/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2016, 2019 Stephan Herrmann and others. * * This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * https://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-2.0/ * * SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 * * Contributors: * Stephan Herrmann - initial API and implementation *******************************************************************************/ package org.eclipse.jdt.annotation; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Optional; import java.util.function.Consumer; import java.util.function.Function; import java.util.function.Supplier; /** * Utility functions intended for use with the null annotations defined in this package. * *

* For maximum generality, all type parameters of methods in this class are not constraint * to either non-null nor nullable. Users of these methods can freely choose these types. *


* Methods in this class come in three groups: Assertions, Requirements, as well as Queries, conversions and computations. *

* *



* All methods in this group start with the prefix "assert", and work similar to the assert keyword. *

* * *



* All methods in this group start with the prefix "require". They encode domain knowledge of the developer * and make this knowledge visible to static null analysis. *

* *

For Strings and Collections additional checks for empty may be included.


* Typical usage includes the case of interfacing with legacy API, that is not specified using * null annotations, but where corresponding guarantees are given informally: *

 * interface LegacyThing {
 * 	{@literal /}** @return the name of this thing, never <code>null</code>. *{@literal /}
 * 	String getName();
 * }
 * ...
 * public void process(@NonNull LegacyThing t) {
 *	{@literal @}NonNull String name = Checks.requireNonNull(t.getName(), "LegacyThing is supposed to have a name");
 * 	...
 * }
* *

Queries, conversions and computations


* A commonality among methods in this group is the null-safety that can be verified by static null analysis, * hence in a fully analyzed program none of these methods should throw an exception. *

