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AgeCommit message (Collapse)AuthorFilesLines
2013-05-06fix outdated 'Update Project' command javadocFred Bricon1-2/+2
Signed-off-by: Fred Bricon <>
2013-05-05407153 : improve maven projects selectionFred Bricon3-7/+51
Before selecting all projects from the workspace if the current selection is empty, we look at the current active file editor from the current active workbench part. If nothing found, then we fall back on returning all workspace projects. This allows a user to hit Alt+F5 while editing a pom.xml (or any resource in the current project) and NOT select all workspace projects. Signed-off-by: Fred Bricon <>
2013-05-05407153 : change update project key to Alt+F5Fred Bricon1-1/+1
Signed-off-by: Fred Bricon <>
2013-05-04Adding a managed dependency adds a blank dependency insteadMarcos Munoz3-1/+26
- I wrote 100% of the code; - I have the right to contribute the code to Eclipse - I have updated the header Changes to be committed: modified: src/org/eclipse/m2e/core/ui/internal/ modified: src/org/eclipse/m2e/core/ui/internal/dialogs/ modified: src/org/eclipse/m2e/core/ui/internal/
2013-05-03407187 : fix simple module project creationFred Bricon1-1/+3
Signed-off-by: Fred Bricon <>
2013-05-03404178 : cleanup MavenProjectWizardArchetypeParametersPageFred Bricon1-10/+5
Signed-off-by: Fred Bricon <>
2013-05-03404178 : Validation messages from MavenProjectWizardArchetypeParametersPage ↵Roberto Sanchez1-8/+27
shown before the page is shown - I wrote 100% of the code; - I have the right to contribute the code to Eclipse; - The file header contains the appropriate License header
2013-05-03407153 : add missing @since tagFred Bricon1-0/+1
Signed-off-by: Fred Bricon <>
2013-05-03407153 : convert 'Update Project' to a CommandFred Bricon7-92/+182
This commit converts the existing 'Update Project' to use an Eclipse Command. That command is by default bound to Ctrl+Alt+U. The existing o.e.m.c.u.i.UpdateMavenProjectAction class is deprecated in favor of o.e.m.c.u.i.UpdateMavenProjectCommandHandler. Selection related methods from MavenActionSupport and MavenProjectActionSupport have been refactored to SelectionUtil, to prevent code duplication Signed-off-by: Fred Bricon <>
2013-05-03406222 : fix duplicate mnemonic keysFred Bricon1-1/+1
Signed-off-by: Fred Bricon <>
2013-02-20introduced an option to refresh from local during config updateIgor Fedorenko5-29/+37
... the option is on by default, but the user can disable it from the project update dialog. Signed-off-by: Igor Fedorenko <>
2013-02-16require at least JavaSE-1.6 execution runtime environmentIgor Fedorenko2-4/+5
Signed-off-by: Igor Fedorenko <>
2013-02-16initial prototype of build troubleshooting viewIgor Fedorenko14-0/+614
Signed-off-by: Igor Fedorenko <>
2013-02-15397251,356645 introduced MavenExecutionContextIgor Fedorenko3-43/+63
ThreadLocal is used to associate maven execution context with the current thread. The context encapsulates maven session configuration, i.e. force update, offline, etc flags, as well as repository session cache and data. This ensures consistent use of this configuration and data structures by all maven calls performed by the thread. Specicially, * solves multiple cases where forceUpdate was not honoured during project configuration update (bug 397251) * solves extremely slow performance when multiple projects reference the same missing dependency and forceUpdates=true (bug 356645) See IMavenExecutionContext javadoc for new API details Signed-off-by: Igor Fedorenko <>
2013-02-15version 1.4.0.qualifierIgor Fedorenko2-7/+7
Signed-off-by: Igor Fedorenko <>
2013-02-14Bump version to 1.3.1-SNAPSHOTFred Bricon2-2/+2
Signed-off-by: Fred Bricon <>
2013-01-16Provide a way to specify that a project cannot be converted to MavenRoberto Sanchez3-4/+37
- I wrote 100% of the code; - I have the right to contribute the code to Eclipse; - The file header contains the appropriate License header
