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Diffstat (limited to 'org.eclipse.jgit/src/org/eclipse/jgit/diff/')
1 files changed, 168 insertions, 43 deletions
diff --git a/org.eclipse.jgit/src/org/eclipse/jgit/diff/ b/org.eclipse.jgit/src/org/eclipse/jgit/diff/
index 5bb63c4dd1..bc23940535 100644
--- a/org.eclipse.jgit/src/org/eclipse/jgit/diff/
+++ b/org.eclipse.jgit/src/org/eclipse/jgit/diff/
@@ -45,6 +45,7 @@ package org.eclipse.jgit.diff;
import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
@@ -312,70 +313,131 @@ public class RenameDetector {
pm.beginTask(JGitText.get().renamesFindingExact, //
- added.size() + deleted.size());
+ added.size() + added.size() + deleted.size()
+ + added.size() * deleted.size());
- HashMap<AbbreviatedObjectId, Object> map = new HashMap<AbbreviatedObjectId, Object>();
- for (DiffEntry del : deleted) {
- Object old = map.put(del.oldId, del);
- if (old instanceof DiffEntry) {
- ArrayList<DiffEntry> list = new ArrayList<DiffEntry>(2);
- list.add((DiffEntry) old);
- list.add(del);
- map.put(del.oldId, list);
+ HashMap<AbbreviatedObjectId, Object> deletedMap = populateMap(deleted, pm);
+ HashMap<AbbreviatedObjectId, Object> addedMap = populateMap(added, pm);
- } else if (old != null) {
- // Must be a list of DiffEntries
- ((List) old).add(del);
- map.put(del.oldId, old);
- }
- pm.update(1);
+ ArrayList<DiffEntry> uniqueAdds = new ArrayList<DiffEntry>(added.size());
+ ArrayList<List<DiffEntry>> nonUniqueAdds = new ArrayList<List<DiffEntry>>();
+ for (Object o : addedMap.values()) {
+ if (o instanceof DiffEntry)
+ uniqueAdds.add((DiffEntry) o);
+ else
+ nonUniqueAdds.add((List<DiffEntry>) o);
ArrayList<DiffEntry> left = new ArrayList<DiffEntry>(added.size());
- for (DiffEntry dst : added) {
- Object del = map.get(dst.newId);
+ for (DiffEntry a : uniqueAdds) {
+ Object del = deletedMap.get(a.newId);
if (del instanceof DiffEntry) {
+ // We have one add to one delete: pair them if they are the same
+ // type
DiffEntry e = (DiffEntry) del;
- if (sameType(e.oldMode, dst.newMode)) {
- if (e.changeType == ChangeType.DELETE) {
- e.changeType = ChangeType.RENAME;
- entries.add(exactRename(e, dst));
- } else {
- entries.add(exactCopy(e, dst));
- }
+ if (sameType(e.oldMode, a.newMode)) {
+ e.changeType = ChangeType.RENAME;
+ entries.add(exactRename(e, a));
} else {
- left.add(dst);
+ left.add(a);
} else if (del != null) {
+ // We have one add to many deletes: find the delete with the
+ // same type and closest name to the add, then pair them
List<DiffEntry> list = (List<DiffEntry>) del;
- DiffEntry best = null;
- for (DiffEntry e : list) {
- if (sameType(e.oldMode, dst.newMode)) {
- best = e;
- break;
- }
+ DiffEntry best = bestPathMatch(a, list);
+ if (best != null) {
+ best.changeType = ChangeType.RENAME;
+ entries.add(exactRename(best, a));
+ } else {
+ left.add(a);
+ } else {
+ left.add(a);
+ }
+ pm.update(1);
+ }
+ for (List<DiffEntry> adds : nonUniqueAdds) {
+ Object o = deletedMap.get(adds.get(0).newId);
+ if (o instanceof DiffEntry) {
+ // We have many adds to one delete: find the add with the same
+ // type and closest name to the delete, then pair them. Mark the
+ // rest as copies of the delete.