boolean queries
Methods {@link #isNull(Object)}, {@link #isAnyNull(Object...)}, {@link #containsNull(Iterable)} simply * answer whether a null value could be found in the argument(s).
Methods {@link #nonNullElse(Object, Object)}, {@link #nonNullElseGet(Object, Supplier)}, {@link #asNullable(Optional)} * and the {@link #unboxElse(Boolean, boolean)} family of methods provide null-safe conversions, * which can be checked by static analysis.
Methods {@link #ifNonNull(Object, Consumer)}, {@link #applyIfNonNull(Object, Function)}, * {@link #applyIfNonNullElse(Object, Function, Object)} and {@link #applyIfNonNullElseGet(Object, Function, Supplier)} * feed unsafe values into a given functional expression in a null-safe way.
* * @since 2.1 */ public class Checks { /** * Checks whether any of the provided values is null. * @param values arbitrary values to be checked * @throws NullPointerException if a null was found among values. */ @SafeVarargs public static void assertNonNull(T @NonNull... values) { for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) { if (values[i] == null) throw new NullPointerException("Value in position "+i+" must not be null"); //$NON-NLS-1$//$NON-NLS-2$ } } /** * Checks whether any of the provided values is null. * @param message explanatory message to be used when throwing {@link NullPointerException}. * @param values arbitrary values to be checked * @throws NullPointerException if a null was found among values. */ @SafeVarargs public static void assertNonNullWithMessage(String message, T @NonNull... values) { for (T v : values) if (v == null) throw new NullPointerException(message); } /** * Checks whether any element in the provided values is null. * @param values an Iterable of arbitrary values to be checked * @throws NullPointerException if a null was found among the elements in values. */ public static void assertNonNullElements(@NonNull Iterable values) { int count = 0; for (T v : values) { if (v == null) throw new NullPointerException("Value in position "+count+" must not be null"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ count++; } } /** * Checks whether any of the provided values is null. * @param values an iterable of arbitrary values to be checked * @param message explanatory message to be used when throwing {@link NullPointerException}. * @throws NullPointerException if a null was found among the elements in values. */ public static void assertNonNullElements(@NonNull Iterable values, String message) { for (T v : values) if (v == null) throw new NullPointerException(message); } /** * Answer the given value as a non-null value. * Throws {@link NullPointerException} if the given value was null. * * @param value an arbitrary value, maybe null. * @return the original passed value, guaranteed not to be null. * * @throws NullPointerException if the given value was null. */ public static @NonNull T requireNonNull(@Nullable T value) { if (value == null) throw new NullPointerException(); return value; } /** * Answer the given value as a non-null value. * Throws {@link NullPointerException} if the given value was null. * * @param value an arbitrary value, maybe null. * @param message explanatory message to be used when throwing {@link NullPointerException}. * @return the original passed value, guaranteed not to be null. * * @throws NullPointerException if the given value was null. */ public static @NonNull T requireNonNull(@Nullable T value, @NonNull String message) { if (value == null) throw new NullPointerException(message); return value; } /** * Answer the given value, guaranteeing it to be neither null nor * an empty string. * * @param value value to be checked * @return the given value, guaranteed to be neither null nor * and empty string. * * @throws NullPointerException if the given value was null * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the given value was an empty string. */ public static @NonNull String requireNonEmpty(@Nullable String value) { if (value == null) throw new NullPointerException(); if (value.isEmpty()) throw new IllegalArgumentException(); return value; } /** * Answer the given value, guaranteeing it to be neither null nor * an empty string. * * @param value value to be checked * @param message explanatory message to be used when throwing an exception. * @return the given value, guaranteed to be neither null nor * an empty string. * * @throws NullPointerException if the given value was null * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the given value was an empty string. */ public static @NonNull String requireNonEmpty(@Nullable String value, String message) { if (value == null) throw new NullPointerException(message); if (value.isEmpty()) throw new IllegalArgumentException(message); return value; } /** * Answer the given value, guaranteeing it to be neither null nor * an empty collection. This method doesn't make any statement about whether * or not elements in the collection can possibly be null. * * @param value value to be checked * @return the given value, guaranteed to be neither null nor * an empty collection. * * @throws NullPointerException if the given value was null * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the given value was an empty collection. */ public static > @NonNull C requireNonEmpty(@Nullable C value) { if (value == null) throw new NullPointerException(); if (value.isEmpty()) throw new IllegalArgumentException(); return value; } /** * Answer the given value, guaranteeing it to be neither null nor * an empty collection. This method doesn't make any statement about whether * or not elements in the collection can possibly be null. * * @param value value to be checked * @param message explanatory message to be used when throwing an exception. * @return the given value, guaranteed to be neither null nor * an empty collection. * * @throws NullPointerException if the given value was null * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the given value was an empty collection. */ public static > @NonNull C requireNonEmpty(@Nullable C value, String message) { if (value == null) throw new NullPointerException(message); if (value.isEmpty()) throw new IllegalArgumentException(message); return value; } /** * Answer whether the given value is null. * Calling this method should express that a null check is performed * which the compiler would normally deem unnecessary or redundant. * By calling this method, these warnings will be avoided, and readers * of that code will be informed that the check is redundant with respect * to null analysis, and done only as a measure for extra safety. * @param value an object which analysis at the call-site considers as non-null * @return true if the argument is null, else false. */ @SuppressWarnings("null") // intentionally performing a redundant check public static boolean isNull(@NonNull Object value) { return value == null; } /** * Answer whether any of the given values is null. * Depending on the nullness of concrete types for T, * this method may or may not be redundant from the point of view of * static analysis. * @param values arbitrary values to be checked * @return true if the argument is null, else false. */ @SafeVarargs public static boolean isAnyNull(T @NonNull... values) { for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) { if (values[i] == null) return true; } return false; } /** * Answer whether an element in the provided values is null. * Depending on the nullness of the given Iterable's type argument, * this method may or may not be redundant from the point of view of * static analysis. * @param values an iterable of arbitrary values * @return true if the