0==62) ) {
- alt35=1;
+ if ( (LA57_0==32||LA57_0==91) ) {
+ alt57=1;
- switch (alt35) {
+ switch (alt57) {
case 1 :
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:121:3: ( '*' | '/' ) r_unaryExpression
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:233:3: ( '*' | '/' ) r_unaryExpression
- if ( input.LA(1)==30||input.LA(1)==62 ) {
+ if ( input.LA(1)==32||input.LA(1)==91 ) {
@@ -1712,10 +3029,10 @@ public class Xpand3Parser extends Parser {
if (backtracking>0) {failed=true; return ;}
MismatchedSetException mse =
new MismatchedSetException(null,input);
- recoverFromMismatchedSet(input,mse,FOLLOW_set_in_r_multiplicativeExpression693); throw mse;
+ recoverFromMismatchedSet(input,mse,FOLLOW_set_in_r_multiplicativeExpression1241); throw mse;
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_unaryExpression_in_r_multiplicativeExpression701);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_unaryExpression_in_r_multiplicativeExpression1249);
if (failed) return ;
@@ -1724,7 +3041,7 @@ public class Xpand3Parser extends Parser {
default :
- break loop35;
+ break loop57;
} while (true);
@@ -1744,61 +3061,61 @@ public class Xpand3Parser extends Parser {
// $ANTLR start r_unaryExpression
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:125:1: r_unaryExpression : ( r_infixExpression | '!' r_infixExpression | '-' r_infixExpression );
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:237:1: r_unaryExpression : ( r_infixExpression | '!' r_infixExpression | '-' r_infixExpression );
public void r_unaryExpression() throws RecognitionException {
try {
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:126:2: ( r_infixExpression | '!' r_infixExpression | '-' r_infixExpression )
- int alt36=3;
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:238:2: ( r_infixExpression | '!' r_infixExpression | '-' r_infixExpression )
+ int alt58=3;
switch ( input.LA(1) ) {
case StringLiteral:
case IntLiteral:
case Identifier:
- case 28:
- case 38:
- case 39:
- case 40:
- case 64:
- case 65:
- case 67:
+ case 30:
case 68:
case 69:
case 70:
- case 71:
- case 72:
- case 73:
- case 74:
- case 75:
- case 76:
- case 77:
- case 78:
- case 79:
+ case 93:
+ case 94:
+ case 96:
+ case 97:
+ case 98:
+ case 99:
+ case 100:
+ case 101:
+ case 102:
+ case 103:
+ case 104:
+ case 105:
+ case 106:
+ case 107:
+ case 108:
- alt36=1;
+ alt58=1;
- case 63:
+ case 92:
- alt36=2;
+ alt58=2;
- case 61:
+ case 35:
- alt36=3;
+ alt58=3;
if (backtracking>0) {failed=true; return ;}
NoViableAltException nvae =
- new NoViableAltException("125:1: r_unaryExpression : ( r_infixExpression | '!' r_infixExpression | '-' r_infixExpression );", 36, 0, input);
+ new NoViableAltException("237:1: r_unaryExpression : ( r_infixExpression | '!' r_infixExpression | '-' r_infixExpression );", 58, 0, input);
throw nvae;
- switch (alt36) {
+ switch (alt58) {
case 1 :
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:126:2: r_infixExpression
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:238:2: r_infixExpression
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_infixExpression_in_r_unaryExpression715);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_infixExpression_in_r_unaryExpression1263);
if (failed) return ;
@@ -1806,10 +3123,10 @@ public class Xpand3Parser extends Parser {
case 2 :
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:127:3: '!' r_infixExpression
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:239:3: '!' r_infixExpression
- match(input,63,FOLLOW_63_in_r_unaryExpression720); if (failed) return ;
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_infixExpression_in_r_unaryExpression722);
+ match(input,92,FOLLOW_92_in_r_unaryExpression1268); if (failed) return ;
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_infixExpression_in_r_unaryExpression1270);
if (failed) return ;
@@ -1817,10 +3134,10 @@ public class Xpand3Parser extends Parser {
case 3 :
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:128:3: '-' r_infixExpression
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:240:3: '-' r_infixExpression
- match(input,61,FOLLOW_61_in_r_unaryExpression727); if (failed) return ;
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_infixExpression_in_r_unaryExpression729);
+ match(input,35,FOLLOW_35_in_r_unaryExpression1275); if (failed) return ;
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_infixExpression_in_r_unaryExpression1277);
if (failed) return ;
@@ -1842,33 +3159,33 @@ public class Xpand3Parser extends Parser {
// $ANTLR start r_infixExpression
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:131:1: r_infixExpression : r_primaryExpression ( '.' r_featureCall )* ;
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:243:1: r_infixExpression : r_primaryExpression ( '.' r_featureCall )* ;
public void r_infixExpression() throws RecognitionException {
try {
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:132:2: ( r_primaryExpression ( '.' r_featureCall )* )
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:132:2: r_primaryExpression ( '.' r_featureCall )*
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:244:2: ( r_primaryExpression ( '.' r_featureCall )* )
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:244:2: r_primaryExpression ( '.' r_featureCall )*
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_primaryExpression_in_r_infixExpression740);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_primaryExpression_in_r_infixExpression1288);
if (failed) return ;
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:132:23: ( '.' r_featureCall )*
- loop37:
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:244:23: ( '.' r_featureCall )*
+ loop59:
do {
- int alt37=2;
- int LA37_0 = input.LA(1);
+ int alt59=2;
+ int LA59_0 = input.LA(1);
- if ( (LA37_0==37) ) {
- alt37=1;
+ if ( (LA59_0==67) ) {
+ alt59=1;
- switch (alt37) {
+ switch (alt59) {
case 1 :
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:132:25: '.' r_featureCall
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:244:25: '.' r_featureCall
- match(input,37,FOLLOW_37_in_r_infixExpression745); if (failed) return ;
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_featureCall_in_r_infixExpression747);
+ match(input,67,FOLLOW_67_in_r_infixExpression1293); if (failed) return ;
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_featureCall_in_r_infixExpression1295);
if (failed) return ;
@@ -1877,7 +3194,7 @@ public class Xpand3Parser extends Parser {
default :
- break loop37;
+ break loop59;
} while (true);
@@ -1897,90 +3214,90 @@ public class Xpand3Parser extends Parser {
// $ANTLR start r_primaryExpression
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:135:1: r_primaryExpression : ( StringLiteral | r_featureCall | r_booleanLiteral | r_numberLiteral | r_nullLiteral | r_listLiteral | r_constructorCall | r_globalVarExpression | r_paranthesizedExpression );
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:247:1: r_primaryExpression : ( StringLiteral | r_featureCall | r_booleanLiteral | r_numberLiteral | r_nullLiteral | r_listLiteral | r_constructorCall | r_globalVarExpression | r_paranthesizedExpression );
public void r_primaryExpression() throws RecognitionException {
try {
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:136:4: ( StringLiteral | r_featureCall | r_booleanLiteral | r_numberLiteral | r_nullLiteral | r_listLiteral | r_constructorCall | r_globalVarExpression | r_paranthesizedExpression )
- int alt38=9;
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:248:4: ( StringLiteral | r_featureCall | r_booleanLiteral | r_numberLiteral | r_nullLiteral | r_listLiteral | r_constructorCall | r_globalVarExpression | r_paranthesizedExpression )
+ int alt60=9;
switch ( input.LA(1) ) {
case StringLiteral:
- alt38=1;
+ alt60=1;
case Identifier:
- case 38:
- case 39:
- case 40:
- case 71:
- case 72:
- case 73:
- case 74:
- case 75:
- case 76:
- case 77:
- case 78:
- case 79:
+ case 68:
+ case 69:
+ case 70:
+ case 100:
+ case 101:
+ case 102:
+ case 103:
+ case 104:
+ case 105:
+ case 106:
+ case 107:
+ case 108:
- alt38=2;
+ alt60=2;
- case 68:
- case 69:
+ case 97:
+ case 98:
- alt38=3;
+ alt60=3;
case IntLiteral:
- alt38=4;
+ alt60=4;
- case 70:
+ case 99:
- alt38=5;
+ alt60=5;
- case 65:
+ case 94:
- alt38=6;
+ alt60=6;
- case 67:
+ case 96:
- alt38=7;
+ alt60=7;
- case 64:
+ case 93:
- alt38=8;
+ alt60=8;
- case 28:
+ case 30:
- alt38=9;
+ alt60=9;
if (backtracking>0) {failed=true; return ;}
NoViableAltException nvae =
- new NoViableAltException("135:1: r_primaryExpression : ( StringLiteral | r_featureCall | r_booleanLiteral | r_numberLiteral | r_nullLiteral | r_listLiteral | r_constructorCall | r_globalVarExpression | r_paranthesizedExpression );", 38, 0, input);
+ new NoViableAltException("247:1: r_primaryExpression : ( StringLiteral | r_featureCall | r_booleanLiteral | r_numberLiteral | r_nullLiteral | r_listLiteral | r_constructorCall | r_globalVarExpression | r_paranthesizedExpression );", 60, 0, input);
throw nvae;
- switch (alt38) {
+ switch (alt60) {
case 1 :
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:136:4: StringLiteral
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:248:4: StringLiteral
- match(input,StringLiteral,FOLLOW_StringLiteral_in_r_primaryExpression765); if (failed) return ;
+ match(input,StringLiteral,FOLLOW_StringLiteral_in_r_primaryExpression1313); if (failed) return ;
case 2 :
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:137:5: r_featureCall
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:249:5: r_featureCall
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_featureCall_in_r_primaryExpression773);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_featureCall_in_r_primaryExpression1321);
if (failed) return ;
@@ -1988,9 +3305,9 @@ public class Xpand3Parser extends Parser {
case 3 :
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:138:5: r_booleanLiteral
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:250:5: r_booleanLiteral
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_booleanLiteral_in_r_primaryExpression780);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_booleanLiteral_in_r_primaryExpression1328);
if (failed) return ;
@@ -1998,9 +3315,9 @@ public class Xpand3Parser extends Parser {
case 4 :
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:139:5: r_numberLiteral
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:251:5: r_numberLiteral
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_numberLiteral_in_r_primaryExpression787);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_numberLiteral_in_r_primaryExpression1335);
if (failed) return ;
@@ -2008,9 +3325,9 @@ public class Xpand3Parser extends Parser {
case 5 :
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:140:5: r_nullLiteral
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:252:5: r_nullLiteral
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_nullLiteral_in_r_primaryExpression794);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_nullLiteral_in_r_primaryExpression1342);
if (failed) return ;
@@ -2018,9 +3335,9 @@ public class Xpand3Parser extends Parser {
case 6 :
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:141:5: r_listLiteral
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:253:5: r_listLiteral
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_listLiteral_in_r_primaryExpression801);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_listLiteral_in_r_primaryExpression1349);
if (failed) return ;
@@ -2028,9 +3345,9 @@ public class Xpand3Parser extends Parser {
case 7 :
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:142:5: r_constructorCall
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:254:5: r_constructorCall
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_constructorCall_in_r_primaryExpression808);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_constructorCall_in_r_primaryExpression1356);
if (failed) return ;
@@ -2038,9 +3355,9 @@ public class Xpand3Parser extends Parser {
case 8 :
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:143:5: r_globalVarExpression
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:255:5: r_globalVarExpression
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_globalVarExpression_in_r_primaryExpression815);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_globalVarExpression_in_r_primaryExpression1363);
if (failed) return ;
@@ -2048,9 +3365,9 @@ public class Xpand3Parser extends Parser {
case 9 :
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:144:5: r_paranthesizedExpression
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:256:5: r_paranthesizedExpression
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_paranthesizedExpression_in_r_primaryExpression822);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_paranthesizedExpression_in_r_primaryExpression1370);
if (failed) return ;
@@ -2072,18 +3389,18 @@ public class Xpand3Parser extends Parser {
// $ANTLR start r_paranthesizedExpression
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:147:1: r_paranthesizedExpression : '(' r_expression ')' ;
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:259:1: r_paranthesizedExpression : '(' r_expression ')' ;
public void r_paranthesizedExpression() throws RecognitionException {
try {
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:148:5: ( '(' r_expression ')' )
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:148:5: '(' r_expression ')'
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:260:5: ( '(' r_expression ')' )
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:260:5: '(' r_expression ')'
- match(input,28,FOLLOW_28_in_r_paranthesizedExpression836); if (failed) return ;
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_expression_in_r_paranthesizedExpression838);
+ match(input,30,FOLLOW_30_in_r_paranthesizedExpression1384); if (failed) return ;
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_expression_in_r_paranthesizedExpression1386);
if (failed) return ;
- match(input,31,FOLLOW_31_in_r_paranthesizedExpression840); if (failed) return ;
+ match(input,33,FOLLOW_33_in_r_paranthesizedExpression1388); if (failed) return ;
@@ -2100,14 +3417,14 @@ public class Xpand3Parser extends Parser {
// $ANTLR start r_globalVarExpression
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:151:1: r_globalVarExpression : 'GLOBALVAR' r_identifier ;
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:263:1: r_globalVarExpression : 'GLOBALVAR' r_identifier ;
