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BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
masterMerge "Fix typo in FileUtils.isStaleFileHandle() javadoc"Matthias Sohn5 months
stable-6.0Merge branch 'stable-5.13' into stable-6.0Matthias Sohn6 months
stable-6.1Merge branch 'stable-6.0' into stable-6.1Matthias Sohn6 months
stable-6.2Merge branch 'stable-6.1' into stable-6.2Matthias Sohn6 months
stable-6.3Merge branch 'stable-6.2' into stable-6.3Matthias Sohn6 months
stable-6.4Merge branch 'stable-6.3' into stable-6.4Matthias Sohn6 months
stable-6.5Merge branch 'stable-6.4' into stable-6.5Matthias Sohn6 months
stable-6.6Merge branch 'stable-6.5' into stable-6.6Matthias Sohn6 months
stable-6.7Merge branch 'stable-6.6' into stable-6.7Matthias Sohn6 months
stable-6.8Prepare 6.8.0-SNAPSHOT buildsMatthias Sohn5 months
v6.8.0.202311151710-m2jgit-  jgit-  Matthias Sohn5 months
v6.8.0.202310031045-m1jgit-  jgit-  Matthias Sohn7 months
v6.7.0.202309050840-rjgit-  jgit-  Matthias Sohn7 months
v6.6.1.202309021850-rjgit-  jgit-  Matthias Sohn8 months
v6.7.0.202308301100-rc1jgit-  jgit-  Matthias Sohn8 months
v6.7.0.202308011830-m2jgit-  jgit-  Matthias Sohn9 months
v5.13.2.202306221912-rjgit-  jgit-  Matthias Sohn10 months
v6.6.0.202305301015-rjgit-  jgit-  Matthias Sohn11 months
v6.6.0.202305241045-m3jgit-  jgit-  Matthias Sohn11 months
v6.6.0.202305031100-m2jgit-  jgit-  Matthias Sohn12 months
AgeCommit messageAuthorFilesLines
2017-04-07JGit v4.5.2.201704071617-rv4.5.2.201704071617-rMatthias Sohn56-59/+59
2017-03-26Only mark packfile invalid if exception signals permanent problemMatthias Sohn6-18/+245
2017-03-25Don't flag a packfile invalid if opening existing file failedLuca Milanesio1-0/+7
2017-03-25Prepare 4.5.2-SNAPSHOT buildsMatthias Sohn56-302/+302
2017-03-20JGit v4.5.1.201703201650-rv4.5.1.201703201650-rMatthias Sohn56-59/+59
2017-03-15Don't remove pack when FileNotFoundException is transientLuca Milanesio3-9/+40
2016-12-13Fix one case of missing objectHector Oswaldo Caballero1-3/+8
2016-11-24Use the same variable to check and extract LFS object idJacek Centkowski1-2/+3
2016-10-19Config: do not add spaces before unitsDavid Turner1-3/+3
2016-10-13Unconditionally close repositories in RepositoryCache.clear()Matthias Sohn1-9/+3

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