+ DiffEntry d = (DiffEntry) o;
+ DiffEntry best = bestPathMatch(d, adds);
if (best != null) {
- if (best.changeType == ChangeType.DELETE) {
- best.changeType = ChangeType.RENAME;
- entries.add(exactRename(best, dst));
- } else {
- entries.add(exactCopy(best, dst));
+ d.changeType = ChangeType.RENAME;
+ entries.add(exactRename(d, best));
+ for (DiffEntry a : adds) {
+ if (a != best) {
+ if (sameType(d.oldMode, a.newMode)) {
+ entries.add(exactCopy(d, a));
+ } else {
+ left.add(a);
+ }
+ }
} else {
- left.add(dst);
+ left.addAll(adds);
} else {
- left.add(dst);
+ // We have many adds to many deletes: score all the adds against
+ // all the deletes by path name, take the best matches, pair
+ // them as renames, then call the rest copies
+ List<DiffEntry> dels = (List<DiffEntry>) o;
+ long[] matrix = new long[dels.size() * adds.size()];
+ int mNext = 0;
+ for (int addIdx = 0; addIdx < adds.size(); addIdx++) {
+ String addedName = adds.get(addIdx).newName;
+ for (int delIdx = 0; delIdx < dels.size(); delIdx++) {
+ String deletedName = dels.get(delIdx).oldName;
+ int score = SimilarityRenameDetector.nameScore(addedName, deletedName);
+ matrix[mNext] = SimilarityRenameDetector.encode(score, addIdx, delIdx);
+ mNext++;
+ }
+ }
+ Arrays.sort(matrix);
+ for (--mNext; mNext >= 0; mNext--) {
+ long ent = matrix[mNext];
+ int delIdx = SimilarityRenameDetector.srcFile(ent);
+ int addIdx = SimilarityRenameDetector.dstFile(ent);
+ DiffEntry d = dels.get(delIdx);
+ DiffEntry a = adds.get(addIdx);
+ if (a == null) {
+ pm.update(1);
+ continue; // was already matched earlier
+ }
+ ChangeType type;
+ if (d.changeType == ChangeType.DELETE) {
+ // First use of this source file. Tag it as a rename so we
+ // later know it is already been used as a rename, other
+ // matches (if any) will claim themselves as copies instead.
+ //
+ d.changeType = ChangeType.RENAME;
+ type = ChangeType.RENAME;
+ } else {
+ type = ChangeType.COPY;
+ }
+ entries.add(DiffEntry.pair(type, d, a, 100));
+ adds.set(addIdx, null); // Claim the destination was matched.
+ pm.update(1);
+ }
- pm.update(1);
added = left;
- deleted = new ArrayList<DiffEntry>(map.size());
- for (Object o : map.values()) {
+ deleted = new ArrayList<DiffEntry>(deletedMap.size());
+ for (Object o : deletedMap.values()) {
if (o instanceof DiffEntry) {
DiffEntry e = (DiffEntry) o;
if (e.changeType == ChangeType.DELETE)
@@ -391,6 +453,69 @@ public class RenameDetector {
+ /**
+ * Find the best match by file path for a given DiffEntry from a list of
+ * DiffEntrys. The returned DiffEntry will be of the same type as <src>. If
+ * no DiffEntry can be found that has the same type, this method will return
+ * null.
+ *
+ * @param src
+ * the DiffEntry to try to find a match for
+ * @param list
+ * a list of DiffEntrys to search through
+ * @return the DiffEntry from <list> who's file path best matches <src>
+ */
+ private static DiffEntry bestPathMatch(DiffEntry src, List<DiffEntry> list) {
+ DiffEntry best = null;
+ int score = -1;
+ for (DiffEntry d : list) {
+ if (sameType(mode(d), mode(src))) {
+ int tmp = SimilarityRenameDetector
+ .nameScore(path(d), path(src));
+ if (tmp > score) {
+ best = d;
+ score = tmp;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return best;
+ }
+ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
+ private HashMap<AbbreviatedObjectId, Object> populateMap(
+ List<DiffEntry> diffEntries, ProgressMonitor pm) {
+ HashMap<AbbreviatedObjectId, Object> map = new HashMap<AbbreviatedObjectId, Object>();
+ for (DiffEntry de : diffEntries) {
+ Object old = map.put(id(de), de);
+ if (old instanceof DiffEntry) {
+ ArrayList<DiffEntry> list = new ArrayList<DiffEntry>(2);
+ list.add((DiffEntry) old);
+ list.add(de);
+ map.put(id(de), list);
+ } else if (old != null) {
+ // Must be a list of DiffEntries
+ ((List<DiffEntry>) old).add(de);
+ map.put(id(de), old);
+ }
+ pm.update(1);
+ }
+ return map;
+ }
+ private static String path(DiffEntry de) {
+ return de.changeType == ChangeType.DELETE ? de.oldName : de.newName;
+ }
+ private static FileMode mode(DiffEntry de) {
+ return de.changeType == ChangeType.DELETE ? de.oldMode : de.newMode;
+ }
+ private static AbbreviatedObjectId id(DiffEntry de) {
+ return de.changeType == ChangeType.DELETE ? de.oldId : de.newId;
+ }
static boolean sameType(FileMode a, FileMode b) {
// Files have to be of the same type in order to rename them.
// We would never want to rename a file to a gitlink, or a

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