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AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2019-03-19Bug 545539 - [12] BreakStatement should not expose setImplicit( boolean)Sarika Sinha1-3/+2
2019-03-19Bug 545497 - [12] AST Rewrite ignores the optional expression ifSarika Sinha1-2/+4
2019-03-18More tests for Bug 542558: [12] dom ast for switch expressionJay Arthanareeswaran2-3/+248
2019-03-16Bug 538086 - [9] Java rejects java.* import but ECJ doesn'tY20190316-1220Jay Arthanareeswaran1-2/+2
2019-03-15Boolean node rewrite in Bug 543720 - [12][ast rewrite] AST RewriteManoj Palat1-1/+313
2019-03-15More Test for bug 543720: [12][ast rewrite] AST Rewrite Support forManoj Palat2-2/+456
2019-03-15Bug 543818 - [12] Formatter Support for Switch ExpressionsMateusz Matela9-2/+663
2019-03-13Bug 544748 - [12] [dom ast] Flag implicit break statementSarika Sinha1-0/+55
2019-03-07Bug 543720 - [12][ast rewrite] AST Rewrite Support for SwitchY20190307-1015Sarika Sinha4-40/+283
2019-02-28Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into BETA_JAVA_12P20190228-2320Jay Arthanareeswaran18-101/+613
2019-02-27Revert "Revert "Bug 540922 - [12] ct.sym file has been restructured again for...Jay Arthanareeswaran2-3/+463
2019-02-27Revert "Bug 540922 - [12] ct.sym file has been restructured again for older r...Jay Arthanareeswaran2-463/+3
2019-02-26Bug 542558 - [12][dom ast] DOM AST Support for Switch ExpressionsJay Arthanareeswaran10-5/+21
2019-02-26Bug 542106 - [9][quick fix] "The fix 'Remove unused import' generated aI20190226-1800I20190226-1020I20190226-0715I20190226-0600Stephan Herrmann1-1/+34
2019-02-26Bug 540922 - [12] ct.sym file has been restructured again for olderJay Arthanareeswaran2-3/+463
2019-02-21Bug 540922 - [12] ct.sym file has been restructured again for olderStephan Herrmann2-9/+15
2019-02-21Bug 540922 - [12] ct.sym file has been restructured again for olderJay Arthanareeswaran2-19/+462
2019-02-17Bug 541011 - [formatter] Option to wrap chained conditionals as oneI20190217-1800Mateusz Matela9-0/+244
2019-02-14Bug 544432 - [9] Eclipse compiler error "The type com.a.A is notI20190217-0600I20190216-1800I20190216-0600I20190215-1800I20190215-0630I20190215-0055I20190214-1800Stephan Herrmann1-0/+47
2019-02-14Bug 544255 - [12] SwitchCase AST node has wrong range Olivier Thomann1-5/+57
2019-02-12Bug 544017 - [9] bogus error in editor: "The type com.example.sub.b.B isI20190213-1800Stephan Herrmann3-7/+88
2019-02-11Bug 544304 - [12][test] New failures in JavaSearchTestsManoj Palat1-9/+13
2019-02-10Bug 542654 - Add the new option to the warning-by-default listJay Arthanareeswaran1-0/+1
2019-02-10Bug 542562 - [12][test] test failures for Switch ExpressionsJay Arthanareeswaran2-11/+11
2019-02-10Bug 395051 - Access restriction on method invocation: error range tooI20190212-1800I20190211-1800I20190210-2135I20190210-1800Stephan Herrmann1-21/+21
2019-02-10Bug 542562 - [12][test] test failures for Switch ExpressionsStephan Herrmann1-1/+1
2019-02-09Bug 542558 - [12][dom ast] DOM AST Support for Switch ExpressionsJay Arthanareeswaran1-1/+6
2019-02-08Bug 496354 - Code completion for annotation parms should insert "="I20190208-1800Jeff Johnston4-68/+104
2019-02-08Bug 542561 - [12][select] Selection Support for Switch ExpressionsJay Arthanareeswaran4-1/+614
2019-02-06Bug 540846 - [regression] Cannot infer type argument(s) for <R>Stephan Herrmann1-2/+8
2019-02-06Bug 542560 - [12][completion] Code completion Support for SwitchJay Arthanareeswaran1-7/+35
2019-02-06Bug 542559 - initial starter wip.1Manoj Palat1-0/+630
2019-02-05Bug 544126 - Unable to build Apache Wicket project (The packageI20190206-1800I20190205-1800Stephan Herrmann1-0/+55
2019-02-05Bug 542558 - [12][dom ast] DOM AST Support for Switch ExpressionsSarika Sinha13-4/+342
2019-02-05Merge branch 'master' into BETA_JAVA_12Manoj Palat21-78/+977
2019-02-01Bug 542560 - Add CompletionTests12 to the top test suiteJay Arthanareeswaran1-1/+2
2019-02-01Bug 542560 - [12][completion] Code completion Support for SwitchJay Arthanareeswaran1-0/+116
2019-01-31Bug 543765 - JPMS Automatic Java modules: Compilation error shown inStephan Herrmann1-1/+125
2019-01-29Bug 542560 - [12][completion] Code completion Support for SwitchJay Arthanareeswaran4-2/+730
2019-01-28Bug 543780 - [formatter] Compact 'if else': can't wrap before elseI20190129-1800I20190128-1800Mateusz Matela1-0/+21
2019-01-27Bug 543441 - Updating Eclipse from 4.9 to 4.10: false compiler errorsStephan Herrmann1-0/+48
2019-01-27Bug 543701 - javax.xml.transform.Result cannot be resolved after 4.11 M1Stephan Herrmann1-0/+55
2019-01-26Bug 543861 - [12] NPE from resolving switch expression where one arm hasStephan Herrmann4-2/+105
2019-01-23Bug 540591 - [9] Autocompletion in doesn't searchVikas Chandra1-1/+117
2019-01-22Bug 543304 - @NonNull produces an error with arrays of primitivesI20190122-1800Stephan Herrmann1-0/+40
2019-01-20Bug 543195 - NPE when running unit test via "Run As" on project orI20190121-1800I20190121-1415I20190120-1800Stephan Herrmann1-0/+77
2019-01-19Bug 541328 - Package from another modular project that is made visibleChristoph Langer1-0/+53
2019-01-15Bug 159565 - [formatter] Separate white space preferences for separateI20190115-1800Mateusz Matela10-23/+176
2019-01-13Bug 543396 - [11] Java9ElementTests: 6 new fails since I20190111Stephan Herrmann3-42/+50
2019-01-13Bug 543392 - [9] Improve error from "not found" to "not accessible" wereStephan Herrmann1-7/+83

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