public void r_globalVarExpression() throws RecognitionException {
try {
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:152:5: ( 'GLOBALVAR' r_identifier )
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:152:5: 'GLOBALVAR' r_identifier
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:264:5: ( 'GLOBALVAR' r_identifier )
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:264:5: 'GLOBALVAR' r_identifier
- match(input,64,FOLLOW_64_in_r_globalVarExpression855); if (failed) return ;
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_identifier_in_r_globalVarExpression857);
+ match(input,93,FOLLOW_93_in_r_globalVarExpression1403); if (failed) return ;
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_identifier_in_r_globalVarExpression1405);
if (failed) return ;
@@ -2127,80 +3444,80 @@ public class Xpand3Parser extends Parser {
// $ANTLR start r_featureCall
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:154:1: r_featureCall : ( r_identifier '(' ( r_parameterList )? ')' | r_type | r_collectionExpression );
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:266:1: r_featureCall : ( r_identifier '(' ( r_parameterList )? ')' | r_type | r_collectionExpression );
public void r_featureCall() throws RecognitionException {
try {
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:155:5: ( r_identifier '(' ( r_parameterList )? ')' | r_type | r_collectionExpression )
- int alt40=3;
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:267:5: ( r_identifier '(' ( r_parameterList )? ')' | r_type | r_collectionExpression )
+ int alt62=3;
switch ( input.LA(1) ) {
case Identifier:
- int LA40_1 = input.LA(2);
+ int LA62_1 = input.LA(2);
- if ( (LA40_1==EOF||LA40_1==19||(LA40_1>=24 && LA40_1<=26)||(LA40_1>=29 && LA40_1<=32)||LA40_1==37||(LA40_1>=43 && LA40_1<=46)||(LA40_1>=48 && LA40_1<=62)||LA40_1==66) ) {
- alt40=2;
+ if ( (LA62_1==EOF||LA62_1==TEXT||LA62_1==Identifier||LA62_1==27||(LA62_1>=31 && LA62_1<=33)||(LA62_1>=35 && LA62_1<=36)||LA62_1==39||LA62_1==42||(LA62_1>=53 && LA62_1<=55)||(LA62_1>=59 && LA62_1<=60)||LA62_1==62||LA62_1==67||(LA62_1>=73 && LA62_1<=76)||(LA62_1>=78 && LA62_1<=91)||LA62_1==95) ) {
+ alt62=2;
- else if ( (LA40_1==28) ) {
- alt40=1;
+ else if ( (LA62_1==30) ) {
+ alt62=1;
else {
if (backtracking>0) {failed=true; return ;}
NoViableAltException nvae =
- new NoViableAltException("154:1: r_featureCall : ( r_identifier '(' ( r_parameterList )? ')' | r_type | r_collectionExpression );", 40, 1, input);
+ new NoViableAltException("266:1: r_featureCall : ( r_identifier '(' ( r_parameterList )? ')' | r_type | r_collectionExpression );", 62, 1, input);
throw nvae;
- case 38:
- case 39:
- case 40:
+ case 68:
+ case 69:
+ case 70:
- alt40=2;
+ alt62=2;
- case 71:
- case 72:
- case 73:
- case 74:
- case 75:
- case 76:
- case 77:
- case 78:
- case 79:
+ case 100:
+ case 101:
+ case 102:
+ case 103:
+ case 104:
+ case 105:
+ case 106:
+ case 107:
+ case 108:
- alt40=3;
+ alt62=3;
if (backtracking>0) {failed=true; return ;}
NoViableAltException nvae =
- new NoViableAltException("154:1: r_featureCall : ( r_identifier '(' ( r_parameterList )? ')' | r_type | r_collectionExpression );", 40, 0, input);
+ new NoViableAltException("266:1: r_featureCall : ( r_identifier '(' ( r_parameterList )? ')' | r_type | r_collectionExpression );", 62, 0, input);
throw nvae;
- switch (alt40) {
+ switch (alt62) {
case 1 :
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:155:5: r_identifier '(' ( r_parameterList )? ')'
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:267:5: r_identifier '(' ( r_parameterList )? ')'
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_identifier_in_r_featureCall871);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_identifier_in_r_featureCall1419);
if (failed) return ;
- match(input,28,FOLLOW_28_in_r_featureCall873); if (failed) return ;
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:155:22: ( r_parameterList )?
- int alt39=2;
- int LA39_0 = input.LA(1);
+ match(input,30,FOLLOW_30_in_r_featureCall1421); if (failed) return ;
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:267:22: ( r_parameterList )?
+ int alt61=2;
+ int LA61_0 = input.LA(1);
- if ( ((LA39_0>=StringLiteral && LA39_0<=Identifier)||LA39_0==23||LA39_0==28||(LA39_0>=38 && LA39_0<=41)||LA39_0==47||LA39_0==61||(LA39_0>=63 && LA39_0<=65)||(LA39_0>=67 && LA39_0<=79)) ) {
- alt39=1;
+ if ( ((LA61_0>=StringLiteral && LA61_0<=Identifier)||LA61_0==30||LA61_0==35||LA61_0==58||(LA61_0>=68 && LA61_0<=71)||LA61_0==77||(LA61_0>=92 && LA61_0<=94)||(LA61_0>=96 && LA61_0<=108)) ) {
+ alt61=1;
- switch (alt39) {
+ switch (alt61) {
case 1 :
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:155:23: r_parameterList
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:267:23: r_parameterList
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_parameterList_in_r_featureCall876);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_parameterList_in_r_featureCall1424);
if (failed) return ;
@@ -2210,14 +3527,14 @@ public class Xpand3Parser extends Parser {
- match(input,31,FOLLOW_31_in_r_featureCall880); if (failed) return ;
+ match(input,33,FOLLOW_33_in_r_featureCall1428); if (failed) return ;
case 2 :
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:156:5: r_type
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:268:5: r_type
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_type_in_r_featureCall887);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_type_in_r_featureCall1435);
if (failed) return ;
@@ -2225,9 +3542,9 @@ public class Xpand3Parser extends Parser {
case 3 :
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:157:5: r_collectionExpression
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:269:5: r_collectionExpression
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_collectionExpression_in_r_featureCall895);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_collectionExpression_in_r_featureCall1443);
if (failed) return ;
@@ -2249,45 +3566,45 @@ public class Xpand3Parser extends Parser {
// $ANTLR start r_listLiteral
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:160:1: r_listLiteral : '[' ( r_expression ( ',' r_expression )* )? ']' ;
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:272:1: r_listLiteral : '[' ( r_expression ( ',' r_expression )* )? ']' ;
public void r_listLiteral() throws RecognitionException {
try {
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:161:2: ( '[' ( r_expression ( ',' r_expression )* )? ']' )
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:161:2: '[' ( r_expression ( ',' r_expression )* )? ']'
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:273:2: ( '[' ( r_expression ( ',' r_expression )* )? ']' )
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:273:2: '[' ( r_expression ( ',' r_expression )* )? ']'
- match(input,65,FOLLOW_65_in_r_listLiteral907); if (failed) return ;
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:161:5: ( r_expression ( ',' r_expression )* )?
- int alt42=2;
- int LA42_0 = input.LA(1);
+ match(input,94,FOLLOW_94_in_r_listLiteral1455); if (failed) return ;
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:273:5: ( r_expression ( ',' r_expression )* )?
+ int alt64=2;
+ int LA64_0 = input.LA(1);
- if ( ((LA42_0>=StringLiteral && LA42_0<=Identifier)||LA42_0==23||LA42_0==28||(LA42_0>=38 && LA42_0<=41)||LA42_0==47||LA42_0==61||(LA42_0>=63 && LA42_0<=65)||(LA42_0>=67 && LA42_0<=79)) ) {
- alt42=1;
+ if ( ((LA64_0>=StringLiteral && LA64_0<=Identifier)||LA64_0==30||LA64_0==35||LA64_0==58||(LA64_0>=68 && LA64_0<=71)||LA64_0==77||(LA64_0>=92 && LA64_0<=94)||(LA64_0>=96 && LA64_0<=108)) ) {
+ alt64=1;
- switch (alt42) {
+ switch (alt64) {
case 1 :
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:161:6: r_expression ( ',' r_expression )*
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:273:6: r_expression ( ',' r_expression )*
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_expression_in_r_listLiteral909);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_expression_in_r_listLiteral1457);
if (failed) return ;
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:161:19: ( ',' r_expression )*
- loop41:
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:273:19: ( ',' r_expression )*
+ loop63:
do {
- int alt41=2;
- int LA41_0 = input.LA(1);
+ int alt63=2;
+ int LA63_0 = input.LA(1);
- if ( (LA41_0==29) ) {
- alt41=1;
+ if ( (LA63_0==31) ) {
+ alt63=1;
- switch (alt41) {
+ switch (alt63) {
case 1 :
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:161:20: ',' r_expression
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:273:20: ',' r_expression
- match(input,29,FOLLOW_29_in_r_listLiteral912); if (failed) return ;
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_expression_in_r_listLiteral914);
+ match(input,31,FOLLOW_31_in_r_listLiteral1460); if (failed) return ;
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_expression_in_r_listLiteral1462);
if (failed) return ;
@@ -2296,7 +3613,7 @@ public class Xpand3Parser extends Parser {
default :
- break loop41;
+ break loop63;
} while (true);
@@ -2306,7 +3623,7 @@ public class Xpand3Parser extends Parser {
- match(input,66,FOLLOW_66_in_r_listLiteral919); if (failed) return ;
+ match(input,95,FOLLOW_95_in_r_listLiteral1467); if (failed) return ;
@@ -2323,14 +3640,14 @@ public class Xpand3Parser extends Parser {
// $ANTLR start r_constructorCall
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:164:1: r_constructorCall : 'new' r_simpleType ;
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:276:1: r_constructorCall : 'new' r_simpleType ;
public void r_constructorCall() throws RecognitionException {
try {
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:165:2: ( 'new' r_simpleType )
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:165:2: 'new' r_simpleType
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:277:2: ( 'new' r_simpleType )
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:277:2: 'new' r_simpleType
- match(input,67,FOLLOW_67_in_r_constructorCall930); if (failed) return ;
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_simpleType_in_r_constructorCall932);
+ match(input,96,FOLLOW_96_in_r_constructorCall1478); if (failed) return ;
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_simpleType_in_r_constructorCall1480);
if (failed) return ;
@@ -2350,13 +3667,13 @@ public class Xpand3Parser extends Parser {
// $ANTLR start r_booleanLiteral
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:169:1: r_booleanLiteral : ( 'false' | 'true' );
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:281:1: r_booleanLiteral : ( 'false' | 'true' );
public void r_booleanLiteral() throws RecognitionException {
try {
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:170:2: ( 'false' | 'true' )
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:282:2: ( 'false' | 'true' )
// src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:
- if ( (input.LA(1)>=68 && input.LA(1)<=69) ) {
+ if ( (input.LA(1)>=97 && input.LA(1)<=98) ) {
@@ -2383,13 +3700,13 @@ public class Xpand3Parser extends Parser {
// $ANTLR start r_nullLiteral
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:173:1: r_nullLiteral : 'null' ;
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:285:1: r_nullLiteral : 'null' ;
public void r_nullLiteral() throws RecognitionException {
try {
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:174:2: ( 'null' )
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:174:2: 'null'
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:286:2: ( 'null' )
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:286:2: 'null'
- match(input,70,FOLLOW_70_in_r_nullLiteral958); if (failed) return ;
+ match(input,99,FOLLOW_99_in_r_nullLiteral1506); if (failed) return ;
@@ -2406,40 +3723,40 @@ public class Xpand3Parser extends Parser {
// $ANTLR start r_numberLiteral
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:177:1: r_numberLiteral : ( IntLiteral | IntLiteral '.' IntLiteral );
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:289:1: r_numberLiteral : ( IntLiteral | IntLiteral '.' IntLiteral );
public void r_numberLiteral() throws RecognitionException {
try {
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:178:4: ( IntLiteral | IntLiteral '.' IntLiteral )
- int alt43=2;
- int LA43_0 = input.LA(1);
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:290:4: ( IntLiteral | IntLiteral '.' IntLiteral )
+ int alt65=2;
+ int LA65_0 = input.LA(1);
- if ( (LA43_0==IntLiteral) ) {
- int LA43_1 = input.LA(2);
+ if ( (LA65_0==IntLiteral) ) {
+ int LA65_1 = input.LA(2);
- if ( (LA43_1==37) ) {
- int LA43_2 = input.LA(3);
+ if ( (LA65_1==67) ) {
+ int LA65_2 = input.LA(3);
- if ( (LA43_2==IntLiteral) ) {
- alt43=2;
+ if ( (LA65_2==IntLiteral) ) {
+ alt65=2;
- else if ( (LA43_2==Identifier||(LA43_2>=38 && LA43_2<=40)||(LA43_2>=71 && LA43_2<=79)) ) {
- alt43=1;
+ else if ( (LA65_2==Identifier||(LA65_2>=68 && LA65_2<=70)||(LA65_2>=100 && LA65_2<=108)) ) {
+ alt65=1;
else {
if (backtracking>0) {failed=true; return ;}
NoViableAltException nvae =
- new NoViableAltException("177:1: r_numberLiteral : ( IntLiteral | IntLiteral '.' IntLiteral );", 43, 2, input);
+ new NoViableAltException("289:1: r_numberLiteral : ( IntLiteral | IntLiteral '.' IntLiteral );", 65, 2, input);
throw nvae;
- else if ( (LA43_1==EOF||LA43_1==19||(LA43_1>=24 && LA43_1<=26)||(LA43_1>=29 && LA43_1<=31)||(LA43_1>=43 && LA43_1<=46)||(LA43_1>=48 && LA43_1<=62)||LA43_1==66) ) {
- alt43=1;
+ else if ( (LA65_1==EOF||LA65_1==TEXT||LA65_1==Identifier||LA65_1==27||(LA65_1>=31 && LA65_1<=33)||(LA65_1>=35 && LA65_1<=36)||LA65_1==39||LA65_1==42||(LA65_1>=53 && LA65_1<=55)||(LA65_1>=59 && LA65_1<=60)||(LA65_1>=73 && LA65_1<=76)||(LA65_1>=78 && LA65_1<=91)||LA65_1==95) ) {
+ alt65=1;
else {
if (backtracking>0) {failed=true; return ;}
NoViableAltException nvae =
- new NoViableAltException("177:1: r_numberLiteral : ( IntLiteral | IntLiteral '.' IntLiteral );", 43, 1, input);
+ new NoViableAltException("289:1: r_numberLiteral : ( IntLiteral | IntLiteral '.' IntLiteral );", 65, 1, input);
throw nvae;
@@ -2447,24 +3764,24 @@ public class Xpand3Parser extends Parser {
else {
if (backtracking>0) {failed=true; return ;}
NoViableAltException nvae =
- new NoViableAltException("177:1: r_numberLiteral : ( IntLiteral | IntLiteral '.' IntLiteral );", 43, 0, input);
+ new NoViableAltException("289:1: r_numberLiteral : ( IntLiteral | IntLiteral '.' IntLiteral );", 65, 0, input);
throw nvae;
- switch (alt43) {
+ switch (alt65) {