2013-01-08397671 : keep the existing archetype catalog selectionFred Bricon1-1/+4
Signed-off-by: Fred Bricon <>
2013-01-08397443 : use adequate hashcode/equals to lookup ArchetypesFred Bricon2-1/+20
Signed-off-by: Fred Bricon <>
2013-01-01Code format, organize importsIgor Fedorenko112-2037/+2393
... also enabled automatic code format and organize imports on file save, hopefully this will help us keep formatting consistent in the future. Signed-off-by: Igor Fedorenko <>
2012-12-24397138 selection/deselection of individual projects in import wizardIgor Fedorenko3-5/+75
Signed-off-by: Igor Fedorenko <>
2012-12-24395147:The data from the pages of New Maven Project wizard is not persistedMarcos Munoz1-3/+6
Changes to be committed: modified: - I wrote 100% of the code - I have the right to contribute the code to Eclipse - I have updated the header
2012-12-16395144: The install artifact wizard does not process POM in different locationMarcos Munoz1-17/+30
Changes to be comitted: Modified: - I wrote 100% of the code - I have right to contribute Eclipse - I have updated the header
2012-09-07m2e 1.3.0-SNAPSHOTIgor Fedorenko2-7/+7
Signed-off-by: Igor Fedorenko <>
2012-09-03388508 Support forcing rename as part of MavenImportWizard. Update ↵releases/1.2/
MavenProjectCheckoutJob to always force a rename on update.
2012-08-20cleanup empty method that crept in MavenProjectWizardArchetypeParametersPageFred Bricon1-8/+0
Signed-off-by: Fred Bricon <>
2012-08-20387521 : SWTException raised when fork + required propertiesFred Bricon1-34/+64
Signed-off-by: Fred Bricon <>
2012-08-18387521 : proper way to prevent SWTExceptionFred Bricon1-2/+2
instead of passing a null progress monitor, which prevents the user from cancelling archetype downloads, forking the process (getContainer().run(true, true, new IRunnableWithProgress() {}) does not produce the dreaded 'SWTException: Invalid thread access' error Signed-off-by: Fred Bricon <>
2012-08-18387530 : fixed disappearing 'All Catalogs' entryFred Bricon1-1/+3
Signed-off-by: Fred Bricon <>
2012-08-18387521 : don't use monitor from UI threadFred Bricon1-1/+1
Signed-off-by: Fred Bricon <>
2012-08-17Fix for issue 387252: Never rename directory when using MavenImportWizardyoungm1-1/+1
2012-08-17350414 more workspce lifecycle mapping fixes and tweaksIgor Fedorenko3-46/+93
In no particular order * cache workspace lifecycle mapping metadata for faster mapping * read-modify-write to minimize chance of loosing on-disk mapping * Reload metadata preference button * Mapping metadata file location is configurable again * Mapping file location is not validated but missing file is gracefully tolerated everywhere Signed-off-by: Igor Fedorenko <>
2012-08-17cleanup: removed eclipse 3.2 compatibility hackIgor Fedorenko1-23/+4
Signed-off-by: Igor Fedorenko <>
2012-08-16359855 Resolve archetypes using their remote repoFred Bricon2-42/+39
Archetype source repository is now used to resolve archetypes from remote repos. The fix implies calling LegacySupport to properly set the Maven session for archetype resolution, which was causing the NPE for local archetypes with required properties. Properly setting the remote repo also fixes bug 371775 Signed-off-by: Fred Bricon <>
2012-08-16more obvious ways to control lifecycle mappings viewIgor Fedorenko6-54/+69
right-click menu was hard to find. to make them easier to fine, moved all menu actions to separate controls above mapping treeviewer. Signed-off-by: Igor Fedorenko <>
2012-08-16350414 show mapping source in project propertiesIgor Fedorenko3-16/+122
Signed-off-by: Igor Fedorenko <>
2012-08-16350414 separate quick-fix for workspace mapping; cleanupIgor Fedorenko1-49/+7
Signed-off-by: Igor Fedorenko <>
2012-08-13restored lifecycle mapping project properties pageIgor Fedorenko1-29/+33
Signed-off-by: Igor Fedorenko <>
2012-08-13This commit contains most of the work for bug 350414.Andrew Eisenberg10-439/+712