argument contains the value null, else false. */ public static boolean containsNull(@NonNull Iterable values) { for (Object value : values) { if (value == null) return true; } return false; } /** * Answer the value of an {@link Optional}, or null if it has no value. * * @param optional wrapper for an optional value * @return the value or null. */ public static @Nullable T asNullable(@NonNull Optional optional) { if (optional.isPresent()) return optional.get(); return null; } /** * Answer the given value as a non-null value. * If the value was actually null the alternative 'fallbackValue' is returned. * * @param value an arbitrary value, maybe null. * @param fallbackValue value to be returned when the value is null. * * @return the original passed value, guaranteed not to be null, or the fallback value. */ public static @NonNull T nonNullElse(@Nullable T value, @NonNull T fallbackValue) { if (value == null) return fallbackValue; return value; } /** * Answer the given value as a non-null value. * If the value was actually null an alternative is computed by * invoking the given 'fallbackSupplier'. * * @param value an arbitrary value, maybe null. * @param fallbackSupplier will compute the value to be returned when the 'value' is null. * * @return the original passed value, guaranteed not to be null, * or a fallback value provided by the 'fallbackSupplier'. */ public static @NonNull T nonNullElseGet(@Nullable T value, @NonNull Supplier fallbackSupplier) { if (value == null) return fallbackSupplier.get(); return value; } /** * Invoke the given consumer if and only if the given value is not null. * Otherwise do nothing. * @param value the value to be checked for null and possibly passed into the consumer. * @param consumer the consumer to invoke after checking the value for null. */ public static void ifNonNull(@Nullable T value, @NonNull Consumer<@NonNull ? super T> consumer) { if (value != null) consumer.accept(value); } /** * Apply the given function if and only if the given value is not null. * @param value the value to be checked for null and possibly passed into the function. * @param function the function to apply after checking the value for null. * @return the result of applying 'function' with 'value', * or null if 'value' was null */ public static @Nullable U applyIfNonNull(@Nullable T value, @NonNull Function<@NonNull ? super T, ? extends U> function) { if (value != null) return function.apply(value); return null; } /** * Apply the given function if and only if the given value is not null. * @param value the value to be checked for null and possibly passed into the function. * @param function the function to apply after checking the value for null. * @param fallbackValue value to be returned when the 'value' is null. * @return the result of applying 'function' with 'value', * or the 'fallbackValue' if 'value' was null */ public static U applyIfNonNullElse(@Nullable T value, @NonNull Function<@NonNull ? super T, ? extends U> function, U fallbackValue) { if (value != null) return function.apply(value); return fallbackValue; } /** * Apply the given function if and only if the given value is not null. * @param value the value to be checked for null and possibly passed into the function. * @param function the function to apply after checking the value for null. * @return the result of applying 'function' with 'value', * or a value provided by invoking 'fallbackSupplier' if 'value' was null */ public static U applyIfNonNullElseGet(@Nullable T value, @NonNull Function<@NonNull ? super T, ? extends U> function, @NonNull Supplier fallbackSupplier) { if (value != null) return function.apply(value); return fallbackSupplier.get(); } /** * Unbox the given 'boxedValue' if and only if it is not null. * Otherwise the given 'fallbackValue' is returned. * @param boxedValue value, can be null. * @param fallbackValue the value to use if 'boxedValue' is null * @return either the unboxed boolean corresponding to 'boxedValue' or * 'fallbackValue' if 'boxedValue' was null. */ public static boolean unboxElse(@Nullable Boolean boxedValue, boolean fallbackValue) { if (boxedValue == null) return fallbackValue; return boxedValue.booleanValue(); } /** * Unbox the given 'boxedValue' if and only if it is not null. * Otherwise the given 'fallbackValue' is returned. * @param boxedValue value, can be null. * @param fallbackValue the value to use if 'boxedValue' is null * @return either the unboxed byte corresponding to 'boxedValue' or * 'fallbackValue' if 'boxedValue' was null. */ public static byte unboxElse(@Nullable Byte boxedValue, byte fallbackValue) { if (boxedValue == null) return fallbackValue; return boxedValue.byteValue(); } /** * Unbox the given 'boxedValue' if and only if it is not null. * Otherwise the given 'fallbackValue' is returned. * @param boxedValue value, can be null. * @param fallbackValue the value to use if 'boxedValue' is null * @return either the unboxed char corresponding to 'boxedValue' or * 'fallbackValue' if 'boxedValue' was null. */ public static char unboxElse(@Nullable Character boxedValue, char fallbackValue) { if (boxedValue == null) return fallbackValue; return boxedValue.charValue(); } /** * Unbox the given 'boxedValue' if and only if it is not null. * Otherwise the given 'fallbackValue' is returned. * @param boxedValue value, can be null. * @param fallbackValue the value to use if 'boxedValue' is null * @return either the unboxed int corresponding to 'boxedValue' or * 'fallbackValue' if 'boxedValue' was null. */ public static int unboxElse(@Nullable Integer boxedValue, int fallbackValue) { if (boxedValue == null) return fallbackValue; return boxedValue.intValue(); } /** * Unbox the given 'boxedValue' if and only if it is not null. * Otherwise the given 'fallbackValue' is returned. * @param boxedValue value, can be null. * @param fallbackValue the value to use if 'boxedValue' is null * @return either the unboxed long corresponding to 'boxedValue' or * 'fallbackValue' if 'boxedValue' was null. */ public static long unboxElse(@Nullable Long boxedValue, long fallbackValue) { if (boxedValue == null) return fallbackValue; return boxedValue.longValue(); } /** * Unbox the given 'boxedValue' if and only if it is not null. * Otherwise the given 'fallbackValue' is returned. * @param boxedValue value, can be null. * @param fallbackValue the value to use if 'boxedValue' is null * @return either the unboxed short corresponding to 'boxedValue' or * 'fallbackValue' if 'boxedValue' was null. */ public static short unboxElse(@Nullable Short boxedValue, short fallbackValue) { if (boxedValue == null) return fallbackValue; return boxedValue.shortValue(); } /** * Unbox the given 'boxedValue' if and only if it is not null. * Otherwise the given 'fallbackValue' is returned. * @param boxedValue value, can be null. * @param fallbackValue the value to use if 'boxedValue' is null * @return either the unboxed float corresponding to 'boxedValue' or * 'fallbackValue' if 'boxedValue' was null. */ public static float unboxElse(@Nullable Float boxedValue, float fallbackValue) { if (boxedValue == null) return fallbackValue; return boxedValue.floatValue(); } /** * Unbox the given 'boxedValue' if and only if it is not null. * Otherwise the given 'fallbackValue' is returned. * @param boxedValue value, can be null. * @param fallbackValue the value to use if 'boxedValue' is null * @return either the unboxed double corresponding to 'boxedValue' or * 'fallbackValue' if 'boxedValue' was null. */ public static double unboxElse(@Nullable Double boxedValue, double fallbackValue) { if (boxedValue == null) return fallbackValue; return boxedValue.doubleValue(); } }