case 1 :
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:178:4: IntLiteral
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:290:4: IntLiteral
- match(input,IntLiteral,FOLLOW_IntLiteral_in_r_numberLiteral971); if (failed) return ;
+ match(input,IntLiteral,FOLLOW_IntLiteral_in_r_numberLiteral1519); if (failed) return ;
case 2 :
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:179:4: IntLiteral '.' IntLiteral
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:291:4: IntLiteral '.' IntLiteral
- match(input,IntLiteral,FOLLOW_IntLiteral_in_r_numberLiteral977); if (failed) return ;
- match(input,37,FOLLOW_37_in_r_numberLiteral979); if (failed) return ;
- match(input,IntLiteral,FOLLOW_IntLiteral_in_r_numberLiteral981); if (failed) return ;
+ match(input,IntLiteral,FOLLOW_IntLiteral_in_r_numberLiteral1525); if (failed) return ;
+ match(input,67,FOLLOW_67_in_r_numberLiteral1527); if (failed) return ;
+ match(input,IntLiteral,FOLLOW_IntLiteral_in_r_numberLiteral1529); if (failed) return ;
@@ -2483,44 +3800,44 @@ public class Xpand3Parser extends Parser {
// $ANTLR start r_collectionExpression
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:182:1: r_collectionExpression : ( 'typeSelect' '(' r_type ')' | ( 'collect' | 'select' | 'selectFirst' | 'reject' | 'exists' | 'notExists' | 'sortBy' | 'forAll' ) '(' ( r_identifier '|' )? r_expression ')' );
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:294:1: r_collectionExpression : ( 'typeSelect' '(' r_type ')' | ( 'collect' | 'select' | 'selectFirst' | 'reject' | 'exists' | 'notExists' | 'sortBy' | 'forAll' ) '(' ( r_identifier '|' )? r_expression ')' );
public void r_collectionExpression() throws RecognitionException {
try {
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:183:3: ( 'typeSelect' '(' r_type ')' | ( 'collect' | 'select' | 'selectFirst' | 'reject' | 'exists' | 'notExists' | 'sortBy' | 'forAll' ) '(' ( r_identifier '|' )? r_expression ')' )
- int alt45=2;
- int LA45_0 = input.LA(1);
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:295:3: ( 'typeSelect' '(' r_type ')' | ( 'collect' | 'select' | 'selectFirst' | 'reject' | 'exists' | 'notExists' | 'sortBy' | 'forAll' ) '(' ( r_identifier '|' )? r_expression ')' )
+ int alt67=2;
+ int LA67_0 = input.LA(1);
- if ( (LA45_0==71) ) {
- alt45=1;
+ if ( (LA67_0==100) ) {
+ alt67=1;
- else if ( ((LA45_0>=72 && LA45_0<=79)) ) {
- alt45=2;
+ else if ( ((LA67_0>=101 && LA67_0<=108)) ) {
+ alt67=2;
else {
if (backtracking>0) {failed=true; return ;}
NoViableAltException nvae =
- new NoViableAltException("182:1: r_collectionExpression : ( 'typeSelect' '(' r_type ')' | ( 'collect' | 'select' | 'selectFirst' | 'reject' | 'exists' | 'notExists' | 'sortBy' | 'forAll' ) '(' ( r_identifier '|' )? r_expression ')' );", 45, 0, input);
+ new NoViableAltException("294:1: r_collectionExpression : ( 'typeSelect' '(' r_type ')' | ( 'collect' | 'select' | 'selectFirst' | 'reject' | 'exists' | 'notExists' | 'sortBy' | 'forAll' ) '(' ( r_identifier '|' )? r_expression ')' );", 67, 0, input);
throw nvae;
- switch (alt45) {
+ switch (alt67) {
case 1 :
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:183:3: 'typeSelect' '(' r_type ')'
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:295:3: 'typeSelect' '(' r_type ')'
- match(input,71,FOLLOW_71_in_r_collectionExpression994); if (failed) return ;
- match(input,28,FOLLOW_28_in_r_collectionExpression998); if (failed) return ;
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_type_in_r_collectionExpression1000);
+ match(input,100,FOLLOW_100_in_r_collectionExpression1542); if (failed) return ;
+ match(input,30,FOLLOW_30_in_r_collectionExpression1546); if (failed) return ;
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_type_in_r_collectionExpression1548);
if (failed) return ;
- match(input,31,FOLLOW_31_in_r_collectionExpression1002); if (failed) return ;
+ match(input,33,FOLLOW_33_in_r_collectionExpression1550); if (failed) return ;
case 2 :
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:186:4: ( 'collect' | 'select' | 'selectFirst' | 'reject' | 'exists' | 'notExists' | 'sortBy' | 'forAll' ) '(' ( r_identifier '|' )? r_expression ')'
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:298:4: ( 'collect' | 'select' | 'selectFirst' | 'reject' | 'exists' | 'notExists' | 'sortBy' | 'forAll' ) '(' ( r_identifier '|' )? r_expression ')'
- if ( (input.LA(1)>=72 && input.LA(1)<=79) ) {
+ if ( (input.LA(1)>=101 && input.LA(1)<=108) ) {
@@ -2528,41 +3845,41 @@ public class Xpand3Parser extends Parser {
if (backtracking>0) {failed=true; return ;}
MismatchedSetException mse =
new MismatchedSetException(null,input);
- recoverFromMismatchedSet(input,mse,FOLLOW_set_in_r_collectionExpression1011); throw mse;
+ recoverFromMismatchedSet(input,mse,FOLLOW_set_in_r_collectionExpression1559); throw mse;
- match(input,28,FOLLOW_28_in_r_collectionExpression1061); if (failed) return ;
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:193:19: ( r_identifier '|' )?
- int alt44=2;
- int LA44_0 = input.LA(1);
+ match(input,30,FOLLOW_30_in_r_collectionExpression1609); if (failed) return ;
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:305:19: ( r_identifier '|' )?
+ int alt66=2;
+ int LA66_0 = input.LA(1);
- if ( (LA44_0==Identifier) ) {
- int LA44_1 = input.LA(2);
+ if ( (LA66_0==Identifier) ) {
+ int LA66_1 = input.LA(2);
- if ( (LA44_1==80) ) {
- alt44=1;
+ if ( (LA66_1==109) ) {
+ alt66=1;
- switch (alt44) {
+ switch (alt66) {
case 1 :
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:193:20: r_identifier '|'
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:305:20: r_identifier '|'
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_identifier_in_r_collectionExpression1064);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_identifier_in_r_collectionExpression1612);
if (failed) return ;
- match(input,80,FOLLOW_80_in_r_collectionExpression1066); if (failed) return ;
+ match(input,109,FOLLOW_109_in_r_collectionExpression1614); if (failed) return ;
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_expression_in_r_collectionExpression1070);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_expression_in_r_collectionExpression1618);
if (failed) return ;
- match(input,31,FOLLOW_31_in_r_collectionExpression1072); if (failed) return ;
+ match(input,33,FOLLOW_33_in_r_collectionExpression1620); if (failed) return ;
@@ -2581,39 +3898,39 @@ public class Xpand3Parser extends Parser {
// $ANTLR start r_declaredParameterList
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:199:1: r_declaredParameterList : r_declaredParameter ( ',' r_declaredParameter )* ;
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:311:1: r_declaredParameterList : r_declaredParameter ( ',' r_declaredParameter )* ;
public void r_declaredParameterList() throws RecognitionException {
try {
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:200:2: ( r_declaredParameter ( ',' r_declaredParameter )* )
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:200:2: r_declaredParameter ( ',' r_declaredParameter )*
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:312:2: ( r_declaredParameter ( ',' r_declaredParameter )* )
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:312:2: r_declaredParameter ( ',' r_declaredParameter )*
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_declaredParameter_in_r_declaredParameterList1089);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_declaredParameter_in_r_declaredParameterList1637);
if (failed) return ;
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:200:22: ( ',' r_declaredParameter )*
- loop46:
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:312:22: ( ',' r_declaredParameter )*
+ loop68:
do {
- int alt46=2;
- int LA46_0 = input.LA(1);
+ int alt68=2;
+ int LA68_0 = input.LA(1);
- if ( (LA46_0==29) ) {
- int LA46_1 = input.LA(2);
+ if ( (LA68_0==31) ) {
+ int LA68_1 = input.LA(2);
- if ( (LA46_1==Identifier||(LA46_1>=38 && LA46_1<=40)) ) {
- alt46=1;
+ if ( (LA68_1==Identifier||(LA68_1>=68 && LA68_1<=70)) ) {
+ alt68=1;
- switch (alt46) {
+ switch (alt68) {
case 1 :
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:200:23: ',' r_declaredParameter
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:312:23: ',' r_declaredParameter
- match(input,29,FOLLOW_29_in_r_declaredParameterList1092); if (failed) return ;
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_declaredParameter_in_r_declaredParameterList1094);
+ match(input,31,FOLLOW_31_in_r_declaredParameterList1640); if (failed) return ;
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_declaredParameter_in_r_declaredParameterList1642);
if (failed) return ;
@@ -2622,7 +3939,7 @@ public class Xpand3Parser extends Parser {
default :
- break loop46;
+ break loop68;
} while (true);
@@ -2642,17 +3959,17 @@ public class Xpand3Parser extends Parser {
// $ANTLR start r_declaredParameter
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:203:1: r_declaredParameter : r_type r_identifier ;
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:315:1: r_declaredParameter : r_type r_identifier ;
public void r_declaredParameter() throws RecognitionException {
try {
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:204:2: ( r_type r_identifier )
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:204:2: r_type r_identifier
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:316:2: ( r_type r_identifier )
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:316:2: r_type r_identifier
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_type_in_r_declaredParameter1107);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_type_in_r_declaredParameter1655);
if (failed) return ;
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_identifier_in_r_declaredParameter1109);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_identifier_in_r_declaredParameter1657);
if (failed) return ;
@@ -2672,33 +3989,33 @@ public class Xpand3Parser extends Parser {
// $ANTLR start r_parameterList
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:207:1: r_parameterList : r_expression ( ',' r_expression )* ;
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:319:1: r_parameterList : r_expression ( ',' r_expression )* ;
public void r_parameterList() throws RecognitionException {
try {
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:208:5: ( r_expression ( ',' r_expression )* )
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:208:5: r_expression ( ',' r_expression )*
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:320:5: ( r_expression ( ',' r_expression )* )
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:320:5: r_expression ( ',' r_expression )*
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_expression_in_r_parameterList1124);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_expression_in_r_parameterList1672);
if (failed) return ;
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:208:19: ( ',' r_expression )*
- loop47:
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:320:19: ( ',' r_expression )*
+ loop69:
do {
- int alt47=2;
- int LA47_0 = input.LA(1);
+ int alt69=2;
+ int LA69_0 = input.LA(1);
- if ( (LA47_0==29) ) {
- alt47=1;
+ if ( (LA69_0==31) ) {
+ alt69=1;
- switch (alt47) {
+ switch (alt69) {
case 1 :
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:208:20: ',' r_expression
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:320:20: ',' r_expression
- match(input,29,FOLLOW_29_in_r_parameterList1128); if (failed) return ;
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_expression_in_r_parameterList1130);
+ match(input,31,FOLLOW_31_in_r_parameterList1676); if (failed) return ;
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_expression_in_r_parameterList1678);
if (failed) return ;
@@ -2707,7 +4024,7 @@ public class Xpand3Parser extends Parser {
default :
- break loop47;
+ break loop69;
} while (true);
@@ -2727,31 +4044,31 @@ public class Xpand3Parser extends Parser {
// $ANTLR start r_type
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:213:1: r_type : ( r_collectionType | r_simpleType );
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:325:1: r_type : ( r_collectionType | r_simpleType );
public void r_type() throws RecognitionException {
try {
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:214:2: ( r_collectionType | r_simpleType )
- int alt48=2;
- int LA48_0 = input.LA(1);
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:326:2: ( r_collectionType | r_simpleType )
+ int alt70=2;
+ int LA70_0 = input.LA(1);
- if ( ((LA48_0>=38 && LA48_0<=40)) ) {
- alt48=1;
+ if ( ((LA70_0>=68 && LA70_0<=70)) ) {
+ alt70=1;
- else if ( (LA48_0==Identifier) ) {
- alt48=2;
+ else if ( (LA70_0==Identifier) ) {
+ alt70=2;
else {
if (backtracking>0) {failed=true; return ;}
NoViableAltException nvae =
- new NoViableAltException("213:1: r_type : ( r_collectionType | r_simpleType );", 48, 0, input);
+ new NoViableAltException("325:1: r_type : ( r_collectionType | r_simpleType );", 70, 0, input);
throw nvae;
- switch (alt48) {
+ switch (alt70) {
case 1 :
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:214:2: r_collectionType
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:326:2: r_collectionType
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_collectionType_in_r_type1147);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_collectionType_in_r_type1695);
if (failed) return ;
@@ -2759,9 +4076,9 @@ public class Xpand3Parser extends Parser {
case 2 :
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:215:2: r_simpleType
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:327:2: r_simpleType
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_simpleType_in_r_type1152);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_simpleType_in_r_type1700);
if (failed) return ;
@@ -2783,13 +4100,13 @@ public class Xpand3Parser extends Parser {
// $ANTLR start r_collectionType
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:218:1: r_collectionType : ( 'Collection' | 'List' | 'Set' ) ( '[' r_simpleType ']' )? ;
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:330:1: r_collectionType : ( 'Collection' | 'List' | 'Set' ) ( '[' r_simpleType ']' )? ;
public void r_collectionType() throws RecognitionException {
try {
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:219:3: ( ( 'Collection' | 'List' | 'Set' ) ( '[' r_simpleType ']' )? )
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:219:3: ( 'Collection' | 'List' | 'Set' ) ( '[' r_simpleType ']' )?