This includes adding workspace settings to the chain of lookups for determining lifecycle mappings for m2e projects. There are changes to existing quickfixes, and a new workspace preferences page that allows users to view their workspace mappings and edit the raw text file. There is partial work done for displaying a table of workspace lifecycle mappings in the preferences page. The refactoring of the project lifecycle mappings table is complete, but I just don't know how to populate the viewer with workspace mappings only For compliance with's contribution rules: (1) I (Andrew Eisenberg) wrote 100% of the code; (2) I have the right to contribute the code to Eclipse; (3) the file header contains the appropriate License header. Also, this patch is built on top of the SHA 170c7936da947d28e7824bc1d2375903dbda9b17
2012-08-13350414 have a workspace preference (export/import-able) to ignore some ↵Milos Kleint1-1/+16
lifecycle mappings
2012-07-18385422 : Hide build dir in project explorer viewFred Bricon3-2/+60
Adds a new "Maven build directory" filter in the project explorer view. The property tester doesn't force load the m2e plugins on startup so the build output directories won't be hidden until m2e has been initialized first. Manually refreshing the Project explorer view might then be necessary. The filter is disabled by default and needs to be enabled in the project explorer view menu : "Customize View..." > check "Maven build folder". Signed-off-by: Fred Bricon <>
2012-06-25m2e version 1.2.0-SNAPSHOT, take 2Igor Fedorenko1-5/+5
Signed-off-by: Igor Fedorenko <>
2012-06-25m2e version 1.2.0-SNAPSHOTIgor Fedorenko2-2/+2
Signed-off-by: Igor Fedorenko <>
2012-05-21369932 fixed update project fails to showup in some casesmilestones/1.1/ Fedorenko1-19/+18
Due to apparent bug, IWorkspaceRoot.findContainersForLocationURI fails to return expect project in some cases. As a solution, keep path-to-project map in UpdateMavenProjectsDialog and use it to locate projects by paths. Signed-off-by: Igor Fedorenko <>
2012-05-17Bug 356796: Add a Warnings preference page with options to disable warnings ↵Rob Newton5-0/+98
when <GroupId is duplicate of parent groupId> and <Version is duplicate of parent version>. Also mod MarkerLocationServer to respect these new preferences.
2012-05-07378526 show 'Resolve Later' action when necessaryFred Bricon1-2/+6
If there's no Lifecycle mapping error for an item in the Lifecycle mapping page, then we display an empty string so as not to confuse users. The 'Resolve Later' label is only shown when there's an actual mapping error. Signed-off-by: Fred Bricon <>
2012-05-05366652 Fixed Update Maven Project dialog failure in some casesmilestones/1.1/ DE TROOSTEMBERGH1-6/+23
Update Maven Project dialog failed to show up for projects not stored on standard filesystems. One particular example is IBM Jazz, but the same problem is likely with other team providers. The solution is to use eclipse filesystem api to get project location. Signed-off-by: Igor Fedorenko <>
2012-05-04369791 Fix m2e intro linksFred Bricon3-2/+6
- changed m2e intro link to point to - New and noteworthy page is disabled, since no page is available under Signed-off-by: Fred Bricon <>
2012-03-20371097 return projects generated from an archetypeFred Bricon2-5/+4
A new method List<IProject> createArchetypeProjects(...) has been added to IProjectConfigurationManager. This method returns an unmodifiable list of IProjects generated by the archetype. This new API allows us to correctly add the generated projects to a chosen IWorkingSet in the MavenProjectWizard. void createArchetypeProject(...) from IProjectConfigurationManager is now deprecated. Signed-off-by: Fred Bricon <>
2012-02-14371438 fixed codeassist uses wrong parent node in some casesIgor Fedorenko1-1/+3
Signed-off-by: Igor Fedorenko <>

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