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AgeCommit message (Collapse)AuthorFilesLines
2016-03-20[Bug 489718] Compile warning in official build inStephan Herrmann1-1/+5
org.eclipse.jdt.annotation_2.1.0​ - configure for external annotations to avoid "info" problem Change-Id: Ia67fb97cbb3d74adb6a72208d27cb2365c87be4a
2013-08-16Bug 414444: [1.8][null] Configure null annotation bundle for 1.8 (TYPE_USE)Markus Keller1-1/+1
2013-08-15Bug 414444 - [1.8][null] Configure null annotation bundle for 1.8Stephan Herrmann1-1/+1
(TYPE_USE) - split annotation bundle, but cannot yet use BREE JavaSE-1.8
2011-11-29HEAD - Supporting new bundle (annotation types) forv20111130Stephan Herrmann1-0/+7
Bug 186342: [compiler][null] Using annotations for null checking

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