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:331:3: ( ( 'Collection' | 'List' | 'Set' ) ( '[' r_simpleType ']' )? )
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:331:3: ( 'Collection' | 'List' | 'Set' ) ( '[' r_simpleType ']' )?
- if ( (input.LA(1)>=38 && input.LA(1)<=40) ) {
+ if ( (input.LA(1)>=68 && input.LA(1)<=70) ) {
@@ -2797,26 +4114,26 @@ public class Xpand3Parser extends Parser {
if (backtracking>0) {failed=true; return ;}
MismatchedSetException mse =
new MismatchedSetException(null,input);
- recoverFromMismatchedSet(input,mse,FOLLOW_set_in_r_collectionType1167); throw mse;
+ recoverFromMismatchedSet(input,mse,FOLLOW_set_in_r_collectionType1715); throw mse;
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:220:3: ( '[' r_simpleType ']' )?
- int alt49=2;
- int LA49_0 = input.LA(1);
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:332:3: ( '[' r_simpleType ']' )?
+ int alt71=2;
+ int LA71_0 = input.LA(1);
- if ( (LA49_0==65) ) {
- alt49=1;
+ if ( (LA71_0==94) ) {
+ alt71=1;
- switch (alt49) {
+ switch (alt71) {
case 1 :
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:220:4: '[' r_simpleType ']'
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:332:4: '[' r_simpleType ']'
- match(input,65,FOLLOW_65_in_r_collectionType1185); if (failed) return ;
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_simpleType_in_r_collectionType1187);
+ match(input,94,FOLLOW_94_in_r_collectionType1733); if (failed) return ;
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_simpleType_in_r_collectionType1735);
if (failed) return ;
- match(input,66,FOLLOW_66_in_r_collectionType1189); if (failed) return ;
+ match(input,95,FOLLOW_95_in_r_collectionType1737); if (failed) return ;
@@ -2839,33 +4156,33 @@ public class Xpand3Parser extends Parser {
// $ANTLR start r_simpleType
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:223:1: r_simpleType : r_identifier ( '::' r_identifier )* ;
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:335:1: r_simpleType : r_identifier ( '::' r_identifier )* ;
public void r_simpleType() throws RecognitionException {
try {
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:224:2: ( r_identifier ( '::' r_identifier )* )
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:224:2: r_identifier ( '::' r_identifier )*
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:336:2: ( r_identifier ( '::' r_identifier )* )
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:336:2: r_identifier ( '::' r_identifier )*
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_identifier_in_r_simpleType1202);
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_identifier_in_r_simpleType1750);
if (failed) return ;
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:225:2: ( '::' r_identifier )*
- loop50:
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:337:2: ( '::' r_identifier )*
+ loop72:
do {
- int alt50=2;
- int LA50_0 = input.LA(1);
+ int alt72=2;
+ int LA72_0 = input.LA(1);
- if ( (LA50_0==32) ) {
- alt50=1;
+ if ( (LA72_0==62) ) {
+ alt72=1;
- switch (alt50) {
+ switch (alt72) {
case 1 :
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:225:3: '::' r_identifier
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:337:3: '::' r_identifier
- match(input,32,FOLLOW_32_in_r_simpleType1207); if (failed) return ;
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_identifier_in_r_simpleType1209);
+ match(input,62,FOLLOW_62_in_r_simpleType1755); if (failed) return ;
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_identifier_in_r_simpleType1757);
if (failed) return ;
@@ -2874,7 +4191,7 @@ public class Xpand3Parser extends Parser {
default :
- break loop50;
+ break loop72;
} while (true);
@@ -2894,13 +4211,13 @@ public class Xpand3Parser extends Parser {
// $ANTLR start r_identifier
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:228:1: r_identifier : Identifier ;
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:340:1: r_identifier : Identifier ;
public void r_identifier() throws RecognitionException {
try {
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:229:4: ( Identifier )
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:229:4: Identifier
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:341:4: ( Identifier )
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:341:4: Identifier
- match(input,Identifier,FOLLOW_Identifier_in_r_identifier1225); if (failed) return ;
+ match(input,Identifier,FOLLOW_Identifier_in_r_identifier1773); if (failed) return ;
@@ -2917,16 +4234,16 @@ public class Xpand3Parser extends Parser {
// $ANTLR start synpred1
public void synpred1_fragment() throws RecognitionException {
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:72:5: ( '(' r_type ')' r_castedExpression )
- // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:72:6: '(' r_type ')' r_castedExpression
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:184:5: ( '(' r_type ')' r_castedExpression )
+ // src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g:184:6: '(' r_type ')' r_castedExpression
- match(input,28,FOLLOW_28_in_synpred1395); if (failed) return ;
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_type_in_synpred1397);
+ match(input,30,FOLLOW_30_in_synpred1943); if (failed) return ;
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_type_in_synpred1945);
if (failed) return ;
- match(input,31,FOLLOW_31_in_synpred1399); if (failed) return ;
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_castedExpression_in_synpred1401);
+ match(input,33,FOLLOW_33_in_synpred1947); if (failed) return ;
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_r_castedExpression_in_synpred1949);
if (failed) return ;
@@ -2951,44 +4268,44 @@ public class Xpand3Parser extends Parser {
- protected DFA22 dfa22 = new DFA22(this);
- static final String DFA22_eotS =
+ protected DFA44 dfa44 = new DFA44(this);
+ static final String DFA44_eotS =
- static final String DFA22_eofS =
+ static final String DFA44_eofS =
- static final String DFA22_minS =
- "\2\4\1\uffff\1\34\1\36\1\6\1\4\1\6\1\36\1\4\17\uffff\1\40\3\0\2"+
- "\34\4\0\2\6\1\0\1\6\1\36\1\6\3\0\1\40\2\37\1\6\1\0\1\6\1\40\1\37"+
- "\1\6\1\37\1\40";
- static final String DFA22_maxS =
- "\2\117\1\uffff\1\76\1\101\1\6\1\117\1\6\1\76\1\117\17\uffff\1\102"+
- "\3\0\2\34\4\0\2\6\1\0\1\6\1\76\1\50\3\0\1\102\1\101\1\40\1\6\1\0"+
- "\1\6\1\102\1\40\1\6\1\37\1\102";
- static final String DFA22_acceptS =
- "\2\uffff\1\2\7\uffff\17\1\36\uffff";
- static final String DFA22_specialS =
- "\6\uffff\1\10\23\uffff\1\7\1\14\1\0\2\uffff\1\3\1\1\1\11\1\13\2"+
- "\uffff\1\4\3\uffff\1\5\1\2\1\6\4\uffff\1\12\6\uffff}>";
- static final String[] DFA22_transitionS = {
- "\3\2\20\uffff\1\2\4\uffff\1\1\11\uffff\3\2\6\uffff\1\2\15\uffff"+
- "\1\2\1\uffff\3\2\1\uffff\15\2",
- "\2\2\1\3\20\uffff\1\2\4\uffff\1\2\11\uffff\3\4\1\2\5\uffff\1"+
- "\2\15\uffff\1\2\1\uffff\3\2\1\uffff\15\2",
+ static final String DFA44_minS =
+ "\2\13\1\uffff\1\40\1\36\1\15\1\12\1\15\1\76\2\uffff\1\0\13\uffff"+
+ "\1\12\1\uffff\1\40\1\15\1\40\3\0\2\36\4\0\2\15\1\0\1\76\1\15\3\0"+
+ "\2\41\1\15\1\0\1\15\1\76\1\41\1\15\1\41\1\76";
+ static final String DFA44_maxS =
+ "\2\154\1\uffff\1\136\1\133\1\15\1\154\1\15\1\137\2\uffff\1\0\13"+
+ "\uffff\1\154\1\uffff\1\133\1\15\1\133\3\0\2\36\4\0\2\15\1\0\1\137"+
+ "\1\106\3\0\1\136\1\76\1\15\1\0\1\15\1\137\1\76\1\15\1\41\1\137";
+ static final String DFA44_acceptS =
+ "\2\uffff\1\2\6\uffff\2\1\1\uffff\13\1\1\uffff\1\1\36\uffff";
+ static final String DFA44_specialS =
+ "\6\uffff\1\10\4\uffff\1\13\20\uffff\1\4\1\3\1\15\2\uffff\1\7\1\14"+
+ "\1\5\1\0\2\uffff\1\6\2\uffff\1\2\1\1\1\11\3\uffff\1\12\6\uffff}>";
+ static final String[] DFA44_transitionS = {
+ "\3\2\20\uffff\1\1\4\uffff\1\2\26\uffff\1\2\11\uffff\3\2\6\uffff"+
+ "\1\2\16\uffff\3\2\1\uffff\15\2",
+ "\2\2\1\4\20\uffff\1\2\4\uffff\1\2\26\uffff\1\2\11\uffff\3\3"+
+ "\1\2\5\uffff\1\2\16\uffff\3\2\1\uffff\15\2",
- "\1\2\1\uffff\1\2\1\6\1\5\4\uffff\1\2\5\uffff\2\2\6\uffff\14"+
- "\2",
- "\1\2\1\6\5\uffff\1\2\5\uffff\2\2\6\uffff\14\2\2\uffff\1\7",
+ "\1\2\1\6\1\uffff\1\2\37\uffff\1\2\5\uffff\2\2\6\uffff\13\2\2"+
+ "\uffff\1\5",
+ "\1\2\1\uffff\1\2\1\6\1\uffff\1\2\32\uffff\1\7\4\uffff\1\2\5"+
+ "\uffff\2\2\6\uffff\13\2",
- "\1\13\1\21\1\14\14\uffff\1\2\3\uffff\1\30\3\2\1\uffff\1\26\3"+
- "\2\5\uffff\1\2\3\15\2\uffff\3\2\1\uffff\1\12\1\2\1\uffff\13"+
- "\2\1\11\1\2\1\27\1\25\1\23\1\2\1\24\2\20\1\22\1\16\10\17",
+ "\1\2\1\12\1\20\1\13\15\uffff\1\2\2\uffff\1\25\3\2\1\uffff\1"+
+ "\27\1\2\2\uffff\1\2\2\uffff\1\2\12\uffff\3\2\2\uffff\1\30\2"+
+ "\2\6\uffff\1\2\3\14\2\uffff\3\2\1\uffff\1\11\1\2\1\uffff\14"+
+ "\2\1\26\1\24\1\22\1\2\1\23\2\17\1\21\1\15\10\16",
- "\1\2\1\6\1\5\4\uffff\1\2\5\uffff\2\2\6\uffff\14\2",
- "\1\32\1\40\1\33\25\uffff\1\45\11\uffff\3\34\24\uffff\1\2\1\uffff"+
- "\1\2\1\44\1\42\1\uffff\1\43\2\37\1\41\1\35\10\36",
- "",
+ "\1\32\40\uffff\1\33",
+ "\1\uffff",
@@ -3000,79 +4317,82 @@ public class Xpand3Parser extends Parser {
+ "\1\2\1\34\1\42\1\35\20\uffff\1\47\4\uffff\1\2\40\uffff\3\36"+
+ "\25\uffff\1\2\1\46\1\44\1\uffff\1\45\2\41\1\43\1\37\10\40",
- "\1\46\41\uffff\1\47",
+ "\1\2\1\6\1\uffff\1\2\32\uffff\1\7\4\uffff\1\2\5\uffff\2\2\6"+
+ "\uffff\13\2",
+ "\1\50",
+ "\1\2\1\6\1\uffff\1\2\37\uffff\1\2\5\uffff\2\2\6\uffff\13\2",
- "\1\50",
+ "\1\52",
- "\1\52",
- "\1\uffff",
- "\1\2\1\6\5\uffff\1\2\5\uffff\2\2\6\uffff\14\2",
- "\1\56\37\uffff\3\55",
+ "\1\uffff",
+ "\1\32\40\uffff\1\33",
+ "\1\56\66\uffff\3\55",
- "\1\46\41\uffff\1\47",
- "\1\60\41\uffff\1\57",
- "\1\60\1\61",
+ "\1\60\74\uffff\1\57",
+ "\1\60\34\uffff\1\61",
- "\1\64\41\uffff\1\65",
- "\1\60\1\61",
+ "\1\64\40\uffff\1\65",
+ "\1\60\34\uffff\1\61",
- "\1\64\41\uffff\1\65"
+ "\1\64\40\uffff\1\65"
- static final short[] DFA22_eot = DFA.unpackEncodedString(DFA22_eotS);
- static final short[] DFA22_eof = DFA.unpackEncodedString(DFA22_eofS);
- static final char[] DFA22_min = DFA.unpackEncodedStringToUnsignedChars(DFA22_minS);
- static final char[] DFA22_max = DFA.unpackEncodedStringToUnsignedChars(DFA22_maxS);
- static final short[] DFA22_accept = DFA.unpackEncodedString(DFA22_acceptS);
- static final short[] DFA22_special = DFA.unpackEncodedString(DFA22_specialS);
- static final short[][] DFA22_transition;
+ static final short[] DFA44_eot = DFA.unpackEncodedString(DFA44_eotS);
+ static final short[] DFA44_eof = DFA.unpackEncodedString(DFA44_eofS);
+ static final char[] DFA44_min = DFA.unpackEncodedStringToUnsignedChars(DFA44_minS);
+ static final char[] DFA44_max = DFA.unpackEncodedStringToUnsignedChars(DFA44_maxS);
+ static final short[] DFA44_accept = DFA.unpackEncodedString(DFA44_acceptS);
+ static final short[] DFA44_special = DFA.unpackEncodedString(DFA44_specialS);
+ static final short[][] DFA44_transition;
static {
- int numStates = DFA22_transitionS.length;
- DFA22_transition = new short[numStates][];
+ int numStates = DFA44_transitionS.length;
+ DFA44_transition = new short[numStates][];
for (int i=0; i<numStates; i++) {
- DFA22_transition[i] = DFA.unpackEncodedString(DFA22_transitionS[i]);
+ DFA44_transition[i] = DFA.unpackEncodedString(DFA44_transitionS[i]);
- class DFA22 extends DFA {
+ class DFA44 extends DFA {
- public DFA22(BaseRecognizer recognizer) {
+ public DFA44(BaseRecognizer recognizer) {
this.recognizer = recognizer;
- this.decisionNumber = 22;
- this.eot = DFA22_eot;
- this.eof = DFA22_eof;
- this.min = DFA22_min;
- this.max = DFA22_max;
- this.accept = DFA22_accept;
- this.special = DFA22_special;
- this.transition = DFA22_transition;
+ this.decisionNumber = 44;
+ this.eot = DFA44_eot;
+ this.eof = DFA44_eof;
+ this.min = DFA44_min;
+ this.max = DFA44_max;
+ this.accept = DFA44_accept;
+ this.special = DFA44_special;
+ this.transition = DFA44_transition;
public String getDescription() {
- return "71:1: r_castedExpression : ( ( '(' r_type ')' r_castedExpression )=> '(' r_type ')' r_chainExpression | r_chainExpression );";
+ return "183:1: r_castedExpression : ( ( '(' r_type ')' r_castedExpression )=> '(' r_type ')' r_chainExpression | r_chainExpression );";
public int specialStateTransition(int s, IntStream input) throws NoViableAltException {
int _s = s;
switch ( s ) {
case 0 :
- int LA22_28 = input.LA(1);
+ int LA44_36 = input.LA(1);
- int index22_28 = input.index();
+ int index44_36 = input.index();
s = -1;
if ( (synpred1()) ) {s = 24;}
@@ -3080,14 +4400,14 @@ public class Xpand3Parser extends Parser {
else if ( (true) ) {s = 2;}
if ( s>=0 ) return s;
case 1 :
- int LA22_32 = input.LA(1);
+ int LA44_43 = input.LA(1);
- int index22_32 = input.index();
+ int index44_43 = input.index();
s = -1;
if ( (synpred1()) ) {s = 24;}
@@ -3095,14 +4415,14 @@ public class Xpand3Parser extends Parser {
else if ( (true) ) {s = 2;}
if ( s>=0 ) return s;
case 2 :
- int LA22_42 = input.LA(1);
+ int LA44_42 = input.LA(1);
- int index22_42 = input.index();
+ int index44_42 = input.index();
s = -1;
if ( (synpred1()) ) {s = 24;}
@@ -3110,14 +4430,14 @@ public class Xpand3Parser extends Parser {
else if ( (true) ) {s = 2;}
if ( s>=0 ) return s;
case 3 :
- int LA22_31 = input.LA(1);
+ int LA44_29 = input.LA(1);
- int index22_31 = input.index();
+ int index44_29 = input.index();
s = -1;
if ( (synpred1()) ) {s = 24;}
@@ -3125,14 +4445,14 @@ public class Xpand3Parser extends Parser {
else if ( (true) ) {s = 2;}
if ( s>=0 ) return s;
case 4 :
- int LA22_37 = input.LA(1);
+ int LA44_28 = input.LA(1);
- int index22_37 = input.index();
+ int index44_28 = input.index();
s = -1;
if ( (synpred1()) ) {s = 24;}
@@ -3140,14 +4460,14 @@ public class Xpand3Parser extends Parser {
else if ( (true) ) {s = 2;}
if ( s>=0 ) return s;
case 5 :
- int LA22_41 = input.LA(1);
+ int LA44_35 = input.LA(1);
- int index22_41 = input.index();
+ int index44_35 = input.index();
s = -1;
if ( (synpred1()) ) {s = 24;}
@@ -3155,14 +4475,14 @@ public class Xpand3Parser extends Parser {
else if ( (true) ) {s = 2;}
if ( s>=0 ) return s;
case 6 :
- int LA22_43 = input.LA(1);
+ int LA44_39 = input.LA(1);
- int index22_43 = input.index();
+ int index44_39 = input.index();
s = -1;
if ( (synpred1()) ) {s = 24;}
@@ -3170,14 +4490,14 @@ public class Xpand3Parser extends Parser {
else if ( (true) ) {s = 2;}
if ( s>=0 ) return s;
case 7 :
- int LA22_26 = input.LA(1);
+ int LA44_33 = input.LA(1);
- int index22_26 = input.index();
+ int index44_33 = input.index();
s = -1;
if ( (synpred1()) ) {s = 24;}
@@ -3185,59 +4505,59 @@ public class Xpand3Parser extends Parser {
else if ( (true) ) {s = 2;}
if ( s>=0 ) return s;
case 8 :
- int LA22_6 = input.LA(1);
+ int LA44_6 = input.LA(1);
- int index22_6 = input.index();
+ int index44_6 = input.index();
s = -1;
- if ( (LA22_6==EOF||LA22_6==19||(LA22_6>=24 && LA22_6<=26)||(LA22_6>=29 && LA22_6<=31)||LA22_6==37||(LA22_6>=43 && LA22_6<=45)||LA22_6==48||(LA22_6>=50 && LA22_6<=60)||LA22_6==62||LA22_6==66) ) {s = 2;}
+ if ( (LA44_6==77) && (synpred1())) {s = 9;}
- else if ( (LA22_6==61) ) {s = 9;}
+ else if ( (LA44_6==StringLiteral) && (synpred1())) {s = 10;}
- else if ( (LA22_6==47) && (synpred1())) {s = 10;}
+ else if ( (LA44_6==Identifier) ) {s = 11;}
- else if ( (LA22_6==StringLiteral) && (synpred1())) {s = 11;}
+ else if ( ((LA44_6>=68 && LA44_6<=70)) && (synpred1())) {s = 12;}
- else if ( (LA22_6==Identifier) && (synpred1())) {s = 12;}
+ else if ( (LA44_6==100) && (synpred1())) {s = 13;}
- else if ( ((LA22_6>=38 && LA22_6<=40)) && (synpred1())) {s = 13;}
+ else if ( ((LA44_6>=101 && LA44_6<=108)) && (synpred1())) {s = 14;}
- else if ( (LA22_6==71) && (synpred1())) {s = 14;}
+ else if ( ((LA44_6>=97 && LA44_6<=98)) && (synpred1())) {s = 15;}
- else if ( ((LA22_6>=72 && LA22_6<=79)) && (synpred1())) {s = 15;}
+ else if ( (LA44_6==IntLiteral) && (synpred1())) {s = 16;}
- else if ( ((LA22_6>=68 && LA22_6<=69)) && (synpred1())) {s = 16;}
+ else if ( (LA44_6==99) && (synpred1())) {s = 17;}
- else if ( (LA22_6==IntLiteral) && (synpred1())) {s = 17;}
+ else if ( (LA44_6==94) && (synpred1())) {s = 18;}
- else if ( (LA22_6==70) && (synpred1())) {s = 18;}
+ else if ( (LA44_6==96) && (synpred1())) {s = 19;}
- else if ( (LA22_6==65) && (synpred1())) {s = 19;}
+ else if ( (LA44_6==93) && (synpred1())) {s = 20;}
- else if ( (LA22_6==67) && (synpred1())) {s = 20;}
+ else if ( (LA44_6==30) && (synpred1())) {s = 21;}
- else if ( (LA22_6==64) && (synpred1())) {s = 21;}
+ else if ( (LA44_6==92) && (synpred1())) {s = 22;}
- else if ( (LA22_6==28) && (synpred1())) {s = 22;}
+ else if ( (LA44_6==35) ) {s = 23;}
- else if ( (LA22_6==63) && (synpred1())) {s = 23;}
+ else if ( (LA44_6==58) && (synpred1())) {s = 24;}
- else if ( (LA22_6==23) && (synpred1())) {s = 24;}
+ else if ( (LA44_6==EOF||LA44_6==TEXT||LA44_6==27||(LA44_6>=31 && LA44_6<=33)||LA44_6==36||LA44_6==39||LA44_6==42||(LA44_6>=53 && LA44_6<=55)||(LA44_6>=59 && LA44_6<=60)||LA44_6==67||(LA44_6>=73 && LA44_6<=75)||LA44_6==78||(LA44_6>=80 && LA44_6<=91)||LA44_6==95) ) {s = 2;}
if ( s>=0 ) return s;
case 9 :
- int LA22_33 = input.LA(1);
+ int LA44_44 = input.LA(1);
- int index22_33 = input.index();
+ int index44_44 = input.index();
s = -1;
if ( (synpred1()) ) {s = 24;}
@@ -3245,14 +4565,14 @@ public class Xpand3Parser extends Parser {
else if ( (true) ) {s = 2;}
if ( s>=0 ) return s;
case 10 :
- int LA22_48 = input.LA(1);
+ int LA44_48 = input.LA(1);
- int index22_48 = input.index();
+ int index44_48 = input.index();
s = -1;
if ( (synpred1()) ) {s = 24;}
@@ -3260,14 +4580,14 @@ public class Xpand3Parser extends Parser {
else if ( (true) ) {s = 2;}
if ( s>=0 ) return s;
case 11 :
- int LA22_34 = input.LA(1);
+ int LA44_11 = input.LA(1);
- int index22_34 = input.index();
+ int index44_11 = input.index();
s = -1;
if ( (synpred1()) ) {s = 24;}
@@ -3275,14 +4595,29 @@ public class Xpand3Parser extends Parser {
else if ( (true) ) {s = 2;}
if ( s>=0 ) return s;
case 12 :
- int LA22_27 = input.LA(1);
+ int LA44_34 = input.LA(1);
+ int index44_34 = input.index();
+ input.rewind();
+ s = -1;
+ if ( (synpred1()) ) {s = 24;}
+ else if ( (true) ) {s = 2;}
+ if ( s>=0 ) return s;
+ break;
+ case 13 :
+ int LA44_30 = input.LA(1);
- int index22_27 = input.index();
+ int index44_30 = input.index();
s = -1;
if ( (synpred1()) ) {s = 24;}
@@ -3290,213 +4625,323 @@ public class Xpand3Parser extends Parser {
else if ( (true) ) {s = 2;}
if ( s>=0 ) return s;
if (backtracking>0) {failed=true; return -1;}
NoViableAltException nvae =
- new NoViableAltException(getDescription(), 22, _s, input);
+ new NoViableAltException(getDescription(), 44, _s, input);
throw nvae;
