// // ======================================================================== // Copyright (c) 1995-2013 Mort Bay Consulting Pty. Ltd. // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials // are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 // and Apache License v2.0 which accompanies this distribution. // // The Eclipse Public License is available at // http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html // // The Apache License v2.0 is available at // http://www.opensource.org/licenses/apache2.0.php // // You may elect to redistribute this code under either of these licenses. // ======================================================================== // package org.eclipse.jetty.server; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.OutputStream; import java.io.OutputStreamWriter; import java.io.Writer; import java.util.TimeZone; import org.eclipse.jetty.util.RolloverFileOutputStream; import org.eclipse.jetty.util.StringUtil; import org.eclipse.jetty.util.annotation.ManagedAttribute; import org.eclipse.jetty.util.annotation.ManagedObject; /** * This {@link RequestLog} implementation outputs logs in the pseudo-standard * NCSA common log format. Configuration options allow a choice between the * standard Common Log Format (as used in the 3 log format) and the Combined Log * Format (single log format). This log format can be output by most web * servers, and almost all web log analysis software can understand these * formats. */ @ManagedObject("NCSA standard format request log") public class NCSARequestLog extends AbstractNCSARequestLog implements RequestLog { private String _filename; private boolean _append; private int _retainDays; private boolean _closeOut; private String _filenameDateFormat = null; private transient OutputStream _out; private transient OutputStream _fileOut; private transient Writer _writer; /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */ /** * Create request log object with default settings. */ public NCSARequestLog() { setExtended(true); _append = true; _retainDays = 31; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */ /** * Create request log object with specified output file name. * * @param filename the file name for the request log. * This may be in the format expected * by {@link RolloverFileOutputStream} */ public NCSARequestLog(String filename) { setExtended(true); _append = true; _retainDays = 31; setFilename(filename); } /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */ /** * Set the output file name of the request log. * The file name may be in the format expected by * {@link RolloverFileOutputStream}. * * @param filename file name of the request log * */ public void setFilename(String filename) { if (filename != null) { filename = filename.trim(); if (filename.length() == 0) filename = null; } _filename = filename; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */ /** * Retrieve the output file name of the request log. * * @return file name of the request log */ @ManagedAttribute("file of log") public String getFilename() { return _filename; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */ /** * Retrieve the file name of the request log with the expanded * date wildcard if the output is written to the disk using * {@link RolloverFileOutputStream}. * * @return file name of the request log, or null if not applicable */ public String getDatedFilename() { if (_fileOut instanceof RolloverFileOutputStream) return ((RolloverFileOutputStream)_fileOut).getDatedFilename(); return null; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */ @Override protected boolean isEnabled() { return (_fileOut != null); } /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */ /** * Set the number of days before rotated log files are deleted. * * @param retainDays number of days to keep a log file */ public void setRetainDays(int retainDays) { _retainDays = retainDays; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */ /** * Retrieve the number of days before rotated log files are deleted. * * @return number of days to keep a log file */ @ManagedAttribute("number of days that log files are kept") public int getRetainDays() { return _retainDays; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */ /** * Set append to log flag. * * @param append true - request log file will be appended after restart, * false - request log file will be overwritten after restart */ public void setAppend(boolean append) { _append = append; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */ /** * Retrieve append to log flag. * * @return value of the flag */ @ManagedAttribute("existing log files are appends to the new one") public boolean isAppend() { return _append; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */ /** * Set the log file name date format. * @see RolloverFileOutputStream#RolloverFileOutputStream(String, boolean, int, TimeZone, String, String) * * @param logFileDateFormat format string that is passed to {@link RolloverFileOutputStream} */ public void setFilenameDateFormat(String logFileDateFormat) { _filenameDateFormat = logFileDateFormat; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */ /** * Retrieve the file name date format string. * * @return the log File Date Format */ public String getFilenameDateFormat() { return _filenameDateFormat; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */ @Override public void write(String requestEntry) throws IOException { synchronized(this) { if (_writer==null) return; _writer.write(requestEntry.toString()); _writer.write(StringUtil.__LINE_SEPARATOR); _writer.flush(); } } /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */ /** * Set up request logging and open log file. * * @see org.eclipse.jetty.util.component.AbstractLifeCycle#doStart() */ @Override protected synchronized void doStart() throws Exception { if (_filename != null) { _fileOut = new RolloverFileOutputStream(_filename,_append,_retainDays,TimeZone.getTimeZone(getLogTimeZone()),_filenameDateFormat,null); _closeOut = true; LOG.info("Opened " + getDatedFilename()); } else _fileOut = System.err; _out = _fileOut; synchronized(this) { _writer = new OutputStreamWriter(_out); } super.doStart(); } /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */ /** * Close the log file and perform cleanup. * * @see org.eclipse.jetty.util.component.AbstractLifeCycle#doStop() */ @Override protected void doStop() throws Exception { synchronized (this) { super.doStop(); try { if (_writer != null) _writer.flush(); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.ignore(e); } if (_out != null && _closeOut) try { _out.close(); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.ignore(e); } _out = null; _fileOut = null; _closeOut = false; _writer = null; } } }