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AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2014-06-16435895 jetty spring module is not in distributionJan Bartel1-0/+16
2014-01-02Happy New Year - 2014!Joakim Erdfelt6-6/+6
2013-11-04global clean up importsGreg Wilkins1-3/+3
2013-11-02[Bug 420930] Use Charset to specify character encodingMikhail Mazursky1-1/+2
2013-09-17416940 avoid download of spring-beans.dtdThomas Becker2-5/+7
2013-09-09415401 Add initalizeDefaults call to SpringConfigurationProcessorGreg Wilkins1-2/+10
2013-09-06415401 Add initalizeDefaults call to SpringConfigurationProcessorThomas Becker2-42/+70
2013-05-21Add files to all jetty packages.Jesse McConnell1-0/+23
2013-01-11merge from jetty-8 and update license blocks.Jesse McConnell5-5/+5
2012-12-10jetty-9 use DateCache timer to set Date header once per secondGreg Wilkins1-2/+0
2012-11-29Even better, use a random port for SpringXmlConfigurationTestThomas Becker1-1/+0
2012-11-29Use a not so common port for SpringXmlConfigurationTestThomas Becker1-1/+1
2012-11-20Updated jetty-spring module.Simone Bordet10-256/+158
2012-10-19392237 fixed many TODOs and many minor code cleanupsGreg Wilkins1-1/+1
2012-09-21jetty-9 combined the Container and AggregateLifeCycle into ContainerLifeCycleGreg Wilkins1-6/+0
2012-09-20jetty-9 - Removed references to JUnit 3.x.Simone Bordet1-1/+1
2012-09-17jetty-9 javadoc improvements and renamed SelectChannelConnector to ServerConn...Greg Wilkins2-2/+2
2012-09-06Merged branch 'jetty-9' into jetty-9-client.Simone Bordet6-16/+46
2012-09-06jetty-9 fixed jetty-springGreg Wilkins6-16/+46
2012-08-30Merged branch 'jetty-9' into jetty-9-client.Simone Bordet11-0/+733
2012-08-29fix license blockJesse McConnell1-12/+17
2012-08-29adding jetty-spring moduleJesse McConnell11-0/+729

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