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_nsImport_in_r_file32 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x000001CE08540040L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_abstractDeclaration_in_r_file38 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x000001CE08400040L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EOF_in_r_file45 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_18_in_r_nsImport55 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x000001C000000040L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_type_in_r_nsImport57 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000080000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_19_in_r_nsImport60 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_20_in_r_nsImport65 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x000001C000000040L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_type_in_r_nsImport67 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000280000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_21_in_r_nsImport70 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000080000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_19_in_r_nsImport74 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_check_in_r_abstractDeclaration85 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_around_in_r_abstractDeclaration90 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_extension_in_r_abstractDeclaration95 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_22_in_r_check106 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x000001C000000040L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_type_in_r_check108 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000003800000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_23_in_r_check111 = new BitSet(new long[]{0xA00083C010800070L,0x000000000000FFFBL});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_expression_in_r_check113 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000003000000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_set_in_r_check117 = new BitSet(new long[]{0xA00083C010800070L,0x000000000000FFFBL});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_expression_in_r_check123 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000004000000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_26_in_r_check125 = new BitSet(new long[]{0xA00083C010800070L,0x000000000000FFFBL});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_expression_in_r_check129 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000080000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_19_in_r_check131 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_27_in_r_around146 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000040000040L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_pointcut_in_r_around148 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000010000000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_28_in_r_around150 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x000001C0C0000040L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_declaredParameterList_in_r_around153 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x00000000E0000000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_29_in_r_around156 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000040000000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_30_in_r_around159 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000080000000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_30_in_r_around165 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000080000000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_31_in_r_around169 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000004000000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_26_in_r_around171 = new BitSet(new long[]{0xA00083C010800070L,0x000000000000FFFBL});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_expression_in_r_around178 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000080000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_19_in_r_around180 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_30_in_r_pointcut197 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000140000042L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_identifier_in_r_pointcut203 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000140000042L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_30_in_r_pointcut211 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000140000042L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_identifier_in_r_pointcut219 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000140000042L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_32_in_r_pointcut227 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000140000042L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_set_in_r_extension241 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x000001CE00000040L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_type_in_r_extension250 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000040L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_identifier_in_r_extension253 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000010000040L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_identifier_in_r_extension255 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000010000000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_28_in_r_extension258 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x000001C080000040L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_declaredParameterList_in_r_extension260 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000080000000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_31_in_r_extension263 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000004000000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_26_in_r_extension265 = new BitSet(new long[]{0xA00083D010800070L,0x000000000000FFFBL});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_36_in_r_extension270 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000040L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_javaType_in_r_extension272 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000002000000000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_37_in_r_extension274 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000040L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_identifier_in_r_extension276 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000010000000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_28_in_r_extension278 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000080000040L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_javaType_in_r_extension280 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x00000000A0000000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_29_in_r_extension283 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000040L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_javaType_in_r_extension285 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x00000000A0000000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_31_in_r_extension292 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000080000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_expression_in_r_extension299 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000080000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_19_in_r_extension302 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_identifier_in_r_javaType313 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000002000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_37_in_r_javaType319 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x000001C000000040L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_identifier_in_r_javaType322 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000002000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_38_in_r_javaType325 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000002000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_39_in_r_javaType331 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000002000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_40_in_r_javaType334 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000002000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_letExpression_in_r_expression350 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_41_in_r_letExpression364 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000040L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_identifier_in_r_letExpression366 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000040000000000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_42_in_r_letExpression368 = new BitSet(new long[]{0xA00081C010800070L,0x000000000000FFFBL});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_castedExpression_in_r_letExpression370 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000004000000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_26_in_r_letExpression372 = new BitSet(new long[]{0xA00083C010800070L,0x000000000000FFFBL});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_expression_in_r_letExpression374 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_castedExpression_in_r_letExpression380 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_28_in_r_castedExpression406 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x000001C000000040L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_type_in_r_castedExpression408 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000080000000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_31_in_r_castedExpression410 = new BitSet(new long[]{0xA00081C010800070L,0x000000000000FFFBL});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_chainExpression_in_r_castedExpression412 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_chainExpression_in_r_castedExpression418 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_ifExpression_in_r_chainExpression430 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000080000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_43_in_r_chainExpression435 = new BitSet(new long[]{0xA00081C010800070L,0x000000000000FFFBL});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_ifExpression_in_r_chainExpression437 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000080000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_switchExpression_in_r_ifExpression451 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000100000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_44_in_r_ifExpression454 = new BitSet(new long[]{0xA00083C010800070L,0x000000000000FFFBL});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_expression_in_r_ifExpression456 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000004000000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_26_in_r_ifExpression458 = new BitSet(new long[]{0xA00081C010000070L,0x000000000000FFFBL});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_switchExpression_in_r_ifExpression460 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_23_in_r_ifExpression467 = new BitSet(new long[]{0xA00083C010800070L,0x000000000000FFFBL});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_expression_in_r_ifExpression469 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000200000000000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_45_in_r_ifExpression471 = new BitSet(new long[]{0xA00081C010000070L,0x000000000000FFFBL});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_switchExpression_in_r_ifExpression473 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000400000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_46_in_r_ifExpression476 = new BitSet(new long[]{0xA00081C010000070L,0x000000000000FFFBL});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_switchExpression_in_r_ifExpression478 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_47_in_r_switchExpression494 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0005000010000000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_28_in_r_switchExpression497 = new BitSet(new long[]{0xA00001C010000070L,0x000000000000FFFBL});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_orExpression_in_r_switchExpression499 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000080000000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_31_in_r_switchExpression501 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0005000000000000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_casePart_in_r_switchExpression506 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0005000000000000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_48_in_r_switchExpression512 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000004000000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_26_in_r_switchExpression514 = new BitSet(new long[]{0xA00001C010000070L,0x000000000000FFFBL});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_orExpression_in_r_switchExpression516 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0002000000000000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_49_in_r_switchExpression521 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_orExpression_in_r_switchExpression526 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_50_in_r_casePart537 = new BitSet(new long[]{0xA00083C010800070L,0x000000000000FFFBL});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_expression_in_r_casePart539 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000004000000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_26_in_r_casePart541 = new BitSet(new long[]{0xA00083C010800070L,0x000000000000FFFBL});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_expression_in_r_casePart543 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_andExpression_in_r_orExpression555 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0008000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_51_in_r_orExpression559 = new BitSet(new long[]{0xA00001C010000070L,0x000000000000FFFBL});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_andExpression_in_r_orExpression561 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0008000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_impliesExpression_in_r_andExpression576 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0010000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_52_in_r_andExpression580 = new BitSet(new long[]{0xA00001C010000070L,0x000000000000FFFBL});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_impliesExpression_in_r_andExpression582 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0010000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_relationalExpression_in_r_impliesExpression597 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0020000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_53_in_r_impliesExpression601 = new BitSet(new long[]{0xA00001C010000070L,0x000000000000FFFBL});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_relationalExpression_in_r_impliesExpression603 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0020000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_additiveExpression_in_r_relationalExpression619 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0FC0000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_set_in_r_relationalExpression624 = new BitSet(new long[]{0xA00001C010000070L,0x000000000000FFFBL});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_additiveExpression_in_r_relationalExpression648 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0FC0000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_multiplicativeExpression_in_r_additiveExpression661 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x3000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_set_in_r_additiveExpression668 = new BitSet(new long[]{0xA00001C010000070L,0x000000000000FFFBL});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_multiplicativeExpression_in_r_additiveExpression675 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x3000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_unaryExpression_in_r_multiplicativeExpression688 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x4000000040000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_set_in_r_multiplicativeExpression693 = new BitSet(new long[]{0xA00001C010000070L,0x000000000000FFFBL});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_unaryExpression_in_r_multiplicativeExpression701 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x4000000040000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_infixExpression_in_r_unaryExpression715 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_63_in_r_unaryExpression720 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x000001C010000070L,0x000000000000FFFBL});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_infixExpression_in_r_unaryExpression722 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_61_in_r_unaryExpression727 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x000001C010000070L,0x000000000000FFFBL});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_infixExpression_in_r_unaryExpression729 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_primaryExpression_in_r_infixExpression740 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000002000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_37_in_r_infixExpression745 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x000001C000000040L,0x000000000000FF80L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_featureCall_in_r_infixExpression747 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000002000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_StringLiteral_in_r_primaryExpression765 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_featureCall_in_r_primaryExpression773 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_booleanLiteral_in_r_primaryExpression780 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_numberLiteral_in_r_primaryExpression787 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_nullLiteral_in_r_primaryExpression794 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_listLiteral_in_r_primaryExpression801 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_constructorCall_in_r_primaryExpression808 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_globalVarExpression_in_r_primaryExpression815 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_paranthesizedExpression_in_r_primaryExpression822 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_28_in_r_paranthesizedExpression836 = new BitSet(new long[]{0xA00083C010800070L,0x000000000000FFFBL});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_expression_in_r_paranthesizedExpression838 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000080000000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_31_in_r_paranthesizedExpression840 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_64_in_r_globalVarExpression855 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000040L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_identifier_in_r_globalVarExpression857 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_identifier_in_r_featureCall871 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000010000000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_28_in_r_featureCall873 = new BitSet(new long[]{0xA00083C090800070L,0x000000000000FFFBL});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_parameterList_in_r_featureCall876 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000080000000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_31_in_r_featureCall880 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_type_in_r_featureCall887 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_collectionExpression_in_r_featureCall895 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_65_in_r_listLiteral907 = new BitSet(new long[]{0xA00083C010800070L,0x000000000000FFFFL});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_expression_in_r_listLiteral909 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000020000000L,0x0000000000000004L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_29_in_r_listLiteral912 = new BitSet(new long[]{0xA00083C010800070L,0x000000000000FFFBL});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_expression_in_r_listLiteral914 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000020000000L,0x0000000000000004L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_66_in_r_listLiteral919 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_67_in_r_constructorCall930 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000040L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_simpleType_in_r_constructorCall932 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_nsImport_in_r_file42 = new BitSet(new long[]{0xA200000014002010L,0x0000000000000073L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_abstractDeclaration_in_r_file48 = new BitSet(new long[]{0xA200000000002010L,0x0000000000000073L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EOF_in_r_file55 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_LG_in_r_nsImport65 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000001000000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_24_in_r_nsImport67 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000002000L,0x0000000000000070L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_type_in_r_nsImport69 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000020L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_RG_in_r_nsImport71 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_LG_in_r_nsImport76 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000002000000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_25_in_r_nsImport78 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000002000L,0x0000000000000070L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_type_in_r_nsImport80 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000020L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_RG_in_r_nsImport82 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_26_in_r_nsImport87 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000002000L,0x0000000000000070L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_type_in_r_nsImport89 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000008000000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_27_in_r_nsImport92 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_28_in_r_nsImport98 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000002000L,0x0000000000000070L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_type_in_r_nsImport100 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000028000000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_29_in_r_nsImport103 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000008000000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_27_in_r_nsImport107 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_check_in_r_abstractDeclaration118 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_around_in_r_abstractDeclaration123 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_extension_in_r_abstractDeclaration128 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_definition_in_r_abstractDeclaration133 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_definitionAround_in_r_abstractDeclaration138 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_LG_in_r_definition150 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000040L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_DEFINE_in_r_definition152 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000002000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_identifier_in_r_definition154 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000440000000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_30_in_r_definition157 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000300002000L,0x0000000000000070L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_declaredParameterList_in_r_definition160 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000380000000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_31_in_r_definition163 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000100000000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_32_in_r_definition166 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000200000000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_32_in_r_definition172 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000200000000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_33_in_r_definition176 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000400000000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_34_in_r_definition180 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000002000L,0x0000000000000070L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_type_in_r_definition182 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000800000400L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_sequence_in_r_definition185 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000080L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ENDDEFINE_in_r_definition188 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000020L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_RG_in_r_definition190 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_LG_in_r_definitionAround202 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000100L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_AROUND_in_r_definitionAround204 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000100002000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_pointcut_in_r_definitionAround206 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000440000000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_30_in_r_definitionAround209 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000300002000L,0x0000000000000070L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_declaredParameterList_in_r_definitionAround212 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000380000000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_31_in_r_definitionAround215 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000100000000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_32_in_r_definitionAround218 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000200000000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_32_in_r_definitionAround224 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000200000000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_33_in_r_definitionAround228 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000400000000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_34_in_r_definitionAround232 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000002000L,0x0000000000000070L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_type_in_r_definitionAround234 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000800000400L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_sequence_in_r_definitionAround237 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000200L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ENDAROUND_in_r_definitionAround240 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000020L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_RG_in_r_definitionAround242 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_textSequence_in_r_sequence254 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x040A217840003802L,0x00001FFF700020F0L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_statement_in_r_sequence260 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000800000400L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_textSequence_in_r_sequence266 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x040A217840003802L,0x00001FFF700020F0L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_simpleStatement_in_r_statement281 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_fileStatement_in_r_statement286 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_foreachStatement_in_r_statement291 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_ifStatement_in_r_statement296 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_letStatement_in_r_statement301 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_protectStatement_in_r_statement306 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_text_in_r_textSequence317 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000800000402L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_text_in_r_textSequence320 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000800000402L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_35_in_r_text332 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000400L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_TEXT_in_r_text335 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_errorStatement_in_r_simpleStatement346 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_expandStatement_in_r_simpleStatement350 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_expressionStmt_in_r_simpleStatement354 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_36_in_r_errorStatement365 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0400000840003800L,0x00001FFF700020F0L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_expression_in_r_errorStatement367 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_37_in_r_expandStatement378 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000002000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_simpleType_in_r_expandStatement380 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000004440000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_30_in_r_expandStatement383 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0400000840003800L,0x00001FFF700020F0L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_parameterList_in_r_expandStatement385 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000200000000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_33_in_r_expandStatement387 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000004400000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_34_in_r_expandStatement393 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0400000840003800L,0x00001FFF700020F0L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_expression_in_r_expandStatement395 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_38_in_r_expandStatement403 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0400000840003800L,0x00001FFF700020F0L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_expression_in_r_expandStatement404 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000008000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_39_in_r_expandStatement407 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0400000840003800L,0x00001FFF700020F0L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_expression_in_r_expandStatement409 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_expression_in_r_expressionStmt425 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_40_in_r_fileStatement435 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0400000840003800L,0x00001FFF700020F0L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_expression_in_r_fileStatement437 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000800002400L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_identifier_in_r_fileStatement440 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000800000400L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_sequence_in_r_fileStatement446 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000020000000000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_41_in_r_fileStatement450 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_38_in_r_foreachStatement462 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0400000840003800L,0x00001FFF700020F0L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_expression_in_r_foreachStatement464 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000040000000000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_42_in_r_foreachStatement466 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000002000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_identifier_in_r_foreachStatement468 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000088800000400L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_43_in_r_foreachStatement471 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000002000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_identifier_in_r_foreachStatement473 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000008800000400L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_39_in_r_foreachStatement478 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0400000840003800L,0x00001FFF700020F0L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_expression_in_r_foreachStatement480 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000800000400L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_sequence_in_r_foreachStatement488 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000100000000000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_44_in_r_foreachStatement493 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_45_in_r_ifStatement508 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0400000840003800L,0x00001FFF700020F0L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_expression_in_r_ifStatement510 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000800000400L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_sequence_in_r_ifStatement514 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0001C00000000000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_elseIfStatement_in_r_ifStatement519 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0001C00000000000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_elseStatement_in_r_ifStatement524 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000400000000000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_46_in_r_ifStatement529 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_47_in_r_elseIfStatement539 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0400000840003800L,0x00001FFF700020F0L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_expression_in_r_elseIfStatement541 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000800000400L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_sequence_in_r_elseIfStatement545 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_48_in_r_elseStatement557 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000800000400L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_sequence_in_r_elseStatement561 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_49_in_r_letStatement573 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0400000840003800L,0x00001FFF700020F0L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_expression_in_r_letStatement575 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000040000000000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_42_in_r_letStatement577 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000002000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_identifier_in_r_letStatement579 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000800000400L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_sequence_in_r_letStatement585 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0004000000000000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_50_in_r_letStatement590 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_51_in_r_protectStatement601 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0010000000000000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_52_in_r_protectStatement606 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0400000840003800L,0x00001FFF700020F0L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_expression_in_r_protectStatement608 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0020000000000000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_53_in_r_protectStatement613 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0400000840003800L,0x00001FFF700020F0L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_expression_in_r_protectStatement615 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0040000000000000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_54_in_r_protectStatement628 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0400000840003800L,0x00001FFF700020F0L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_expression_in_r_protectStatement630 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0080000800000400L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_55_in_r_protectStatement632 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000800000400L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_sequence_in_r_protectStatement638 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0100000000000000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_56_in_r_protectStatement642 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_57_in_r_check654 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000002000L,0x0000000000000070L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_type_in_r_check656 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0C00001000000000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_58_in_r_check659 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0400000840003800L,0x00001FFF700020F0L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_expression_in_r_check661 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0800001000000000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_set_in_r_check665 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0400000840003800L,0x00001FFF700020F0L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_expression_in_r_check671 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x1000000000000000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_60_in_r_check673 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0400000840003800L,0x00001FFF700020F0L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_expression_in_r_check677 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000008000000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_27_in_r_check679 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_61_in_r_around694 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000100002000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_pointcut_in_r_around696 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000040000000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_30_in_r_around698 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000300002000L,0x0000000000000070L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_declaredParameterList_in_r_around701 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000380000000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_31_in_r_around704 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000100000000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_32_in_r_around707 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000200000000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_32_in_r_around713 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000200000000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_33_in_r_around717 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x1000000000000000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_60_in_r_around719 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0400000840003800L,0x00001FFF700020F0L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_expression_in_r_around726 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000008000000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_27_in_r_around728 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_32_in_r_pointcut745 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x4000000100002002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_identifier_in_r_pointcut751 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x4000000100002002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_32_in_r_pointcut759 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x4000000100002002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_identifier_in_r_pointcut767 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x4000000100002002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_62_in_r_pointcut775 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x4000000100002002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_set_in_r_extension789 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x8000000000002000L,0x0000000000000073L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_type_in_r_extension798 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000002000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_identifier_in_r_extension801 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000040002000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_identifier_in_r_extension803 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000040000000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_30_in_r_extension806 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000200002000L,0x0000000000000070L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_declaredParameterList_in_r_extension808 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000200000000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_33_in_r_extension811 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x1000000000000000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_60_in_r_extension813 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0400000840003800L,0x00001FFF700020F4L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_66_in_r_extension818 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000002000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_javaType_in_r_extension820 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L,0x0000000000000008L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_67_in_r_extension822 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000002000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_identifier_in_r_extension824 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000040000000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_30_in_r_extension826 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000200002000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_javaType_in_r_extension828 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000280000000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_31_in_r_extension831 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000002000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_javaType_in_r_extension833 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000280000000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_33_in_r_extension840 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000008000000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_expression_in_r_extension847 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000008000000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_27_in_r_extension850 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_identifier_in_r_javaType861 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L,0x0000000000000008L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_67_in_r_javaType867 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000002000L,0x0000000000000070L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_identifier_in_r_javaType870 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L,0x0000000000000008L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_68_in_r_javaType873 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L,0x0000000000000008L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_69_in_r_javaType879 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L,0x0000000000000008L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_70_in_r_javaType882 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L,0x0000000000000008L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_letExpression_in_r_expression898 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_71_in_r_letExpression912 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000002000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_identifier_in_r_letExpression914 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L,0x0000000000000100L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_72_in_r_letExpression916 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0400000840003800L,0x00001FFF70002070L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_castedExpression_in_r_letExpression918 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x1000000000000000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_60_in_r_letExpression920 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0400000840003800L,0x00001FFF700020F0L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_expression_in_r_letExpression922 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_castedExpression_in_r_letExpression928 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_30_in_r_castedExpression954 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000002000L,0x0000000000000070L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_type_in_r_castedExpression956 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000200000000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_33_in_r_castedExpression958 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0400000840003800L,0x00001FFF70002070L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_chainExpression_in_r_castedExpression960 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_chainExpression_in_r_castedExpression966 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_ifExpression_in_r_chainExpression978 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L,0x0000000000000200L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_73_in_r_chainExpression983 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0400000840003800L,0x00001FFF70002070L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_ifExpression_in_r_chainExpression985 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L,0x0000000000000200L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_switchExpression_in_r_ifExpression999 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L,0x0000000000000400L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_74_in_r_ifExpression1002 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0400000840003800L,0x00001FFF700020F0L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_expression_in_r_ifExpression1004 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x1000000000000000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_60_in_r_ifExpression1006 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000840003800L,0x00001FFF70002070L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_switchExpression_in_r_ifExpression1008 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_58_in_r_ifExpression1015 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0400000840003800L,0x00001FFF700020F0L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_expression_in_r_ifExpression1017 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L,0x0000000000000800L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_75_in_r_ifExpression1019 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000840003800L,0x00001FFF70002070L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_switchExpression_in_r_ifExpression1021 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L,0x0000000000001000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_76_in_r_ifExpression1024 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000840003800L,0x00001FFF70002070L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_switchExpression_in_r_ifExpression1026 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_77_in_r_switchExpression1042 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000040000000L,0x0000000000014000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_30_in_r_switchExpression1045 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000840003800L,0x00001FFF70000070L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_orExpression_in_r_switchExpression1047 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000200000000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_33_in_r_switchExpression1049 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L,0x0000000000014000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_casePart_in_r_switchExpression1054 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L,0x0000000000014000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_78_in_r_switchExpression1060 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x1000000000000000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_60_in_r_switchExpression1062 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000840003800L,0x00001FFF70000070L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_orExpression_in_r_switchExpression1064 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L,0x0000000000008000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_79_in_r_switchExpression1069 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_orExpression_in_r_switchExpression1074 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_80_in_r_casePart1085 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0400000840003800L,0x00001FFF700020F0L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_expression_in_r_casePart1087 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x1000000000000000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_60_in_r_casePart1089 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0400000840003800L,0x00001FFF700020F0L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_expression_in_r_casePart1091 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_andExpression_in_r_orExpression1103 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L,0x0000000000020000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_81_in_r_orExpression1107 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000840003800L,0x00001FFF70000070L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_andExpression_in_r_orExpression1109 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L,0x0000000000020000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_impliesExpression_in_r_andExpression1124 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L,0x0000000000040000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_82_in_r_andExpression1128 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000840003800L,0x00001FFF70000070L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_impliesExpression_in_r_andExpression1130 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L,0x0000000000040000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_relationalExpression_in_r_impliesExpression1145 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L,0x0000000000080000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_83_in_r_impliesExpression1149 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000840003800L,0x00001FFF70000070L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_relationalExpression_in_r_impliesExpression1151 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L,0x0000000000080000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_additiveExpression_in_r_relationalExpression1167 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L,0x0000000003F00000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_set_in_r_relationalExpression1172 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000840003800L,0x00001FFF70000070L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_additiveExpression_in_r_relationalExpression1196 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L,0x0000000003F00000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_multiplicativeExpression_in_r_additiveExpression1209 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000800000002L,0x0000000004000000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_set_in_r_additiveExpression1216 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000840003800L,0x00001FFF70000070L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_multiplicativeExpression_in_r_additiveExpression1223 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000800000002L,0x0000000004000000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_unaryExpression_in_r_multiplicativeExpression1236 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000100000002L,0x0000000008000000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_set_in_r_multiplicativeExpression1241 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000840003800L,0x00001FFF70000070L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_unaryExpression_in_r_multiplicativeExpression1249 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000100000002L,0x0000000008000000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_infixExpression_in_r_unaryExpression1263 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_92_in_r_unaryExpression1268 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000040003800L,0x00001FFF60000070L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_infixExpression_in_r_unaryExpression1270 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_35_in_r_unaryExpression1275 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000040003800L,0x00001FFF60000070L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_infixExpression_in_r_unaryExpression1277 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_primaryExpression_in_r_infixExpression1288 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L,0x0000000000000008L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_67_in_r_infixExpression1293 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000002000L,0x00001FF000000070L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_featureCall_in_r_infixExpression1295 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L,0x0000000000000008L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_StringLiteral_in_r_primaryExpression1313 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_featureCall_in_r_primaryExpression1321 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_booleanLiteral_in_r_primaryExpression1328 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_numberLiteral_in_r_primaryExpression1335 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_nullLiteral_in_r_primaryExpression1342 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_listLiteral_in_r_primaryExpression1349 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_constructorCall_in_r_primaryExpression1356 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_globalVarExpression_in_r_primaryExpression1363 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_paranthesizedExpression_in_r_primaryExpression1370 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_30_in_r_paranthesizedExpression1384 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0400000840003800L,0x00001FFF700020F0L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_expression_in_r_paranthesizedExpression1386 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000200000000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_33_in_r_paranthesizedExpression1388 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_93_in_r_globalVarExpression1403 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000002000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_identifier_in_r_globalVarExpression1405 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_identifier_in_r_featureCall1419 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000040000000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_30_in_r_featureCall1421 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0400000A40003800L,0x00001FFF700020F0L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_parameterList_in_r_featureCall1424 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000200000000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_33_in_r_featureCall1428 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_type_in_r_featureCall1435 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_collectionExpression_in_r_featureCall1443 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_94_in_r_listLiteral1455 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0400000840003800L,0x00001FFFF00020F0L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_expression_in_r_listLiteral1457 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000080000000L,0x0000000080000000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_31_in_r_listLiteral1460 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0400000840003800L,0x00001FFF700020F0L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_expression_in_r_listLiteral1462 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000080000000L,0x0000000080000000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_95_in_r_listLiteral1467 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_96_in_r_constructorCall1478 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000002000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_simpleType_in_r_constructorCall1480 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
public static final BitSet FOLLOW_set_in_r_booleanLiteral0 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_70_in_r_nullLiteral958 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_IntLiteral_in_r_numberLiteral971 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_IntLiteral_in_r_numberLiteral977 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000002000000000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_37_in_r_numberLiteral979 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000020L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_IntLiteral_in_r_numberLiteral981 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_71_in_r_collectionExpression994 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000010000000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_28_in_r_collectionExpression998 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x000001C000000040L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_type_in_r_collectionExpression1000 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000080000000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_31_in_r_collectionExpression1002 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_set_in_r_collectionExpression1011 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000010000000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_28_in_r_collectionExpression1061 = new BitSet(new long[]{0xA00083C010800070L,0x000000000000FFFBL});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_identifier_in_r_collectionExpression1064 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L,0x0000000000010000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_80_in_r_collectionExpression1066 = new BitSet(new long[]{0xA00083C010800070L,0x000000000000FFFBL});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_expression_in_r_collectionExpression1070 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000080000000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_31_in_r_collectionExpression1072 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_declaredParameter_in_r_declaredParameterList1089 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000020000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_29_in_r_declaredParameterList1092 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x000001C000000040L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_declaredParameter_in_r_declaredParameterList1094 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000020000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_type_in_r_declaredParameter1107 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000040L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_identifier_in_r_declaredParameter1109 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_expression_in_r_parameterList1124 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000020000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_29_in_r_parameterList1128 = new BitSet(new long[]{0xA00083C010800070L,0x000000000000FFFBL});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_expression_in_r_parameterList1130 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000020000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_collectionType_in_r_type1147 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_simpleType_in_r_type1152 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_set_in_r_collectionType1167 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L,0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_65_in_r_collectionType1185 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000040L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_simpleType_in_r_collectionType1187 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L,0x0000000000000004L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_66_in_r_collectionType1189 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_identifier_in_r_simpleType1202 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000100000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_32_in_r_simpleType1207 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000040L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_identifier_in_r_simpleType1209 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000100000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_Identifier_in_r_identifier1225 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_28_in_synpred1395 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x000001C000000040L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_type_in_synpred1397 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000080000000L});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_31_in_synpred1399 = new BitSet(new long[]{0xA00081C010800070L,0x000000000000FFFBL});
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_castedExpression_in_synpred1401 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_99_in_r_nullLiteral1506 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_IntLiteral_in_r_numberLiteral1519 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_IntLiteral_in_r_numberLiteral1525 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L,0x0000000000000008L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_67_in_r_numberLiteral1527 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000001000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_IntLiteral_in_r_numberLiteral1529 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_100_in_r_collectionExpression1542 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000040000000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_30_in_r_collectionExpression1546 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000002000L,0x0000000000000070L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_type_in_r_collectionExpression1548 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000200000000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_33_in_r_collectionExpression1550 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_set_in_r_collectionExpression1559 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000040000000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_30_in_r_collectionExpression1609 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0400000840003800L,0x00001FFF700020F0L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_identifier_in_r_collectionExpression1612 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L,0x0000200000000000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_109_in_r_collectionExpression1614 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0400000840003800L,0x00001FFF700020F0L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_expression_in_r_collectionExpression1618 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000200000000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_33_in_r_collectionExpression1620 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_declaredParameter_in_r_declaredParameterList1637 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000080000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_31_in_r_declaredParameterList1640 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000002000L,0x0000000000000070L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_declaredParameter_in_r_declaredParameterList1642 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000080000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_type_in_r_declaredParameter1655 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000002000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_identifier_in_r_declaredParameter1657 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_expression_in_r_parameterList1672 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000080000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_31_in_r_parameterList1676 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0400000840003800L,0x00001FFF700020F0L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_expression_in_r_parameterList1678 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000080000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_collectionType_in_r_type1695 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_simpleType_in_r_type1700 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_set_in_r_collectionType1715 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L,0x0000000040000000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_94_in_r_collectionType1733 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000002000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_simpleType_in_r_collectionType1735 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L,0x0000000080000000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_95_in_r_collectionType1737 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_identifier_in_r_simpleType1750 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x4000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_62_in_r_simpleType1755 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000002000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_identifier_in_r_simpleType1757 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x4000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_Identifier_in_r_identifier1773 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_30_in_synpred1943 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000002000L,0x0000000000000070L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_type_in_synpred1945 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000200000000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_33_in_synpred1947 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0400000840003800L,0x00001FFF70002070L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_r_castedExpression_in_synpred1949 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/plugins/org.eclipse.xpand3/src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3__.g b/plugins/org.eclipse.xpand3/src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3__.g
index c457ebde..91e41728 100644
--- a/plugins/org.eclipse.xpand3/src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3__.g
+++ b/plugins/org.eclipse.xpand3/src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3__.g
@@ -1,82 +1,108 @@
lexer grammar Xpand3;
+@members {
+ private boolean xpandMode = false;
@header {
package org.eclipse.xpand3.parser;
-T18 : 'import' ;
-T19 : ';' ;
-T20 : 'extension' ;
-T21 : 'reexport' ;
-T22 : 'context' ;
-T23 : 'if' ;
-T24 : 'ERROR' ;
-T25 : 'WARNING' ;
-T26 : ':' ;
-T27 : 'around' ;
-T28 : '(' ;
-T29 : ',' ;
-T30 : '*' ;
-T31 : ')' ;
-T32 : '::' ;
-T33 : 'private' ;
-T34 : 'cached' ;
-T35 : 'create' ;
-T36 : 'JAVA' ;
-T37 : '.' ;
-T38 : 'Collection' ;
-T39 : 'List' ;
-T40 : 'Set' ;
-T41 : 'let' ;
-T42 : '=' ;
-T43 : '->' ;
-T44 : '?' ;
-T45 : 'then' ;
-T46 : 'else' ;
-T47 : 'switch' ;
-T48 : 'default' ;
-T49 : '}' ;
-T50 : 'case' ;
-T51 : '||' ;
-T52 : '&&' ;
-T53 : 'implies' ;
-T54 : '==' ;
-T55 : '!=' ;
-T56 : '>=' ;
-T57 : '<=' ;
-T58 : '>' ;
-T59 : '<' ;
-T60 : '+' ;
-T61 : '-' ;
-T62 : '/' ;
-T63 : '!' ;
-T64 : 'GLOBALVAR' ;
-T65 : '[' ;
-T66 : ']' ;
-T67 : 'new' ;
-T68 : 'false' ;
-T69 : 'true' ;
-T70 : 'null' ;
-T71 : 'typeSelect' ;
-T72 : 'collect' ;
-T73 : 'select' ;
-T74 : 'selectFirst' ;
-T75 : 'reject' ;
-T76 : 'exists' ;
-T77 : 'notExists' ;
-T78 : 'sortBy' ;
-T79 : 'forAll' ;
-T80 : '|' ;
-// $ANTLR src "src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g" 237
+T24 : 'IMPORT' ;
+T25 : 'EXTENSION' ;
+T26 : 'import' ;
+T27 : ';' ;
+T28 : 'extension' ;
+T29 : 'reexport' ;
+T30 : '(' ;
+T31 : ',' ;
+T32 : '*' ;
+T33 : ')' ;
+T34 : 'FOR' ;
+T35 : '-' ;
+T36 : 'ERROR' ;
+T37 : 'EXPAND' ;
+T38 : 'FOREACH' ;
+T39 : 'SEPARATOR' ;
+T40 : 'FILE' ;
+T41 : 'ENDFILE' ;
+T42 : 'AS' ;
+T43 : 'ITERATOR' ;
+T45 : 'IF' ;
+T46 : 'ENDIF' ;
+T47 : 'ELSEIF' ;
+T48 : 'ELSE' ;
+T49 : 'LET' ;
+T50 : 'ENDLET' ;
+T51 : 'PROTECT' ;
+T52 : 'CSTART' ;
+T53 : 'CEND' ;
+T54 : 'ID' ;
+T55 : 'DISABLE' ;
+T57 : 'context' ;
+T58 : 'if' ;
+T59 : 'WARNING' ;
+T60 : ':' ;
+T61 : 'around' ;
+T62 : '::' ;
+T63 : 'private' ;
+T64 : 'cached' ;
+T65 : 'create' ;
+T66 : 'JAVA' ;
+T67 : '.' ;
+T68 : 'Collection' ;
+T69 : 'List' ;
+T70 : 'Set' ;
+T71 : 'let' ;
+T72 : '=' ;
+T73 : '->' ;
+T74 : '?' ;
+T75 : 'then' ;
+T76 : 'else' ;
+T77 : 'switch' ;
+T78 : 'default' ;
+T79 : '}' ;
+T80 : 'case' ;
+T81 : '||' ;
+T82 : '&&' ;
+T83 : 'implies' ;
+T84 : '==' ;
+T85 : '!=' ;
+T86 : '>=' ;
+T87 : '<=' ;
+T88 : '>' ;
+T89 : '<' ;
+T90 : '+' ;
+T91 : '/' ;
+T92 : '!' ;
+T93 : 'GLOBALVAR' ;
+T94 : '[' ;
+T95 : ']' ;
+T96 : 'new' ;
+T97 : 'false' ;
+T98 : 'true' ;
+T99 : 'null' ;
+T100 : 'typeSelect' ;
+T101 : 'collect' ;
+T102 : 'select' ;
+T103 : 'selectFirst' ;
+T104 : 'reject' ;
+T105 : 'exists' ;
+T106 : 'notExists' ;
+T107 : 'sortBy' ;
+T108 : 'forAll' ;
+T109 : '|' ;
+// $ANTLR src "src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g" 349
IntLiteral : ('0' | '1'..'9' '0'..'9'*) ;
-// $ANTLR src "src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g" 239
+// $ANTLR src "src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g" 351
: '"' ( EscapeSequence | ~('\\'|'"') )* '"'
| '\'' ( EscapeSequence | ~('\''|'\\') )* '\''
-// $ANTLR src "src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g" 244
+// $ANTLR src "src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g" 356
: '\\' ('b'|'t'|'n'|'f'|'r'|'\"'|'\''|'\\')
@@ -84,7 +110,7 @@ EscapeSequence
| OctalEscape
-// $ANTLR src "src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g" 251
+// $ANTLR src "src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g" 363
: '\\' ('0'..'3') ('0'..'7') ('0'..'7')
@@ -92,21 +118,33 @@ OctalEscape
| '\\' ('0'..'7')
-// $ANTLR src "src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g" 258
+// $ANTLR src "src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g" 370
: '\\' 'u' HexDigit HexDigit HexDigit HexDigit
-// $ANTLR src "src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g" 262
+// $ANTLR src "src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g" 374
HexDigit : ('0'..'9'|'a'..'f'|'A'..'F') ;
-// $ANTLR src "src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g" 265
+// $ANTLR src "src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g" 378
+DEFINE : {xpandMode=true;} 'DEFINE';
+// $ANTLR src "src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g" 379
+ : 'ENDDEFINE' {xpandMode=false;};
+// $ANTLR src "src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g" 382
+AROUND : {xpandMode=true;}'AROUND';
+// $ANTLR src "src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g" 383
+ENDAROUND : 'ENDAROUND'{xpandMode=false;};
+// $ANTLR src "src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g" 385
: ('^')? Letter (Letter|JavaIDDigit)*
-// $ANTLR src "src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g" 269
+// $ANTLR src "src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g" 389
: '\u0024' |
@@ -124,7 +162,7 @@ Letter
-// $ANTLR src "src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g" 286
+// $ANTLR src "src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g" 406
: '\u0030'..'\u0039' |
@@ -144,23 +182,34 @@ JavaIDDigit
-// $ANTLR src "src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g" 305
+// $ANTLR src "src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g" 425
WS : (' '|'\r'|'\t'|'\u000C'|'\n') {$channel=HIDDEN;}
-// $ANTLR src "src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g" 308
+// $ANTLR src "src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g" 428
: '/*' ( options {greedy=false;} : . )* '*/' {$channel=HIDDEN;}
-// $ANTLR src "src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g" 312
+// $ANTLR src "src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g" 432
: '//' ~('\n'|'\r')* ('\r'? '\n'|EOF) {$channel=HIDDEN;}
+// $ANTLR src "src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g" 436
+ 'REM' RG ( options {greedy=false;} : . )* '\u00ABENDREM' {$channel=HIDDEN;}
+// $ANTLR src "src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g" 441
+ {xpandMode}? RG ~(LG)* (LG)?
-// $ANTLR src "src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g" 316
+// $ANTLR src "src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g" 445
: '\u00AB';
-// $ANTLR src "src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g" 318
+// $ANTLR src "src/org/eclipse/xpand3/parser/Xpand3.g" 447
: '\u00BB';

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